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Eg: The environment is obviously important,but its role has remained obscure.


Eg: The program keeps tracks of your progress and provides detailed feedback on your performance and improvement.


Eg: You can become a lawer in three years and you can become a medical doctor in four.

You can become a lawer in three years and a medical doctor in four.

Eg: He visited the Casino,he lost the $20 and he left.

He visited the Casino,lost the $20 and left.







Eg:1)Dr.worm acknowledges that these figures are conservation. (that不作成分可省略)

2)We suddenly can’t remember where we put the keys just a moment ago.

3)I don’t know if other clients are going to abandon me ,too.

4)Why do so many Americans distrusts what they read in their




Eg:1)Scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate according to mental effort.

2)This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells…

3)…users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.(双宾)


Eg: 1)This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there is still a line between court and politics.

2)Those difference are swamped by how well each person “encodes”the



Eg: He felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.



Eg: 1)You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.

2)Neither of these pattern is borne out by the analysis,suggesting that the structures of the languages are lineage-specific and not governed by universals.


Eg: To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.


Eg: That kinds of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be accepted as impartial judgements.




Eg: 1)The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves.

2)Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an code.

3)This is where developing new habits comes in.

4)Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched.





Eg: 1)What’s needed is a package deal.

2)That the seas are being over fishedhas been known for years.

3)What motivated him…was his zeal for “fundamental fairness”.

4)Whether the community’s work contributes much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.




Eg: 1)It didn’t matter what was done in the experiment.

2)It is becoming less clear,however,that such a theory would be simplification.


(1)It is done+主语从句(表达人们对一件事的观点看法)

Eg: 1)Thisyear,it was proposed that the system be changed…

2)It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry because they are sad…

(2)It is+adj./n.+主语从句(表达对一件事的评价)

Eg: 1)It is obvious that their views wre less fully intellectualized.

2)It is surely a good thing that the money and attention come to science rather than go elsewhere.





Eg: 1)Writing in the last year of his life,he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thrity.

2)Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting change is limited and mixed.

3)A century years ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears…

4)Part of the fame of Allen’s book is its contention that”Circumstance do not make a person,they reveal him”.

5)Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from

disadvantaged familities,ignoring the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes.



idea,opinion,fact,evidence,question,doubt,reason,theory,belief,possibility,chance,ho pe,contention,guarantee…





Eg: Law is a discipline which encouragesresponsible judgement. (定语从句的每一个关系词都作成分)



Eg: 1)Teachers need to be aware of the emotional,intellectual,and physical changes that young adults experience.

2)Furthermore,the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists.


Eg: 1)Most archaeological sites,however,are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them.

2)Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby.


Eg: 1)On display here are various fantasy elements whose reference,at some basic level,seems to be the natural world.

2) This ,for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage,refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet. (4).先行词是时间,关系词用when

Eg: 1)It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.


Eg: 1)In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak


Eg: 1)the other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business.

(7).特殊的关系词whereby=by which

Eg: The definition also excludes the majority of teachers,despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their







Eg: 1)All humans actually aware of the world they live in?

2) these rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party

would pay.


He will call his friend who is working in London.(限定性定语从句,先行词范围不明确,需限定,不要逗号隔开)

He will call his mother,who is working in London.(非限定性定语从句,先行词范围明确,不需限定,需要逗号隔开)





补充1:特殊的非限定性定语从句(修饰整句话,关系词只能用which/as)Eg: 1)Most fisheries are well below that,which is a bad way to do business.

2) A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of language,which is why children can learn it so quickly.

3) Nevertheless,as any biographer knows,a person’s early life and its conditions are often the greatest gift to an individual.

4) As a News Feature article in Nature discusses,a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in rencent years.


Eg: 1)

Furthermore,humans have the ability to modify the environment which they live in. Furthermore,humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live.


…commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections which a sample is compared to.

…commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared.


Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed…4)

This is the credibility process,through which the individual researcher’s me,here,now becomes the community’s anyone,anywhere,anytime.






…there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. (一般情况下从句挨着先行词,若从句没有挨着先行词,用代入法看是否合适) 二、状语从句



Eg: 1)when the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn’t have the capital to do so.

2)We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us.


(前)As the economy picks up, opportunities will around for aspiring leaders.

(后) Opportunities will around for aspiring leaders, As the economy picks up.

