当前位置:文档之家› AutoSpeed英文安装说明书




These instructions are designed to help you become familiar with and act as a generic guideline to installing your module. We provide custom instructions, specific to your make and model, upon request. (see below)

Installation Steps:

Example Pictures

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Step 1. Make sure your engine is off and no key is in the ignition. Please make sure your vehicle is cool and never hot when working in the engine bay.

Step2. Locate your vehicle’s Intake Air Temperature (IAT ) Sensor and /or Integrated Mass Air Flow (MAF ) /IA T sensor.

Step3. Locate your vehicle’s two IA T functioning wires. Remember, you are always connecting to the IA T sensor which is only two wires whether or not it is integrated with the MAF. ( If your MAF sensor has5 or 6 wires, the module will only plug into 2 of them.)

Step4. Connect your PRO EVOLUTION ECU Performance Module to your vehicle’s IA T sensor using the supplied Wire Taps . Each of your vehicle’s two IA T sensor wires should go into one of the “Through” Holes . Clamp each wire taps to secure the connection.

Step5. Mount the module in a cool area away from magnetic surfaces and the engine using the Zip ties provided.

You may not feel an immediate increase in performance. Please allow 3-5 driving cycles or up to 300 miles for the module to adapt. Contact us if you do not feel any

difference. We will assist in ensuring the module has been installed and is working properly

Terms and Conditions:

+-* Our product does not fix problems with your vehicle. If your vehicle has a knock and or any other issues, it is recommended that you correct the problem before installing. This module is not intended for use on vehicles equipped with nitrous oxide or NOS. Use of this aftermarket product is at your own risk. By using this product

you agree to release us AUTO EVOLUTION, its owners, employees and affiliates from all liability and/or damages you incur by using this product, including, but not limited to: damage, traffic violations, warranty issues and theft. This product has been tested extensively and has been shown to be safe and not harmful to the longevity of the engine. However these are only current test results and not guarantees or implications. All tangible and intangible, physical and intellectual, rights, materials, property and information relevant to any AUTOSPEED product are reserved for the exclusive and sole use of PRO EVOLUTION ECU, https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c13550497.html,, AUTOSPEED , and subsidiary companies. I understand that this manual was provided by a service representative that may or may not be a certified mechanic. PRO EVOLUTION ECU, AUTOSPEED , and subsidiary companies assume no responsibility for the information provided. The information provided is based solely off of the FACTORY SERVICE MANUAL for your vehicle. AUTO EVOLUTION does NOT verify the information prior to release, it is assumed Factory Service Manuals are correct.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why didn’t my manual come with diagrams for my vehicle?

A: Due to licensing regulations, we cannot provide diagrams with purchase. We can only provide

diagrams for support purposes, upon request, Remember, we are using FACTORY diagrams. You can request make and model specific diagrams for no additional cost at http//https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c13550497.html, (See reverse side for details)

Q: Does it matter which of the two black wires from the module I hook up to my vehicle’s sensor? A: No it does not. Just make sure you connect to the IAT sensor. Each wire from the module connects to

one wire on your vehicle. One module wire will never connect to more than one vehicle sensor wire. Q: Do I have to unplug my vehicle’s battery?

A: No. With the many new types of vehicle security systems, unplugging your battery could cause issues

which can only be solved by the dealership. Q :Do I have to use High Octane Gasoline?

A: No you do not, regular grade gasoline is fine. The module will adapt accordingly. We do however

recommend 89 and up for maximum performance. Q :What does this module do?

A: Our Performance Module works by sending a modified signal through a factory sensor, which is

located in your engine compartment, called the Intake Air T emperature (IAT) sensor. This sensor is linked directly to the Engine Control Module (ECM). The ECM controls fuel timing, fuel injection, pulse widths, and more. The signal sent from your Performance Module alters your ECM reading, making it reprogram itself for a better overall engine tune. The module is 100% safe and never bypasses or exceeds factory specifications / limitations.

Q: Is it safe? What about emissions testing and servicing at the dealership?

A: Our Performance Modules “piggy back” onto an existing sensor. It is EXTREMEL Y safe to use

because the ECM has factory safeguards which keep it from going beyond your vehicle’s factory–safe capabilities. This means that it is 100% SAFE for your engine! If you ever decide to sell your vehicle or take it in for servicing, remove our module and the ECM will revert back to its original setting. There are absolutely NO permanent affects, NO footprints, and NO Damage to your engine! Q: The product is not working out for me. What steps do I need to take to return it?

A: Please go to https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c13550497.html, and submit a returns request. Please note that modules

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returned after 15 days will acquire a $15 Restocking Fee and modules returned after 30 days will be exchanged for a new module in accordance with the lifetime guarantee. Q: What is the Lifetime Guarantee?

A: The Lifetime guarantee begins after the 30 days trial period for the original vehicle the module was

purchased for. The Lifetime Guarantee is an exchange only program which allows you to send back the original module for a new module free of charge. Please ship the module back along with a note including a reason for the exchange. Once we receive the original module, we will send you a new one within 1-2 weeks.

How much does it cost?

Performance chip tuning and ECU remaps cost from 200£+V AT. Depending on the work involved remapping your cars ECU chip, the cost for your vehicle may be higher. For a specific quote to chip tune your car ECU, we recommend you contact us directly.

How much power will I get?

Non turbo petrol engines can achieve up to 10% in power. Turbo petrol engines can achieve up to 15% in power and turbo diesels can achieve up to 30% in power from one of our ECU remaps. But, unless you’re interested in top end speed only, it’s the torque improvements you should be really interested in. Why? Because it’s torque that gives you the acceleration, overtaking ability, push in the back when you put your foot down. To find out more, contact AutoSpeed today. You can call us free from a land line on 08000 515 415.

Is ECU remapping safe?

Yes it is. AutoSpeed will only remap your ECU software chip within the safe parameters of your engine. Furthermore, we offer a lifetime guarantee on the stability of your ECU chip tune as evidence to how safe we consider our remapping services to be.

Will remapping affect my warranty?

Chip tuning and ECU remapping will affect your car’s warranty if your car’s warranty excludes any modification to your vehicle during the warranty period. If such a clause does not exist within your car’s warranty then perhaps it might come down to the garage or warranty provider proving that the modification had a direct causal link with the issue at hand that is giving rise to the warranty claim. However, as ECU remapping is not detectible by garage diagnostic systems, whether or not you tell your garage about your ECU remap they will not be aware any modification to your ECU’s software has been made.

Doss chip tuning affect reliability?

No it does not. When your ECU is remapped professionally, its chip is tuned within the safe parameters of your car’s engine. As a result when your car is tuned by AutoSpeed, the ECU remap will not affect your car’s reliability.

Is chip tuning reversible?

Yes it is. Though why you would want to revert your car back to its factory map after having

experienced one of our ECU remaps on your car we could not explain. However, AutoSpeed always retains both a copy of your car’s factory ECU map as well as your car’s chip tuned map. So, if ever your local garage erases your ECU map we will have a back up for you, they won’t but we will! My car is not on your list, can you chip tune it?

If you cannot find you car on our list then contact us. Chances are it can be tuned but we may not have yet updated our list. We’d rather you contact us directly to see if your car can be chip tuned reliably than assume your car cannot be remapped. If you are phoning from a land line you can call us free of charge on 08000 515 415

Can you remap petrol and diesel cars?

Yes we can. Turbo diesels respond best to chip tuning as they can safely gain up to 30% in power and torque. Turbo petrols also response extremely well to ECU remapping and can gain up to 20% in power and torque. Naturally aspirated engines whether they are petrol or diesel do not experience such high power gains but they do benefit from enhanced throttle response and engine smoothness.

Do you remap vans and commercial vehicles?

Yes we do. AutoSpeed can chip tune cars, bikes, vans and commercial vehicles. The principal behind all of these different forms of transport remains the same. That is, we will remap the software on your vehicle’s ECU via the diagnostic socket [OBD port] where possible and if it is necessary to remove the ECU from your vehicle in order to remap it, then we can provide that service for you as well.




You can also email us at a u t o s p e e d .u k @h o t m a i l .c o m

Thank you for buying from a U.K. Based Company!


