当前位置:文档之家› 国际贸易实务英文版第三版知识点及模拟题




Chapter one

1.国际贸易概念:International trad e is also known as worl d trad e, foreign trad e,

overseas trad e. It refers to the process of fair and d eliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besid es, international trad e concerns trad e operations of both import and export and includ es the purchase and sale of both visibl e and invisibl e goods.


1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technol ogy)

2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage and

economies of scal e)

3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences and

consumption patterns)


In particular, international trad e is more subject to:

Language habits and cultural differences

2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rul es

3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate

4)Higher l evel of political, financial and transportation risks

5)More compl ex business procedures therefore managers need a broad er

range of management skills


1)从货物流向(direction of cargo fl ow)分: export trad e, import trad e and transit trad e(过境贸易)

2)从参与的贸易方(the number of participants )分:direct trad e, indirect trad e and entrepot trad e(转口贸易)

转口贸易:entrepot trade refers to the transaction which involves importing goods for further processing or assembling and the re-exporting the goods abroad. 转口贸易又称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国和消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。对于第三国来说,就是转口贸易,与过境贸易的最大区别在于货物的所有权会发生转移,并且只涉及一个贸易方。国际上有很多中转地,如新加坡,香港,鹿特丹等

3)从商品形式(form of goods)分:有形贸易(visibl e/tangibl e goods trad e)和无形贸易(invisibl e/intangibl e goods trad e)

barter trad e)和自由结汇贸易(free-liquidation trad e)

5.进出口贸易的程序:Export and import procedures:

transaction, the whol e operation und ergoes four stages:

1) the preparation of a transaction

2) the negotiation of the contract

3) the performance of the contract

4) the settlement of disputes


①Negotiation can be conducted in two forms:

In words (face-to-face negotiation or negotiation through tel ephone)

In writing (business correspond ence which includ es letters, faxes, e-mails)

②Four main steps: 询盘(enquiry), 发盘(offer), 还盘(counter-offer),接受(acceptance)

Chapter two 国际贸易术语

1.三种贸易术语的解释规则(three sets of rul es)

1) 1932年华沙牛津规则(Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932)

2) 美国对外贸易修正案1941(Revised American Foreign Trad e Definitions 1941)

3) 2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(International Rul es for the Interpretation of Trad e Terms 2000)

2. incoterms2000 的具体内容(E、F、C、D组的划分,重点在F、C类)(这个不知道怎么写,看书本P34-42)

3. 装运合同术语和到货合同术语区别

Shipment contract:起运前交付(the d elivery will happen at the time or before

)如:E F C 类

Arrival contract: 到达目的地后交付(d eliver at the time of arrival)

Symbolic d elivery:买方并没有实质性的接受到货物,而是通过一系列运输单据证明其交接。(the buyer d oes not physically receive the goods, the d elivery is proved by the submission of transport d ocument by the seller to the buyer)只意味着买方同意了买方交货的事实,并不代表买方接受了该批货物就是与合同一致的货物。

Actual d elivery: the buyer (or his agent) physically receives the goods upon the Chapter three 出口商品的价格

1.出口商品价格的表达(expression of export price)

The standard format of a price in international trad e has four components


货币(a cod e of currency)

金额(a number indicating the price)

数量单位(a unit for measuring quantity)

贸易术语(a certain trad e term)


2. 价格的计算

FOB价格:以出口国货币计算FOB= total cost + profit

以外国货币计算FOB= (Total cost + profit)/ Exchange rate

CFR价格:CFR= FOB + Ocean freight

CIF价格:CIF=FOB + Ocean freight +Insurance Premium

Insurance premium =CIF *(1+markup) *Premium rate(R)

CIF=CFR / (1-markup*R)


①Commission (C) = contract value * commission rate

②Price including C = net price / (1 – C rates)

Net price = price including C (1- C rates)

折扣价:Discount = contract price * discount rate

Actual price = contract price – discount

= contract price * (1- discount rate)

出口利润率(Export profit margin):

Export profit margin = export revenue (FOB) – export cost (FOB)

Export revenue (FOB)


出口换汇成本(Export Cost for Foreign Exchange ):

export cost in local currency

Export revenue in foreign currency

该指标反映的是要赚取一单位的外国货币需要花费的本国货币成本,越小越好4. 定价的四个步骤:(要求能够知道概念和判断)

询盘:A potential client asks for information from the counterpart to his intention in buying or selling of a certain commodity.

发盘:A sufficiently d efinite proposal ad dressed to one or more specific persons for concluding a contract, necessarily indicating the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.

还盘:A reply to an offer which contains ad ditions, limitations of other modifications.

接受:An unconditional statement mad e formally by or an action conducted by the offeree indicating assent to an offer or counter-offer.

参考书上67-72页的几个exampl e

Chapter four 商品条款

1. 品质条款:


1)商品质量用文字说明表示(sale by d escription)

凭规格买卖(sale by specification ): 用商品质量的若干指标,如大小、容量、


凭等级买卖(sale by grad e ): 如一级二级,大中小号等

凭标准买卖(sale by standard ): 采用一些组织如ISO制定公布的标准。有两种主要的标准:良好平均品质(多适用于农产品销售)和上好可销品质(多适用于木材,冷冻类产品)

凭产地买卖(sale by origin)

凭说明书和图样买卖(sale by d escriptions or illustrations)

2)商品质量用实物样品表示(sale by sample)



③凭对等样品买卖(sal e by counter sampl e):对等样品又叫回样 a returned sampl e 或确认样a confirmed sampl e, 是卖方根据买方来样仿制的样品。为避免A counter sampl e is a replica mad e by the seller of the sampl e provid ed, normally by the buyer. It is also call ed a returned sampl e or a confirmed sampl e.

2. 品质条款的注意事项(必须在合同中注明)

1)品质机动(Quality latitud e): means the permissibl e range within which the

exibly controll ed. 是指对特定质量指标在一定幅度内可以机动。

2)品质公差(Quality tol erance): refers to the quality d eviation recognized, which 是指允许交付货物的特定质量指标在公认的一定范围内的差异。

3)保障条款(Safeguard Clause): 保护卖方避免受到因工业产权和知识产权而受到不应该的控告

3.计量方法(measuring quantity)

国际贸易中主要使用的度量衡制度有四种:公制(metric system), 美制. system),英制(British system)和国际单位制(International system of units).


重量(weight): ton, gram, kil ogram, pound, ounce . 注意:ton有metric ton( 1016KG) 和short ton(907KG) 之分,合同中如果未注明,很容易产生纠纷。

容积(capacity): gallon, liter, bushel ….

个数(number): piece, package, pair, set, gross, d ozen, head, case, barrel, drum,

长度(l ength): yard, meter, foot, centimeter…..


体积(volume): cubic yard, cubit meter…..

1)毛重Gross weight: 商品连同包装的重量

2)净重Net weight:

3)条件重量Conditioned weight:The dry weight of commodity plus the

标准回潮率(standard regain rate ): the ratio between the water content and the dry weight of the goods, which is accepted in the worl d market or agreed upon by the sell er and the buyer 实际回潮率(actual regain rate ): the ratio between the actual regaining water Conditioned weight = dried net weight *(1 + standard regain rate)

= 4)理论重量(Theoretical weight):when the total weight of the product is quantity and the unit weight, rather than measured actually. 适用于固定规格和体积的商品。

5)法定重量(Legal weight):The weight of goods including the immediate, 通常法定重量是征收关税的依据。

5. 包装的类型

1)包括裸装货(nud e cargo ), 散装货(bulk cargo),包装货(packed cargo)

2)运输包装(transport packing )又称 shipping packing, outer packing, big packing, is mainly ad opted to facilitate cargo transportation.