(中) Opportunities, As the economy picks up ,will around for aspiring leaders。




Eg: 1)But in some cases,onemarketer’sowned media become another marketer’s paid media-for instance,when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.

2)In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.

3)As the brain fades,we refer to these occurrences as”senior moments.”(refer A as B 提到A的时候作为B)

4)Carter sifted through rubble in the Valley of the King for seven years before he located the tomb in1922.

5)Witness payments became an issue after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995.

6)And since the first Internet gambling site was created in 1995,competition for gamblers’ dollars has become intense.

7)Grammer,punctuation,and spelling can wait until you revise.

8)As soon as that report runs,we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine…

9)By the time 100 percent of the evidence is in,it may be too late.


Eg: 1)”The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are,but that’s been fundamentally inverted.”s ays one headhunter.

(3)原因状语从句★(because\since\as\now that显而易见的原因“既然”)

Eg: 1)Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely tied.

2)Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire,Allenconcluded:”We do not attract what we want,but what we are.”

3)Now utopia has grown unfashionable,as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us…

4)Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis,you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.



Eg: 1)Indeed,homelessness has reached such proportions that local governments

can’t possibly cope.

2)We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment. 3)Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts.



So that后面没有情态动词表所以,后面有情态动词表目的

(5)目的状语从句(so that\in order that)

Eg: 1)In December 2010 America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a “do not track”(DNT) option to internet browsers,so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.

(6)条件状语从句★(if\unless\as long as\so long as\once)

Eg: 1)If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education,its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.

2) Once a discovery claim becomes public,the discoverer receive intellectual credit.

3) If you’re a physician,you can risk your patient’s suicide as long as you don’t intend their suicide.


Eg: 1)Although sadness also precedes tears,evidence suggest that emotions can flow from muscular responses.

2)After all,it has an ad business too,which it says will comply with DNT requests,though it is still working out how.

3)The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score,even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be.

4)While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly,there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.


Eg: 1)Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were,…

2)In the general population today,at this genetic,environment level,we’re pretty much gone as far as we can go,…


Eg: 1)During most of his walking life he will take his code for granted,as the businessman takes his ethics.

2)Beethoven’s music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of human existence.












Eg: 1)On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville…

2)Implicit within Tylor’s definition is the concept…

3)Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone.

★There be句型:there be +n+介词短语



Eg: 1)There is a girl.→A girl is there.

2)There is no gap between mind and matter.

3)There will now be a seven-day wait for the jobseeker’s allowance.

4)but there have been controversial views about its economic,political,social and cultural implications.

5)There may be more matches in the database…





Eg: 1)…and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different people and nations as in the recent events in Europe.

2)Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system…


Eg: 1)Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own.

2)And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up.


If Entergy had kept its word, that debate would be beside the point.

省略if:But had Entergy kept its word, that debete would be beside the point.


It is…that…

1.强调句的构成:It is +强调部分+that+句子余下部分

Eg: We hear the more honest argument only in recent years.

强调时间:It is only in recent years that We hear the more honest argument.

注意:把要强调的部分放入it is后即可,但形容词和动词不能被强调,除此之外,句子中的其他成分均可被强调


强调现在:It is…that…

强调过去:It was…that…

强调人:It is…that/who…

Eg: 1)It is they, not America, who have become anti-intellectual.

2)…it was not until the 19th century that the newspaper become the dominant pre-electronic medium,…



Eg: …it is the intellectuals who have rejected America.

方法2:若it is和that 的中间是形容词或动词则一定为主语从句。

Eg:It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems,…









假设现在:If circumstances always determined the life and prospects of people, then humanity would never have progressed.

假设将来:If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk:…


如果主句表示建议、命令、要求时,从句要用虚拟:谓语动词用should +动词原形,should可以省略。

Eg: 1)European minister instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB) (should) do likewise.

