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2018.4.21 大学英语专业四级真题语言知识部分答案详细解析

11.The Bent Pyramid outside Cario ______ ancient Egypt pyramid.

A.has been believed to have been

B.was believed to be

C.is believed to have been believed to be ’ s first attempt to-sidebuild a smooth

解析: C. is believed to have been. 位于 Cariof 附近的弯曲金字塔被认为是古埃及第一次尝试建

造的一个表面光滑的金字塔。背景相关知识,弯曲金字塔,是公元前2600 年由第一位法老萨

夫罗修建的,位于距离 Cario 西南 27 公里处的地区,它是仅存的表面平滑

金字塔之一,塔身弯曲。考点分析, sb/sth be believed to do/to be doing/to

have done用法 , sb/sth be believed to

do(将来时态,代表某人某物被认为将要做某事),Lucy is believed to go to London. Lucy 被认

为将要去伦敦。(没去);sb/sth be believed to be doing(现在时态,某人或某事物正在做某

事) ,Lucy is believed to going to London. Lucy 被认为正在去伦敦的路上。(在去的路上);

sb/sth be believed to have done(过去时态,代表某人某事物被认为应该做过某事),Lucy is

believed to have gone to London. Lucy 被认为去过伦敦。(已经去了)。拓展句型,

The refugees from Syria are believed to have committed various crimes in Germany since

June 2015. 人们相信叙利亚来的难民自 2015 年 6 月份以来已经在德国犯下了


12.U.S.News _______ rankings of colleges since1983. They are a very popular resource for students

looking to apply to a university campus.


B. is maintaining


D.has been maintaining

解析: D.has been maintaining. 《美国新闻》从 1983 年起就一直保持着大学



(have been doing),从过去某一时间点( 1983 年)到现在仍然进行的动作

(一直保持大学排名)。拓展句型, Tom has been playing football for two

hours.Tom 已经踢了两个小时的足球了。 maintain 重要词汇, vt. ( keep steady)

维持, ~to maintain world peace, ( support)供养,

~to maintain a family of 6, (assert坚称) ~to maintain that, (look after 保养—vehicle、 machine、 building )~to maintain a road.

13.☆ He was lured into a crime he would not _____ have committed.

A. actually

B. otherwise

C. accidentally

D. seldom

解析: B. otherwise. 他是被引诱的 , 要不然的话 , 他是不会犯罪的。考点分析,

otherwise 用在

定语从句结构中 , 并与虚拟语气搭配使用。本题省略了that, He was lured into a crime that he

would not otherwise have committed. 本句中省略的关系代词that 指代先行词 crime, 充当

commit 的宾语。 Otherwise 的这一用法既可以出现在

that/which/who 引导的普通定语从句中


也可以出现在 than 引导的特殊定语从句。 otherwise 的基本含义是“在相反


假设情形。本句 otherwise 是对过去的虚拟 , otherwise 就相当于虚拟条件从句

“if it had not been for 此时⋯”that, 定语从句中的结构

为“that somebody would otherwise have +过去分词”。整个定语从句相当于这样一个完整的虚

拟句 : “He would not have committed the crime if he had not been lured into it. 如

果他当时没有”(受引诱 ,他就不会犯罪了。 ) 具体用法请查阅 otherwise 与定语


14.she was once a young country wife with chickens in the backyard and a view of _____ mountains

behind the apple orchard.

1. blue hazy Virginia B. Virginia blue hazy C. hazy blue Virginia D. hazy

Virginia blue

解析: C.hazy blue Virginia. 她曾经是一个年轻的乡村妻子,后院养着鸡,在苹果园后面可以

看到朦胧的蓝色弗吉尼亚山脉。只要你记住口诀“限数描大形 ,新色国材名”

这句话 , 此题就迎刃而解。如, these two useful small new white American calculators.

15.I long to alleviate _____, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

A.the evil


C.an evil


解析: A.the evil. 我盼望减轻这些罪恶,但无能为力, 我自己也在受苦受难。考点分析,考句

选自罗素的 What I Have Lived For ,Bertrand Russell. the evil, 邪恶,罪恶;alleviate vt. 减轻,缓解

16.Indeed, it is arguable that body shattering is the very point of football, as killing and maiming

_____ .

A. war

B.are war

C.of war

D.are of war

解析: D.are of war. 事实上,身体损害是足球的关键是可论证的,如同