包装容器(container): case, drums, bags, bales, crate …..

包装方法(method of packing ): 单位包装(unit packing )和集中包装(coll ective packing). 其中集中包装主要由托盘

Chapter five 国际货物运输

1. 班轮和租船运输 1)班轮运输(liner transportation ):是在一定航线上,在一定的停靠港口,定期⑴班轮运输的特点:班轮四固定

船期固定(), 航线固定(specified route ), 停靠港口固定(routes with fixed base ports )和 运费率相对固定(comparatively fixed freight rates )

⑵班轮的种类:工会同盟班轮(conference liners )和非工会同盟班轮(non-conference liners )

⑶ 货物由承运人负责配载装卸并承担费用(包括如速遣费和滞期费等额外费用) ⑷运费的构成(composition of liner freight ): 基本运费(basic freight )和附加费(surcharges and ad ditionals )

Total Freight = Total Quantity x Basic Rate x (1+Surcharge / Additional Rates) ⑸基本运费的计算标准

①重量吨W (weight ton)

②体积吨M (measurement ton)

③W/M –重量和体积,取高者 (Note:

1WT=1MT) ④基于商品价值.–根据商品FOB 价值的百分比收费

⑤W/M or . –重量、体积、价值比较,取最高费率者,要先将W、M换算成basic rate再比较。注意单位


⑦最低费率Minimum Rate –对于数量太小的货物设定最低费率



Surcharge 附加费– beyond our control

Bunker Surcharge (bunker adjustment factor / BAF) 燃油附加费(15% of the cost)

Currency Surcharge (currency adjustment factor / CAF) 货币贬值附加费

Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费

Deviation Surcharge 绕道附加费

Port Surcharge 港口附加费


Heavy lift additional / Extra charges on heavy lifts 超重费(over 5 M/T)

Lengthy cargo ad ditional / Extra charges on over l engths 超长费(over 9m)

Bulky cargo additional 超大费(over 6cbm)

Additional on direct 直行附属费

Not at basic port, volume over 1000 M/T

Additional on optional discharging port 选卸港附属费

Additional for alternation of d estination 变更卸港附属费

2)租船运输(charter transportation):

定程租船(voyage charter)

定期租船(time charter)

光船租船(bare boat charter/d emise charter)


(free in and out): the ship-owner d oes not bear l oading and unl oading cost

2. 其他运输方式

1)航空运输Air transportation: 运费计算与海洋运输中的一样,只是单位不同(Note: 6000cm3=1kg)

2)铁路和公路运输Rail(way) transportation and Road transportation

3)国际多式联运. T (International multimodal transportation): means the carriage

’s in another country by at l east two mod es of transportation on the basis of a multi-modal transportation contract.

①Only one multi-modal transportation operator

②Only one multi-modal transportation contract

③Only one freight rate

4)集装箱运输:Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a opting an inter-modal system which provid es a possibl e combination of sea, road and other mod es of transportation.


Involving one operator

Use of special equipment

Low risk of damage and pilferage

Substantial cost savings


Dry cargo container 干货集装箱

Refrigerated/reefer container 冷冻集装箱

Tanker container 油罐集装箱

Car container 车辆集装箱



②CY to CY service, CFS to CFS service, DR to DR service, DR to CFS service and

CFS to DR service(集装箱场CY, 集装箱货站CFS, 自有集装箱DR)P127 ⑷运费计算

FCL: by the capacity(根据集装箱容积)

3. 海运提单Bill of lading


①A receipt of the goods 承运人签发给托运人的货物收据

②Evid ence of the contract of carriage 货物运输合同的证明

③A d ocument titl e to the goods 货物所有权凭证

⑴装运提单(shipped B/L)和备运提单(received B/L): 两者之间的区别可能考简答

必须注明装船日期和具体船只名称。①Issued by the shipping company after goods shipped on board the d esignated vessel. ②Indicating date of shipment and name of the vessel

备运提单是指承运人已收到托运货物等待装运期间所签发的提单。没有具体的装船时间和船舶名称。①Goods being received but not yet l oad ed ,is a confirmation of goods hand ed over to ship owner ②Absence of date of shipment and name of the vessel, difficult to anticipate date of arrival, hence not favorabl e by buyer

联系:③When Words such as “Goods shipped on board S/S Red Star on May 10, 2008” add ed and signed by t he carrier or the agent on the received B/L, it becomes a shipped B/L

⑵清洁提单(cl ean B/L)和不清洁提单(uncl ean B/L)

清洁提单是指货物在装船时表面状况良好,承运人在提单上不带有明显宣称货物或包装有缺陷状况的文字或批注的提单。A cl ean B/L refers to one which d oes not d eclare a d efective condition of the exterior packing of goods.

不清洁提单是指承运人在签发的提单上带有明显宣称货物或包装有缺陷状况的文字或批注的提单。An uncl ean B/L is the one that contains unfavorable notation about the apparent condition of the cargo.

⑶记名提单(straight B/L), 不记名提单(bearer B/L),指示提单(ord er B/L)记名提单是指提单上的收货人栏内填明特定收货人名称的提单。①Mad e out to a d esignated consignee ②Only the named consignee is entitl ed to the cargo③Not transferabl e

不记名提单(open or blank B/L): 指提单上的收货人栏内不写明特定收货人名称的提单。①The consignee box l eft blank or open, or bearing the wording “To bearer” (至持有人) ②Can be transferred without end orsement therefore with high risk ,unfavorabl e in international trad e

指示提单是指提单上的收货人栏内填写“凭指示”或“凭某某人指示”字样的提单。①Mad e out to the ord er of a named person,No d efinite consignee, “To ord er” “To ord er of the shipper” or “To ord er of the consignee” instead②Negotiable and transferabl e,but need end orsement ,Wid ely used in international trad e

⑷直运提单(direct B/L)和转船提单(transshipment B/L)


转船提单①Involving ad ditional charges, l onger time and higher risks in transit, therefore unfavorabl e to the buyer②Acceptabl e only when there is no direct service

⑸正本提单(original B/L)和副本提单(copy B/L)

①Valid only after being singed by the shipping company or its agent

②Showing “Original” and the number of the signed originals

③Normally mad e out in a set of three originals

④An evid ence showing the ownership of goods

⑤Presented for taking the d elivery of the goods at d estination, one is used, the

others becomes void automatically

副本提单仅供参考和记录之用,注明副本字样。Normally only used for reference or for records.

⑹全式提单(Long form B/L)和略式提单(short form B/L)

⑺运费付讫提单(freight prepaid)和运费托收提单(freight to be collected)


到付提单(stale B/L): 指提单签发后超过信用证规定期限才交到银行的提单,或者收货人不能在船到目的港前收到的提单。

倒签提单(ante-dated B/L): 提单上签发的日期早于实际起运时间的提单。(晚

预签提单(advanced B/L): 在货物还未实际装载前签发的提单。(不知何时起运)

甲板提单(on-d eck B/L): 承运人签发的表明货物装于船舶甲板上的提单。


海上运单(sea waybill):附于提单后,详细解释提单内容,与运输合同一致,不具有所有权作用

航空运单(air waybill): 与海运提单作用几乎一致,理论上不是货物所有权证书

Consignment note (rail waybill)

公路承运货物收据Road consignment note

多式联运单据Multimodal transportation d ocument (MTD)

4. 装船期(time of shipment)和交货期的区别(time of d elivery)

1) Und er shipment contracts, the symbolic d elivery takes place, so time of shipment is equal to time of d elivery. The time is the one limited for l oading the goods on board vessel or in the hand of the carrier at the port or place of shipment.

