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一、阅读理解(共30 分)

Hollywood’s charm and celebrities have always held a fascination for travelers. Here are some best selected Hollywood tours based on experts’ recommendations and travelers’ opinions.

TMZ Celebrity Tour

Price: $59 for adults. from $49 with kids (children younger than 2 are not permitted).

Duration: 2 hours, multiple times daily.

TMZ, known for its celebrity news-fueled television show and website, operates this tour that takes travelers through Hollywood in the hopes of seeing their favorite celebrities. The guides even bring video cameras in case a passing celebrity is willing to give an interview.

The Real Hollywood Tour

Price: From $40 for adults, children 12 and younger for free.

Duration: 2 hours, daily at 10 a.m.

During this historic walking tour, travelers will learn why Hollywood—once a farming town—was selected by movie industry pioneers in the early 20th century. The tour also stops at unique sights, but major attractions aren’t forgotten either.

Hollywood Sign Hike

Price: $34 for adults.

Duration: 2.5 hours. The exact meeting times vary, depending on the time of the year.

For a unique and sunshine-filled Hollywood tour, opt for this hike to the Hollywood sign. Highlights include a bird’s-eye view from Mount Hollywood. Along the 4-mile round-trip hike, you might even see local celebrities walking their dogs.

The Original Hollywood Tour

Price: $45 for adults, from $35 for kids 11 and younger.

Duration: 2 hours, daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

According to travelers. this tour is worthwhile if you’re only in Los Angeles for a short amount of time. as you cover a lot of ground in just two hours. You’ll cruise along Rodeo Drive and the Sunset Strip in an open-top bus as your driver shares interesting information.

1. What is special for a tourist to TMZ Celebrity Tour?

A.Being invited to a television show.

B.Broadcasting news about Hollywood.

C.Being likely to interview a movie star.

D.Taking their kids along with themselves.

2. Which tour targets at the history of Hollywood?

A.TMZ Celebrity Tour.

B.The Real Hollywood Tour.

C.Hollywood Sign Hike.

D.The Original Hollywood Tour.

3. How much will a couple with a 10-year-old son pay to The Original Hollywood Tour?





【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D




细节理解题。TMZ Celebrity Tour部分提到“The guides even bring video cameras in case a passing celebrity is willing to give an interview.”(导游们甚至会带上摄像机,以防路过的名人愿意接受采访。)由此判断,如果参加名人之旅的话就有可能采访到路过的名人。故选C。


细节理解题。The Real Hollywood Tour部分提到“During this historic walking tour, travelers will learn why Hollywood—once a farming town—was selected by movie industry pioneers in the early 20th century.”(在这次具有历史意义的徒步旅行中,游客将了解为什么好莱坞——曾经是一个农业小镇——在20世纪初被电影业的先驱们选中。)由此判断,如果想要了解好莱坞历史的话就要参加真实好莱坞之旅。故选B。


细节理解题。The Original Hollywood Tour部分提到“Price: $45 for adults, from $35 for kids 11 and


It’s most people’s nightmare: surviving a plane crash only to be trapped in a jungle with no way of contacting the outside world. But this was reality for four Colombian children, and in an incredible story, they survived.

The children, aged 13, 9 and 4, as well as an 11-month-old baby, were flying with their mother from their village in the Amazon to visit their father in San José del Guaviare. The single-engine plane on which they were flying experienced engine problems and disappeared on May 1, 2023. Bad weather prevented the army from finding the crash site for two weeks. where they then found the dead bodies of three adults, including the children’s mother.

How did these children survive conditions that would be an unimaginable struggle for most adults? They are members of the Huitoto Indigenous group and were raised in the jungle. As such, they have a better understanding of the rainforest. They know which fruits are safe to eat and which plants should be avoided. Working with, rather than against, the Amazon. they survived off of juan soco (a fruit similar to passion fruit) and seeds, while feeding the baby water mixed with yucca flour that they found on the plane.

While the children got on with the business of surviving, the Colombian army worked with Indigenous volunteers to find them. After 40 days of searching, the children were found and taken to recover at a military hospital in Bogota.

While many around the world have taken this survival story of resilience to be a miracle, others point out that it is the result of an ancient knowledge of the rainforest that has been passed down through Indigenous communities over the generations. Indigenous tribes have a close relationship to the Amazon, marked by a deep respect for the forest that provides them with shelter and sustenance. It is their close connection to and understanding of the rainforest that undoubtedly helped the children to survive.

4. What can we learn about the crash in the first two paragraphs?

A.The plane knocked into another one.

B.The rescue failed to arrive immediately.

C.The mother managed to survive at last.

D.The kids shared a jungle with adults.

5. Why did the kids successfully survive?

A.They kept calm in the plane crash.

B.Enough food was found on the plane.

C.They were familiar with the rainforest.

D.Native volunteers offered food and water.

6. What does the underlined word “resilience” mean in the last paragraph?





7. What does the author suggest from the surviving story?

A.Emergency help should be improved.

B.One who is knowledgeable lives long.

C.We should sharpen children’s living skills.

D.It is worthwhile to be in harmony with nature.

