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UNIT1-A Alfred Nobel: A Man of Peace


By the end of this unit, students will be better able to

1. Grasp the main idea of the text

2. Master the key language points

3. Make the grammar clear

II. Content: Alfred Nobel: A man of Peace

III.Major points and difficulties

1. Key words: information, create, business, perfect, wonder, add

2. Useful Expressions: call sb sth, trade in, of one’s day, be worried about, learn of,

in the field of, as a result

3. Grammar: 不定式主动语态表示被动意义

IV. Process and Procedure

Step 1 Warm-up Activities


1. How much do you know about Alfred Nobel?

2. What kind of award is the Nobel Prize?

3. To whom do you think the Nobel Prize should be awarded?

Background Information

1. Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) was a Swedish chemist and inventor. He was involved, with his family, in the development of explosives, and his invention of dynamite, a mixture of nitroglycerine and filler, greatly improved the safety of explosives. He was inclined toward pacifism and concerned about the potential uses of the explosives he had invented. He established a fund to provide annual awards, called Nobel Prizes, in the sciences, literature, and the promotion of international peace. Please visit for more information about Alfred Nobel.

2. Nobel Prize is an award created and paid for by the will of Alfred Nobel, and is given every year for outstanding achievement in one of five fields. By the terms of Nobel’s will, the physics and chemistry prizes are decided by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; the physiology or medicine prize, by Sweden’s Royal Caroline Medico-Chirurgical Institute; the literature prize by the Swedish Academy; and the peace prize, by a committee of the Norwegian parliament. Each winner is presented a gold medal and a sum that by 1980 was about $200,000. These five awards were first given in 1901. A sixth award, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, was created and paid for in 1968 by Sveriges Riksbank, the Swedish national bank, and first awarded in 1969. It is decided by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Please visit for further information about the Nobel Prize.

Step 2 Listening: Listen to the text

Step 3 Detail explanations of the text

Language Points

…called him a person …(Para.1)

call: v.

1)say or think that sth. or sb. is 认为……是;把……称为

People called him a hero for what he did.人们因为他所做的事称他为英雄。

2)give a name to 命名;称呼

His name is Richard but we all call him Dick. 他的名字是理查德,但是我们叫他迪克。

They called the baby Tom. 他们给孩子起名叫汤姆。

3) speak loudly 大声地说

“Breakfast is ready,”she called. “吃早饭了,”她喊道。

She called out the names of the winners. 她大声宣布了获胜者的名单。

4) telephone sb. 给某人打电话

I’ll call you later. 我过一会儿给你打电话。

Who’s calling? 请问您是哪位?

…who traded in death …(Para.1)

trade in: buy and sell 从事……交易

They traded in food, drinks and many other things. 他们做食品、饮料及其他许多东西的生意。Most of his friends traded in the products(产品) of their own village and they all became rich.他的大部分朋友都做本村产品的生意,他们都富起来了。

trade: v.

1) buy and sell goods做生意

China trades with many different countries. 中国同很多国家有贸易往来。

2) exchange 互换;交易

The boy traded his knife for an old boat(船). 男孩用刀换了一条旧船。


1) [U] the buying and selling of things 贸易,买卖

Trade also increased greatly. 贸易也有很大增长。

2) [C] a particular type of business 行业

It would be better if he learned a trade. 如果他能学一门行当就更好了。

The young man is learning the shoe-maker’s trade. 这个年轻人在学做鞋匠。

In fact, Alfred Nobel’s business had …(Para.1)

business: n.

1) [U] buying and selling things 买卖;生意

I want to go into business when I leave school. 我打算毕业以后去做买卖。

Business is not very good this year. 今年生意不太好。

2) [C] a shop 商店

My uncle has a business in Leeds. 我叔叔在利兹有一家商店。

He runs a second-hand car business. 他开了一家经营二手车的商店。

3) [sing.] matter 事情

That’s none of your business. 那不关你的事。

What I feel about Stuart is my own business. 对斯图尔特怎么看是我自己的事。

4) [U] duty 责任

It’s a mother’s business to help her children. 帮助子女是妈妈的责任。

My business is selling cars; yours is studying at school. 我的任务是卖车,你的任务是在学校学习。

…giving Alfred Nobel’s age, nation …(Para.1)

age: n.

