当前位置:文档之家› 开心学英语四年级上册期末复习资料广东版



Unit 1

1.Do you like math? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


2.What subjects do you like? I like art and music.


3.Where is my English book? It’s on the desk.


4.Where are my socks? They’re under the bed.


5.What can you do in music class? I can sing.


6.How many subjects do you have? I have seven.


7.Writing:Gogo is my good friend. He likes P.E. and art. He likes drawing and he can

Gogo 是我的好朋友。他喜欢体育和美术。他喜欢画画,他能画得很draw very well. He doesn’t like math. That’s not good.




____________ ___________ do you ___________?

I _________ ______________.新课标第一网


Do you like _______? No, ___________ __________. I _________ ____________.

3.I can run in ___________ class. I can draw in ___________ class.


A.Do you like science? _______________________________________________

B.What can you do in music class? _____________________________________

C.How many subjects do you have? ____________________________________

D.Where is your English book? ________________________________________



去:have——having ;dance——dancing; write——writing; exercise——exercising;

双:run——running; swim——swimming; shop——shopping; cut——cutting;

2.What are you doing? I’m reading English.


3.What are they doing? They’re playing.


4.What’s she doing? She’s studying.


5.What’s he doing? He’s fishing.



名字,如Ben,Jenny, Tony, Lisa, Gogo等)

Jenny is singing. Tony is painting. Lisa is dancing. Gogo and Ben are writing. I am playing. Jenny在唱歌。Tony在画画。Lisa在跳舞。Gogo和Ben在写字。我在玩。


1.What’s she __________? She’s ___________.

2.What are __________ doing? They are ___________.

3.Are they ___________? Yes, ___________ are.

1.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday Sunday

2.乐器加the:play the violin play the piano play the guitar

运动不加the: play basketball play ping-pong

3.What’s that? It’s a ping-pong ball.


4.What day is it today? It’s Monday.


5.What do you do on Sunday? I play the violin on Sunday.


6.Do you play basketball on Tuesday? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

你在星期二打篮球吗?是的,我是。/ 不,我没有。

7.Happy birthday! Thank you.


Writing: My Week

This is my week. I play the violin on Monday. I play ping-pong on Tuesday.


I play basketball on Wednesday. I play the piano on Thursday. I play baseball on Friday. 在星期三我打篮球。在星期四我谈钢琴。在星期五我打棒球。

I swim on Saturday. I play soccer on Sunday.



1.Do you play soccer on Sunday? No, I d________.

2.What d______ is it today? It’s Thursday.

3.What does he do on W_______________? He plays basketball.


A.What do you do on Monday? ____________________________________

B.What day is it today? ___________________________________________

C.Is it Friday today? ______________________________________________

1.get up 起床have breakfast 吃早饭go to school 去上学

have lunch 吃午饭get home/ go home 回家do homework 做作业

have dinner 吃完饭go to bed/go to sleep 睡觉wake up 醒来

2.at 在几点钟eg: I have dinner at 5: 00. 我在五点钟吃晚饭。

3.What time is it? It’s 7: 30. 几点了?七点半了!

4.What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.


5.What time does your sister get home? She gets home at 6:00.


6.It’s time to… 是做什么的时候了。Eg: It’s time to go to bed. 是睡觉的时候了。


My Day

6:30a.m.7:40 a.m.12:30p.m.4:50 p.m.6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. get up go to school have lunch get home do homework go to bed

My Day

Hello, I’m Jim. This is my day. I get up at 6:30 a.m. I go to school at 7:40 a.m. I have lunch at 12:30 p.m. I get home at 4:50 p.m. I do homework at 6:00 p.m. I go to bed at 9:00p.m.

Exercise: X k B 1 . c o m

1.It’s time _________ (go) to school.

2.What time __________ (do) he get up? He gets up at 6:30.

3.I go home __________ (at, on) 5:00.

4.What ________ do you watch TV? I watch TV at 7:00.

5.I do my h____________ at 5:00.


a.What time does your father have dinner? ______________________________

b.Does your mother get up at 6:00? ____________________________________

c.What time is it now? ______________________________________________

d.What time do you get up on Tuesday? _________________________________

1.脚:foot(单数)feet (复数)

2.my 我的your 你的his 他的her 她的

3.This is + 单数这是… eg: This is his body. 这是他的身体。

These are +复数这些是… eg: These are her legs. 这些是她的身体。

4.Touch your nose! 摸你的鼻子!

5.Open your mouth! 张开你的嘴!

6.Close your eyes! 闭上你的眼睛!


1. This is my _____________ (mouth).

2. These are my _______ (foot).

3. These are his __________ (leg).

4. This is his __________ (head).

5. These are his __________ (arm).

6. This is my _________ (body).

7. These are his __________ (ear). 8. This is her _________ (nose).

9. These are her __________ (hand). 10. These are my ______ (eye).


()1. ——What are they doing? ——They‘re ________.


B. dancing

()2. ________ are my arms.


B. this

C. these

()3. ________ your nose.


B. touch

C. Open

()4. I have a ________, a _________ and two ________.

