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盐炙 # stir-frying with salt-water
盐蒸 # steaming with salt-water
姜汁制 # stir-frying with ginger juice
蜜制 # stir-frying with honey
油制 # processed with oil
[制]霜 # frost-like powder
水飞 # levigating; grinding in water

丁公藤 # obtuseleaf erycibe stem
丁香 # clove
八角茴香 # Chinese star anise
人参 # ginseng
野山参 # wild ginsengside dishes
カニの醤油渍け定食酱螃蟹套餐 酱渍蟹套餐
gallak-jeongolbeef rib and baby octopus hot potカルビとタコの辛味寄せ锅排骨章鱼锅章鱼排骨火锅
gallaktang baby octopus and beef rib stewタコ入りカルビスープ排骨章鱼清汤章鱼排骨清汤
galbi-guimarinated and grilled beef ribs 牛カルビ烤排骨烤排骨
galbi-anchangsalgrilled beef thin skirt牛ハラミ肉 牛横隔膜肉 牛隔膜肉
galbijjimbraised beef ribs牛カルビの蒸し煮炖排骨 炖排骨
galbitangbeef rib soup牛カルビのスープ排骨汤排骨汤
galchi-gui grilled hairtail fish太刀鱼の塩焼き烤刀鱼烤白带鱼
galchi-jorimbraised hairtail fish太刀鱼の煮付け红烧刀鱼红烧白带鱼

(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
galchi-jjigaehairtail fish stew太刀鱼の辛味锅 辣味炖刀鱼白带鱼辣汤
galchihoeraw hairtail fish太刀鱼の刺身 生刀鱼片 生白带鱼片
gamjajeonpan-fried potatoジャガイモのチヂミ 土豆饼马铃薯煎饼
gamja-jorim braised potatoジャガイモの煮付け酱土豆 红烧马铃薯
gamjatangpork rib soup with potatoes
gatdomhoeraw sea bream イシダイの刺身 生鲷鱼片 生鲷鱼片
gebal-twigimdeep-fried crab legsカニ爪の天ぷら 酥炸蟹脚 油炸蟹脚
gesal-bokkeumbapfried rice with crab meatカニチャーハン 蟹肉炒饭蟹肉炒饭

shark's fin and crab meat soupカニ肉入りフカヒレスープ蟹肉鱼翅浓汤蟹肉鱼翅浓汤
gejangmarinated crabカニの醤油渍け 蟹酱香辣蟹
assorted cold plate with mustard
マスタードソース和え 芥末汁凉菜 芥末冷盘
gyeongdan sweet rice balls韩国式団子韩式汤圆韩式汤圆
gyeranjjim steamed egg茶碗蒸し鸡蛋糕 蒸鸡蛋
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
gyerangtangegg soup卵スープ鸡蛋汤鸡蛋汤
gyepicha cinnamon teaシナモンティー桂皮 肉桂茶
deep-fried sugar glazed sweet
大学イモ 拔丝地瓜 拔丝地瓜
goguma-twigimdeep-fried sweet potatoesサツマイモの天ぷら 炸地瓜 炸地瓜
gogi-mandumeat dumpling肉饺子 肉馅饺子肉馅饺子
gogijeonpan-fried meat肉のチヂミ 煎肉泥饼肉馅煎饼
godeulppaegi-kimchi godeulppaegi kimchiイヌヤクシ草のキムチ 苦菜泡菜 苦菜泡菜
godeungeo-kimchijjim braised mackerel with kimchiサバとキムチの煮付け 泡菜炖鲐鱼泡菜炖鲭鱼
godeungeo-jorimbraised macker

