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1. The excited children are opening their Christmas presents.

2. This supermarketi s now closed.

3. The blackboard was broken by Tom.

4. She had aw orried look on her face because she failed the exam.

5. He looked interested in the idea I put forward.

6. The machine produced last year(= which were produced last year) are ver y expensive.

Ⅱ. Fill the form with proper form. 适当形式填空

1. The animal and plants that they found there were __________ (astonish)

2. I was _________ (astonish) to learn that his long lost child had been foun


3. The __________ news made us _________ .(disappoint)

4. The __________ mother went to visit Einstein. (puzzle)

5. Madame Curie found husband ' d s eath _______ .(shock)

6. I saw the boy very _________ (excite)

7. ______ (encourage), the girl was determined to study harder and make greater progress.

8. Be brave. You look like a __________ bird (frighten)(惊弓之鸟)

9. The fierce lion looks ________ (frighten). Keep away from its cage or it will attack you.

10. The look on her face was very __________ (confuse) .

Ⅲ . Fill the form with V-ed

1. The book ________________ 一( 本农民写的书) is very popular.

2. The building ___________ (去年建的楼

房) now collapsed in the Wenchuan earthquake.

3. The problem ___________________ 在( 昨天会议上讨论

的) was very difficult to solve.

4. The window ______________________ 被( 那个顽皮男孩打破

的) is being repaired

5. The children ______________________ 昨( 天在医院检查

的) were seriously ill.

6. The people _______________ 暴( 露在阳光下的) got sunburnt.

7. The boy _______________________ 受(到老师严厉惩罚

的) is now a college student.

8. The water _________________________ 送(到他家的

水) carried disease.

9. The English today is quite different from the English _____________ (30 0年前所说的).

10. Most of the artists _______________ 被(邀请去参加聚会

的) were from South Africa.

11. The students _________________ 受(到老师鼓舞

的)worked harder than ever before.

Ⅳ. 基础单选题

1. Mary is a new nurse and her job is to take care of the _____ soldiers.

A. wound

B. wounded

C. wounding

D. being wounded

2. Lily seems very much _______

in the magazine, but I think it ' to s o expensive.

A. interested

B. interesting

C. to interest

D. to be interesting

3. All the passengers should remai_n ______

when the plane is making a landing.

A. seat

B. seating

C. to be seating

D. seated

4. After her journey from Australia, Sophie Armstrong returned home, __

A. being exhausted

B. exhausting

C. exhausted

D. having exhausted

5. ____ their new album on time, the two famous singers worked far into the night every day.

A. Release

B. Released

C. To release

D. Having released

6. The meeting ____ next Thursday mainly aims to deal with the problem s related to teenagers m'ental health.

A. to be held

B. held

C. being held

D. having been held

7. There is nothing ____ to do but wait for my parents to come here.

A. leave

B. left

C. to leave

D. leaving

8. _____ are now ________ good care of in the hospital.

A. The workers injured; taken

B. The injured workers; being taken

C. The injured workers; taken

D. The workers injured; being taken

9. All his fans are _______

by Lionel Messi ' p s erformance in F.C.Barcelona

A. inspire

B. inspiring

C. inspired

D. being inspired