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1. General
Different grammatical approaches to basic unit of language and their main tenets
Emergence of CxG and its criticism
The Need
Boas & Sag Sign-based Construction Grammar
Course Description
构式语法是20世纪80年代末在认知语言学背景下逐渐形成的 一门新兴语言学流派,主要对语言各层面的句法、语义、语 用作一整合性研究,并逐渐深入到外语教学、二语习得、修 辞学等方面的研究。构式语法现已成一门显学,具有广阔的 发展前景。本课程以构式语法基本理论为线索,着重讨论构 式语法的基本原理、研究方法及其在语言研究中的应用,以 及解决外语教学、二语习得等方面的理论与实践问题。
discourse, conversational system and so on.
This family of approaches in which many linguists with varying backgrounds have converged on the above key insights is referred to as Constructionist
The theoretical framework of CxG:
an established framework in the international linguistic community a viable alternative to other formal and less formal
approaches to language and linguistic structure.
CxG covers a family of theories of grammar :
Cognitive Grammar (CG, Langacker), Radical Construction Grammar (RCxG, Croft), Embodied Construction Grammar (ECxG, Bergen & Chang), Sign-based Construction Grammar (SCxG, Boas & Sag, developed from Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar HPSG), Fluid Construction Grammar (FCxG, Steels), Diachronic Construction Grammar ( DCxG, Traugott & Barð dal )
Goldberg, A. E. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. London: UCP., 1995. Goldberg, A. E. Constructions at Work:The Nature of Generalization in Language. Oxford: OUP, 2006. Lakoff, G. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. London: UCP, Ltd., 1987. Langacker, R. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, vol. 1: Theoretical Prerequisites. Stanford: SUP, 1987. Langacker, R. W. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar, Vol. 2: Descriptive Application. Stanford: SUP, 1991a. Langacker, R. W. Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford: OUP, 2008. Taylor, J. Cognitive Grammar. Oxford: OUP, 2002. Croft, W. Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective. Oxford: OUP, 2001. Susumu K. & Ken-ichi T (eds.). Functional Constraints in Grammar Vol. 1:On the Unergative-Unaccusative Distinction. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. Fried Mirjam &. Jan-Ola Östman (eds.). Constructional Approaches to Language. Vol. 2: Construction Grammar in a Cross-Language Perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2004. Östman, Jan-Ola & Mirjam. Fried (eds.). Constructional Approaches to Language. Vol. 3: Construction Grammars: Cognitive Grounding and Theoretical Extensions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005. Fried,Mirjam. & H. C. Boas (eds.). Constructional Approaches to Language. Vol. 4 :Grammatical Constructions: Back to the Roots. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005.
from schematic complex constructions to substantive atomic constructions. 3. Constructions: organized in a network, chiefly by taxonomic relations and partwhole relations. 4. (not universally accepted) The mental representation of a construction: determined not only by the (non)predictability of the constructional properties, but also by token and type frequency.
A number of converging central points have been anticipated in
the above theories:
1. Constructions: symbolic units, a pairing of form and meaning.
2. Construction:the basic unit of grammatical representation. There is a continuum
Construction Grammar 构式语法
What is Construction Grammar?
Construction Grammar (CxG): a theory of syntax in which constructions are the basic unit of grammatical representation.
Construction grammarians are not likely to be content with analysis limited to grammar.
Recent years have seen the extension of
constructional theories to more areas of researches, encompassing acquisition, teaching,
Linguists seek a characterization of the nature of linguistic knowledge. There is a need to posit a basic unit in linguistic studies via which grammatical units of other levels are explained. 设定语法中的某一单位为研究的基础,通 过该基础单位的研究来解释其它各级语法 单位。这个作为基础研究的单位就取得了 研究“本位”的地位。
Even a new domain name is given——Constructional
Fillmore Construction Grammar Goldberg Construction Grammar
Langacker CogniБайду номын сангаасive Grammar
教学重点:构式语法基本原理、研究方法、实际应用。 教学目的:了解和掌握当前最新语言理论与实践方法,并创 造性地应用到实际研究中。
Course Description
The Outline of the Course
Course Description
主要教材: 王寅《构式语法研究(上下卷)》
辅助教材: Croft Radical Construction Grammar Langacker Cognitive Grammar Goldberg Construction Grammar Constructional Approaches to Language(11) 授课形式: 讲解 + 讨论,个案分析,撰写小结
CxG does not come out of nowhere.
Typically associated with Cognitive Linguistics,
partly because many of the linguists that are involved in
CxG are also involved in Cognitive Linguistics; partly because CxG and Cognitive Linguistics share many theoretical and philosophical foundations.
Leino, Jaakko (eds.). Constructional Approaches to Language Vol. 5: Constructional Reorganization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2008
Bergs, A. & G. Diewald (eds.). Constructions and Language Change (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 194). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2008.
Lakoff Gestalt Grammar
Constructionist Approach
Traugott & Barðdal Diachronic Construction Grammar
Croft Radical Construction Grammar Bergen & Chang Embodied Construction Grammar