【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D




细节理解题。第二段最后一句提到“Bad weather prevented the army from finding the crash site for two weeks, where they then found the dead bodies of three adults, including the children’s mother.”(恶劣的天气使军队在两周内无法找到坠机地点,后来他们在那里发现了三具成年人的尸体,其中包括孩子们的母亲。)由此判断,救援队花了很长时间才找到坠机的地点,但由于没有及时到达,三个成年人死去了。故选B。


推理判断题。第三段第二三四句提到“They are members of the Huitoto Indigenous group and were raised in the jungle. As such, they have a better understanding of the

rainforest. They know which fruits are safe to eat and which plants should be avoided. Working with, rather than against, the Amazon.”(他们是Huitoto土著部落的成员,在丛林中长大。因此,他们对雨林有了更好的了解。他们知道哪些水果可以安全食用,哪些植物应该避免食用。他们与亚马逊合作,而不是对抗。)由此判断,生存下来的几个小孩是因为对于雨林非常的熟悉才生存下来的。故选C。


词义猜测题。最后一段倒数两句提到“Indigenous tribes have a close relationship to the Amazon, marked by a deep respect for the forest that provides them with shelter and sustenance. It is their close connection to and understanding of the rainforest that undoubtedly helped the children to survive.”(土著部落与亚马逊有着密切的关系,他们深深尊重为他们提供住所和食物的森林。毫无疑问,正是他们与雨林的密切联系和对雨林的了解帮助了孩子们的生存。)由此判断,正是由于对雨林的熟悉,以及他们对于雨林的尊重,并且凭着他们坚持的韧性,才能在这次飞机失事后在雨林里生存下来。A. Toughness.韧性;B. Competition.竞争;C. Evolution.进化;D. Creation.创造。A项符合文意。故选A。


推理判断题。最后一段最后一句提到“It is their close connection to and understanding of the rainforest that undoubtedly helped the children to survive.”(毫无疑问,正是他们与雨林的密切联系和对雨林的了解帮助孩子们生存下来。)根据文章内容可知,这三个小孩虽然是森林中的土著,但是因为他们尊重雨林,和雨林合作,才得以获得最后的生存。因此和自然和谐相处是很有必要的。故选D。

The concept of “forest bathing” has long been praised for its supposed health benefits. It can improve mental health and cognitive (认知) performance, reduce blood pressure and even treat depression and anxiety. Yet forests can be hard to reach or completely inaccessible in a world where as many as 5 billion people might live in urban environments by 2030. Some scientists believe that virtual reality could offer an alternative.

VR has already been used to help distract children undergoing medical procedures, and icy virtual landscapes have eased the pain of burn victims. Could virtual forests obtain the same physiological responses as real ones?

A group of scientists at the Czech University of Life Sciences — a psychologist with researchers in the forestry department — has tested the assumption by taking a group of 15 people into the Roztocky háj nature reserve for 30-minute bathing sessions. They then used laser scanners to develop a virtual twin of the same area of forest, enhanced with audio recordings. Twenty participants, including 10 who visited the real forest, spent 30 minutes in the virtual forest. Questionnaires assessing the participants emotional states revealed no significant difference between the two experiences, according to the results. As the forestry researcher leading the project explained, “I was aware that the forest was not real. However. the experience was vivid, and it was easy for me to forget that I was in an experimental room.”

There are limitations of course. Since computer processing power is finite (有限), virtual forests have physical boundaries. Some of the participants said they felt caged when they encountered the invisible forest wall. Power constraints (结束) also mean the computer is not perfect at small details like mushrooms or insects. Nor can virtual environments imitate every sensory experience of a real forest, like the smell of damp leaves. Making other sensations, like the feel of wind would prove more complicated.

Virtual environments can also cause cybersickness, which happens when your eyes perceive motion while your body does not. That is why some people felt dizzy after the bathing sessions. Psychologists and computer scientists hope that further research with larger groups of participants will help to overcome these limitations.

8. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The origin of forest bathing.

B.The decrease of the real forest.

C.The necessity of virtual forest bathing.

D.The expansion of urban environment.

9. How did the participants react to virtual forests?

A.They felt almost the same as the real forests.

B.They longed for staying at the virtual forests.

C.They preferred surroundings with audio recordings.

D.They felt it difficult to adapt to experimental room.

10. What can improve the user experience in virtual forests?

A.Invisible forest walls.

B.Better small details.

C.Physical boundaries.

D.Sensory from real forest.

11. A user of virtual forests may be suffering cybersickness if ________.

A.he feels curious and excited about forest bathing

B.his body isn’t used to the motion it’s experiencing

C.his psychologist or doctor gives him an examination

D.he fails to overcome the limitations of environments

【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B 11. B




主旨大意题。根据第一段“The concept of “forest bathing” has long been praised for its supposed health benefits. It can improve mental health and cognitive (认知) performance, reduce blood pressure and even treat depression and anxiety. Yet forests can be hard to reach or completely inaccessible in a world where as many as 5 billion people might live in urban environments by 2030. Some scientists believe that virtual reality could offer an alternative.(长期以来,“森林浴”的概念一直因其所谓的健康益处而受到称赞。它可以改善心理健康和认知能力,降低血压,甚至治疗抑郁和焦虑。然而,到2030年,世界上可能有多达50亿人生活在城市环境中,森林可能难以进入或完全无法进入。一些科学家认为,虚拟现实可以提供另一种选择)”可知,第一段的主要内容是虚拟森林浴的必要性。故选C。


细节理解题。根据第三段“I was aware that the forest was not real. However. the experience was vivid, and it was easy for me to forget that I was in an experimental room.(我意识到森林不是真的。然而。这次经历很生动,我很容易忘记自己是在一个实验室内)”可知,参与者认为虚拟森林给人的感觉和真正的森林几乎一样。故选A。


细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Power constraints (结束) also mean the computer is not perfect at small details like mushrooms or insects. Nor can virtual environments imitate every sensory experience

of a real forest, like the smell of damp leaves. Making other sensations, like the feel of wind would prove more complicated.(功率限制也意味着计算机在处理蘑菇或昆虫等小细节方面并不完美。虚拟环境也不能模仿真实森林的所有感官体验,比如潮湿树叶的气味。制造其他感觉,比如风的感觉,将会更加复杂)”可知,更好的小细节可以改善虚拟森林中的用户体验。故选B。


细节理解题。根据最后一段“Virtual environments can also cause cybersickness, which happens when your eyes perceive motion while your body does not.(虚拟环境也会导致晕屏,当你的眼睛感知到运动而你的身体却感知不到时,就会发生晕屏)”可知,如果身体不习惯它所经历的运动,虚拟森林的用户可能会晕机。故选B。

Many scholars agree that a meaningful existence comes down to three factors: the coherence (连贯) of one’s life, the possession of clear long-term goals and the belief that one’s life matters. But we believe there is another element to consider.

