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WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: There is a new In the News box on “Does Food Aid Help or Hurt?”

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand:

how much economic growth differs around the world.

why productivity is the key determinant of a country’s standard of living.

the factors that determine a country’s productivity.

how a country’s policies influence its productivity growth.

CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 12 is the first chapter in a four-chapter sequence on the production of output in the long run. Chapter 12 addresses the determinants of the level and growth rate of output. We find that capital and labor are among the primary determinants of output. In Chapter 13, we address how saving and investment in capital goods affect the production of output, and in Chapter 14, we learn about some of the tools people and firms use when choosing capital projects in which to invest. In Chapter 15, we address the market for labor.

The purpose of Chapter 12 is to examine the long-run determinants of both the level and the growth rate of real GDP per person. Along the way, we will discover the factors that determine the productivity of workers and address what governments might do to improve the productivity of their citizens.


Economic prosperity, as measured by GDP per person, varies substantially around the world. The

average income in the world’s richest countries is more than ten times that in the world’s poorest countries. Because growth rates of real GDP also vary substantially, the relative positions of countries can change dramatically over time.


210 ?Chapter 12/Production and Growth

? The standard of living in an economy depends on the economy’s ability to produce goods and services. Productivity, in turn, depends on the amounts of physical capital, human capital, natural resources, and technological knowledge available to workers.

? Government policies can try to influence the economy’s growth rate in many ways: by encouraging saving and investment, encouraging investment from abroad, fostering education, promoting good health, maintaining property rights and political stability, allowing free trade, and promoting the research and development of new technologies.

? The accumulation of capital is subject to diminishing returns: The more capital an economy has, the less additional output the economy gets from an extra unit of capital. As a result, while

higher saving leads to higher growth for a period of time, growth eventually slows down as

capital, productivity, and income rise. Also because of diminishing returns, the return to capital is especially high in poor countries. Other things equal, these countries can grow faster because of the catch-up effect.

? Population growth has a variety of effects on economic growth. On the one hand, more rapid population growth may lower productivity by stretching the supply of natural resources and by

reducing the amount of capital available for each worker. On the other hand, a larger population may enhance the rate of technological progress because there are more scientists and engineers.


I. Economic Growth around the World

A. Table 1 shows data on real GDP per person for 13 countries during different periods of time.

1. The data reveal the fact that living standards vary a great deal between these countries.

2. Growth rates are also reported in the table. Japan has had the largest growth rate over time,

2.65% per year (on average).

3. Because of different growth rates, the ranking of countries by income per person changes

over time.

a. In the late 19th century, the United Kingdom was the richest country in the world.

b. Today, income per person is lower in the United Kingdom than in the United States (a

former colony of the United Kingdom).

Chapter 12/Production and Growth ?211

B. FYI: Are You Richer Than the Richest American?

1. According to the magazine American Heritage, the richest American of all time is John B.

Rockefeller, whose wealth today would be the equivalent of approximately $200 billion.

2. Yet, because Rockefeller lived from 1839 to 1937, he did not get the chance to enjoy many

of the conveniences we take for granted today such as television, air conditioning, and

modern medicine.

3. Thus, because of tech nological advances, the average American today may enjoy a “richer”

life than the richest American who lived a century ago.

C. FYI: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Statistics

1. This box presents three photos showing a typical family in three countries – the United

Kingdom, Mexico, and Mali. Each family was photographed outside their home, together with

all of their material possessions.

2. These photos demonstrate the vast difference in the standards of living in these countries. II. Productivity: Its Role and Determinants

A. Why Productivity Is So Important

1. Example: Robinson Crusoe

a. Because he is stranded alone, he must catch his own fish, grow his own vegetables, and

make his own clothes.

b. His standard of living depends on his ability to produce goods and services.

2. Definition of productivity: the quantity of goods and services produced from each

unit of labor input.

3. Review of Principle #8: A Country’s Standard of Living Depends on Its Ability to Produce

Goods and Services.

B. How Productivity Is Determined

1. Physical Capital per Worker

a. Definition of physical capital: the stock of equipment and structures used to

produce goods and services.

b. Example: Crusoe will catch more fish if he has more fishing poles.

2. Human Capital per Worker

a. Definition of human capital: the knowledge and skills that workers acquire

through education, training, and experience.

b. Example: Crusoe will catch more fish if he has been trained in the best fishing techniques

or as he gains experience fishing.

212 ? Chapter 12/Production and Growth

3. Natural Resources per Worker

a. Definition of natural resources: the inputs into production that are provided by nature, such as land, rivers, and mineral deposits .

b. Example: Crusoe will have better luck catching fish if there is a plentiful supply around his island.

4. Technological Knowledge

a. Definition of technological knowledge : society’s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services .

b. Example: Crusoe will catch more fish if he has invented a better fishing lure.

C. FYI: The Production Function

1. A production function describes the relationship between the quantity of inputs used in production and the quantity of output from production.

2. The production function generally is written like this:

where Y = output, L = quantity of labor, K = quantity of physical capital, H = quantity of human capital, N = quantity of natural resources, A reflects the available production technology, and F () is a function that shows how inputs are combined to produce output.

3. Many production functions have a property called constant returns to scale.

a. This property implies that as all inputs are doubled, output will exactly double.

b. This implies that the following must be true:

where x

= 2 if inputs are doubled.

c. This also means that if we want to examine output per worker we could set x = 1/L and we would get the following:

This shows that output per worker depends on the amount of physical capital per worker (K /L ), the amount of human capital per worker (H /L ), and the amount of natural

resources per worker (N /L ).

4. Case Study: Are Natural Resources a Limit to Growth?

a. This section points out that as the population has grown over time, we have discovered

ways to lower our use of natural resources. Thus, most economists are not worried about shortages of natural resources.

Chapter 12/Production and Growth ? 213

III. Economic Growth and Public Policy

A. Saving and Investment

1. Because capital is a produced factor of production, a society can change the amount of capital that it has.

2. However, there is an opportunity cost of doing so; if resources are used to produce capital goods, fewer goods and services are produced for current consumption.

B. Diminishing Returns and the Catch-Up Effect

1. Definition of diminishing returns: the property whereby the benefit from an extra unit of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases .

a. As the capital stock rises, the extra output produced from an additional unit of capital will


b. This can be seen in Figure 1, which shows how the amount of capital per worker determines the amount of output per worker, holding constant all other determinants of


c. Thus, if workers already have a large amount of capital to work with, giving them an

additional unit of capital will not increase their productivity by much.

d. In the long run, a higher saving rate leads to a higher level of productivity and income, but not to higher growth rates in these variables.

