当前位置:文档之家› 上海市曹杨二中2018-2019学年英语(含5份模拟卷)高二下学期期末模拟试卷









Ages: 11—17, with an adult chaperone (监护人)

Purpose: To find out what it is like to work at a zoo.


Join us for a great programme for middle and high school students to explore animal — re-lated careers at Denver Zoo.

From keepers to trainers, vets and exhibits designers, different kinds of possible zoo and animal careers will be explored during our Career Discovery Day this fall. The programme starts with an amazing gathering in which our animal stars will appear and perform. Participants will attend lectures given by professors of the zoo and take part in special tours filled with activities find information. And you, 11 have time to ask questions about what it takes to work on the wild side.

Registration required:

Registration closes at 10 a. m., September 16th. Lectures and tours are limited to regis-tered participants and their one chaperone only.


Members: $ 70 per person. Nonmembers: $ 75 per person. The cost includes zoo admission for one participant and one required adult chaperone.


Participants will not be admitted without an adult chaperone and chaperones must stay with participants during the period of the event.

If you have any questions, please call at 720—337—1491 or e-mail at teenprogrammes denverzoo. org.

21. Who would most probably be interested in Career Discovery Day?

A. Kids who love animals.

B. Adults who are looking for a job.

C. Children who like animal performances.

D. Teenagers who want to learn about jobs at a zoo.

22. How much should two members and their mothers pay to register for the programme?

A. $ 70.

B. $140.

C. $ 150.

D. $ 290.

23. The text is meant to ________.

A. attract visitors to Denver Zoo

B. tell kids how to have fun in fall

C. advertise an activity at Denver Zoo

D. encourage people to work at zoos


Tom Costello was once afraid of homeless Americans. “I was so afraid that if I saw a home-less person walking down the street, I’d cross the street,” he said.

That changed seven years ago after his wife, Nancy, a volunteer at a homeless shelter, persuaded him to help with a holiday dinner for shelter residents. Tom remembered going to a store and buying socks for the residents. He knew many of them were in need of clothing.

At the shelter, Tom said, he dropped a pair of socks into a bag for a woman. She asked him if she could have socks for a friend who wasn’t with her that day. He gave her another pair. “She started to cry and told me that nobody had ever given her socks before,” Tom said, “Then she reached out and gave me a hug.” That experience at the shelter helped Tom end his fear of the homeless.

It also led him to set up a group calle d “The Joy of Sox.”, which borrows from a name of a popular book. The group collects socks from donors and gives them mostly to shelters in the area where Tom and Nancy live. It has been expanding its reach and provides socks to homeless shelters in 21 states and other three countries now.

Why socks? Tom explains that some Americans give food, coats and other clothing to shelters. But donating socks is not something most people think about. And, he said, socks are very helpful at keeping people warm, especially in cold weather. A man named Kiwi,who has lived in homeless shelters, said most of the time he could find enough food through shelters and soup kitchens. But socks were much more difficult to get, he noted.

24. What removed Tom’ s fright of the homel ess?

A. A woman’s need for socks.

B. The encouragement from Nancy.

C. The hug from a homeless person.

D. The first experience of helping the homeless.

25. What did Tom do when the woman asked for another pair of socks?

A. He felt afraid.

B. He walked away.

C. He satisfied her demand.

D. He gave her a hug. ,

26. What can we know about “The Joy of Sox”?

A. It got the name from a book.

B. It was founded by Tom and Nancy.

C. It helps the homeless of three countries.

D. It buys different socks for the homeless.

27. Why does Tom provide socks for the homeless?

A. The homeless are lack of socks.

B. Tom’ s wi fe persuaded him to do so.

C. Socks are popular among the donators.

D. The homeless can’t buy socks in shelters.


“Fast fashion” means clothes that are inexpensive but look like the latest designs. One reason for the success of fast fashion is social networking. A report by the investment research firm Bernstein found that millennials — people born in the 1980s and 90s — wanted to wear a variety of clothes in the photos they posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As a result, many businesses that offer trend, low - cost clothes are growing.

But the situation is changing now. Maxine Bedat, a woman who is in her early 30s,looks in her closet full of clothes, but she has nothing to wear. She says she hates always shopping for what is in style . Instead,she says, she wants to buy fewer clothes that she can wear over and over. Other people want the same thing, she says.

So Ms. Bedat and a business partner, Soraya Darabi, started a “slow fashion”clothing pany calltd Zady. “Slow fashion” means clothes that las t a long time. They are often classic colors and shapes, and are made from natural materials that are biodegradable (可生物降解的) over time.

The terms “fast fashion” and “slow fashion”are related to “fast food” and “slow food: fast food is still popular in the US, but many restaurants increasingly offer higher - quality, more expensive and relaxed meals.

Like slow food,slow fashion also aims to use sources that are good for the environment and 、workers. Maxine Bedat says people in her generation want to know where their clothes e from and who is making them. To answer millennials’demand for information about the products they buy, Ms. Bedat’s pany, Zady, includes details about the history of the brands. It also describes the process in which the clothes are made. Ms Bedat says Zady aims to tell shoppers where their

clothes e from, where they go, and how they impact the world.

28. What can we know about millennials from Paragraph 1?

A. They tend to buy clothes with lower price.

B. They all like to share photos on the Internet.

C. They spend money in buying the latest designs

D. They show their interests in wearing different clothes.

29. What makes Mexine Bedat establish Zady?

A. She has nothing to wear.

B. She likes the classic clothes.

C. She longs for “slow fashion” clothes.

D. She prefers clothes with natural materials.

30. Like “slow food”, “slow fashion” should ________.

A. be high - quality and expensive

B. be friendly to the environment

C. tell the shoppers the history of the brands

D. describe the process of making the clothes

31. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. How “fast fashion” bees popular.

B. “Slow fashion” is being popular now.

C. Many businesses are selling trendy and cheap clothes.

D. The differences between “fast fashion” and “slow fashion”.


A new “smart bin” could spell the end of environment - conscious families spending hours sorting tins, cartons, bottles, and cardboard for recycling. The invention, which automatically sorts rubbish into recycling categories, is being trialed in Poland and is set to go on sale in the UK within a few years.

The bin, designed by start - up pany Bin. E, recognizes different types of waste via a system positioned inside the bin which uses sensors, image recognition and artificial intelligence. Once waste is placed inside, the camera and sensors identify its type and place it in one of the smaller bins. Then it presses (压缩) the waste so it occupies less space.

News of the launch showed that more than a million households are being forced to accept bin collections every three or four weeks, because councils are trying to force them to recycle more. Data collected by The Telegraph has showed at least 18 areas have moved or will shortly

be moving to three - weekly rubbish collections, while a further three have adopted or are tria-ling four - weekly collections. While reducing general bin collections, councils are increasing the frequency of recycling collections in a bid to change people’s behaviour. It is thought that the bin could be stocked by department stores such as John Lewis, which said it is introducing new hi - tech recycling bins to satisfy increasing customer appetite for them. Matt Thomas, a utility (家用设施) seller at John Lewis, said, “We’ve recently seen a jump in specialist bins sales, with a 25 percent increase in the last few months alone. We have noticed our customers are being more and more sustainability focused, choosing dual partment (双格) recycling bins that make it far easier to recycle different types of waste. In response to this demand, we are really excited to introduce a new voice and sensor activated smart bin this autumn / winter season —designed to use new technology to make recycling more efficient and functional for the everyday home.”