A.mouth; eye; ears

B. mouth; nose; eyes

C. ear; nose; eyes


1. 这是他的双眼。____________________________________________________

2. 这是我的鼻子。____________________________________________________

3. 这是她的嘴巴。____________________________________________________

4. 这些是他的手。____________________________________________________

5. 这是他的双脚。____________________________________________________

Unit 6

1.Do you want a toy bear? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

你想要一个玩具熊吗?是的,我想要。/ 不,我不想要。

2.Do they want a guitar? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

他们想要一个吉他吗?是的,他们想要。/ 不,他不想要。

3.Does he want a toy car? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

他想要一个玩具车吗?是的,他想要。/ 不,他不想要。

4.Does she want a doll? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

她想要一个玩偶吗?是的,她想要。/ 不,她不想要。

5.What do you want? I want a plane.


6.What do they want? They want a drum.


7.What does he want? He want s a puzzle.


8.What does she want? She want s a doll.



1. My mother ________ (want) a piano.

2. ---What (do) Gogo and Lucy (want)?

3. --- (do) your father like math? No, he (don’t).

4. ---They (want) these books.

5. ---Ben (don’t) like playing computer game.

6. In P.E class, I can (play the guitar).

7. _________________ he want a _________________ _________?

Yes, _______ __________.

9.Do they want a drum? ______________________________________________

Unit 7

1.Are you exercising? Yes, I am. 你在锻炼吗?是的,我在。

2.Are you sleeping? No, I’m not. I’m thinking.


3.Are they talking? Yes, they are. 他们在谈话吗?是的,他们在。

4.Are they shouting? No, they aren’t.他们在喊叫吗?不,他们没有。

5.Is he coloring? Yes, he is.他在涂颜色吗?是的,他在。

6.Is he playing soccer? No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball.


7.Is she cutting? Yes, she is.她在剪纸吗?是的,她在。

8.Is she playing computer game? No, she isn’t. 她在打电子游戏吗?不,她没有。Exercise:

1.What is she __________? She is ______________ (shout).

2.Is he ___________ (think)? Yes, he is.

3.Is she writing? No, she is ______________ (cut) the paper.

4.What are they doing? They are ________________ (exercise).

5.What do you do on Sunday? I __________ (play) basketball.


a.What day is it today? __________________________________________

b.Are they dancing? _____________________________________________

c.Does your mother want a dress? __________________________________

d.What are you doing? ___________________________________________

e.Is your mother cooking? ________________________________________

f.Are you singing? _______________________________________________

g.Is your dad working now? ________________________________________

h.Does your father want a car? ______________________________________

Unit 8

1.sweep the floor 扫地clean the windows 擦窗户wash the dishes 洗碗

fold the clothes 叠衣服clean the desk 擦桌子wash the clothes洗衣服wash the car 洗车cook breakfast 做早餐

2.Is she washing the dishes? No, she isn’t. She’s washing the clothes.


3.Are they cleaning the windows? Yes, they are.



1.What is Tony doing? _________________________________________________

2.Is Gogo folding the clothes? ___________________________________________

3.Are Jenny and Lisa talking? ____________________________________________

4.Is Mom sweeping the floor? ___________________________________________

5.Who is washing the car? ______________________________________________


Class________________ Name _________________ No._________ 一.英汉互译。 1.医生_____________ 2.老师______________ 3.办公室工作人员_______________ 4.nurse______________ 5.student____________ 6.消防员_________________ 7.农民_______________ 8.作家_______________9.出租车司机________________ 10.你是做什么职业的?_________________________ 11.我是一名学生。_____________ 12.他是一名医生。____________________ 二.选择正确的字母补全单词, ( ) 1.f__ __ __fighter A. ire B.eir C.rie ( ) 2.offic__ __ A. er B. or C.ur ( )3. d__ __ver A. ai B. ri C. ei ( )4. stud__ __t A .ea B.en C.eo ( ) 5.t__ __i A. as B. ax C. ex ( ) 6.n__ __se A. ur B. or C.ex ( ) 7.doct__ __ A. or B. ar C. er 三.模仿例句写句子。 Model 1: What do you do? I’m a writer. ____________________________________________________(she/ teacher) ____________________________________________________(Tony/ student) Model 2: Where are you going? I’m going to the park. ___________________________________________________(my friends/ bank) ______________________________________________________(my mother/zoo) 四.看图,补充完整句子,一空一词。 (1)(2)(3)(4) 1.A:________ does he do? B: He’s a ___________ ____________. 2.A: Is your father a _____________? B: Yes, he is. 3.A: What _________ he want to _____________? B: He _________to be a __________ ____________. 4.A:___________ she want to be a doctor? B: No, she doesn’t. She wants to be a ______________. A. do/do B. does/do C. does/does 五.根据实际情况回答问题。 1.What are you doing?____________________________________________ 2.What do you want to be?________________________________________


