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Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?

【New words and expressions】生词和短语

★blessing n. 福分,福气bless v. :保佑God bless you Bless you

★disguise n. 伪装

in disguise A blessing in disguise :因祸得福 A curse in disguise A wolf in disguise

★tiny adj. 极小的

★possess v. 拥有sb. possess sth

possession n. in one's possession 为某人所有

★cursed adj. ['kɜːsɪd; kɜːst]可恨的,被诅咒的cursed treasure 被诅咒的宝藏

curse [kɜːs]v./ n. 诅咒,咒骂

★increase v. / n. 增加,提高读音遵循“名前动后”原则

The crimes of armed robbery have increased over the last few months.


★plant v. 种植plant :强调把东西给种下去

grow :生长grow sth 种米,种麦,种庄稼一般都用grow

plant tree Tree Planting day

★church n. 教堂+the :强调“地点”,不+the 强调“功能”

go to the church:去教堂玩go to church :去教堂做礼拜

I am at church;做礼拜I am at the church 在教堂玩

★evil adj. 坏的,邪恶的n. 魔鬼,罪恶wicked邪恶的,不道德的

★reputation n. 名声good reputation bad reputation

fame:一定是好名声famous 著名的

★claim v. 索命,害命

The tsunami [tsʊ'nɑmi] has claimed thousands of lives. 海啸已夺去几千人的生命。

The haunted house has claimed dozens of victims. ['vɪktɪm]这个闹鬼的房子已经要了几十个人的性命。

v. 索取,要求Would you please wait a little longer, because I have some luggage to claim. 我得去领取行李。

★victim n. 受害者,牺牲品

★vicar n. 教区牧师

★source n. 来源,源头,源泉

Oranges are a good source of the vitamin C that we need. 橘子是我们所需维生素c的主要来源。


形近词:resource 资源This country is short of natural resources, but rich in human resources.

★income n. 收入bonus 奖金rent租金interest利息

DINK:丁克家族D-double I-income N-no K-kids

★trunk n. 树干

The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!




★the tiny village of Frinley ,是对地名的正式表达

和地点相连的词的名字:of the city of Beijing名叫北京的城市:北京市

大家在生活中常说的一句话就是“人们说…”,“有人说…”, 英文通常为★“People\They say that…”如果用被动语态的方式来表达,就是★“It is said that…”译为:“据说…”

It is said that she has been in that company for 15 years. 据说她在那家公司已经15年了。

类似的:It is reported that…据报道It is written that …报纸上说…

★sb/sth be said to据说…怎么样

He is said to be a nice person. 据说他人不错。= It is said that he is a nice person.

The village is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. = It is said that the village possesses a 'cursed tree'

★mention v. 提到,说起My father often mentions you...

★the number of ...的数量做单数看待

a number of =lots of:许多做复数看待




★it is...that :强调It is I that am looking for you. 找你的人是我。

It is you that I'm looking for. 我找的人是你。

把,it is …that 拿掉,句子成分还很完整。

Tom lost his wallet in the car park last night.汤姆昨晚在停车场丢了他的钱包。


①强调主语:It was Tom who lost his wallet in the car park last night.

②强调宾语:It was his wallet that Tom lost in the car park last night.

③强调时间状语:It was last night that Tom lost his wallet in the car park.

④强调地点状语:It was in the car park that Tom lost his wallet last night.
