当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省海头高级中学2020年高考英语单选题专练(十二)




1. The New York Times started _____ new text messaging service that delivers

_____ latest news to mobile phones.

A. /; /

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. the; a

2. For all the professional athletes, ________to the Olympics means that they

have a chance to enter the history books.

A. approach

B. attachment

C. appeal

D. access

3. The theory is of great importance _____ the hotter a body is, the more energy it gives off.

A. which

B. that

C. when

D. what

4. ---What’s all that noise?

---Just in front of the bus __________ an injured man, all covered with blood.

A. lies

B. where lies

C. that lies

D. is lying

5. _________ her home, Lily went to the kitchen and began to prepare supper.

A. As soon as she returned

B. On arriving

C. After she got

D. Immediately she reached

6. The written record of his account doesn’t ____________ what was actually said.

A. refer to

B. correspond to

C. cater to

D. appeal to

7. ---- Is military service ____________ for every citizen in your country? ---- No, but almost all the boys between 18 and 25 have to.

A. optional

B. absolute

C. compulsory



8. Why did she steal things _____ she could easily afford to buy them?

A. when

B. since

C. in case

D. so that

9. I __________ remind you that you’re drinking too much.

A. feel bound to

B. feel reluctant to

C. am desperate

to D. am willing to

10. Was it through Mary,_____ was working at a high school, ____ you got to know Tom?

A. who; who

B. that; which

C. who; that

D. who; which

11. The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years_____ trees

in that remote area is now considered to be of great value.

A. to plant

B. to planting

C. plant

D. planting

12. ---Where is your mother working?

---In a hospital ________ our town.

A. is located in

B. is set in

C. set in

D. [located in

13. “Only two centimeters higher, _______ break the world record,” encouraged the coach.

A. you will

B. and you will

C. or you will

D. will you

14. --- Can I pay the bill by check?

--- Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment ______ be made in cash.

A. can

B. will

C. shall

D. may

15. ---Tom was caught cheating in the exam.

---Just his luck. ______

A. He has to face the music.

B. He has to kill the fatted calf.

C. He must be the salt of the earth.

D. He must be a black sheep.



2018届江苏省高考英语零模(摸底考试)试卷分类汇编--------单项选择题 (一)2018苏州高三期初调研卷 第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16. The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally ______, and this policy continues to go strong. A. acknowledged B. appreciated C. accomplished D. accompanied 17. According to the local law, no one ______ enter the building site without permission. A. can B. must C. shall D. dare 18. By making it possible for cancer to be detected early in people with no symptoms through a simple blood test, we aim to greatly decrease cancer deaths by finding the disease at a stage ______ it can be cured. A. which B. when C. where D. what 19. The auto factory ______ new profit records through technical innovation —10% growth rate in the last two years and hopefully 15% this year. A. set B. has set C. is setting D. has been setting 20. The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but every meal can serve at least two people and is under ¥10, so not only is it ______ but practical as well. A. adaptable B. adjustable C. adoptable D. affordable 21. Take the medicine right away! ______ it yesterday, you would be quite all right now. A. Had you taken B. Would you take C. Should you take D. Were you to take 22. One hundred and fifteen Chinese companies hit the newly released Fortune 500 list for 2017, ______ an increase for the 14th straight year, domestic website https://www.doczj.com/doc/4d3357826.html, reported on Thursday. A. to realize B. realized C. realizing D. having realized

江苏赣榆县海头高级中学14-15学年高二下学期周末训练数学(理)试题(15) (Word版含答案)