Imagine the first butterfly you stop to admire after a long winter or the scenery atop a hill after a fresh hike. Sometimes existence delivers us small moments of beauty. When people are open to appreciating such experiences, these moments may enhance how they view their life. We call this element experiential appreciation, an ability to detect and admire life’s inner beauty as events happen.

To better understand this appreciation, we conducted a series of studies involving over 3,000 participants. Initially, we had participants rate their coping strategies to relieve their stress. Those managing stress by focusing on their appreciation for life’s beauty reported experiencing life as highly meaningful. In the follow-ups, we asked them to rate the extent to which they agreed with various statements, such as “I have a great appreciation for the beauty of life” and other statements related to coherence, purpose, existential mattering. Our results showed that the more people indicated that they were “appreciating life”, the more they felt their existence valuable. In the subsequent experiment, we further explored the phenomenon by asking participants to watch an awe-inspiring video, they also reported having a greater sense of experiential appreciation and meaning in life in these moments, compared with those watching more neutral videos.

The final results confirmed our original theory: appreciating small things can make life feel more meaningful. But applying that insight can be difficult. Our modern, fastpaced, project-oriented lifestyles fill the day with targets. We are on the go, attempting to maximize our output. This makes it easy to miss what is happening right now. Yet life happens in the present moment. We should slow down, let life surprise us and embrace the significance in the everyday. After all, we live in a wonderful world. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.

12. Why does the author mention the admiration of butterfly?

A.To express people’s desire to enhance their life.

B.To display people’s imagination to whatever happens.

C.To indicate the openness of people to the life coherence.

D.To introduce the concept of experimental appreciation.

13. What is mainly explained in the third paragraph?

A.The participants’ life involved in the study.

B.The contribution of a long-term goal in life.

C.The theory in experiential appreciation.

D.The analysis of the belief that matters most.

14. What is challenging us to appreciate the present in our life?

A.Our modern fast-paced lifestyle.

B.The lack of opportunities.

C.Our focus on individual feelings.

D.The ignorance of future outcomes.

15. What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Enjoying a valuable coherence.

B.Finding the inner beauty of ourselves.

C.Living an active and meaningful existence.

D.Exploring the end of a significant life.

【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. C




推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Imagine the first butterfly you stop to admire after a long winter or the scenery atop a hill after a fresh hike. Sometimes existence delivers us small moments of beauty. When people are open to appreciating such experiences, these moments may enhance how they view their life. We call this element experiential

appreciation, an ability to detect and admire life’s inner beauty as events happen.(想象一下,在漫长的冬天过后,你停下来欣赏的第一只蝴蝶,或者在一次新鲜的徒步旅行后,你在山顶上欣赏的风景。有时候,生活带给我们美好的瞬间。当人们乐于欣赏这样的经历时,这些时刻可能会增强他们对生活的看法。我们称这种元素为体验性欣赏,一种在事件发生时发现和欣赏生活内在美的能力。)”可知,作者在提到停下来欣赏蝴蝶后,就引出概念“体验性欣赏”。故选D。


主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“Our results showed that the more people indicated that they were “appreciating life”, the more they felt their existence valuable. In the subsequent experiment, we further explored the phenomenon by asking participants to watch an awe-inspiring video, they also reported having a greater sense of experiential appreciation and meaning in life in these moments, compared with those watching more neutral videos.(我们的研究结果显示,越多的人表示他们“欣赏生活”,他们就越觉得自己的存在有价值。在随后的实验中,我们通过要求参与者观看令人敬畏的视频进一步探索了这一现象,他们也报告说,与那些观看更中性视频的人相比,他们在这些时刻有更大的体验感激感和生活意义。)”可知,第三段主要解释了体验欣赏的理论。故选C。


细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“But applying that insight can be difficult. Our modern, fastpaced, project-oriented lifestyles fill the day with targets. We are on the go, attempting to maximize our output. This makes it easy to miss what is happening right now.(但运用这种洞察力可能很困难。我们现代、快节奏、以项目为导向的生活方式让每一天都充满了目标。我们忙得不可开交,试图使我们的产出最大化。这使得我们很容易忽略正在发生的事情。)”可知,我们现代快节奏的生活方式使我们不能去欣赏生活中的当下。故选A。


主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Many scholars agree that a meaningful existence comes

down to three factors: the coherence (连贯) of one’s life, the possession of clear long-term goals and the belief that one’s life matters. But we believe there is another element to consider.(许多学者认为,有意义的存在归结为三个因素:人生的连贯性,拥有明确的长期目标,以及相信自己的生命是重要的。但我们认为还有另一个因素需要考虑。)”、第二段“Sometimes existence delivers us small moments of beauty. When people are open to appreciating such experiences, these moments may enhance how they view their life. We call this element experiential appreciation, an ability to detect and admire life’s inner beauty as events happen.(有时候,生活带给我们美好的瞬间。当人们乐于欣赏这样的经历时,这些时刻可能会增强他们对生活的看法。我们称这种元素为体验性欣赏,一种在事件发生时发现和欣赏生活内在美的能力。)”再结合全文内容可知,文章主要讲述的是我们我们应该慢下来,让生活给我们惊喜,拥抱每一天的意义,从而活得积极而有意义。故选C。

二、七选五(共10 分)

Traveling allows you the opportunity to explore new places and unplug from daily routines and distractions. But let’s face it: Sometimes you want and need to stay connected when traveling abroad. Beyond scrolling through news and keeping up on social media, having a cellphone can be an essential tool to connect with other travelers and find cheap accommodation. ____16____ Here are tips to avoid the high international roaming (漫游) charges.