v1.0 可编辑可修改 四年级下册数学期末复习资料 第一单元四则运算 (一)四则运算的运算顺序: 1、在没有括号的算式里,如果只有加、减法或者只有乘、除法,都要从左往右按顺序计算。 2、在没有括号的算式里,有乘、除法和加、减法、要先算乘除法,再算加减法。 3、算式有括号,要先算括号里面的,再算括号外面的;括号里面的算式计算顺序遵循以上的计算顺序。 (二)关于“0”的运算: 1、“0”不能做除数;2、一个数加上0还得原数;3、一个数减去0,还得原数;4、一个数和0相乘,仍得0。 第二单元位置与方向 复习目标:1、能根据任意方向和距离确定物体的位置。2、对任意角度具体方向能够准确描述。 3、能准确的量出物体所在位置的角度及正确画出路线图 第三单元运算定律与简便运算 (一)加法运算定律:1、两个加数交换位置,和不变,这叫做加法交换律。字母公式:a+b=b+a 2、先把前两个数相加,或者先把后两个数相加,和不变,这叫做加法结合律。字母公式:(a+b) +c=a+(b+c) (二)乘法运算定律:1、交换两个因数的位置,积不变,这叫做乘法交换律。字母公式:a×b=b×a 2、先乘前两个数,或者先乘后两个数,积不变,这叫做乘法结合律。字母公式:(a×b)×c=a×(b×c) 3、两个数的和与一个数相乘,可以先把它们与这个数分别相乘,再相加,这叫做乘法分配律。用字母公式:(a+b)×c=a×c+ b×c或a×(b+c) =a×b+a×c拓展:(a-b)×c=a×c-b×c 或a×(b -c) =a×b-a×c (三)减法简便运算:1、一个数连续减去两个数,可以用这个数减去这两个数的和。用字母表示:a-b-c=a-(b+c) 2、一个数连续减去两个数,可以用这个数先减去后一个数再减去前一个数。用字母表示:a -b-c=a—c-b (四)除法简便运算: 1、一个数连续除以两个数,可以用这个数除以这两个数的积。用字母表示:a ÷b÷c=a÷(b×c) 2、一个数连续除以两个数,可以用这个数先除以后一个数再除以前一个数。用字母表示:a÷b÷c=a÷c÷b 第五单元三角形 1、由三条线段围成的图形(每相邻两条线段的端点相连)叫做三角形。


Unit 1 My school Target I. Sentences: 1. There’s a hall, a gym···· 2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms. 3. Of course, Gogo! 4. I have an idea. II. Words: a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom; III. Sounds and words: [u:] room moon cool classroom school noodles Materials Picture Cards 1-8, a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

The first period Step 1 Review 1. Do you know…? 2. How many words do you know? Step 2 V ocabulary Getting ready Put Picture Cards 1-8 on the blackboard. T: Look at the Picture Cards. Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat. Hold up each Picture cards. And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat. Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it. Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word. T: Is this an art room? (Point to a music room Picture card.) Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a music room. Model if necessary. Repeat with several Picture Cards. T: Close your books. T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.) what is it? Ss: It’s a …. Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see? (S1:A gym```) T: Now read the questions. Have Ss read the questions together.


四年级英语下册练习卷(一) Class:______________Name:___________________No._________________ 一、选择正确的字母补全单词。 ()1.sh____tsA.arB.erC.or ()2.wh__s__A.o/eB.o/eC.e/o ()3.t__x__dr__verA.e/i/aB.a/e/iC.a/i/i ()4.sw____terA.eiB.aeC.ea ()5.s____oolA.chB.shC.th ()6.par____A.thB.ayC.ty 二、选词填空。 (Maybathroomsdriversweaterdoesdoctorbe) 1.Gogowantsto__________afirefighter. 2.Isyourfatherataxi______________?No,heisn’t. 3.Howmany____________arethereinhisnewhome? 4.The____________issonice.__________Ibuyit? 5.What________hewanttobe?Hewantstobea____________. 三、模仿例句写句子。 ModuleA:Doyouwanttoseeamovie?Yes,Ido. 1.they/playtheguitar/yes _____________________________________________________________________ 2.he/gotothebeach/yes _____________________________________________________________________ 3.Mr.Li/studymath/no _____________________________________________________________________ ModuleB:Isshegoingtothebeach?Yes,sheis. 1.they/bank/no _____________________________________________________________________ 2.you/supermarket/yes _____________________________________________________________________ 3.Benandhisfriend/restaurant/yes _____________________________________________________________________ 四、根据下面的中文,完成句子,每空一词。(缩写算一空)


广东版开心学英语四年级下册复习点 Unit1MySchool Target 1.’sahall,agym,ateachers’office. 2.Howmanyclassroomarethere? Thereare__________________.【复数】 3.What’sinyourschool? Thereis__________________.【单数】 ※就近原则:Therebe句型中be动词的单复数形式由后面挨近的一项的单复数决定。例:Thereisabookandtwopencilsonthedesk. 又如:①那里有一本书和两只猫:Thereisabookandtwocats. ②那里有两只猫和一本书:Therearetwocatsandabook. Unit2OurNewHome Target 1.Isthere_________________?Yes,itis./No,itisn’t. 例:Istherealivingroominyournewhome? Yes,itis. 2.Arethere_________________?Yes,thereare./No,therearen’t. 例:Aretheretwobedroomsinyourdreamhome? Yes,thereare. 【作文】P18Drawyourdreamhomeandwriteaboutyourdreamhome. Thereare__________________________________. Thereare__________________________________. Thereare__________________________________. There’s___________________________________. There’s___________________________________. Unit3BankorBeach? Target 1.Whereareyougoing?


