当前位置:文档之家› 高中译林牛津英语模块一Unit教案


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课型 Welcome & Word power

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. enlarge their own vocabulary by knowing the exact names of all kinds of school facilities and activities;

2. improve their spoken skills by describing their favorite activities at school and showing others ways;

3. be aware of cultural differences by comparing school life in China and in Britain. Focus of the lesson:

1. the names of school facilities

2. different expressions to ask and show ways

Predicted area of difficulties:

using locative prepositions and prepositional phrases properly

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

课型 Reading(I)

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. know more information about the school life in Britain;

2. learn to use two reading strategies: skimming and scanning;

3. form a reasonable attitude to different ways of education. Focus of the lesson:

1. skimming

2. scanning

Predicted area of difficulties:

When and how to use skimming and scanning?

Learning methods:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

课型 Reading (

II ) Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. write out the transformation and phrases of the key words correctly;

2. use the key words properly in relevant tasks;

3. use -ing form as subjects;

3. get a basic idea of attributive clause;

4. raise the awareness of learning new words or phrases in a context. Focus of the lesson: 1. usage of the key words 2. v –ing form as subjects

Predicted area of difficulties:

1. the usage of the phrase ‘devote…to’ ‘attend’ phrases about ‘look’ and so on

2. the proper usage of –ing form as subjects Learning aids: 1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:

课型 Grammar & Usage

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. understand the grammatical functions of attributive clauses;

2. use relative pronouns ‘that’ ‘which’ ‘who’ ‘whom’ ‘whose’;

3. enjoy the neatness and beauty of attributive clauses comparing them with simple sentences.

Focus of the lesson:

the usage of relative pronouns

Predicted area of difficulties:

1. the usage of relative pronouns

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:

课型 Task

Learning objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

1. understand the dates, time, places in a program;

2. know how to get the information by comparing;

3. report his or her decision to the whole class. write a notice. Focus of the lesson:

1. notes-taking by reading and listening

2. Writing a notice

Predicted learning difficulties:

1.the understanding of all numbers appearing as time, date or day

2. writing a notice

Learning aids:

1. PPT

2. tape and tape recorder

Learning procedures:

课型 Project

Learning objectives:

By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. know what school clubs are like;

2. work out with group members how to start a school club;

3. learn the importance of teamwork.

Focus of the lesson:

1. getting to know what school clubs are like

2.how to start a club

Predicted learning difficulties:

1. the design of a school club

Learning aids:

1. multi-media courseware(PPT)

2. blackboard

Learning procedures:

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