2) Und er arrival contracts, the actual d elivery takes place, thus, time of shipment is different from time of d elivery. Time of shipment refers to the time limit for l oading the goods on board vessel at the port or place of shipment; time of d elivery refers to the time limit during which the sell er shall deliver the goods to the buyer at the agreed place.

5. 分批运(partial shipment)和转运(transshipment)的区别

shipped in more than one l ot.分批装运是指一个合同下的货物先后分若干批装运。Transshipment means unl oading and rel oading from one vessel to another during the course of ocean carriage from the port of l oading to the port of discharge stipulated.转运是指从装运港至卸货港过程中,进行转装或重装,包括从一运输工具移至另一运输工具的行为。

6.滞期费(d emurrage)和速遣费(dispatch)


Demurrage is the amount of money paid as a penalty at an agreed rate by charterer to compensate the ship-owner for his l osses in case the charterer fails to have loading and unl oading compl eted within the lay time.


Dispatch is the amount of money paid as a bonus by the ship-owner to the charterer if they get l oading and unl oading d one ahead of schedul e.

Chapter six 货物运输保险

1. 保险的四大基本原则(fundamental principl es of cargo insurance):

1) 可保利益原则(the insurabl e interest principl e)

可保利益指的是投保人对保险标的具有法律上承认的利益。Insurabl e interest is the interest on insurance subject matter held by the insurant and recognized by law, indicating that the insurant will suffer some financial l osses if any maritime risks materialize.投保人对保险标的不具有可保利益的,保险合同无效,这就是


2) 最大诚信原则(the utmost good faith principl e)

是指投保人和保险人在签订保险合同以及在合同有效期内,必须保持最大限度的诚意。Both parties be faithful and honest in entering into the insurance contract. Insurant shall expose all important facts influencing the judgment and evaluation by the insurer to the perils.

3)补偿原则(the ind emnity principl e)

是指当保险标的遭受保险责任范围内的损失时,保险人应当依照保险合同的约定履行赔偿义务。In the event of l oss of or damage to the subject matter resulting from an insured peril, the insurer shall compensate the claimant exactly what the latter has lost in the occurrence of the peril.

补偿的范围不能超过:(total ind emnification be limited to):

保险金额The insurance amount: 110% of the insured value

b)实际损失The actual l oss suffered

c)可保利益The insurabl e interest of the claimant

4)近因原则(the proximate cause principl e):

指保险人只对承保风险和保险标的损失之间有直接因果关系的损失负赔偿责任。The insurer shall only responsibl e for the l oss which has a direct link to the risks covered.


2. 海上运输风险

自然灾害Natural calamities:

Caused by force majeure events such as heavy weather , lightening, Tsunami, earthquake, vol canic eruption, thund erbolt (雷劈), etc.

意外事故Unexpected accid ents/fortuitous accid ents:

Caused by accid ents such as fire, expl osion, vessel stranding(搁浅), ground ed (触礁), sunk or capsized (倾覆), collision(碰撞), missing, etc.

一般外来风险General risks :

Caused by common factors such as theft, fresh water rain雨淋, shortage短量, l eakage渗漏, clash and breakage破损, od or串味,heating and sweating受潮和受热, hook damage钩损, rust锈损, breakage of packing, etc.

特殊外来风险Special risks:

Caused by military factors, political factors, government regulations such as war, striking罢工, confiscation (没收), etc.

3. 海上损失


实际全损是指该批被保险的货物在运输途中完全灭失,或者受到严重损坏完全失去原有的形体、效用。Actual total loss means cargo has been totally lost or has been damaged to the extent that it has lost its original usage.

推定全损是指被保险货物在运输途中受损后,实际全损已经不可避免,或者恢复、修复受损货物并将其运送到原定目的地的费用超过货物到达目的地所原有的价值。Constructive total l oss means cargo is not totally l ost, but the actual total l oss shall be unavoidabl e or the restoration fees together with other miscellaneous expenses will exceed the anticipated amount of profit when cargo is d elivered to the d estination as arranged originally.


⑴指整批货物的部分损失或者部分货物的全部损失a partial damage to or the total loss of part of the insured cargo


船舶、货物和其他财产遭遇共同危险,为了共同安全,有意的合理的采取措施所直接造成的特殊牺牲、支付的特殊费用。A partial & d eliberate sacrifice of the ship, freight, or cargo, or additional expenses incurred to rescue a ship and its cargo from impeding danger or for the common safety of the adventure und er a peril of the sea or some other hazards.

①共同海损的条件:a. 导致共同海损的危险必须是真实存在的或不可避免的;

b. 船方所采取的措施必须是为了解除船、货的共同危险,有意识而且是合理的;

c. 所做的牺牲具有特殊性,支出的费用是额外的;

d. 牺牲和费用的支出最终必须是有效的

②共同海损分担(general average contribution): 由承运人、船方和货主按获益比例分担

计算:a.算出共同海损total GA l oss;b. 算出共同海损分摊价值(得救价值)total GA contributory value;

c. 算出共同海损比率GA percentage = total GA l oss / Total GA contributory value * 100%

d. 算出各受益方应该分担的共同海损:

GA contribution = contributory value * GA percentage





4. 费用:为了营救被保险货物所支出的费用

施救费用(sue and labor expense)和救助费用(salvage charges)的区别:



Coverage of marine cargo insurance of CIC

1)基本险Basic coverage

FPA (Free from Particular Average) 平安险:

主要有:a. 全损 b. 一部分自然灾害和意外事故造成的部损 c. 全部意外事故造成的部损d. 共同海损

WPA (With Particular Average) 水渍险:平安险+自然灾害直接造成的部损

. (All Risks) 一切险:水渍险+一般外来风险

Figure 6.4 Basic Coverage of C.I.C.

2)附加险Ad ditional coverage

一般附加险:General ad ditional coverage 如:淡水雨淋险、碰损破碎险、勾损险、偷窃提货不着险等

特殊附加险:如战争险、罢工民变险、交货不到险、舱面风险、拒收险、进口关税险、黄曲霉素险(aflatoxin risk)等

6.除外责任(exclusions): 不包括在中国海运保险条款的基本险和附加险中


●l oss or damage falling und er the liability of the consignor; (属于发货人责


●l oss or damage arising from the inferior quality or shortage of the insured

goods prior to the attachment of this insurance;(在保险责任开始前,被


●l oss or damage arising from normal l oss, inherent vice or nature of the

insured goods, loss of market and/or delay in transit and any expenses

arising therefrom;(被保险货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性以及市价


●Risks and liabilities exclud ed by the ocean marine cargo war risks clauses

and strike, riot and civil commotion clauses of (海洋货物运输战争险条


7.承保责任期(duration of basic insurance)

1)仓至仓条款(warehouse to warehouse clause 即W/W Clause): The

from the warehouse or place of storage of the shipper named in the policy until the cargo from the warehouse or place of storage of the receiver named in the policy.



3) 战争险期限和W/W条款期限区别:仓至仓条款不适用于战争险,在战争险中,即使货物没有卸载,保险责任期是在从货物到达目的港那天午夜后的第15天为止

8. 其他运输方式险别

1)基本险:陆运/航空险= 水渍险



2)邮包险(parcel post risks)= 海运中的水渍险

邮包一切险(parcel post all risks)



8.货物保险程序(procedures of cargo insurance)了解

1)计算保险金额to calculate the insurance amount

a)Insurance amount = CIF (CIP) ×(1+ markup rate)

b)Markup rate is normally 110%

2) 决定保险范围To determine the insurance coverage

Und er CIF&CIP, min. FPA;

3)获取保险费率To obtain the insurance premium rate

4)投保并支付保费To apply for marine insurance and pay the insurance premium

Insurance Premium (I)=insurance value×premium rate (R)

= CIF(CIP) ×(1+ markup rate)×premium rate (R)

5)获取保单To obtain an insurance d ocument

大保单(insurance policy)和小保单( insurance certificate)

6) 发生损失时进行索赔To l odge an insurance claim at the time of l oss or damage 9. 保费计算

1)Insurance Premium (I)=insurance value×premium rate (R)

= CIF(CIP) ×(1+ markup rate)×premium rate (R)

2)免赔率(franchise):refers to the practice that the l


Two kinds of franchise

①不可减除的Non-d eductibl e: 只有当损失超过某个程度时按照全部损失比例进行赔偿

②可减除的Deductibl e: 只对超过某个程度的部分进行补偿

3)(irrespective of percentage):不考虑免赔率而对损失进行全部赔偿

Chapter Seven International Payments国际货款支付


1、汇票Draft / Bill of Exchange (含义、基本内容、分类)


A draft is an unconditional written ord er ad dressed by one person to another, singed by the person giving it, requiring the ad dressed person to pay at sight or at a fixed future time the sum of money cl early specified, to the payee or to his ord er.


2)基本内容:The content 可参考课本Specimen 加深理解P237-238

1)The words of “Bill of Exchange” or “Draft”

2)The date and place of issuance of draft

3) A specific sum which shall be exactly the same with that indicated on

export invoice

4)The tenor, that is, the period of credit

(If not stipulated, regarded as Sight draft ) 5)

The name of the drawee 6)

The name and signature of the drawer 7)

The name of the payee or ord er or bearer 8) The end orsement of the payee when applicabl e

3)Types of draft

Cl ean draft vs. documentary draft 光票和跟单汇票

Banker’s Draft vs. Commercial draft 银行汇票和商业汇票

Sight draft vs. time draft 即期汇票和远期汇票

简单了解: 本票Promissory note 支票Check

二、Three Types of remittance 汇付方式:

信汇Mail transfer (M/T) :by mail ;l ower charges, but sl ow

电汇Telegraphic transfer (T/T):by tel ecommunication system (telex or

telegraph or swift).;Faster, safer, but more expensive

票汇Banker’s Demand Draft (D/D) :Import. buys a check from a bank in

import country and sends to the export.;Lowest charge, sl owest ;Transferabl e

表格 俩个基本流程 课本P 205 M/T 、T/T 与D/T 的流程

三、托收Coll ection


种类:光票托收VS 跟单托收Cl ean coll ection VS Documents coll ection Cl ean Coll ection 光票托收 – without the company of commercial documents Drawer (seller)

Drawee (buyer)1. Contract 2. Goods 3. Application to handle documentary/clean coll ection + documents 5. Advise of terms of collection

Documentary Coll ection对双方都更有益

Documents against Payment (D/P) 付款交单即期

Documents against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单远期

四、Letter of Credit 信用证基础知识



The written promise of a bank, und ertaken on behalf of a buyer, to pay a seller the amount specified in the credit provid ed the seller complies with the terms and conditions set forth in the credit.



(1)Bank credit

Security of payment to exporter

Ensure importer receive goods as ord ered (payment released only if titl e d ocuments are received)

(2)Care only for d ocuments, but not for actual situation of the goods


Settlement by sight payment即期

Settlement by deferred payment远期

Settlement by acceptance承兑

Settlement by negotiation议付

Settlement by negotiation议付流程重要课本P216

Buyer’s Bank

Buyer/Applicant Seller/ Beneficiary Buyer’s Bank SCENARIO 1.


1. Revocabl e vs. Irrevocabl e Credit 可撤销与不可撤销信用证

根据UCP600规定,没有特别注明的信用证一律视为irrevocabl e

2. Confirmed vs. Unconfirmed Credit保兑与不可保兑信用证

Confirmed credit shoul d be an irrevocabl e credit. 银行双保险

3. Sight vs. Usance/term Credit即期与远期信用证

4. Straight vs. Open Credit /free negotiabl e credit



5. Transferabl e vs. Non-transferabl e credit可转让与不可转让信用证


Transferor – the prime/first beneficiary; transferee – the second beneficiary

A credit must state clearly that it is “transferabl e”,其他单词皆不有效

6、revolving credit循环信用证

7、Reciprocal credit对开信用证



五、与L/C相关的融资L/C related financing

打包贷款Packing l oan


出口押汇Negotiation und er documentary credit


Chapter Eight 出口单证Export Documentation(考选择题)

1、Basic Requirements for Documentation







2、制单的依据Prerequisites of Documentation

1)The sal es contract 出口销售合同制单的最基本依据S/C

2)L/C l etter of credit信用证

3)original d ocuments provid ed by manufacturers.制造商的原始单据

3、出口单证的种类A Summary of Export Documents P262表格Government granted documents, Commercial d ocuments, Transportation d ocuments, Insurance d ocuments, Financial d ocuments. 1)签约阶段Documents Required before or at Contract Negotiation Export License出口许可证、Pro forma invoice形式发票

2)备货阶段Documents Involved in Goods Preparation

Commercial invoice商业发票、Packing list装箱单

3)法定商检阶段Documents Concerning Mandatory Inspection

Export commodity inspection application出口货物报检单、

Certificate of inspection检验证

4)货运、租船订舱阶段Documents Involved in Transportation

Booking Note订舱单、Shipping ord er装货单

5)出口报关阶段Documents need ed for Export Customs Cl earance Customs d eclaration for export commodity出口货物报关单、

Customs cl earance for export commodity出口货物海关清关单(放行条)6)(装运后)货运期间Documents Received after Shipment

Mate’s receipt大副单据(收货单),

Shipping advice(装船通知)、Bill of lading海运提单

7)保险单据Insurance Documents

Insurance application form投保单(保险申请单)、Insurance policy保险单8)银行议付(出口结汇单据)Documents for Bank Negotiation

Bill of exchange or Draft汇票

Certificate of origin原产地证书

Consular invoice领事馆发票

Customs invoice海关发票

Chapter Nine 检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁

Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration

9)Commodity Inspection商品检验三种方式


国际贸易实务题型和重点 复习原则 基本概念(富有专业色彩) 题型 单项选择 多项选择 名词解释 简答题 计算题 案例题 一、商品的品名与品质 (一)表示品质的方法 凭实物表示商品的品质 复样 凭文字说明表示商品的品质 对等样品 良好平均品质(一定时期内某地出口货物的平均品质水平,一般是指中等货而言) 品质的机动幅度(特定质量指标在一定幅度内可以机动) 品质公差(工业制成品中加工制作过程中所产生的,为人们所公认的误差)二、商品的数量条款 公量 公量=商品干净重×(1+公定回潮率) 公量=商品净重*(1+公定回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率) 数量的机动幅度 允许货物多装或少装的条款即为溢短装条款(More or less clause)

