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Improving Listening Sills in the Classroom

Listening is a skill that needs to be learned and used well to be able to succeed in any environment. In the classroom, great listening skills mean the difference between a successful student and one who struggles (挣扎) in school.

Come to class rested.

________ When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的) focus will be much better. If you come to class sleepy or tired, it may be impossible for you to keep your eyes open and concentrate (集中) on what the teacher is saying.


Have everything you need at the start of the class. If you have homework, make sure you are ready to hand it in. Bring out your notebook and pen so you can start taking down notes Also, try to read your textbooks before coming into class. It will help you understand more easily what your teacher is talking about.


When you're in the front of the class, you'll have an easier time hearing what the teacher has to say you won't have a daydream when the teacher is near you.

Take down notes.

Write down what you hear in class. ________ It will also make you concentrate more on what is being said So you can properly take notes. Try to concentrate when you are in class so that you are able to get the key points during a lecture. ________ Once you learn techniques to help you with this skill, you should see an improvement in your listening.


A. Be prepared.做好准备。

B. Sit near the teachers.坐在老师旁边。

C. Listening is a skill that is developed little by little.听力是一种逐渐发展起来的技能。

D. This makes it easier to remember what is being discussed.这使人们更容易记住正在讨论的内容。

E. Make sure you had a good night's sleep and had a good breakfast.确保你晚上睡得好,早餐吃得好。

(1)根据后句When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的)focus will be much better.当你的身体得到很好的照顾,你的精神集中会更好,可知前句讲得是睡好,故


(2)根据后句Have everything you need at the start of the class.一开始就把你需要的东西都带上,可知前句讲得是准备好,故选A。

(3)根据后句you won't have a daydream when the teacher is near you.当老师在你身边时,你不会做白日梦,可知前句讲得是坐在老师旁边,故选B。

(4)根据前句Write down what you hear in class.写下课上内容,可知后句讲得是这让你记住讨论的内容,故选D。

(5)根据后句Once you learn techniques to help you with this skill, you should see an improvement in your listening.一旦你学会了帮助你掌握这项技能的技巧,你就会发现你的听力得到了提高。可知前句讲得是总结,即听力是一种逐渐发展起来的技能。故选C。



Marco Polo was from Venice, Italy. In 1271, at the age of 17, Marco went on a trip with his father and uncle to China. Today people often travel to different places around the world. But it was very hard for people from Europe to visit China then. After three and a half years, the Polos reached China in 1275.

While he was there, Marco Polo worked for Kublai Khan, the emperor of China. He was able to learn and experience many things that were new to Europeans. In his diary, he wrote, "Kublai Khan's palace is the greatest I've ever seen. The streets of the new capital, Dadu, are so straight and so wide." Paper money also took him by surprise, since it was not yet in use in the West at that time. Homes were heated with "black stones… which burn like wood." Those stones were coal, and most of the Europeans knew little about it then.

After 17 years in China, Marco and his family finally returned to Venice. After he returned home, Marco completed a book called The Travels of Marco Polo, full of facts about his wonderful experiences in China.

⑴________ ⑵________ ⑶________ ⑷________

【答案】Marco Polo;trip;1292;experiences



⑴character人物。本文主要介绍马可波罗的事迹,故答案为Marco Polo。

⑵根据第一段中的 In 1271, at the age of 17, Marco went on a trip with his father and uncle to China可知17岁的时候随父亲和叔叔进行了一次去中国的旅行,故答案为trip。

⑶根据After 17 years in China, Marco and his family finally returned to Venice可知他在中国呆了17年才回到威尼斯,结合第一段中的the Polos reached China in 1275可知他们在1275年到达中国,所以1275+17=1292,故答案为1292。

⑷根据文章最后一句full of facts about his wonderful experiences in China可知书中记叙的是他在中国的经历。故答案为experiences。



The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling. This is true in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe. In Russia, the population is going down by about 100 people EVERY HOUR! Russia's population could fall by ONE THIRD by the year 2050! And in Poland (波兰) the population is also going down because people are leaving to work in other countries.

One of the main reasons is a change of lifestyle. All over Europe people, especially educated women, have a different attitude(态度) to children than their parents. "I have one child and she is enough for me," said Galina Tereschkova, a doctor from Moscow. "My husband and I both work full—time. We can't imagine having more than one child." Many women decide to have children later in life or not to have children at all. "I don't want to have any children until I have worked for at least 10 years," said 19-year-old student Hana Markova from Prague. Her opinion is typical of 18~24 year old women everywhere in Europe.

In Poland, the population is going down for a different reason. A lot of people, usually aged between 20 and 30, are leaving the country to work abroad. Poland joined the European Union in 2005 and since then more than half a million people have moved to Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy. Even so, the population of those four countries and many other countries in West Europe is also going down.

Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families. In France, women now receive nearly $1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child. Austrian women receive $700 a month for three years when they have their first child.

(1)Where in the world is the population getting smaller?

(2)How many children does Galina Tereschkova want to have?

(3)What does Hana Markova want to do before she has children?

(4)Why is the population in Poland going down?

(5)How does the French government encourage people to have larger families now?

【答案】(1)In Europe and especially in Eastern Europe.


(3)She wants to work for at least 10 years.

(4)Because a lot of people, usually aged between 20 and 30, are leaving Poland to work abroad./ The change of lifestyle.

(5)By giving women nearly $1000 a month for a year if they have a third child.