1)[C] the length of time a person has lived 年龄

I started work at the age of 16. 我16岁开始工作。

If you love somebody, age doesn’t make a difference. 如果你爱一个人,不必在乎年龄。

2)[U] being old 老年

Her hair was gray with age. 因为年老,她的头发已经花白了。

3)[C] a certain time in history 年代

It was the golden age of the novel. 那是这部小说的黄金时代。

The village itself is well over 1,000 years old; in the Middle Ages it had a very important church (教堂). 这个村子已有1,000多年的历史了,在中世纪时,这里有一个非常重要的教堂。4)[C] a very long time 很长时间

I’ve been waiting here for ages. 我在这里等了很久。

He has been crying out for help for ages, and I am sure that this new chance is just what he is looking for. 他寻求帮助已很长时间了,我相信这个新机遇正是他所要的。

…and the French newspaper had made a mistake. (Para.2)

make a mistake: do wrongly; get sth. wrong 犯错误

Be perfect, that is, never make a mistake and always be “good”. 要十全十美,也就是说不要犯错,永远是对的。

If you understand why you have to do certain things, you are less likely to make a mistake. 如果你明白了为什么要做某些事,你就可能少犯错误。

All the same, Alfred Nobel was worried. (Para.2)

Meaning: Even so, Alfred Nobel was worried.

all the same: even so; still 尽管如此,仍然

I don’t think so, but thanks all the same.我不同意,但我还是非常感谢。

None of them understood the words, but they nodded all the same.没有一个人看得懂这些话,但他们还是点了点头。

He had spent his life working …(Para.2)

spend: vt.

1) use time for sth. 花时间,度过

I think he will spend his holidays with her. 我想他会和她一起度假。

He spent his life worrying about his health —being afraid he was going to die soon. 他一生都为健康担心——怕他会很快死去。

2)give out money in payment 花钱

She spent a lot of money on her clothes. 她花了很多钱买衣服。

How do you spend your time when you are not in the office? 你不在办公室上班的时间是怎样度过的?

He created his explosive to save lives …(Para.2)

save: v.

1) take sb. away from danger救,挽救

He saved the child from the fire. 他从大火中救出孩子。

It’s still hard to know if I’ve saved them all, but at least I know I’ve done my best. 很难知道我是否把他们都救出来了,但至少我已尽了最大的努力。

2)keep sth., especially money, to use later 储蓄

He was saving money to go to college. 他在存钱准备上大学。

If you save now, you will be able to buy a car soon. 如果你现在存钱,很快就能买辆汽车。

3)use less of sth. 节省

She saves money by making her own clothes. 她自己做衣服省下些钱。

This method will save us much time and labor. 这个方法可以为我们节省大量的时间和人力。

at a perfect moment …(Para.3)

perfect: a.

1)the most suitable 最合适的

This big house is perfect for our large family. 这座大房子最适合我们的大家庭了。

That is a perfect place for children to go. 那是最适宜孩子们去的地方。

2)so good that it can not be better 完美的

Of course there is no perfect way out. 当然没有十全十美的办法。

“Good evening,”she said in perfect English. “晚上好,”她用纯正的英语说。

3)complete; thorough 完全的,十分的

The place was perfect to the young man. 对那个年轻人来说,这个地方很理想。

I have perfect trust (信任) in what he says. 我完全相信他说的话。

vt. make perfect 使完美

They worked hard to perfect their dance. 他们努力使自己的舞蹈完美无缺。

He went to France to perfect his French. 为了使自己的法语纯正地道,他去了法国。

Many people of his day also thought this way. (Para. 3)

of his day: of his time; of his age 某人所处的时代

Alfred Nobel invented a safe but strong explosive, for explosives of his day were dangerous to use. 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔发明了又安全又威力大的炸药,因为在他那个时代的炸药很危险。

Nobel was worried about the way the world looked at him…(Para.4)

Meaning: Nobel was anxious about what people thought of him…

be worried about: be anxious about 为……担心,为……发愁

He would have liked to slow down the car but he was worried about what might be coming up behind him. 他原本想减速,但他担心在车后会发生什么意外。

He was worried about meeting his wife after so many things had happened. 在发生了那么多的事之后,他不敢同他的妻子见面。

People all over the world wondered who …(Para.5)

wonder: v.