电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点和技巧。 (参考教材P202-210) 1 概述 电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括: 前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。 其中,基本功能和使用指南是主体部分。 一些简单易用的电器、电子产品,其说明书也相对简略。电器、电子产品说明书译文的预期功能主要是提供商品特点和使用信息,通过让译语用户了解产品的性能、特点、用途、使用和保管等方面,促使其完成购买行为。 2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点 特点概括起来包括: 准确性(accuracy)、 简明性(conciseness)、 客观性(objectivity)等。 2.1 准确性 电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。在英译过程中,必须

把信息内容如实准确地翻译出来,显化原文隐含的信息,消除歧义。一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语: 镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、 三角架(tripod)、 数码变焦(digital zoom)、 快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 2.2 简明性 简明性特点表现为: (1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。 (2)常用缩略形式。例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display) 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED; 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成CPU; 自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF; 手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF 2.3 客观性 电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。这些内容带有描述说明的性质,客观而不带有感情色彩。例如:原文:紧急退出功能键可让使用者在电源故障时,以手动方式打开


Index 索引;卡片索引;文献索引 The index is arranged in alphabetical order. 索引按字母顺序排列。 Version与edition区别 version 包含有转化过程,比如翻译过程,一本书有中文版,后来有了English version. 一个话剧后来出了电影,也叫movie version. 而edition 只包含修改、补充过程,大体上原封不动,没有conversion (转化)过程。Revision 修订本,订正版[C] A revision of that dictionary has been published. 那本词典的修订本已经出版。 Edition What is the edition of this drawing? 这张图纸是第几版? Version Kernel version must be2.2.14or later. 内核版本必须是2.2.14或者更新。 A shortened version of a written work. 书写著作的缩短版本。 1. PKPM series of building engineering CAD software package (ver. 2006.12) 厂区占地面积 科技名词定义 中文名称:厂区占地面积 英文名称:

of power plant 定义:厂区围墙内(生产区)用地面积总和。占地面积——land area 英汉建筑大词典 building area 英汉建筑大词典 floor area n.建筑各层面积;n.楼板面积 Layout 平面模板图 Slab 平板 Mater Plan 总体设计 Pole与Strut区别 Pole 及物动词 vt. 用杆支撑 He poled the raft down the river. 他用篙撑筏沿江而下。 Strut 1. 支撑;支柱;压杆;对角撑 建筑业名称英语词汇_论文_价格_课件_标准... strut支撑;支柱;压杆;对角撑 2.


阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根 2 方案设计 Project Design/Concept Design 2 一般要求 2.1 2.1 General Requirements 2.1.1 方案设计文件 2.1.1 Project design documents 1 设计说明书,包括各专业设计说明以及投资估算等内容; 1 The design specifications include various professional design specifications and investment estimation; for those professions involved with building energy-effective design, the design specification shall include the special content related to the building energy-efficiency; 2 总平面图以及建筑设计图纸(若为城市区域供热或区域煤气调压站,应提供热能动力专业的设计图纸,具体见2.3.3条); 2 The general layout and the b 3 设计委托或设计合同中规定的透视图、鸟瞰图、模型等。 3 The scenograph, bird's-eye view and model specified in the design commission or design contract 2.1.2 方案设计文件的编排顺序 2.1.2 Editing sequence of the project design document 1 封面:写明项目名称、编制单位、编制年月; 1 Cover: project name, preparation units and preparation date 2 扉页:写明编制单位法定代表人、技术总负责人、项目总负责人的姓名,并经上述人员签署或授权盖章; 2 Title page: the name of the legal representative, general technical superintendent and the general project superintendent of the preparation unit, and signed by the above person or authorized with stamp; 3 设计文件目录; 3 design document directory; 4 设计说明书; 4 design specifications; 5 设计图纸。 5 design drawing;


FCZ R Hand(power)hydraulic Master Pin Press Installation,operation,and maintenance manual type LCZ5B type LCZ6B type LCZ10B type LCZ15B Thanks for purchasing the FCZ R hand(power)Hydraulic Master Pin Press.

Before use,please read these instructions completely We at Fuda machinery co.ltd would Iike to thank you for purchasing the FCZ hand(power);lydraulic Master Pin Press To get the most out of vour investment,we encourage you to take a moment to read through the Operator’S manual We have been manufacturing hand(power)Hydraulic Master Pin Press since2002.during this time we llave experienced many different scenarios.Our product support team would be happy to lend assistance or share any ricks of the trade We can always be reached by caIling check our web site for tips also. LIMITED WARRANTY 1.Fu Da Machinery Co Ltd warrants that all new rnachines are free of aIl material and manufacturer defects.The Machine warranty covers all pans and workmanship for a period of one year from the original date of invoice. Should defects in any material or workmanship be discovered during the warranty period,the purchaset should notify the factory or the nearest FCZ representative as soon as possible.Fu Da Machinery CoLtd.will have the option to repair or replace the defective part or machine Freight to and from the factory shall be the responsibility,of the customer 2.To expedite repairs,please provide the model,the serial number,the date of purchase,and the invoice number with the returned machine. 3 Warranty shall be void in the following circumstances: DA MAGE CAUSED BY OPERATOR ABUSE oR NEGLECT OAMAGE CAUSED BY THIRD PARTIES. DAMAGE CAUSED DURING SHIPPING. DANIAGECAUSEDBYOPERATIONSBEYOND RATED CAPACITIES. DAMAGECAUSEDBYANYMODlFICATIONSTOTHE MANUFACTURE S ORlGlNAL DESIGN. 4 Fu Da Machinery Co Ltd Co.Ltd liabil ity on any claim,whether in contract,tort(including negligence)or otherwise,for any loss or damage arising out Of,connected with,or resulting from the mannfacture.sale.delivery,resale,repair,replacement or use of any product shall jn no case exceed the price allocated to the product or part there of,which gives rise to the claim,except as specifically provided in the warranty provisions In no event shall the Fu Da Machinery Co.Ltd be liable for special indirect or consequential damages or any damages resulting from loss oflife or damage to property other than the property'that iS tile subject of this warranty.


目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。以下,我们就来讨论一下说明书的句型和选词问题。 一、产品说明书的若干句型 句型是语言结构的要素。无论英译汉还是汉译英都离不开句型。学习、掌握和使用句型是翻译工作者的必由之路。现将英文产品说明书的若干常见句型说明如下: 1.(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 这种句型用语文章开头,说明该产品是做什么用的,例如: 1)本冲床主要用于冲孔、落料、弯曲、浅拉伸、剪切等冷冲工艺。 This press is mainly suitable for cold working operations, such as punching, blanking, bending, shallow drawing, cutting and so on. 2)该产品用于温度225℃以下的热水管或蒸汽管道上。 1

This product can be used in hot water or steam line with the temperature limited to 225℃. 类似常见的类型还有: ... is used for... ... is used to ... ... is used as... ... is designed to... ... is suitable to be used in... ...is available for (to)... ...may be applicable to... ...may be used to... ...can be used as... ...can be designed as... ...is adapted for (to)... 2


产品说明书英文版V HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】


This manual applies to the following models: 3UA Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 3UB Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 8U Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal ) 8U-S Multiview CONTROLER( Optional Front Panal ) 12U Multiview CONTROLER LED Very-large Dot Matrix Screen Multiview CONTROLER ( K Series ) Monitoring Multiview CONTROLER ( N Series ) 3D Multiview CONTROLER ( 3D Series ) 4K Multiview CONTROLER (4k Series ) IMPORTANT NOTICE The company reserves the right to update the manual according to improvement of products without any prior notice. In the process of using, if any content in this manual is inconsistent with actual products or there is any further question during use, please contact document information department of our company. Please read this manual carefully before using the CONTROLER and properly file it after reading for future reference. Pictures are for reference only, subject to our available products. Please pay close attention to those with the Icon of in the article.


施工图中英文对照词汇表 设计图 layout;design 施工图 final 平面图 plan 立面图 elevation 轴测图、透视图 isometric drawing;detail drawing 详图、大样图、接点图 record drawing 修改图竣工图 as-completed drawing; as-built drawing 图名 title 图号 drawn No. 比例 scale 温度 temperature 设计温度 design temperature 湿度 humidity 流量 flow 流速 flow velocity 摄氏温度centigrade scale(℃) 华氏温度Fahrenheit scale(°F) 公称直径 nominal diameter(DN) 外径 outside diameter(OD) 内径 inside diameter(ID) 一览表 list; breviate; catalogue 毛重 gross weight 净重 net weight 支座 saddle 支架 support 吊架 cradle 间距 distance; clearance; spacing 跨距 span 焊接 welding 焊缝 weld; welding seam; bead 石棉水泥接口 asbestos-cement joint 青铅接口 lead joint 承口、大头 hub; bell; socket 插口、小头 spigot