2. An important implication of diminishing returns is the catch-up effect.

a. Definition of catch-up effect: the property whereby countries that start off poor tend to grow more rapidly than countries that start off rich .

b. When workers have very little capital to begin with, an additional unit of capital will increase their productivity by a great deal.

C. Investment from Abroad

1. Saving by domestic residents is not the only way for a country to invest in new capital.

2. Investment in the country by foreigners can also occur.

a. Foreign direct investment occurs when a capital investment is owned and operated by a foreign entity.

214 ?Chapter 12/Production and Growth

b. Foreign portfolio investment occurs when a capital investment is financed with foreign

money but operated by domestic residents.

3. Some of the benefits of foreign investment flow back to foreign owners. But the economy still

experiences an increase in the capital stock, which leads to higher productivity and higher


4. The World Bank is an organization that tries to encourage the flow of investment to poor


a. The World Bank obtains funds from developed countries such as the United States and

makes loans to less-developed countries so that they can invest in roads, sewer systems,

schools, and other types of capital.

b. The World Bank also offers these countries advice on how best to use these funds.

D. Education

1. Investment in human capital also has an opportunity cost.

a. When students are in class, they cannot be producing goods and services for


b. In less-developed countries, this opportunity cost is considered to be high; as a result,

children often drop out of school at a young age.

2. Because there are positive externalities in education, the effect of lower education on the

economic growth rate of a country can be large.

3. Many poor count ries also face a “brain drain”—the best educated often leave to go to other

countries where they can enjoy a higher standard of living.

E. Health and Nutrition

1. Human capital can also be used to describe another type of investment in people:

expenditures that lead to a healthier population.

2. Other things being equal, healthier workers are more productive.

3. Making the right investments in the health of the population is one way for a nation to

increase productivity.

F. Property Rights and Political Stability

1. Protection of property rights and promotion of political stability are two other important ways

that policymakers can improve economic growth.

2. There is little incentive to produce products if there is no guarantee that they cannot be

taken. Contracts must also be enforced.

3. Countries with questionable enforcement of property rights or an unstable political climate

will also have difficulty in attracting foreign (or even domestic) investment.

Chapter 12/Production and Growth ?215

4. In the News: Does Food Aid Help or Hurt?

a. Economic policies designed to improve productivity sometimes have adverse unintended


b. This article from The Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics blog discusses economic

research on the effects of food aid to poor countries on armed conflict in a recipient


G. Free Trade

1. Some countries have tried to achieve faster economic growth by avoiding transacting with

the rest of the world.

2. However, trade allows a country to specialize in what it does best and thus consume beyond

its production possibilities.

3. When a country trades wheat for steel, it is as well off as it would be if it had developed a

new technology for turning wheat into steel.

4. The amount a nation trades is determined not only by government policy but also by


a. Countries with good, natural seaports find trade easier than countries without this


b. Countries with more than 80 percent of their population living within 100 kilometers of a

coast have an average GDP per person that is four times as large as countries with less

than 20 percent of their population living near a coast.

H. Research and Development

1. The primary reason why living standards have improved over time has been due to large

increases in technological knowledge.

2. Knowledge can be considered a public good.

3. The U.S. government promotes the creation of new technological information by providing

research grants and providing tax incentives for firms engaged in research.

4. The patent system also encourages research by granting an inventor the exclusive right to

produce the product for a specified number of years.

I. Population Growth

1. Stretching Natural Resources

a. Thomas Malthus (an English minister and early economic thinker) argued that an ever-

increasing population meant that the world was doomed to live in poverty forever.

b. However, he failed to understand that new ideas would be developed to increase the

production of food and other goods, including pesticides, fertilizers, mechanized

equipment, and new crop varieties.

216 ?Chapter 12/Production and Growth

2. Diluting the Capital Stock

a. High population growth reduces GDP per worker because rapid growth in the number of

workers forces the capital stock to be spread more thinly.

b. Countries with a high population growth have large numbers of school-age children,

placing a burden on the education system.

3. Some countries have already instituted measures to reduce population growth rates.

4. Policies that foster equal treatment for women should raise economic opportunities for

women leading to lower rates of population.

5. Promoting Technological Progress

a. Some economists have suggested that population growth has driven technological

progress and economic prosperity.

b. In a 1993 journal article, economist Michael Kremer provided evidence that increases in

population lead to technological progress.

J. In the News: One Economist’s Answer

1. Why do some nations thrive while others do not?

2. This article by economist Daron Acemoglu provides his ideas on the answers to this question. SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:

Quick Quizzes

1. The approximate growth rate of real GDP per person in the United States is 1.77 percent

(based on Table 1) from 1870 to 2010. Countries that have had faster growth include Japan,

Brazil, Mexico, China, Germany, and Canada; countries that have had slower growth include

Argentina, India, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

2. The four determinants of a country’s productivity are: (1) physical capital, which is the stock

of equipment and structures that are used to produce goods and services; (2) human capital,

which is the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and

experience; (3) natural resources, which are inputs into production that are provided by

nature, such as land, rivers, and mineral deposits; and (4) technological knowledge, which is

society’s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services.

3. Ways in which a government policymaker can try to raise the growth in living standards in a

society include: (1) investing more current resources in the production of capital, which has

Chapter 12/Production and Growth ?217 the drawback of reducing the resources used for producing current consumption; (2)

encouraging investment from abroad, which has the drawback that some of the benefits of

investment flow to foreigners; (3) increasing education, which has an opportunity cost in that

students are not engaged in current production; (4) protecting property rights and promoting

political stability, which has the drawback of enforcement costs; (5) pursuing outward-

oriented policies to encourage free trade, which may have the drawback of making a country

more dependent on its trading partners; (6) reducing the rate of population growth, which

may have the drawbacks of reducing individual freedom and lowering the rate of

technological progress; and (7) encouraging research and development, which (like

investment) may have the drawback of reducing current consumption.

Questions for Review

1. The level of a nation’s GDP measure s both the total income earned in the economy and the

total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services. The level of real GDP is a

good gauge of economic prosperity, and the growth rate of real GDP is a good gauge of

economic progress. You would rather live in a nation with a high level of GDP, even though it

had a low growth rate, than in a nation with a low level of GDP and a high growth rate,

because the level of GDP is a measure of prosperity.