32. What can we know about the smart bin?

A. It has entered the UK market.

B. It breaks up the garbage quickly.

C. It can classify different kinds of rubbish.

D. It expands its space with the increase of garbage.

33. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. The cost of producing the bins has raised.

B. The smart bins have been the best sellers.

C. The stores have sold out the new bins in a very short time.

D. The sales volume of the recycling bins has increased suddenly.

34. What can we infer from Matt Thomas, words?

A. People can get the smart bins at a low price.

B. People always spend much time in rubbish collections.

C. More and more hi - tech bins are designed for customers.

D. People pay more attention to environmental protection than before.

35. Which of the following tan be the best title for the text?

A. Smart Bins in the United Kingdom

B. Councils’ Call for Rubbish Collection

C. A Smart Bin That Sorts Different Rubbish

D. The Good News to Environment - Conscious Families



A new report says plastics are responsible for $13 billion in damage to the oceans and the undersea environment. The findings were announced recently at a United Nations conference. _36_.

Plastic thrown away carelessly makes its way into rivers and other waterways. _37_ After a while, it collects in the sea. And plastic never goes away. Plastic is not biodegradable —destroyed by bacteria or natural processes. Instead, it just breaks up into smaller pieces over time. The oceans contain a lot of chemicals and other pollutants(污染物). _38_. That means harmful material may get into our food supply.

_39_. Human beings cause pollution and they can take steps to stop it. They can use fewer single use product containers and throw plastics away correctly. Plastic recycling programs also works—where old bottles and other plastics are collected, broken down and used to make new products. We could reuse bottles in our households many times if we wish to, rather than end it after the first use. We could, when we get rid of that plastic, recycle it and reuse it, which replaces the need for raw materials.

The report also calls on panies to improve methods for using plastics. _40_. And it calls for information about the way plastic is thrown out or removed from use. By putting a new value on plastic, industry has a special reason to clean up the environment. But all of the panies must join to deal with the problem.

A. Then, fish may eat the plastics.

B. But people can make a big difference.

C. Plastics should be gathered together and reused.

D. It is convenient to use plastic bags in everyday life.

E. It asks for them to better measure and control plastic use.

F. The plastic eventually reaches coastal areas and ocean waters.

G. The report tells about harm to sea life and what might be done to improve the situation. 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



One morning, the door to the classroom opened and a new teacher, Mrs Cosby, walked in. She looked too _41_ to handle us. And we sure gave her a _42_ time,but she never lost her temper. And then came the last day of the first month. She _43_ a bunch of papers”. We _44_ the worst—a

test. But oh no, it was something that totally _45_ us.

Mrs Cosby asked us to e to the front of the class, and gave each of us a piece of _46_, on which she had written what the student had been _47_ at during the last month. You see, no one had ever _48_ us. No one had ever liked us. We were constantly told what good - for - nothing Students we were. And here, _49_,was someone who had been _50_ us closely for a month. We made things as difficult for her as we could. And yet she could find something _51_ to say about each of us.

Mrs Cosby did this every _52_ from then on. Each month we got a piece of paper that emphasized our _53_. She mented on my courage, how punctual I was, how good to _54_ arguements if I wanted. Her positive attitude transformed our class. We did not want to _55_ her feelings anymore. We actually started to _56_.

And then came the day of our graduation. Mrs Cosby hugged us and told us with tears in her eyes how _57_ she was of us. Then she _58_ each one of us a book. All the encouraging words through the years were there, in hard covers.

She said, “I want you each to keep this book and if ever during your life you feel unwor-thy, _59_ this and read how good you are. You can be anything you want to be _60_ you believe in yourself. Promise me you’ll remember that!”

41. A. soft B. short C. foolish D. mon

42. A. happy B. hard C. good D. valuable

43. A. picked up B. took out C. paid for D. came across

44. A. hoped B. needed C. feared D. dreamed

45. A. disappointed B. surprised C. excited D. satisfied

46. A. sentence B. ment C. paper D. letter

47. A. good B. angry C. poor D. glad

48. A. forgot about B. played with C. believed in D. looked for

49. A. naturally B. generally C. gradually D. suddenly

50. A. teaching B. praising C. following D. observing

51. A. strange B. positive C. wrong D. interesting

52. A. day B. week C. month D. year

53. A. shortings B. mistakes C. wishes D. strengths

54. A. start B. continue C. settle D. write

55. A. hurt B. know C. understand D. read

56. A. study B. play C. fight D. joke

57. A. tired B. proud C. ashamed D. kind

58. A. promised B. bought C. handed D. suggested

59. A. remember B. change C. borrow D. open

60. A. even if B. as long as C. unless D. as though



Are you the first or the last child in your family? Or are you a middle or an only child? Some people think _61_ matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means. Some people say that oldest children, _62_ are smart and strong - willed,are very likely _63_ ( succeed). The reason _64_ this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child and give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for _65_ same reason.

What _66_ (happen) to the other children in the family? Middle children don’t get so much attention, so they don’t fe el that important. If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets _67_ (lose) in the crowd. The youngest child, however, often gets special treatment. Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite _68_ (difference). The study found that the first children believe in family rules. They don, t take many chances in _69_ lives. They usually follow _70_ (order). Ruies don’t mean much to later children in the family. They take chances and they often do better in life.







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

With the development of science and technology, intelligent robots will be wide used in the future. At home, robots will help people do some housework and taking care of the elderly, ba-bies and patients. In addition to these task, robots will even be able to play the chess and do exercise with people. In factories, robots will be used to perform some dangerous jobs avoid accidents.

Robots will change our future life by many ways, what will make it more colorful and fortable. Therefore, we shouldn’t depend on intelligent robots too much, for they were made to help humans rather than replace us. As helpers of we humans, robots should be used properly.


假定你是李华,你的英国好友Peter 8月份打算来中国旅游,想先学习一些中文,却不知道如何入门。你决定帮助他,用英语给他写一封邮件告诉他你的建议。内容包括:

1. 你给他的学习建议;

2. 介绍你帮助他的计划;

3. 对结果的展望。


1) 词数100词左右;

2) 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________


Li Hua




1-5 BCACA 6-10 CABCC 11-15 ABCAB 16-20CACBC


21-23 DBC 24-27 DCAA 28-31 DCBB 32-35 CDDC 36-40 GFABE 完形填空:

41-45 ABBCB 46-50 CACDD 51-55BCDCA 56-60 ABCDB


61. it 62. who 63. to succeed 64. for 65. the

66. happens 67. lost 68. differently 69. their 70. orders


With the development of science and technology, intelligent robots will be wide used in the future. At home,


robots will help people do some housework and taking care of the elderly, babies and patients. In addition to these


task, robots will even be able to play the chess and do exercise with people. In factories, robots will be used to

tasks 去掉play

perform some dangerous jobs ∧ avoid accidents.


Robots will change our future life by many ways, what will make it more colorful and fortable. Therefore,

in which However we shouldn’t depend on intelligent robots too much, for they were made to help humans rather than replace us. As


helpers of we humans, robots should be used properly.