溢短装条款(在国际货物买卖中,有些商品受本身特性、生产、运输或包 装等条件的限制,在实际交货时不易精确计算。为了便于合同的顺利履行,减少争议,买卖双方通常要在合同制定时规定数量机动幅度条款,这种条 款又称为"溢短装条款"(more or less clause)。所谓溢短装条款是指在规定具体数量的同时,再在合同中规定允许多装或少装的一定百分比。卖 方交货的数量只要在允许增减的范围内即为符合合同有关交货数量的规 定。例如在合同中规定"装运数量允许有5%的增减"(Shipment Quantity5%more or less allowed)。 (1)明确规定(明确规定数量的机动幅度) (2)没有规定(合同中没有明确规定溢短装条款.按《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,可以有5%的幅度.个数,件数计件的商品除外) (3)大约(合同中有“大约”(Approximately or Ab out)的字样是按《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定有10%的机动幅度) 三、包装条款 运输包装(大包装、外包装) 便于仓储,便于运输,便于搬运) 唛头(通常是由一个简单的几何图形和一些字母、数字及简单的文字组成) 国际标准化组织(收货人或买方名称的英文缩写和简称;参考号,如运单号、订单号或发票号;目的地;件号,包括顺序件号和总件数) 销售包装(小包装、内包装) 保护商品,美化商品,起促销作用. 销售包装上一般附有装潢画面、文字说明和条形码标志。 装潢画面要有吸引力,但是要考虑到不同的文化背景及禁忌。 文字说明要符合国家的标准。 条形码(是一组带有数字的黑白及粗细间隔不等的平行条纹所组成,它是利用光电扫描阅读设备为计算机输入数据的特殊的代码语言)


《国际贸易实务》教学大纲 课程编号: ZH045402 课程名称:国际贸易实务 总学时数:72 实验或上机学时: 一、说明 (一)《国际贸易实务》的课程性质: 本门课程在涉外经济专业中作为专业主干课,旨在让学生了解和掌握对外贸易所必须的 技能与操作,为其他专业课的学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)教材及授课对象: 授课对象:国际经济与贸易专业本科生 使用教材:《国际贸易实务》,对外经贸大学出版社,2011年第5版 (三)《国际贸易实务》的课程目标(教学目标): 基础知识要求:通过本门课程的教学应当使同学们能够熟悉国际贸易的各项流程,了解 并掌握对货物数量,质量,包装,贸易术语及出口价格核算,际贸易中相关的各种条约惯例 与习惯做法相关知识。 素质要求:掌握国际贸易过程中的主要操作技能与操作方法,能够独立处理业务中所涉 及的问题。 实践操作要求:熟练掌握集装箱转装运计算,唛头的书写,包装条款,租船订舱的基本 程序,运价表运费计算,处理各种海运单据。 (四)《国际贸易实务》课程授课计划(包括学时分配) 章次内容讲授实验 第0章绪论 1 第一章贸易术语与国际贸易惯例 1 第二章适用于各种运输方式的贸易术语8 第三章适用于水上运输方式的贸易术语8 第四章合同的主体与标的 6 第五章国际货物运输 6 第六章国际货物运输保险 2 第七章进出口商品的价格8 第八章国际货款的收付8 第九章进出口商品的检验 2 第十章争议的预防与处理 2 第十二章国际货物买卖合同的订立 4 第十三章进出口合同的履行 4 第十四章违约及其法律救济方法 2 第十五章国际贸易方式 1

实验课实验课程(一)至(九)9 总学时72 (五)考核要求:本课程的考核分为平时考核与期末考核;平时考核占总成绩的30%,期末考核占70%。平时主要考核到课率、课堂表现、作业和笔记等;期末考核形式为闭卷、笔试。 二、教学内容 绪论 主要教学目标:掌握国际贸易的特点,了解国际贸易适用的法律与惯例,了解国际贸易遵循的原则,掌握货物贸易的基本做法。 教学方法及教学手段:教师讲授 教学重点和难点:重点是国际贸易的特点,难点是国际货物贸易的基本做法。 一、国际贸易的特点 二、国际货物贸易适用的法律与惯例 三、国际贸易遵循的准则 四、国际货物贸易的基本做法 五、本课程的研究对象与学习方法 第一章贸易术语与国际贸易惯例 主要教学目标:掌握贸易术语的概念及其发展,深刻理解贸易术语在国际贸易中的重要作用和意义。了解国际贸易术语的三种国际贸易惯例,充分理解《INCOTERMS 2010》的特点。 教学方法及教学手段:教师讲授 教学重点和难点:重点是贸易术语,难点是三种主要国际贸易惯例。 第一节贸易术语的含义及其产生与发展 一、贸易术语的含义及作用 二、贸易术语的产生与发展 第二节国际贸易惯例及其性质和作用 一、关于贸易术语的国际贸易惯例 二、国际贸易惯例的性质和作用 第二章适用于各种运输方式的贸易术语 主要教学目标:熟练掌握适用于各种运输方式的七种贸易术语的含义、关于买卖双方的主要规定,熟悉使用各种贸易术语时需要注意的问题。 教学方法及教学手段:教师讲授 教学重点和难点:重点是七种贸易术语,难点是FCA、CPT、CIP贸易术语之间的异同。


国际贸易实务(下划线为重点记忆和理解,无的为一般记忆和了解) Chapter one 1.国际贸易概念:International trad e is also known as worl d trad e, foreign trad e, overseas trad e. It refers to the process of fair and d eliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besid es, international trad e concerns trad e operations of both import and export and includ es the purchase and sale of both visibl e and invisibl e goods. 2.(了解) 1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technology) 2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage and economies of scal e) 3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences and consumption patterns) 3.国际贸易与国内贸易的不同: In particular, international trad e is more subject to: Language habits and cultural differences 2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rul es 3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate 4)Higher l evel of political, financial and transportation risks 5)More compl ex business procedures therefore managers need a broad er range of management skills 4. 1)从货物流向(direction of cargo fl ow)分: export trad e, import trad e and transit trad e(过境贸易) 2)从参与的贸易方(the number of participants )分:direct trad e, indirect trad e and entrepot trad e(转口贸易) 转口贸易:entrepot trade refers to the transaction which involves importing goods for further processing or assembling and the re-exporting the goods abroad. 转口贸易又称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国和消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。对于第三国来说,就是转口贸易,与过境贸易的最大区别在于货物的所有权会发生转移,并且只涉及一个贸易方。国际上有很多中转地,如新加坡,香港,鹿特丹等 3)从商品形式(form of goods)分:有形贸易(visibl e/tangibl e goods trad e)和无形贸易(invisibl e/intangibl e goods trad e) barter trad e)和自由结汇贸易(free-liquidation trad e) 5.进出口贸易的程序:Export and import procedures: transaction, the whol e operation und ergoes four stages: 1) the preparation of a transaction 2) the negotiation of the contract 3) the performance of the contract