2. The four determinants of productivity are: (1) physical capital, which is the stock of

equipment and structures that are used to produce goods and services; (2) human capital,

which consists of the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training,

and experience; (3) natural resources, which are inputs into production that are provided by

nature; and (4) technological knowledge, which is society’s understanding of the best ways

to produce goods and services.

3. A college degree is a form of human capital. The skills learned in earning a college degree

increase a worker's productivity.

4. Higher saving means fewer resources are devoted to consumption and more to producing

capital goods. The rise in the capital stock leads to rising productivity and more rapid growth

in GDP for a while. In the long run, the higher saving rate leads to a higher standard of living.

A policymaker might be deterred from trying to raise the rate of saving because doing so

requires that people reduce their consumption today and it can take a long time to get to a

higher standard of living.

5. A higher rate of saving leads to a higher growth rate temporarily, not permanently. In the

short run, increased saving leads to a larger capital stock and faster growth. But as growth

continues, diminishing returns to capital mean growth slows down and eventually settles

down to its initial rate, though this may take several decades.

6. Removing a trade restriction, such as a tariff, would lead to more rapid economic growth

because the removal of the trade restriction acts like an improvement in technology. Free

trade allows all countries to consume more goods and services.

7. The higher the rate of population growth, the lower is the level of GDP per person because

there's less capital per person, hence lower productivity.

8. The U.S. government tries to encourage advances in technological knowledge by providing

research grants through the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health,

218 ?Chapter 12/Production and Growth

with tax breaks for firms engaging in research and development, and through the patent


Quick Check Multiple Choice

1. b

2. c

3. d

4. c

5. c

6. a

Problems and Applications

1. The facts that countries import many goods and services yet must produce a large quantity

of goods and services themselves to enjoy a high standard of living are reconciled by noting

that there are substantial gains from trade. To be able to afford to purchase goods from

other countries, an economy must generate income. By producing many goods and services,

then trading them for goods and services produced in other countries, a nation maximizes its

standard of living.

2. a. More investment would lead to faster economic growth in the short run.

b. The change would benefit many people in society who would have higher incomes as the

result of faster economic growth. However, there might be a transition period in which

workers and owners in consumption-good industries would get lower incomes, and

workers and owners in investment-good industries would get higher incomes. In addition,

some group would have to reduce their spending for some time so that investment could


3. a. Private consumption spending includes buying food and buying clothes; private

investment spending includes people buying houses and firms buying computers. Many

other examples are possible. Education can be considered as both consumption and


b. Government consumption spending includes paying workers to administer government

programs; government investment spending includes buying military equipment and

building roads. Many other examples are possible.

4. The opportunity cost of investing in capital is the loss of consumption that results from

redirecting resources toward investment. Over-investment in capital is possible because of

diminishing marginal returns. A country can "over-invest" in capital if people would prefer to

have higher consumption spending and less future growth. The opportunity cost of investing

in human capital is also the loss of consumption that is needed to provide the resources for

investment. A country could "over-invest" in human capital if people were too highly

educated for the jobs they could get for example, if the best job a Ph.D. in philosophy could

find is managing a restaurant.

5. a. The United States benefited from the Chinese and Japanese investment because it made

our capital stock larger, increasing our economic growth.

Chapter 12/Production and Growth ?219

b. It would have been better for Americans to make the investments because then they

would have received all of the returns on the investments, instead of the returns going to China and Japan.

6. Greater educational opportunities for women could lead to faster economic growth in these

developing countries because increased human capital would increase productivity and there would be external effects from greater knowledge in the country. Second, increased

educational opportunities for young women may lower the population growth rate because such opportunities raise the opportunity cost of having a child.

7. a. Individuals with higher incomes have better access to clean water, medical care, and

good nutrition.

b. Healthier individuals are likely to be more productive.

c. Understanding the direction of causation will help policymakers place proper emphasis on

the programs that will achieve both greater health and higher incomes.

8. Peace would promote economic growth because it is an indication that property rights will be

respected in the future. Armed conflict and the threat of a revolutionary government reduce domestic residents' incentive to save, invest, and start new businesses. Moreover, foreigners have less incentive to invest in the country.

Easy taxes would promote economic growth because they result in citizens and businesses retaining a greater share of the income they earn and, thus, being able to save and invest a greater portion of that income.

A tolerable administration of justice would promote economic growth because it would

ensure the maintenance of property rights, which encourages domestic saving and

investment from abroad.

经济学原理第五版中文曼昆 名词解释

23章 微观经济学:研究家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互影响。 宏观经济学:研究整体经济现象,包括通货膨胀,失业和经济增长。 国内生产总值(GDP ):在某一既定时期一个国家内生产的所有最终物品与劳务的市场价值。 消费:家庭除购买新住房之外用于物品与劳务的支出。 投资:用于资本设备、存货和建筑物的支出,包括家庭用于购买新住房的支出。 政府购买:地方、州和联邦政府用于物品与劳务的支出。 净出口:外国人对国内生产的物品的支出(出口)减国内居民对外国物品的支出(进口)。 名义GDP :按现期价格评价的物品与劳务的生产。 真实GDP :按不变价格评价的物品与劳务的生产。 GDP 平减指数:用名义GDP 与真实GDP 的比率乘以100计算的物价水平衡量指标。 100GDP GDP GDP ?=真实名义平减指数 %100GDP GDP -GDP ?=平减指数 第一年的平减指数第一年的平减指数第二年的第二年的通货膨胀率 24章 消费物价指数(CPI ):普通消费者所购买的物品与劳务的总费用的衡量指标。 100?=基年一篮子的价格 的价格当年一篮子物品与劳务消费物价指数 通货膨胀率:从前一个时期以来物价指数变动的百分比。 %100CPI CPI -CPI ?=第一年第一年第二年第二年的通货膨胀率 生产物价指数:企业购买的一篮子物品与劳务的费用的衡量指标。 年的物价水平 今天的物价水平年美元的数量今天的美元的数量T T ?= 指数化:根据法律或协议按照通货膨胀的影响对美元数量的自动调整。 名义利率:通常公布的、未根据通货膨胀的影响校正的利率。 真实利率:根据通货膨胀的英雄校正过得利率。 25章 生产率:每单位劳动投入所生产的物品与劳务的数量。 物质资本:用于生产物品与劳务的设备和建筑物存量。 人力资本:工人通过教育、培训和经验而获得的知识与技能。 自然资源:由自然界提供的用于生产物品和劳务的投入,如土地、河流和矿藏。 技术知识:社会对生产物品与劳务的最好方法的了解。 收益递减:随着投入量的增加,每一单位额外投入得到的收益减少的特性。 追赶效应:开始时贫穷的国家倾向于比开始时富裕的国家增长更快的特征。 26章 金融体系:经济中促使一个人的储蓄与另一个人的投资相匹配的一组机构。 金融市场:储蓄者可以借以直接向借款者提供资金的金融机构。