4.陈琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies )的制作方法。请你帮她从A-E 中选择相应的图片,填入各个步骤中,完成PPT 演示文稿。


200g dark chocolate 50g butter

4 spoons of cornflakes (玉米片) 50g honey

________ Step1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces. Put them into a saucepan. ________ Step2. Add the butter and honey (sugar is also OK ). ________ Step3. Heat gently until the mixture is smooth. Stir (搅动) the mixture while it is heating. Do not let the mixture boil. ________ Step4. Take the saucepan off the heat and wait for 5 minutes. Add the cornflakes to the mixture.

Mix it well.

________ Step 5. Spoon the mixture into paper cake cups. Put the cups with chocolate crunchies into the fridge. Leave them for six hours to set.

A. B.




【答案】 C;E;A;D;B



A. Remember there is hope for everyone!

B. Open your eyes and you are ready to go!

C. Your mind goes blank!

D. Be more silent!

E. Well, don't do that!

some suggestions that deal with some of the most common problems people experience with public speaking.

Invite the attention in

Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you? ________. It's a sign that people are interested and want to hear what you have to say. Welcome those looks!

Beat the brain freeze

Have you ever been in the middle of speaking and suddenly……brain freeze! ________. It is possible that you forgot something for the moment. And you are holding your breath! All you need to do is to trust yourself, clear your mind, focus and breathe. The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time. Phew!

Increase your confidence

Use this exercise to get in touch with the "naturally confident (自信的) you" inside. Close your eyes and remember a special time you felt really relaxed and confident. Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body. It will pass information to your brain that you are confident and happy. ________

Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker. ________

(2)Write down another suggestion on how to become a good speaker. (答案不多于5个单



(2)Make a speech everyday.(答案不唯一,合理即可)


Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like? This article will describe a typical (典型的) high school and its students.

A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about l, 500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan (租借)than buy them. Students must pay back if they lose any of them.

American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school. When they turn 16 years old, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.

Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take Science, Maths, English and Social Studies. They can choose Art, Homemaking, Fashion Design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: Health Education, Physical Education or Foreign Language Studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.

The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports-especially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.



⑴:这篇短文主要给我们讲述的是美国中学里的生活是什么样子的,所以这里给这篇短文定的题目应该是life in American High School,美国中学里的生活。

⑵这篇短文给我们介绍的是美国的中学以及学生的情况,在短文的第一段中This article will describe a typical high school and its students.可知,故这里应该填students。

⑶根据短文的第二段Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes.可知,每个学生都有一个锁,他们可以把他们的书和衣服放起来。故这里填outdoor。

⑷根据短文第二段中As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan(租借)than buy them.可知,因为教科书比较贵,学生们宁愿租借也不愿购买。故这里填buying,句型是prefer doing sth. to doing sth.,所以用ing形式。

⑸根据短文第三段的第一句话American students have different types of school transport.,美国的学生有不同的交通工具上学。故这里应该填transport,意思是交通工具。

⑹根据短文第三段中Sometimes their parents drive them to school.可知,有时候学生的家长开车送他们去上学,故这里应该填parents。

⑺根据短文第三段中When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver’s exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.可知,当学生年满16岁后,他们就可以参加驾驶考试,如果通过的话,就可以自己开车上学。故填drive。

⑻根据短文的第四段In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes可知,在一些学校里,学生们需要参加一两门特殊的课程。故填special。

⑼根据短文第四段中Students move to different classrooms for each subject.可知,对于每一门科目,学生们都要去不同的教室。故填different。

⑽根据短文的最后一段可知,放学后,大多数学生都会参加一些他们喜爱的活动,包括体育运动和俱乐部。take part in 的意思是参加。



Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麦的) writer, is very famous for his fairy tales. He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperor's New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling. His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world. The tales have versions(版本)of over a hundred languages.

Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805. When he was still a young boy, he was already very clever and imaginative(富有想象力的). He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶). He also loved reading.

After his father died, he learned to be a tailor (裁缝). Later he worked in a factory. At the age of fourteen, Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances(演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre. However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop. Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.

In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didn't get well again. He lived until 1875 and died peacefully in the house of his close friend.

Hans Christian Andersen is very famous for his ________. He created a small toy theatre and ________ for his puppets. Andersen moved to ________ become an actor. Andersen couldn't give performances because his ________ in 1872, Andersen. ________ And didn't get well again.【答案】 fairy tales;made clothes;the capital of Denmark;voice changed;fell out of bed 【解析】【分析】主要讲了丹麦著名的童话故事作家——Hans Christian Andersen。

(1)根据Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麦的)writer, is very famous for his fairy tales.可知因为写童话而出名,故填fairy tales。

(2)根据He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶)可知他创建了一个小的玩具电影院,给木偶制作一份,故填made clothes。

(3)根据Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark可知搬到了丹麦的首都,故填the capital of Denmark。

(4)根据However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop.可知因为声音变了,所以不表演了,故填voice changed。

(5)根据In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didn't get well again.可知他从床上掉下来没有变好,故填fell out of bed。




It lies in Taoyuan County and is about 34 km away from Changde. The temples here were built in the 10th century. During the reign(统治) of Guangxu (1875-1908) of the Qing Dynasty, a scenic spot(景点) appeared according to an article written by Tao Yuanming, a famous writer of the Jin Dynasty. The tour area today is made up of four parts- the Taohua Mountain, the Taoxianling, the Taoyuan Mountain and the Qinren Village.

Changde Poem Wall

Changde Poem Wall is a 4-kilometre-long riverbank alongside the Yuanjiang, which is engraved (雕刻) with poems, handwriting and paintings and it is listed as the longest wall with engraved arts in Guinness Record.

