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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you


1.talk straight to audience 直接与观众对话

2. a variety of, varieties of, various许多,各种各样的

3.tease, make fun of, play tricks on, make jokes about取笑,捉弄

4. trip over chairs 绊倒椅子

5.point to 指向,point at指着,point out指出

6. have affection for 喜爱,喜欢

7.one such person一个这样的人

8. be broadcast live现场直播

9.people around/ across/ throughout/ all over the world全世界的人们

10.fall down on stage在舞台上摔倒11. come up with new jokes想出新笑话12.howl with laughter爆发出笑声13. be popular with all age groups 深受各个年龄层次人群的欢迎14.follow in the footsteps of 效仿某人15. Stay healthy/ fit保持健康16. after all 毕竟,最终17. disappear from view从视线中消失18. mo urn one’s death哀悼某人的死亡19. pass away, die死亡20. be divided into被分成21. laugh one’s head off狂笑不已,大笑不止22. smile on sb有利于,垂青23. this unique art form这种独特的艺术形式24. instruct sb in sth 教授某人某事25. take on workers雇佣工人26. take on a role/ task承担角色/任务27. take on a new look呈现新面貌28.have an interest in Chinese culture对中国文化感兴趣29.attain skills/ a knowledge of computer获得技能/一门计算机知识30.polish one’s skills提高技能31.polish an article润色文章32.polish one’s shoes擦亮鞋子33.dash out/rush out冲出去34. move over as if to make room for sb朝旁边移移好像给某人腾出地方35.in anger愤怒地36.give a serious look at sb严肃地看了某人一眼37.tear the paper in two把报纸撕成两半38.burst in/break in闯入;插嘴,打断39.present sth to sb/ present sb with sth把某物呈给某人40.run after a bus/a rabbit / fame and money 追逐公交车/兔子/名利41.must have done肯定已经做了某事42.while 在…期间;然而(句中);虽然(句首)43. stand up for支持,赞成,维护44. make up虚构,编造;组成;弥补;化妆,打扮;铺床45.previous experience先前的经历46.previous to this在这之前47.behave oneself/ well表现良好48.participate in / take part in参加49.drive away驱除,赶走50.guarantee to do保证做某事51. under guarantee在保质期内52.glare at怒视stare at凝视53. hold out keys拿出钥匙54.hold out a helping hand伸出援手

55.hold out维持56.yell at对…吼叫


1. One reason (why) Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinking, and is often able to come up with new jokes.

2. Instead of telling the joke ha had planned, Crystal made up a new one.

He didn’t tell the joke he had planned; instead, he made up a new one.

3.Doctors have been researching what effects (that) stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us, and have

discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer.


4.Do you mind if I sit down? Do you mind my sitting down?

5.Carelessness is an invitation to traffic accidents. 粗心是车祸的诱因。

6.Her heart was torn by her child’s unexpected death. 她的心被孩子的意外死亡撕扯着。

Unit 2 What is happiness to you?


1.be surrounded by/ with被…包围

2.meet/ achieve/ reach one’s goals实现目标

3.thank you for joining us感谢加入我们

4. during times of personal catastrophe在个人灾难时刻

pete in a game在比赛中竞争,参加比赛

6. compete for gold medals为金牌角逐

pete with/ against sb与某人竞争

8.live apart from her parents与父母分居

9.describe Sang Lan as energetic, happy and hard-working把桑兰描述成精力充沛、快乐、刻苦的样子

10.even though/ if尽管,即便是11.in case 以防,万一12.devote oneself to sth/doing 投入于13.cost her her future happiness付出了未来幸福的代价14.be aware of 意识到15.be rushed to a top hospital被紧急送往一家顶级医院16.because of her severe injuries因为她严重的伤势17.cheer sb up让某人振作起来18.in good / high spirits情绪高昂,心情好19.the secret to happiness/ being happy快乐的秘密20.focus on goals集中精力于目标21.have appreciation for the good things in life欣赏生活中美好的东西22.overcome her sorrow克服悲伤23.adapt to her new life适应新生活24.graduate from Peking University从北京大学毕业25.a popular figure 受欢迎的人物26.be inspired by Sang Lan受到桑兰的鼓舞/激励27.rebuild her life重新打造她的生活28. have a better understanding of 更好地理解29.touch the depths of our soul触及灵魂深处30.advocate going after pleasure提倡追求快乐31.try one’s hardest/ best尽力32.recover from fright 从恐惧中恢复33.be curious about对…好奇34.be concerned about关注,担心35.be accompanied by 被…陪伴着,伴随着36.head directly for the doctor’s office直接前往医生办公室37.to one’s relief令某人宽慰地,让某人松口气38.in the past/ last few months在过去的几个月里39.have the talent to do有做某事的天分40.allocate our precious time reasonably 合理分配我们宝贵的时间41.be tired of对…厌倦42.look back on, think back to回忆43.ahead of 在…之前44.in a rush迅速地45.as an innocent child座位一个天真的孩子46.think about my achievements想到我的成就47.guarantee good health保证健康48.have part-time jobs做兼职工作49.assist sb with sth/ to do 帮助某人某事/做某事50.take time to relax花时间放松51.make my own decisions自己做决定52.have a secure job 有一份可靠/稳定的工作53.be junior to sb比某人年轻(be younger than)54.apart from除了55.on one’s own独自;独立地56. quit one’s job辞职57. quit doing停止/放弃做某事58.at that point在那时;在那个阶段

59.be thankful / grateful to sb for sth / doing因某事/做某事感激某人