产大量物品与劳务,才能使本国居民享有在国际贸易环境下的高生活水平。2.假定社会决定减少消费并增加投资。 A.这种变化会如何影响经济增长? 答:当社会决定减少消费并增加投资时,会使社会的储蓄增加,更多的资源用于生产资本品,结果,资本存量增加,引起生产率提高和 GDP 增长得更为迅速。B.哪些社会群体会从这种变化中获益?哪些集团会受到损害? 答:拥有资本品的人会从这种变化中获益,如拥有较多的物质资本和人力资本的人。而那些依靠政府援助的人将从这种变化中受损,因为社会减少了现期物品与劳务的消费。 3.社会选择把多少资源用于消费和把多少资源用于投资。这些决策中的一部分涉及私人支出;另一些涉及政府支出。 A.说明代表消费的一些私人支出形式,以及代表投资的一些私人支出形式。国民收入账户把学费作为消费支出的一部分。按你的看法,把资源用于教育是一种消费的形式,还是一种投资的形式。 答:如家庭购买食物和服装是消费的私人支出形式,而个人购买新住房、企业对厂房和设备的投资是代表投资的私人支出形式。资源用于教育即可以看作是一种消费的形式,也可以看作是一种投资的形式。 B.说明代表消费的一些政府支出形式,以及代表投资的一些政府支出形式。按你的看法,我们应该把政府用于医疗计划的支出作为一种消费的形式,还是投资的形式?你能区分青年人的医疗计划和老年人的医疗计划吗? 答:社会保险、国防和退伍军人津贴等是代表消费的一些政府支出形式,政府修筑铁路、核电站是代表投资的一些政府支出形式。政府用于医疗计划的支出是一种对人力资本的投资。与老年人的医疗计划相比,青年人的医疗计划更接近对人力资本的投资。 4.投资于资本的机会成本是什么?你认为一国有可能对资本“过度投资”吗?人力资本投资的机会成本是什么?你认为一国可能对人力资本“过度投资”吗?解释之。 答:投资于资本的机会成本是牺牲现期的物品和劳务的消费。一国有可能对资本“过度投资”。人力资本投资也有机会成本。当学生上学时.他们放弃了他们本可以赚到的收入。即使在人力资本特别稀缺的发展中国家,一国也不会对人力资本“过度投资”,因为一国政府进行人力资本投资的方式是提供更多更好的学校,并鼓励人们利用这些学校。尽管受过教育的工人与未受过教育的工人之间的工资差距很大,但是很多儿童在小小年纪就退学了,因为他们需要用劳动来养家糊口。 5.假设一家完全由德国公民拥有的汽车公司在南卡罗来纳开办了一家新工厂。


144 WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new In the News box on ―The Tax Debate ‖ has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus. the meaning and causes of the deadweight loss from a tax. why some taxes have larger deadweight losses than others. how tax revenue and deadweight loss vary with the size of a tax. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 8 is the second chapter in a three-chapter sequence dealing with welfare economics. In the previous section on supply and demand, Chapter 6 introduced taxes and demonstrated how a tax affects the price and quantity sold in a market. Chapter 6 also described the factors that determine how the burden of the tax is divided between the buyers and sellers in a market. Chapter 7 developed welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapter 8 combines the lessons learned in Chapters 6 and 7 and addresses the effects of taxation on welfare. Chapter 9 will address the effects of trade restrictions on welfare. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to apply the lessons learned about welfare economics in Chapter 7 to the issue of taxation that was addressed in Chapter 6. Students will learn that the cost of a tax to buyers and sellers in a market exceeds the revenue collected by the government. Students will also learn about the factors that determine the degree by which the cost of a tax exceeds the revenue collected by the government. 8 APPLICATION: THE COSTS OF TAXATION

曼昆经济学原理试题Chapter 08a

Chapter 8 Application: The Costs of Taxation Test A 1. A tax levied on the buyers of a product shifts the a. demand curve upward or to the right. b. demand curve downward or to the left. c. supply curve upward or to the left. d. supply curve downward or to the right. ANSWER: b. demand curve downward or to the left. TYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y 2. When a tax is levied on a good a. buyers are worse off but sellers are not. b. sellers are worse off but buyers are not. c. neither buyers nor sellers are worse off. d. both buyers and sellers are worse off. ANSWER: d. both buyers and sellers are worse off. TYPE: M KEY1: D SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y 3. When a tax on a good is enacted, a. sellers always bear the full burden of the tax. b. buyers always bear the full burden of the tax. c. buyers and sellers share the burden of the tax regardless of which party it is levied on. d. sellers bear the full burden if the tax is levied on them, but buyers bear the full burden if the tax is levied on them. ANSWER: c. buyers and sellers share the burden of the tax regardless of which party it is levied on. TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y 4. A tax placed on a good a. causes the price of the good to fall. b. causes the size of the market for the good to shrink. c. affects buyers of the good, but not sellers. d. is usually borne entirely by the seller of the good. ANSWER: b. causes the size of the market for the good to shrink. TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y 5. When a tax is levied on a good a. the market price falls because demand declines. b. the market price falls because supply falls. c. the market price rises because demand falls. d. a wedge is placed between the price buyers pay and the price sellers receiv e. ANSWER: d. a wedge is placed between the price buyers pay and the price sellers receive. TYPE: M KEY1: C SECTION: 1 OBJECTIVE: 1 RANDOM: Y