1)want to know 想知道

I wonder why he didn’t come. 我想知道他怎么没来。

Mary wondered what was going on. 玛丽想知道发生了什么事。

I was wondering if you would act as my helper. 我在想你是否愿意当我的助手。

2)feel great surprise 感到惊奇

We wondered at how well he worked. 我们佩服他干得那么好。

The fact that she left home is not to be wondered at. 她离家出走是不足为奇的。

We wondered to see him so pleased. 看见他那么开心,我们很吃惊。


1)[U] a feeling caused by sth. strange, surprising or beautiful 惊奇; 惊叹

The little girl looked at the beautiful box in wonder . 小女孩惊奇地盯着这个漂亮的盒子。

2) [C] sth. that gives one this feeling 奇迹;奇观

He has created the wonders of modern medicine. 他创造了现代医学的奇迹。

However, a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders, and the whole team was soon ready for another hard day on the mountain. 然而,晚上的安寝和一顿丰盛的早餐产生了奇迹,整个队伍都准备好了在山峰上再苦干一天。

They were very surprised when they learned of Alfred Nobel’s plan …(Para.5)

Meaning: They were very surprised when they were told about Alfred Nobel’s plan …

learn of: become informed of 获悉,得知,了解

He will learn of this at the end, when it is all over, and even then only indirectly. 在事过之后,他最终会知道的,即使是间接地了解到。

She was never to learn of his plans as he went to New York the next day and never returned. 她永远也无从知道他的计划了,因为他第二天去了纽约,而且一去不返。

…in the fields of physics …(Para.5)

in the field of: in a branch of knowledge or an area of activity在……领域,在……范围

Here she heads the research team trying to find out new uses of the medicine in the fields of memory loss and other health problems. 她领导一个研究组,探求这种药在治疗记忆丧失和其他疾病方面的新用途。

He was active in the fields of housing, education and health care for children. 他在住房、教育、儿童保健等领域非常活跃。

…an award for economics was added. (Para.5)

add: vt.

1) put together with sth. else so as to increase the number, size, or importance 增加;添加They also added a new idea to the plan. 他们在计划中增加了一个新想法。

They add more tea once he has taken the first cup. 他喝了第一杯之后,他们再加茶水。

2) put numbers together 把数目合在一起;加

If you add 2 and 5, you get 7. 5加2等于7。

Add 5 and 5, and you get 10. 5加5得10。

3)say sth. more 又说;补充说

“Go away —don’t come back again,”she added. “走开,再也别回来了,”她又说。“Why not?”she added when her friends looked surprised. 看到她的朋友们显得很吃惊,她接着说,"为什么不呢?”

…but the decision that he made as a result finally gave him what he wanted. (Para.6) Meaning: …but as a result of the wrong report his decision gave him what he wanted at last. as a result : caused or produced by sth. else 作为结果;结果是

Alfred Nobel decided to create a prize and as a result he was remembered as a man of peace. 阿尔弗雷德?诺贝尔决定设立一项奖金,他因此被人们铭记为一个热爱和平的人。

Step 4 Spotlight on Grammar


He created his explosive to save lives —lives that were lost because other explosives were dangerous to use. (Passage A, Unit 1)

这句中的to use是不定式的主动语态,但表示被动意义。

英语中有两种语态:主动语态(active voice) 和被动语态(passive voice)。一般来说,主动语态表示主动意义,被动语态表示被动意义。然而,主动语态有时也可用来表示被动意义。

不定式的主动语态表示被动意义往往用在SVC (adj. + inf.)句型,即“主语+动词+主语补语”句型,其中的主语补语由“形容词+不定式”构成。用于这一句型的形容词较常见的有easy, hard, difficult, good, comfortable, possible, impossible等。在这种情况下,不定式必须用主动语态表示被动意义,不可用被动语态。例如:

Apples are good to eat.

*Apples are good to be eaten. (*表示此用法不可接受。下同。)

The story is hard to believe (相信).

*The story is hard to be believed.

This shirt is easy to wash (洗).

*This shirt is easy to be washed.

Those explosives are dangerous to use.

*Those explosives are dangerous to be used.

不定式主动语态表示被动意义不但可用于单词动词(single-word verbs), 如上例,也可用于多词动词(multi-word verbs)。英语中的多词动词有以下几种类型:动词+介词,动词+副词小品词,动词+副词小品词+介词,动词+名词+介词等。例如:

The chair is comfortable to sit in.