单项选择题(5X2=10分) 1. 海运提单和航空提单( C ) A.均为物权凭证 B.均为可转让的物权凭证 C.前者作物权凭证,后者不可转让,不作物权凭证 D.前者不作物权凭证,后者作物权凭证 2. CIF合同的货物在刚装船后因火灾被焚,应由(D) A. 卖方负担损失 B. 卖方请求保险公司赔偿 C. 买方委托卖方向保险公司索赔 D.买方负担损失并请求保险公司赔偿 3.关于接受的生效,英美法系实行的原则是(A) A.投邮生效B.签署日生效 C.到达生效D.双方协商 4.海运提单之所以能够向银行办理抵押贷款,是因为(D ) A.海运提单是承运人签发的货物收据 B.海运提单可以转让 C.海运提单是运输契约的证明 D.海运提单具有物权凭证的性质 5.为防止运输途中货物被窃,应该投保(C )。 A. 一切险、偷窃险 B. 水渍险 C. 平安险、偷窃险 D. 一切险、平安险、偷窃险 6.汇票根据(B )不同,分为银行汇票和商业汇票。 A.出票人 B.付款人 C.受款人 D.承兑 7.银行审单议付的依据是( C )。 A. 合同和信用证 B. 合同和单据 C. 单据和信用证 D. 信用证和委托书 计算题(10分) 1.某商品出口我对外报FOB净价180美元,若国外客户要求改报含佣4%的价格时,我应对外报价多少? 解:FOBC4%价=净价/(1-佣金率)=180/(1-4%)=187.5(美元)。 2.某批商品的卖方报价为每打60美元CIF香港,若该批商品的运费是CIF价的2%,保险费是CIF价的1%,现外商要求将价格改报为FOBC3%.问FOBC3%应报多少? 解:FOB价=CIF价—运费—保险费=60—60×2%—60×1%=58.2美元 FOBc3%=FOB价/(1—佣金率)=58.2/(1-3%)=60美元 3.一批出口货物做CFR价为250000美元,现客户要求改报CIF价加20%投保海运一切险,我方同意照办,如保险费率为0.6%时,我方应向客户报价多少? 解:CIF=CFR/(1-投保加成*保险费率)=CFR÷(1-120%×0.6%) =250000÷0.9928 =251813.05美元 案例分析(30分) 1.某口岸出口公司按CIF London向英商出售一批核桃仁,由于该商品季节性较强,双方在 合同中规定:买方须于9月底前将信用证开到,卖方保证运货船只不得迟于12月2日驶抵目的港。如货轮迟于12月2日抵达目的港,买方有权取消合同。如货款已收,卖方须将货款退还买方。问这一合同的性质是否属于CIF合同? 按CIF条件签订的合同属于装运合同,其特点是“凭单据履行交货义务,并凭单据付款”。只要卖方按合同的规定将货物装船并提供齐全的、正确的单据,即使货物在运输途中已遭灭失,买方也不能拒收单据和拒付货款。所以,本案例的合同不属于CIF合同。


国际贸易:世界各国(地区)之间货物和服务的交换活动,是世界各国在国际分 工的基础上进行相互联系的主要形式。世界各国对外贸易的总和构成国际贸易 对外贸易|: 一国(地区)与其他国家(地区)之间货物和服务的交换活动 国际贸易商品分类: 按 《国际贸易商品标准分类》分为 十大类: 个基本项 目。其具体分类为: 食品及主 要供食用的活动物; 饮料及烟草类;2类:燃料以外的非食用粗原料; 矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料; 动植物油脂及油脂;5类:化学成品及有关产品; 主要按原料分类的制成品;7类:机械及运输设备; 杂项制品;9类:没有分类的其他商品。 对外贸易货物结莎:指一国各类进出口货物的构成状况。一国对外贸易货物结构 主要由该国经济发展水平、自然资源状况、对外贸易政策等因素决定。它反映一 国经济发展水平和在国际分工中的地位 国际服务贸易的定义:丨 乌拉圭回合达成的《服务贸易总协定》 (ge neralAgreeme nto nTradei nServes, 简称GATS )将服务贸易界定为四类: 跨境提供(cross-bordersuppIP ),从一成员境内向任何其他成员境内提供 服务(服 务的提供者与消费者都不移动); 2、 境外消费(consumptionabroad ),在一成员境内向任何其他成员的服务消 费者 提供服务(服务消费者过境移动); 3、 商业存在(commercialpresent ),一成员的服务提供者在任何其他成员境 内通过 商业存在提供服务(服务的提供者将自己的生产要素移动到一缔约国 内,通过设立机构并提供服务,取得收入); 4、 自然人流动(movementofpersonnel ),一成员的服务提供者在任何其他 成员 境内通过自然人提供服务(服务提供者的过境移动在其他缔约方境内提 供服务而形成的贸易)。 以部门为中心的服务贸易的分类: I 、 商业性服务2、通讯服务3、建筑服务4、分销服务 5、 教育服务 6、环境服务 7、金融服务 8、健康及社会服务 9、旅游及相关服务10、文化、娱乐及体育服务 II 、 交通运输服务;12、其他服务。 关于服务贸易的内容分类的另外几种有代表性的分类: 1 .把世界服务贸易项目按其与商品贸易、直接投资的密切程度分为: A .同国际货物贸易直接相关的传统国际服务项目; B. 同国际直接投资密切相关的要素转移性质的国际服务项目; C. 相对独立于货物贸易和直接投资的国际服务贸易项目 2 .以“生产”为核心的划分法: A 牛产前服务. B '生产服务,即生产过程的服务; C .生产后的服务。 1924 0类: 1类: 3类: 4类: 6类: 8类: 初级产品」:指那些未经过机器加工或只经过简单机器加工的农林牧渔产品, 把0~4类商品称为初级产品 工业制成品I :指全部经过机器加工的产品,一般把 5~8类称为工业制成品。 ]_ 一一国将本国生产或加工的商品输出到其他国家或地区的活动。 进口贸易]:一国将外国生产或加工的商品输入本国市场的活动。 出口贸易 1、


《国际贸易实务》参考答案及评分标准(B) 一、贸易术语(如系英语简称,先写出全称,再译成中文,每题1分,共10分) 1.Carriage Insurance Paid To运费付至(指定目的地)2.汇票 3.Letter of Credit信用证4.Certificate of Origin原产地证 5.With Particular Average水渍险6.Arbitration 7.Open Account 8.International Factoring 9.Warehouse to Warehouse Clause 10.More or less Clause 二、判断题(每题1分,共20分) 1? 2? 3? 4 ?5?6? 7 ?8? 9?10? 11? 12? 13?14?15? 16? 17?18? 19?20 ? 三、选择题(10题共20分,1-5是多项选择,在下列几个答案中选出二个或二个以上的正确答案,错选、少选或多选都不得分,6-20是单项选择,每题只选择一个答案) 1BC 2ABCD 3 ABCD 4BCD 5 ACD 6A 7A 8B 9C 10C 11B 12D 13B 14C 15A 16C 17C 18B 19C 20C 四. 计算题(每题5分,共10分) 1.解:计算方法一: M:0.45×0.40×0.25=0.045M3 W:35KGS=0.035MT M>W 选M(1分) F=120×(1+20%+10%)×0.045=7.02(美元)(2分) FOB=CFR-F=50-7.02=42.98(美元) (4)FOBC2=FOB/1-2%=42.98/1-2%=43.86(美元)(2分) 计算方法二: FOBC2=50-120×(1+20%+10%)×0.045/1-2%=43.86(美元)(4分) 2.100÷1.4320×1.2562=87.47(欧元)(5分) 五. 案例分析题(每题10分,共40分) 1.开证行有权拒付(3分)。根据《UCP500》规定,信用证虽是根据买卖合同开出的,但一经开出就成为独立于合同的约定(2分)。信用证各当事人的权利和责任完全以信用证中所列条款为依据,不受买卖合同的约束,出口方提交的单据即使符合合同要求,但若与信用证条款不一致,仍会遭银行拒付(2分)。本案中的买卖双方达成修改信用证的协议,但并未通知银行修改信用证,意味着各方当事人只受原信用证的约束。故开证行就只能按原信用证条款办事,即银行有权拒付货款(3分)。 2.港商是为了简化向韩商的交货手续或企图将运费转嫁给出口方(3分)。若货物直接运至釜山的运费由港商负担则可以接受买方要求(2分)。具体做法为:(1)港商将运费汇交我公司;(2)或在信用证内加列允许受益人超支运费条款;(3)由港商将运费径付船公司,并从船公司得到确认后,我方照办(5分)。 3.国外代收行必须在汇票到期日将货款如数拨交我方(3分)。因为代收行凭信托收据借单给进口方先行提货,是代收行的自行行为,不是出口方授权其这么做的(3分)。万一进口方到期不付款给代收行,则代收行必须承担到期付款的责任,将货款如数拨交我方(4分)。 4.卖方有权利凭规定的单证要求买方付款(3分)。因为,以CIF条件成交,风险划分以装运港船舷为界,越过船舷以后的风险由买方负责,货物在运输途中灭失,应由买方向保险公司提出索赔(3分)。CIF合同属于装运合同,是象征性交货,单据代表货物,卖方在装运港将货物装上船即完成了交货的义务(3分)。因此,虽然货物在离港一小时触礁沉没,但此时的风险已从卖方转移至买方,故卖方有权凭合同中规定的单据要求买方付款,买方不能拒付(1分)。