第 20 章货币制度 1、为什么银行不持有百分百的准备金?银行持有的准备金量和银行体系所创造的货币量 有什么关系? 参考答案: 银行不持有百分百的准备金是因为把存款用于放贷并收取利息比持有全部存款更有利 可图。银行持有的准备金量和银行体系通过货币乘数所创造的货币量是相关的。银行的准备金率越低,货币乘数越大,所以银行存款的每一元钱可以创造更多的货币 2、考察以下情况如何影响经济的货币制度。 a、假设雅普岛的居民发现了一种制造石轮的简单方法。这种发现如何影响石轮作为货 币的有用性呢?并解释之。 b、假设美国某个人发现了一种仿造100 美元钞票的简单办法。这种发现将如何影响美 国的货币制度呢?并解释之。 参考答案: a、如果有一种制造石轮的简单方法,雅普岛上的居民就会制造多余的石轮,只要每个 石轮的货币价值大于制造它的成本。结果,人们会自己制造货币,于是就有太多的货币被制 造出来。最有可能的是,人们会停止接受石轮作为货币,而转向其他资产作为交换的媒介 b.如果美国有人发现了伪造百元面值美钞的简单方法,他们就会大量地生产这种假 钞,而降低百元美钞的价值,结果可能是转为使用另一种通货。 3、伯列戈瑞德州银行(BSB)有 2.5 亿美元存款,并保持10%的准备率。 a)列出 BSB的 T 账户。 b) 现在假设BSB的大储户从其账户中提取了1000 万美元现金。如果 BSB决定通过减 少其未清偿贷款量来恢复其准备率,说明它的新T 账户。 c) 解释 BSB的行动对其他银行有什么影响? d) 为什么 BSB要采取 (b) 中所描述的行为是困难的?讨论BSB恢复其原来准备金率的 另一种方法。 参考答案: a. BSB的 T 账户如下: : 伯列戈瑞德州银行(BSB) 资产负债 准备金$25 million存款$250 million 贷款$225 million b.当 BSB的大储户提取了 1000 万美金现金,而 BSB通过减少其未清偿贷款量来恢复其 准备率,它的 T 账户如下:


问题与应用 1.描写下列每种情况所面临的权衡取舍: A.一个家庭决定是否买一辆新车。 答:如果买新车就要减少家庭其他方面的开支,如:外出旅行,购置新家具;如果不买新车就享受不到驾驶新车外出的方便和舒适。 B.国会议员决定对国家公园支出多少。 答:对国家公园的支出数额大,国家公园的条件可以得到改善,环境会得到更好的保护。但同时,政府可用于交通、邮电等其他公共事业的支出就会减少。 C.一个公司总裁决定是否新开一家工厂。 答:开一家新厂可以扩大企业规模,生产更多的产品。但可能用于企业研发的资金就少了。这样,企业开发新产品、利用新技术的进度可能会减慢。 D.一个教授决定用多少时间备课。 答:教授若将大部分时间用于自己研究,可能会出更多成果,但备课时间减少影响学生授课质量。E.一个刚大学毕业的学生决定是否去读研究生。 答:毕业后参加工作,可即刻获取工资收入;但继续读研究生,能接受更多知识和未来更高收益。2.你正想决定是否去度假。度假的大部分成本((机票、旅馆、放弃的工资))都用美元来衡量,但度假的收益是心理的。你将如何比较收益与成本呢?? 答:这种心理上的收益可以用是否达到既定目标来衡量。对于这个行动前就会作出的既定目标,我们一定有一个为实现目标而愿意承担的成本范围。在这个可以承受的成本范围内,度假如果满足了既定目标,如:放松身心、恢复体力等等,那么,就可以说这次度假的收益至少不小于它的成本。3.你正计划用星期六去从事业余工作,但一个朋友请你去滑雪。去滑雪的真实成本是什么?现在假设你已计划这天在图书馆学习,这种情况下去滑雪的成本是什么?请解释之。 答:去滑雪的真实成本是周六打工所能赚到的工资,我本可以利用这段时间去工作。如果我本计划这天在图书馆学习,那么去滑雪的成本是在这段时间里我可以获得的知识。 4.你在篮球比赛的赌注中赢了100美元。你可以选择现在花掉它或在利率为55%的银行中存一年。现在花掉100美元的机会成本是什么呢? 答:现在花掉100 美元的机会成本是在一年后得到105 美元的银行支付(利息+本金)。 5.你管理的公司在开发一种新产品过程中已经投资500万美元,但开发工作还远远没有完成。在最近的一次会议上,你的销售人员报告说,竞争性产品的进入使你们新产品的预期销售额减少为300万美元。如果完成这项开发还要花费100万美元,你还应该继续进行这项开发吗?为了完成这项开发,你的最高花费应该是多少?? 答:还应该继续这项开发。因为现在它的边际收益是300 万美元,而边际成本是100 万美元。为了完成这项开发我最多能再花300 万美元。只要边际收益大于边际成本,就有利可图。 6.魔力饮料公司的三位经理正在讨论是否要扩大产量。每位经理提出了做出这个决策的一种方法:哈利:我们应该考查一下我们公司的生产率——每个工人生产的加仑数——将上升还是下降。 罗恩:我们应该考查一下我们的平均成本——每个工人的成本——将上升还是下降。 赫敏:我们应该考查一下多卖一加仑饮料的额外收益,大于还是小于额外的成本。你认为谁对?答:我认为赫敏提出的决策方法正确。因为只有多卖一加仑饮料的额外收益大于它的额外成本时,多卖一加仑饮料才是有利可图的。理性人应该考虑边际量。 77.社会保障制度为65岁以上的人提供收入。如果一个社会保障的领取者决定去工作并赚一些钱,他(或她)所领到的社会保障津贴通常会减少。 A.提供社会保障如何影响人们在工作时的储蓄激励? 答:社会保障的提供使人们退休以后仍可以获得收入,以保证生活。因此,人们不用为不能工作时的生活费而发愁,人们在工作时期的储蓄就会减少。


WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new Case Study on Left-Digit Bias has been added and a new In the News feature on "Can Brain Science Improve Economics" has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to examine problems caused by asymmetric information. the market solutions to asymmetric information. why democratic voting systems may not represent the preferences of society. why people may not always behave as rational maximizers. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 22 is the last chapter in the microeconomics portion of the text. It is the second of two unrelated chapters that introduce students to advanced topics in microeconomics. These two chapters are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. The purpose of Chapter 22 is to give students a taste of three topics on the frontier of microeconomic research. The first topic addressed is asymmetric information , a situation when one person in an economic relationship has more relevant knowledge than the other person does. The second topic is political economy , the application of economic tools to the understanding of the functioning of government. The third topic addressed is behavioral economics , the introduction of psychology into the study of economic issues. 22 FRONTIERS OF MICROECONOMICS