Here is some information about ________ in Changde. There are ________ famous places that you can enjoy. Taohuayuan is about 34 kilometres away from Changde. In Taoyuan County, you can visit ________, the Taoxianling, the Taoyuan Mountain and the Qinren Village, Changde

Poem Wall is about ________ long and it's famous for its poems, handwriting and ________.

【答案】places of interest/ scenic spots;two;the Taohua Mountain;4 kilometres;paintings


(1)根据全文可知主要讲了桃花源和常德诗墙,即景点,places of interest/ scenic spots,故填places of interest/ scenic spots。


(3)根据The tour area today is made up of four parts- the Taohua Mountain, the Taoxianling, the Taoyuan Mountain and the Qinren Village. 今天的游览区由四个部分组成——陶化山、陶仙岭、陶源山和秦仁村。可知是陶化山,故填the Taohua Mountain。

(4)根据Changde Poem Wall is a 4-kilometre-long riverbank alongside the Yuanjiang常德诗墙是一条四公里长的河岸,与远江相邻,故填4 kilometers。

(5)根据which is engraved(雕刻) with poems, handwriting and paintings and it is listed as the longest wall with engraved arts in Guinness Record.上面刻有诗歌、书法和绘画,是吉尼斯世界纪录中最长的雕刻艺术墙,故填paintings。



Traveling can teach us a lot in our life. It gives us valuable lessons that schools may not teach. Experiences, skills or challenges we learn through journeys make us wiser and stronger. So let's see some lessons that traveling can bring to us.

Throw ourselves into the surroundings (周围的事物).

The world is a wide classroom of life and traveling teaches us how to throw ourselves in a situation and enjoy the surroundings fully. This lesson is especially good for those searching for freedom (自由) in heart.

Don't allow unpleasant things to influence us.

A journey is not always full of happy moments. Sometimes it is an unpleasant memory: Being a traveler has its own difficulties such as missing planes, losing money, getting sick, and so on. However, don't let these things make our days unhappy. Everything will be OK, so enjoy the journey no matter what happens.

Just do it.

We need to give some things that we may not experience a try. In other words, whether we have done it or not, just do it.


(1)根据Traveling can teach us a lot in our life.可知旅行可以教给我们迅速、许多东西,即旅行是我们的老师,即teacher,故填teacher。

(2)根据It gives us valuable lessons that schools may not teach.可知旅行可以给我们重要的课程,故填(valuable) lessons。

(3)根据traveling teaches us how to throw ourselves in a situation可知旅行教给我们怎样适应情境,即situation,故填situation。

(4)根据Don't allow unpleasant things to influence us,可知不要允许不高兴的事情影响我们,should后接动词原形,故填influence。

(5)根据We need to give some things that we may not experience a try.可知我们应该给我们没有经历的一些事情一个尝试,即try,故填try。


10.A )信息归纳根据下面短文的内容完成信息卡。Margaret Porter is a violinist and music teacher. According to her, the best age to start learning the violin is between three and six. She says, “It's the time when you are learning about the world.” Margaret, who was born in London, likes to take pupils at three and four. However, she has made lots of exceptions (例外) for five-year-olds. She started teaching the violin in 1972 and she taught her children's five-year-old school friends at first.

In Margaret's opinion, it's important for one to know why music sounds the way it does. Without knowing it, one can't become a great musician at all. So from the earliest lessons, pupils in her class learn to play by ear. They do not even try to read music until they have been playing for several years. Margaret says that her method is not to produce great violinists. She always suggests that pupils should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods. Information Card

;To play/Playing by ear;Pupils should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods


(1)细节理解题。根据短文中句子Margaret Porter is a violinist and music teacher.可知玛格丽特·波特是一位小提琴家和音乐教师。故答案为A violinist and music teacher。

(2)细节理解题。根据短文中句子Margaret, who was born in London, likes to take pupils at three and four.可知她出生在伦敦。故答案为In London。

(3)细节理解题。根据句子She started teaching the violin in 1972可知她是在1972年开始教小提琴的,故答案为In 1972。

(4)细节理解题。根据句子So from the earliest lessons, pupils in her class learn to play by ear.可知从她最早的课,她的学生可以通过耳朵来学习拉(琴)。故答案为To play/Playing by ear。

(5)细节理解题。根据短文中句子She always suggests that pupils should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods.可知她总是建议学生们应该用更传统的方法来学习小提琴。故答案为Pupils should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods。




Using buses in Japan can be difficult for foreign tourists because there are usually few English signs, and there are different systems of ticketing in different companies. Below is a description of the most common system:

Enter the bus through the back door (or front door) if there is only one door.

A. When your stop is nearing, press one of the buttons (按钮) on the wall to tell the driver that you wish to get off at the next stop.

B. A screen above the driver shows the next stop and the money for that stop. To decide how much you should pay, match the number on your ticket with the number and money on the screen.

C. When getting off, put your ticket and the exact money into the box next to the driver. If you do not have the exact money, use the changing machine to get small coins.

D. When entering, pick up a ticket from a small machine. A number is printed on the ticket, which you will later use to decide the money you need to pay.


(2)Which of the following statements about Japan is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are few English signs for foreigners.

