当前位置:文档之家› 牛津译林版七年级英语上册unit2全单元教案(含答案)



Unit 2 Let’s play sports!

第1课时Welcome to the unit






词汇:walking really bowl time tennis volleyball

词组:go swimming

句型Do you often play football?

I often play football after sch001.

What about you?



1walktomybowlmanytimes a day







说明在本课时,我们采取先上Welcome to the unit,再上Comic strip的设计。_一方面,这样更便于以旧引新,导入单元话题:另一方面,也为教师在教学设计时提供新的思路,旨在引导教师根据需要灵活设计各板块的教学。

Welcome to the unit

Step I呈现

l通过回顾上一单元的内容,导入本单元话题sports。教师说:Do you remember Mille,Sandy, Simon and Daniel? Who likes sports?启发学生回忆课文回答:

Simon is good at sports再问:What about Amy? What sport is Amy good at?启发学生回忆课文回答:She is good at swimming


方法一:出示sandy和Millie打排球的图片。教师说Look at Sandy and Millie

What sport are they good at? They are good at playing volleyball They can play volleyball very well.板书volleyball,接着出示Kitty打网球的图片。教师说:

Look at Kitty. She likes tennis very much板书:tennis。

方法二:呈现排球或网球的实物。教师说:Look at the balls in my hand What is this big one?

It’s a volleyball.What about this small one? It’s a tennis ball.板书:volleyball和tennis。

3与学生存真实语境下进行交流,加强对新知识的巩固.教师说:Can you play volleyball? Do you like volleyball? Are you good at playing tennis? Do you enjoy playing tennis? 鼓励学生根据自己实际情况同答。

Step II操练

1指导学生完成课本A部分的练习。教师说:Sports are very interesting Students like sports very much Please look at the pictures in Part A Do you Know what sports they like?指导学生看图并补全句子。

2与学生在真实语境下进行交流。教师说: …..,do you like playing volleyball/football/tennis7? …..,are you good at playing volleyball/football/tennis? ….,do you love/enjoy swimming/playing volleyball/football /tennis? What sports do you like/enjoy/love? What sports are you good at?

3鼓励学生根据实际情况,用自己学过的知识彼此进行交流。教师说:Do you like sports? Let’s know what sports your friends like。组织学生同桌问答或四人小组问答。


1向学生呈现go swimming。教师说:It’s very hot today .Do you think so? What’s

your favourite sport in summer?鼓助学堆根据情境思考并回答:My favourite sport is swimming接着对学生说:That’s a good idea I like swimming too Let’s go swimming this weekend.板书:go swimming。

2向学生介绍B部分的情境,并让他们听录音回答问题。教师说Amy and Simon like sports very much Now, they are talking about sports Listen to the tape and tell me when Amy goes swimming(Every week)


Step IV操练

1安排学生在四人小组内根据实际情况练习对话。教师说Do you know what your friend’s favourite sport is? Please work in groups of four

2学生在对话过程中.教师巡视,并根据学生需要提供帮助:play badminton(打羽毛球).play basketball(打排球),play table tennis(打乒乓球)等

Step V展示





Comic strip

Step I呈现

1创设语境,向学生呈现新知识。教师说:Sports are good for us gut sometimes. We are very busy and have no time I think walking is also good.板书walking。教师还可以用动作帮助学生理解。教师接着对学生说I like walking and 1 walk in the park many times a week板书time。

为了帮助学生理解,教师还可进一步说明If you have time.you can walk many times a day.You can walk in the morning.You can walk after lunch or after supper I think walking many times is good for you教师接着问学生:….,do you like walking? Do you often walk to school? Do you often go waling in the park?鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。在与学生交流的过程中,教师可以用“Oh,really?”进行反馈,让学生在有语境的情况下,体会这一表达的含义和用法,板书really。

2出示课本中Hobo手拿足球的图片,呈现漫画背景。教师说:Look,what’s in Hobo’s hand? He has a football in his hand I think he likes football very much .Do you think so? But what about Eddie? What is his favourite sport?鼓励学生发表自己的观点,I司时复现他们已知的有关运动的知识。

3指导学生带着问题听录音并理解相关内容。教师晓Now, let’s listen to Eddie and Hobo’s dialogue and answer the question:What sport does Eddie like?为学生播放前两幅漫画的录音,让学生回答问题。

4让学生带着悬念听余F的录音部分。教师|兑Does Eddie really like walking?学生听完后两幅漫画的录音后回答问题,并在教师的鼓励下给出结论:Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day.

Step II操练

1指导学生跟录音集体朗读。教师蜕:Please listen to the tape and following in chorus. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2将全班分成两大组进行分角色朗读。教师说:These two teams read Eddie’s part

And these two read Hobo’s part,please启发学生有感情地朗读,从音色、节奏、速度等方面进行设计。

Step III展示

1组织学生同桌分角色有感情地朗读对话,并设计符合漫画内容的面部表情和肢体语言。教师说:Work in pairs and read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo

You can add your own ideas.

2让学生看漫画.进行配音活动。教师说Let’s dub this comic. …..,can you demonstrate with me to the whole class?之后再选不问层次的学生进行展示。




2有能力的学生熟背Comic strip和B部分内容。





1认识一名叫Li Hua的足球运动员。




词汇:player member club free enjoy hope dream true

词组:free time come true

句型:He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club.

He looks strong and plays football very well.

I hope his dream comes true.




3 卡纸。





世界杯(FIFA World Cup)是由国际足球联合会统一领导和组织的世界性的足球比赛,每四年举行一次。它是世界上规模最大、影响最大、水平最高的国家队足球比赛。在世界杯比赛中,夺冠次数最多的足球队是巴西国家队,共夺得五次世界杯冠军。


Reading 1

Step I呈现

1与学生就“体育运动”进行交流,复习上节课内容。教师说I’d like to test your memory What sport do Sandy and Millie often play?What sport does Kitty like?What about Simon?What about Amy?鼓励学生回忆所学内容并回答:

Sandy and Millie often play volleyball Kitty likes tennis Simon likes football。Amy is good at swimming接着教师与学牛就各自的真实的信息进行交流。教师说:

What is your favourite sport? How do you play it?

