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Unit one

I. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

protect ionism domestic market

in terfere nee direct inv estme nt

restrieti on be first voiced by

domin ate merca ntilism

con sume outflow of curre ncy

curre ncy portfolio inv estme nt

II. Fill in the bla nks with proper En glish terms:

1) Mercha ndise exports

2) Service exports and imports

3) Mercha ndise imports

4) Intern ati onal trade

5) Direct in vestme nt (FDI)

6) Portfolio inv estme nt

III. Choose a suitable word for each of the bla nks in the follow ing paragraph:

trade; liberalization; facilitate; competition; increasingly

V. (P10) Tran slate the followi ng paragraph into Chin ese:


I. Give the Chin ese equivale nts for the followi ng En glish terms:


集型产品6)劳动密集型产品7)资本密集新产品8)获得优势9 )天然优势10)文


II. (p18-19) Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into Chin ese accordi ng to the patterns:

1. 即使所有产品都具有绝对优势的国家,因其必须放弃产出效率低的产品转而生产产出效率高的产品,也


2. 尽管美国产茶与产麦均有绝对优势,可它只在麦子生产上具有相对优势,因其产麦的优势较其产茶的优


3. 要素禀赋理论认为,较丰富的生产要素比相对稀缺的要素更加廉价。

4. 为了做好国际贸易,公司经理除需要掌握业务经营知识,还需要掌握基本的社会科学知识

Unit Two

I. (p27) Find out the whole forms of the following short forms:

MTO Multilateral Trading

GSP Gen eralized System of Prefere nee

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

WTO World Trade Organization

MFN Most Favored Nation

LDC less developed eoun tries

GATT Gen eral Agreeme nt on Tariffs and Trade

EC Europea n Commu nity

II . Fill in the blanks with proper words:

1) policies; discourage 2) governme nt 3) 117; 36%; 24% 4) negotiatio ns; to; trade

5) free; would accept/permit

I. (p35-36) Identify in the text the English equivalents for the following:

prohibitive tariff regulatory tariff protective tariff retaliatory tariff countervailing tariff pun itive tax Special Drawing Right reve nue tariff

gover nment procureme nt value added tax ad valorem tariff dutiable price retail price wholesale price licen se

cla ndest ine non-tariff barriers

coord in atio n

infant in dustry customs valuati on

II. (p36) Tran slate the followi ng into Chin ese:




III. Complete the follow ing senten ces:

1. the customs; import/export goods

2. Tariff or duty; under

3. dump in g; lev ying an ti-dump ing tariff

4. duty; value

5. increasing; imported; gain

IV. Fill in the bla nks with proper prepositi ons:

of; on; with; from; with; for; to; at; by; at

I. (p44) Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

foreig n curre ncy rete nti on tariff exempti on

prefere ntial con diti on mon itor

export credit certificate

direct con sig nment Gen eralized System of Prefere nee

tariff union prefere nce-gi ving country

econo mic union prefere nce-recei ving country

com mon market sig natory n ati on

prin ciple of the place of origi n tariff regi on

free trade zone regi onal econo mic in tegrati on

international financial market National Commercial Inspection Bureau and its

subord in ates

II. (p44-45) Tran slate the followi ng into Chin ese:


III. (P45) Find a suitable term to fill in each of the following blanks: