当前位置:文档之家› 中考英语阅读话题练习十 话题:环境保护、音乐及电影评价、情感与情绪

中考英语阅读话题练习十 话题:环境保护、音乐及电影评价、情感与情绪

中考英语阅读话题练习十 话题:环境保护、音乐及电影评价、情感与情绪
中考英语阅读话题练习十 话题:环境保护、音乐及电影评价、情感与情绪





I believe listening is a powerful medicine.

It was Sunday.I had the last __1__ to see and I got into her room.She was an old woman, sitting on the bed and trying to __2__ her socks.I said to her as I usually said to other patients, “How are you __3__?Your blood pressure and blood sugar level were high but they're better today.The nurse said your son was __4__ you today.I believe you are looking forward to seeing him…”

She stopped me __5__ a serious voice, “Sit down, doctor.I will tell you my story.”

I was __6__ and embarrassed.I sat down and helped her with the socks.She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her __7__ she had not seen him for five years.She believed her health problems were worse because of __8__ her son.After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks, I asked if there was anything I could do for her.She __9__ her head and smiled.All she wanted me to do was to listen.

Each story is __10__.Some are clear;others are not.Some are true;others are not.However, all those things don't really matter.What matters to the story is that the story is __11__.In my opinion, listening to someone's story costs __12__ but it is the key to healing(康复).I often think of what the old woman have __13__ me, and I remind myself of the __14__ of stopping, sitting down and truly listening.I believe in the __15__ of listening.I'm sure you've known what to do with others' stories.

(C)1.A.speaker B.guest

C.patient D.student

(D)2.A.take on B.get on

C.turn on D.put on

(B)3.A.considering B.feeling

C.imaging D.rising

(A)4.A.visiting B.facing

C.helping D.finding

(B)5.A.for B.in

C.from D.at

(D)6.A.happy B.tired

C.excited D.surprised

(C)7.A.or B.so

C.but D.unless

(B)8.A.protecting B.missing

C.encouraging D.believing

(A)9.A.shook B.dropped

C.nodded D.moved

(D)10.A.terrible B.popular

C.famous D.different

(B)11.A.written B.heard

C.repeated D.printed

(C)12.A.anything B.anybody

C.nothing D.nobody

(A)13.A.taught B.warned

C.requested D.advised

(D)14.A.surface B.information

C.knowledge D.importance

(C)15.A.result B.story

C.power D.cause




Dear Ben,

How are you? Today is April 20th.Earth Day is coming in two days.What are you going to do this year? Last year, you planted some trees near your house, didn't you?

This year, I'm going to the Center Park to pick up the rubbish.I'll go there with my cousin.You know, there are lots of people in the Center Park every day.Some people throw the rubbish everywhere.There are fewer and fewer fish in the river.We will start at 8:00 in the morning.At noon, we'll have a picnic there.Would you like to join us?

All my family will do something on that day.My brother Jack is going to collect things that can be used again like paper,cans and metal in our neighborhood.He will also collect some old clothes and give them to the poor.My sister Lily is going to give a speech about environment protection in her school.She wants to call__on more students to do something like us on Earth Day.As for my parents, they are going to get to work by bike instead of driving their car.I think it's a good way to protect our environment.Nowadays, more and more people have their own cars.It's one of the main causes of air pollution.



(D)16.When is Earth Day?

A.On April 18th. B.On April 20th.

C.On April 21st. D.On April 22nd.

(B)17.Whom will Eric go to the Center Park with on Earth Day?

A.His brother. B.His cousin.

C.His sister. D.His parents.

(C)18.Where will Lily give a speech?

A.At her house. B.In a park.

C.In her school. D.In her neighborhood.

(A)19.What does the underlined phrase “call on” mean in Chinese?



(B)20.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Ben planted some trees last year on Earth Day.

B.Eric will start to collect the rubbish at 9:00 a.m.

C.Jack will collect old things in his neighborhood.

D.Eric's parents will go to work by bike on Earth Day.


Once a little gray planet was very sad.The people there didn't look after it well.They polluted it terribly by making all kinds of inventions and spaceships.

One day,a little boy noticed a small red flower when he was walking on the planet.The flower was very sick,so the boy carefully dug up(挖出) the flower,with roots,soil and everything.Then,he started looking for a place where he could look after it.He searched all over the planet,but could find no place for the flower to live in.Then he looked up at the sky and saw the moon.It seemed that the plant could survive there.

So the little boy climbed into a spaceship and went to the moon with the flower.

Far away from all the pollution,the flower grew well and soon gave birth to others,and these other flowers gave birth to more flowers.Before long,the moon was completely covered with flowers.

That's why for a few minutes the moon looks soft red,like a warning light.Maybe it's telling us that if we don't look after our planet well,a day will come when flowers will only be able to grow on the moon.

(B)21.The little gray planet was very sad because ________.

A.it had no friends

B.people polluted it terribly

C.it had no spaceships

D.people didn't take it to the moon

(D)22.The little boy dug up the sick flower to ________.

A.keep it for himself

B.grow it in his garden

C.take it to the doctor

D.look for a good place for it to live in

(C)23.When the boy found no place for the flower to live in,he ________.

A.decided to take it to Mars

B.left it by itself on the polluted planet

C.took it to the moon to survive

D.gave up his plan to help it

(B)24.What happened on the moon?

A.The flower died soon from pollution.

B.The flower grew well and spread rapidly.

C.The boy found human beings on the moon.

D.The boy still couldn't find a good place for the flower to grow.

(A)25.What can we learn from the story?

A.We should look after our planet well to let good things stay on.

B.The moon is much hotter than the earth.

C.The boy caused much trouble to his parents.

D.People need more spaceships to take them to the moon.



How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very important.It is often only thought to be entertainment,but not the first choice for education.__26__ In fact,music education is much more necessary than people usually think.

Music tells us who we are.Music reflects the musicians' thoughts and ideas,and the social environment they came from.For example,just as Mozart's music represents a lifestyle,rock music also represents a lifestyle.George Gershwin's music is another example.__27__ Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way.Science explains how the sun rises and sets.__28__ People need every possible way to learn about our world.

__29__ Through the language we express our feelings,discoveries,ideas and hopes.All of these can be shared with others.When we do not let our children receive a good music education,we take them away from the meanings that music expresses.Our children are lacking in a wonderful part in their lives.__30__

A.This opinion is wrong.

B.He introduced jazz style into his music.

C.So music education is necessary for all students.

D.Music shows people's thoughts in this amazing way.

E.Music explores feelings,such as sadness and happiness.



谈音乐情感在音乐欣赏中的体现 音乐是艺术的一个品种,它带给人们的是美感和幸福,是表达或寄托人们感情的艺术语言,它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感,并且它始终与美感结合在一起。它不受人种、民族、国家、地域、时代、阶层、职业等的限制,但存在一些微小的个别差异及各自特色。音乐是通过人的感官刺激才使人感知到美,并产生了生活联想及艺术想象,从而又发展了美感。音乐不以说理方式来传播,而是更多地通过熏陶及感染的途径潜移默化地来影响人的心灵,使更多地得到美的滋润。音乐是人们抒发感情、表现感情、寄托感情的艺术,不论是唱或奏或听,都内涵着及关联着人们千丝万缕的情感因素。即使以叙事为主的歌唱,音乐也并不全依靠语义来传达内容,而必定会用赋有感情的音乐语言和赋予美的因素来表达或烘托或寄托感情,即使是附有歌词的声乐曲,其表达感情主要的仍是音乐本身。在综合艺术中(如戏剧、舞蹈、影视等),也总是当需要抒发感情之时,就常常让音乐来负担,借音乐的抒情性能,把情感表露出来,并有所渲染、强调、夸大。 音与音之间连接或重叠,就产生了高低、疏密、强弱、浓淡、明暗、刚柔、起伏、断连等等,它与人的脉搏律动和感情起伏等等有一定的关联。特别是对人的心理,会起着不能用言语所能形容的影响作用。语言和文字尚需通过符号,或带感情起伏的语气语调信号,来传达感情或思想、内容,且语言及文字有时因民族不同而尚须翻译,那就麻烦了。而音乐,它可以直接地来反映人们内心感情的起伏及复杂的情绪,且不受人种、民族、国家、地域等等限制。因此,不论什么民族、国家、地城、阶层的人民,虽语言不通,却都能通过音乐直接感受这种真挚朴素的感情。因此音乐是真正的世界语音乐是感情的语言,音乐无国界,这些近百年来已得到全世界有识之士的共识,即乐与情通。本文就是讲述了音乐情感在音乐欣赏中各方面的体现及要素。 音乐欣赏中情景(场面)变化要渗透音乐要素的变化 当人们打开音像资料第一遍欣赏音乐,首先听到的是音乐的旋律,其次是音乐的力度是强还是弱、速度是慢还是快,然后才是考虑是用什么乐器演奏的。在对力度、速度这一要素的欣赏中,只是注重了音乐所表现的场面,而不去挖掘音乐的要素。通过对乐曲慢与快的比较,轻与重的比较体会出音乐的强与弱、快于慢的音乐要素的变化。充分体现了音乐欣赏的根本是音乐场面、情境的变化是音乐要素变化的真理。 音乐欣赏的情绪、情感变化中要渗透音乐要素变化 从心理学的角度说:情绪与情感是密切相关又相互区别的两种心理形式。但从关联范围来说,情绪比情感要更广泛。虽然当我们体验到某种情感时,总会感到具有一定的情绪色彩,但这种情绪色彩远不如情感那样稳定和持久。情感有强度和深度之分、有高低层次之分。情绪与情感是审美教育的基本特征之一,对音乐教学来说,不仅尤为突出,而且还有特殊的表现内容。从音乐美的本质来说,音乐进行的过程实质上就是情感的展示与变化过程。同时也是音乐要素发展变化的过程,音乐作为情感的载体,虽无语义,但却是最生动的心灵语言,常言说:语言的尽头是音乐的开始。就艺术形式来说,音乐的表现力远远胜过其他艺术门类,其特质就是情感抒发、情感的撞击、情感宣泄、情感交流和情感审美。音乐情绪与情感体验不能仅仅停留在外表的层面上,更需要内心深处的体验,寻求那种动人心魄的、使人感到震撼的艺术效果与境界。通过对乐曲舒展与紧张而终情绪的比较,体会出音乐快与慢的音乐要