Dear Peter,

Delighted to hear that you are going to take a trip to China in August and especially want to learn some Chinese first before ing. Here, I suggest that you choose Chinese daily dialogues as a start, like greeting people, asking for directions and so on, which can help you a lot during your trip.

Learning Chinese needs great effort. I’d like to be your teacher and send you an e-book with my teaching schedule later. Besides, let’s have an online class over the Internet every weekend, through which I will try my best to make your learning easier and surely you can speak some fluent Chinese before your arrival.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。







Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is probably one of the most popular school reads in the world. George Orwell wrote it as a political allegory(讽喻)and has since then inspired the minds of not only adult revolutionaries but also the younger ones who start feeling the spark of being right and free for all of the humanity in their hearts.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

This is a wise, funny, and heartbreaking memory of Marjane Satrapi’s years growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, and how she dealt with life while experiencing the ruinous effects of the war with Iraq. The mistakes she felt she made opened her eyes and shaped her into being the influential individual she is today.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Regarded as a masterpiece of literature----it is no wonder it won the Pulitzer Prize. The plot and characters are based on the author’s observations of her family and neighbors, as well as on an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 16 years old. The novel is famous for its warmth and humor, despite telling a story of innocent Tom Robinson being accused of raping(强暴)a white woman because he was black.

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

A story showing the absolute courage of a young boy, who was never afraid to speak his mind in the face of injustice and would always defend the helpless. A boy shows us the importance of believing in ourselves and others. Harry Potter reminds us that the true power to defeat any enemy is not found in others, but found within each of us.

1. Which book best suits the people who want freedom?

A. The Harry Potter series

B. To Kill a Mockingbird

C. Animal Farm

D. Persepolis

2. Which author wrote about his or her own experience in the above works?

A. J. K. Rowling

B. Marjane Satrapi

C. George Orwell

D. Harper Lee

3. What does the author say about To Kill a Mockingbird?

A. Its author is a young girl

B. It was written in a serious way

C. One theme may be racial inequality

D. Tom Robinson mitted a crime

4. What does the Harry Potter series mainly want to convey?

A. God helps those who help themselves

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed

C. Actions speak louder than words

D. Failure is the mother of success


One day an out-of-work mime(哑剧演员)is visiting a zoo and attempts to earn some money as a performer. As soon as he starts to draw the crowd, a zoo keeper grabs him and drags him into his office. The zoo keeper ex plains to the mime that the zoo’s most popular attraction, a gorilla, died suddenly and the keeper fears that the attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mime a job to dress up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mime accepts.

So the next morning the mime puts on the gorilla suit and enters the cage before the crowd es. He discovers that it’s a great job. He can sleep when he wants to, play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mime. However, eventually the crowds get tired of him and he doesn’t like just swinging on wires any longer. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his.

Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition(隔开物), and dangles(悬荡) from the top of the lion’s cage. Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd loves it. At the end of the day the zoo keeper es and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction. Well, this goes on for some time, the mime keeps laughing at the lion, the crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up.

Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion he slips and falls. The mime is terrified. The lion gathers its strength and prepares to pounce(猛扑). The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round in the cage with the lion close behind. Finally, the mime starts screaming and yelling, "Help me! Help me!", but the lion is quick and pounces. The mime

soon finds himself lying on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says, "Shut up, you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"

5. The mime goes to the zoo in order to .

A. perform to make some money

B. take part in an interview

C. look for a better job as a worker in the zoo

D. help the zoo keeper to draw more visitors

6. The mime doesn’t like his job any longer probably because.

A. he can’t have enough sleep eve ry day

B. the visitors throw something at him

C. people are less interested in his performance

D. he wants to stay with the lion in the cage

7. The underlined word "furious" (in Paragraph 3) means " ".

A. happy

B. angry

C. frightened

D. satisfied

8.According to the passage, we can know that .

A. the lion wants to catch hold of the mime

B. both the lion and the mime will be killed

C. another employer dresses up as the lion

D. the zoo keeper will fire both of them


Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the pany. As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their negative effect on the environment. Many businesses do this by using Web conferencing.

Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to municate more effectively over the Internet. It’s an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office. Each of the people involved in a web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it. When the conference is ready to begin, all participants must sit at their puters and they will be connected over the Internet.

With Web conferencing all participants attend conference from the fort of their own desks. Obviously, in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference, and less work is taken up in attending a conference.

Any material to be used during Web conference is simply e-mailed to all the participants

before the conference. Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen. This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing costs for the business.

As a conference hall o r business center isn’t being used, it means that the only power that is used is the power that is used by the participants’ personal puters. Similarly, conference organizers don’t have to arrange for food or overnight acmodation. All this means that less energy is used.

Often in business some panies actively choose to do business with other panies that do many things to reduce their negative impact on the environment. And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.

So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend

a we

b conference.

9. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Ways of protecting the environment

B. Green benefits of Web conference

C. Ways of hosting a Web conference

D. Impacts of Web conferencing on costs

10. According to paragraph 1, many panies use Web conferencing because they ___________.

A. are interested in using any new technology

B. believe that Web conferencing is more convenient

C. want to do something to protect the environment

D. haven’t enough money to hold a traditional conference

11. The participants of a Web conference_________.

A. will be e-mail an invitation before the conference

B. are required to sit in the office together

C. will receive many paper materials

D. must have access to the Internet

12. Which of the following words best describes the author’s opinion about a Web conference?

A. Useless

B. Environmentally friendly

C. Inconvenient

D. Money consuming


Some people think the government should move the big panies and factories in cities to the

countryside. To what extent do you agree?

Due to the increased urbanization, there appears a bunch of heated social problems. Some people have noticed that there are many big panies and factories in the city and they believe that moving those big panies and factories into countryside could be a good way to solve many of the city problems, such as traffic issues and housing problems. However, I hold an opposite opinion to them and I will explain it as below.

Cities have much more advantages than countryside. There are more cinemas, restaurants and shopping malls in cities, let alone better education and health care. Living in cities makes life more convenient and enjoyable. Thus not everyone is willing to move to countryside in spite of their panies’moving. They have got cars, which transfers them easily between work and home. Therefore, the pressure of traffic will not be released due to such solution. As for the available empty places spared by the big panies, the newest small panies will take good care of them---with the realization of the benefits that running a business in cities will bring to them. In other words, situation of housing will not be improved much.

Besides, there will be more problems if big panies and factories more out. Where there are big panies and factories, there will be cities sooner or later. Consequently, countryside is to be disappearing. What’s more, industrial pollution is not an easily mended problem.

In conclusion, moving big panies and factories out of cities is never a final solution. It tackles(解决)no problem but causes lots of them. Just imagine. The traffic is still terrible, and there is no more scenic countryside. We should look into other ways to solve the problems.

13. What is the passage mainly talking about?

A. Moving big panies out of cities

B. Getting rid of panies in the cities

C. Crowding into the center of the cities

D. Taking more care of the urban areas

14. What do people lay the blame on for social problems?

A. A number of factories and panies

B. The rapid development of the cities

C. The sharp increase of vehicle quantity

D. The serious need for more houses

15. What does the author want to tell in the third paragraph?

A. It is more convenient to live in cities than countryside

B. More problems will appear once panies are moved out

C. The public transportation will play a greater role

D. More houses will be built for the poor people



Christmas is a time for relaxing, having fun and spending time with family and friends.