2出示一张贝克汉姆的图片,向学生呈现新知识。教师说:Who is this man?鼓励学生回答This is David Beckham教师接着说:What sport is he good at? He is good at football He is a football star.Who likes David Beckham in our class? Oh,he is favourite football player.板书:player。教师进一步介绍贝克汉姆He is from England/He comes from England,but now lives in the USA板书come from。He is a member of Los Angeles Galaxy Football Club It is a football club in the USA板书member和club。教师继续与学生交流Do you like David Beckham? Do you want to be a football player like him? Do you want to play football as well as David Beckham? Would you like to have dinner with him? Would you like to take photos with him?教师可以提供各种学生会感兴趣的情境,鼓励学生回答。对回答Yes的学生说:Really?

I hope your dream comes true 。板书:hope,dream,true和come true,在必要时,可进行适当翻译,帮助学生明确含义。

Step II操练


Step III呈现

1导入本课文章,指导学生快速阅读。教师说Today, let’s meet another football player.What is his name? Please read the article on page 20 quickly and tell me

让学生快速阅族找到答案:His name is Li Hua

2指导学生闽滇文章,了解每小节的大意。教师说:1 want to know more about Li Hua.Here are my questions教师向学生呈现B1部分中的四个问题,接着说In which paragraph can I find the answers? Please help me write the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks in Part B1

3根据任务要求学生听录音并仔细阅读,进一步掌握细节信息。教师一边向学生呈现B3部分中的卡片,一边说Millie wants to make a card about Li Hua .Can you listen to the tape? Then complete the information on it




Come from:_____________________________________________


His name is Li Hua.He is 22 years old. He is a member of Huanghe Football Club.He looks strong He comes from Guangdong He lives in Beijing

Step IV操练

1指导学生完成B2部分中的笔头练习。教师说:Millie has some questions about Li Hua She

needs your help Please read after the tape and find the answers教师将B2部分的问题呈现给学生,指导他们跟录音朗读文章,然后完成B2的对话。在学生填写的过程中,教师可以巡视并随时加以指导和纠正。

2鼓励学生同桌之间扮演Millie和Simon进行对话,加深对课文信息的掌握。教师说:It’s the role-play time Work in pairs and talk about Li Hua like Millie and Simon You can ask more questions教师可以先与学生进行对话示范,井鼓励学生根据课文内容提出更多自己的问题,以巩固他们对Li Hua的认识。如:

(1)Where does he live?(He lives in Beijing.)

(2)What does he do every day?(He plays football every day)

(3)What does he do in his free time?

(He studies English and enjoys listening to music)

(4)Why does he listen to music?(Because it makes him happy.)

(5)What’s Li Hua’s dream?(He wants toplay in the next World Cup.)


Step V活动


教帅说:Here are many famous sports stars Do you know them? Who is your favourite player?而后,指导学生模仿B3部分制作一张卡片,介绍自己最喜欢的这名运动员(姓名、年龄、所属惧乐部,外貌、家乡、居住地等)。教师可以事先做好一张卡片,介绍教师自己最喜的运动员,给学生以启发和示范。教师说

My favoufite player is…., Look,this is a card about him/her. Will you please make a card about your favourite player?You can use the one in Part B3 as a model You can also give more information有能力的学生可以在卡片上增加更多的信息。当学生对某些信息不了解时,教师要鼓励学生用英语互问互答.当学生之间无法解决时,教师可给予帮助。教师说:Do you have any trouble? If so,please put up your hand and ask your classmates in English I’d like to help you too

2学生完成卡片后,教师请不同层次的多名学生上台,手拿运动员的图片和卡片,用英语向大家介绍My favourite sports star.在本课时中.只要求学生能简单介绍即可。


Step VI家庭作业





Step I呈现

1为学生提供一个表格,让他们回忆课文并填写表格。教师说:Do you remember Ii Hua? Who is he? Can you complete the table about Li Hua? 表格如下:

2通过与学生就表格信息进行讨论引出本课时需讲解的语言点并板书player,member,club,free(free time) enjoy(doing),dream,hope,true(come true),come from等。

3通过创设情境、与学生真实交流和例句展示等方式,帮助学生掌握上述语言点的用法。以free,free time,enjoy为例,教师说:I like listening to music I enjoy beautiful music. When I am free.I often listen to music What do you often do when you are free?What do you enjoy doing in your free time?在与学生的交流中,帮助学生体会并发现这些语言点的含义及用法。4鼓励学生对不懂的内容提问,针对学生的提问,教师解答并帮助他们扫清障碍。

如:look strong,make.happy等。教师可以说:Who enjoys reading books in our class?Who enjoys listening to music?Who enioys sports?Books make us clever. ….looks very clever.Music makes us relaxed Sports can make us happy and strong.So… looks strong.

Step lI操练

sentences in Part B47?


(1)Daniel enjoys (read)books about sports.(reading)

(2)Jim is a ___________(成员)of our school voileyball team.(member)

(3)Mike hopes his dream____________(成真)(comes ture)

(4)This tennis________(play)___________(play)very well(player;plays)

(5)My favourite basketball star is from the USA(改为同义句)

My favourite basketball star_____________the USA(comes from)

Step lll展示

1利用上一节课学生制作的体育明星卡片,鼓励学生从中任选一人进行介绍,写成文章,但不出现姓名。然后,让学生上台介绍,让其他学生猜所介绍的运动员是谁。教师说:Look at the cards on the wall. Please choose a player and write an article about him/her Don’t tell us his/her name Then you can come to the front and introduce him/her. We will try to guess who he/she is


Step IV家庭作业










词汇:drawing weekend shop

词组:at/on weekends=at/on the weekend of course

句型l/You/We/They like sports

He/She/It likes sports

I/You/We/They do not/don’t like sports

He/She/It does not/doesn’t like sports

Do I/you/we/they like sports?

Yes,you/l/we/they do

No,you/I/we/they don’t

Does he/she/it like sports?