江苏省海头高级中学2014-2015学年第二学期周末训练(15) 高二数学试题(选修物理) (考试时间120分钟,总分160分) 1、设复数满足,其中为虚数单位,则 . 2、若双曲线122 22=-b y a x 的两个焦点到一条准线的距离之比为3:2,则双曲线的离心率______ 3、的二项展开式中,的系数是___________(用数字作答). 4、圆的极坐标方程为 ,则该圆的半径为 . 5、函数的最大值是 . 6、 P 为椭圆22 143 x y +=上的一点,M 、N 分别是圆22(1)4x y ++=和22(1)1x y -+=上的点,则|PM | + |PN |的最大值为 . 7、已知曲线的极坐标方程分别为和,则曲线交点的极坐标为 . 8、过点()0,4-作直线l 与圆0204222=--++y x y x 交于A 、B 两点,若AB=8,则直线 l 的方程为__ __ 9、从集合中随机选取一个数记为,从集合中随机选取一个数记为,则直线不经过第三象限的概率为 . 10、某校学生在上学路上要经过2个路口,假设在各路口是否遇到红灯是相互独立的,遇到红灯的概率都是,遇到红灯时停留的时间都是2分钟.则该校某个学生在上学路上因遇到红灯停留的总时间的均值等于 分钟. 11、已知函数,下列四个条件:①②③

④,其中是的充分条件的是(填正确答案的序 号). 12、关于的方程至少有一个负实根的充要条件是. 13、小东购买一种叫做“买必赢”的彩票,每注售价10元,中奖的概率为,如果每注奖 的奖金为300元,那么小东购买一注彩票的期望收益是元.14、在证明恒等式时,可利用组合数 表示,即推得.类似地,在推导恒等式 时,也可以利用组合数表示推得。则 ______________. 15、已知二阶矩阵有特征值及对应的一个特征向量,并且在矩阵作用下将 点变换成点。(1)求矩阵; (2)求矩阵的另一个特征值,及对应的一个特征向量的坐标之间的关系; (3)求直线在矩阵作用下的直线的方程。 16、已知命题:≥0;:≤0()。 (1)若命题为真命题,求实数的取值范围; (2)若是成立的充分不必要条件,求实数的取值范围。 17、已知。 (1)若,,求∑ =- 2012 )1 ( i i i a的值;


2014年高考题单选 21. Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed. A. though B. as C. since D. unless 22. The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ________ a good impression is a must. A. which B. when C. as D. where 23. —How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing —Well, the media ________ it in a variety of forms. A. cover B. will cover C. have covered D. covered 24. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay ________. A. in place B. in order C. in shape D. in fashion

25. Top graduates from universities are ________ by major companies. A. chased B. registered C. offered D. compensated 26. —What a mess! You are always so lazy! —I’m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me. A. how B. what C. that D. who 27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful ________ in last year’s election. A. symbol B. portrait C. identity D. statue 28. The idea “happiness, ” ________, will not sit still for easy definition. A. to be rigid B. to be sure C. to be perfect D. to be fair 29. The lecture ________, a lively question-and-answer session followed. A. being given B. having given C. to be given D.


高一(下)数学周练4 命题:张文花 审题:王哈莉 一、填空题(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 5 分,共70分.请把答案填写在答题卡的相应位置上.) 1、计算:sin210°= . 2、在空间直角坐标系O xyz -中,点)3,2,1(P 关于xOz 平面的对称点的坐标是 . 3、已知扇形的半径长为2,面积为4,则该扇形圆心角所对的弧长为 4、已知3 4tan - =θ(0<θ<π),则cos θ= . 5、以点)13(, C 为圆心,且与x 轴相切的圆的方程是 . 6、 如果 α α α α cos 5sin 3cos 2sin +-= - 5,那么tan α的值为 . 7、函数f (x ) = 4 sin ??? ??+3π2x (x ∈R )的对称中心为 . 8、圆224640x y x y ++-+=与圆222430x y x y ++--=的公共弦所在的直线方程为 _______. 9、已知函数y = sin (ωx +φ) π(0,0)2 ω?><≤ 的图象如图所示,则点(ω,φ)的坐标是__________.

10、方程sin(x -2π)=lg x 的实根个数是__________. 11、过点(3,1)作一直线与圆22(1)9x y -+=相交于M 、N 两点,则MN 的最小值为 12、函数y = lg (sin x ) +216x -的定义域为 . 13、如果 sin α + cos α = 43,那么 sin 3α – cos 3 α 的值为 . 14.函数2sin 2cos y x x =+在区间2[,]3a π-上的值域为1[,2]4-,则a 的范围是 . 二、解答题(本大题共6小题,共90分,解答应必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.) 15、已知角α是第三象限角, 求:(1)角 2 α是第几象限的角;(2)角2α终边的位置. 16、已知圆024102:22=-+-+y x y x M 和圆0822:22=-+++y x y x N 相交与B A ,两点.

江苏省高考英语单项选择题 人教版

江苏省高考英语单项选择题 练习单选题(情境提示)40题命题人丁庆云命题单位常州五中1. ---Shall I come with you tomorrow? ---I’d rather you ____. A. didn’t B. won’t C. don’t D. wouldn’t 2. ---What do you think of the color of my new blouse? ---Very good. You look nice in green. Green ____ you. A. suits B. fits C. matches D. meets 3. ---Would you like to take a walk with us? ---Sorry, I’m too busy to _____. A. get away B. put away C. run away D. give away 4. ---I think it’s a good idea. ---I couldn’t agree _____. A. much B. less C. more D. little 5. ---Tom is very stupid. He fails in the exam. ---In my opinion, he is _____ than stupid. A. lazier B. no lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather 6 ---We __ that you would fix the TV set this week? ---I’m sorry. I ____ to fix it this week, but I’ve been too busy. A. had expected; had intended B. are expecting; had intended C. expect; intend D. expected; intend 7. ---How are you today? ---Oh, I ____ as ill as I do now for a very long time. A. didn’t feel B. wasn’t feeling C. don’t feel D. haven’t felt 8. ---The child didn’t take the medicine yesterday evening, did he? ---_____. A. No, but I wish he did B. Yes, but I wish he did C. No, but I wish he had D. Yes, but I wish he had 9. ---Why were you in a bad mood yesterday? ---My son ____ me down badly though I trusted him. A. put B. left C. let D. set 10. ---That is to say, you ____ to Japan last year. ---Yes, but my mother won’t let me. A. were to have gone B. were to go C. had gone D. went 11. –And besides, these colors are more _____ you. A. becoming to B. belonging to C. referring to D. used to 12. ---Do you have any idea what Tom did yesterday afternoon? ---I know he spent at least as much time playing football as he _____. A. did writing B. wrote C. spent to write D. was writing 13. ---Why did you stop writing? ---My ink has _____. A. used up B. run out of C. given away D. given out 14. ---Do you know when the Chinese custom ____ from?


训练一(原题号不变) 21. The color green in ancient Egypt symbolized spring, which is the time of _______ year when things in nature start to grow after _______ long winter. A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a 22. The new CEO asked that all inter-office communications ______ in writing rather than orally , ______ possible. A. have been made; whoever B. would be made; whichever C. be made; whenever D. were made; whatever 23. With the little __________ money, the child told me in a ___________ voice that on the way home most of his money had been stolen. A. remained; trembled B. remained; trembling C. remaining; trembled D. remaining; trembling 24.Please remember to remind them that the products inside are ________ and must be handled with great care. A. stubborn B. dynamic C. dedicate D. fragile 25. Hong Kong residents say they can no longer ________ the ongoing Occupy Central protests which greatly influenced their daily life and local business, and ask the protestors to ________ the streets. A. catch up with; escape from B. keep up with; draw from C. come up with; shrink from D. put up with; withdraw from 26. The manager needs an assistant that he can _____ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count on B. count in C. count up D. count out 27. China has officially set Sept 3 as "Victory Day" to mark China's victory over Japan in World War II. The establishment of "Victory Day" highlights Beijing's ________ to peaceful development and the importance of ________ the past. A. commitment; acknowledging B. application; admitting C. acknowledging; committing D. admission; applying 28. Consumers, whose purchases ________ about 70% of economic activity, face a variety of challenges. A .take up B. account for C. hold up D. occupy with 29. Bill Russell is a short boy, but he is so energetic and quick that we all _________ him highly as an excellent basketball player. A. rate B. mark C. appoint D. solute 30. Jane is really honest and never tends to hide her opinion. She must give you a(n) ________ suggestion about what you have been arguing about. A. abrupt B. ambiguous C. straightforward D. arbitrary 31. Peng Liyuan has been wearing Ma Ke’s designs for more than a decade, however, ________the brand, Peng’s support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands. A. regardless of B. instead of C. in place of D. in charge of 32. As we all know, electronic products are always under continuous renewal. If robots like Ava _________, they could represent a new opportunity for mobile app developers. A. take on B. catch on C. work on D. turn on 33. The new hospital will be located in _________ used to be a wasteland and a huge shopping mall will also be constructed ________ there used to be a school many years ago. A. where; where B. what ; in which C. what ; where D. which; where 34. Use your head; nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as _________learned through practice. A. those B. what C. that D. the one 35. _________ in the Middle East, Jordan holds a key strategic position, ________ both Israel and Iraq. A. Lying; bordering B. Locating; bordering C. Lying; bordered D. Located; bordered 训练二 21. — Kim, give me your report by 10 am. — _______ have you been in charge of this project? A. Since when B. By whom C. For what D. From where 22. _______ sufficient historical and legal grounds, China’s position on the South China Sea has been consistent and clear. A. Associated with B. Based on C. Centered around D. Assessed by 23. Each misfortune you come across will carry in _______ the seed of tomorrow’s good luck. So hang on until you succeed. A. one B. some C. that D. it