*The chair is comfortable to be sat in.

The sick baby was difficult to look after.

*The sick baby was difficult to be looked after.

The light is impossible to turn off.

*The light is impossible to be turned off.

Money is difficult to save up.

*Money is difficult to be saved up.

He ran so fast and was hard to catch up with (赶上).

*He ran so fast and was hard to be caught up with.

The loud cry of that girl was hard to put up with.

*The loud cry of that girl was hard to be put up with.

This dog is easy to take care of (照料).

*This dog is easy to be taken care of.

这里要提示学生注意的是:上面提及的SVC (adj. + inf.)句型只是同类句型的一种。从语义的角度看,这种句型可分为以下几种类型:

(1) Mary is hard to get along with. (= It is hard to get along with Mary.)

(2) Mary is kind to wait for me. (= It is kind of Mary to wait for me.)

(3) Mary is angry to hear the news. (= To hear the news has made Mary angry.)

(4) Mary is quick to learn. (= Mary learns quickly.)

从上面四例可看出,尽管它们都属于SVC (adj. + inf.)句型,但它们的意义是完全不同的。也就是说,它们虽然表层结构相同,但深层结构不同。在这四种类型中,只有第(1)种的不定式是用主动语态来表示被动意义的。其他三种都不表示被动意义,因此不属于本单元讨论的范围。请提示学生不要混淆。

I have a lot of work to do.

*I have a lot of work to be done.


There is a lot of work to do / to be done.


There’s nothing to do —I’m bored(使厌烦).没事可做,真无聊!

There’s nothing to be done —we’ll have to buy a new TV set.毫无办法,看来只能买一台新的电视机了。

Step 5 Summary

1. Key words: information, create, business, perfect, wonder, add

2. Useful Expressions: call sb sth, trade in, of one’s day, be worried about, learn of,

in the field of, as a result

3. Grammar: 不定式主动语态表示被动意义


VI.Spotlight on Pronunciation and Intonation

VII.Homework: Exercise III, IV, V, VI

VIII.Key to the exercises


1. death

2. continued

3. trade

4. create

5. information

6. spend

7. destroyed 8. wonder


1.It is reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapon.

2.Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country.

3. People call Nobel a man of peace and a man of love.

4.It is very dangerous to cross the river during the raining season.

5.He did not know what to do, as it was new to him to build roads through mountains. Grammar: P9.


1.The mistake is hard to find.

2.The book is interesting to read.

3.The Nobel Prize is not easy to win.

4.The test is difficult to pass.

5.The soup is too hot to drink now.

6.The story is really interesting to listen to.

7.Mr Smith’s lessons are hard to follow.

8.The garden is pleasant to walk in.

9.Is smoking really so difficult to give up?

10.I like to make friends with those who are easy to get along with.


大学英语精读预备级课后答案(完整) Unit1How to be a Successful Language Learner Text A Learning to Think All Over Again 1substituted 2analogy 3represented 4associated 5challenge 6converted 7concept 8reduced 9image10bundles11choose12pointed13instead14 various 1get away from 2put together 3getting into 4broken into 5a great deal 6Over and over again 7depend on 1took

2go 3take 4go 5go 1what caused the fire 2what site of shoe your father wears 3what looked like a ball 4what our family and friends do for us 5what she had bought for his birthday1.Translation翻译 1.What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks. 2.In terms of previous working experience,John is the best choice for this position. 3.My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts. 4.With the help of his family and friends,Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit. 5.Linda was not able to go to that famous college,but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge. 6.This company has a very good public image.People always


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports. C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil. D. Take buses more frequently. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.


新视野大学英语读写教程预备级1课后翻译答案 UNIT 1 Section A Translation V 1.It is reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons. 据报道,他非常富有,是做武器交易的。 2.Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country. 任何国家的人,无论男女,都反对战争,因为战争会毁灭国家。 3.People call Nobel a man of peace and a man full of love 人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业的人和一个富有爱心的人 4.It is very dangerous to cross the river during the raining season. 在雨季度过那条河非常危险 5.He did not know what to do, as it was new to him to build roads through mountains. 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事 Translation VI 1.诺贝尔在最合适不过的时候发明了他的炸药。 Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time. 2.他要考虑在他逝后让人们用最佳的方法使用他的遗产。 He wanted to think of the best way for people to use his money after his death 3.全世界按照他所希望的方式怀念他,铭记他:诺贝尔,一个致力于和平事业 的人。 The world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered: Nobel, a man of peace 4.他做出决定,在他去世之后,他的遗产应当用来奖励那些在科学、文学和世 界和平等领域做出卓越贡献的人。 He decided that after he died, his money should be used for a prize to honor people who did great things in science, writing, and world peace 5.最早的诺贝尔奖在1901年授予的,这个奖项不久便成会人们在上述领域所 获得的最高荣誉。 The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields UNIT 2 Section A Translation V 1.He has visited 20 countries, as he is interested in all sorts of cultures and customs. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家 2.Nobel preferred people to remember him as a man of peace. 诺贝尔希望人们把他当作热爱和平的人来记住他 3.But not everyone would agree with you that men and women have the same abilities. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力 4.That is a very good example of how the language has changed as a result of the women’s movement.


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案 Unit 1 Text: A. c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A. d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb Unit 4 Text: A. c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A. c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A. b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7 Text: A. d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A. c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A. c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:A. c B. cdccd bacac D. dcdbc acadc bd Fast Reading: dbdcc dccdb bddca Home Reading: cadcb acbb Unit 11 Text: A. d B. adacc dcb D. abacb dcaab adc Fast Reading: dcdab ccbda ccbca


Key to Exercises Unit 1. Text A III. Vocabulary Activities 1.1) substituted 2) analogy 3)represented 4) associated 5) challenge 6) converted 7) concept 8) reduced 9) image 10) bundles 11) choose 12) pointed 13) instead 14) various 2. 1) Home should be a place where people can get away from fear and danger. 2) Professor Valentine put together a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list. 3) Jennifer is getting into fashion design. 4) A difficult task is far easier to finish if it is broken down into smaller, easier pieces. 5) After taking the medicine, the patient felt a good deal better. 6) Over and over again I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me. 7) Whether he can be hired or not will depend/depends on the job interview. IV. Usage 1. took 2. go 3. take 4. go 5. go V. Structure 1. what caused he fire 2. what size of shoes my father wears 3. what looked like a ball 4. what our family and friends do for us 5. what she had bought for his birthday VI. 1. What the boy likes to do most is putting together building block. 2.In term of previous experience, John is the best choice for the position. 3.My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts. 4.With the help of his family and friends, Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit. 5.Linda was not able to go to that famous university, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge. 6.This company has a very good public image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service.


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案Unit 1 Text: A.c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A.d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb

Text: A.c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A.c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A.b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7

A.d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A.c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A.c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:


大学英语精读预备级课后答案(全) 上海外语教育出版社,第三版大学英语精读预备水平,第一册,第二册,第三册,第三册,第四册,第五册,第六册 大学英语课后练习参考答案翻译词汇 2。就以前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳人选。 3。我的物理老师经常用类比来解释一些困难的概念。 4。在他家人和朋友的帮助下,我不确定这是不是真的。1999年课文学习重新思考 1年替换2类比3表示4相关5挑战6转换7概念8简化 9年图像10捆绑11选择12指向13而不是14各种 1年摆脱2放在一起3分成4分成5大量6反复 7年依靠 1年带走2走3带走4走5走 1年是什么引起了火灾 2年你父亲穿的鞋的位置 3年看起来像一个球 4年我们的家人和朋友为我们做了什么 5年她为他的生日买了什么1。男孩们最喜欢做什么?1995.琳达没能上那所著名的大学,但她计划从头再来,而不是放弃挑战。 6。这家公司有很好的公众形象。人们总是把它的产品与高质量的和良好的服务联系在一起。 课文B学习语法由\

1认识到2以后在3依靠4最轻微的5选择6算出7同意82 他们知道我的方法 3 必须认真思考每一个 句子一个不错的选择 1 第2单元父母 文本A父亲,答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:答:爸爸和饼干1睡过头2失望3年级4父母5图6大惊小怪7有它在8袋9态度 |我们将改变我们对父母的看法。2 教我们什么?所有这些都是 ,因为他们真的爱我们3 名儿童 4是表达感激的时候了感谢您的父母对我们的爱 unit3儿童教育课文我们都在这里学习 1技工2困惑3合格4面试 5稀缺6优秀7严重8执照9小学 10转11表扬12到达13定居14正式15卷 1关闭2拖把向上3获得