Yes,he/she/it does

No,he/she/it doesn’t






Step I呈现

1利用图片导入行为动词的一般现在时。教师呈现NBA篮球明星的图片井对学生说:Look,who are these men in the picture?引导学生回答:They are basketball players They play basketball very well将这两句话写在黑板上,用彩色笔将动词圈出。教师继续说This is Kobe He is very tall He looks very strong将这几句也写在黑板上、用彩色笔将动词圈出。

2让学生比较黑板上的句子,启发学生发现不同之处。教师说Look at these sentences Pay attention to the verbs We use the verb“to be” in these three sentences while we u se the verb“to do“ in these ones .

3利用投影或课件为学生提供一些例句,指导他们找出行为动词,并在语境的帮助下体会行为动词的一般现在时的用法。教师说:Kobe plays basketball very well Many students like him They often watch his games on TV.In my free time,I like watching TV too But my likes reading He/She often reads storybooks将上述内容呈现给学生并解释:当谈论经常性、习惯性的动作,爱好,能力等时,常用行为动词的一般现在时。

4指导学生认真阅读上述内容,提醒学生注意其中行为动词的形武当主语是第一、第二人称和第三人称复数时,行为动词使用其原型。当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词使用其第三人称单数形式。教师说:When the subject is she/she/it,we need to add an…s’ to the verb.

5教师带领学生一起学习第三人称单数动词变化表。教师说Do you want to know how to add an ”s” to the verb? Let’s read the table on page 23 together.

How many ways are there to add an“s”? What are they? 对学生易错的变化方式,要重点强调,如:以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,去掉y,再加ies等。


put____________(puts) enjoy______________(enioys) write___________(writes)

fly____________(flies) play_____________(plays) have_____________(has) guess__________(guesses) match_____________(matches) go______________(goes)

2向学生介绍A部分的情境,指导学生完成课本上的练习。教师说Millie is writing about herself and her classmates.Please help her complete the sentences in Part A with the words in the box请五个学生将各自写好的句子朗读出来,其他学生核对答案:Now,who can read the sentences to us?Others listen carefully and check the answers

Step III展示

1让学生用五句话介绍自己、家人或朋友的习惯、爱好和能力。教师说:I want to know more about you,your family and your friends Please write five sentences to introduce your/their habits.hobbies and abilities



Step IV呈现


Millie and Simon are talking about their favourite sports Please read their conversation

Millie:I like O’Neil very much He plays basketball very well.

Simon:Of course. He looks very tall and strong. Do you often watch his games?

Millie:Yes,I do. What about you?

Simon:Oh,I don’t like basketball. My father and I like football very much

Mlille:What about your mother?

Simola:My mother doesn’t like football at a11.She likes tennis

Mlille:Well,does she like Federer,a famdus tennis player?

Simon:No,she doesn’t.She likes Nadal because he is handsome.

2教师带领学生一起学习课本上的表格。教师说:Do you want to know how to make negative sentences and ask and answer questions using the verb“to do”in the simple present tense?Let’s read the tables together.对学生易错的变化方式,要重点强调,如句中有了助动侧do或does,行为动词用原形等。

Step V操练

1向学生介绍B部分的情境,指导学生完成课本上的练习。教师说:Look at this table It tells us the activities Millie and her classmates like Please complete the questions in Part B and then Dse the information in the table to answer them.


教师说Would you please work in pairs to ask and answer questions according to the information in the table?You can ask more questions.如:

(1)Does Daniel like walking? Yes, he does.

(2)Do Amy and Sandy enjoy reading? Yes,they do.

(3)Does Daniel like drawing? No,he doesn’t.

(4) Do Millie and Kitty enjoy swimming? No,they don’t.


1将事先准备好的写有各种活动(体育活动和日常活动)短语的纸条放在一个盒子里。让学生从盒子里随意抽取一张纸条,其他学生根据纸条内容向该生提问,谈生根据实际情况回答。教师说Let’s play a game. I have many flashcards in this box.They are all about some spots and daily activities please take one card out and show it to us.而后,教师示范向该生提问:…,do you play computer games every day?该生回答完后,教师再问班级其他学生Does …play computer games every day?



1教师向学生呈现C部分中的新知识。教师说:1 want to buy some books for..I want to shop 也is Satutday or Sunday.Do you often shop at weekends?板书shop 和at weekends。教师可以利用日历、购物袋、图片等呈现。

2教师与学生进行简单的对话What do you often do at weekends?Who often shop in our class?检验学生对新知识的掌握情况。


1向学生介绍C部分的情境,指导学生完成课本上的练习。教师说:Daniel and Simon are talking about their weekends Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets



Step IX展示

1给学生布置任务,让他们在小组中就weekend activities编写对话。教师说:We know a lot about the weekend activities of the Class 1,Grade 7 students Now please work in groups of four and talk about your own weekend activities After that,write down the conversation in your notebooks





3预习Integrated skills。








词汇:table tennis else lot

词组a lot of= lots of

句型:What else do you like to do?

It makes me feel great.

Reading is fun




A What sport do you like?

Step I呈现

1教师与学生就“What sport do you like?”进行口头交流。一方面复习原有知识,另一方面导入A部分的主题。教师说:"What sport do I like? Can you guess?You can ask me some questions and tryto get the answer鼓励学生向教师提问。

2呈现Millie,Simon,Kitty,Amy,Sandy和Daniel的图片,教师通过与学生的对话帮助学生回顾前面所学的知识并教授新知识。教师说:Do you remember these students? Do you know what activities they like?鼓励学生根据已知的信息回答Sandy likes playing volleyball Simon likes playing football Amy likes swimming.

Step II听力训练


教师说Mr Wu is asking his students about their favourite sports. Can you help Mr Wu write the correct letters in the boxes?

2教师为学生播放录音并指导学生通过听录音,完成其余的信息选择。教师说:Let’s listen to the conversation and finish the rest.播放的次数可根据需要而定。

Step Ill操练


Step IV听力训练

1向学生呈现A2的情境,告诉学生:Mr Wu is writing some notes He wants to introduce the sports his students like Would you please help him? Let’s listen to the conversation again Please complete the notes In Part A2

2教师再放一次录昔,让学生完成A2。教师接着说Have you finished Mr Wu’s notes?Please check the answers first in pairs Then we will check as a class学生先彼此交流核对答案,教师最后与全班核对答案。


Step V展示

1鼓励学生在小组内进行调查,了解组内学生的体育爱好等信息。教师说:Let ‘s make a survey You can ask your group mates something about their favourite sports After that,please write a note to report to the whole class.