第十二篇短期经济波动 第三十一章总需求与总供给 复习题 1.写出当经济进入衰退时下降的两个宏观经济变量的名字。写出当经济进入衰退时上升的一个宏观经济变量的名字。 答:当经济进入衰退时,实际GDP和投资支出下降,失业率上升。 2.画出一个有总需求、短期总供给和长期 总供给的曲线的图。仔细地标出正确的轴。 答: 图31—1 经济的长期均衡 3.列出并解释总需求曲线向右下方倾斜的 三个原因。 答:为了理解总需求曲线向右下 方倾斜的原因,我们必须考察物价水平如何影响消费、投资和净出口的物品与劳务需求量。 (1)庇古的财富效应

物价水平下降使消费者感到更富裕,这又鼓励他们更多地支出,消费支出增加意味着物品与劳务的需求量更大。 (2)凯恩斯的利率效应 较低的物价水平降低了利率,鼓励了家庭和企业更多地支出于投资物品,从而增加了物品与劳务的需求量。 (3)蒙代尔——弗莱明汇率效应 当美国物价水平下降引起美国利率下降时,实际汇率贬值,而且这种贬值刺激了美国的净出口,从而增加了国外对美国物品与劳务的需求量。 由于这三个原因,总需求曲线向右下方倾斜。 4.解释为什么长期总供给曲线是垂线。 答:在长期中,一个经济的物品与劳务的供给取决于它资本与劳动的供给,以及用来把资本与劳动变为物品与劳务的生产技术。由于物价水平并不影响这些实际GDP的长期决定因素,所以长期总供给曲线是一条垂线,即经济的资本、劳动和技术决定了物品与劳务供给量,而且,无论物价水平如何变动,供给量都是相同的。

5.列出并解释为什么短期总供给曲线向右上方倾斜的三种理论。 答:在短期中,总供给曲线向右上方倾斜,也就是说,在一个一两年的时期中,经济中物价总水平的上升增加了物品与劳务的供给量,而物价水平下降倾向于减少物品与劳务供给量。什么因素引起物价水平与产量之间的正相关关系呢?宏观经济学家提出了三种理论说明短期总供给曲线的向右上方倾斜。在每一种理论中,一种特殊的市场不完全性引起经济中供给一方的短期状况与长期不同。虽然每一种理论在细节上不同,但它们具有共同的内容:当物价水平背离了人们预期的物价水平时,供给量就背离了其长期水平或“自然水平”。当物价水平高于预期水平时,产量就高于其自然率。当物价水平低于预期水平时,产量就低于其自然率。 (1)新古典的错觉理论 根据这种理论,物价总水平的变动会暂时误导供给者对他们出售其产品的市场发生的变动的看法。由于这些短期的错觉,供给者对物价水平的变动作出了反应,而这种反应引起了向右上方倾斜的总供给曲线。假设物价总水平降到低于


第一篇导言 第一章经济学十大原理 1.列举三个你在生活中面临的重要权衡取合的例子。 答:①大学毕业后.面临着是否继续深造的选择,选择继续上学攻读研究生学位,就意味着在今后三年中放弃参加工作、赚工资和积累社会经验的机会;2、在学习内容上也面临 着很重要的权衡取舍,如果学习《经济学》,就要减少学习英语或其他专业课的时间,③对 于不多的生活费的分配同样面临权衡取舍,要多买书.就要减少在吃饭、买衣服等其他方面的开支。 2、看一场电影的机会成本是什么? 答:看一场电影的机会成本是在看电影的时间里做其他事情所能获得的最大收益,例如:看书、打零工。 3、水是生活必需的。一杯水的边际利益是大还是小呢? 答:这要看这杯水是在什么样的情况下喝.如果这是一个人五分钟内喝下的第五杯水.那么他的边际利益很小.有可能为负;如果这是一个极度干渴的人喝下的第一杯水,那么他的边际利益将会极大。 4、为什么决策者应该考虑激励? 答:因为人们会对激励做出反应。如果政策改变了激励,它将使人们改变自己的行为,当决策者未能考虑到行为如何由于政策的原因而变化时.他们的政策往往会产生意想不到的效果。 5 为什么各国之间的贸易不像竞赛一样有赢家和输家呢? 答:因为贸易使各国可以专门从事自己最擅长的话动,并从中享有更多的各种各样的物品与劳务。通过贸易使每个国家可供消费的物质财富增加,经济状况变得更好。因此,各 个贸易国之间既是竞争对手,又是经济合作伙伴。在公平的贸易中是“双赢”或者“多赢” 的结果。 6.市场巾的那只“看不见的手”在做什么呢,答:市场中那只“看不见的手”就是商品价格,价格反映商品自身的价值和社会成本, 市场中的企业和家庭在作出买卖决策时都要关注价格。因此.他们也会不自觉地考虑自己行为的(社会)收益和成本。从而,这只“看不见的手”指引着干百万个体决策者在大多数情况下使社会福利趋向最大化。 7 解释市场失灵的两个主要原因,并各举出一个例子。答:市场失灵的主要原因是外部性和市场势力。外部性是一个人的行为对旁观者棉利的影响。当一个人小完全承担(或享受)他的行为所造成的成本(或收益)时,就会产生外部性。举例:如果一个人不承担他在公共场所吸烟的全部成本,他就会毫无顾忌地吸烟。在这种情况下,政府可以通过制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的规章制度来增加经济福利。 市场势力是指一个人(或一小群人)不适当地影响市场价格的能力。例如:某种商品的垄断生产者由于几乎不受市场竞争的影响,可以向消费者收取过高的垄断价格。在这种情况下,规定垄断者收取的价格有可能提高经济效率。 8.为什么生产率是重要的? 答:因为一国的生活水平取决于它生产物品与劳务的能力,而对这种能力的最重要的 衡量度就是生产率。生产率越高,一国生产的物品与劳务量就越多。 9 什么是通货膨胀,什么引起了通货膨胀? 答:通货膨胀是流通中货币量的增加而造成的货币贬值生活中价格总水平上升。货币量增长引起了通货膨胀。 10.短期中通货膨胀与失业如何相关? 答:短期中通货膨胀与失业之间存在着权衡取台,这是由于某些价格调整缓慢造成的。政府为了抑制通货膨胀会减少流通中的货币量,人们可用于支出的货币数量减少了,但是商品价格在短期内是粘性的,仍居高不下.于是社会消费的商品和劳务量减少,消费量减少又引起企业解雇工人。在短期内.对通货膨胀的抑制增加了失业量。 问题与应用


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.


