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1. She sat at the desk _r_e_a_d_in__g__a newspaper.
=She was sitting at the desk and __r_ea_d_ a newspaper.(read )
2. Many people come to the theme parks
四、表示结果(多置于句末)译为 _所_以__,__结__果_____.相当于_so_/_a_s _a_r_es_u_lt_,引导 的状语从句。
1. The snow lasted a week, resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.
-ing形式作方式状语或伴随状语,用来对谓 语动词表示的动作或状态加以说明。一般来说,ing形式表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作同时
发生。它没有相应的状语从句可以代替。判断原 则是:主句已有主谓宾,再出现动词且又无 ___a_n_d_/_o_r_/b__u_t/_s_o____连接,即是非__谓__语_____, 主动用_-_in_g_;被动用__d_o_n_e___; 未发生/目的用 __t_o_d__o__.
_lo_o_k_i_n_g__(look)for thrills and entertainment.
3. Theme parks try to make sure visitors leave k__n_o_w_i_n_g(know) more about their theme.
4. A second Disneyland was opened on
2. Seeing its mother, the baby smiled.
= When the baby saw its mother, the baby smiled
二、表示原因(多置于句首)译为 _因__为__,__由__于_.相当于_a_s_/b_e_c_a_u_s_e_引导的状语 从句。
五、表示让步(多置于句首),译为 尽__管__…__…_______.相当于a_l_th_o_u_g_h_/_th_o_u_g_h_引
• Having nothing to do here, we can’t leave here.
• = A__lt_h_o_u_g_h__w_e__h_a_v_e_nothing to do here, we can’t leave here.
= As she hasn’t received any news from home for a long time, …
Working hard, you will succeed. =__If_y_o_u_w_o_r_k_h_a_r_d___, you will succeed.
(优选)动Leabharlann Baiduing形式作状语课 件
一、表示时间(置于句首,也可置于 句末),译为_当__…__…__时___.相当于 _W__h_e_n_/w_h_i_le_引导的状语从句。 1. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.
= When they heartdhe news, they all jumped with joy.
• 2. When it saw its mother, the baby smiled.
• =____W_h_e_n__se_e_in_g____ its mother, it smiled.
(2) 若作状语的现在分词的逻辑主语与句 子主语不一致,在简化为v-ing形式作状 语时,要去掉___原_连__词______,分词就要
the east coast, _c_o_s_ti_n_g___(cost)between
$500 and $600 million.
5. They walked on the way home,
____si_n_g_i_n_g_(sing)and laughing.
• 注意: 五特殊:(1)“连词 + v-ing形式”作状语
=The snow lasted a week, _s_o_i_t _r_es_u_l_t_ed__i_n_a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.
2. His parents died, leaving him a lot of money.= His parents died, _a_s__a_r_e_s_u_lt_, they _le_f_t___him a lot of money.
• while, when, before, although, unless等引导的状 语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,在简化为 v-ing形式作状语时,通常可保留原连词,形成 “连_词___+__v_-i_n_g_”结构,从句主语必须去__掉____。如:
• Although we have nothing to do here, we can’t leave here.
• = _A__lt_h_o_u_g_h_h_a_v_in_g_ nothing to do here, we can’t leave here.
• 1. When they heard the news, they all jumped with joy. =__W__h_en__h_e_a_ri_n_g__ the news, they all jumped with joy.
1. Being ill, he went home.=__A_s_h_e__w_a_s_ill, he went home
2. Not having received any news from home for a long time, she is becoming more and more homesick.