gochu-dakgogi-bokkeumstir-fried chicken with hot peppers唐辛子と鶏肉の炒め物 辣椒炒鸡肉 辣椒炒鸡肉
gochu-saeu-bokkeumstir-fried shrimps with hot peppers唐辛子とエビの炒め物 辣椒炒虾仁 辣椒炒虾仁
gochu-japchae shredded and stir-fried chili peppers豚肉と唐辛子の炒め物青椒炒肉丝青椒炒肉丝
gochu-jjamppongspicy noodle soup with hot peppers 唐辛子ちゃんぽん 辣椒辣汤面 海鲜炒马面
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
gonyak-japchaeshredded and seasoned jellyコンニャクの炒め物 魔芋杂烩炒蒟蒻粉
golbaengi-muchim spicy freshwater snailsタニシの辛味和え 辣拌田螺 辣拌田螺
gomguk ox bone stew牛骨スープ牛骨汤 牛骨汤
hand-rolled noodles in thick ox
bone soup
牛骨スープ麺牛骨汤刀切面 牛骨汤刀削面
gomtang boiled bone stew with rice浓厚な牛骨スープ牛骨汤泡饭牛骨汤泡饭
gopchang-guigrilled beef tripe牛モツ焼き烤牛小肠烤牛小肠
gopchang-bokkeum stir-fried spicy beef tripe牛モツ炒め 辣炒牛小肠辣炒牛小肠
gopchang-jeongol spicy beef tripe hot pot牛モツの辛味锅 牛小肠锅牛小肠火锅
gonggitbap bowl of riceご饭 米饭白饭
gwail-tangsuyuksweet and sour pork or beef果物ソースの酢豚 糖醋肉(加水果) 糖醋肉加水果
gwanja-gochu-bokkeumstir-fried scallops with hot peppers贝柱と唐辛子の炒め物青椒炒贝丁 辣炒干贝

rib eye steak & clams
kkotppangsteamed Chinese rolls花巻花卷 银丝卷
kkwong-naengmyeoncold noodles in pheasant brothキジ肉冷麺山鸡冷面 雉鸡凉面
kkwong-mandupheasant dumplingキジ肉の饺子 山鸡饺子 雉鸡饺子

红参 # red ginseng
生晒参 # dried fresh ginseng
人参叶 # ginseng leaf
儿茶 # cutch; black catechu
九里香 # murraya jasminorage
九香虫 # stink-bug
刀豆 # jack bean
三七 # sanqi
三棱 # common buried rubber
生姜 # fresh ginger
干姜 # zingiber ; dried ginger
干漆 # dried lacquer
土木香 # inula root
土贝母 # paniculate bolbostemma
土荆皮 # golden larch bark
土茯苓 # glabrous greenbrier rhizome
土鳖虫 # ground beetle
大血藤 # sargentgloryvine stem
大青叶 # dyers woad leaf
大枣 # Chinese date
红大戟 # knoxia root
[京]大戟 # peking euphorbia root
大黄 # rhubarb root and rhizome
大蓟 # Japanese thistle herb; Japanese thistle root
大腹皮 # areca peel
山麦冬 # liriope root tuber
山豆根 # vietnamese sophora root
北豆根 # asiatic moonseed rhizome
北沙参 #
山茱萸 # asiatic cornelian cherry fruit
山药 # common yam rhizome
山柰 # galanga resurrectionlily rhizome
山楂 # hawthorn fruit
山慈菇 # appendiculate cremastra pseudobulb; common pleione pseudobulb
千年健 # obscu

red homalomena rhizome
千金子 # caper euphorbia seed
川乌 # common monkshood mother root
制川乌 # prepared common monkshood mother root
川芎 # sichuan lovage rhizome
川楝子 # szechwan chinaberry fruit
广藿香 # cablin patchouli herb
女贞子 # glossy privet fruit
小茴香 # fennel
小蓟 # field thistle herb
马齿苋 # purslane herb
马勃 # puff-ball
马钱子 # nux vomica
马兜铃 # dutohmanspipe fruit
马鞭草 # European verbena herb
土牛膝 # native achyranthes [root]
王不留行 # cowherb seed
天仙子 # henbane seed
天仙藤 # dutchmanspipe vine
天冬 # cochinchinese asparagus root
天花粉 # snakegourd root
天竹黄 # tabasheer
天南星 # jackinthepulpit tuber
胆南星 # bile arisaema
天麻 # tall gastrodia tuber
天葵子 # muskroot-like semiaquilegia root
木瓜 # common floweringqince fruit
木香 # common aucklandia root
木贼 # common scouring rush herb
木通 #
川木通 #
关木通 # manchurian dutchmanspipe stem
木蝴蝶 # Indian trumpetflower seed
木鳖子 # cochinchina momordica seed
五加皮 #
香加皮 # Chinese silkvine root-bark
五味子 # Chinese magnoliavine fruit
五倍子 # Chinese gall
五灵脂 #
太子参 # heterophylly falsestarwort root
车前子 # plantain seed
车前草 # plantain herb
瓦楞子 # clam shell
牛黄 # bezoar
牛蒡子 # great burdock achene
牛膝 # twotoothed achyranthes root
川牛膝 #
贝母 #
川贝母 #
浙贝母 # thunberbg fritillary bulb
升麻 # largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome
化橘红 # pummelo peel
月季花 # Chinese rose flower
丹参 # danshen root
乌药 # combined spicebush root
乌梢蛇 # black-tail snake
乌梅 # smoked plum
火麻仁 # hemp seed
巴豆 # croton fruit
巴戟天 # morinda root
水牛角 # buffalo horn
水红花子 # pirnce's-feather fruit
水蛭 # leech
玉竹 # fragrant solomonseal rhizome
功劳木 # Chinese mahonia stem
功劳叶 #
甘松 # nardostachys root
甘草 # liquorice root
甘遂 # gansui root
艾叶 # argy wormwood leaf
石韦 # shearer's pyrrosia leaf
石决明 # abalone shell
石菖蒲 # grassleaf sweetflag rhizome
石斛 # dendrobium
石榴皮 # pomegranate rind
石膏 # gypsum
龙胆 # Chinese gentian
龙骨 # bone fossil of big mammals
龙眼肉 # longan aril
仙茅 # common curculigo rhizome
仙鹤草 # hairyvein agrimonia herb
白及 # common bletilla rubber
白术 # largehead atractylodes rhizome
白头翁 # Chinese pulsatilla root
白豆蔻 # cardamon fruit
白英 #
白花蛇舌草 # hedyotis
白芷 # dahurian angelica root
白附子 # giant typhonium rhizome
白茅根 # cogon grass rhizome
白矾 # alum
白果 # ginkgo seed
白前 # willowleaf rhizome
白扁豆 # hyacinth bean
白蔹 # Japanese ampelopsis root
白鲜皮 # densefruit pittany root-bark
白薇 # blackend swallowwort root

# snakegourd fruit
瓜蒌子 # snakegourd seed
瓜蒌皮 # snakegourd peel
冬瓜皮 # Chinese waxgourd peel
冬瓜子 #
冬虫夏草 # Chinese caterpillar fungus
冬葵子 # cluster mallow fruit
玄明粉 # sodium sulfate powder
玄参 # figwort root
半边莲 # Chinese lobelia herb
半枝莲 # barbated skullcup herb
半夏 # pinellia tuber
法半夏 # processed pinellia tuber
清半夏 # alum processed pinellia [tuber]
姜半夏 #
半夏曲 #
丝瓜络 # luffa vegetable sponge
老鹳草 # common heron's bill herb; wilford granesbill herb
白芍 # debark peony root
赤芍 # peony root
地龙 # earthworm
地肤子 # belvedere fruit
地骨皮 # Chinese wolfberry root-bark
鲜地黄 # fresh rehmannia root
生地黄 #
熟地黄 # prepared rehmannia root
地榆 # garden burnet root
地锦草 # creeping euphorbia
芒硝 # crystallized sodium sulfate
亚麻子 # linseed
西红花 # saffron营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

西河柳 # Chinese tamarisk twig
西洋参 # american ginseng
百合 # lily bulb
百部 # stemona root
当归 # Chinese angelica
肉豆蔻 # nutmeg
肉苁蓉 # desertliving cistanche
肉桂 # cassia bark
朱砂 # cinnabar
竹节参 # Japanese ginseng
竹茹 # bamboo shavings
延胡索 # yanhusuo
自然铜 # pyrite
血余炭 # carbonized hair
血竭 # draconis resin
全蝎 # scorpion
合欢皮 # silktree albizia bark
合欢花 # albizia flower
决明子 # cassia seed
冰片 # borneol
灯心草 # common rush
安息香 # benzoin
广防己 #
防己 #
防风 # divaricate saposhnikovia root
红豆蔻 # galanga galangal fruit
红花 # safflower
红芪 # manyinflorescenced sweetvetch root
红景天 #
麦冬 # dwarf lilyturf tuber
麦芽 # germinated barley
远志 # milkwort root
赤小豆 # rice bean
赤石脂 # halloysite
芫花 # lilac daphne flower bud
花椒 # pricklyash peel
花蕊石 # ophicalcite
芥子 # mustard [seed]
苍术 # atractylodes rhizom