江苏省赣榆县海头高级中学2020-2021学年高一上学期第一 次月考化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.右图为农夫山泉矿泉水瓶上的部分说明文字,列出了该饮用天然水理化指标。这里的钙、镁、钾、钠是指 A.原子B.分子C.单质 D.元素 2.下列各组物质中,依次属于单质、酸、盐的一组是 A.干冰、石灰石、氧化钙B.液氯、硝酸、纯碱C.水、烧碱、食盐D.氧气、盐酸、熟石灰3.下列各组物质,前者属于电解质,后者属于非电解质的是A.NaCl晶体、BaSO B.铜、二氧化硫 4 、硫酸溶液C.液态的醋酸、酒精D.熔融的KNO 3 4.气体的体积主要由以下什么因素决定的:①气体分子的直径②气体物质的量的多少③气体分子间的平均距离④气体分子的相对分子质量() 1

A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④5.实验室用如图所示的装置蒸馏海水,下列说法正确的是 A.蒸馏烧瓶中加入碎瓷片的作用是防止暴 沸 B.实验时冷却水应从a进入,从b流出. C.锥形瓶中能收集到高浓度的氯化钠溶液 D.该装置可用于分离海水中的NaCl和MgCl 2 6.胶体与其他分散系本质的区别是() A.是否具有吸附性B.能否发生丁达尔现象 C.是否均一、稳定、透明D.分散质粒子直径大小 7.下列说法中正确的是() A.HNO3的摩尔质量为63g B.含有阿伏加德罗常数个微粒的集合体为1mol C.64gSO2中含有1molO2D.一个氮气分子的实际质量约为14/N A g 8.下列化学反应中,属于氧化还原反应的是() A.2FeCl2+Cl2=2FeCl3B.H2CO3=H2O+CO2 C.NaOH+HCl=NaCl+H2O D.NH3+HCl=NH4Cl 9.用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是() A.28g氮气所含有的原子数目为N A B.常温常压下,22.4L氯化氢所含的原子数为2N A C.标准状况下,22.4L水中含有个水分子N A D.2.4g镁与足量的盐酸反应,失去的电子数为0.2N A 10.氧化还原反应与四种基本反应类型的关系如图所示。下列化学反应属于阴影部分的是

