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初中英语教师资格面试《Lin Fei’s daily life》


2016下半年教师资格面试备考已经拉开序幕,一篇优秀的教案对面试的成功是非常重要的,国家教师资格考试网特为考生献上初中英语教师资格面试《Lin Fei’s daily life》教案,希望对大家有所帮助。

Lin Fei’s daily life teaching plan

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students will know Lin Fei’s daily life and some good habits at their home.

Ability aim: Students will improve their listening and speaking skills.

Emotional aim: After this lesson students would like to learn to arrange their life and form good habit in the daily life.

Teaching Key Points:

Students will understand this passage by listening and make a time line of Lin Fei’s life.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to describe their own life style of the school day?

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up

Do a survey: ask students to fill the questionnaire (with different daily activities and time point, students just need to mark the activities in their time) and invite some students to share.

Step 2 Pre-listening

Show some pictures about Lin Fei’s day and ask students “what does Lin Fei do in a day?

Step 3 While-listening

Play the tape recorder and ask students some question.

Q: What is the distance between his school and home?

Play the tape recorder another time and give students some other questions to practice their listening again.

Q1: When should Lin Fei go to school?

Q2: How long will it take Lin Fei to ride to the bus station?

Listen to the tape for the third time and then students should describe Lin Fei’s daily life in their own words. They will have 3 mines to prepare it.

Step 4 Post-listening

Ask students to look their questionnaires which they filled at the beginning of the class and give them 5 min to make a short story of their daily life, later some students will share the stories in front of the class.

Teacher should give them a guidance of health life style.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summarize this lesson with students, and then ask them to design a new schedule of their daily life after the class, they will share during next lesson, they also need to read the new passage two times to consolidate the new knowledge.

Blackboard Design:

Teaching Reflection:




并列句(Compound Sentence)主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense) 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense) 过去时(Past Tense) 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense) 将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns) 教案模板: 一、写作 Teaching Contents(教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ (2)Ability~ (3)Emotional~

Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Warming up and lead-in(time) ·Step2 Pre-writing(time) ·Step3 While-writing(time) ·Step5 Summary and homework(time) 二、听说 Teaching Contents(教学内容): These passages are about….. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ Students can learn some new words and expressions…. (2)Ability~ Students can improve their listening and speaking skills. (3)Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to make students improve their listening and speaking skills.Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Pre-listening(time) Ask students some questions. ·Step2 While-listening(time) (1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blank.


此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除 精品文档2018初中英语教师常用课堂用语60句 1. Let's start class. =It's time for class. 上课 2.Let's begin a new lesson. 我们开始学新课. 3. Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容. 4. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 5. Read all together now.大家一起读. 6. Be quiet, please.请安静 7. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。 8. Quickly, /Be quick, please. 请迅速点。 9. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗? 10. Is that clear?听清楚了吗? 11. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音。 12. Look /Listen carefully, please.请仔细看/听。 13. Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide/screen.请看黑板/图片/幻灯片/大屏幕。 14. Please answer my questions.请回答我的问题。 15. Can you spell the word....? 你能拼读这个单词吗? 16. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音。 17. Read after me, please.请跟我读。 18. Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.请再作一次。 19. Who’d like to.. ?谁愿意.........? 20. Please come to the front.请到前面来。 21. In pairs, please.请两人一组练习。 22. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.请按小组练习 23. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗? 24. Let's do it. One by one ,please.请一个接一个地做。 25. Now you, please. =Would you, please? = It’s your turn now! = you want to try? 请你来 26. Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.请举手。 27. Put down your hands, please. / Hands down, please.请放下手 28. Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它们译成汉语。/英语。 29. In English, please.请用英语。


高中英语听力试讲教 案

听力课试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of high school Lesson type: Listening Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Enable students to master different listening skills 2) Help students to learn more about ….. Teaching aids: Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Help students to understand the listening material 2) Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (2min) Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students. Step 2 Pre-listening (5min) Organize the students to have a brief discussion about the topic. Invite some students to share their ideas with the class. Predict the main idea of the passage. After that, present new words and expressions to the students. Step 3 While-listening (25min) 1) Listen for main idea Ask Ss to listen to the passage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the passage. Invite students to share their ideas. 2) Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed information Ask Ss to listen to the passage again. This time ask them to try their best to get answers to the questions. After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why. 3) Play the tape again, focus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions? Step 4 Post-listening (10min) Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together. Step 5 Summary (2min) In this period, we mainly focus on the lis tening ability. It’s very important. If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. The more you listen to English, the better your listening is. Remember: Practice makes perfect. Step 6 Homework (1min) 1) Read the listening texts again and try to retell the passage in your own words 2) Search more information about …. 口语课试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of high school Lesson type: Speaking Duration: 45 min


t e a c h i n g l a n高中英语教师资格证面试试讲教案Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

阅读试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of High school Lesson type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1)To help students develop their reading skills, such as scanning and skimming for information, guessing the meaning of strange words 2)Enable students to understand the difficult sentences and new phrases in the passage 3)Affective objectives:(根据文章内容而定) Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points: 1)Understand the following sentences: 2)Grasp the usage of the following words and phrases: 3)Enable students to use certain reading skills to help themselves understand the passage Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show students several pictures of … and ask the students to describe the pictures./ Ask students to think about and answer the questions on the blackboard. (Good morning, boys and girls. How is your day Fine Good for you. Ok. Today we will learn a new lesson. Before looking at the textbooks, I’d like to show you some pictures (a video)/ask you some questions/tell you a story. Describe what you see in the picture Do you know anything about…… What’s your opinion about…… Any volunteers Ok, please, share your idea with us. Very good/brilliant/excellent!


试讲就是真实的上课【虽然没有学生,但要假装有,所以要提问,回答,给答案,讨论】给你一份说课和讲课的范例。参考一下 Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 说课教案 (一)教学内容 1.本课是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一课时。本单元分别介绍了National hero,History makers,Sports stars 和Superhero。这几篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。 2.本课是介绍National Hero,是学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍杨利伟和神州五号,让学生掌握有关词汇;后一部分是介绍杨利伟乘坐神州五号宇宙飞船遨游太空的情况。 3.本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。 (二)学生分析 1.组成情况 职业高中高一学生年龄都在14-16岁之间,大多数学生由于初中的知识基础打得不扎实,而且缺乏主动学习的能动性,自学能力差,对学习没有持有探究性和方向性,也没有养成良好英语学习习惯,所以学习成绩不太理想。 2.学生的知识与技能水平 职业高中招生的学生,基础知识比较薄弱,甚至连音标都不会读,词汇的掌握范围狭窄,影响了阅读,听力和作文。学生的表达能力还是停留在比较低级的水平,面对每幅图片或某个主题只能说出一两句话,而且在阅读上,未能掌握泛读和精读的技巧和方法,课后的预习和复习能力较差,缺乏总结归纳的能力。 3.学生已掌握的学习策略 尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。 (三)教学目标 1.通过快速阅读文章,学生能够对每段文章进行归纳总结,准确地把段落主题与所给的headings联系起来。 2.通过仔细阅读,学生能够回答关于文章的细节问题。 3.通过进一步阅读,学生能够学生能用英语对采访自己心目中的民族英雄。并尝试复述课文。 (四)教学策略 教学方法:使用交际法,充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过师生互动,小组表演的形式,完成各种任务,以达到完成教学任务的途径。 (五)教学过程 第一步导入 T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李连杰)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does ‘hero’mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero? 第二步介绍文章人物 T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let’s read two passages about Shenzhou V


听力: Models:top-down model, down-top model, interactive model 教案模板: Topic Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know something about...; learn some new words and phrases. 2.Ability aim: The students will be able to develop their listening abilities such as listening for the gist, the specific information and predicting skills... 3.Emotional aim: The students will be able to know that they should…/ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Aid: CAI Teaching Procedures: 1.Step 1: lead-in Play the song “…” and ask students to talk something about it. 2.Step 2: pre-listening Introduce… Go through the new words and phrases. 3.Step 3: while-listening Ask students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Who, When, Where, What. Listen to the tape again, ask students to choose the correct answers. Do the dictation. 4.Step 4: post-listening Let students discuss the story in pairs and then retell the story. 5.Step 5: Summary (or consolidation) 6.Step 6: Homework Recites the words


语法课课型 试讲教案 Teaching Plan for Module 4 (SEFC Book 1) The Third Period, grammar:“Present perfect tense”. I. Teaching Objectives https://www.doczj.com/doc/b81654790.html,nguage Objectives Important words and phrases: Present perfect tense, the simple past tense, recently so far, up to now,for,since… 2. Ability Objectives (1)Study how to use the Present Perfect Tense. (2)Learn to know the differences between the Present Perfect Tense from the Past tense II. Important Points 1. Help the students to learn the Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense. III. Difficult Points 1. Help the students to know how to use "the Present Perfect Tense." correctly. IV. Teaching Methods 1.Review the past tense first(give some examples) 2.Teach the students what is "the Present Perfect Tense." 3.Make comparisons between the "Present Perfect Tense" from "the simple past tense" 4.Do some excises 5.Pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: chalks ,a projector and some slides,a computer V. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in (5min) T: Good morning/afternoon, everyone. S: Good morning/afternoon, teacher. T: Sit down, please. Boys and girls, we all learned "the simple past tense" when we were in our junior school, so do you remember it? S: Yes T: So we are going to review it simply, I will give you some examples about "the simple past tense" Eg:She watered the flowers yesterday I washed my car a moment ago I reviewed two lessons this morning He joined the army in 2000 I lost my keys last night Basic structure:s+v-ed+o+adverb of time(时间副词) More adverbs of time :one night ,the other day, long long time ago,just now Some other words and phrases :yesterday ,a long time ago,one night ,during the day and so on T: So you got it? S: Yes Step2 Teach the students what is "the Present Perfect Tense."(10min) T: Ok .good. If not. I will explain it more detailed. Next we are going to learn another important


初中英语教师资格证面试教案模板:《Seasons》 Teaching aims: 1. Students can master the key words, spring, summer, winter and summer; 2. Students can master the sentence structure ”Which season do you like best?”. 3. Students can use the words and sentence structures in their daily life. 4. Students can have more interest in learning English. Teaching key points and difficult points: Teaching key points: Words: spring summer autumn winter sentence structure: Which season do you like best?

Teaching difficult points: Students can use the words and sentence structures in daily life. Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up 1.greet with the students. 2. play and enjoy the "Four seasons" song and ask students what they hear and then lead in our topic "season". Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.the learning of the wordsDraw the picture of "spring summer autumn winter” on the blackboard to help students understand the meaning of the words. 2.the learning of the sentence structureShow the videos of the four seasons and tell students my favorite season is summer and I like ice cream and then ask “which season do you like best”? to present the sentence structure. 3.the practice of the sentence structureWork in pairs to ask and answer. 4.Understanding the dialogue


初中英语教师资格证面试逐字稿——听力教学 教学类型:①语音教学②语法教学③阅读教学④听力教学⑤写作教学⑥口语教学 英语教学设计的基本步骤: 一、教学内容 二、教学目标与要求 三、教学重、难点分析 四、课前准备 五、教学过程(3P模式) 1、Warm-up/ Lead- in复习/导入 2、Presentation 呈现 3、Practice练习 4、Production巩固练习 5、Summary and Homework 总结&作业 六、Blackboard Design板书设计 Tips:面试时一定要写板书 听力教学 Tips: 授课思路:PWP 模式 1.Warming-up/Lead in: 2.Pre-listening 3.While- listening 4.Post- listening 5.Summary and homework

1.题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容: When I grow up, I am going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art school in Paris. And I am going to learn French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be famous. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对该段落的内容,设计相应的听力教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间:10 分钟。 1.Warming-up/ Lead in: Good morning everyone, nice to see you again, how are you? Great? So glad to hear that, so, are you ready for today’s lesson? Ok, class begins! First, Look at me, I brought some hats for you, can you guess the job through those hats? How about this one? Doctor? Correct! And this one? Policeman? Great! And this one? Worker? No, guess again, yes, I heard Firefighter! Cool! What do you want to be in the future? An engineer ? Teacher ? Great. Everyone has his or her ideal job. Now today, let’s learn something about it. 2.Pre-listening We are going to listen to a recording. First, I’d like to share some listening tips for you. When you get a listening material, you should pay more attention to notional words such as noun, verb, number and so on. Try to write them down, especially time, place, person, etc. Then you can line some information up, and have a better understanding of the material. You’ll have the chance to follow this rule today. Ok, now, please look at the picture on the PowerPoint. Can you recognize it? Great! It is a fashion magazine. Let me give you some hint: What we will learn in this class is closely related to the content of this picture. Can you guess what it is? Yeah you can say whatever you think. Talk with your elbow partners, and let’s see who will hit the point. Oh, I heard someone said that maybe it is about a fashion magazine? Maybe, what’s your opinion, Amy? Well, about a book. Really, let’s listen to the tape together to see about that! 3.While-listening


篇一:高中英语听说课的教学设计 高中英语听说课的教学设计及案例分析[1]陈小萍.巧设教学情境激活高中英语课堂--以一节听说课教 学设计为例[j].中小学教学研究,2013,(11):23-26.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5728.2013.11.012. (一)听和说教学内容设计 1.听的教学内容设计:听力教学的内容一般应包括: ⑴语音训练 语音训练包括对听音、重读、意群等的训练,增强学生的语音辨别能力,对于造成听力困难的语音应专项训练。如:bed—bad, ship—sheep, chip—cheap, pin—pen, sit—seat 训练应从词到句,再到文。 ⑵听力技巧训练 听力技巧包括听大意、听具体信息、猜词义、听细节、听隐含之意等。听力教学应包含训练这些技巧的各种听力活动。 ⑶听力理解训练 听力技巧的培养是为理解服务的,除了语音和技巧的训练之外,听力教学更多的应是通过各种活动训练学生句子和语篇的理解能力,使学生的理解由“字面”到“隐含”再到“应用”,理解步步加深。 2.说的教学内容设计:说的教学内容一般应包括: ⑴发音 错误的发音会造成理解困难,甚至使听者无法理解,因此说的教学内容首先应是正确的发音,包括音节、重读、弱读、连读、送气减弱、意群、停顿、语调等。 ⑵语法、词汇 合乎语法的句子才容易理解,用词准确,有助于理解。缺乏必要的词汇常使说话者难以准确地表达自己的思想。因此说的教学应包含一定的词汇和语法教学。 ⑶交际功能 通过说的教学,学生应能掌握“问候”“道歉”“抱怨”“邀请”“建议”“致谢”“信息询问”“征求意见”等各种交际功能。 ⑷释疑技巧 mean...?”要求对方解释自己说过的话可以用升调重复对方的话,等等。 ⑸文化知识 交际不仅依赖于语言的准确性,同样依赖于语言的得体性。这就要求,说话者有必要了解一定的文化知识,使自己的语言符合其所适用的文化氛围,符合其所处的语言环境,符合其所担任的角色。 (二)听说课的教学模式 为了更好地上好听说课,我们要掌握听说课的要领: 1) 听前:准备要充分,教师提前预设问题,为听力教学作好充分的铺垫。 ①扫清重要词汇障碍,做好背景知识、初步感知语言知识的导入。 ②利用课本资源进行听力预测:充分利用课本图片,通过听前讨论图片、根据图片回答问题等,培养学生听前看图进行听力预测的 习惯;浏览文字:预习听力的题目、题干,图片、表格、选项、判断正误句子等。 ③教师创造性地使用练习:教师要根据学情及听力难易度,整合教材中的听力题目,做到让学生听有所获。 2) 听中:知识输入要合情、听力操作要合理:


语法试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of High school Lesson type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) Help students to learn the usage of …. 2) Help students to grasp the sentence pattern of….. Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) the sentence pattern of… 2) some special cases 3) enable students to use … in real life Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show some pictures to the students and ask them to describe the picture. 引导学生运用语法项目 Step 2 Explanation (18min) Explain the usage of …. Present several examples of the grammar item. Step 4 Practice (15min) Ask the students to do the exercises. Step 3 Summary(4min) Invite students to summarize the usage of … Make some supplements and stress the important points. Step 5 Homework (3min) Ask students to finish related exercise on the textbook. Ask the students to write a passage about …. (You have all done a really good job today. I believe you already have a good knowledge of /master the knowledge of….. For homework, you are required to complete exercises on page 201 and to write a passage about ….[I’d rather you search more information about… and some of you will be invited to share your findings with us in the next class.] Clear? Ok. See you next class.) 写作试讲教案 Grade level: First grade of High school Lesson type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) enable students master the procedure of writing this kind of composition 2) improve students’ writing skills 3) help students to get more knowledge of … Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important &difficult points 1) Help students to express their ideas in proper English



Identify possessions 表示拥有 Part 1: lead-in . I have got a brother and a sister. Have got 表示拥有=have (口语) (书面语) We have got a dog. = we have a dog. We have got a cat. = we have a cat. Part 2 : detail study 人称区分: I/YOU/WE/THEY: have/have got . I have got a computer. You have got a good friend. We have got many books in our school. They have got a new car. HE/SHE/IT: has/has got . She has got brown hair. He has got two sisters. An elephant has got a long nose. 否定:have got ——>have not got has got ——>has not got

男:Can I use your mobile phone, please 女:Sorry, I haven’t got a mobile phone. I haven’t got a mobile phone. = I don’t have a mobile phone. = I haven’t a mobile phone. Haven’t = don’t have = haven’t got . She hasn’t got a brother.(模拟改句) 练习:please make negative sentences. 例一:不倒翁 例二:上学方式 疑问:have提前 . Have you got a car 另外两种表达方式: Do you have a car Have you a car . Has she got a brother (模拟改句) have/has 也可做实义动词 例一:have a meal have a breakfast have a lunch have a dinner have a good time have English have a rest have some water have sport


Unit1 Friendship 听说教学 I. Teaching content analysis 1.Teaching content: Unit1 Friendship 2.Teaching objects:Senior one students 3.Type: listening and speaking II. Teaching aims: 1.About knowledge ①To be able to express agreement or disagreement. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. 2.About skills ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②To be able to express one’s attitude about friendship. 3.About affection ①To be interested in learning English and be confident. ②To be able to cooperate with others in group activities. III. Teaching important points ①To be able to get information and views from the listening content. ②Get students to learn different listening skills. IV. Teaching difficult points ① Develop students' listening ability. ②To be able to understand how to make friends and how to get along with opposite sex friends. V. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method,Audio-lingual method VI. Teaching aids: PPT, tape recorder, blackboard and text books VII. Teaching procedures Step1.Lead-in play a music T:If they have meet any problems in friendship? S:Yes. Step 2: Pre-listening T:Now let me show you some new words or phrases and then illustrate them. Step 3: While-listening T:Now please listen to the tape and think about a question . Predict what is the trouble with Lisa? T:OK.I want to ask somebody to tell us whai is the trouble with Lisa? S:She has teouble about friends. T:Yes,very good you heard a key word friend. You are teenagers so you must have the expierence that have trouble with friends.So later we will help Lisa to make a solution to thie problem. T:Listen to the tape and try to spell the words as you can hear their pronunciation.

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