B Speak up:What do you often do after school?

Step I呈现

1向学生呈现B部分的主题。教师说:…,do you like sports? Where do you often play…? When do you usually play….? What do you often do after school?

2创设情境,向学生呈现新知识。教师说:Sports are good for us They are fun.板书’fun,教师可以用interesting解释fun。What else can we do after school?I like music best.That means my favourite activity is listening to music…..is my favourite pop star.I like him/her best Who else likes him/her in our class?板书else.0h,he/she has a lot of fans A lot of people like him/


Step II听力训练

1向学生呈现课本B部分的图片并介绍对话背景。教师说:Sandy and Millie are talking about what they often do after school Please listen to their conversation and find the answer to this question:What activities does Sandy like to do after school?

2播放录音,鼓励学生带着日的听录音并找出答案She often plays basketball.

She sometimes listens to music and reads books


(1)Music makes Sandy feel great(|T)

(2)Sandy also likes playing volleyball(F)

(3)Millie likes listening to music(F)

(4)Millie plays volleyball with friends.(T)

(5)Millie reads a lot of interesting books (T)


(2)Millie likes playing volleyball.

(3)Sandy likes listening to music.


1为学生播放录音,要求他们跟录音朗读对话。教师说:Now,please open your books Read the conversation after the tape sentence by sentence.如需要可多跟读几遍。

2组织学生分角色朗读对话。教师说:Boys,you guys play the role of Millie. Girls, you play the role of Sandy.And then you cab change.

Step Ⅳ展示

1将学生分成四人小组,鼓勋他们根据课本上的对话,发挥想像编写一段新的对话。教师说:OK,my dear friends.It’s your turn now.Please work in groups of four and make new conversations about your after-school activities.

在此环节中,教师还可让学生以“What do you often do at weekends?”等话题进行讨论。


Step V家庭作业





5预习Study skills。














Step I呈现

1 教师引导学生看图并完成图片介绍。通过这个方式,复习学过的知识,同时呈现新知识。

Picture One(一个小男孩和一只小猫)

The boy in this picture is Jack .He often plays with his __________(cat) after school

Picture Two(一个男孩在打网球)

_________is Ken’s favourite sport.He likes playing tennis with his father.(Tennis)

Picture Three(一位苗条的女孩)

Look at the gift in this picture What does she look like?Oh,she looks__________(slim)

Picture Four(一位时髦的女郎手提购物袋)

The young lady in this picture has a lot of bags in her hands What does she do?I think

she_____________at weekends.(shops)

Picture Five(一位老人在看书)

What does the old man do in the picture? He reads books Reading is __________.Do you think



说:Pay attention to the vowel letters in these words How to read them?随后教师带读单词并对

学生说The sounds of the letters are different from the sounds of the letters themselves.They are also different from the sounds in Unit 1 and each sound is short


Step II操练

1要求学生将课本27页表格右边的音标遮挡起来,指导他们听录音并自己总结每组单词的读音。教师说Pay attention to the bold letters How to read them?

How to write the sounds?教师教授音标的写法。



Look at the words in Pan A Can you read them and put them under the correct sound groups?教师选择不同层次的学生朗读单词.并让他们按元音字母的读音归类。


Step III巩固

1用单词卡呈现B部分第一行的单词,鼓励学生根据本课所学的读音规律,尝试朗读B部分中的新单词。教师说Do you know these words? Who can read them? What’s the sound of the bold letter in this word?接着教师出示写有B部分中新单词的卡片并说Look at this word Though it is new, I think you can read it according to the pronunciation rules Have a try, please




说明:上述几个步骤的教学也可采取第一单元Study skills板块中所介绍的游戏方式。Step IV展示


Picture One--Can you see a red bag in the picture? Do you want to take it?板书bag和take,

Picture Two What are these in the picture? They are some eggs板书egg。

These eggs are very big板书these。用红色笔将字母e标注出来,启发学生区分发音:

egg ♏ ,these ♓  。

Picture Three Do you like this picture? 板书picture。I think it’s nice板书nice,用红色笔将字

Picture Four There is a box in the picture.Do you want to open it? Oh,a dog is in it板书open

Picture Five—Who is this girl? It’s Kitty She likes singing and she is in a music


make a cake a red apple a black cat a cute duck in a big city

ride a bike tell me his name go home lucky students a long loose

What a lovely face he makes!

I have a little robot arid his name is.Jack

1 will put Jake’s cap into my hat.

A boy goes onto the stage.

Let’s go back to the spaceship.


Sandy has a pet

That is a cat.

He is fat.

and likes apples best.

Oscar,don’t go

Tell me the use of letter O.

Put it in a cat,and you call get a coat












词汇team match hero

词组:talk about/of watch matches

句型:I oven play basketball with my friends after sch001.

We often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on TV

He is my hero!





4 David的图片。



1向学生展示林书豪的图片呈现新知识。教师说:Who is this man?鼓励学生回答:

This is Jeremy Lin.教师接着说Yes,he is a famous basketball player. Do you like him? Do you watch his matches?板书match,用game帮助学生理解含义。教师继续呈现:Many people like this young man Jeremy Lin is their hero He is a member of New York Knicks basketball team板书hero,team。

2教师与学生在真实语境中进行对话交流,呈现本课主题。教师问…,do you like sports?What is your favoutRe sport?Who is your hero?Where can you watch his/her matches?Are you good at….?Do you often play…..after school?

When do you usually play ? Who do you often play with?鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。

Step II范文学习

1出示David的图片并对学生说:Today,we will meet David He is a student at Sunshine Middle School Do you want to know more about him?Please read the article and complete the table将与课本B部分类似的表格呈现给学生,指导学生阅读课文并完成表格。

classify the information.Put the letters into the brackets

Paragraph One ( ) (A)

Paragraph Two ( ) (B;C; D;E;F)

Paragraph Three ( )(G;H)

A.What is David’s favourite sport?