江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学2020年高考语文专题复习 高考作文教学计划

高三作文教学计划 为了切实增强作文教学的科学性、实效性,根据高考考纲中关于写作的内容规定,针对学生作文现状,特研究制定14——15学年度第一学期高三作文教学计划如下。 一、基本设想 1、目标:落实“两基”,即“基本文体”与“基础等级”。 本期作文训练,着眼于基础,着眼于全体学生。通过训练,首先使学生能熟练写作议论文、记叙文这两类最基本的文体,再适当兼顾其他文体,力争拿到基础等级的上限分。 考纲中关于文体的规定是“能写论述类、实用类和文学类文章”。这三类大的文体分别包含众多的小的门类,如果分门别类、面面俱到地进行训练,势必分散精力,难以保证训练的实效性;因此,从学生的作文习惯、已有基础和高考的实际情况出发,拟集中力量抓议论文、记叙文这两类最基本的文体训练,使学生强化认识,掌握要诀,形成能力,从而保证大面积过关。另一方面,学生作文水平差异很大,从保护和促进中上等层次学生的作文发展考虑,必须适当安排除两类基本文体之外的其他文体训练,并相应提高能力要求,以满足这一部分学生的作文需求,进一步提高他们的作文水平,从而使一个较大的群体达到二类作文及以上的层次。 2、重点:文体与考纲要求并重。 以文体训练为线,以考纲规定的能力要求为点,把相关能力点穿插在文体训练之中。 3、题型:以新材料作文与命题作文为主,注重二次作文训练。 从总的趋势来看,新材料作文正占据主要地位,但广东省等省份一直采用话题作文形式,所以要一方面继续重视话题作文,另一方面不能不十分重视直接命题作文,此外,命意作文也不能忽略。 4、课时、篇数及其他:20课时,8篇作文。 原则上每两周一次作文和讲评,每次两课时,共计20课时,有计划的作文8次;此外穿插校内月考,每次均安排作文测试,全学期总共作文不少于15次。除测试外,采用课内限时作文和课外限时作文相结合的方式完成;课内安排有计划的写作指导5次;评改和讲评的方式与详略,视作文的具体情况而定,但每次指导、评改、讲评均紧扣目标,有明确的针对性。 二、内容与序列 前半学期以巩固、提高议论、记叙两种基本文体的写作能力训练为主,将考纲中相应的“基础等级”的能力要求分散穿插于各次作文中;后半学期以学生自定文体为主,在继续强化“基础等级”能力的同时,分步实施“发展等级”的能力训练。 训练体系安排如下: 周次/篇序 体 裁 训练 点 要求 2/1 议 论文 审题 与立意 符合题意与文体要求,感情真挚,思想健 康。 指导 (一) 4/2 议 论文 议论 文结构 掌握议论文的各种结构方式,使结构完 整。 6/3 议 论文 论证 的方法 运用多种论证方法使议论文内容充实。 8/4 记 叙文 审题 与立意 符合题意与文体要求,感情真挚,思想健 康。 指导 (二) 11/5 记 叙文 构思 与表达 学会选材并运用多种表达方式来充实内 容。

江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学2015届高三语文 文言文 文言文常用实词复习专项检测