B. You need to buy the ticket before you get on a bus.

C. The buses in Japan are quite comfortable.

D. The Japanese people hardly use coins.






(1)排序题。根据D选项When entering, pick up a ticket from a small machine. 当上车的时候,在一个小机器里取一张票,,可知上车应该是第一步;根据B选项To decide how much you should pay, match the number on your ticket with the number and money on the screen. 可知,上车之后要先知道自己应该付的费用,B为第二步;根据A选项When your stop is nearing, press one of the buttons (按钮) on the wall to tell the driver that you wish to get off at the next stop. 可知,在公交到站之前,要先按按钮通知司机,A为第三步;根据C选项When getting off, put your ticket and the exact money into the box next to the driver. 可知,下车时把票和钱放进司机身边的箱子里,C为最后一步。故答案为D;B;A;C。

(2)推理判断题。根据When entering, pick up a ticket from a small machine. 可知,在上车前要先买票。故选B。



I've got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you'll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金)and about £200 in traveler's cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you'll be met by our host(主人)family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I've told them to look out for the red shirts. You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it's very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I'll give you her office phone number now: It's 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that's B-E-L-C-H-E-R.

She's in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! That's everything. Have a good trip.


;580-4436;Mrs. Belcher


(1)细节题。根据You should take about £30 in cash(现金)and about £200 in traveler's cheques(支票).可知,需要带£200的支票,故答案为£200。

(2)细节题。根据You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you

easily.可知,为了方便家人发现你,你应该穿红色。故答案为a red shirt。

(3)细节题。根据You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it's very important that you take the school letter.可知,你应该带4张自己的照片和学校介绍信。故答案为4 photos of yourself and the school letter。

(4)细节题。根据I'll give you her office phone number now: It's 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that's B-E-L-C-H-E-R.可知,办公室的电话号码为580-4436,故答案为580-4436。

(5)细节题。根据the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that's B-E-L-C-H-E-R.可知,有问题应该询问Mrs. Belcher,故答案为Mrs. Belcher。



Baseball-it's just a word, but for millions of Americans, ①it brings to mind so many images: hot dogs, cold beers, sunny afternoons

For many people, baseball is the game of fathers and sons. Fathers and sons have been playing catch with each other on lawns(草坪) in the US. A father's favorite team becomes his son's. Grandfathers talk to their grandsons about games played long ago.

Many American kids collect baseball cards. The cards have pictures of their favorite players on them. In school, friends exchange baseball card s. ②about, baseball, famous, are, students, by, players, talked, often.

③Baseball players are known as “the boys of summer” because the sport is most often played in summer. You don't need to be of a certain size or shape to play baseball. You don't have to be tall like a basketball player or strong like an American football player. You just need to want to have fun.

Baseball is not as fast-paced(快节奏的) as basketball. When you go to see a game, there's time to relax, talk and get to know other people.

Baseball may not be the most popular sport in the US, but it is the most traditional. It's not just a game anymore, but a key part of American culture, like apple pie.





(4)To play baseball, you need to be very strong or tall, don't you?

(5)Which game is faster, baseball or basketball?

【答案】(1)so many images are brought to mind.

(2)Famous baseball players are often talked about by students.


(4)No, we don't.



(1)句型转换题。主动语态句子变被动语态,须将宾语so many images 改为被动语态的主语,将谓语动词改为被动结构be动词+过去分词,即are brought。故答案为:so many images are brought to mind。

(2)连词成句题。句意:出名的棒球员经常被学生们讨论。根据句意将词语排列成句,著名的棒球员为famous baseball players,经常被讨论为are often talked about,被学生by students。故答案为:Famous baseball players are often talked about by students.

(3)翻译题。be known as “为……所熟知“,可知主句可翻译为:棒球球员作为“夏日男孩”被大家熟知;be often played 意为“经常被进行”,从句可翻译为:因为棒球这项运动最常在夏天进行。故答案为:棒球球员作为“夏日男孩”被大家熟知,因为棒球这项运动最常在夏天进行。

(4)解答题。根据You don't need to be of a certain size or shape to play baseball. You don't have to be tall like a basketball player or strong like an American football player. You just need to want to have fun. 可知,玩棒球不一定要非常强壮或者高。故答案为:No, we don't.

(5)解答题。根据Baseball is not as fast-paced(快节奏的)as basketball.可知,篮球比棒球的速度要快。故答案为:Basketball.。




I've got a collection of terrible ' mistakes' in my wardrobe. I have never worn them! But I don't mind going shopping with my girlfriend, because she helps me choose. I think women are better at buying clothes than men. They've got better taste and they always know what's in fashion.


You shouldn't be afraid of her. Maybe she's just as shy as you. What about giving her a red rose and a short message? Say something like “I'd really like to know you but I don't know how." She'll probably be excited to know she's got a fan!


Jane usually travels for 2 hours at most and then she can have a rest for at least 3 hours. She meets a lot of interesting people from all over the world. She says she likes it because she doesn't have to work full-time, she can spend more time with our three children and me.


When Mrs. Poor got into the lift, she was carrying only a handbag. After a while, the lift stopped between floors. She shouted and shouted, and rang the alarm, but nobody heard her.


I've known her for four years and I really like her. But she always copies everything I do. If I buy some new clothes, the next day she'll go out and buy exactly the same ones. It's the same with

music, films, even my friends! What should I do?


