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Glossary of Huma n Resource Man ageme nt Terms absentees : Absentees are empioyees who are scheduled to be at work but are p rese nt.

Accident and sickness policies : Accident and sickness policies usually pro vide minim um-care st ipend for several weeks up to six mon ths to help empio yees defray the loss of in come while they are sick or recoveri ng from accide nt.

accreditation : Accreditation is a process of certifying the competenee

ofa person in an area of cap ability. The Society for Huma n Resource

Man ageme nt op erates an accreditati on p rogram for personnel

pro fessi on als.

active listening : Active listening requires the listener to stop talk ing, to remove

distracti ons, to be p atie nt, and to emp athize with the talker.

adverse select ion : Adverse select ion occurs when an in sura nee company has a dis prop orti on ately high p erce ntage of in sureds who will make claims in future. Adverse selection often results when people are given acha nee to buy in sura nee without p rescree ning, which often means that a tha n no rmal prop orti on have a con diti on that is likely to cause to be freque nt claima nts.

affirmative action programs : Affirmative action programs are detailed plan sdevel oped by empio yers to undo the results of p ast employment discrim in ati on, or to en sure equal opportun ity in the future.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (as amended) : This act

p rohibits discrim in ati on on employment because of age aga inst those whe

40 and older.

America n Federatio n of Labor and Con gress of In dustrial

Organization(AFL-CIO) : The AFL-CIO is a federation of most national union s. It exists to pro vide a uni fied focal point for the labor moveme nt, to assist natio nal unions, and to in flue nee gover nment

p olicies that affect members and worki ng people.

applied research : Applied research is a study of practical problems,

the soluti ons of which will lead to impro ved p erforma nee.

arbitrati on : Arbitrati on is the submissi on of a dis pute to a n eutral

third .

assessment centers : Assessment centers are a standardized form of

empio yee app raisal that relies on mult iple types of evaluati on and multi pie raters.

associate membership : Associate membership in a labor organization

allows who are not empio yed un der a union con tract to affiliate with aunion by paying fees and dues in retur n for union-supp orted ben efits.

attitude surveys : Attitude surveys are systematic methods of determining what empioyees think about their organization. The surveys

are usuallyd one through questio nn aires. Attitude survey feedback results whe n the in formatio n collected is rep orted back to the p artici pan ts. This p rocess is usually followed by acti on planning to iden tify and resolve sp ecific of empio yee concern.

attritio n : Attriti on is the loss of empio yees who leave the

orga ni zati on'semployment.

audit report : The audit report is a comp rehe nsive descri pti on of personnel activities. It in cludes both comme ndati on for effective p ractices and recomme ndati ons for imp rovi ng p ractices that are in effective.

audit team:An audit team consists of those people whoare responsible for evaluati ng the p erforma nee of the personnel dep artme nt.

authorization cards : Authorization cards are forms that prospective

unionm embers sig n. The cards in dicate their wish to have an electio n to determ ine whether a labor orga ni zatio n will rep rese nt the workers in their with man ageme nt.

aut onom ous work: groups Aut onom ous work groups are teams of workers,

a formal company-appoin ted leader, who decide among themselves most decisi ons traditi on ally han dled by sup ervisors.

autonomy:Autonomy is having control over one's work. bargaining book : A bargaining book is a compilation of the negotiation 's plans for collective barga ining with labor or man ageme nt.

In creas in gly, the barga ining book is being rep laced by in formati on stored in acco mpany or union compu ter.

bargaining committee : The union bargaining committee consists of

union officials and stewards who n egotiate with man ageme nt's representatives todetermine wages, hours, and working conditions to be embodied in the agreeme nt.

behaviorally an chored rati ng scales (BARS): BARSrate empio yeesscale

that has sp ecific behavioral exa mp les on it to guide the rater.