江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学2015届高三语文文言文文言文常用实词 复习专项检测 1. 官人疑策爱也,秘之。() 2. 有功故出反囚,罪当诛,请按之() 3. 高祖遣使就拜东南道尚书令,封吴王。() 4. 府省为奏,敕报许之。() 5. 齐孝公伐我北鄙。() 6. 大败李信,入两壁,杀七都尉。() 7. 尧民之病水者,上而为巢。() 8. 焕初除市令,过谢乡人吏部侍郎石琚。() 9. 师进,次于陉。()10. 天下有大勇者,卒然临之而不惊。()11. 王趣见,未至,使者四三往。()12. 存诸故人,请谢宾客。() 13. 若复失养,吾不贷汝矣。()14. 楚庄王谋事而当,群臣莫能逮。()15. 使裕胜也,必德我假道之惠。()16. 陛下登杀之,非臣所及。() 17. 凡再典贡部,多柬拔寒俊。()18. 衡揽笔而作,文不加点。() 19. 诸公多其行,连辟之,遂皆不应。()20. 太祖知其心,许而不夺。() 21. 阿有罪,废国法,不可。()22. 弁性好矜伐,自许膏腴。() 23. 声色之多,妻孥之富,止乎一己而已。()24. 所犯无状,干暴贤者。() 25. 致知在格物。()26. 欲通使,道必更匈奴中。() 27. 瓒闻之大怒,购求获畴。()28. 齐将马仙埤连营稍进,规解城围。()29. 舅李常过其家,取架上书问之,无不通。()30.吾民给足而无憾于下。() 31. 不去,羽必杀增,独恨其去不早耳。()32. 命下,遂缚以出,不羁晷刻。()33. 膑至,庞涓恐其贤于己,疾之。()34. 曾预市米吴中,以备岁俭。()35. 其简开解年少,欲遣就师。()36. 时杨素恃才矜贵,轻侮朝臣。()37. 遂铭石刻誓,令民知常禁。()38. 明法审令,捐不急之官。()39. 告俭与同郡二十四人为党,于是刊章讨捕。()40. 盖始者实繁,克终者盖寡。()41. 时虽老,暇日犹课诸儿以学。()42. 上令朝臣厘改旧法,为一代通典。()43. 然百姓离秦之酷后,参与休息无为。()44. 公,相人也,世有令德,为时名卿。()45. 民不胜掠,自诬服。()46. 未及劳问,逆曰:“子国有颜子,宁识之乎?”()47. 汉数千里争利,则人马罢,虏以全制其敝。()48. 桓帝爱其才貌,诏妻以公主。()49. 属与贼期,义不可欺。()50. 亲不以为子,昆弟不收,宾客弃我。()51. 出水处犹未可耕,奏寝前议。()52. 以予之穷于世,贞甫独相信。()53. 十年,举进士第一,授右拾遗,权翰林修撰。()54. 勉顺时政,劝督农桑。()55. 议者皆然固奏。()56. 至朝时,惠帝让参曰。()57. 彦章武人不知书。()58. 上曰:“君勿言,吾私之。”()59. 是之不恤,而蓄聚不厌,其速怨于民多矣。()60. 受欺于张仪,王必惋之。()61. 绛侯望袁盎曰:“吾与而兄善,今尔廷毁我!”()62. 众皆夷踞相对,容独危坐愈恭。()63. 为跪谢曰:“微君,太子几废。”()64. 未尝见其喜愠之色,乃知古人为不诬耳。()65. 诚得至,反汉,汉之赂遗王财物,不可胜言。()66. 性刚嫉恶,与物多忤。()67. 由是民得安其居业,户口蕃息。()68. 大业中,伦见虞世基幸于炀帝而不闲吏务。()69. 立素于庭,辨诘事状。素由是衔之。()70. 季文子相鲁,妾不衣帛。以约失之者鲜矣。()71. 皆顿首谢,及期无敢违。()72. 王氏诸少并佳,然闻信至,咸自矜持。()73. 乾宁三年,充武宁军留后,行颍州刺史。()74. 变不形于方言,真台辅之器也。()75. 阶疾病,帝自临省。()76. 既往,未及反,于是遂斩庄贾以徇三军。()77. 寻给鼓吹一部,入直殿省。()78. 文长既雅不与时调合。() 79. 公与语,不自知膝之前于席也。语数日不厌。()80. 扈再兴以百骑邀之,杀千余人。()


江苏高考英语单项选择分值及答题套路 2017江苏高考英语要想考高分,不仅要扎实掌握基本知识,而且学 会一些万能答题公式技巧是必须的,英语答题有一定的套路,大家在复习时 最好能找到答案规律。下面是小编整理的《2017江苏高考英语单项选择分值 及答题套路》,供参考。 12017江苏高考英语单项选择分值由于2017年高考还没有开始,小编 整理了2016年江苏高考英语真题中单项选择分值,供大家参考。除部分高考 改革地区外,一般每年高考试题题型变化不大。第二部分英语知识运用(共两 节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 21~35,单选 12017江苏高考英语单项选择答题套路英语单项选择答题套路:找准 关键词语有时题干中带有对解题起着关键作用的词语,如果能迅速找准这些 词语,再结合各选项的意义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。例如:TheForeignMinistersaid,”_______ourhopethatthetwosideswillworktowardspeace.” A.Thisis B.Thereis C.Thatis D.Itis解析:在名词性从句中,that既无词义,也不 作句子成分,连接一个句子成分完整的陈述句。根据句意和句子结构,特别 是that的暗示,可判断题干为一个含有主语从句的复合句,句首的it为形式 主语,真正的主语为其后的that从句,故最佳答案为D。英语单项选择答题 套路:分析句子结构有些试题的考点本来十分简单,但命题者却通过使用定 语从句,或者将我们熟悉的固定词组有意拆分,重新组合,使我们在结构上 产生错觉,出现迷惑。这时,我们只要保持清醒的头脑,仔细分析句子的结