B. What team is David in?

C.When does David often play basketball?

D.Who does David often play basketball with?

E.What else do David and his friends often do?

F What do they watch on TV?

G Who is David’s hero?

H Why does David like Yao Ming?



1教师组织学生四人小组开展活动,帮助学生熟练运用Useful expressions中的句型表达。

(1)What sport do you love/like/enjoy?

(2)What’s your favourite sport,player?

(3) Who do you often play with?

(4) Where do you often play…?

(5) When do you often play…?

(6) Why do you like ….?

2对有能力的学生,教师鼓励他们提出更多问题。如Where is your hero from?

Where does he/she come from?How old is he/she?What does he/the look like?

Step Ⅳ写作

1指导学生完成课本B部分中的表格,填写自己的真实信息,为写作做好准备。教师说We have read David’s article Now,can you introduce your favourite sport in the same way?Do you want to try? Please fill in the table in Part B with your own information指导学生完成自己的写作提纲。

2指导学生参考范文和Useful expressions,根据自己的真实信息,尝试写作。教师说:It’s your turn now .I’d like you to write about your favourite sport and hero.




教帅说:Now you have finished your own article.Please work in groups of four.Read each other’s articles and choose the best one








译林版七年级上册英语Unit 2完成句子专项练习-(包含答案)

Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 完成句子 1. 我和我表妹是学校舞蹈俱乐部的成员。 My cousin and I are________ ________the school________ ________. 2. 今天天气不错。晚饭后和我一起去散散步怎么样? It’s a lovely day today. What about________ ________with me after dinner? 3. 艾达擅长英语,而且她中文也说得很好。 Ada is________ ________English and she________Chinese________, too. 4. 我希望这些孩子们的梦想能成真。 I hope these children’s________ ________ ________ ________. 5. 这名足球运动员看起来很强壮,他经常参加很重大的比赛。 The football________ ________ ________. He often________ ________important matches. 6. 在空闲时间,他们学习怎样做饭。 ________ ________ ________ ________, they learn how________ ________. 7. 我想我们应该做点事情来使她开心起来。 I think we should do something________ ________ ________ ________. 8. 我的爱好是读报纸和听广播。 ________newspapers and________to the radio________my________. 9. 他每天都步行去爷爷家几次。(两种) ①He________ ________Grandpa’s home some________a day. ②He________ ________Grandpa’s home________ ________some________a day. 10. 你最喜欢什么运动?(两种) ①________ ________ ________you________ ________? ②________your________ ________? 11. 我非常喜欢打篮球。我经常和他谈论我的爱好。 I like________ ________a lot. I often________ ________my________with him. 12. 你最喜欢的足球运动员是谁,丹尼尔? Who________ ________ ________ ________ ________, Daniel? 13. 宁泽涛游泳游得很棒,他是我的偶像。 Ning Zetao________ ________ ________ ________and he is________ ________. 14. 你爸爸在业余时间喜欢看乒乓球比赛吗? ______your father______ ______table________matches________his_______time? 15. 大卫是我们学校篮球队的新成员。 David is________ ________ ________ ________our school basketball team. 16. 放学后,吉姆想要和他的朋友们一起听音乐。 Jim wants________ ________ ________ ________ ________his friends after school. 17. 双胞胎之一喜欢跑步,跑步使他快乐。 One of the twins________ ________and it________ ________ ________. 18. 因为每天运动,这个男孩看起来很强壮。 The boy________ ________ ________because he plays sports every day. 19. 埃米每天步行去工作,这对她的健康有好处。 Amy___________________every day and it’s good for her health.

牛津译林版七年级英语上册7A Unit2 Let’s play sports! 单元学案

Welcome to the unit 课前预习: 一、写出下列单词划线部分的音标,试读,并写出其中文意思 Walking really Bowl time Tennis volleyball 二、翻译短语和句子 1.like walking______________________________________ 2.many times a day__________________________________ 3.fun sports________________________________________ 4.What’s your favouirte sport?_________________________________________________ 5.I often play football afterschool. What about you ? 语法精讲: 1. I walk to my bowl many times a day. 我每天都往我的饭盆那儿走好多次。 句中的time 意思是,是否可数 Time还可以表示,是否可数 eg..1)我每周上三次舞蹈课。 I go to my dancing lesson 2)几点了?What is it? Many times a day 表示频率,对其提问,疑问词是 I walk to my bowl many times a day (对划线部分提问) 2. What about you ? What about = 意思是 句型:…怎么样? 做某事如何? 其肯定回答是: 3.play football/volleyball 等体育运动类短语间不需要加,然而弹奏乐器必须加,举例说明 4. What’s your favouirte sport? = 巩固练习:用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.D o you like playing ________(排球) 2.I love ______________(walk)my dog after dinner. 3.Are they good at ___________(swim) in the river? 4.Does he enjoy _______________(listen) to music in his free time? 5.What does your cousin love __________(do) at scholl? 二、对划线部分提问 1. My favourite sport is playing football. 2. I go to work five days a week. Do you ?