音 乐善于激发和表现感情。应该说,在音乐欣赏的实践活动中,感情的表 现和体验都占有非常重要的地位。俄国文学家托尔斯泰在他的《艺术论》中写道:“在自己的心里唤起曾经一度体验过的感情,在唤起这段感情之后,用动作、线条、声音以及言词所表达的形象来传达出这种感情,使别人也能体验到同样的感情———这就是艺术活动。”但是,与其他艺术相比,音乐与人的感情之间的联系最为直接。换言之,音乐更善于直接激发和表现感情。 ■感情体验的定义 音乐欣赏的感情体验,指欣赏者通过听觉对音乐音响所产生的感知和体验活动。 人生活在世界上,依靠各种感觉器官与周围世界发生着感性的,自然而直接的联系。在长期的社会环境中经过生存劳动和各种社会实践,发展起那些能够确证自己是属人的美的感受,其中包括对于自然音响和对于作为艺术的音乐音响的美的听见感受。人们在听到某些自然音响和音乐音响时,会不假思索地从中得到一种感知,“当倾听某种歌声时,我们还没有听清其歌词与旋律,便已深受感动了。有些音色会使人立即兴奋或松弛,有时会使人狂怒,有时会像微风一样轻抚我们,它们作为通向生动性情感的美感的激发,只在几秒钟对我们起作用”。 ■感情体验的基本要求 音乐是一种善于抒情的艺术,音乐中有着丰富而深刻的感情内涵,只有当音乐欣赏者的感情活动与音乐作品蕴涵的感 情基本相吻合的时候,才能称之为正确的音乐欣赏。因此,准确、深刻和细致地体验音乐作品中的感情内涵,是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本要求。 1.感性感情体验是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本方式 感性感情体验是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本方式,对音乐作品感情内涵的体验,首先表现为感性上的直接体验。比如,我们在听到一首乐曲的时候,对这首乐曲所表达的感情,凭借自己的感性经验,自然地产生出一种体验。这种伴随着音乐感知而自然产生的感情体验,就是我们所说的感性上的直接体验。 欣赏者从音乐中获得的这种感情体验,并不是由于标题或文字说明等所引起的,而是一种感性上的直接体验。当然,欣赏者能够在自己的意识中,把从听觉感受到的音乐音响转化为感情的体验,是要以正确的音乐感知为前提的,而当欣赏者对某种音乐音响及其艺术风格不熟悉,不能正确地进行音乐感知的时候,那他就不可能获得正确的感情体验。所以,欣赏者对音乐的感性的或者说是直感式的感情体验,是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本方式。 2.理性感情体验是音乐欣赏中感情体验的进一步要求 感性感情体验是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本方式。然而,它毕竟是对音乐作品感情内涵的一种初步体验。如果欣赏者仅凭直感去进行体验,虽然有可能体验到乐曲的基本感情,但却往往会局限于喜怒哀乐的感情类型的体验上面,而不能更深入地体验乐曲感情的内在含义。因此,对音乐欣赏中感情体验的进一步要求就是要有理解认识的参与,即欣赏者要从各个方面去研究和了解乐曲感情的内在含义。只有在对乐曲感情赖以产生的思想和生活基础有了比较明确的认识之后,才有可 能更深刻、更准确地领会音乐作品的感情内涵。当然,我们这里是指对那些的确表现了深刻的感情内涵的音乐作品的欣赏而言。而我们之所以对音乐欣赏中的感情体验提出这种进一步的要求,是因为音乐中所表现的感情既不是一种与人的思想没有什么联系的神秘莫测的东西,也不是没有生活基础的主观自生的东西。相反,音乐中的感情内涵是由一定的社会生活所引起,并且是和一定的思想相联系的。正如我国古典音乐论著《乐记》所说,“凡音之起,由人心生也,人心之动,物使之然也”。 3.感性感情体验与理性感情体验相结合是音乐欣赏中感情体验的最高境界 音乐表现手段的特殊性,使得它在表现感情的同时,却不能把感情所赖以产生的思想和生活基础同样明确地表现出来,这就要求欣赏者在对音乐中的感情内涵凭借感性进行体验的同时,也能够有意识地运用理解因素,深入体验乐曲感情表现的内涵。由于音乐中的感情内涵常常可以在音乐以外的因素中找到理解的根据,因此,在对声乐作品与标题器乐作品的感情体验中,对这些非音乐因素予以充分注意是完全必要的。如果对这些非音乐因素不予注意,而仅凭感性体验是很难深刻领会乐曲的感情内涵,特别是它的社会意义。音乐是一种表现生活的艺术,为了避免音响材料的局限性,更好地进行艺术表现,它往往需要和其他艺术相结合,由于非音乐因素已经和音乐紧密地融合一个有机的艺术整体,欣赏者在对音乐进行感情体验时,就需要运用理解认识这一心理要素去对这个艺术整体加以研究,从而加深对音乐的感情内涵的体验。 有些无标题音乐作品,并没有综合运用非音乐因素,但是却并不意味着这些音乐中的感情表现就没有它们的生活和思 浅谈音乐欣赏中的感情体验 ■汤佩莹(西北师范大学知行学院) [音乐教育] The music is e ducate d 栏目责编:艾华


2020年中考英语阅读理解专题练习《热点话题》 新科技 Passage1(2019台州) Brooke wanted a doll house and some sugar cookies. So the 6yearold asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn't her mom or babysitter. It was a voiceactivated home assistant powered by AI(人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices(设备)in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses! Alexa isn't the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Homepod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom(增长) in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing ________. You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, o r driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help. But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing t hat worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for “Alexa” or “OK Google” or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings. Should companies be allowed to use them to learn about people's shopping habits And what if someone hacks(入侵) the device The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device. What do you think Are you ready to start voice shopping ( )1. From the passage, we know that Alexa ________. A. can look after the baby B. can cook delicious food C. is a toy doll sold online D. is one kind of AI device ( )2. The underlined word “rare” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________. A. unusual B. expensive C. harmful D. impossible ( )3. Which of the following is the best to fill in the “________” in Paragraph 3 A. Convenience is the main advantage of voice shopping B. The cost of voice shopping is lower than other ways C. The popularity of voice shopping is increasing D. The technology of voice shopping needs improving ( )4. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that ________ when people try voice shopping. A. AI sometimes forgets people's orders B. personal information might be hacked C. it's difficult to cancel or return products D. the needs for products can't be satisfied Passage2(2019宿迁) Technology is developing fast and it has become an important part of our life. Then what will


教案 第一课 课题: 一部音乐作品不同段落表达的不同情感 教学目的:通过对歌剧《白毛女》六个不同唱段的欣赏,使学生理解一部音乐作品不同段落可表达不同的情感,在音乐欣赏过程中体验情感,运用情感体验欣赏音乐。 教学内容:1.北风吹(选自歌剧《白毛女》第一幕) 2.十里风雪(选自歌剧《白毛女》第一幕) 3.扎红头绳(选自歌剧《白毛女》第一幕) 4.哭爹(选自歌剧《白毛女》第一幕) 5.我要活(选自歌剧《白毛女》第三幕) 6.太阳出来了(选自歌剧《白毛女》第五幕) 教材分析:《白毛女》是一部反映现代社会生活的歌剧,是我国第一部新歌剧,在中国历史上,是一部里程碑式的作品。该作品创作于1945年,在延安秧歌运用基础上, 由鲁迅艺术文学院集体创作。该剧根据流传于晋察冀边区的一个民间传说故事写 成,以河北、山西地方民歌为音乐素材,刻画出许多具有鲜明艺术形象的典型人 物。 该剧以“旧社会把人变成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人。”为主题,深刻揭示了旧中国 阶级压迫的本质。歌颂了在中国共产党领导下的劳苦大众,不畏地主恶霸的压榨、 欺凌、奋起反抗,争取自由的壮举。 本课欣赏内容是从歌剧《白毛女》主要人物——喜儿和杨白劳的唱段中选择的五 首独唱、对唱曲和一首合唱曲,即:《北风吹》、《十里风雪》、《扎红头绳》、《哭 爹》、《我要活》和《太阳出来了》。 《北风吹》,七声D徴调式,3/4拍。取材于河北民歌《小白菜》,稍快的演唱 速度,刻画出了喜儿盼过年、盼爹爹早点回家的喜悦和焦虑的心情。 《十里风雪》,七声D徴调式,4/4拍。曲式为单乐段机构,在缓慢而低沉、 充满压抑和暗淡色彩的演唱中,刻画了一个倍受欺凌、心怀恐惧、百感交加的农 民形象。 《扎红头绳》,七声D徴调式,4/4拍。曲式为二段体,紧密的节奏和欢快跳 跃的中速男中音与女声对唱,刻画出杨白劳对女儿——喜儿的抚爱之情;生动地 表现出了喜儿无限喜悦的心情。 《哭爹》,五声D徵调式,4/4拍。曲式为变化重复的乐句构成的单段体结构, 拉宽的曲调下行级进,和带凄凉悲伤、疑虑的声调,表达了喜儿哭爹时极度悲恸 之情。 《我要活》,六声D商调式,4/4和3/4拍子组成的变拍子。曲式为单段体结构, 旋律下行级进与上行的大跳进行,配合强力度的夸张性演唱,充分表达了喜儿与 不平等命运的抗争、对旧社会强烈的愤概。 《太阳出来了》,宫徴交替调式,4/4拍。二声部混声合唱,歌曲中支声式的合


流行音乐鉴赏与情感 流行音乐是指一部分流行歌曲、影视歌曲、通俗器乐曲、爵士音乐和布鲁斯音乐等。通俗音乐的内容贴近生活实际,歌词简单,语言生动形象,直白表达情感,容易理解,容易接受。 我们欣赏流行音乐,除了它朗朗上口、节奏轻快、亲切自然以外,还有它的表现形式。那些制作精良的MV,让你随着音乐融入它的风格之中,有时它强烈的节奏让我们身体跟着起舞,有时它的轻柔让我们感觉有人在耳边轻轻细语。在紧张繁忙的学习工作之余,这是最好不过的放松方式了。因为应试教育带来的压力,我们这些学生们总是试图寻找心灵上的解脱。特别在中学时的我们,总是在排名和分数中挣扎,我们幼小的心灵被烙下无数个痛苦创伤,幸好那时开始接触流行音乐的我们都在音乐找到了宣泄。流行音乐伴随着我们长大,特别是在那时出道的歌手们,他们的音乐和我们的想法真正的无代沟。 真该好好感谢流行音乐,陪我走过了这么多个困难。或许是寂静的夜里,或许是无人的教室,在音乐中聆听我们自己的内心,品味生活中的酸甜苦辣,他们就像老朋友一样,总能抓住你的心。等我们都长大了,我们也不会忘记老朋友的。就像父辈们一直喜欢如李宗盛、罗大佑、邓丽君等歌星,却总也无法理解周杰伦的歌曲好在哪里。不同年代的音乐应该也有代沟。 这就是音乐,抓住了感情,音乐就有了灵魂。我们熟知美国流行音乐中的布鲁斯、爵士乐。黑人奴隶们在农场劳动时,不允许说话,但可以唱歌。他们依靠自人听不懂的劳动号子和歌曲相互传递信息,交流感情,通过这种表达方式,把他们郁积在心里的痛苦与不平宣泄出来,从而逐渐形成了具有黑人特点的黑人音乐。 黑人音乐在形成过程中也在不断地发生着变化,这种变化包括汲取白人音乐成分,产生了布鲁斯、爵士乐等形式。随着时代的进步,曾经没调的音乐变得富有节奏,进而也更加旋律化。于是早期的RB


中考备考阅读话题练习:青少年问题与教育 一、阅读理解(共20小题;共40分) A Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools. Several children have got mobile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them. Lucy Bluett, an expert, said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事) to students during school hours. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't call up their children. Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones. 1. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones . A. when they are at home B. when they are free C. when they are at school 2. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from . A. the makers and sellers B. the passers-by and strangers C. their parents and friends


江苏经贸职业技术学院毕业设计(报告) 题目:浅析音乐欣赏的情感体验 系(院) 公共管理学院 专业班级文化市场经营与管理 学号1428060116 学生姓名刘学青 指导教师汪长礼职称讲师 指导教师朱豹职称工程师 2017 年05 月15日

浅析小学生音乐欣赏中的情感体验 摘要 音乐存在于生活的方方面面,它与我们的日常生活紧密相依。音乐是一门艺术,艺术来源于生活但高于生活。音乐在我们的生活中是非常有意义的,因此学会欣赏音乐也是非常重要的。音乐欣赏已成为我国小学生音乐教育的重要内容。音乐欣赏不仅可以提高小学生的审美技能,还能陶冶小学生们的情操。本文通过对音乐欣赏中的情感体验的研究,旨在提高小学生的欣赏能力与水平,从一开始的对曲调歌词等的赏析,到整个歌曲的意境的赏析,进一步引导小学生在音乐欣赏的过程中达到情感的共鸣,并从中得出自己的人生感悟,并旨在为我国的音乐教育事业做出自己一份贡献。 关键词:音乐欣赏;情感;体验;小学生;教育

An Analysis of the Emotional Experience in the Music Appreciation of Primary School Students Abstract Music exists in all aspects of life, it is closely related to our daily life. Music is an art, art comes from life but higher than life. Music is very meaningful in our lives, so learning to listen to music is also very important. Music appreciation has become an important part of college students music education. The process of listening to music is the pursuit of the process of beauty, in the process of college students can experience the emotional resonance, get the psychological art to meet, and can cultivate the students' sentiments. Through the study of the emotional experience in music appreciation, this paper aims to improve the appreciation ability and level of college students, from the beginning to the lyrics of the lyrics and other appreciation to the mood of the whole song appreciation, and further guide students in the process of music appreciation To achieve the emotional resonance, and come from their own life insights, and aims to China's music education to make their own contribution. Keywords: music appreciation; emotion; experience; primary school students; education


“如何培养小学生音乐情感的研究”心得体会音乐是一种情感表达形式,通过音乐可以起到宣泄情感,疏导情绪的作用,在音乐欣赏、演唱、演奏过程中,通过引起学生的共鸣,以“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的方式浸润他们的心灵,使他们受到某种道德情操、精神品质、意识观念的渗透,从而达到情感培养的目的。 小学生尚处于蒙昧之时,基本上没有什么生活阅历和经验,他们的审美情感、思想情感、道德情感都处于形成阶段,由于小学缺乏产生特定情感的生活体验,这就要求我们必须结合音乐教学活动,采用各种适合的手段,从各方面来培养和促进小学生丰富而健康、积极而向上的情感。怎样更好的发挥小学音乐教育对学生进行情感的培养呢? 一、情感在音乐艺术中的地位与作用 任何艺术都源于生活而高于生活,同时,也可以反所用于生活。“当语言无法表达的时候请让音乐响起来吧。”这句话形象的告诉我们音乐作为一种社会意识形态可以通过特定的形式,更集中、更强烈也更容易地表现人们在生活中的情感,柔美、慢速、稍弱的音乐使人心境平和、舒缓,激烈、快速和强劲的音乐使人心情激动、兴奋,而下行的旋律又会让人忧伤。因此,人们常常用音乐来表达自己的感情。小学音乐教育就是通过音乐教学活动来调动学生的兴趣,打动学生的

情感,给他们一种熏,一种滋养,让他们在愉快欢乐的氛围中的不断地受到情感的教育。从心理学的角度看,情感是人们对客观事物态度的体验,人们为了表达自己的感情往往借助于声音的表现,从喊叫、欢呼到引吭高歌都是感情的流露,而音乐则是最善于、也最适合于表现感情的艺术。 二、情感培养在音乐教学中的实施 (一)、培养审美情感。在小学音乐教育过程中,要充分发掘音乐教材中美的因素来培养学生的审美情趣。首先,要充分挖掘小学音乐教材中歌曲的歌词美、旋律美、节奏美、力度美等,以教师动情的演唱、演奏、生动有趣的讲解,结合直观形象的教具的使用及多媒体手段的运用,启发学生对音乐中美的因素的鉴赏力及表现力。如在教唱《让我们荡起双桨》这首歌时,要特别注重对学生审美情感的调动,“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪,海面倒映着美丽的白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙。”在悠扬的演唱结束之后,让学生闭上眼睛感受这些美丽的景色,老师轻轻的朗诵:舞动的船桨、粼粼的波浪、白塔、绿树、红墙、还有树上的夕阳,然后再让学生谈谈对这首歌的感受,在重新演唱中,要求学生把歌声唱的更加悠扬、更加优美,(如果有条件,也可以把这首歌的MTV在多媒体上播放一下)从而达到对学生审美情感的调动,让学生逐渐懂得欣赏美、发现美,并体会到生活中的美的存在。又如在《嘀哩嘀哩》一课时里面,老师通过边表演边朗诵:“春天在哪里?春天在山林里。春天在哪里?春天在小朋友的眼睛里。这里有红花,有绿草,还有小黄鹂在嘀哩嘀哩的唱歌”。老