江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学2015届高三语文“狮子与疯狗” 材料作文演练 【题目设计】 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 一头雄狮正在和儿子散步,远远地看见一条疯狗过来,雄狮赶紧带着儿子躲开了。小狮子说:“爸爸你敢和老虎拼斗,与猎豹争雄,如今却躲避一条疯狗,多丢人啊!” 雄狮说:“孩子,我问你?打败一条疯狗光荣不光荣?”小狮子摇摇头。 雄狮又问:“让疯狗咬一口倒霉不倒霉?”小狮子点点头。 “既然这样,咱们干吗去招惹一条疯狗呢?” 要求:①角度自选;②立意自定;③题目自拟;④除诗歌外,文体自选;⑤不少于800字。 【思路点拨】 这是一则寓言类的作文材料,材料中涉及三个对象:雄狮,小狮子,还有疯狗。我们可以分别从这三个对象出发,确定不同的话题,表达不同的观点: 一、雄狮的视角: 雄狮认为打败疯狗并不光荣,被疯狗咬一口却很倒霉,所以选择了躲避。这一选择既有值得肯定的地方,也有可以否定的地方。 从肯定雄狮的角度,我们可以确定以下立意: 雄狮认为疯狗配不上做自己的对手,从这个角度,我们可以确定“对手”这一话题,论述“选择什么样的对手”“怎样选择对手”等问题,表达“不要为不值得的人拔剑”“赢要赢得漂亮”等观点。 雄狮认为与疯狗拼斗没有意义,而躲开疯狗是最明智的选择,从这个角度,我们可以确定“躲避”这一话题,表达“躲避是一种智慧”等观点。 3.雄狮躲避疯狗,并不是因为他没有力量没有勇气,而是因为它可以忍耐。从这个角度,我们可以确定“忍耐”这一话题,谈“忍耐的作用”等问题。 4.雄狮之所以能够忍耐,是因为它目光长远,胸怀宽大,不在意眼前的得失,从这个角度,我们可以确定“目光”“胸怀”的话题,表达“心有多大,道路就有多宽”等观点。 5.雄狮的躲避会被有些人误解为胆怯,其实敢于躲避更是一种勇气,从这个角度,我们可以确定“勇与怯”的话题,表达“什么才是真正的勇敢”“匹夫之勇与君子之勇”等观点。 6.面对小狮子的质疑,雄狮并没有急于展示自己力量的强大,而是心平气和地予以解释,从这个角度,我们可以确定“成熟”这个话题,表达“什么是成熟”“怎样才能变得成熟”等观点。 7.面对小狮子的质疑,雄狮没有置之不理,也没有讥笑小狮子的幼稚,而是选择了耐心说理,从这个角度,我们可以确定“家庭教育”这个话题,论述什么才是好的家庭教育等问题。 从否定雄狮的角度,我们可以确定以下立意: 雄狮为了保全自己,选择躲开疯狗,却把驱逐疯狗的责任推卸给别人,从这一角度,我们可以确定“责任”这一话题,论述我们应该怎样担负起自己的人生责任。 2.雄狮不愿意面对疯狗,是因为矜持和骄傲,从这一角度,我们可以确定“矜持”“骄傲”的话题,论述矜持和骄傲带来的危害。 3.雄狮不愿意面对疯狗,还因为它觉得这件事太小,没有意义,不值得去做,其实,小事情也有小事情的意义。从这个角度,我们可以确定“小与大”这个话题,探索一些小事中蕴含