新目标英语七年级上册第二单元教案 This is my sister. 话题家庭 功能介绍他人,辨认人物 重难点人称代词指示代词this these that those who引导的特殊疑问句,名词单数变复数 句型:1, 谢谢你的全家福Thanks for the photo of your family. 你的全家福photo of your family = your family photo 2 谢谢你帮了我Thanks for helping me =Thanks for your help here be 句型和there be 句型一样,临近原则Here is a cup of tea and two apples . 名词单数变复数规则如下: 1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers. 2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches. 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs. 5)以o结尾的名词,有生命的加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.无生命的加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos. 6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→men, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice 7)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman 8 this/that/these/those (1)this 常常用来指在时间、地点上更接近讲话人的人和事,these是this的复数形式。 that常常用来指在时间、地点上离讲话人更远一点的人和事,those是that的复数形式。例如:You look in this box and I’ll look in that one over there. I want this car, not that car. Take these books to his room, please. This is mine. That’s yours. 这个是我的,那个是你的。 These are apples; those are oranges. 这些是苹果,那些是橘子。

牛津译林版七年级英语上册7A Unit 2 Let's play sports 单元教案

7A Unit 2 Let’s play sports 教案 第 1 页共12 页

Step6 Presentation I know most of the students like some sports. Does Eddie like any sports? Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. Step7 language points T: Does Eddie like any sports? S: Yes. But he just walks to his bowl many times a day. T: Good. Time has two meanings. time “次数”,是可数名词。time “时间”不可数名词。 I go to my dancing lessons three (time) a week. What (time) is it? Step8 Act Boys and girls, I want some students to act the dialogue out. Please practice in pairs. 教学反思: Reading 教学目标 1. 认识一名叫Li Hua 的足球运动员。 2. 用英语介绍自己喜欢的一名运动员。 教学内容 四会内容 词汇:player member club free enjoy hope dream true 词组:free time come true 句型:He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club. He looks strong and plays football very well. I hope his dream comes true. Step 1. Free talk Ask some questions like : What do you often do at weekends ? Do you like reading books / playing football/ watching football games ……? Do you know David Beckham, the famous football player ? Step2. Presentation Show some pictures to the students and teach new words Step3.Scaning Read the article about Li Hua quickly and quietly and get aome information about Li Hua. Fill in the blanks about Li Hua. ( P22 B3) Setp4 Skimming Read the article again and do more exercises (P21 B1 B2 P 22 B4) 第 2 页共12 页

译林版七年级上册英语Unit 1-2单元训练(含答案)

Unit 1-2 一、单词辩音 ( ) 1. A. game B. face C. make D. happy ( ) 2. A. kite B. life C. listen D. fine ( ) 3. A. come B. home C. only D. nose ( ) 4. A. baby B. gate C. have D. cake ( ) 5. A. use B. Sunday C. computer D. cute ( ) 6. A. rice B. nice C. like D. radio ( ) 7. A. apple B. make C. grade D. plane ( ) 8. A. over B. know C. model D. home ( ) 9. A. music B. push C. cute D. use ( ) 10. A. he B. them C. these D. be 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Do you________from school every day? A. walks home B. walks to home C. walk home D. walk to home ( ) 2. -________the boys enjoy________NBA? -Yes, they________. A. Do, watch, do B. Do, watching, do C. Does, watching, does D. Does, watch, does ( ) 3. LeBron Raymone James plays basketball very well. Which

牛津上海版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Our animal friends 教案

Unit 2 Our animal friends 教案 一、单元分析(Unit Analysis) (一)单元地位(Unit Position) 1 本课中不定代词one的使用是一个难点。教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练。同 时可以拓展ones的用法,然后放在一起操练。 2 If 引导的条件从句。If 在过去时态的用法不是初中的重点,所以没有必要强调,但是有必要操 练if条件状语从句中,主句是情态动词的用法。 3 Must 作为情态动词,在本课中和if 联系在一起使用。是我们通常所说的“主将从现”的用法 之一,作为初中阶段一个重要的知识点,教师一定要设置情景多加操练。 4. Wh-特殊疑问句及答句的用法,如:What / Why / Where …?等。教师应对学生进行这方面的训练。 (二)单元目标(Unit Target) 1 正确应用不定代词one 和ones。明白它们分别指代可数的单数同类和复数同类。 2 能够正确使用if条件从句中主句用must的用法。如:We must take good care of it if we have a pet. 3 了解SPCA这一国际机构的功能和一些基本情况,培养对小动物的爱心与关心。 (三)单元重点(Unit Points) 1 关键词汇和表达法: 1)词汇和表达:the SPCA, inspector, kennel, the light brown one, in danger, junior members, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, keep … from danger, drown, rescue, a vet, raise money for the SPCA, by doing something, old towels and blankets, in many ways, catch robbers, lost people, on one’s farms 2)动词过去式:kept, guarded, helped, ate 二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)


牛津译林版七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 第1课时Welcome to the unit 教学目标 1掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称。 2使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。 教学内容 四会内容 词汇:walking really bowl time tennis volleyball 词组:go swimming 句型Do you often play football? I often play football after sch001. What about you? 三会内容 句型Really? 1walktomybowlmanytimes a day 教学准备 1漫画中Hobo拿着足球的图片。 2各种体育运动的图片。 3录音机或光盘。 4课件。 教学步骤 说明在本课时,我们采取先上Welcome to the unit,再上Comic strip的设计。_一方面,这样更便于以旧引新,导入单元话题:另一方面,也为教师在教学设计时提供新的思路,旨在引导教师根据需要灵活设计各板块的教学。 Welcome to the unit Step I呈现 l通过回顾上一单元的内容,导入本单元话题sports。教师说:Do you remember Mille,Sandy, Simon and Daniel? Who likes sports?启发学生回忆课文回答: Simon is good at sports再问:What about Amy? What sport is Amy good at?启发学生回忆课文回答:She is good at swimming 2教授,volleyball和tennis。 方法一:出示sandy和Millie打排球的图片。教师说Look at Sandy and Millie What sport are they good at? They are good at playing volleyball They can play volleyball very well.板书volleyball,接着出示Kitty打网球的图片。教师说: Look at Kitty. She likes tennis very much板书:tennis。 方法二:呈现排球或网球的实物。教师说:Look at the balls in my hand What is this big one?