Buy a local SIM Card. One of the most affordable ways to stay connected while traveling is to bring your phone and buy a prepaid SIM card at your destination. Before you travel, check with your provider to make sure your phone will work abroad. Swapping out the SIM card will give you a new international number. Make sure you keep your original SIM card in a safe place. ____17____

Use Wi-Fi Only. If you check email or social media infrequently and don’t feel the need to constantly upload travel photos. waiting until you can connect to free wireless networks can save you a lot. ____18____ While you’re at it, switch off any apps that grab data. Look for restaurants, cafes or public spaces that offer free access to Wi-Fi.

____19____ To save time and money, load up your phone in advance with travel and other apps, music, books, maps, travel guides and anything else you may need. Free Wi-Fi can be slow in many public areas. And you don’t want to get stuck waiting for a map or guide to load when you need it.

Disconnect. While you can find plenty of uses for your phone while traveling, there are also good reasons to disconnect. Be engaged as you explore new places. ____20____ Technology is so ubiquitous (无所不在的) in work and personal lives that it can be hard to focus on a new culture if all you’re doing is staring down at your phone.

A.Download Before You Go.

B.Know your limits and try to overcome them.

C.Make sure you put your phone in airplane mode.

D.That card is associated with your new phone number.

E.Sometimes you fail to wander in a totally new environment.

F.Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds and enjoy the moment.

G.Your phone is also a key connection to friends and family back home.

【答案】16. G 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. F




空前“Beyond scrolling through news and keeping up on social media, having a cellphone can be an essential tool to connect with other travelers and find cheap accommodation.(除了浏览新闻和关注社交媒体,拥有一部手机也是与其他旅行者联系、寻找便宜住宿的重要工具。)”说明了在旅行时用手机是很重要的,空格处应该继续讲手机的重要性,G选项“Your phone is also a key connection to friends and family back home.(你的手机也是与朋友和家人联系的关键。)”也是说的手机的重要性,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。


空前“Make sure you keep your original SIM card in a safe place.(请确保您将原始SIM卡保存在安全的地方。)”说明要确保把原始SIM卡保存在安全的地方,空格处也应该讲SIM卡的相关内容,D选项“That card is associated with your new phone number.(那张卡是和你的新电话号码相关联的。)”说明的是那张SIM卡和你的新电话号码相关联,因此承接上文,符合



本段主题句是“Use Wi-Fi Only.(只使用Wi-Fi。)”,说明本段主要讲的是少用流量,尽量使用Wi-Fi,空后“While you’re at it, switch off any apps that grab data.(当你这样做的时候,关掉所有攫取数据的应用程序。)”说明处于某种模式时,关掉会获取数据的软件,C选项“Make sure you put your phone in airplane mode.(确保你把手机调到飞行模式。)”说明要把手机调到飞行模式,飞行模式可以使手机不使用流量,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选C。【19题详解】

空格处是本段主题句,由空后“To save time and money, load up your phone in advance with travel and other apps, music, books, maps, travel guides and anything else you may need.(为了节省时间和金钱,提前在你的手机上加载旅行和其他应用程序、音乐、书籍、地图、旅行指南和任何你可能需要的东西。)”可知,本段主要讲的是提前下载一些应用程序,A 选项“Download Before You Go.(出发前下载。)”说明了要在出发前提前下载,因此概括了本段内容,可作为主题句,故选A。


空前“Be engaged as you explore new places.(当你探索新的地方时,要全身心投入。)”说明了要专心于看风景,空格处也应该和此内容有关,F选项“Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds and enjoy the moment.(让自己沉浸在风景和声音中,享受这一刻。)”说明要专心享受风景,和空前内容相呼应,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。

三、完形填空(共30 分)

The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was quitting my job and biking solo across western China. I almost gave my parents a heart ____21____ when they found out what I was doing. But I had already made

a(an) ____22____. Little did I know this would ____23____ the greatest experience of my life.

Before starting my trip in China, I had never ____24____ for more than two hours in one day. It was

a huge ____25____ challenge, but I got stronger every day, and ____26____, I could easily bike for eight hours each day.

One of the best parts of the whole experience was the people. Once I ____27____ a group of Chinese cyclists in western China. They invited me to stay with them in the mountains in Yunnan. ____28____ fish over a fire with wood we chopped ourselves. It felt like true ____29____ from the busy feeling of everyday life.

Another _____30_____ of my journey was definitely the food. I got to taste local food in every place I went. My favorite was the _____31_____ of Sichuan. a province known for its spicy flavors and interesting dishes. There are so many different options!

Mostly each day. of course. I was _____32_____ with nature. Throughout the rolling hills and the babbling brooks, western China is home to some of the most amazing _____33_____ in the world.

By the end of my journey, I wanted to keep going. I felt like I could do it _____34_____. It was truly an experience I will never forget. If anyone has an interest in traveling. I would highly _____35_____ going by bicycle!