四年级英语期末复习资料 四年级英语期末复习资料(一) Myclassroom near距离近really真的TV电视clean打扫help帮助 Let’sspell: 句型:1Wehaveanewclassroom.我们有一个新教室。 2Let’sgoandsee让我们一起去看看吧。 3What’sintheclassroom?教室里面有什么? Oneblackboard,oneTV,manydesksandchairs. 4Whereisit?它在哪儿?It’snearthewindow.它在窗户旁边。 5It’ssobig.它很大。 6Let’scleantheclassroom.让我们一起打扫教室吧。 7Letmecleanthewindows..让我来擦窗户。 8Look!Thisisthenewclassroom.Thedoorisorange.(看!这是新的教室。门是橙色的。) intheclassroom在教室里onthefan在风扇上nearthecomputer 在计算机旁边 3.其他类:anewclassroom一间新教室excuseme劳驾,对不起 语法点:where引导的是特殊疑问句,“哪里”,看到where就要想到地点,方位词,例如on,in,under,near等。 四年级英语期末复习资料(二) Myschoolbag

单词 lost丢失somuch非常的cute可爱的 Let’sspell: i-e[a?]like喜欢kite风筝five五nine九rice米饭fine好nice好ice冰 i[i]big大的six六fish鱼pig猪 句型:1.Ihaveanewschoolbag.我有一个新书包。IhaveanEnglishbookandaChinesebook.我有一本英语书和一本语文书。 2.------What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么? ------AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand...一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事书和…… 3.------Whatcolourisit/(arethey)?它/(它们)是什么颜色的? ------It’s/(They’re)blueandwhite.它/(它们)是蓝白色的。 ------It’s/(They’re)blackandwhite.它/(它们)是黑白相间的。 短语:地点类inyourschoolbag在你的书包里inyourhand在你的手里inyourdesk在你的课桌里onyourEnglishbook在你的英语书上underyourschoolbag在你的书包下面nearyourpencilbox在你的铅笔盒旁边 PutyourChinesebookonyourdesk.把语文书放在你的课桌上 PutyourpencilboxonyourEnglishbook.把文具盒放在你的英语书上 Putyourmathsbookunderyourschoolbag把数学书放在你的书包 下 Putyourerasernearyourpencilbox把橡皮放在你的文具盒旁边


广东版开心学英语四年级上册期末复习资料 Unit 1 1.Do you like math? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 你喜欢数学吗?是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 2.What subjects do you like? I like art and music. 你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢美术和音乐。 3.Where is my English book?It’s on the desk. 我的英语书在哪里?它在桌子上。 4.Where are my socks? They’re under the bed. 我的袜子在哪里?他们在床下。 5.What can you do in music class? I can sing. 在音乐课上你能做什么?我能唱歌。 6.How many subjects do you have? I have seven. 你有多少个科目?我有七个。 7.Writing:Gogo is my good friend. He likes P.E. and art. He likes drawing and he can Gogo 是我的好朋友。他喜欢体育和美术。他喜欢画画,他能画得很draw very well. He doesn’t like math. That’s not good. 好。他不喜欢数学。这不太好。 Exercise: 1.你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢英语。 ____________ ___________ do you ___________? I _________ ______________. 2.你喜欢体育吗?不,不喜欢。我喜欢美术。 Do you like _______? No, ___________ __________. I _________ ____________. 3.I can run in ___________ class. I can draw in ___________ class. 4.回答下列问题。 A.Do you like science? _______________________________________________