A. Talking about shopping 谈论购物

B. Getting into trouble 陷入困境

C. Talking about one's problems 谈论自己的问题

D. Talking about one's job 谈论自己的工作

E. Showing love to a girl 向女孩示爱

(1)根据But I don't mind going shopping with my girlfriend但是我不介意和我女朋友去购物,可知与购物呼应,故应是Talking about shopping 谈论购物,故选A。

(2)根据You shouldn't be afraid of her. Maybe she's just as shy as you. What about giving her a red rose and a short message你不应该害怕她。也许她和你一样害羞。给她一朵红玫瑰和一条短信,可知应是Showing love to a girl 向女孩示爱,故选E。

(3)根据Jane usually travels for 2 hours at most and then she can have a rest for at least 3 hours. She meets a lot of interesting people from all over the world. She says she likes it because she doesn't have to work full-time简通常最多旅行两个小时,然后她可以休息至少三个小时。她遇到了许多来自世界各地的有趣的人。她说她喜欢它,因为她不必全职工作,可知与工作性质有关,应是Talking about one's job 谈论自己的工作,故选D。

(4)根据When Mrs. Poor got into the lift, she was carrying only a handbag. After a while, the lift stopped between floors. She shouted and shouted, and rang the alarm, but nobody heard her.当可怜的夫人走进电梯时,她只带着一个手提包。过了一会儿,电梯停在楼层之间。她喊啊喊啊,按响了警报器,但是没人听见,可知应是Getting into trouble 陷入困境,故选B。

(5)根据I've known her for four years and I really like her. But she always copies everything I do. If I buy some new clothes, the next day she'll go out and buy exactly the same ones. It's the same with music, films, even my friends! What should I do?我认识她四年了,我真的很喜欢她。但她总是模仿我做的一切。如果我买一些新衣服,第二天她会出去买完全一样的。音乐,电影,甚至我的朋友也是如此!我该怎么办,可知应是Talking about one's problems 谈论自己的问题,故选C。





What can you make with pieces of paper? Look at Chen Yiyan's works! The 14-year-old has origami(折纸) talent at Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School, Zhejiang. ________ But he wasn't born with this talent.

When Chen was a fourth-grader, he found his brother's paper-folding book. ________ Following the 50 steps shown in the book, he made his first work, a paper peacock, within two hours. Since then, he has read many books about origami and practices in his spare time. So far, his "fantasy world" has had many members, such as monsters and robots. And he made his favorite work last year. ________

Chen used to fold paper himself until he met Chen Changnan, an eighth-grader at his school, who also loves origami. They set up a paper-folding club last year. With support from school, they host a paper-folding class every Wednesday afternoon. The club soon attracted people. Now it has more than 20 members. ________ On February 14th, the club also gave a speech to the kids in Wenzhou Children's Library.

"It's really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time," said Chen. "I hope more and more people get to know origami and love this art."

A. It's a paper dragon that involved(包含)almost 2, 000 steps.

B. They show their works and teach students bow to fold.

C. He has folded a "kingdom" with his hands.

D. It got him interested in origami.

A. a paper-folding club

B. how to fold paper

C. a student with origami talent

D. how to develop hobbies




A. It's a paper dragon that involved(包含)almost 2, 000 steps. 它是一条纸龙,包含将近2000步。

B. They show their works and teach students bow to fold. 他们展示他们的作品,并教学生折叠。

C. He has folded a "kingdom" with his hands. 他用手折叠了一个“王国”

D. It got him interested in origami. 这让他对折纸感兴趣。

(1)根据本文讲述了一个有折纸天赋的学生,可知应是He has folded a "kingdom" with his hands. 他用手折叠了一个“王国”,表明他具体做了什么,故选C。

(2)根据When Chen was a fourth-grader, he found his brother's paper-folding book.陈四年级的时候,他找到了他哥哥的折纸书,可知应是It got him interested in origami. 这让他对折纸感兴趣,说明兴趣的来源,故选D。

(3)根据he made his favorite work last year他去年做了他最喜欢的作品,可知应是

It's a paper dragon that involved(包含)almost 2, 000 steps. 它是一条纸龙,包含将近2000步,故选A。

(4)根据Now it has more than 20 members现在它有20多个成员,可知应是They show their works and teach students bow to fold. 他们展示他们的作品,并教学生折叠,故选B。

(5)根据He has folded a "kingdom" with his hands. 他用手折叠了一个“王国”,可知全文讲述了一个有折纸天赋的学生,故选C。



任务型阅读理解专练 (3) A Page From Li Meng’s Diary Thursday, January 23 Sunny Today I was so happy to know that I did quite well in my last week’s science exam. Thanks to Daniel, he taught me a new way of going over lessons. It is called “map idea”. Because of the map idea, I’ve learned how to find out the main idea in every lesson. And in my mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge I need to remember. It’s really good. I can remember so much in that way. I never thought of changing the way of my study before. I was always complaining about my poor memory, but now my memory has become good because of the map idea. It made my study much easier and more enjoyable. I realized learning how to learn well is the most important for us students. 96. There was a science exam in Li Meng’s class . 97. Daniel taught Li Meng a good way to study. That is . 98. Li Meng complain about his bad memory. 99. Li Meng has learned a new way of lessons. 100. It is the most important how to learn well. (4) Dear Miss Li, I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help diabled people.For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have "Lucky", who has filed my life with pleasure. “Lucy” is a specialy trained dog for the disabled.It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. "Lucky" helps me open and shut the doors,even answer the telephone.He cheers me up a lot. I’l send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting "Animal Helpers". It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. Best wishes, Liz Smith 71.Liz Smith is a__________man who is__________to see or hear. 72."Lucky" is the__________of a specialy__________dog. 73."Animal Helpers" is an organization that was__________up to__________the disabled. 74.Liz Smith will__________Miss Lia a photo of the dog and__________her how "Lucky" helps him. 75.LizSmith wrote this letter to__________Miss Li for her__________to Animal Helpers. (5)

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(含答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(含答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容回答问题。 Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you? "I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that's all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn't know what to do, or how to look after ourselves," said Zheng Chenyu. "And I'd forget something important. I'd probably watch television and burn the soup." "As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook. But now parents do almost everything for us. We're very lazy," she said. Most teenagers have only time for their homework. They don't learn any life skills until theygo to college. However, Sima Yige doesn't think so. "I think I'd be all right. I wouldn't just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook, some simple dishes because my mum showed me," the 13-year-old boy said. In his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly. For most teenagers it wouldn't be a holiday at all. (1)Why would Zheng Chenyu probably burn the soup? (2)When will Zheng Chenyu learn to cook? (3)Translate the underlined sentence(翻译划线句子)"They don't learn any life skills until they go to college. " in this passage. (4)The underlined phrase(划线短语)"depend too much on" in the passage means(意思) in Chinese. (5)For most teenagers, would life be as easy for teenagers living alone as when their parents are around according to(根据)the passage? 【答案】(1)Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup. (2)As soon as he leaves home. (3)他们直到上大学才会学习一些生活技能。 (4)太过依赖 (5)No, it wouldn't. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了当父母出差时,孩子们独自在家时的生活是怎样的。 (1)根据I'd probably watch television and burn the soup.可知她看电视而忘记了汤,故填Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup.。 (2)根据As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook可知她一离开家就学习做饭,故填As soon as he leaves home.。 (3)not...until直到......才......,learn any life skills学习一些生活技能, go to college去上大学,故填他们直到上大学才会学习一些生活技能。


高考英语任务型阅读解题技巧(一) 一.任务型阅读题型特点: 江苏高考英语任务型阅读题目要求:根据所读,用恰当的词语补全全文提纲,概括关键内容。一般而言,任务型阅读提供了两种示例:表格式和树状式。 二.任务型阅读的解题技巧: 1.在阅读文章之前,快速浏览并了解题型,明白阅读任务,以便能快速查找到有用信息,提高解题速度及准确性。 2.通读,复读文章,把握短文的主题思想,弄清文章大意,获取关键信息。 3.根据题目要求,对信息进行梳理加工,并用正确的形式表达出来。 三.任务型阅读解题策略: 1. 注意词形转换,反义词,同义词,语态问题 2.注意句子结构的转换 3. 选用其他词来释义 4.学会归纳概括词汇 概括性词汇: 因果: cause(s) ; reason(s) ; analysis ; effect(s); result(s); consequence(s) 态度:attitude(s) ;opinion(s);manner

比较:comparison(s) 异同: difference(s) ; similarity(similarities) 优劣:benefit与disadvantage ;weakness与strength;advantage 与disadvantage;(shortcome; drawback)缺点 目的:purpose;aim;goal;target 建议:advice;suggestion;proposal ;tip;recommendation 问题:problem;trouble;matter;question;issue 方式:means(of); method(s)(of); way(s)(of); approach(es)(to); solution(s)(to); how to do 总结:summary;conclusion 特点:feature(s); characteristic(s) 重要性:significance; importance; meaning 定义:definition 来源:source;origin 用途: use ;usage;function 种类:kind;type;category 步骤:steps;procedures; process 评论:comment;remark;assessment 反应:response;reaction 词形转换: 1.grow----growth

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解复习题(附答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解复习题(附答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面短文,请按文后的任务要求答题。 When my wife and I went to live in an Arab(阿拉伯) country, we didn't know much about our future. _______. Later, we realized that the advice given to us by our friends were right. ______ Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute. The hot weather made us feel so tired that we were falling asleep at midday! _______ We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays. It was also strange to see people praying (祈祷) in a certain direction. _________ They don't let people see their faces in public. They are not allowed to drive cars, either. All dresses worn by women have to cover the body completely. They believe that women can't be seen in public. At the weekend, we went camping in the desert. I will never forget watching the sun setting over the desert. We also enjoyed riding on the camels. Though their culture is very different from the American culture, ________. (1)根据短文内容,从下列四个选项中选择合适的句子填入①—④题的空白处,使短文通顺。 (2)从下面四个选项中选择一个合适的选项填入⑤题的空白处,使短文通顺。 A. we left there soon B. we enjoyed living there C. we lived a hard life D. we still lived in our American way 【答案】(1)D;C;B;A (2)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是我和妻子去阿拉伯国家居住看到的阿拉伯人的生活习俗。 (1)选项意思:A. They have strict rules for women他们对女人有严格的制度 B. Another culture shock(文化差异) was the working week一周工作时间的文化差异 C. The culture shock started with the weather文化差异始于天气 D. My friends told us to be prepared for a culture shock我们朋友告诉我们要喂文化差异做准备 ①根据下文Later, we realized that the advice given to us by our friends were right.后来,我们意识到我们的朋友给我们的建议是正确的。所以此处是一个建议,故选D。 ②根据下文Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute. The hot weather made us feel so tired that we were falling asleep at midday!在这里,灼热的太阳在一分钟内能将一个鸡蛋煮熟。炎热的天气是我们感到很累以致于我们在中午就睡着了。故选C。 ③根据下文We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays。我们从周六工作


初中英语任务型阅读典型题型 1. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you. 2. Egyptians speak . 3. If you go to , you must learn Russian well. 4. The capital of Singapore is . 5. From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language. 二 I’ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you’ll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金) and about £200 in travelers cheques (支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you’ll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I’ve told them to look out for the red shirts. You’ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I’ll give you her office phone number now: It’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that’s B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She’s 三 In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Here’s an advertisement for an apartment(公寓套房). Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, 2. If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any , like dogs, cats, birds and so on. 3. There is a large living-room and two in the apartment. 4. The location(位置) of the building is very . 5. If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付) dollars(美元) every month. 四