16 It can be difficult to find the motivation for study when everyone around you is having so much fun. So, here are my top five tips for revising effectively over the Christmas break.

Set aside a few hours a day to revise.

Find the best time to revise and make sure that you stick to your timetable! For example,

I find that I work best in the morning. 17

Plan something fun to do every day.

Even if it’s just going for coffee with a friend or watching a film at home, this will give you something to look forward to and motivate you to finish your revision.

Explain to your family why your revision is important.

18 So, make efforts to tell them why your exams are important. Perhaps you can agree to do something nice with them when your exams are over.


It is important to take some time to relax. When you do get back to revising, you’ll probably find it easier to concentrate. Pick the most important days for you and your family to concentrate on celebrating Christmas!

Remember that it won’t last forever.

You might have to spend your Christmas revising this year, and perhaps for a few more years, but soon enough you’ll be free of exams forever. 20 Have a great Christmas and make sure you find a balance between studying and celebrating. Good luck in your exams!

A. Spare your time for your family.

B. Make sure that you take a few days off!

C. So I get up fairly early and do a few hours of revision.

D. Sometimes it can be difficult for family to understand you.

E. However, for many of us, it is also time to prepare for January exams.

F. Otherwise, you may probably fall into trouble with your friends and family.

G. And after spending time revising, your future Christmases will seem even better!





When I was in the third grade, Mother’s day came around much too quickly; I found myself empty-handed with nothing to give my mom on her special day. So I was 21 when an announcement over the loudspeaker said that one of the older grades would be 22 pins(胸针)that said “Number-One Mom”. It may not sound like much, but to an 8-year-old it’s 23 .

So each day I 24 myself that the following day I would bring the money to buy the pin, but I always forgot. And I was 25 when the principal(校长)and a few of the older kids selling pins came into my 26 and announced that it was the last day to buy them.

I always 27 my principal. She could be sweet, but sometimes she could be 28 . If you break 29 , she was quick to set you straight, so I remained as disciplined as a 30 before her.

On this day, however, my principal was in a good 31 . And she must have heard me tell my classmates I’d ___32 my money again. I wasn’t crying, but she knew I really wanted to buy a 33 .

After she left, I got called to her office. I’d never been there. So I was terrified. When

I arrived 34 , she told me to e to her desk, and she pulled out the pin I’d had my eye 35 for days.

“The kids gave me this to give to my 36 ,” she began. “But my mom passed away, so I want you to 37 it.”

Taking the pin, I looked at it in my this hands. I didn’t know what to say. I probably

38 her and walked back to class, and proudly presented this 39 gift to my mother.

I don’t know if my mom still has the pin, and I don’t know 40 the principal remembers giving it to me. but I will never forget that act of kindness from someone I’d never expected

it from.

21. A. anxious B. glad C. patient D. curious

22. A. showing B. collecting C. making D. selling

23. A. perfect B. small C. solid D. safe

24. A. enjoyed B. warned C. told D. asked

25. A. surprised B. disappointed C. puzzled D. excited

26. A. direction B. school C. office D. classroom

27. A. feared B. loved C. hated D. ignored

28. A. careful B. kind C. strict D. considerate

29. A. glasses B. rules C. promises D. mistakes

30. A. nurse B. teacher C. lawyer D. solider

31. A. mood B. shape C. manner D. style

32. A. lost B. saved C. forgotten D. dropped

33. A. book B. pin C. toy D. bike

34. A. shaking B. smiling C. singing D. thinking

35. A. to B. with C. in D. on

36. A. husband B. mother C. daughter D. friend

37. A. store B. wear C. have D. win

38. A. paid B. respected C. kissed D. thanked

39. A. free B. expensive C. big D. rare

40. A. if B. how C. why D. that



Life is filled with regrets(遗憾). Anyone around you will have no difficulty 41 (tell)his regrets. As we get older, we look back and wish that we 42 (make)better choices. 43 can we do to avoid future regrets?

Make better plans. The 44 (early), the better. You will know that es first and what es last. You’ll also know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. If changed happen, you can have more time to deal with them.

Live a more active life. More outdoor 45 (active) can keep you relaxed and active. You also need to be kind. “Thank you”can bring a smile to someone’s face. Learn to say “sorry”and don’t be angry 46 others.

Find the right friend. When you get into trouble, ask 47 (other) for help. That little help may get you good results.

It’s 48 (general) believed that everybody fails, even the greatest person failed. So we must consider failure as 49 chance to learn and improve ourselves.

Life is good. We don’t have to live in our past, but we do hope that we can plan better, live better, 50 work better when we have the chance to do so.









When I was young, I didn’t get along well with my classmates, that made me lonely. Therefore, Lucy was an exception, who was outgoing and enthusiastic. Without doubt all of them liked her very much.

One day, I was about to search my math book while I found it was gone. I was very worry. At last, it was under the help of Lucy that my math book was found. As the time went by, a deep friendship was formed between us. Lucy always encourages me to practice oral English, which she thought was vital for me. I learned from her that whatever difficulty we have in our study or life, we should never giving up.



注意:1. 词数100左右;


Dear Marry,

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


2018年曹杨二中高二上期末试卷 2018.1.17 一、填空题 1. 已知圆柱的侧面展开图是边长为2π的正方形,则该圆柱的体积为____________ 2. 若无穷等比数列{}n a 的首项及公比均为 1 2 ,则数列{}n a 的各项和为____________ 3. 已知一个关于x 、y 的二元一次方程组的增广矩阵是121002-?? ??? ,则x y +=____________ 4. 若已知数列{}n a 为等比数列,且62a =,则 375 9 a a a a -=____________ 5. 已知等边ABC 的边长为1,用斜二测画法作它的直观图'''A B C ,则'''A B C 的面积为 ____________ 6. 设()f n 表示() 2*n n N ∈的各位数码之和,例如2864=,6+4=10,则f(8)=10,记()()1f n f n =, ()()()* 1k k f n f f n k N +=∈????,则()20187f =____________ 7. 已知数列{}n a 的通项公式为2 n a n kn =+,若对任意的正整数n ,都有1n n a a +>,则实数k 的取值范围 是____________ 8. 以棱长为1的正方体的各个面中心为顶点的凸多面体的体积为____________ 9. 执行如图的程序框图,若p=9,则输出的S 的值为____________ 10. 半径为R 的两个球,其中一个球的球心在另一个球的球面上,则两球的交线长为____________ 11. 长方体1111ABCD A B C D -的八个顶点均在同一个球面上,若11AB AA == ,BC =A 、B 两 点的球面距离为____________