四年级数学上册总复习提纲 第一单元【大数的认识】 1、计数单位:一(个)、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿……都是计数单 位。 2、数位:个位、十位、百位、……亿位等等,都是数位。数位名称就是在相应的 计数单位后添一个“位”字,如:万万位。 3、数级:个级、万级、亿级……都是数级,一个数级包括四个数位。个级包括个位、十位、百位、千位;万级包括万位、十万位、百万位、千万位;亿级包括亿位、十亿位、百亿位、千亿位。 4、数位顺序表:含有数级、数位和相应的计数单位的表格叫数位顺序表,如下。 每相邻两个计数单位之间的进率都是“十”。 10个一万是十万,10个十万是一百万,10个一百万是一千万,10个一千万是一亿。 5、数字表示:某个数位上的数字表示几个这个数位的计数单位。 如:12367 中的2在千位上,表示“2个千” 某个数级上的数字表示几个这个数级的计数单位。 如:36472845中的3647在万级上,表示“3647个万” 6、大数的读法:可以先分级,再读数。(1)含有两级数的读法:先读万级,再读 个级;(2)含有三级数的读法:先读亿级,再读万级,最后读个级。每级末尾不论 有几个0,都不读;每一级中间和前面有一个0,或连续几个0,都只读一个0. 7、大数的写法:可以先分级,再写数。(1)含有两级数的写法:先写万级,再写 个级;(2)含有三级数的写法:先写亿级,再写万级,最后写个级。哪一位上一个 计数单位也没有,就在哪一位上写0。 8、读写数检验方法:读数和写数可以互相检验,即读数后再写出来和原数比对,而写数后可以自己读出。 9、比较亿以内数的大小:位数不同时,位数多的数大;位数相同时,从最高位比 起,最高位上的数大,这个数就大;如果最高位上的数相同,就比较下一位,直到 比较出大小为止。 10、改写成不同计数单位的数: (1)整万、整亿的数:将个级的4个0改写成“万”,将万级、个级共8个0改写成“亿” 11、注意:整万、整亿的数的改写属于准确数,要用“=”连接. (2)非整万的数改写成以“万”为单位的数:将万位以后的数作为尾数,对尾数 的最高位(千位)四舍五入,再改写成以“万”为单位的数 (3)非整亿的数改写成以“亿”为单位的数:将亿位以后的数作为尾数,对尾数 的最高位(千万位)四舍五入,再改写成以“亿”为单位的数 12、省略尾数(求近似数):先分级,再看省略的最高位上的数,用四舍五入法进 一或舍去。省略亿位后面的尾数时,要看千万位,省略万位后面的尾数时,要看千 位。(用“≈”)0~4为“舍”,尾数清零且精确数位的数字不变,5~9为“入”,尾数清零且精确数位上的数字加1。注意:四舍五入后的结果是近似数,所以符号一 定要用“≈”. 13、准确数和近似数的区分: ⑴在实际问题中,有些数据是与实际完全符合的准确数。如:四甲班有44个男同学,29个女同学。这里的“44”“29”都是准确数。 ⑵还有些数据,只是与实际大体符合的近似数。我们在测定物体的长度、质量时, 由于测量工具的限制,必然会产生误差,所得的结果都是近似数。如:小明身高 140厘米,体重35千克。这里的“140”、“35”都是近似数。 ⑶在对大的数目在进行统计时,一般也只需要用它的近似数来表示。如:平常说一个城市有50万人,一个钢铁厂去年产钢120万吨。这里的“50万”、“ 120万”都是近似数。 14、“四舍五入”法:4、3、2、1、0舍去;5、6、7、8、9舍去后向前一位进1。 用“=”和“≈”的区别: 7580000=758万 7508000≈751万 9000000000=90亿 9420000000≈94亿 自然数:表示物体个数的1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,……都是自然数。一个物体也没有,用0表示,0也是自然数。最小的自然数是0,没有最大的自然数,自然数的个数是无限的。


四年级第二学期测试 班别: 姓名: 成绩: 一、听力部分 一、把你所听到的单词、短语或句子的序号填在题前的括号里。 ()1、A. wave B. have C. move ()2、A. working B. thinking C. talking ( )3、A. ginger B. finger C. guitar ( )4、A. making the bed B. washing the clothes C. watering the plants ( )5、A. go to the park B. go to the bank C. go home ( )6、A.at 6:15 B. at5:30 C. at 7:35 ( )7、A. Gogo’s toes B. T ony’s teeth C. Ben’s shoulder s ( )8、A. He’s practicing volleyball. B. She’s playing badminton. C. They’re practicing basketball. ( )9、A. What are you doing? B. Where are you going? C. What time is it? ( )10、A. Touch your knees. B. Put your pen on the desk. C. Put your desk next to the table. 三、听录音,填空。 1、I up at 7:00 and breakfast at 7:15. 2、Let’s go to the . 3、It’s very hot. We are going to the . 4、What are you ? I am the desk. 5、He’s . They’re . 二笔试部分