中考英语阅读真题题目 中考英语阅读真题题目 Ten-year- oldJohnnywasoneofthelaziestboysinhisclass.Hishomeworkwasalw ays26anditwasusuallywrong.Heonlydidhalfthenumberofmathprobl ems27theotherchildrendidandinhiscompositionshe28halfthenumb erofwords.Andusuallythewordswere29spelledbecausehewastoolaz ytousea30. Onedayhisclasswentonabustrip.The31didnotwanttotakeJohnny withthem.ButtherewasnoonetolookafterJohnnyattheschoolsosheh adtotake32.Now,children,theteachersaid,Onourbustripwewill33 oldbuildings,somebeautifulcountryside,andmanyotherthings.Iw antyoutowriteabout34interestingyouseeonthetrip.Thebustrip35 .Thechildrenlookedoutofthewindowsatalltheinterestingthings. Theytooknotes36theirnotebooks.Theteacherwasvery37withthem.T henshesawJohnny38onthefloorofthebusandwentuptohim. Areyou39?sheaskedhim. No.hesaid. Then40areyoulyingonthefloor? IfIcan'tseeanything,hesaid,Ican'twriteaboutit,canI? https://www.doczj.com/doc/e7615977.html,teB.earlyC.goodD.fine 27.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.whom 28.A.learnedB.madeC.wroteD.read 29.A.badlyB.wellC.correctlyD.nicely


浅谈音乐教学中的情感体验 “感人心者,莫先乎情”。情感,是音乐教学“情感化”、“审美化”的主要标志。音乐是情感的艺术,音乐给人的情感移入比其他艺术有力得多,能更直接更有力地进入人的情感世界。情感在音乐教学过程中是最为活跃的心理因素,它既是音乐审美感受的动力,又是音乐教育的目标之一。可见情感体验在音乐教学中的作用是十分重要的。那么,如何在音乐教学中让学生获得情感体验呢? 一、运用生动教学语言,引发学生情感投入 音乐教师是音乐美的传播者,音乐美要依靠情感来体验。因此,音乐教师首先要以自己的情感拨动学生情感的琴弦,只有具备一定审美素质的教师,在教学过程中才能做到以情感人,以情育人。没有情感就没有创造。教师用好课堂语言就能调动学生积极性。因为课堂语言是维系师生情感的纽带,是课堂教学的凝聚剂。音乐教师的课堂语言,应该是生动、形象和富有感染力的。因为音乐本身作为一种艺术,具有极强的表现力和感染力,而要学生进入所创设的情境之中,需要教师的语言也要相应的生动形象,精辟而精练。把音乐作品所蕴涵的艺术形象鲜明的展现在学生的眼前,才能激发学生的想象力,使学生真正融入音乐情境中,接受音乐的感染与熏陶,提高学生的音乐鉴赏能力。因此,课堂教学语言对于创设情境,激发学生情感起着至关重要的作用。 二、创设情境,激发情感投入 情感的诱发,依赖于一定的情境。创设情境,是要根据音乐的情绪、风格和具体内容创设相应的环境气氛。有了良好的情境,就可以帮助学生更好地进入聆听音乐的心理状态,充分调动学生的视听感官,激发联想。在现代教育手段中,多媒体的运用也能发挥出很好的创设情境的功效。特别是在欣赏音乐形象明显的组曲、配音诗、配音画时,可以—展身手。在欣赏《动物狂欢节》时,笔者采用多媒体技术营造了强烈的森林气氛,使学生置身于葱郁的大森林中体验各种不同的动物形象。虽然没有看到真实的动物,但他们能通过音乐感受到狮子的威武勇猛和大象的憨态可掬。 三、通过音乐内在魅力,催发学生的情感体验 音乐教育用音响的魅力给人们以各种感受。音乐的旋律起伏变幻、抑扬顿挫、迂回曲折中,在动和静、高和低、快和慢、紧和松的对比组合运动中,展现它特有的美丽并激起人们感情的博览。所以音乐教学中,必须充分发挥音乐本身的美,去滋润学生的心田,陶冶情操。一首好的歌(乐)曲,常使人浮想联翩,回味无穷,尤其是对青少年,更能产生深远的影响。列宁说:“一个有觉悟的工人,不管他来到哪个国家,不管命运把他抛在哪里,不管他怎样感到自己是异邦人,言语不同,举目无亲,远离祖国——他都可以凭《国际歌》的熟悉曲调,给自己找到同志和朋友。”这就是音乐特殊的魅力所在。在战火纷飞的年代,一首《义勇军进行曲》曾鼓舞了多少爱国志士抛头颅、洒热血,走上抗敌最前线;一曲《爱的奉献》,又促使多少人慷慨