2020-2021学年上海市曹杨二中高二上学期期中考试数学试题 word版

上海市曹杨二中2020-2021学年高二上学期期中考试数学试题 2020.11 一、填空题 1. 已知0120A ??= ???,1201B ?? = ??? ,则2A B +=________. 2. 若{}n a 是等差数列,且13a =,3518a a +=,则7a =________. 3. 设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项为n S ,若533a a =,则 6 4 S S =________. 4. 行列式1 01 2 1 313 1 ---中元素3的代数余子式的值为________. 5. 已知0120A ??= ???,1801B ?? = ??? ,则AB =________. 6. 在无穷等比数列{}n a 中,若()121 lim 3 n n a a a →∞ +++=,则1a 的取值范围为_________. 7. 若数列{}n a 满足,111n n n a a a ++= -,12a =,则数列{}n a 前2022项的积等于________. 8. 已知数列(){} 2log 1n a -为等差数列,且13a =,25a =,则21 32111 1 lim n n n a a a a a a →∞+? ?++ + = ?---?? ________. 9. 已知数列{}n a 的通项公式是231n n a n +=+,若n N >时,恒有1 2100 n a -<成立,则正整数N 的最小值为_________. 10. 已知函数()1x f x x =+,在7行7列的矩阵1112 1317212223277172 73 77a a a a a a a a a a a a ?? ? ? ? ??? 中,ij i a f j ?? = ???,则这个矩阵中所有数之和为_________. 11. 等比数列{}n a 的公比()0,1q ∈,且2 1526a a =,则使1212 11 1 n n a a a a a a ++ +> +++ 成立的正整数n 的取值范围为_________. 12. 已知数列{}n a 满足:12a =,{}()*112,, ,n n n a a a a a n N +-∈∈,记数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若


上海市曹杨二中2018-2019学年英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A CAREER DISCOVERY DAY Ages: 11—17, with an adult chaperone (监护人) Purpose: To find out what it is like to work at a zoo. Descriptions: Join us for a great programme for middle and high school students to explore animal — re-lated careers at Denver Zoo. From keepers to trainers, vets and exhibits designers, different kinds of possible zoo and animal careers will be explored during our Career Discovery Day this fall. The programme starts with an amazing gathering in which our animal stars will appear and perform. Participants will attend lectures given by professors of the zoo and take part in special tours filled with activities find information. And you, 11 have time to ask questions about what it takes to work on the wild side. Registration required: Registration closes at 10 a. m., September 16th. Lectures and tours are limited to regis-tered participants and their one chaperone only. Cost: Members: $ 70 per person. Nonmembers: $ 75 per person. The cost includes zoo admission for one participant and one required adult chaperone. Note: Participants will not be admitted without an adult chaperone and chaperones must stay with participants during the period of the event. If you have any questions, please call at 720—337—1491 or e-mail at teenprogrammes denverzoo. org. 21. Who would most probably be interested in Career Discovery Day? A. Kids who love animals. B. Adults who are looking for a job.


上海市曹杨二中2018-2019学年高二上学期期末数 学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、填空题 1. 在空间中,若直线与无公共点,则直线的位置关系是________; 2. 两个球的体积之比为8 :27,则这两个球的表面积之比为________. 3. 若正方体中,异面直线和所成角的大小为 _____; 4. 若圆柱的轴截面面积为2,则其侧面积为___; 5. 正四棱锥底面边长为4,侧棱长为3,则其体积为_____; 6. 若增广矩阵对应的线性方程组为无穷多解,则实数的值为 ________; 7. 有一列正方体,棱长组成以1为首项,为公比的等比数列,体积分别记为,则_________. 8. 已知,用斜二测画法作它的直观图,若是斜边平行于铀的等腰直角三角形,则是________三角形(填“锐角”.“直角”.“钝角”). 9. 在北纬45°圈上有甲.乙两地,它们的经度差90°,则甲乙两地的球面距离与地球半径的比值为________;

10. 如图,求一个棱长为的正四面体的体积,可以看成一个棱长为1的正方体截去四个角后得到,类比这种方法,一个三对棱长相等的四面体,其三对棱长分别为,则此四面体的体积 为_______; 11. 已知平面截一球面得圆,过圆心且与平面呈45°二面角的平面 截该球面得圆,若球的半径为4,圆的面积为12,则圆的面积为__________; 12. 如图,棱长为3的正方体的顶点在平面上,三条棱都在平 面的同侧,如顶点到平面的距离分别为,则顶点到平面的距离为___________; 二、单选题 13. “直线垂直于的边,”是“直线垂直于的边”的() A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件 C.充要条件D.既非充分也非必要条件 14. 如果三棱锥的底面不是等边三角形,两组对棱互相垂直,且顶点在底面的射影在内,那么是的() A.外心B.内心C.垂心D.重心 15. 底面是正三角形,且每个侧面是等腰三角形的三棱锥() A.一定是正三棱锥B.一定是正四面体C.不是斜三棱锥D.可能是斜三棱锥三、解答题

2019-2020学年上海市曹杨二中高二下学期期末考试数学试题 word版

上海市曹杨二中2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试数学试题 一、填空题 1.已知复数12z i =-,则z =______. 2.()()21m i mi ++是实数,则实数m =______. 3.若,a b R ∈,且()a i i b i +=+,则a b +=______. 4.直线1:10l x y -+=与直线2:50l x y -+=之间的距离是______. 5.若复数z 同时满足2z z i -=,z iz =,则z =______. 6.若抛物线24y x =上一点M 到焦点的距离等于2,则M 到坐标原点O 的距离等于______. 7.若方程220x y x y m +-++=表示一个圆,则实数m 的取值范围是______. 8.过点()3,2P -且与直线210x y ++=垂直的直线方程是______. 9.已知点)M ,椭圆2 214x y +=与直线(y k x =交于,A B ,则ABM △的周长为______. 10.设()1,2A ,()3,1B -,若直线2y kx =-与线段AB 有公共点,则实数k 的取值范围是______. 11.已知双曲线()22 22:10,0x y C a b a b -=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,过1F 的直线与C 的两条渐近线分别交于,A B 两点,若1F A AB =,120F B F B ∈=,则C 的渐近线方程为______. 12.曲线C 是平面内与两个定点()11,0F -和()21,0F 的距离的积等于常数()21a a >的点的轨.给出下列四个结论:①曲线C 过坐标原点;②曲线C 关于坐标原点对称;③若点P 在曲线C 上,则122PF PF a +<;④若点P 在曲线C 上,则12F PF △的面积212S a ≤ .其中,所有正确的序号是______. 二、选择题 13.已知直角坐标系xOy 平面上的直线 1x y a b +=经过第一、第二和第四象限,则,a b 满足( ) A .0,0a b >> B .0a >,0b < C .0a <,0b < D .0a <,0b < 14.复数(),z a bi a b R =+∈,()m z z b =+,n z z =?,2p z =,则( ) A .m 、n 、p 三数都不能比较大小 B .m 、n 、p 三数的大小关系不能确定


