选修八unit3 inventors and inventions公开课

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Deciding on the invention
1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________ 5.___________________________ 6.___________________________
To do sth so well that people notice and admire her
Stage two Do research
Why didn’t the author use powders to get rid of the snakes?
Because they are designed to kill snakes. So a new _a_p__p_r_o_a_c_h__ was clearly needed.
Stage 3 Think of a creative solution
List the three possible approaches: • Firstly,_r_e_m_o_v_i_n_g__th_e_i_r_h_a_b_i_ta_t_;______.
• Secondly,__a_tt_r_a_c_ti_n_g_t_h_e_m__i_n_to__a__tr_a_p _u_s_i_n_g_m__a_le__o_r_f_e_m_a_l_e_p__e_rf_u_m__e_o_r_f_o_o_d_.
Test the
Make _th_r_e_e_ attempts
4,5, solution
and finally the_t_h_ir_d_
several times one is successful.
Apply for a This means the
7,8 patent
solution is
Task 1
Scanning: match the paragraphs with each steps in the passage and find the examples:
paragraph 1 2
Stages Find a problem Do research
Think of a creative solution
Who is he?
Alfred Nobel
Difference between discovery and invention
A discovery is_fi_n_di_n_g_o_u_t _so_m_e_t_hing ___ex_is_t_in_g__b_ut_n_o_t_y_et_k_n_o_w_n____
This attempt is a failure
The second attempt:
1.The author froze the bowl and the ice –cubes
again but placed them over the snakes’ habitat
Thirdly,_c_o_o_l_in_g__t_h_e_m__s_o_t_h_a_t_t_h_e_y_w__o_uld _b_e_c_o_m__e_s_l_e_e_p_y_a_n_d__c_o_u_l_d_b_e__e_a_s_il_y_c_a_u_g_h. t • Finally, the author choose the__la_s_t_one.
What was the author’s invention ?
What was her successful idea of catching snakes?
By placing the snakes at a _lo_w_temperature for them to
__s_le__e_p__and then caught them by a small___n_e_t_.
Careful reading
Stage one: find a problem
1. What was the mother upset about? The mother was upset because some snakes had made their home in their courtyard.
What do you use to catch snakes?
The problem of the snakes
What’s the main idea of the text?
The text is mainly about the author’s experience in helping her mother get rid of the _s_n_a_k_e_s_and applying for the __p_a_t_e_n_t__ for her invention.
2. Why was the writer happy to help her mother? The writer was happy because it gave her a chance to distinguish herself by inventing something merciful that would catch the snakes but not harm them..
green means going.
What is it?
Traffic lights
What is it?
Mobile phone
• It’s made of plastics and metal.
• It looks like a small box with a screen and buttons on it.
Unit 3
Warming up
Guess what the invention is or who the inventor is.
• This invention looks like a bird.
• It’s made of metal.
• It makes it possible for pቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱople to fly to different places in the world.
Stage 4:Test the solutions
The first attempt: 1. Early _t_h_e_n_e_x_t__m_o_r_n_in_g_ the author put a(n)
__f_r_o_z_e_n__ bowl over the snakes’ habitat and some ice-cubes _on__t_o_p__of_ the bowl. 2. She covered the whole thing with a large_b_u_c_k_e_t_. 3. T_w__o_h_o_u_r_s_ later, though the snakes were less __a_c_ti_v_e_ , they still escaped quickly.
steps every inventor must go through
Applying for a patent Testing the solution
Finding a problem Thinking of a creative solution
Doing research
An invention is_c_re_a_ti_n_g_s_o_m_e_thing _____no_t_e_x_is_ti_n_g_b_e_fo_re_.__
connection between discovery and invention?
Discoveries often lead to inventions. Inventions are often based on discoveries.
try to __b_i_te_ her.
a failure
The third attempt:
The next morning the author repeated the _s_e_co_n_d_ procedure and carried a small ___n_e_t___ to
collect the passive snakes and _r_e_l_e_a_s_e_d them
back into the wild. a success
Stage 5 Apply for a patent
Pressed by …,I decided to S_e_iz_e__t_h_e_o_p_p_o_r_t_u_n_it_y__to__g_e_t_r_e_c_o_g_n_it_i_o_n_ for my successful invention to the Patent House.
Stage 5 Apply for a patent
1.An inventor candeifafsiiclyulgtleyt the patent for the invention. F
2.If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model, youCcaan’nt get a patent(专利). F
• With the invention you can contact someone while you are walking.
• The inventor is from America. • He is one of the father of inventions. • The inventor invented the bulb.
Who is he? Edison
• He was a world-famous inventor from Sweden. • Here is one of his photos. • He invented dynamite (炸药). • A famous prize was named after him.
2.The author covered the whole thing and left
everything __o_v_e_r_n_ig_h_t_.
3.Early the next morning the snakes look very
__s_le_e_p_y_, but when she picked them up, they
• It is powered by an engine and is flown by a pilot.
What is it?
• This invention can help people in the street. • It looks like a tree standing beside the street. • It directs cars and trucks. • It uses colored lights. Red means stopping,
3.If your inventions pass the test, your application for a patent will be published 1182 months from the date you apply. F
Examples in this story
The snake must be _ca_u__g_h_t __but not h__a_rm__e_d
Look for a_p_p_r_o_a_c_he_sof removal; research the __h_a_b_it_sof snakes Decide on __t_h_r_e_e_ possible approaches: choose__t_h_e_l_a_st__o_n_e.