一、名词解释(每小题5分,共50分) 1.机会成本 2.科斯定理 3.搭便车 4.囚徒困境 5.菲利普斯曲线 6.供应学派 7.凯恩斯革命 8.看不见的手 9.比较优势 10.外部性 二、简述题(第11、12、13题各12分,14题14分,共50分) 1.简述银行存款的创造过程。 2.简述失业的根源及其类型。 3.简述节俭的是非。 4.根据有关经济学原理,简析我国森林减少、珍稀动物来绝的原因及解决的措施。 三、论述题(每小题25分,共计50分) 1.论述人民币升值对中国经济的影响。 2.论述政府公共投资对国民经济的作用。 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共50分) 1.机会成本:指人们利用一定资源获得某种收入时所放弃的在其他可能的用途中所能够获取的最大收入。生产一单位的某种商品的机会成本是指生产者所放弃的使用相同的生产要素在其他生产用途中所能得到的最高收入。机会成本的存在需要三个前提条件。第一,资源是稀缺的;第二,资源具有多种生产用途;第三,资源的投

向不受限制。从机会成本的角度来考察生产过程时,厂商需要将生产要素投向收益最大的项目,而避免带来生产的浪费,达到资源配置的最优。机会成本的概念是以资源的稀缺性为前提提出的。从经济资源的稀缺性这一前提出发,当一个社会或一个企业用一定的经济资源生产一定数量的一种或者几种产品时,这些经济资源就不能同时被使用在其他的生产用途方面。这就是说,这个社会或这个企业所能获得的一定数量的产品收入,是以放弃用同样的经济资源来生产其他产品时所能获得的收入作为代价的。这也是机会成本产生的缘由。因此,社会生产某种产品的真正成本就是它不能生产另一些产品的代价。所以,机会成本的含义是:任何生产资源或生产要素一般都有多种不同的使用途径或机会,也就是说可以用于多种产品的生产。但是当一定量的某种资源用于生产甲种产品时,就不能同时用于生产乙种产品。因此生产甲种产品的真正成本就是不生产乙种产品的代价,或者是等于该种资源投放于乙种产品生产上可能获得的最大报酬。一种资源决定用于甲种产品,就牺牲了生产其他产品的机会;从事生产甲种产品的收入,是由于不从事或放弃其他产品生产的机会而产生的。 2.科斯定理:指一种产权理论。科斯本人并未将科斯定理写成文字,科斯定理的提出是由其好友斯蒂格勒首先根据科斯于20世纪60年代发表的《社会成本问题》这篇论文的内容概括出来的。其内容是:只要财产权是明确的,并且其交易成本为0或者很小,则无论在开始时财产权的配置是怎么样的,市场均衡的最终结果都是有效率的。科斯定理进一步扩大了“看不见的手”的作用。按照这个定理,只要那些假设条件成立,则外部影响就不可能导致资源配置不当。或者以另一角度来说,在所给条件下,市场力量足够强大,总能够使外部影响以最经济的办法来解决,从而仍然可以实现帕累托最优状态。西方学者认为,明确的财产权及其转让可以使得私人成本(或利益)与社会成本(或利益)趋于一致。以污染问题为例,科斯定理意味着,一旦所需条件均被满足,则污染者的私人边际成本曲线就会趋于上升,直到与边际社会成本曲线完全重合,从而污染者的利润最大化产量将下降至社会最优产量水平。 科斯定理解决外部影响问题在实际中并不—定真的有效。资产的财产权不一定总是能够明确地加以规定;已经明确的财产权不一定总是能够转让;分派产权会影响收入分配,而收入分配的变动可以造成社会不公平,引起社会动乱。在社会动乱的情况下,就谈不上解决外部效果的问题了。 3.搭便车:指不付成本或支付很低的成本而消费公共产品的行为。公共产品的特点决定了私人厂商不愿自动提供这种产品。这是因为在公用产品消费中存在“搭便车”问题,即每个人都想不付任何成本,或只支付很低的代价,来享受公共产品的服务。由于公共物品具有消费的非竞争性和受益的非排他性,人们可以在不付费的情况下享受公共物品所带来的效益。因此公共产品覆盖的消费者人数越多,搭便车问题就越严重,公共产品由私人厂商提供出来的可能性就越小。例如:1970年美国通用汽车公司研制出了一种汽车污染物排放控制装置,每个售价20美金,如果每个车尾都装上这一装置,可使汽车排放的污染下降30%至50%。然而,污染的降低是一种公共产品,每个人呼吸空气质量是否改善并不取决于自己的车上是否装上这个新发明,而是取决于该地区大多数车主的选择,于是大多数人都不想多花20美元而只是试图搭便车,结果,在私人市场上,这种公共产品的产量总难以达到最佳水平。私人不能提供公共产品,就只能由政府出面担当此项职能。事实上,私人经济中的政府,最初就是为了提供公共产品(法律、国防、公安等等)的目的由众多私人共同建立起来的。政府这一职能具体体现为:①尽可能正确地估价社会对公用产品的实际需求;②按照社会福利最大化的原则确定税收比率,并用税收收入购置公用产品,为公众提供服务。 4.囚徒困境:指两个被捕获的囚犯之间的一种特殊“博弈”,说明为什么甚至在合作对双方有利时,保持合作也是困难的。囚犯两难处境的故事包含着一个一般性的结论,这个结论适用于任何一个力图维持其成员合作的集团。这是博弈论中的一个经典例证,同一市场上的寡头在力图达到垄断结果时的博弈类似于两个处于两难处境的囚犯的博弈。具体情况如下:两囚徒被指控是一桩罪案的同案犯。他们被分关在不同的牢房且无法互通信息。各囚徒都被要求坦白罪行。如果两囚徒都坦白,各将被判入狱5年;如果两人都不坦白,则很难对他们提起刑事诉讼,因而两囚徒可以期望被从轻发落为入狱2年;另一方面,如果一个囚徒坦白而另一个囚徒不坦白,坦白的囚徒就只需入狱1年,而另一个将被判入狱10年。那么囚徒将会怎么选择呢?下表归纳了各种可能的结果。(其中“得益”是负的,表格右下角单元格意思是两个囚徒各2年徒刑)。该表说明,这两个囚徒面临着一种困境。如果他们都不坦白(以一种会遵守的方法),那么两人只需入狱仅仅2年。但他们不能相互讲话,如果囚徒A不坦白,他就冒着被B利用的危险。因为不管囚徒A怎么选择,囚徒B坦白总是最优方案。