上海市曹杨二中2020-2021学年高二下学期开学摸底考数学 试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、填空题 1.直线210x y -+=的一个法向量为______. 2.直线350x --=的倾斜角大小为___________. 3.直线20x ++=与直线10x +=的夹角为______. 4.一条直线经过直线230x y +-=,310x y -+=的交点,并且与直线2350x y +-=垂直,则这条直线方程为___________. 5.若点()4,A a 到直线4310x y --=的距离等于3,则a =__________. 6.过点()21A -, 与()12B ,半径最小的圆的方程为___________. 7.对任意实数m ,圆2224620x y mx my m +--+-=恒过定点,则其坐标为______. 8.已知直线l :2y ax =+和()1,4A 、()3,1B 两点,若直线l 与线段AB 相交,则实数a 的取值范围为______. 9.已知()2,3A 、()4,8B -两点,直线l 经过原点,且A 、B 两点到直线l 的距离相等,则直线的方程为______. 10.已知定点()0,5A -,P 是圆()()22 232x y -++=上的动点,则当PA 取到最大值时,P 点的坐标为______. 11.若直线l 与直线1y =和70x y --=分别交于M ,N 两点,且MN 的中点为()1,1P -,则直线l 的斜率等于__________. 12.已知正三角形的三个顶点()()(0020,A B C , ,,,一质点从AB 的中点0P 沿与AB 夹角为θ的方向射到BC 近上的点1P 后,依次反射到CA 和AB 边上的点2P 、3P .若1P 、2P 、3P 是三个不同的点,则tan θ的取值范围为____________. 二、单选题 13.如果曲线C 上任一点的坐标都是方程(),0F x y =的解,那么下列命题中正确的是


曹杨二中高二期末数学试卷 2020.01 一. 填空题 1. 三个平面最多把空间分成 个部分 2. 若线性方程组的增广矩阵是121234c c ?? ?? ?,解为02x y =??=?,则12c c += 3. 若行列式312 27314k --中元素1-的代数余子式的值为5,则k = 4. 已知圆锥的轴截面是等边三角形,侧面积为6π,则圆锥的体积为 5. 已知四面体ABCD 的外接球球心在棱CD 上,且2CD =,3AB =,则外接球面上 两点A 、B 间的球面距离是 6. 在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,二面角1A BD A --的大小为 7. 若正四棱锥的地面边长为3,高为2,则这个正四棱锥的全面积为 8. 已知ABCD 是棱长为a 的正四面体,则异面直线AB 与CD 间的距离为 9. 若数列{}n a 满足112a =,212323n n a a a na n a +++???+=,*n ∈N ,则20a = 10. 某几何体的一条棱在主视图、左视图和俯视图中的长分别为1、2、3,则这条棱的长为 11. 对于实数x ,用{}x 表示其小数部分,例如{1}0=,{3.14}0.14=,若12{}33n n n a =?, *n ∈N ,则数列{}n a 的各项和为 12. 如图是一座山的示意图,山呈圆锥形,圆锥的底面半径为 10公里,侧棱长为40公里,B 是SA 上一点,且10AB =公 里,为了发展旅游业,要建设一条最短的从A 绕山一周到B 的观光铁路,这条铁路从A 出发后首先上坡,随后下坡,则 下坡段铁路的长度为 公里 二. 选择题 13. 在学习等差数列时,我们由110a a d =+,211a a d =+,312a a d =+,???,得到等差 数列{}n a 的通项公式是1(1)n a a n d =+-,像这样由特殊到一般的推理方法叫做( ) A. 不完全归纳法 B. 完全归纳法 C. 数学归纳法 D. 分析法


2018-2019学年曹杨二中高二下英语期中 Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10’) Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. A twist of fate When Tamara Rabi met Adriana Scott at a local McDonald’s restaurant, their lives changed forever. “I didn’t know what to say (21)______ ‘hi’. I was just so shocked -- it was like seeing myself,” says Adriana. They were both students at neighbouring universities in Long Island, New York, and they had grown up only 30 kilometres apart. They shared a birthday, they were exactly the same height and both loved hip hop. But the most important thing (22) ______ was shared between them was the same Mexican mother. Both girls grew up knowing that their mother (23)______ (give) them up for adoption when they were born, but they had no idea (24)______ they had a twin sister. Then, Justin Lattore, a friend of Adriana’s, went to Tamara’s twentieth birthday party. When he walked in and saw Tamara, hardly (25)______ he believe his eyes. “I was just shocked -- she looked so much like Adriana,” says Justin. Then it got clear -- they had to be sisters. In fact, Tamara had already noticed that strangers on her university campus often smiled and said hello, clearly (26)________ (mistake) her for someone else. Following the birthday, Justin put the two girls in touch and they arranged the McDonald’s meeting by email. “(27)________ she came towards me, she was walking like me, talking like me,” says Tamara. “We have the same mannerisms, the same interests and got the same grades at school,” adds Adriana. The girl even discovered that as children they had often had the same nightmare of a really loud noise (28)________ (follow) by a very quiet one. They had another sad factor in common. (29)________ of their adoptive fathers had died a few years before they met. N ow the twins are finishing their studies, and they meet often. “I feel she’s my sister, but our relationship right now is more like friends,” says Tamara. She’s optimistic and excited that their futures will be together. “We will always have each other. We don’t have any other brothers and sisters -- we are sure (30)________ (grow) old together!” Section B (10’) Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only Imagine working for an employer who, aware that you’re probably not sleeping enough at night, allows you to down tools and nap as part of your regular work ___31___ -- and not just forty winks at your desk, but a restorative snooze in a quiet room. These are some of the measures being used by a growing number of companies in Japan to


曹杨二中高二期末数学试卷 2020.01 一. 填空题 1. 三个平面最多把空间分成 个部分 2. 若线性方程组的增广矩阵是121234c c ?? ?? ?,解为02x y =??=?,则12c c += 3. 若行列式312 27314k --中元素1-的代数余子式的值为5,则k = 4. 已知圆锥的轴截面是等边三角形,侧面积为6π,则圆锥的体积为 5. 已知四面体ABCD 的外接球球心在棱CD 上,且2CD =,3AB =,则外接球面上 两点A 、B 间的球面距离是 6. 在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,二面角1A BD A --的大小为 7. 若正四棱锥的地面边长为3,高为2,则这个正四棱锥的全面积为 8. 已知ABCD 是棱长为a 的正四面体,则异面直线AB 与CD 间的距离为 9. 若数列{}n a 满足112a =,212323n n a a a na n a +++???+=,*n ∈N ,则20a = 10. 某几何体的一条棱在主视图、左视图和俯视图中的长分别为1、2、3,则这条棱的长为 11. 对于实数x ,用{}x 表示其小数部分,例如{1}0=,{3.14}0.14=,若12{}33n n n a =?, *n ∈N ,则数列{}n a 的各项和为 12. 如图是一座山的示意图,山呈圆锥形,圆锥的底面半径为 10公里,侧棱长为40公里,B 是SA 上一点,且10AB =公 里,为了发展旅游业,要建设一条最短的从A 绕山一周到B 的观光铁路,这条铁路从A 出发后首先上坡,随后下坡,则 下坡段铁路的长度为 公里 二. 选择题 13. 在学习等差数列时,我们由110a a d =+,211a a d =+,312a a d =+,???,得到等差 数列{}n a 的通项公式是1(1)n a a n d =+-,像这样由特殊到一般的推理方法叫做( ) A. 不完全归纳法 B. 完全归纳法 C. 数学归纳法 D. 分析法


