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Pragmatics is the systematic study of meaning by virtue of, or dependent on, the use of language. The central topics of inquiry of pragmatics include implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and deixis.

1 格赖斯的会话含义理论

格赖斯非自然意义理论(a theory of meaning nn)(nn-non natural)

S meaning nn p by “uttering” U to A if and only S intends:当且仅当





“非自然意义”也可叫做“说话人意义”(speaker meaning),实际上就是表达和意识意图(交际效果),也就是我们说的语用意义。

1.1 合作原则和会话准则

(1)合作原则(cooperative principle):在参与交谈时,要根据场合和需求,使你说的话符合你所参与的交谈的公认目的或方向。

(2)会话准则(the maxins of conversation):





1.2 说话者和会话准则的关系



(3)说话者选择不遵守某一准则(opt out of a maxim):“冲突”状况,遵循一条违背另一条

(4)说话者故意违反或利用一条准则(flout or exploit a maxim)

1.3 Conversational implicature O和Conversational implicature F

(1)Conversational implicature O :直接遵守会话准则产生的会话含义。

①质:Tim在1989年发明了万维网。 +>


②量:John有六张信用卡。+> John最多有六张信用卡。

③相关:John:现在几点?Mary:博物馆还没开门。+> 现在的时间至少比博物馆开门要早。

④方式:John去麦当劳买了两个汉堡。+> John先去了麦当劳,然后买了两个汉堡。

(2)Conversational implicature F :说话者故意违背会话准则产生的会话含义。

①质:乔姆斯基是一位伟大的社会语言学家。+> 乔姆斯基根本不是社会语言学家。

②量:(ⅰ)War is war. +> (ⅱ)Terrible things always happen in war.that’s nature,and it’s no use lamenting

that particular tragedy.

③相关:John:Susan can be such a cow sometimes! Mary:Oh,waht a lovely day! +>

One shouldn’t speak ill of people behind their back.

④方式:a.John smiled. b.The corners of John’s lips turned slightly upward. +>

John did not exactly smile.


1.4 一般性会话含义和特殊性会话含义


(1)一般性会话含义:Mos t of John’s friends believe in marriage. +>

Not all of John’s friends believe in marriage.

(2)特殊性会话含义:John: Where’s Peter? Mary: The light in his office is on. +> Peter is in his office.

1.5 会话含义的特征



(ⅰ)语义内涵(semantic entailments)

His wife is often complaining. +> His wife is not always complaining.

His wife is often , in fact always complaining.

(ⅱ)背景假设(background assumptions)

John and Mary bought an apartment near the Louvre in Paris. +>

John and Mary bought an apartment near the Louvre in Paris together, not one each.

The Americans and the Russians tested an atom bomb in 1962. +>

The Americans and the Russians tested an atom bomb in 1962 together, not one each.


John:This CD is eight euros, and I haven’t got any money on me.Mary:Don’t worry,I’ve got eight euros. ~+>Mary has got only eight euros.

(ⅳ)优先会话含义(priority conversational implicatures)



The film almost/nearly won/came close to winning an Oscar. +> The film did not win an Oscar. (3)可推导性(calculability):可根据合作原则和会话准则推导出会话含义。



The soup is warm +> The soup is not hot 比较:Tthe soup is warm, but not hot.



2 规约含义

2.1 规约含义的内涵



(1)p therefore q +>> q follows p

He is Chinese;he therefore knows how to use chopsticks.

(2)p but q +>> p contrasts with q

John is poor but he is honest.