江苏省海头高级中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第三次月考生物试题 含答案

江苏省海头高级中学高二年级第一学期第三次月考试卷 生物试题 本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,共55分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,共45分。满分100分,考试时间为75分钟。 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共45分) 一、单项选择题:本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分。每题只有一个最恰当的选项。 1.下列关于人体脂质的叙述,正确的是() A.组成脂肪与糖原的元素种类不同 B.磷脂水解的终产物为甘油和脂肪酸 C.性激素属于固醇类物质,能维持人体第二性征 D.维生素D是构成骨骼的主要成分,缺乏维生素D会影响骨骼发育 2.下列关于细胞结构的叙述,正确的是() A.蓝藻细胞中的中心体在分裂前期发出星射线形成纺锤体 B.细胞膜的选择透过性与其成分中的蛋白质和磷脂都有关 C.细胞可利用溶酶体合成的水解酶来降解自身衰老结构 D.衰老细胞中的线粒体功能衰退,染色质收缩,细胞核变小 3.用新鲜制备的含过氧化氢酶的马铃薯悬液进行分解H2O2的实验,两组实验结果如图。第1组曲线是在pH=7.0,20℃条件下,向5mL1%的H2O2溶液中加入 0.5mL酶悬液的结果。与第1组相比,第2组实验只做了一个改变。第2组实验提高了()

A.悬液中酶的浓度 B.H2O2溶液的浓度 C.反应体系的温度 D.反应体系的 pH 4.细胞的结构和功能相适应。有关细胞结构和功能的说法,错误的是() A.细胞膜功能的复杂程度,取决于膜上蛋白质的种类和数量 B.线粒体内膜向内腔折叠形成嵴,增大了分解丙酮酸的面积 C.在分泌旺盛的胰腺细胞内,内质网、高尔基体特别发达 D.真核细胞核膜上有大量核孔,利于大分子物质进出细胞核 5.下图表示光合作用和呼吸作用过程中CO2和[H]的变化。有关叙述正确的是() A.过程①发生在叶绿体内的类囊体薄膜上,过程②发生在叶绿体基质中 B.过程③发生在细胞质基质中,过程④发生在线粒体中 C.过程⑤⑥均需要NADPH和ATP提供还原剂和能量 D.①③过程产生的[H]都将与氧结合产生水,过程⑧仅在线粒体中进行 6.如图甲为渗透作用装置吸水示意图,图乙表示图甲中液面上升的高度与时间的关系,图丙表示成熟植物细胞在某外界溶液中的一种状态(此时细胞有活性)。下列相关叙述中,错误的是() A.图甲中的渗透作用发生需要两个条件:有半透膜c及a与b之间具有浓度差 B.图乙中液面不能一直上升的原因是半透膜两侧的溶液浓度相等 C.图丙中③④⑤组成原生质层 D.如果丙细胞没有细胞壁支持,置于清水中也会发生吸水涨破的现象 7.下图1表示大豆叶肉细胞中相关物质变化过程,图2表示两个不同品种的大豆在适宜温度、不同 光照强度下的CO2吸收速率。下列叙述中错误 ..的是()


江苏省海头高级中学2020年高考英语单选题专练(十二) 1. The New York Times started _____ new text messaging service that delivers _____ latest news to mobile phones. A. /; / B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 2. For all the professional athletes, ________to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books. A. approach B. attachment C. appeal D. access 3. The theory is of great importance _____ the hotter a body is, the more energy it gives off. A. which B. that C. when D. what 4. ---What’s all that noise? ---Just in front of the bus __________ an injured man, all covered with blood. A. lies B. where lies C. that lies D. is lying 5. _________ her home, Lily went to the kitchen and began to prepare supper. A. As soon as she returned B. On arriving C. After she got D. Immediately she reached 6. The written record of his account doesn’t ____________ what was actually said. A. refer to B. correspond to C. cater to D. appeal to 7. ---- Is military service ____________ for every citizen in your country? ---- No, but almost all the boys between 18 and 25 have to. A. optional B. absolute C. compulsory D. alternative

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