曹杨二中高二开学考 2018.03 一. 填空题 1. 直线210x y 的一个法向量为 2. 直线350x 的倾斜角大小为 3. 直线20x 与直线10x 的夹角为 4. 一条直线经过直线230x y ,310x y 的交点,并且与直线2350x y 垂 直,则这条直线方程为 5. 点(4,)P a 到直线4310x y 的距离等3,则实数a 的值为 6. 过点(2,1)A 与(1,2)B 半径最小的圆的方程为 7. 对任意实数m ,圆2224620x y mx my m 恒过定点,则其坐标为 8. 已知直线 :2l y ax 和 (1,4)A 、(3,1)B 两点,若直线l 与线段AB 相交,则实数a 的取值范围为 9. 已知(2,3)A 、(4,8)B 两点,直线l 经过原点,且A 、B 两点到直线l 的距离相等,则直 线的方程为 10. 已知定点(0,5)A ,P 是圆22(2)(3)2x y 上的动点,则当||PA 取到最大值时,P 点的坐标为 11. 直线l 与两直线1y 和70x y 分别交于A 、B 两点,若直线AB 的中点为(1,1)M ,则直线l 的斜率为 12. 已知正三角形的三个顶点(0,0)A 、(2,0)B 、C ,一质点从AB 的中点0P 沿与AB 夹角为 的方向射到BC 边上的点1P 后,依次反射到CA 和AB 边上的点2P 、3P ,若1P 、2P 、3P 是三个不同的点,则tan 的取值范围为 二. 选择题 13. 如果曲线C 上任一点的坐标都是方程(,)0F x y 的解,那么下列命题中正确的是( ) A. 曲线C 的方程为(,)0F x y B. (,)0F x y 的曲线是C C. 以方程(,)0F x y 的解为坐标的点都在曲线C 上 D. 曲线C 上的点都在方程(,)0F x y 的曲线上 14. 若圆222:()()C x a y a a 被直线:20l x y 分成的两段弧长之比是1:3,则


上海市曹杨二中2020-2021学年高二上学期期中数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、填空题 1.计算:210lim 323 n n n →∞+=+_______. 2.计算:1 2243432????+= ? ????? _______. 3.已知数列{a n }的前n 项和是S n =n 2, 则数列的通项a n =_______. 4.若线性方程组的增广矩阵为0201a b ?? ???,解为21x y =??=? ,则a b +=_______. 5.按下图所示的程序图运算:若输入17x =,则输出的x 的值是_______. 6.三阶行列式()sin 016cos 2sin 540x x x x R --?? ?∈ ? ?-?? 中元素4的代数余子式的值记为()f x ,则3f π??= ??? _______. 7.已知等差数列{}n a 满足12192018a a a a +++=,则20S =_______. 8.假设每次用相同体积的清水漂流一件衣服,且每次能洗去污垢的 34 ,那么至少要清洗_______次才能使存留的污垢在1%以下. 9.在数列{}n a 中,若对一切*n N ∈都有13n n a a +=-,且()24629lim 2 n n a a a a →∞++++=,则1a 的值为________. 10.已知()11f x x =+,各项为正数的数列{}n a 满足()121n n a a f a +==,,若20162018a a =,则2011a a +的值是_______. 11.定义在[)0+∞, 上的函数()f x 满足()()32f x f x =+,当[ )0,2x ∈时,()22f x x x =-+,设()f x 在[)222n n -,上的最大值为()*n a n N ∈,且{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则lim n n S →∞ = _______.


上海2020-2021学年曹杨二中高二上学期期中仿真密卷 数学学科 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 一、填空题(本大题满分54分)本大题共有12题,第1题到第6题每题4分,第7题到第12题每题5分. 1.计算:210 lim ____________323 n n n →∞+=+. 2.计算:1 224____________3 43 2???? += ? ????? . 3.若数列{}n a 的前n 项和2n S n =,则数列{}n a 的通项公式____________n a =. 4.若线性方程组的增广矩阵为0201a b ?? ? ??,解为2 1x y =??=? ,则____________a b +=. 5.设{}n a 是等差数列,且1253,36a a a =+=,则{}n a 的通项公式为=n a 6.三阶行列式()sin 016cos 2sin 540x x x x R --?? ? ∈ ? ?-?? 中元素4的代数余子式的值记为()f x ,则 _________3f π?? = ??? . 7.已知等差数列{}n a 满足12192018a a a a +++=,则20____________S =. 8.假设每次用相同体积的清水漂流一件衣服,且每次能洗去污垢的3 4 ,那么至少要清洗____________次才能使存留的污垢在1%以下. 9.在数列{}n a 中,若对一切*n N ∈都有13n n a a +=-,且()24629lim 2 n n a a a a →∞ +++ += , 则1a 的值为____________. 10.已知()1 1f x x =+,各项为正数的数列{}n a 满足()121n n a a f a +==,,若20162018a a =,则2011a a +的值是____________. 11.定义在[)0+∞,上的函数()f x 满足()()32f x f x =+,当[)0,2x ∈时,()22f x x x =-+,设()f x 在[)222n n -,上的最大值为() *n a n N ∈,且{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则lim ____________n n S →∞ =. 12.已知数列{}n a 满足1213a a ==,,若()*12n n n a a n N +-=∈,且{}21n a -是递增数列,{}2n a 是递减数列,则21 2lim ____________n n n a a -→∞=.


上海市曹杨二中2019-2020学年高二下学期期末数学试题 一、填空题 (★) 1. 已知复数,则______. (★★) 2. 如果复数是实数,则实数________. (★) 3. 若、,且,则______. (★) 4. 直线与直线之间的距离是______. (★) 5. 若复数同时满足,,则__________. (★★) 6. 若抛物线上一点到焦点的距离等于2,则到坐标原点的距离等于 ______. (★★) 7. 若方程表示一个圆,则实数的取值范围是 ______ . (★) 8. 过点且与直线垂直的直线方程是______. (★) 9. 已知点 M( ,0),椭圆与直线 y= k( x+)交于点 A, B,则△ ABM的周 长为________. (★★) 10. 设,,若直线与线段有公共点,则实数的取值范围 是 ______ . (★★★) 11. 已知双曲线 C:的左、右焦点分别为 F 1, F 2,过 F 1的直线与 C的两条渐近线分别交于 A, B两点.若,,则 C的离心率为____________.(★★★) 12. 曲线是平面内与两个定点和的距离的积等于常数的点的轨.给出下列四个结论:①曲线过坐标原点;②曲线关于坐标原点对称;③若点在曲 线上,则;④若点在曲线上,则的面积.其中,所有正 确的序号是______. 二、单选题 (★★) 13. 已知直角坐标系平面上的直线经过第一、第二和第四象限,则满 足() A.B., C.,D.,

(★★★) 14. 复数,,,,则() A.、、三数都不能比较大小B.、、三数的大小关系不能确定C.D. (★★★) 15. 设复数是实系数方程的根,又为实数,则点的轨迹在一条曲线上,这条曲线是() A.圆B.椭圆C.双曲线D.抛物线 (★★★★) 16. 已知、、是平面向量,是单位向量.若非零向量与的夹角为,向量满足,则的最小值是() A.B.C.2D. 三、解答题 (★★★) 17. 设分别是方程的两个虚数根. (1)求的取值范围及的值; (2)若,求的值. (★★★) 18. 已知的三个顶点、、. (1)求边所在直线的方程; (2)边上中线的方程为,且,求点的坐标. (★★) 19. 已知直线,. (1)若以点为圆心的圆与直线相切于点,且点在轴上,求该圆的方程;(2)若直线与抛物线有且仅有一个公共点,求的取值范围. (★★★) 20. 已知椭圆(常数),点是上的动点,是右顶点,定点 的坐标为. ⑴若与重合,求的焦点坐标; ⑵若,求的最大值与最小值;