2016高考英语任务型阅读答题技巧 任务型阅读是高考英语试题中第二卷中的一种题型,分值为10分。本题型在测试考生阅读理解能力的基础上,侧重考查考生的单词拼写、词性转换、句式转换、段落归纳等综合能力。高考任务型阅读近三年文章体裁以议论文和说明文为主,词数在400~550之间。高考成绩的统计数据表明在这一项上,考生普遍失分较多。高考英语任务型阅读是英语阅读理解和完形填空的结合体,在掌握篇章表层含义的基础之上,还要求对文章结构框架的把握。考生不但要具备基本的英语词汇知识,而且要能够依据上下文的内容,运用逻辑判断,正确填出任务型阅读中的空白处。因而,任务型阅读对考生的英语阅读和对英语学科的感悟能力要求较高。也就是说,任务型阅读不仅检查考生的词、句、篇的掌握,而且涉及考生综合运用英语语法的能力。所以说,这种题型是比较全面的考查。学生在平时的学习过程中,要关注词汇的使用,领悟篇章的内部结构,同时还要注意词的搭配和语用知识。 一、任务型阅读题型的考查角度 1、单词的大小写(信息筛选题) 考生往往从文中便可直接找到答案,无需进行词性和词形的转化。但是如果没有根据英文首字母要大写的要求,或在特殊的上下文中。忽略字母的大小写,便无法得到本应该拿到的分数。 2、词性的变化(整合转换题) 要依据特定的语境结合文中涉及的词语,灵活地转变词性。比如:动词转变为形容词,形容词转变为名词,等等。 3、词形的转化(整合转换题) 主要依据任务型阅读提供的特殊框架,来敲定词语的各种形式。例如:文中过去式需要在题目中使用现在时,同时还要注意人称和数的变化。 4、近义词与反义词的转化(整合转换题) 根据任务型阅读题型中提供的已有信息,尽管文中也能发现相关的词语,却没能依据特定的语境进行必要的词语的转

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解精选及答案

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解精选及答案 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读短文,选择合适的选项填在横线上。 ________ Friends are important in our life, because no one wants to be lonely. However, some people have problems in making friends and they often feel lonely. ________ According to a new study from Chicago University, the reason is that this kind of people have brains(脑)different from common people. And they often feel unsafe when facing strangers. Does that mean they have no way to become happy again?________ Scientists of this study have thought up ways to help these people deal with their loneliness. They provided four steps for getting out of loneliness. ________ "It's not enough for people just to get in touch with others online. That's because most people don't show their true selves there," said Dr Cacioppo, one of this study's scientists. Another step is to get an action plan. As "actions speak louder than words", people need to be active to communicate with others. They also need to meet people with the same interests. Also, they should try to expect the best from each activity. ________ Who knows what good things are waiting for us? A.People who feel lonely B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go. C.After all, "tomorrow is another day". D.What's the reason behind that? E.Why don't we like them? F.New ways to deal with loneliness G.No, don't worry. 【答案】 F;D;G;B;C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要讲述了朋友对我们来说很重要,但是有些人交朋友有困难,他们也很害怕孤独。然后文章针对如何摆脱孤独提出了建议。主要包括:接受一些邀请;制定行动规划;认识一些有相同兴趣的人;对每一项活动都抱有最好的期望。 A.People who feel lonely.那些感觉到孤独的人们。 B.The first step is to accept social invitations even if you don't want to go.第一步是接受社会的邀请,即使你不想去。 C.After all, "tomorrow is another day".毕竟,“明天又是新的一天”。 D.What's the reason behind that?这个背后的原因是什么? E.Why don't we like them?为什么我们不喜欢他们? F.New ways to deal with loneliness.对付孤独的新方法。 G.No, don't worry.不,不要担心。 (1)根据空1位于全文的开头,且独立成段,可知这是全文的主旨句。本篇短文主要是针对如何摆脱孤独提出的一些建议,所以用New ways to deal with loneliness,处理孤独的新的方法,故选F。


点_七年级英语下册任务型阅读知识点汇总(全) 一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。 My father doesn't know how to cook. ________ If no one cooks for him, he doesn't eat anything. Today, my mother doesn't feel well. ________ My mother and I are happy. My father says he will go shopping first.________ So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸)like this: ⒈cake; ⒉egg; ⒊tomato; ⒋milk; ⒌chicken. Then my father goes out.________ He brings out all the things: one cake, two eggs, three tomatoes, four bags of milk and five chickens! Looking at those things, ________ 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者爸爸不会做饭,今天作者妈妈生病了,爸爸想为他们做饭,于是先去购物,结果买错了妈妈列出来的东西。 A. So he doesn't cook.所以他不会做饭。 B. An hour later, he comes back.一小时后他回来了。 C. But he doesn't know what to buy.但是他不知道买什么。 D. My father says he will cook for us.我爸爸说他将为我们做饭。 E. my mother and I laughed (笑) and laughed.我妈妈和我笑了又笑。 (1)根据前句My father doesn't know how to cook.我爸爸不知道怎样做饭,可知后句讲的是他不会做饭,故选A。 (2)根据前句Today, my mother doesn't feel well.可知今天妈妈感觉不舒服,可知后句讲的是爸爸做饭,故选D。 (3)根据后句So my mother writes all the things on a piece of paper(-张纸) like this我妈妈在纸上写下所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸不知道买什么,故选C。 (4)根据后句He brings out all the things他带来所有的东西,可知前句讲的是爸爸回来了,故选B。 (5)根据前句Looking at those things看着那些东西,可知后句讲的是看着爸爸买的东西,我和妈妈笑了,故选E。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂文章,然后从文中抓住关键词,选择正确答案。 2.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Here are some restaurants. Some people are hungry (饥饿的). Please help them choose