苍耳子 # siberian cocklebur fruit
芡实 # gordon euryale seed
芦荟 # aloe
芦根 # reed rhizome
芦笋 #
苏木 # sappan wood
苏合香 # storax
杜仲 # eucommia bark
两面针 # shinyleaf pricklyash root
连钱草 # longtube ground ivy herb
连翘 # weeping forsythia capsule
吴茱萸 # medicinal evodia fruit
牡丹皮 # tree peony root bark
牡荆叶 # hempleaf negundo chastetree leaf
牡蛎 # oyster shell
何首乌 # fleeceflower root
制何首乌 # prepared fleeceflower root
伸筋草 # common clubmoss herb
佛手 # finger citron
皂角刺 # Chinese honeylocust spine
谷芽 # millet sprout
谷精草 # pipewort flower
龟甲 # tortoise carapace and plastron
辛夷 # biond magnolia flower-bud
羌活 # incised notopterygium rhizome and root
沙苑子 # flatstem milkvetch seed
沙棘 # seabuckthorn fruit
沉香 # Chinese eaglewood
诃子 # medicine terminalia fruit
补骨脂 # malaytea scurfpea fruit
灵芝 # glossy ganoderma
阿胶 #
阿魏 # Chinese asafetida
陈皮 # dried tangerine peel
附子 # prepared common monkshood branched root
忍冬藤 # honeysuckle stem
鸡内金 # inner membrane of chicken gizzard
鸡血藤 # suberect spatholobus stem
鸡骨草 # canton love-pea vine
鸡冠花 # cockcomb inflorescence
玫瑰花 # rose flower
青木香 # slender dutchmanspipe root
青风藤 # orientvine vine
青叶胆 # mile swertia herb
青皮 # immature tangerine peel
青果 # Chinese white olive
青葙子 # feather cockscomb seed
青蒿 # sweet wormwood herb
青黛 # natural indigo
青礞石 # chlorite schist
杏仁 # bitter apricot seed
苦参 # lightyellow sophora root
苦楝皮 # Sichuan chinaberry bark
枇杷叶 # loquat leaf
板蓝根 # isatis root
松花粉 # pine pollen
枫香脂 # beautiful sweetgum resin
刺五加 # root and vine of manyprickle acanthopanax
郁李仁 # Chinese dwarf cherry seed
郁金 # turmeric root tuber
虎杖 # giant knotweed rhizome
昆布 # (1)kelp; (2)tangle
明党参 # medicinal changium root
败酱草 # atrina glass
罗布麻叶 # dogbane leaf
罗汉果 # grosvenor momordica fruit
知母 # common anemarrhena rhizome
委陵菜 # Chinese cinquefoil
垂盆草 # stringy stonecrop herb
使君子 # rangooncreeper fruit
侧柏叶 # Chinese arborvitae twig and leaf
佩兰 # fortune eupatorium herb
金果榄 # tinospora root
金沸草 # inula herb
金荞麦 # golden buckwheat rhizome
金钱白花蛇 # coin-like white-banded snake
金钱草 # christina loosestrife
广金钱草 #
金银花 # honeysuckle bud and flower
金樱子 # cherokee rose fruit
金礞石 # mica-schist
狗脊 # cibot rhizome
肿节风 # sarcandra [twig and leaf]
鱼腥草 # heartleaf houttuynia herb
炉甘石 # calamine
卷柏 # spikemoss
泽兰 # hirsute shiny bugleweed herb
泽泻 # oriental waterplantain rhizome
降香 # rosewood
细辛 # manchu

rian wildginger
珍珠 # pearl
珍珠母 # nacre
荆芥 # fineleaf schizonepeta herb
茜草 # India madder root
荜茇 # long pepper
荜澄茄 # mountain spicy fruit
草乌 # kusnezoff monkshood root
制草乌 # prepared kusnezoff monkshood root
草豆蔻 # katsumada galangal seed
草果 # fruit of caoguo
茵陈 # virgate wormwood herb
茯苓 # Indian bread
茺蔚子 # motherwort fruit
胡芦巴 # fenugreek seed
胡黄连 # figwortflower picrorhiza rhizome
胡椒 # pepper fruit
荔枝核 # lychee seed
南沙参 # fourleaf ladybell root
枳壳 # orange fruit
枳实 # immature orange fruit
柏子仁 # Chinese arborvitae kernel
栀子 # cape jasmine fruit
枸杞子 # barbary wolfberry fruit
柿蒂 # persimmon calyx
威灵仙 # Chinese clematis root

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