压力试验 pressure test 水压试验 hydraulic test 渗漏 leakage 关闭 close 型号、类型 type; model 尺寸、体积 size; volume 额定功率 rating power 额定转速 rotating speed 授权经销商 authorized dealers 原始设备制造商 OEM (Original Equipment Manafacture) 风机动力型VAV-CAV末端 fan power VAV-CAV terminal units 保持最新技术 keep with the latest technology 中国唯一的销售商 the sole Chinese distributor 工程管理,设计,施工,服务,或者商务管理 project management, design, construction, service, or business administration 用于商业和工业空气运动与洁净室的环境控制系统Environment Control System for Commercial & Industrial Air Movement & Clean-rooms 温湿度精确控制 Precision Temperature & Humidity Control 个性化温度控制 Individual Zone Temperature Control 节能 Energy Conservation 能量管理系统 Energy Management Systems 中央冷冻系统 Central Chiller Systems 能量回收系统 Energy Recovery Systems 工作现场,工地 jobsite HVACR系统与BAS/DDC控制系统之间的桥接装置 A Bridge Role in HVAC & R System and BAS/DDC Control HVAC总成本和投资估算 Total HVAC cost and investment evaluation 系统设计和应用 System design and application 系统和设备的选择、效率和运行成本 System and equipment selection, efficiency and operating cost 和其他工种的配合 Coordination with other departments 监督工程进度、分配时间和施工工作 Monitoring project progress, delivery time and construction work 设备购买,运输,质量保证 Appurtenances purchase, delivery and warranties 执行设计计划并应对工程部门的检查Implementing the design plan and subject the work to the inspection of the Engineering Department


产品说明书范文英文版 电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英) 便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics 使用说明书User’s Manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验 产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获 取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用 本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机, 如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容 有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice. 一、产品概述 General Information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响, 适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐

球阀使用说明书英文版(ball valve)

Product Manual - Operation and Maintenance Manual Product Name:API 6D Ball Valve January 2012

1Scope This manual covers manually/motor/pneumatic operated seat supported /trunnion supported ball valve having tow/three pieces body with nominal sizes DN 15mm-1200mm (1/2”-48”) and class ranges PN1.6MPa-10MPa(ANS1 class 150-2500). Valve ends may be threaded, flanged, butt-welded or socket 2 Applications 2.1 Ball valves are used to open/close the flow in pipeline. 2.2 The nature of applicable fluid depends on valve material: 2.2.1 Carbon steel valve applies to non-corrosive fluid, such as water, vapor or oil etc. 2.3 Temperature range depend on sent material: PTFE ≤130℃ RPTFE ≤160℃ PPL ≤300℃ NYLON ≤121℃ 3. standard: Basic design API 6D-2008 Inspe crlon tesring BS EN 12266.1-2003 End flange ASME B16.5-2009 TEMP. & PRESSURE ASME B16.34-2009 Face toface ASME B16.10-2009 Main parts and materials ASME materials, see Table 1 Figure 1:Trunnion Ball Valve 4 Structure 4.1 Ball Valve structure is shown in Fig. 1.


. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件 I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】 【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】 【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】 【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】 【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】 【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】 【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design


Product characteristics: It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水 产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水触感清爽、柔滑,为肌肤注入充足的水分,并形成保湿锁水薄膜,维持角质层正常含水量,平衡皮肤酸碱值,另肌肤更健康;富含蚕丝蛋白、甘草、海藻精华,提升肌肤美白原动力,改善暗沉肤色,软化角质,重塑肌肤的盈白亮丽,水凝通透。 product characteristics: Being refreshing,it slowers the oxidation caused by free radicals and blocks kinds of radiation to strengthen the resistivity of the skin. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences, it strengthens the whitening funtion as well as concealing the dark and rough state of the skin and marking it white, smooth and fine naturally. 活肌盈BB霜 产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。 肌活盈白BB霜含有丰富蚕丝蛋白、甘草萃取精华能修复问题肌肤,呈现最时尚的薄透裸妆。添加高保湿美容圣品的霍霍巴油,让基督保有水润明亮,智慧型的抑油功能,维持整天完美的轻透亮。 ACTIVE WHITE MOISTURIZING LOTION Product Charateristics:with natural moisturizing factors,it keeps replenishing water an increase the elasticty of the skin to keep it more moisturized. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences,it strenthens whitening funtion as well as toning the dark and unevening complexion to keep it moisturized,white,graceful and attractive. 肌活盈白润肤乳 产品特点:质地清透幼滑,迅速渗透,持续给予肌肤充分滋养,让干燥粗糙的肌肤变得明亮润滑,显着改善肤色,用后肌肤清透柔亮,犹如出水芙蓉般水润透白。 蕴含蚕丝蛋白、洛神花和透明质酸,深层保湿,并在肌肤表明形成锁