21. A.rate B.attack C.test D.surgery

22. A.conclusion B.attempt C.decision D.outline

23. A.carry on B.take off C.make up D.turn into

24. A.biked B.driven C.traveled D.surfed

25. A.regional B.mental C.physical D.financial

26. A.eventually B.suddenly C.fortunately D.formally

27. A.rescued B.directed C.protected D.encountered

28. A.cooking B.catching C.washing D.eating

29. A.energy B.freedom C.concern D.fashion

30. A.choice B.invention C.highlight D.progress

31. A.material B.cuisine C.medicine D.music

32. A.alone B.wild C.safe D.empty

33. A.food B.scenery C.culture D.tradition

34. A.indeed B.otherwise C.forever D.instead

35. A.permit B.appreciate C.understand D.recommend

【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D




考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我父母发现我的所作所为时,差点被吓出心脏病。A. rate比率;

B. attack袭击、疾病侵袭;

C. test测试;

D. surgery手术。根据上文“The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was quitting my job and biking solo across western China.”可知,作者做过的最冒险的事情就是辞职骑车穿越中国西部。由此可知,作者的父母得知这一切时应该吓了一跳。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是我已经做了决定。A. conclusion结论;B. attempt尝试;C. decision决定;D. outline大纲、轮廓。根据上文内容可知,作者最终还是骑车穿越中国西部,由此可知,此时作者已经做了决定。故选C。


考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我一点也不知道这将成为我一生中最伟大的经历。A. carry on 继续进行、从事;B. take off脱去、起飞;C. make up组成、编造;D. turn into转变成。根据下文“the greatest experience of my life.”可知,作者当时还不知道这一决定成为了一生中最伟大的经历。故选D。



A. biked骑自行车;

B. driven驾驶;

C. traveled旅游;

D. surfed浏览、冲浪。根据上文“The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was quitting my job and biking solo across western China.”可知,作者指的是之前每天骑自行车从没超过两个小时。故选A。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对身体是一个巨大的挑战,但我每天都变得更强壮,最终,我可以轻松地每天骑8个小时。A. regional地区的;B. mental金属的;C. physical身体的;D. financial金融的。根据常理推测,之前每天骑自行车从没超过两个小时,而现在作者打算骑车穿越中国西部,这对身体是一个巨大的挑战。故选C。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:这对身体是一个巨大的挑战,但我每天都变得更强壮,最终,我可以轻松地每天骑8个小时。A. eventually最终;B. suddenly突然;C. fortunately幸运地;D. formally正式地。根据上文“Before starting my trip in China, I had never ____4____ for more than two hours in one day. It was a huge ____5____ challenge, but I got stronger every day,”可知,骑行是一个慢慢进步的过程,而随着每天都变得更强壮,最终,作者终于能每天骑8个小时。故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次,我在中国西部遇到了一群骑自行车的中国人。A. rescued

救援;B. directed指挥;C. protected保护;D. encountered遭遇。根据空后的宾语“a group of Chinese cyclists in western China”可知,这是作者在骑自行车过程中所遇到的人。故选D。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们邀请我和他们一起住在云南的山上,用我们自己砍的木头在火上烹饪鱼。A. cooking煮;B. catching抓到;C. washing洗;D. eating吃。根据空后“fish over a fire with wood we chopped ourselves”可知,空处指的是用自己砍的木头的火烹饪



考查名词词义辨析。句意:这感觉就像从日常生活的忙碌中获得了真正的自由。A. energy能量;B. freedom自由;C. concern担忧;D. fashion时尚。根据空后的“the busy feeling of everyday life.”可推测,作者此时的感觉就像从忙碌中获得了真正的自由。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我旅行的另一个亮点绝对是食物。A. choice选择;B. invention发明;C. highlight精彩部分;D. progress进步。根据上文“One of the best parts of the whole experience was the people.”可知,此处指的是旅行中遇到的美好的部分。故选C。【31题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我最喜欢的是川菜。A. material材料;B. cuisine佳肴;C. medicine药物;D. music音乐。根据上文“Another ____10____ of my journey was definitely the food. I got to taste local food in every place I went.”可知,本段指的是佳肴,由此可知,空处指的是川菜。故选B。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当然,我是独自面对大自然的。A. alone单独的;B. wild野外的;C. safe安全的;D. empty空的。根据第一段“The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was quitting my job and biking solo across western China.”可知,作者是独自骑行,那么自然作者是独自面对大自然。故选A。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:在连绵起伏的群山和潺潺的小溪中,中国西部拥有世界上最令人惊叹的风景。A. food食物;B. scenery风景;C. culture文化;D. tradition传统。根据上文“Throughout the rolling hills and the babbling brooks”可知,此处作者所指的是中国西部的风景。故选B。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我可以永远做下去。A. indeed确实;B. otherwise否则;C. forever永远;D. instead反而。根据上文“By the end of my journey, I wanted to keep going.”可知,作者还想继续这样骑行,由此可知,空处指的是作者可以拥有做这件事。故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我强烈建议骑自行车去旅行。A. permit许可;B. appreciate欣赏、感激;C. understand理解;D. recommend推荐。根据上文“If anyone has an interest in traveling”可知,作者推荐对旅游感兴趣的人去骑自行车。故选D。

四、用单词的适当形式完成短文(共2 分)


A statue of Petofi stands in the square in front of Lu Xun Museum in Shanghai, ____36____ (welcome) millions of visitors for the traditional friendship between China and Hungary. ____37____ time went by, there was an increasing interest in learning the Chinese language in Hungary.

A 19-year-old Hungary girl, Varge Bonita, ____38____ Chinese name is Hu Lingyue, traveled thousands of miles to the East and settled down in Beijing for her university life in the hope of knowing more about China. She ____39____ (fall) in love with Chinese, a language with “____40____ special tone and beautiful handwriting” when she began to first hear Chinese at the age of seven. For her, learning Chinese is not just about mastering a language, but providing access ____41____ Chinese history of 5,000 years with so many interesting aspects. With the ____42____ (popular) of Chinese in Hungary, signs in Chinese have been more and more ____43____ (common) seen in streets and Chinese characters are most likely to ____44____ (spot) on bus tickets selling machines.

Cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Hungary have brought people closer and closer. The horizon is vast. There are ____45____ (end) possibilities which have not been explored.

【答案】36. welcoming

37. As38. whose

39. fell40. a

41. to42. popularity

43. commonly

44. be spotted

45. endless






考查介词。句意:随着时间的流逝。在匈牙利,学习汉语的兴趣越来越大。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定短语as time went by,意为“随着时间的流逝”,位于句首时首字母大写。故填As。


考查定语从句。句意:19岁的匈牙利女孩Varge Bonita,中文名胡令月,不远万里来到东方,在北京开始了她的大学生活,希望能更多地了解中国。分析句子结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词A 19-year-old Hungary girl指人,且从句中缺少定语,因此可使用关系代词whose 在句中作定语。故填whose。


考查时态。句意:7岁时,她第一次听到汉语时,就爱上了汉语,这是一种“声调特别,字迹优美”的语言。根据句中时间状语at the age of seven可知,该句陈述过去事实,主语she为单数形





考查介词。句意:对她来说,学习汉语不仅仅是掌握一门语言,而是了解中国5000年的历史,其中有很多有趣的方面。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定短语access to,意为“接近;接触”。故填to。






考查被动语态。句意:随着汉语在匈牙利的普及,街道上的中文标志越来越多,公交车售票机上最容易看到汉字。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语be likely to do sth.,意为“很可能做某事”,Chinese characters与spot(发现)之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此需使用被动语态。故填be spotted。


考查形容词。句意:有无限的可能性尚未被探索。后文提到“possibilities which have not been explored possibilities which have not been explored”(可能性尚未被探索)“还有


阅读理解 If you’ve ever dreamed of building a rocket and sending it skyward, dream no more! Maybe just dream a little smaller. Scientific American Custom Media and our partners at Bayer are hosting the BUILD — YOUR — OWN ALKA ROCKET COMPETITION for backyard craft powered by water and effervescent tablets (泡腾片). The winner will become famous overnight and walk away with a $1,000 prize. So pick up some effervescent tablets and get busy building. History awaits you. Entry: Going for the prize is easy. Build an Alka Rocket. Send it skyward with fuel made only of effervescent tablets and water. And record it all in a video, which you share over social media with the Alka Rocket Challenge. So we can keep track. Please also email the links to your social ********************************. Entry Period: From November 1st, 2020 until December 31st, 2020. Rocket Requirements: Rockets must be less than one foot in height and six inches in width. They must use only effervescent tablets and water as fuel.For more on how to build a basic Alka Rocket, you can watch the handy video.


山东省德州市2023-2024学年 高三上学期期中考试英语试题 一、阅读理解(共30 分) Hollywood’s charm and celebrities have always held a fascination for travelers. Here are some best selected Hollywood tours based on experts’ recommendations and travelers’ opinions. TMZ Celebrity Tour Price: $59 for adults. from $49 with kids (children younger than 2 are not permitted). Duration: 2 hours, multiple times daily. TMZ, known for its celebrity news-fueled television show and website, operates this tour that takes travelers through Hollywood in the hopes of seeing their favorite celebrities. The guides even bring video cameras in case a passing celebrity is willing to give an interview. The Real Hollywood Tour Price: From $40 for adults, children 12 and younger for free. Duration: 2 hours, daily at 10 a.m. During this historic walking tour, travelers will learn why Hollywood—once a farming town—was selected by movie industry pioneers in the early 20th century. The tour also stops at unique sights, but major attractions aren’t forgotten either. Hollywood Sign Hike Price: $34 for adults. Duration: 2.5 hours. The exact meeting times vary, depending on the time of the year. For a unique and sunshine-filled Hollywood tour, opt for this hike to the Hollywood sign. Highlights include a bird’s-eye view from Mount Hollywood. Along the 4-mile round-trip hike, you might even see local celebrities walking their dogs. The Original Hollywood Tour Price: $45 for adults, from $35 for kids 11 and younger. Duration: 2 hours, daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. According to travelers. this tour is worthwhile if you’re only in Los Angeles for a short amount of time. as you cover a lot of ground in just two hours. You’ll cruise along Rodeo Drive and the Sunset Strip in an open-top bus as your driver shares interesting information. 1. What is special for a tourist to TMZ Celebrity Tour?


2023—2024学年度第一学期期中学业水平诊断 高三英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,只交答题卡。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What are the speakers doing? A.Waiting in line to get food.B.Arranging to meet someone.C.Visiting a crowded museum. 2.What do we know about the woman? A.She arrived at the party late.B.She was speaking too loudly.C.She couldn’t hear the man clearly. 3.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Recycle waste.B.Start using buses.C.Do some volunteer work. 4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Mother and son.B.Brother and sister.C.Babysitter and child. 5.Which language does the man usually use? A.German.B.English.C.French. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.How are the speakers travelling? A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.By train. 7.What are the speakers going to do? A.Leave the city.B.See a show.C.Park their car. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8.What might the man be? A.A student.B.A data analyst.C.A computer scientist. 9.Which field of work does the man believe isn’t threatened? A.Factory work.B.Office work.C.Creative work.


2023-2024学年山东省淄博市高三上学期期中英语试题(含听力)1. Why does the woman call the man? A.To place an order. B.To report a delay C.To arrange a delivery date. 2. What does the woman want the m a i to do? A.Collect her book. B.Lend her a book. C.Buy some juice. 3. What is the woman looking for? A.Her handbag. B.Her passport. C.Her boarding pass 4. What will the weather probably be like this afternoon? A.Rainy B.Foggy C.Sunny 5. What are the speakers talking about? A.A tree. B.A survey C.A country 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 6. How will t ha woman go to the meeting center? A.On foot. B.By car. C.By taxi. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a restaurant.