曼昆 经济学原理(第五版) 课后答案

第十二章税制的设计 复习题 1.在过去的几十年来,政府的增长比经济中的其他部分快还是慢? 答:在过去几十年间,政府的增长比经济中其他部分快。数据表明,美国经济中包括联邦、州和地方政府在内的政府收入在总收人中所占百分比的增长速度快于经济中其他部分。 2.美国联邦政府收入最重要的两个来源是什么? 答:美国联邦政府收入最重要的两个来源是个人收入所得税和用于社会保障的工薪税。 3.解释公司利润如何双重纳税。 答:当企业赚到利润时,它要按公司所得税交税;当企业用其利润向公司股东支付股息时,按个人所得税第二次交税。 4.为什么纳税人的税收负担大于政府得到的收入? 答:因为纳税人的税收负担除了向政府交纳的税收之外,还包括两种成本:一是税收改变了激励所引起的资源配置扭曲;二是遵守税法的管理负担。这两种成本没有政府的收入作为补偿。因此,纳税人的税收负担大于政府得到的收入。 5.为什么一些经济学家支持对消费征税,而不是对收入征税? 答:因为对收入征税扭曲了对人们储蓄的激励,鼓励人们少储蓄。如果政府采取消费税,储蓄起来的全部收入在最后支出前都不征税,就不会扭曲人们的储蓄决策。 6.举出富有的纳税人应该比贫穷纳税人多纳税的两种观点。 答:这方面的观点有受益原则和能力纳税原则。 受益原则认为:人们应该根据他们从政府服务中得到的利益来纳税。通常富人从公共服务中受益多,他们应该多纳税。 能力纳税原则认为:应该根据一个人所能承受的负担来对这个人征税。显然,富人的财务承受能力强于穷人,富人应该多纳税。 7.什么是横向平等概念。为什么运用这个概念是困难的? 答:横向平等是指主张有相似支付能力的纳税人应该缴纳等量税收的思想。这一原则面临的问题是什么决定两个纳税人是相似的。每个纳税人在许多方面不同,为了评价税收是不是横向平等,必须决定哪些差别对纳税人的支付能力是相关的,哪些是不相关的。这些相关关系的确定是复杂而困难的。它不仅涉及经济学问题,还涉及价值观问题,很难说确定的结果是否公平。 8.说明支持与反对用单一税率取代现行税制的观点。 答:单一税率的支持者认为:(1)单一税率税将取消现行所得税的许多税收减免。通过用这种方法扩大税基,固定税能够降低大多数人面临的边际税率。税率越低意味着经济福利越大。因此,单一税率支持者声称,这种改变将扩大经济馅饼的规模。(2)由于单一税率税如此简单,所以,赋税的管理负担将大大降低。(3)由于所有纳税人都面临相同的边际税率,所以可以按收入来源而不是按得到收入的人来收税。这种额外的简单化也降低了管理成本。 (4)单一税率税将取代个人所得税和公司所得税。所有收入无论是来自工作中的劳动还是来自公司中拥有的股份,都按相同的边际税率一次性纳税。单一税率将消除目前对公司利润的双重征税,这就可以鼓励企业投资于新工厂和设备。(5)在为纳税计算收入时,允许企业扣除所有合法的经营支出,包括新投资品的支出。这种投资扣除使单一税率税更像消费税而不像所得税。结果,变为单一税率税将提高对投资的激励。 单一税率税的反对者认为:这种税很少注意纵向平等的目标。他们声称,单一税率税的累进性要小于现在的税制,而且,特别是它会把一些税收负担从富人身上转移到中产阶级身上。

曼昆版 经济学原理第七版 课后题及答案

二十三章 1下列每种交易会影响CDP的哪一部分(如果有影响的话)?并解释之。 A.家庭购买了一台新冰箱。 答:家庭购买了一台新冰箱会增加GDP中的消费(C)部分,因为家庭用于家用电器的支出计算在消费的耐用品类中。 B.杰妮姑妈买了一所新房子。 答:杰妮姑妈买了一所新房子会增加GDP中的投资(1)部分,因为家庭住宅能长期供人居住,提供服务。它比一般耐用消费品的使用寿命更长,因此把住宅房屋的投资计算在投资中。 C.福特汽车公司由其存货中出售了一部雷鸟牌汽车。 答:福利汽车公司由其存货中出售了一部雷鸟牌汽车会减少现期GDP中的投资,因为销售中间物品存货时,企业的存货投资是负的,因而减少了当期的GDP。 C.你买了一个比萨饼。 答:我买了一个比萨饼会增加GDP中的消费(C),因为我用于购买食品的支出计算在消费的非耐用品类中。 D.加利福尼亚重新铺设了101号高速公路。 答:加利福尼亚重新铺设了101号高速公路增加了GDP中的政府购买(G),因为修建高速公路是政府的行为。 E.你的父母购买了一瓶法国红酒。 答:我的父母购买了一瓶法国红酒会减少GDP中的净出口(NX),因为法国红酒是进口食品,它的购买增加了美国的进口。 F.本田公司扩大其在俄亥俄州马利斯维尔的工厂。 答:本田公司扩大其在俄亥俄州马利斯维尔的工厂增加了GDP中的净出口(NX),因为本田公司是一家日本企业,它在美国的投资减少了美国对日本本田汽车的进口,使NX增加 2.GDP组成部分中的“政府购买”并不包括用于社会保障这类转移支付的支出。想想GDP 的定义,解释为什么转移支付不包括在政府购买内? 答:因为转移支付并不是要交换现在生产的物品或劳务,从宏观经济的角度看,转移支付就像税收和回扣一样。转移支付和税收一样改变了家庭收入,但并没有反映经济的生产。由于GDP是要衡量在某一既定时期一个国家从物品与劳务的生产中得到的收入,所以,不把转移支付包括在政府购买内。 6.考虑以下美国GDP的数据: A.1996年到1997年间名义收入增长率是多少?(注意:增长率是一个时期到下一个时期百分比的变动。 答:1996年到1997年间名义收入增长率是5.86%。 B.1996年到1997年间,GDP平减指数的增长率是多少? 答:1996年到1997年间,GDP平减指数的增长率是1.8%。 C.按1992年的价格衡量,1996年的实际GDP是多少? 答:按1992年的价格衡量,1996年的实际收入是69654.5亿元。 D.按1992年的价格衡量,1997年的实际GDP是多少? 答:按1992年的价格衡量,1997年的实际收入是72419.7亿元。

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