建筑build; architecture; construct; architectural; architectural & industrial ceramics 建筑安装工程量construction work quantity 建筑板材building board 建筑材料表list of building materials 建筑材料检验building material testing 建筑材料行building material dealer 建筑材料运输列车construction train 建筑草图architectural sketch 建筑朝向building orientation 建筑成本预算construction cost estimate 建筑承包商building contractor 建筑尺度architectural scale 建筑处理architectural treatment 建筑创作architectural creation 建筑大五金architectural metalwork 建筑大样architectural detail 建筑单元building unit 建筑费construction cost 建筑风格architectural style 建筑辅助系统building subsystem 建筑钢construction(al) steel 建筑钢板building sheet 建筑高度building height; height of building 建筑高度分区building height zoning; height zoning 建筑工程升降机builder's lift 建筑工地选择siting 建筑工羊角锤头builder's claw hammer head 建筑工业building industry; construction industry 建筑工种building trades 建筑构思architectural conception 建筑构图composition on architecture; architectural composition 建筑构造building construction 建筑估价building cost estimate 建筑管理architectural control 建筑规程building regulations 建筑规范building code 建筑机械construction machinery; building machinery 建筑及维护规则recommendation 建筑结构building structure 建筑结构分析语言structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 建筑立面elevation of building; building elevation 建筑沥青bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10 建筑力学architectural mechanics 建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminum profile production line 建筑毛面积gross floor area 建筑毛造价gross building cost 建筑面积area of structure; covered area 建筑面积比floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) 建筑面积指标floor-space index (F.S.I.) 建筑模数building module


spiral chute 1、 product description spiral chute is integrated spiral separator, spiral chute, shaker, centrifugal concentration machine characteristics of the equipment, mining, mineral processing is the best equipment, especially the seaside, riverside, sand beach, the stream of placer mining is more ideal. the product has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple installation, covers an area of small, simple operation, stable ore beneficiation, clear, large processing capacity, high efficiency enrichment ratio high, high recovery rate, reliable operation characteristics. have weight light, moisture-proof, rust-proof, corrosion resistance, of the feeding quantity and concentration, particle size, quality of volatility adaptability is strong, no noise. 2、 separation principle spiral chute is a membrane flow gravity separation equipment, the selection principle is the use of useful minerals and gangue in proportion, particle size, shape differences, in rotating inclined flow by gravity, centrifugal force, hydrodynamic pressure and friction force with different groove face, realize the useful minerals and gangue stratification, branch tape sorting. heavy, coarse granularity, fast sedimentation of particles gradually moved towards the spiral groove inner edge, the proportion of small, fine particle size, particle sedimentation slow gradually moved to the spiral groove edge, gradually banding, culminating in the spiral groove end by cutting ore tank is respectively connected out, to realize separation. 3、 application the sorting equipment for grain size 0.3--0.02 mm fine iron ore, titanium ore, chromite, pyrite, zircon, monazite, rutile , phosphorus ore, tungsten, tin, b mine of tantalum niobium ore with the difference of specific gravity, and other non-ferrous metals, rare metals and non-metallic mineral. the sorting process with a stable, easy to control, to allow changes to the mineral concentration range, high enrichment, high recovery rate, small occupation area, little water consumption, simple structure, no need of power, large processing quantity, simple installation, convenient operation, small investment, quick advantages. 4、the method of use the spiral chute is erected, calibrated vertical line, with metal or wood fixed in position, by the sand pump will ore to spiral top two inlet, adding supplemental water, mineral ore concentration regulation paddle, paddle down naturally from high swirl, in rotating inclined flow produces a kind of inertial centrifugal force, with ore proportion, particle size, shape differences, swirl through the action of gravity and centrifugal force, will be mine and sand separating, concentrate into the concentrate pipe connected with a hopper, tailings into tailing bucket a pipeline is connected to a sand pool, then the pump discharge, finished processing the whole process. 5、structure and technical parameter 6、installation spiral chute installation procedures and requirements: 1) first check the glass steel spiral slice quality (especially the work surface

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