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3.天狼星A和B为双星系统,距离我们 8.6 ly,其轨道间距为 20 AU,轨道周期为 49.9 yr。 已知天狼星A的质量为 2.15 M;天狼星B的视星等为 8.68m,表面有效温度为 Teff = 2.5 104 K。 试求天狼星B的平均密度,并简单论述它为何是白矮星。(10分)
4. 试简单比较宇宙早期的原初核合成与恒星内部核合成的不同, 并说明为何原初核合成不 7 能够大量合成比 Li更重的核素。(10分)
南京大学 2010-2011 学年第一学期期末考试试卷 A 卷 课程名称: 大学天文 院系 年级 学号 考试限时:2 小时 姓名
题号 得分


(1)可以使用计算器,英语字典或电子词典,但不允许在考场内互借。 (2) 物理常数: G
= 6.67 10-8 g -1 cm3 s-2, h = 6.63 10 -27 erg s, c = 3.0 1010 cm s-1, kB = 1.38 10 -16 erg K-1,s = 5.67 10 -5 erg cm-2 K-4 s-1 (Stefan-Boltzmann constant),mp = 1.67 10 -24 g 。
5. 从恒星的星光中能够获得哪些有用的信息?至少列出三条并简单说明原因。 (10 分)
(3) 没有答题纸,直接在卷面上做答。
一. 填空题(共 20 空,每空 1 分)
简单分析黑洞 Hawking 辐射的性质。 若峰值波长与引力半径相当, 有 ; 若为黑体辐射, 则视界面的温度 TBH ; 黑洞的能损率 dE / dt ; 黑洞的寿命 。 (仅需写出与黑洞质量 M 的幂律关系) 2 温度由高到低,恒星的光谱型为 。 3 太阳大小质量的主序星以 反应作为恒星能源, 核心外围存在 区, 更外围是 包层。 (辐射 or 对流) 4 现有观测支持 CDM 宇宙模型,其中 指 ,C 指 , DM 指 。 5 用无量纲的 Hubble 常数 h0 (H0 = h0 100 km s-1 Mpc-1),写出宇宙临界密度的表达 式 ,并算出临界密度的大小 (在 cgs 制下)。 6 Kirchoff 定律可告诉我们,热的、致密的固体、液体和气体产生 ;热的、 稀薄的气体产生 ;连续辐射通过冷的、稀薄的气体后产生 。 7 The surface magnetic field of the Sun is found by measurement of the extra width in spectral lines due to the Effect. 8 The solar magnetic field is strongest in those regions called , which are poles and usually thus occur in pairs. 9 The Milky Way galaxy contains about stars. (约多少颗恒星?) 10 The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with the shortest wavelengths is called .
) 5
06 年 8 月, IAU 表决将冥王星从太阳系内几大行星中去除并降级为 dwarf planet 的最主要依据是:它的质量太小,没有将其轨道附近的其它天体给扫除。 )6 活动星系核中心能源为黑洞吸积,因此辐射集中在 X-射线波段,它比由星光占 主导的正常星系的辐射波长范围要窄。 )7 盘星系的平直旋转曲线的观测告诉我们,星系内存在着大量的暗能量。 )8 大质量恒星在主序后演化阶段不经历氦闪。 )9 观测表明人马座方向的银心存在着一个质量非常巨大的黑洞,质量约为几乘以 106 M。 )10 在几种致密天体中,黑洞比中子星还要致密,所以平均密度更高。
二. 判断是非题(共 20 题,每题 1 分)
( ( ( ( )1 )2 )3 )4
主序星的核心,氢正转变成氦。 10 倍太阳质量恒星在主序阶段的寿命约为太阳的主序寿命的 10 倍。 对于非常热和非常冷的恒星,氢线都比较弱。 星际尘埃对氢的 21 厘米谱线吸收非常强。
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四.说明与论述题(5 题 共 50 分)
它们的具体取值各为多少(要求数量级正确) 。 (10 分)
1. 请写出三种恒星演化时标的数学表达式,并对这三种时标加以简单的说明,对于太阳,
2. 试证明星云坍缩的 Jeans 临界质量与坍缩云的温度 T 和粒子数密度 n 满足简单的幂律关
系, MJ Ta nb, 并给出 a 和 b 的具体数值。(10 分)
《大学天文》2010-2011 年期末考试
) 10 In the closed universe model, the geometry of spacetime in two dimensions resembles the surface of a A. flat piece of paper. B. saddle. C. cylinder. D. sphere.
三. 单选题(共 10 题,每题 1 分)
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) 1 The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds fall into Hubble's class: A. SBc B. E6 C. Irr D. S0 ) 2 In which wavelengths have the births of new stars been best mapped recently? A. radio B. extreme ultraviolet C. infrared D. microwave ) 3 From where does most of the solar wind flow? A. granules B. sunspots C. flares D. prominences E. coronal holes ) 4 The temperature of the layer of gas that produces the visible light of the Sun is: A. 3,500 K. B. 5,800 K. C. 12,300 K. D. 300,000 K ) 5 Due to absorption of shorter wavelengths by interstellar dust clouds, distant stars appear A. bluer. B. brighter. C. redder. D. larger. E. to have a higher radial velocity. ) 6 In order to turn a star's proper motion into its space velocity, we must also know: A. its mass and spectral type. B. its temperature and age. C. its distance and radial velocity. D. its distance and mass. ) 7 The star's color index is a quick way of determining its A. Distance B. Luminosity C. Radius D. Temperature E. Composition ) 8 Ionized hydrogen is indicated by which of the following symbols? A. HII B. H2 C. HI D. H11 ) 9 I f a star has a parallax of 0.05", then its distance in light years is about: A. 6.4 lys B. 12.7 lys C. 20 lys D. 65 lys E. 100 lys
)11 Reflection nebulae usually appear red. )12 In the proton-proton cycle, 7 of the mass ends up as energy, not helium. )13 The solar corona is much cooler than the Sun's surface, hence we must wait for a total solar eclipse to glimpse it with the naked eye. )14 Population I objects are found only in the Galactic halo. )15 Galaxy collisions can occur, but they are extremely rare. )16 The red hydrogen alpha line carries more energy per photon than the blue-green hydrogen beta line does. )17 It is much easier to build large reflectors than large refractors. )18 Optical telescopes are usually used only at night, but radio telescopes can be used day or night. ) 19 If a star were moved 10 times farther away (no extinction and scattering) , its apparent magnitude would increase by five magnitudes. )20 Forbidden emission lines can occur in emission nebulae because the density of interstellar gas there is extremely low.