四年级上册复习资料 、四字词语 1) 讲读课文中的四字词语: 天下奇观一年一度人山人海若隐若现闷雷滚动人声鼎沸风平浪静水天相接齐头并进浩浩荡荡山崩地裂漫天卷地风号浪吼不计其数应接不暇引人注意毫不可惜随遇而安鲜花盛开绿树成阴鲜果飘香白雪一片北风呼啸隆冬来临狂风大作雪花飞舞瑟瑟发抖草翠花开纷纷逃窜鲜花凋谢树叶飘落冰雪覆盖拔腿逃跑左顾右盼严肃郑重厉声呵斥厉声叫嚣引吭大叫局促不安步调从容大模大样一日三餐三眼一板一丝不苟从容不迫厉声叫骂扬长而去空空如也昂首大叫供养不周不胜其烦架子十足无忧无虑屏息凝视温柔可亲丰富多腔长短不同粗细各异变化多端枝折花落生气勃勃天真可爱望子成龙来龙去脉群龙无首龙飞凤舞如虎添翼调虎离山骑虎难下照猫画虎天马行空汗马功劳马到成功老马识途牛刀小试笨鸟先飞呆若木鸡胆小如鼠崇山峻岭蜿蜒盘旋高大坚固气魄雄伟神清气爽闪闪发光金碧辉煌姿态不一细细游赏常年不断山洪暴发脱鞋绾裤协调有序清波漾漾人影绰绰招手示意理所当然谈何容易几经辗转平安无事突如其来血脉亲情疑惑不解风和日丽灯红酒绿热闹非凡耀武扬威衣衫褴褛得意洋洋铿锵有力莫名其妙春风拂面堪称楷模振兴中华呼风唤雨科学技术出乎意料腾云驾雾王公贵族五彩斑斓毫不相干凌空翱翔欣喜若狂穿越时空形态各异茹毛饮血温顺可爱行动敏捷毋庸置疑天之骄子胸有成竹 2) 阅读课文中的四字词语: 咫尺为邻不容置疑一争高下雪山冰川神秘莫测千姿百态直入云天神来之笔云遮雾涌人迹罕至穿梭其间一模一样洁白宁静静谧舒适坐卧不安消磨时光不可思议精神大振枉费心机浩如烟海飞渡重洋枯枝败叶强健有力枝叶茂密龇牙咧嘴慢条斯理不慌不忙车辙凌乱一动不动引人注目自由自在耀武扬威大吃一惊如怨如诉趁其不备举世无双规模宏大南征北战所向披靡个性鲜明身材魁梧昂首挺胸


广东版开心英语四年级下册 改写句子 一、陈述句变成一般疑问句:1、把is am are (was were) can may would will should 提到句首并大写,其余照抄,句号改成问号。 2、如果没有is am are (was were) can may would will should,则用来do, did ,does 开头来提问(如果动词是原形,用do开头来提问;如果动词带有s或es,用does开头来提问:如果动词是过去式,用did开头来提问)加did ,does后动词要回到原形。 3、见I’m改成Are you;I was 改成were you ;如果句子里有I 和we,则改成you;如果有my和our,则改成your;有some和many,则改成any. 二、一般疑问句变成陈述句:1、一般直接把is am are (was were) can may would will should放在第一个名词或人称代词he, she, it, they, I ,we, you 后面,其余不变。 2、以do, did ,does开头的一般疑问句,可以将do, did ,does直接删除,其余照抄。删除do 其余不变;删除does后要在动词后加上s或es;删除did后,动词要变为过去式。 3、如果句子中有you则要改成I 或we,有your就要改成my 或our, 有 a ny 就要改成some 或 many,。 三、肯定句变成否定句:1、直接在is am are (was were) can may would will should后面加上not , 其余不变. 2、如果没有is am are (was were) can may would will should,就直接在句中动词前加 don’t,doesn’t didn’t, 加后动词回到原形。(如果动词是原形用don’t;动词带有s或es,用doesn’t;动词是过去式,用didn’t.) 3、见到some和many,就改成any 四、否定句变成肯定句 1、一般直接去掉not , 其余不变. 2、带don’t,doesn’t didn’t的否定句,直接将don’t,doesn’t didn’t去掉。去掉don’t,其余不变;去掉doesn’t, 动词加上s或es;去掉didn’t,动词变成过去式。 3、见到any,就改成some或many。 五、对一般疑问句作肯定回答:Yes,____________.否定回答:No,____________. 后面部分根据具体情况而定。


Unit 1 School Subjects 一.重点词汇:( Vocabulary) 1.English英语 2.Chinese语文 3.music音乐 4.art美术. 5.math数学 6.P.E.体育 7.science科学 二.Sounds and words: 1.rice米饭 2.mice老鼠 3.face脸 4.dance跳舞 5.science科学 6.ice cream冰淇淋 三.重点句子:(Target) 1. Do you like math? Yes, I do. 你喜欢数学吗?是的,我喜欢。 2. Do you like science? No, I don’t. 你喜欢科学吗?不,我不喜欢。 3. What subjects do you like, Gogo? 果果,你喜欢什么科目? I like art and music. 我喜欢美术和音乐。 4、What’s that? 那是什么?It’s my science book. 那是我的科学书。 5. I like science, math, English, and P.E.我喜欢科学,数学、英语和体育。 6. What do you like, Gogo? 果果,你喜欢什么什么科目? I like art, too.我也喜欢美术。 四、重点句型 1.问某人喜欢哪个科目,可以用句型:What subjects do/does____ like?如: 1)What subjects do you like? I like math and music. 2)What subjects does he/she like? He/She likes math and music. 2.问某人是否喜欢某个科目,可以问:Do/Does ___like___? 如: 1)Do you like math? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 2)Does he like math? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. 3.一起做某事,应该说: Let’ s_______.( let’s 后面加动词原形) Unit2 School Activities 一. 重点词汇:(Vocabulary) 1.paint/painting绘画 2.read/read阅读 3. sleep/sleeping 睡觉 4.sing/singing唱歌 5.write/writing写字 6. study/studying学习 7. play/playing 玩 8.run/running跑步 二.Sounds and words: 1. painting绘画 2. reading阅读 3. sleeping 睡觉 4. singing唱歌 5. fishing钓鱼 6. swimming游泳