一单项选择题 1、我方出口大宗商品,按CIF Singapore 成交,运输方式为Voyage Charter,,我方不愿承担卸货费用,则我方应选择的贸易术语的变形是 ( C )。 A、CIF Liner Terms Singapore B、CIF Landed Singapore C、CIF E x Ship’s Hold Singapore D、CIF Ex Tackle Singapore 2、按照《INCOTERMS2000》的解释,以FOBST成交,则买卖双方风险的划分界限是(B以船舷为界)。 4、在CIF条件下,Bill of Lading对运费的表示应为( A )。 A.Freight Prepaid B.Freight Collect C.Freight Pre-payable D.Freight Unpaid 5、在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有( B )。 A.Rail Waybill B.Bill of Lading C.Air Waybill D.Parcel Post Receipt 6、预约保险以( B )代替投保单,说明投保的一方已办理了投保手 续。 A、B/L B、Shipping advise from abroad C、Mate,s receipt D、Sales contract 7、我某公司与外商签订一份CIF出口合同,以L/C为支付方式。国外 银行开来的信用证中规定:“Latest shipment 31st, May, L/C validity till 10th, June.”我方加紧备货出运,于5月21日取得大副收据,并换回正本已装船清洁提单,我方应不迟于( C )向银行提交单据。 A.5月21日 B.5月31日 C.6月10日 D.6月11日 8、某批出口货物投保了CIC 的WPA,在运输过程中由于雨淋致使货物遭受部分损失,这样的损失保险公司将( C )。 A、负责赔偿整批货物 B、负责赔偿被雨淋湿的部分 C、不给于赔偿 D、在被保险人同意的情况下,保险公司负责赔偿被雨淋湿的部分 9.在短卸情况下,通常向( B )提出索赔。 A. the seller B. the carrier


国际贸易实务题型和重点 ?复习原则 基本概念(富有专业色彩) 题型 单项选择 多项选择 名词解释 简答题 计算题 案例题 一、商品的品名与品质 (一)表示品质的方法 凭实物表示商品的品质 复样 凭文字说明表示商品的品质 对等样品 良好平均品质(一定时期内某地出口货物的平均品质水平,一般是指中等货而言) 品质的机动幅度(特定质量指标在一定幅度内可以机动) 品质公差(工业制成品中加工制作过程中所产生的,为人们所公认的误差)二、商品的数量条款 ?公量 公量=商品干净重×(1+公定回潮率) 公量=商品净重*(1+公定回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率) ?数量的机动幅度 允许货物多装或少装的条款即为溢短装条款(More or less clause)?溢短装条款(在国际货物买卖中,有些商品受本身特性、生产、运输或包装等条件的限制,在实际交货时不易精确计算。为了便于合同的顺利履行,减少争议,买卖双方通常要在合同制定时规定数量机动幅度条款,这种条款又称为"溢短装条款"(more or less clause)。所谓溢短装条款是指在规定具体数量的同时,再在合同中规定允许多装或少装的一定百分比。卖方交货的数量只要在允许增减的范围内即为符合合同有关交货数量的规定。例如在合同中规定"装运数量允许有5%的增减"(Shipment Quantity5%more or less allowed)。 ?(1)明确规定(明确规定数量的机动幅度) ?(2)没有规定(合同中没有明确规定溢短装条款.按《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,可以有5%的幅度.个数,件数计件的商品除外)?(3)大约(合同中有“大约”(Approximately or About)的字样是按《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定有10%的机动幅度) 三、包装条款 ?运输包装(大包装、外包装) 便于仓储,便于运输,便于搬运) ?唛头(通常是由一个简单的几何图形和一些字母、数字及简单的文字组


国际贸易实务 第一章贸易术语与国际贸易惯例 1.国际贸易惯例含义:国际贸易实践中逐渐形成的一般习惯做法制定成文的规则。 2.国贸惯例与习惯的区别与联系: 联系:国贸惯例是在国贸习惯做法的基础上产生的。 区别:国际贸易惯例层次高于贸易习惯;惯例被编撰成文的规则,未成文的习惯不是惯例;国贸惯例必须是国际上普遍接受和广为使用的规则。 3.国贸惯例的作用、性质和法律地位: 性质:具有国际社会民间性质的行为规范 地位:不是法律,不具有强制性;不可随意修改;一写进合同就具有法律效力,强制性。 作用:减少贸易争端;提高效率;弥补法律的不足;规范贸易行为。 4.国贸遵循准则:(密切联系和特征履行) 恪守合同;缔约自由;诚实信用;当事人法律地位平等;遵守法律;公平交易 5.贸易术语 (1)概念:长期国贸实践中产生的,表明商品价格构成,交接过程中有关责任风险和费用划分问题的专门用语。 (2)作用:简化交易手续,缩短时间,节约费用开支;有利妥善解决贸易争端。有利交易双方进行比价和加强成本核算。 6.国际贸易惯例及其性质和作用: 惯例:(1)《1932年华沙—牛津规则》,国际法协会专门为解释CIF合同而制定。 (2)《1990年美国对外贸易定义修订本》,EXW/FOB/FAS/CFR/CIF/DEQ (3)《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》扩大适用范围 (注:2010通则对2000的变化:术语删改;改变分类标准;使用说明;排列方法调整) 第二章适用于各种运输方式的贸易术语 第三章适用于水上运输的贸易术语 *选用贸易术语应该考虑的因素:运输条件、货源、运费、风险、结关手续。 第四章合同的主体与标的 1.约定合同当事人条款注意事项:合同当事人具有缔约能力;名称表述准确;地址正确详细。 2.品名条款主要内容:无统一格式,名称、商标、规格、等级、型号。 3.约定品名条款注意事项:需妙用处 根据需要约定商品名称;合理描述商品;正确使用成交商品名称;内容具体清楚明确。 4.关于产品的质量体系评审和认证制度: (1)ISO9000系列标准:国际标准化组织为适应国贸发展制定的品质管理和品质保证标准。 (3)CCC认证:国际通行,一种对产品是否符合国家强制标准技术法规的合格评定制度。 (4)ISO14000环境管理系列标准:减少企业生产对环境的破坏,符合即为绿色企业。 5.表示商品进出口质量的方法: (1)凭实货表示成交商品的质量 *看货成交:情况较少;适用于寄售,展卖和拍卖业务。 *凭样品成交:卖方样品、买方样品、对等样品。 (2)凭说明表示成交商品的质量 规格、等级、标准、凭说明书和图样、凭商标和品牌、凭产地名称。 6.品质条款的主要内容: *一般内容:规格、等级、标准、凭说明书和图样、凭商标和品牌、凭产地名称。


Unit 1 A brief introduction to international trade Key I. Answer my questions 1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications. It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental. 2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies. 3. To gain profit. 4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement. 5. There are four major forms which are the following: Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise. 6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg.the United States ) and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year. 7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing. 8. Yes. There are great differences between them. 1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties. 2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarily for financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments. 9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC (the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest. 11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate. 12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capacity to make purchase. 13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitment and least risk of a firm’s resources. 14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising. 15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business. II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. J 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.I 8.G 9.F 10.H III Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese 1 购买力11经济复苏;恢复


《国际贸易实务》模拟题 一单选题 1.A公司5月18日向B公司发盘,限5月25日复到有效,A公司向B公司发盘的第二天,A公司收到B公司5月17日发出的,内容与A公司发盘内容完全相同的交叉发盘,此时(). A.合同即告成立 B.合同无效 C.A公司向B公司或B公司向A公司表示接受,当接受通知送达对方时,合同成立 D.必须是A公司向B公司表示接受,当接受通知送达对方时,合同成立 [答案]:C 2.CFR术语有多种变形,其目的是明确() A.装货费用由谁负担 B.卸货费用由谁负担 C.风险划分的界线 D.运费由谁负担 [答案]:B 3.CPT和CFR相同的是(). A.属装运合同 B.交货地点 C.费用划分界限 D.提交的单据 [答案]:A 4.CPT贸易术语条件下,卖方将合同中规定的货物(),完成交货. A.交到装运港船上 B.置于买方处置之下 C.交给买方自己指定的承运人 D.交给卖方自己指定的承运人或第一承运人 [答案]:D 5.FOB,CFR和CIF贸易术语,最宜采用()检验方法 A.出口国检验,进口国复验 B.在进口国检验 C.在出口国检验 D.装运港()检验重量,目的港()检验品质 [答案]:A 6.FOB条件下,风险划分的界线是() A.装运港船舷 B.装运港船舱 C.装运港船上 D.装运港码头

[答案]:C 7.SWIFT采用0-9的数字区别电文业务性质,7代表跟单信用证和保函.修改信用证的代码是(). A.MT700 B.MT707 C.MT720 D.MT705 [答案]:B 8.按CIF术语成交的贸易合同,货物在运输途中因火灾被焚,应由(). A.卖方承担货物损失 B.卖方负责向保险公司索赔 C.买方负责向保险公司索赔 D.买方负责向承运人索赔 [答案]:C 9.按照《2000通则》的解释,按DEQ成交,买卖双方的风险划分界限在(). A.装运港船上 B.目的地 C.目的港船上 D.目的地码头 [答案]:D 10.按照货物重量,体积或价值三者中较高的一种计收运费,运价表内以()表示. A.M/W B.W/MorAd.Val C.AdVal D.Open [答案]:B 11.包销业务中包销商与出口商之间是一种(). A.买卖关系 B.委托代理关系 C.互购关系 D.代销关系 [答案]:A 12.保险公司承担保险责任的期间通常是() A.钩至钩期间 B.舷至舷期间 C.仓至仓期间 D.水面责任期间 [答案]:C


国际贸易实务(英文版) International Trade Practice 周瑞琪王小欧徐月芳编著 Chapter two IV. Short questions 1.Who pays for loading for shipment under FOB? 答:Seller. 2.Who pays for unloading under CIF? 答:Buyer. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e16670500.html,pare and contrast FOB, CFR and CIF? 答:Similarities: a. Sel ler’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail. b. Seller is responsible for export customs formalities while buyer is responsible for import customs formalities. c. Buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the port of destination. d. All three terms can only be used for waterway transportation. Differences: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer’s risk. 4.What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks? 答:Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Under shipment contract terms s eller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment. Under arrival contract terms seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive the destination. 5.What are the differences and similarities between CPT and CFR? 答:Major similarities: a. seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b. Seller is not taking the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the transportation. Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mod e while CFR is only used for waterway transport. b. Under CPT seller’s risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first


一、把以下英文术语翻译成中文,是英文简称的需先写出其全称再翻译(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1、Neutral Packing 2、Insurance Policy 3、Order B/L 4、OCP 5、O/A 二、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1、我方出口大宗商品,按CIF Singapore 成交,运输方式为Voyage Charter,,我 方不愿承担卸货费用,则我方应选择的贸易术语的变形是()。 A、CIF Liner Terms Singapore B、CIF Landed Singapore C、CIF E x Ship’s Hold Singapore D、CIF Ex Tackle Singapore 2、按照《INCOTERMS2000》的解释,以FOBST成交,则买卖双方风险的划分界限是()。 A、货交承运人 B、货物越过装运港船舷 C、货物在目的港卸货后 D、装运港码头 3、山东渤海公司与日本东洋株式会社在万国博览会上签订了一份由日方向中方提供BX2-Q船用设备的买卖合同,采用的贸易术语是DES。运输途中由于不可抗力导致船舶起火,虽经及时抢救,仍有部分设备烧坏,则()应来承担烧坏设备的损失。 A.东洋株式会社 B.山东渤海公司 C.船公司 D.保险公司 4、在CIF条件下,Bill of Lading对运费的表示应为( )。 A.Freight Prepaid B.Freight Collect C.Freight Pre-payable D.Freight Unpaid 5、在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有( )。 A.Rail Waybill B.Bill of Lading C.Air Waybill D.Parcel Post Receipt 6、预约保险以()代替投保单,说明投保的一方已办理了投保手续。 A、B/L B、Shipping advise from abroad C、Mate,s receipt D、Sales contract 7、我某公司与外商签订一份CIF出口合同,以L/C为支付方式。国外银行开来的信


一、绪论 第一节国际贸易实务概述 1. 国际贸易与国内贸易的异同 相同: (1交易标的相同——有形货物和无形服务 (2交易目的相同——获取经济利益 (3交易程序大同小异——交易前的准备、需找交易对象、进行交易磋商、签订交易合同、履行合同程序。不同: (1语言环境不同 (2法律环境 (3货币不同 (4度量衡不同 (5政策障碍多eg.国际贸易收到各种各样的限制;关税、配额、许可证、出口补贴、出口信贷、进出关手续。 2、判断“国际性”的标准长考虑的因素 (1贸易双方是否属于不同的国家 (2货物是否从一国运往另一国 (3订立合同的行为是否完成于不同的国家 (4当事人是否具有不同的国籍

英国《1977年不公平条款法》,合同当事人处于不同的国家,且符合(2(3(4、货物交付第三国,这三种情况之一,就认为具有国际性。 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中则采用单一的营业地标准,把合同当事人双方的营业地不同作为交易“国际性”的唯一标准。 第二节进出口业务的基本流程 一、出口合同的基本流程: 1、基本流程: 出口前的准备: (1出口市场调研,制定出口商品经营方案 出口调研:主要包括宏观经济调研、目标市场调研和交易对象的调研三个方面。 (2选择交易对象 对可能客户进行调研,从中选择资信情况良好、经营能力较强、对本方友好且没有偏见的客户作为交易对象。 (3确定货源 出口交易磋商和合同订立 根据前一阶段选择交易对象,通过核实的通讯方式主动向对方发函,经过询盘、发盘、还盘等环节,就合同的商品品质、数量、价格、支付、货物支付等各项条件进行磋商,最终达成交易,签订合同。

出口合同的履行 因选择的贸易术语而有所不同。 二、进口合同的基本流程 1、进口较以前的准备 2、进口交易的磋商和合同订立 3、进口合同的履行 三、国际货物销售合同举例 书面合同的基本内容包括约首、主体、约尾三部分。 1、约首 包括合同名称、合同编号、缔约日期、缔约地点、缔约双方的详细名称和地址,一些关于订约意图的文字也放在此处。 2、主体 (1货物条款:品名、规格、质量、数量、包装等。 (2价格条款:单价、总价、贸易术语 (3货物交付条款:交货时间、交货地点、运输方式、运输保险等 (4支付条款:支付工具、支付时间、支付地点、支付方式 (5争议处理条款:检验、索赔、仲裁和不可抗力。 3、约尾 缔约双方签字、合同份数、合同文字效力、附件效力、使用的法律和惯例等。

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