听力部分 Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. A. He does not like what the woman bought. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was. D. He remembers only the woman's phone number. 2. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 3. A. He has lost his memory completely. B. He has lost his sight. C. He drank heavily last night. D. He danced until after midnight. 4. A. He remembers his life in primary school. B. He remembers his life in his nursery. C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery. D. He remembers his life in both primary school and the nursery. 5. A. He has a bad memory. B. The woman has a bad memory. C. The couple have forgotten to bring their keys. D. The couple are blaming each other for forgetting the keys. Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions 6. How long is it the man and woman haven't seen each other? A. a couple years. B. several years. C. quite a few years. D. less than 10 years. 7. How did the man find the woman in the Math class? A. The best in the class. B. At the bottom of the class. C. A mystery because nobody knew where she came from. D. Able to solve easy problems but not difficult problems. 8. How did the woman find the man in the English Writing class? A. He was weak in writing. B. He was strong in writing. C. He often read his compositions to his classmates. D. He sometimes posted his compositions on the walls. 9. What do we know from the conversation? A. Alice did not play table tennis in school. B. Ed did not hate the drama class. C. The woman played an instrument. D. The man played in the school band. 10. What do we learn about the man and the woman from the conversation? A. The man has a good memory while the woman has a bad memory. B. The man has a bad memory while the woman has a good memory. C. Both the man and woman have a bad memory.


2011年下半年《大学英语预备级》考前辅导 一、选择填空(每题1分,共15分) 1. I’ll finish this work A a week. a. in b. after c. before d. on 2. Neither of the twins D clever, i’m afraid. a. aren’t b. are c. isn’t d. is 3. The ice is too thin for you to C . a. walk b. walking c. walk on it d. walk on 4. I’ll give it to her as soon as she D back . a. come b. came c. will come d. comes 5. We all carefully but we C nothing. a. listened…listened to b. heard…heard c. listened…heard d. heard…listened to 6. Is this the key B the door? a.of b.to c.for d. from 7. there A a table tennis match sometime next week, isn’t there? a. is going to be b. is going to have c. will have d. will be 8. she told her daughter B in the street any more. a. to not play b. not to play c. don’t play d. not play 9. “what’s on the desk?” “______D __ some glasses.” a. it is b. there is c. they are d. there are 10. you can have C fish meat, but you can’t have . a. neither…nor…both b. both…and…neither c. either…or…both d. either…or…neither 11. there’s not D work to do. i can leave soon. a. many b. a c. little d. much 12. the box on the desk is made A wood. a. of b. from c. in d. out 13. you can’t go into the room because it C yet. a. isn’t cleaned b. not cleaned c. hasn’t been cleaned d. won’t be cleaned 14. she B has lunch at home on sundays. a. don’t b. hardly c. does n’t d. not 15. what’s wrong D this machine? it doesn’t work. a. on b. at c. of d. with


UNIT1 1.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless. https://www.doczj.com/doc/895239961.html,municating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.He wants her to give up working and stay at home to look after the children. She feels, however, that is too much for her. 6.Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing. 1.我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学习外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语不会像现在这样说得这样好。 2.没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。 3.写作不仅仅是要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。 4.远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。 5.英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界最易学、易用的语言之一。 6.远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。 UNIT2 1.As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?” 2.The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to. 3.Rock music appeals to sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection. 4.As us ual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start to bug him. 5.At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students. 6.It makes my blood to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg money along the streets. 1. 我认为那些在镇上四处闲逛、浑身上下又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。 2.因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老客户取得联系,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。 3.父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。 4.当父母与子女间有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年面临的问题更大。


