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(图书馆作文— 构思与细节拓展):
The library plays a very important part in a student's life.
II. The library offers books that help enhance the students’ interests in literature and art as well.
a high salary job
a well-paid job
transferred-gene food
genetically modified food
⑤ 语法、拼写、标点符号和其他技术性错误
作文初稿修改参照检查项目: ① 内容
● 作文题目是什么?初稿是否符合作业要求?(如展开模式或文章
●主题是否清楚?论据(细节、例子、理由等是否充分? ●是否有与主ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ无关,应该删除的内容? ●论述是否合乎逻辑?是否缺少某些环节?
② 组织结构
●开篇段落是否引出主要观点? ●各段是否有自己的中心思想?是否与文章的主要观点相关?是否与
The library provides him with books on… The library offers the students an easy access to the … … are available on the shelf … can be found in great numbers for the students to choose from
(图书馆作文— 构思与细节拓展):
The library plays a very important part in a student's life. III. Library is also a nice place for students to study in. A. Quiet and spacious, it is a nice place for the students to study in. B. Many new magazines are on display in the First Reading-Room, offering the students an easy access to the updated information of the academic frontier.
market and later help their career. ● Some positions related to public relations, mass communication and foreign affairs require pleasant appearances, which may represent the image of the department. ● Just as people should dress neatly and wear some make-up when appearing in the public places, a beautiful appearance is also a sign of respect for others. ● With the development of technology, the risks and costs of plastic surgery can be minimized. ● Having plastic surgery does not necessarily mean neglecting inner beauty. ● Plastic surgery is a personal choice, having nothing to do with others.
④ 用词
● 有无选用与文章的题目或文体风格不相适应的词? ● 有无从汉语直译过来而在英语中意思不尽相同的词或短语? ● 在词的搭配上有无生搬硬套汉语的表达法?
中式表达 地道表达 中式表达 convenient noodles 地道表达 instant noodles
a crowded traffic a heavy traffic
(图书馆作文— 构思与细节拓展):
The library plays a very important part in a student's life.
I. The library is a place where students could borrow books for their study. A. He needs reference books for his courses, both required and elective. Some books, with detailed analysis of the exam questions in the past few years, have proved to be quite popular among the students when they prepare for those corresponding exams. B. The library provides him with books for his research. C. He needs the library all the more in his senior years, as he would not be able to write his graduation paper without using the library.
(整容术作文— 论据收集): Say “Yes” to plastic surgery
●Plastic surgery is a means of gaining confidence and self-esteem. ● A beautiful appearance can improve people’s chances in the job
A. world-famous novels, essays, and collections of poems, both originals and translations, are available on the shelf. B. Theoretical works of arts, like music composing, oil painting, and Ceramic Art, can be found in great numbers for the students to choose from. C. Books aiming at describing the culture and customs of different nations are always necessary for the students hoping to further their study abroad after they graduate.
(整容术作文— 论据收集): Say “No” to plastic surgery
● Different people have different standards of beauty. What some
people regard as beautiful may be regarded as ugly by others. ● As a famous saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” ● Companies will not hire a girl / boy with an appealing appearance but no brains. ● Plastic surgery is expensive. The failure rate is high. ● The foreign matter implanted into our body may not be safe. ● As everyone will become old, outer beauty is temporary. ● Our natural appearance is exclusive to ourselves. It make us unique. It is not a pleasant experience to see others having the same eyes, nose, or mouth as we do.
前一段中心思想有关?段落衔接如何?是否有承上启下的过渡词句? 段落是否按逐步推向高潮的递进顺序排列?
③ 句子
● 每句话是否都与前后句子密切相关? ● 有无不必要的,可以删除的句子? ● 句子结构有无错误? ● 有无冗长、啰嗦的句子? ● 句子类型有无变化?