Unit 2 词汇运用专项练习 牛津译林版英语七年级上册(含答案)

Unit 2 一、根据所给中文或首字母提示完成单词 1. He can have three________ (碗) of rice for lunch. 2. His mother plays _________(网球) very well. 3. They all like playing _________ (排球). 4. I _________(喜爱)listening to music. 5. --How many _________(次数) do you play football a week? --Once. 6. My parents like_______(散步) after supper. 7. This book is_______(确实) interesting. Would you like to read it? 8. Tom’s sister enjoys _________(游泳) very much. 9. How can Tom be a football star? It is only a _________(梦想). 10. We all ________ (希望) to have a happy day this Sunday. 11. How many_________ (成员)are there in your basketball team. 12. I have many things to do today. I am not _________(空闲). 13. Now many young people like to_________(待)at home and play computer games· 14. Mrs Li often_________ (购物)in the shopping mall on Sunday mornings. 15. Sometimes my brother_________ (放)a kite with me on Sunday. 16. Many children want to learn_________ (绘画)in their free time. 17. I often go fishing with my father at_________ (周末). 18. We often have_________ (正餐)at my uncle’s home. 19. He has lots of_________ (业余爱好). 20. The girl in a red coat often_________ (跑)on the playground. 21. I like playing table_______(乒乓球) very much. 22. What_______(其他的) do you want? 23. There are a_______ (许多) of books in the bookshop. 24. It is_______(有趣的事) to read books here. 25. It _______(使) me feel happy. 26. Kitty and I often play ____________ (排球) after school.

初中七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English》全单元教案

Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? I. Teaching Contents: What’s this in English? II: Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Status and Function In this unit students learn to ask how to say and spell words in English and the letters Ii-Rr. The topic of this unit is about things around peop le, and the students can learn how to identify things. Teaching Aims and Demands a)Knowledge Objects (1) To master the letters I-R; (2) To master how to identify things and spell words; (3) To learn “what” question. b)Ability Objects To improve students’ ability of listening, speakin g and writing. 2.Teaching Difficult Points (1) To master the key vocabulary and the ta rget language presented in this unit; (2) Pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O; (3) Listening and speaking practice. 3.Teaching focuses (1)To learn how to read and write the letters Ii-Rr; (2)To learn “what” question; (3)To learn to ask how to say and spell words. III. Language Function Talk about how to identify things and spell words IV. Target Language What’s this in English? It’s a key. Spell it, please. K-E-Y. V. Vocabulary Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr jacket, key, map, orange, pen, quilt, ruler, spell VI. Tea ching Time Five periods The First Period I .Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge ob jects (1)To learn the letters I-R; (2) Key structures: What’s this in English? It’s a key/an orange. (3)Listening and speaking practice 2. Ability objects


7A Unit Task 教学目标: 1、学会根据提纲组织写作材料; 2、熟练运用本单元所学单词、词组、句型组织语言; 3、合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己的体育爱好; 4、掌握四会内容: 单词:team, match , hero 词组:talk about/ of watch matches 句型:I often play basketball with my friends after school . We often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on TV . He is my hero . 教学重难点:熟练运用本单元所学单词、词组、句型组织语言 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation 1.Do you know Jeremy Lin ? Yes , he is a famous basketball player . Do you like him ? Do you watch his matche s ? Many people like this young man . Jeremy Lin is their hero . He is a member of New York Knicks basketball team . 2.Talk about sports with students . Step 2 Presentation 1.Read the article in Part A and tell me where I can find the information : A . What is David’s favourite sport ? B What team is David in ?

(最新部编版)七年级英语上册精品教案二单元第2课时Section A (2a-2d)

第二课时 Section A (2a -2d ) 主备内容 Section A (2a -2d) 教学目标 【知识目标】 Important words :they ,well ,have ,day Important phrase :my friend Important sentences : 1.—Are those your parents ?—Yes ,they are. 2.—Have a good day !—Thanks !You ,too. 【能力目标】1.掌握指示代词this ,that ,these ,those 及它们所构成的介绍他 人的句型。2.能运用所学的词汇及句型介绍自己的家庭成员。 【情感目标】让学生知道他们应当尊敬自己的父母、祖父母及其他家庭成 员,在家庭中应多帮助父母做力所能及的家务劳动。通过学习对自己的家庭 成员有更清晰的印象,学会与家庭成员和睦相处,从而激发起他们对家人的 热爱。 教学重难点 重点:1.学会说家庭成员的称谓。2.学会询问别人的家庭成员,向别人介绍 自己的家庭成员。 难点:介绍家庭成员时对名词单复数的正确使用。 教法学法 情景交际法;任务型教学法;听说课的“3P ”教学模式 Step 1 自主学习 翻译下列短语和句子。 1.我的朋友__my__friend __ 2.——那是你的父母吗? ——是的,他们是。 —__Are__those__your__parents ?__ —__Yes ,they__are.__ 3.——愿你们玩得高兴! ——谢谢,也祝你们玩得高兴。 —__Have__a__good__day !__ —__Thanks.You ,too.__ Step 2 情景导入 T :We have learned how to introduce sb.to sb.Now please introduce your friends to your partner. 设计意图:通过句型复习引入新课,自然简明。 Step 3 完成教材2a -2c 的任务 【操作案例】 1.学生领读2a 单词,老师纠正读音错误,然后两人一组互相提问单词。 2.认真听录音对话,圈出所听到的单词。 3.认真观察2b 图片中的人物关系,然后再听一遍录音,将所给名字和图中的人物匹配。


Unit2 Grammar 优质课教案 张家港市凤凰中学王丽君 教材分析: 本课时是语法课,是在第一单元学习了be动词一般现在时的基础上,进一步学习行为动词一般现在时的用法,不但能让学生学会灵活运用,而且能够与be动词的一般现在时加以区分。主要内容包括:理解行为动词的一般现在时的两种形式,掌握其肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其肯定、否定回答的基本用法;理解行为动词在一般现在时中的变化,掌握其变化规则;能用一般现在时在日常生活中进行相关的表达。 教学目标: 基础知识 掌握词汇:drawing, weekend, shop 词组:at/on weekends= at/on the weekend; of course 句型:Millie gets up at 6:30 every morning. Cats eat fish. Simon likes playing football. 基本技能 1. 理解行为动词一般现在时的用法; 2. 掌握行为动词一般现在时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其肯定和一定回答的基本用法; 3. 学会用一般现在时进行交际。 综合素质 综合本单元的话题用一般现在时进行交流。 教学重难点 重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型 难点:行为动词的一班现在时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 教学设计 Step 1 Lead in Ask some questions about sports to lead in.