第一单元如何成为一个成功的语言学习者 TEXT A How can you learn a foreign language well? According to the author of this te xt, you might need to think in a new way, a process almost like going back to chil dhood again… 如何学好一门外语?根据这篇文章的作者,你也许需要用一种新的方式去思考,这一过程几乎像是再次回到童年。。。 Learning to Think All Over Again 学会重新思考 When you were a child, you didn’t know what a tree was at first. Somebody had to t ell you. Probably your parents took you outside, pointed to a tree and said, ”Tree!” Yo u had to learn to associate the sound of the word “Tree” with the big green leafy thing yo u saw in front of you. 当你还是个孩子的时候,起初你并不知道树是什么,得有人告诉你。也许你的父母带你到外面,指着一棵树说,“树!”你得学会将“树”这个词的音跟你眼前那个高大的绿色的长满叶子的东西联系起来。 That’s what you must learn to do again when you are learning a foreign language. Y ou need to learn to associate sounds with objects, and to think in a new way. Only this ti me, since you are grown up, you will be able to understand what needs to be done muc h faster. You’ll know why somebody is pointing to a tree and saying a strange word. Yo u may even have to relearn it many times before you finally actually learn it. 这是你在学习外语是必须再次学会做的事。你得学会将声音和事物联系起来,用一种新的方式思考。只是这一次,因为你已经长大,所以能够更快地去理解需要做的事。你会知道为什么有人指着一棵树,说着奇怪的单词。但是你仍然得学习那个新单词。说不定还得重复学习多遍才能最终真正的掌握它。 There is an important idea here. In America our name for that big green leafy thing i s ”tree”, but in Germany the name for that thing is “Baum”. In Arab countries the name i s “shajra”. And in China they say ”shu”. These various words are not themselves “tree s”. They are just some of the many hundreds of different sounds used in the world to rep resent that great big green leafy thing. 这里有一个重要的概念。在美国我们称那个高大的绿色的长满叶子的东西为tree,但是在德国那东西叫Baum。在阿拉伯国家,它的名字是shajra。在中国,我们称它为shu。这些各式各样的词本身并不是树。它们只是世界各地用来代表那个高大的绿色的长满叶子的东西的几百种声音中的几个。 To learn a foreign language you must get away from the idea of translating words. Tr anslating takes too much time and mental energy. You will never learn to really speak an d understand a foreign language if you have to translate in your mind. Instead, learn to associate the new sound directly with the image in your mind. So when we hear the




Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports. C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil. D. Take buses more frequently. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.


UNIT 1 汉译英 1. 据报道,他非常富有, 是做武器交易的。(trade in) It is reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons. 2. 任何国家的人,无论男女,都应反对战争, 因为战争会毁灭国家。(destroy) Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country. 3. 人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业的人和一个富有爱心的人。 (a man full of) People call Nobel a man of peace and a man full of love. 4. 在雨季渡过那条河非常危险。(cross the river) It is very dangerous to cross the river during the raining season. 5. 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事。(build roads through mountains) 英译汉 1. Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time. 诺贝尔在最合适不过的时刻发明了他的炸药。 2. He wanted to think of the best way for people to use his money after his death. 他要慎重考虑在他逝世后让人们用最佳方式使用他的遗产。 3. The world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered: Nobel, a man of peace. 全世界按照他所希望的方式怀念他,铭记他:诺贝尔,一个致力于和平事业的人。 4. He decided that after he died, his money should be used for a prize to honor people who did great things in science, writing, and world peace. 他做出决定,在他去世之后,他的遗产应当用来奖励那些在科学、文学和世界和平等领域做出卓越贡献的人。 5. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in l90l, and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields. 最早的诺贝尔奖是在1901年授予的,这种奖励不久便成为人们在上述领域所能获得的最高荣誉。 UNIT 2 汉译英 1. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家。(all sorts of) He has visited 20 countries, as he is interested in all sorts of cultures and customs. 2. 诺贝尔希望人们把他作为热爱和平的人来记住他。(prefer) Alfred Nobel preferred people to remember him as a man of peace. 3. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力。(agree with) But not everyone would agree with you that men and women have the same abilities. 4. 这是一个很好的例子,说明受妇女运动的影响语言是如何变化的。(as a result of) That is a very good example of how the language has changed as a result of the women’s movement. 5. 两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。(be present in) The differences between the sexes in language are, in fact, present in any kind of language. 英译汉 1. I know you’ve written a lot about how language changes when we talk about the two sexes. 我知道,你写了很多论著, 探讨人们在谈论两性时语言如何发生变化。 2. You know English has several special words that peo ple sometimes use when they’re talking about women. 你知道,英语中有一些特殊的词是人们谈论女性时常用的。

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