最新对音乐的赏析 最新关于对音乐的赏析 对音乐的赏析篇一:论情感对音乐赏析的影响 摘要:音乐是一种善于表现和激发感情的艺术,可以说,音乐欣赏的过程就是感情体验的过程,它既是欣赏者对音乐的感情内涵进行体验的过程,同时也是欣赏者自己的感情和音乐中表现的感情相互交融、发生共鸣的过程。情感是技术与感受、理解的融合,这种有别于自然状态的乐感需要天赋,更需要培养。 关键词:乐感理解:来源;培养 乐感是指人对音乐的感受能力与理解能力。通常表现为人在音乐欣赏或音乐表现时对音乐作品的审美感受能力。前者的表现是隐性的,潜在于人的内心活动;而后者则将这种内心活动付诸音响传达出来。 一、音乐是最富情感的艺术。 二、乐感需要天赋,更需要培养 在音乐欣赏中,一个人若难以或不能真切地感受到音乐的美,便认为他的乐感不好;同样,在音乐表现中,一个人若难以或不能贴切地传达音乐的美,我们也会认为他的乐感不好,因而乐感这一概念的涵义应当包括对音乐的感受与理解两方面。 三乐感的培养 (1)首先要注重文化知识与中外音乐理论知识的学习,全面提高文化与艺术方面的修养。文化修养与对外部事物的接受能力、理解能力直接有关。文化修养不足的演奏者,在表达作品意境、诠释作品内涵的程度必然受到一定局限。音乐作品与文学作品有着相同之

处,在产生背景、社会功效、创作与欣赏均需形象思维与逻辑思维。许多钢琴音乐作品与文学作品有 关甚至是直接受文学作品启迪而创作的。古今中外优秀的钢琴音乐作品是世界文化艺术宝库中的珍奇、人类文明与智慧的精华。 (2)其次要注重和声、复调、曲式、配器等音乐理论的学习,不 断提高宏观把握、微观分析钢琴音乐作品的能力。钢琴是和声与复 调类的乐器,钢琴作品在某种程度上是乐队作品的浓缩。如同指挥 家指挥乐队(无论管弦乐队还是民族乐队)需要音乐理论这一基础知 识一样,钢琴家驾驭钢琴同样离不开音乐基本理论。否则,便无法 通晓钢琴作品的和声配置、复调形式、织体特点、曲式结构,便无 法做到胸有成竹,不仅直接影响对具体作品的感受、理解与表达, 而且还会影响钢琴演奏整体水平的提高。。 (3)要注重对于一切优秀音乐作品,包括中外钢琴音乐、交响音乐、民族民间音乐的欣赏,特别要注重对于优秀钢琴演奏家的演奏 的欣赏,以便博采众长、融会贯通,逐步形成自己独具特色的演奏 风格。音乐是听觉的艺术,运用听觉器官大量欣赏,可以直接有效 地吸取艺术精华、培养良好的感受与理解音乐作品的能力、领略作 品的韵味与内涵、洞悉作品的情绪与意境。欣赏优秀的钢琴音乐, 可以深入地体味作品处理方面的细微差异;欣赏中外管弦乐与民族 管弦乐,可以有益于发挥钢琴演奏和声与复调的独特作用;欣赏民 族民间音乐,可以更准确地表现中国钢琴音乐的东方神韵。而当今 高度发达的现代科技、传播媒介,则为音乐作品的传播普及开辟了 多种途径。录音录相、广播电视、舞台演出、电影放映等形式使音 乐欣赏成为举手之劳。 总之,乐感,需要一定的天赋,更需要经过专业技术的训练与培养,我认为欣赏者在欣赏音乐的过程中,首先对音乐表现为感性上 的直接体验,其次欣赏者要从各个方面去研究和了解乐曲感情的内 在含义。换句话说,欣赏者要准确、深刻和细致地体验音乐作品中 的感情内涵,这是欣赏者在音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本要求。当然,我又认为问题还有另外一个方面,那就是音乐欣赏者的欣赏能力各 不相同,而且每个欣赏者都只能根据自己的不同生活经验来体验乐

2016年中考英语话题阅读理解专项练习-饮食与健康(含答案) 2

A Healthy eating doesn't just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice on healthy eating. Eat with others. It can help you to see others' healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious. Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty—sometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you don't eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast. Eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, it's a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals This doesn't mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal. Don't eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8-10 hours. B You may not have heard the words "freshman fifteen" before, but they are important for students who are entering university. A freshman is a first-year college student. "Fifteen" means fifteen pounds—the fifteen pounds added to a student's weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first-year university students gain(获得) weight; but it's encouraging to know that freshman don't have to add these harmful(有害的) fifteen pounds. Mistakes choosing food University kitchens serve many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food, because now their parents are not nearby(在?边) to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as hamburgers. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork. Eating right If you're careful, you don't have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas. ● Think more about what you eat. ● Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meat. ●Don't eat desserts(甜点) full of sugar; have fruit after dinner. ●Try not to eat so much junk food (垃圾?品) while you study. ● It's all right to have a little fast food sometimes—but not often. ● Write down the food you eat. ● Walk, run, do sports—Move and you will feel better! Remember that the "freshman fifteen" can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not eat junk food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.

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