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I •分析下列划线部分的用法(过去分词做定语,表语以及被动)

1. The excited childre n are ope ning their Christmas prese nts.

2. This supermarketis now closed

3. The blackboardwas broken by Tom.

4. She had aworried look on her face because she failed the exam.

5. He looked in terested in the idea I put forward.

6. The mach in eproduced last yea(二 which were produced last year) are very expe nsive.

n . Fill the form with proper form.适当形式填空

1. The ani mal and pla nts that they found there were _________ (ast oni sh)

2. I was _________ (ast oni sh) to lear n that his long lost child had bee n found.

3. The __________ n ews made us ___________ .(disappoi nt)

4. The __________ mother went to visit Ein stei n. (puzzle)

5. Madame Curie foundhusband' d s ath ___________ .(shock)

6. I saw the boy very ___________ (excite)

7. _______ (en courage), the girl was determ ined to study harder and make greater progress.

8. Be brave. You look like a _________ bird (frighten)(惊弓之鸟)

9. The fierce lion looks _________ (frighte n). Keep away from its cage or it will attack you.

10. The look on her face was very __________ (con fuse).

川.Fill the form with V-ed

1. The book __________________ 一本农民写的书)is very popular.

2. The building ___________ 去年建的楼房)now collapsed in the Wenchuan earthquake.

3. The problem __________________ 在昨天会议上讨论的)was very difficult to solve.

4. The window ________________________ 被那个顽皮男孩打破的)is being repaired

5. The children ______________________ 昨天在医院检查的)were seriously ill.

6. The people ________________ 暴露在阳光下的)got sun bur nt.

7. The boy _________________________ 受至U老师严厉惩罚的)is now a college student.

8. The water _________________________ 送到他家的水)carried disease.

9. The English today is quite different from the English _____________ (300年前所说的).

10. Most of the artists ________________ 被邀请去参加聚会的)were from South Africa.

11. The students _________________ 受到老师鼓舞的)worked harder than ever before.

IV .基础单选题

1. Mary is a new nurse and her job is to take care of the _______ s oldiers.

A. wound

B. woun ded

C. wounding

D. being woun ded

2. Lily seems very much ________ in the magazine, but I think it 'tc s expensive.

A. i nterested

B. i nteresti ng

C. to in terest

D. to be in terest ing

3. All the passe ngers should remain ______ whe n the pla ne is maki ng a landing.

A. seat

B. seati ng

C. to be seat ing

D. seated

4. After her journey from Australia, Sophie Armstro ng returned home, ________

A. being exhausted

B. exhaust ing

C. exhausted

D. hav ing exhausted

5. __ their new album on time, the two famous sin gers worked far into the ni ght every day.

A. Release

B. Released

C. To release

D. Having released

6. The meetin ______ n ext Thursday mai nly aims to deal with the problems related to tee na gers men tal health.

A. to be held

B. held

C. being held

D. hav ing bee n held

7. There is nothin ______ to do but wait for my pare nts to come here.

A. leave

B. left

C. to leave

D. leav ing

8. _____ are now _________ good care of in the hospital.

A. The workers injured; take n

B. The injured workers; being take n

C. The injured workers; take n

D. The workers injured; being take n

9. All his fans are ________ by Lionel Messi' performanee in F.C.Barcelona

A. in spire

B. in spiri ng

C. in spired

D. being in spired

V . Choose the best answer.

1. Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa.

A. in vited

B. to in vite

C. being in vited

D. had bee n in vited

2. The computer eenter, ___ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. ope n

B. ope ning

C. hav ing ope ned

D. ope ned

3. Clea ning wome n in big cities usually get ___ by the hour.

A. pay

B. pay ing

C. paid

D. to pay

4. —How do you deal with the disagreeme nt betwee n the compa ny and the customers? —The key ____ the problem is to meet the dema nd _____ by the customers.

A. to sol ving; maki ng

B. to sol ving; made

C. to solve; maki ng

D. to solve; made

5. Don' use words, expressions, or phrases _____ only to people with specific knowledge.

A. being known

B. hav ing bee n known

C. to be known

D. known

6 ______ En glish is differe nt from _____ En glish in many ways.

A. Spoken; written

B. Speaking; written

C. Spoken; writing

D. Speak; write

7 The woma n _______ there un der the tree, ______ in a blue shirt, is our headmaster.

A. sitting; wearing

B. sitting; dressed

C. seating; dressed

D. seated; dressing

8 Linda worked for the Minn esota Manu facturi ng Mining Compa ny, __ as 3M.

A. knowing.

B. known.

C. being known.

D. to be known

9 The _____ dishes lay on the floor. A break ing. B. broke n. C. broke. D. break

10 the ship, _____ by a huge piece of iceberg, cam to a sudde n stop.

A. hitti ng.

B. hit.

C. hitted.

D. to hit.

11 Sandy, hurry up」'm fraid you won' have time to ____ before the party.

A. get cha nged.

B. get cha nge.

C. get cha nging.

D. get to cha nge.

13 he seems quite ____ at the idea.

A. pleas ing.

B. pleased.

C. please.

D. pleasa nt.

14 . She felt rather______ that shehouldn 'drive the car at such a ________ speed.