语文期末复习资料 (四年级·上册) 一、词语 ◆读读写写(摘自课本1-8单元词语盘点.) 宽阔薄雾笼罩沸腾奔腾依旧恢复灿烂竹竿规律缝隙照耀树梢静寂均匀重叠空隙叶柄触角痕迹逐渐幻想住宅隐蔽隐藏选择住址洞穴柔弱搜索倾斜平坦改观宽敞洋溢允许围墙隆冬孤独训斥覆盖凝视冷酷愉快拆除剩下伐木高傲重京剧滋味倘若侍候脾气责备邻近性格任凭贪玩尽职稿纸梅花跌倒开辟盘旋城砖城墙屯兵堡垒打仗呼应肩膀智慧凝结长廊寄托建筑宫殿葱郁掩映朱红堤岸雕刻洞察间隔懒惰俗语平衡联结跨越海峡依赖轻盈红润移植联系凶猛袭击期待空旷暂停模巡警吵嚷惩处抱负胸怀描绘程度推荐眼帘删掉规燥热融洽黄昏敏捷◆读读记记(摘自课本1-8单元词语盘点) 颤动霎时反差花卉涨潮榕树镇静梨黄蛟龙慎重宁静静谧豪放无聊偶然崭新漂移轻易资料证据鼓舞考证起源召开假说震动脸颊彼此铁锹树杈诧异麦子义务木匠木偶表情愣住拽住温柔撒谎魔杖狂吠攀谈泥泞腔调掂量涟漪属于主宰淘气反抗欺侮成绩凄惨慈爱辛苦陡峭耸立画舫远眺鸟瞰统率端详匀称淘汰雕塑气概谴责凋零辐射怜悯叮咛嘱咐怀抱悲哀湿润盐碱驱使崛起余晖蕴含洗漱惬意反驳逻辑冒昧疏远筛选寂寞分析数据综合悦耳迟钝储存示烹调烹炒预约紫檀色百合色葡萄灰茄子紫金灿灿笑盈盈笑嘻嘻兴冲冲毛茸茸嘉峪关颐和园飘飘然昂首东望若隐若现风平浪静水天相接横贯江面齐头并进漫天卷地引人注意毫不可惜随遇而安鲜花盛开绿树成阴鲜果飘香狂风大作雪花飞舞草翠花开局促不安毫不相让一日三餐从容不迫扬长而去空空如也供养不周不胜其烦架子十足屏息凝视变化多端枝折花落气魄雄伟神清气爽

金碧辉煌隐隐约约姿态不一山洪暴发清波漾漾理所当然谈何容易平安无事突如其来骨肉同胞血脉亲情帝国主义灯红酒绿热闹非凡风和日丽耀武扬威得意扬扬振兴中华呼风唤雨出乎意料腾云驾雾归根到底欣喜若狂形态各异人声鼎沸山崩地裂不容置疑神秘莫测神来之笔千姿百态人迹罕至尺有所短寸有所长用武之地美味佳肴应接不暇坐卧不安消磨时光不可思议精神大振枉费心机引吭大叫慢条斯理趁其不备神态自若浩如烟海枯枝败叶久经沙场南征北战所向披靡若有所思殊死拼搏号啕大哭恍然大悟协调有序形单影只和睦相处患难与共受益匪浅年少气盛年逾古稀筋疲力尽铿锵有力威风凛凛衣衫褴褛毋容置疑望子成龙来龙去脉群龙无首龙飞凤舞如虎添翼调虎离山骑虎难下照猫画虎天马行空汗马功劳马到成功老马识途牛刀小试对牛弹琴笨鸟先飞呆若木鸡胆小如鼠鼠目寸光九牛一毛顺手牵羊狼心狗肺狡兔三窟画蛇添足打草惊蛇若隐若现昂首东望风平浪静水天相接横贯江面齐头并进漫天卷地引人注意毫不可惜随遇而安昂首挺胸绿树成阴鲜果飘香狂风大作雪花飞舞草翠花开局促不安毫不相让一日三餐从容不迫扬长而去空空如也供养不周不胜其烦架子十足屏息凝视变化多端枝折花落气魄雄伟金碧辉煌神清气爽隐隐约约姿态不一山洪暴发清波漾漾理所当然谈何容易平安无事突如其来骨肉同胞血脉亲情帝国主义灯红酒绿热闹非凡风和日丽耀武扬威得意扬扬振兴中华呼风唤雨出乎意料农耕社会腾云驾雾云遮雾涌归根到底欣喜若狂形态各异因特网原子核哲学家火辣辣人声鼎沸山崩地裂不容置疑神秘莫测神来之笔千姿百态人迹罕至应接不暇涓涓细流帘帘飞瀑滔滔江水枯枝败叶浩如烟海坐卧不宁消磨时光不可思议精神大振枉费心机恍恍惚惚郁郁苍苍勤勤恳恳蹦蹦跳跳趁其不备引吭大叫慢条斯理自由自在如怨如诉生气勃勃可怜巴巴崇山峻岭举世无双享誉世界身材魁梧神态自若久经沙场南征北战所向披靡跃跃欲试若有所思殊死拼搏协调有序人影绰绰号啕大哭恍然大悟铿锵有力筋疲力尽美味佳肴形单影只和睦相处患难与共受益匪浅年少气盛年逾古稀远洋船舶第一单元 皓月当空形影不离情不自禁各奔东西心绪不宁十全十美手足情深悲欢离合阴晴圆缺屈指算来井井有条羊肠小道第二单元