上海市曹杨二中2018学年度第一学期 高二年级期末考试物理(等级考)试卷 一、单选题 1、下列说法正确的是() A. 物体的温度升高,物体内所有分子热运动的速率都增大 B. 物体的温度升高,物体内分子的平均动能增大 C. 物体吸收热量,其内能一定增加 D. 物体放出热量,其内能一定减少 2、如图所示的情况中,a、b两点的电场强度和电势均相同的是() A. 甲图:离点电荷等距的a、b两点 B. 乙图:两个等量异种点电荷连线的中垂线上,与连线中点等距的a、b两点 C. 丙图:两个等量同种点电荷连线上,与连线中点等距的a、b两点 D. 丁图:带电平行金属板两板间分别靠近两板的a、b两点 3、闭合电路中电源不变,调节外电阻,使电路总电流变大。那么下列说法错误的是() A. 路端电压变小 B. 电源的总功率变大 C. 电源输出功率变大 D. 电源内部的发热功率变大。 4、关于电场强度和磁感应强度,下列说法错误的是() A.电荷在某处不受电场力作用,则该处电场强度一定为零 B.某点的电场强度的方向,与该检检验正电荷受到的电场力方向一致 C.一小段通电导线在某处不受磁场力作用,则该处磁感应强度一定为零 D.某点磁感应强度的方向,与该点一小段通电导线受到的磁场力方向不一致。

5、有两条长直导线垂直水平纸面放置,交纸面于a、b两点,通有大小相等的恒定电流,方向如图所示,a、b的连线水平.c是ab的中点,d点与c点关于b点对称。已知c点的磁感应强度B1,d点的磁感应强度为B2,则关于a处导线在d点的磁感应强度的大小及方向,下列说法正确的是() A. B1/2+B2,方向竖直向上 B. B1/2?B2,方向竖直向下 C. B1+B2,方向竖直向下 D. B1?B2,方向竖直向上 6、质量为m的金属导体棒置于倾角为θ的导轨上,棒与导轨间的动摩擦因数为μ,当导体棒通以垂直纸面向里的电流时,恰能在导轨上静止,如图所示的四个图中标出了四种可能的匀强磁场方向,其中棒与导轨间的摩擦力不可能为零的是() 7、如图所示,光滑的“π”形金属导体框竖直放置,质量为m的金属棒MN与框架接触良好。磁感应强度分别为B1、B2的有界匀强磁场方向相反,但均垂直于框架平面,分别处在abcd和cdef区域。现从图示位置由静止释放金属棒MN,当金属棒进入磁场B1区域后,恰好做匀 速运动。以下说法中错误的有() A. 若B2=B1,金属棒进入B2区域后将加速下滑 B. 若B2=B1,金属棒进入B2区域后仍将保持匀速下滑 C. 若B2B1,金属棒进入B2区域后可能先减速后匀速下滑 8、一个矩形线圈匀速地从无磁场的空间先进入磁感应强度为B1的匀强磁场,然后再进入磁感应强度为B2的匀强磁场,最后进入没有磁场的右边空间,如图所示。若B1=2B2,方向均始终和线圈平面垂直,则在下图所示图中能定性表示线圈中感应电流i随时间t变化关系的


绝密★启用前 上海市曹杨二中2018-2019学年高二下学期期中英语试题 试卷副标题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、完形填空 Placebos (安慰剂)Prove Powerful Many doctors know the story of “Mr. Wright”. In 1957 he was diagnosed with cancer, and given only days to live. He had tumours (肿瘤)the size of oranges. He heard that scientists had discovered a new medication, Krebiozen, that was 1 against cancer, and he begged the doctor to give it to him. His physician, Dr Phillip West, finally agreed. After Mr. Wright had been given an injection on a Friday afternoon, the 2 doctor found his patient out of his “death bed”, joking with the nurses the following Monday. “The tumours”, the docto r wrote later, “had 3 like snow balls on a hot stove.” Two months later, Wright read medical reports that the medication was fake. His condition immediately got worse again. “Don’t 4 what you read in papers,” the doctor told Wright. Then he inj ected him with what he said was “a new super -refined double strength” version of the drug. 5 ,there was no drug, just a mix of salt and water, but again it worked. Wright was the picture of health for another two months until he read an official report saying that Krebiozen was 6 . He died two days later. This story has been 7 by doctors for a long time, dismissed as one of those strange tales that medicine cannot explain. The idea that a patient’s 8 can make a fatal disease go away has been thought of as too strange. But now scientists are discovering that the placebo effect is more powerful than anyone had ever thought. They are also beginning to discover how such miraculous results are 9 . Through new techniques of brain imagery, it can be


2017学年曹杨二中高二数学12月月考试卷 满分100分,考试时间50分钟2017.12.13 一、填空题(每小题4分,共40分) 1、直线l 与平面a 相交于点A ,用集合符合表示 ; 2、若直线a // b ,b//c ,则直线a 与直线。的位置关系是 ; 3、空间两直线所成的角大小的取值范围是 ; 4、正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,1AD 与平面ABCD 所成的角为 ; 5、在ABC ?中,已知AB =6,BC=8,AC =10,SB=5,且SB ⊥平面ABC ,则S 到AC 的距离是 ; 6、无穷等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若3=S 6,6=S 3,则lim n n S →∞ = ; 7、在ABC ?中,∠ACB 二900,D 是BC 的中点,PA ⊥平面ABC ,如果PB,PC 与平面ABC 所成的角分别是300,600,那么PD 与平面ABC 所成角的大小是 ; 8、一条与平面相交的线段,其长度为I 0cm 。,两端点到平面的距离分别是2cm 、3cm ,这题线段与平面a 所成的角是 ; 9、已知正四棱锥P-ABCD 的棱长都相等,侧棱PB 、PD 的重担分别为M 、N ,则截面AMN 与底面ABCD 所成的二面角的余弦值是 ; 10、已知数列{}n a 是首项为1,公差为2m 的等差数列,前n 项和为n S ,设2 n n n S b n =?,若数列{}n b 是递减数列,则实数m 的取值范围是 ; 11、在三棱锥D 一ABC 中,AB=DC=4,BC=AD=3,AD ⊥DC,AD ⊥BC,AB ⊥BC ,则异面直线AD 和BC 的距离为 ; 12、平面a 过正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -的顶点A ,底面边长为3,侧棱长为4, a//平面CB 1D 1, a 平面 ABCD =m ,a 平面11ABB A =n,,则m,n 所成角的正弦值为 ; 二、选择题(每题4分,共16分) 13、若空间三条直线a 、b 、c 满足a ⊥b,b ⊥C,则直线a 与C ( ) A 、一定平行B 、一定相交C 、一定是异面直线。、以上都有可能 14、关于直线I 、m 及平面α,β,下列命题正确的是 ( ) A 、若//l α,=m α β,则//l m B 、若//l α,//m α,则 //l m C 、若l α⊥,//m α,则l m ⊥ D 、若//l α,m l ⊥,则m α⊥

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