B.In a hotel. C.At a train station. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 8. What did the woman dislike about the concert? A.The venue. B.The singer. C The music. 9. What did the speakers think of the support bands? A.Moving B.Surprising. C.Disappointing 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 10. What does the man want to deliver? A.Some books. B.Some brochures. C.Some DVDs. 11. How long will it take the man to send it by Airmail? A.Two days B.Three days C.Within two weeks. 12. How much should the man pay if he uses International Signed For? A.₤9. 50. B.₤11. 50. C.₤13. 50. 13. How will the man deliver his package? A.By Airmail. B.By Air Sure. C.By surface mail. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。


山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次诊断考试 (期中)英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 Writing anything imaginative and questioning usually comes down to one ordinary question: what if? What if there were ghosts who could move through the walls? What if a man were to turn into salt? What if there was a book of real predictions? These questions form clear starting points, while character, setting, and the beginning point are key parts. In this masterclass with Natasha Pulley, the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Watchmaker of Filigree Street and creative writing lecturer, you will be guided through the strategies that help craft magical realism, from story planning to the final completion. Combining practical writing exercises with theory and discussion, this masterclass will give you the tools and inspiration to build your ideas into a novel. Course content Finding your ideas quickly and easily Extending the outline into more complex world-building How to use historical language to enrich your work How to think about novel structure Course Details Date: Thursday 12 October 2023 Time: 6: 30 pm - 9: 00 pm You will be sent a link to the online class 24 hours prior to the start time. Please email *************************************************************************** scheduled start time. If you require any adjustments to enable your participation in this course, please get in touch with us through email as well. 1.What is the main objective of this masterclass? A.To teach the process of publishing journals. B.To guide participants in turning ideas into novels C.To provide instructions on writing book reviews. D.To explore and discuss theories of magical realism. 2.What might be taught in this masterclass?


2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷 注意事项 1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效. 5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.The real reason why prices ____ , and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. A.were B.will be C.have been D.had been 2.---I’ve heard a lot about you. You got promoted, right? ______ --- Many thanks. A.Good for you B.Y ou asked for it C.There you are D.You’ve gone too far 3.The researchers who study jokes want to find out _______ people from different nations and cultures find funny. A.why B.that C.what D.whether 4.—What's wrong with him? He seemed upset. —He had to give up his drawing, not because he wanted ________ that way but because he had to be. A.this B.one C.it D.such 5.The part in the film Rio _______ the two birds escaped from the crashing plane made some of the audience give a cry. A.which B.who C.where D.whom 6._______ many Chinese holidays are directed towards services remembering ancestors, the Ching Ming Festival is beyond doubt the largest. A.Unless B.Since C.Once D.While 7.Keep up your spirits even if you _____ fail hundreds of times.


2023-2024学年山东省名校联盟高三上学期期中英语试题 With its grand castle and famous festival, Edinburgh is a tourist attraction. But Scotland’s capital isn’t just a collection of big-ticket sights. Set on a series of extinct volcanoes and blessed with charming antique alleys and grand squares, Edinburgh distinguishes itself with long history and unique tradition. Edinburgh isn’t just worth visiting. It’s worth throwing yourself into. Here’s what you need to know before you dive in. Arriving in Edinburgh Edinburgh’s airport is 13 km away from the city center. Buses (cheaper), trams (quicker when the roads are busy) and taxis (good for door-to-door drop-offs) connect the final station with the city center. If you’re arriving from outside Britain and you’re not a UK citizen, you’ll need to fill out a passenger-location form. Booking in advance can be worth it The earlier you book your accommodation, the better, especially during the festivals. The biggest shows, including the Tattoo, should be booked well in advance too. The world’s biggest arts festival Fringe takes over the city every August. If you’re going, book your accommodation months in advance and be ready to book the biggest shows early too. If you’re n ot, avoid August. Things also get pretty busy around Hogmanay (the run-up to New Year), but the madness is shorter-lived. Autumn, when the days are long and bright and the winds are generally mild, will suit most visitors best. But if you don’t mind a spot of wet weather, come in the colder months, when walking along atmospheric streets with museums and bars. What kind of currency do you need? Scotland has its own banknotes, but English notes are accepted everywhere in Scotland. Card payments are now more c ommon than cash, and they’re the easiest way to pay on public transport too—if you use cash on a bus, you’ll need exact change, or a pass is a good alternative. 1. What does Edinburgh feature as a tour city? A.A variety of unique architecture. B.A series of unnoticed fancy castles. C.A collection of big-ticket attractions. D.A combination of sights and cultures. 2. Which is the best season to experience Fringe? A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. D.Winter. 3. What kind of payment is preferred on Edinburgh’s public transport? A.Apple pay. B.Card. C.Cheque. D.Cash.


山东省德州市平原县第三中学2022-2023学年高三英语 期末试题含解析 一、选择题 1. —The T shirt I received is not the same as is shown online. —?But I promise you we’ll look into it right away. A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry 参考答案: B 2. The majority of scientists are ________ about their achievements no matter how great they are, not liking showing off on public occasions. A. curious B. particular C. modest D. anxious 参考答案: C 【详解】考查形容词。句意:大多数科学家对自己的成就都很谦虚,不管他们有多伟大,都不喜欢在公共场合炫耀。A. curious好奇的;B. particular特别的;C. modest谦虚的;D. anxious焦虑的。分析句意可知,大多数科学家对自己的成就都很谦虚。结合选项,故选C。 3. —Let's go for a picnic this weekend together with our classmates, OK? —________. I love getting close to nature. A.I couldn' t agree more B.That's all right C.Out of the question D.I'm afraid not 参考答案: A 考查交际用语。从后面的信息“我喜欢接近大自然”可知,答话人完全赞同对方“周末与同学一起野餐”的提议。A项用于完全赞同对方的建议;B项用于应答致谢或道歉;C项用于拒绝对方的请求,表示“不可能”;D项为委婉的否定答复。


