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1、alive 与living 的区别

通常情况下,alive做表语(be alive),而living一般放在名词前做定语。

For example:That great man is still alive.那个伟人依然活着。

all living things 一切活着的生物

2、thank sb for sth /doing sth因···而感谢某人

e.g.Lily thanked me for helping with her homework.

thankful 高兴的,感激的thankfully ad.

be thankful for sth 因···不甚感激

be thankful to do sth

e.g.I am very thankful for your help.我非常感激你的帮忙。

I was thankful to hear that you got home safely .听到你平安到家的消息,我很高兴。

3、as well as(也,还)与not only···but also(不仅···而且)

as well as 连接两个并列成分时,强调前者;而not only···but also强调后者。

e.g.The teacher ,as well as the students ,wish es for a holiday.(把as well as the students提到句子末端)

Not only the students but also the teacher wish es for a holiday.(就近原则)

4、be good for 对···有好处

=do good to

反义词:do harm to \be harmful to对···有害

e.g.Taking exercise is good for your health.

(=Taking exercise does good to your health .)

Smoking is harmful to your health.(=Smoking does harm to your health.)

5、warn警告vt warning警告,提醒n.

warn sb (not)to do sth警告(不要)某人做某事

warn sb about sth 警告某人某事

e.g.Mother often warns me not go out after dark.母亲经常警告我天黑后不要出门。

She warned me about the dangerous road.她提醒我马路很危险。

Because of her warning ,I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。

6、communicate vi 沟通,通信communication n.

communicate with sb 与某人交流,与···相通

communicate with each other 相互沟通

E.g.My net-pal and I communicate with each other on the Internet.我和我的网友通过网络保持联系。

This room communicates with the other room.这个房间与那个房间相通。

7、hardly ad. 几乎不

e.g.I could hardly understand the theory.我几乎不能理解这个理论。hard adj 坚固的,困难的adv 努力地,剧烈地

e.g.She found it hard to make up her mind .她发现很难下决定。

Study hard ,or you will fall behind.努力学习,否则你会落后的。

8、enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣

=have fun ( in)doing sth

e.g.I enjoy reading books on weekends.在周末我喜欢阅读。

9、···enough +n.+to do sth有足够的···去做···

adj\adv enough to do sth

e.g.I have enough time to finish my homework.我有足够的时间来完成我的家庭作业。

It is warm enough to swim. 天气足够暖和,可以游泳。


all day 整天in danger 处于危险中

harmful gases 有害气体What else···?还有什么···?

cut down 砍倒







E.g. The children are playing football now.

Look!He is reading.

It's 6 o'clock. My mother is cooking breakfast.

Don't make noise. The baby is sleeping.



e.g.Do you hear the noise of the plane?你听到飞机的声音了吗?

注意:表示感觉的感官动词,如listen to ,look at可用于现在进行时态中,强调看的动作而非结果。

e.g.They are listening to the teacher.

2、表示态度和感情,心理状态等意思的词,如like,hate,love,know,think,believe,want 等。

e.g.I like dogs.

I want to go out for a walk now.


e.g.I have a lot of books.


e.g.He is at home.


1、pour into 倒入,涌入

e.g.Please pour some water into my glass.请帮我的杯子里倒点水。

People poured into the hall.人们涌进大厅。

2、freeze (-froze-frozen)vi突然停止,惊呆v 冷冻,冷藏

e.g.He froze in front of the audience.他在观众面前惊呆了。

Not all fruit and vegetables freeze well.并非所有的水果和蔬菜都适合冷藏。

3、impatient 没有耐心的,不耐烦的

patient 有耐心的patience n. 耐心,容忍,病人

be patient with sb\sth 对某人\某事有耐心

have patience with sb\sth