Questions: What’s your favourite sport? What’s Simon’s favourite sport? Who is his favourite football player? Step 2 Presentation (肯定句) 1. Ask some questions about Li Hua to review Reading and present the sentences. Qs: Where does he come from? Where does he live now? How does he look ? Does he play football very well? Do many people like him? 2. Ask the students to observe the verbs and try to work out the rules. 3. Try to tell do or does. 4. Discuss and tell do or does.(more subjects) Step 2 Practice 1. Talk about Li Hua’s daily life by using the information on the screen. 2. Talk about students’ daily life. 3. Share the activities the students often do on National Day. Step 3 Presentation(否定句) Ask questions about Li Hua to present the negative sentences and ask the students to find out rules. Step 4 Practice 1. Talk about the things Li Hua and his friends don’t do in their free time. 2. Talk about the things the stu dents do and don’t do in their free time. Step 5 Presentation (疑问句及其回答) Ask questions about Li Hua to present the general quetions. Then ask the students to work out the rules. Step 6 Practice 1. Talk about Li Hua’s basic inform ation. Ask and answer in pairs. 2. A guessing game. Ask questions to guess what Tutu often does on weekends. 3. Use the information about Tutu to ask and answer in pairs.

七年级上册英语Unit 2教案

新人教版七年级上册英语导学案 课题Unit 2 This is my sister.课时 1 授课日期课型预习+展示+反馈主备教师使用教师 学习内容第一课时Section A 1a—2d 学习目标知识与技能:1.学会认知家庭成员,了解家庭关系。 2.学会介绍人,识别人。 3.通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those 的用法 学会运用介绍人的句型: This / that is...以及these/those are和询问人的句型 Is this / that... 4.要求掌握以下词汇: (1) 名词: sister, mot her, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, grandparents (2) 代词: these those 过程与方法:通过听,说等一些活动培养良好的听力习惯和能力,再通过独学和小组合作,学会自我介绍和问候他人。 情感态度与价值观:培养学生做一个文明人。 重点难点1.掌握指示代词 this / these , that/ those 的用法。 2. 名词的复数形式构成。 3.用一般疑问句来询问并回答家庭成员的关系。 学具准备多媒体、课本,导学案 学习形式教师导学,学生小组合作学习 学习过程 学生学案 一、回顾反馈预习交流: 复习上单元的重点句型短语。 二、明确目标学案导学 学生自读目标完成预习部分 三、自主学习合作探究 小组探究 1. This / That is my sister. 这位 / 那位是我的姐姐。 此句的复数形式是: / my . 总结:(this/ that的复数分别是 / ),要把单数句变成复数句,能变成;同样道理复数句变成单数句,能变成。 These are watches. 单数句是。 2. It is a watch. 复数形式是:(注意冠词a) She is a girl.复数句是:。 总结:(he / she / it 复数都是,和this/that的复数不同) 学习任务一:熟练掌握本节课的词汇。教师导案 谈话导入新课: 回顾复习旧知识 生学习目标 老师检测预习 组长汇报老师巡视检查 学点指导: 1)this,these 指较近 的人或事物,that,those 指较远的人或事物。 2)this/that 是单数, 在句中作主语时,谓语动 词要用单数。 these/those是复数,在 句中作主语时,谓语动词 要用复数。如: 补充内容 板书课 题: 。

Unit 2 课时同步测试 2022-2023学年牛津译林版英语七年级上册(含答案)

Unit2第1课时同步测试I.翻译词组。 1.做运动 2. 3.爱踢足球 4. 5.走到我的碗那儿 6. 7.打排球 8. II.根据汉语提示完成句子。 去散步一天好多次他们最爱的运动擅长跳舞 9.My parents like (散步)after supper. 10.This book is (确实)interesting. Would you like to read it? 11.His mother plays (网球)very well. 12.How many (次)a week do you play basketball? 13.He can have three (碗)of rice at lunch. 14.The students are talking about their (最喜欢的)films. 15.Tom's sister enjoys(游泳)very much. in.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 be, glass, England, dance, sheKitty's grandmother wears. 16.The girl is good at and Maths. 17.There are two girls in my class. 18.Look!new classroom is big and clean. 19.The boy a good student in Class Five. IV.单项选择。 ()21. 一Bill, what*s your sistefs favourite? 一She likes volleyball best. A. food B. colour C. sport D. movie)22. Which of the following is NOT right?

牛津译林版2020~2021学年7A Unit2 单元提优测试(含答案)

2020~2021学年7A Unit2单元提优测试 (时间:100分钟分值:100分) 一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. elephant is useful animal. A. An; an B.A; a C. An; a D. A; an ( )2. I usually come to school _ my bike. but sometimes foot. A. by; by B. on; on C. by; on D. on; by ( )3. —What is in your _ hand? —An apple. A. the other B. other C. another D. others ( )4.I hope the game. A. them to win B. they will win C. they to win D. them win ( )5. The car isn’t car, It’s . is red. A. my; Lily's; My B. my; Lily’s; Mine C. mine; Lily; Mine D. mine; Lily’s; My ( )6. Which do you enjoy your holiday, going travelling or staying at home? A. spending B. doing to spend C. spend D. spends ( )7.—do you go to the Dancing Club every week? —Once a week. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How many times ( )8. It _ my mother half an hour _ home. A. spends; driving B. takes; to drive to C. takes; to drive D. spend; drive ( )9. I free this afternoon. When _ shall we meet? A. have; else B. am; other C. don't have; other D. am not; else ( )10. —Wendy, it's your _ to show us your pumpkin lantern now. —Oh, but I haven't finished _ it yet. A. time; to make B. turn; making C. idea; making D. way; to make 二、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Bill is a l boy. He can easily do all the 2 questions in his Maths book. One day. 3 his way to school, Bill saw a poster at the gate of a 4 store. It said."Apples: six for five cents." Bill suddenly got an idea, so he went into the 5 . "How 6 are the apples?" he asked the store clerk(店员). "Six for five cents. " "Well, if six apples are worth (值) five cents. then five apples are worth about four cents. four apples are worth about three cents, three apples are worth about two cents, two apples are worth about one cent and then one apple is worth 7 . I only want one apple, If one apple is worth nothing,then

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