【备考高考】最新 版高考英语任务型阅读专题练习(含答案)

【备考高考】最新版高考英语任务型阅读专题练习(含答案) 一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.任务型阅读 We all have to make decisions all the time, and we have an abundance of choices, ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. Unfortunately, people often find it hard to make decisions________ If you would like to improve your skill of decision making, here are four suggestions for you. Don't expect to have it all. ________ You can't order every delicious dish on the menu. And there will be paths not taken, careers not chosen, to name a few. You can imag ine some “what if' situations if you must, but do not let them take up too much space in your brain. ________ It's often good to think through your decisions. But don't overdo it. Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce, which makes it confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition (直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data. Don't delay making decisions. Yes, there is a time to put off making a decision. Perhaps you need more information________ Or it's likely that you wait for a less stressful time. Just don't wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness. Don't be hard on yourself. You decide to go on a voyage. You choose an expensive liner. Everything should work out just right. Only you didn't expect a bug that ran around on the ship, making you and your family sick for five days________But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes. A. Don't spend too much time thinking. B. It is an important source of information. C. Don't count on emotion to make decisions. D. Maybe you wish to consult with your advisor. E. You may regret making such a stupid decision. F. That means the skill of good decision-making counts a lot. G. Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities. 【答案】F;G;A;D;E 【解析】【分析】如何提高做出决定的技能,本文推荐了四条建议。 (1)根据上句:很遗憾,人们发现作出决定很难。可知,这意味着好决策很重要。故答案选F。 (2)根据本段小标题:Don't expect to have it all.不要期盼着拥有一切。再根据空格下句:你不可能点到菜单上每一道美味的菜。可知,决定迫使我们放弃其他可能性。故答案选G。 (3)本段是小标题。根据上下文内容可知此处应该是否定祈使句。再根据本段下文:彻底考虑你的决定经常是好的。但是不要做的过火。可知,在思考上不要花太多的时间。故答案选A。


英语英语任务型阅读练习题含答案 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。 Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. "I don't understand, but I frightened(害怕) your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a purse from Zhengzhou, she looked in it and asked me to take it back.________Do English people like spiders?" "Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop front, so there was a ladder(梯子).Grandmother stopped me from walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought some lovely rose soap(肥皂) for my mother, a smart umbrella for my father and some new shoes for myself.________ Your grandmother came in and screamed(尖叫) !" "Then I broke a small mirror in the bathroom.________I felt very sorry. When I left I gave your grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She didn't like it.________"I explained to Lu, "My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse or they will have no money. You must not kill a money spider or the same will happen. Also it is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. An open umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years' bad luck, and 13 is also a very unlucky number.________." 【解析】【分析】本文主要讲了Lu去英国和作者祖母一起住时,Lu做了几件让祖母不开心的事情。 A. Your grandmother's face went white.你祖母的脸变白了。 B. I think she was happy about my leaving.我认为她对我的离开很高兴。 C. You were really making my grandmother very afraid.你真的让我奶奶很害怕。 D. Then I saw a red spider on the table So I killed it for her and she seemed very unhappy.然后我看到桌上有一只红蜘蛛,所以我替她把它杀了,她看起来很不高兴。 E. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to check if it was all right.我们回来后,我把鞋放在桌子上,打开雨伞检查一下是否完好。 (1)根据下文Do English people like spiders?英国人喜欢蜘蛛吗?可知上文是他看到桌上有蜘蛛并杀死了它,祖母看起来不高兴,故选D。 (2)根据上文I liked the shops and bought some lovely rose soap for my mother, a smart umbrella for my father and some new shoes for myself,我喜欢这些商店并且给妈妈买了一些可爱的玫瑰香皂,给爸爸买了一把漂亮的雨伞,给自己买了双新鞋,可知下文是他回来


最新七年级英语下册任务型阅读知识点(大全)经典 一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.信息归纳,请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. This term, he learns Chinese and he likes it very much. He wants to learn it well, so he finds a pen pal from Guangdong, China. His name is Yang Guang and he is a clever boy. He and Robert are in the same Grade. They both love playing football. They often chat with each other on the Internet. They have different school lives. Yang Guang is very busy every day. He gets up early and he has to stay at school for 8 hours every day and he has much homework to do after school. But Robert only stays at school for 5 hours and he often finishes his homework in just half an hour. Information Card 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了罗伯特和他的笔友杨光的学校生活一些情况。(1)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia.可知罗伯特来自澳大利亚。故填 Australia。 (2)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. He and Robert are in the same Grade. 可知杨光在七年级。故填 Grade 7 /Seven 。 (3)细节题。根据 They both love playing football.可知他们都喜欢踢足球。故填 Football 。(4)细节题。根据Robert only stays at school for 5 hours .可知罗伯特每天待在学校5小时。故填 5 hours。 (1)细节题。根据 he often finishes his homework in just half an hour. 可知罗伯特花费半小时做作业。故填 Half an hour。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,先看问题,带着问题找答案,注意上下文之间的联系。 2.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Here are some restaurants. Some people are hungry (饥饿的). Please help them choose restaurants.

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