广东版开心学英语四年级上册Unit 1-3测试题

四年级第一学期英语月考Unit 1-3(一) 班别:______ 姓名:_________ 学号:_____ Part 1 听力部分 一、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给图片或单词标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Chinese science dance English violin ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,把相应的选项连起来。 三、听录音,判断句子正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 ( ) 1. I like English and art. ( ) 2. I don’t like music and Chinese. ( ) 3. She is reading English. ( ) 4. They are painting. ( ) 5. I play basketball on Friday. ( ) 6. He’s studying. ( ) 7. We swim on Saturday. ( ) 8. She likes P.E.. ( ) 9. We play the violin on Tuesday. ( )10. Jenny is singing. 四、听录音,选出问句的答语,把字母代号填在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. A. I like science. B. It’ s Thursday.

( ) 2. A. Yes, we do. B. I’m studying. ( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s Saturday. ( ) 4. A. I play the piano on Monday. B. I am playing the piano. ( ) 5. A. It’s red. B. It’s ten o’clock. 笔试部分 一、写出下列动词的现在分词(10分): sleep ____________ dance ___________ study _________ fish _____________ run _____________ swim ____________ read __________ play _____________ write____________ paint _________ 二、选词填空,完成句子(10分): 1.__________ is it today? It’s Saturday. 2.__________ is Gogo? It’s on the box. 3.What’s ________ doing? She’s writing. 4.______________ is it? It’s twelve o’clock. 5.______________ is it? It’s yellow. 6._______ she have glasses? Yes, she does. 7._______ she sad? No, she isn’t. 8._______ that girl? She’s my sister. 9.______ are you doing? I’m fishing. 10._____________ do you like? I like music, art and English. 三、单项选择(10分): ( ) 1. _______ they like English? Yes, they do.

广东版开心学英语四年级下册Unit 2《Our New Home》练习题

Unit 2 Our new home 单词掌握living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, garden 重点句型1 We’re moving to a new home. 句型2 Is there a bedroom for me? 句型3 What about a garden? 句型4 There is a kitchen. There are two bedrooms. 句型1 We’re moving to a new home. (带入apartment, house) 句型2 Is there a bedroom for me? 回答:Yes, there is. There is a bedroom for everyone. Is there a living room ? 回答:Yes, there is. And there is a dining room, too. 句型3 What about a garden? There isn’t a garden, but there are three bathrooms 句型4 肯定句: There is a kitchen. There are two bedrooms. 否定句: There isn’t a kitchen. There aren’t two bedrooms. 疑问句: Is there a kitchen? Are there two bedrooms? 肯定回答:Yes, there is. Yes, there are. 否定回答:No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t. 一.听录音,给下列图片排序


Unit1 School Subjects(1) 学导目标: 1、掌握四会单词English、subjects、Chinese、music;会用本课重点句型What subjects do you like …? 来进行提问和回答。 2、过程与方法:通过调查询问、小组合作等提高学生的语言表达能力。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过学习使学生树立合作、互助的观念,能积极与他人合作,运用所学的英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。 学导重点、难点: 1.能熟练地对上述四个单词进行听、说、读、写。 2.能熟练运用What subjects do you like? 来进行提问和回答。 3.能对句型What subjects do you like ? 进行拓展延伸。 教具:各科书籍,录音带CAI 课时:3 The first period 学导过程: 一、开课导入。 1、Read a chant. 2、Look at the picture cards and speak out the words.. 二、探索体验。 1、看图片完成句子。 2、学习四会单词与句型What subjects do you like …? 3、通过上面的学习,我们知道了:询问他人的喜好科目应用什么句型。

4、Play a game. 5、学习Target. A. Read after the tape. B. Read the dialogue in pairs and groups. C. Act out the dialogue and elect the best group. 三、拓展创新。 1、拓展学习句型What subjects does he\ she like ……? 2.、Group work : ask and mark. 3、Ask the group leader to report it . 四、链接考试。 (一)我真棒。(选择正确的字母补全单词)(选自学材第15页第一题)( ) 1. hist __ __y A. ro B. or C. er ( ) 2. sc __ __ nce A. ei B. ai C. ie ( ) 3. ma____ __ A.ch B. th C.sh ( ) 4.Engli__ __ A. sh B. th C. ch (二)我能行。(模仿写句子)(选自学材第16页第四题) Model: What subjects do you like ? I like science.

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