2023-2024学年山东省德州市高一上学期英语期中考试试题 Chocolate Cheesecake Muffins (松饼) have a chocolate-based muffin full of chocolate chips, which is filled and baked with a very easy cheesecake. Simple but popular. Ingredients(原料) ·125g unsalted butter, at room temperature ·150g soft light brown sugar, 275g self-raising flour, 250g milk chocolate chips and 1 egg ·175ml soured cream or natural yoghurt and 175ml whole milk Method First, preheat the oven to 180℃/160℃ and line a 12-hole muffin tray with muffin cases. Second, in a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg, and soured cream and beat again until smooth. Add the flour to a separate bowl, along with the milk, and mix with a knife until smooth. Add the mixture from the 2 bowls together and beat again gently until combined, and thus the cheesecake mixture is ready. Third, add a tablespoon of cake mixture to each muffin case, and then add a spoonful of cheesecake mixture on top. Put the chocolate chips over it. Bake in the oven for 25—27 minutes. Leave to cool fully before tasting them. 1. Which of the following ingredient is a must for making the muffin? A.150g light brown butter. B.275g machined flour. C.175ml natural yoghurt. D.250g milk chocolate chips. 2. Which is the last step in making muffins? A.Preheat the oven. B.Mix the butter and egg. C.Bake in the oven. D.Add the chocolate chips. 3. Where is the passage probably taken from? A.A magazine. B.An interview. C.A storybook. D.An advertisement. Carson calls himself, a matchmaker of the never-ending waste of American society, trying not to pair people with people, but things with people. For nearly ten years, his company, Repurposed Materials, has not been looking to recycle the waste he gets —breaking it down to make something new—but rather finding new homes for thrown-away goods in their original (原来的) forms. In the late 1990s, Carson was on break from business school in Vail, Colorado, when he discovered the vast world of waste. He began thinking about creating a secondhand store that would sell old


2023-2024学年山东省德州市实验中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题 1. Which country has rules about making beer? A.Germany. B.The UK. C.Belgium. 2. When did the woman go for a walk? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening. 3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Master and servant. C.Tour guide and tourist. 4. How will the man pay for the shopping? A.With a card. B.With his cash. C.With the woman’s money. 5. What is the weather like now? A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 6. Where are the speakers? A.In a car. B.Outside a cave. C.Inside a house. 7. What will the speakers do next? A.Brush their hair. B.Make some rules. C.Put on their hats. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 8. At what time does the man usually arrive at school? A.9:00 a.m. B.9:10 a.m. C.9:30 a.m 9. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Work meetings’ plans.B.The man’s lateness.C.School classes’ organization. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 10. What does the man think of the cake? A.It is normal. B.It is delicious. C.It is disappointing. 11. Why is the woman glad to see the man? A.She is lonely. B.He will help her. C.He is a family member. 12. What will the woman consider doing?


山东省嘉祥县第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试 英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 Here are some of the best places to visit in Europe. Ephesus, Türkiye The ancient city Ephesus, located near Selcuk in modern-day Türkiye, is the most complete classical city in Europe. The 2nd-century Library of Celsus is the most famous of the ancient metropolis’ sights, closely followed by the main thoroughfare of the Curetes Street and the vast Great Theater. Plovdiv, Bulgaria Bulgaria’s second largest city, Plovdiv shared European Capital of Culture duties with Matera in Italy in 2019. The city is one of the oldest settlements in Europe. The well-preserved 2nd-century Roman theater is one of the finest archaeological sites in eastern Europe. There’s also a rich archaeological museum. Pompeii, Italy Typically pulling in more than 2.5 million visitors a year, there’s rarely a quiet time to visit Pompeii. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth making as much time for it as possible when in southern Italy. The perfectly preserved ancient city, buried under ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, is unlike anything else in Europe. Salzburg, Austria With the Alps looming over the 11th-century Hohensalzburg Fortress and series of beautiful palaces and churches, Salzburg is arguably the most picturesque city in central Europe. Protected by UNESCO, the modern world feels pleasing elsewhere. The city’s most famous son, Mozart, draws tourists’ attention with The Sound of Music which was filmed and set here. 1.What do Ephesus and Plovdiv have in common? A.They both have a 2nd-century building.B.Their ancient theatres are still being run. C.Their old libraries are well-preserved.D.They share Capital of Culture duties together. 2.What happened in Pompeii in AD 79?


山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高三英语第一学期期末学业质 量监测试题 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.答题时请按要求用笔。 3.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。 4.作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.—Starting a conversation is a good way to kill time on the train. —_______. I also like to talk with strangers. A.That is true B.It sounds like fun C.I don’t think so D.Y ou are kidding 2.______almost one hundred jin, the stone was moved by him alone. A.Weighed B.Weighing C.It weighed D.To weigh 3.The fellow we spoke ________ no comment at first. A.to make B.to made C.made D.to making 4.I would not be seeing the film Green Book now _____ me up in time. A.were Kathy not to pick B.had Kathy not picked C.if Kathy h asn’t picked D.if Kathy did not pick 5.I _________ to help you to do homework but I couldn't spare any time. I ________ a composition last night and I'll finish it tomorrow. A.wanted;wrote B.had wanted;was writing C.had wanted;wrote D.wanted;have been writing 6.At college, Barack Obama didn’t know that he the first black president of the United States of America. A.was to become B.becomes C.is to become D.became 7.According to the company’s rule, one’s payment is ______ the work done, not to the time spent doing it. A.in proportion to B.in addition to C.in contrast to D.in regard to 8.That Was the first time she alone at home during the weekends,bored to

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