2)This year, it was proposed that the system (should) be changed:…





英语学习中,特别是阅读理解中,“长难句”最麻烦。今天小编和同学们分享通过分析英语句子中的重要特点“三长两短一并列”,江湖人称“括号法”,帮助同学们轻松解决长难句问题! 01 什么是“三长两短一并列” 我们先来看两句话: ①我是李辉。(I am Li Hui.) ②我爱你。(I love you. ) 这两句话中只有"主干成分"而没有"修饰成分"。像这样的句子,中文和英文的"语序"(单词排列顺序)基本是一致的,都是"主-系-表"或者"主-谓-宾",理解起来非常容易。 然而,加上修饰成分后,中文与英文句子之间的语序就会发生变化。来看两个例子: ①我是中国的李辉。(I am Li Hui from China.) ②我全心全意地爱你。(I love you with all my heart.) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解。 例如:

After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I returned to my office. 这个句子中含有大量的"介词短语"这种修饰成分。我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成: (After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned两个单词而已。可见,介词短语正是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因之一! 当然,以上几个句子还比较简单(少量介词短语对句意理解的影响不大),但是,当句子中出现更多类似介词短语的修饰成分时,可想而知,由于中英文语序的不同,英文句子会变得"面目全非",令人难以理解。由此看来,英语中灵活多变的修饰成分正是造成英语句子又长又难的头号罪犯,只要搞定这些修饰部分,就能搞定英语长难句。 幸运的是,尽管这些修饰成分数量很多、位置也不好把握,但是,它们的种类却是非常固定的。小编将这些修饰成分总结为"三长两短"。所谓"三长",就是构成长难句的三种较长修饰成分(即介词短语、从句、非谓语动词短语);所谓"两短",指的是镶嵌于句子之中的、会稍稍提高句子复杂度的两种较短修饰成分(即形容词、副词)。而除了"三长两短"之外,另外一个使句子变得复杂的结构就是"平行并列结构"。"平行并列结构"是由一些并列关系的连词(and、or、as well as等)将句子变长的重要手段。


American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, marketoriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 【译文】:美国的经济体系基本上是围绕着私企和以市场为导向一种经济体系所构成,在这个体系中,消费者们通过在市场上消费来获得他们最想要的产品和服务的方式,很大程度上决定着应当生产什么。 【难点】:①定于从句;②介词短语作状语;③宾语从句 【难度级别】★★★☆ Sample 2: Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society. 【译文】:沃尔夫逐渐相信了一种语言决定论,这种语言决定论陈述了语言锢思维,并且陈述了在一个语言中的语法模式对于一个社会的文化来说能够产生深远的影响。 【难点】:①定于从句;②宾语从句的并列使用;③介词短语状语;④介词短语定语 【难度级别】★★★★


英语四级考试复杂长难句分析(二) 导读:本文英语四级考试复杂长难句分析(二),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 第一章并列平行结构(二) 英语句子最常用的方法是通过使用一些关联词,如and、or等,或标点符号如:分号,逗号,破折号等,若干个在语义上有联系或相互照应的单词、词组或子句连在一起组成一种并列或平行结构的长句,以表达一个复杂得多层次含义。这种句式虽然难度不一定很高,但在复杂长句中还是占了相当大的比例的. 1. More than three million people live in inner London,and nearly five million people live in the surrounding suburban area,which is made up of formerly separate villages that have merged to form what is now called outer London. 要点:全句为并列复合句。“and”连接并列句。第二个句子是主从复合句。“which”引出非限制性定语从句,修饰“area”。“that”引出限制性定语从句,修饰“villages”。“what”引出名词从句,作“from”的宾语。 参考译文:三百多万人口居住在伦敦市区,将近五百多万人口居住在周围的郊区——该地区由原来分散的村庄构成,逐步形成如今被称为的外伦敦。 2. Then I remembered how often I,too,had been indifferent to the grander of each day,too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all. 要点:此句存在着一个“too…to…”结构,即“too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all”。注意:“I,too,had


Unit 4 Making the news 1.What do you imagine will be your future occupation?(P25) 设想你未来的职业会是什么? 剖析do you imagine在此句中做插入语,类似的插入语还有do you think,do you believe,do you suppose等。 考点延伸 I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect+宾语从句,意为“我认为……”。 I don’t think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect+宾语从句,意为“我认为……不……”。 I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so.我认为是这样。 I don’t think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so. =I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect not. 我认为不是这样。 2.Never will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.(P26) 周阳永远都不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸办公室被分派的第一项工作任务。 剖析本句是一个倒装句。整个句子还原后是一个“主谓宾”结构的简单

句。正常语序应为:Zhou Yang(ZY)will never forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.否定副词never置于句首以加强语气,句子的语序往往要部分倒装。所谓部分倒装即把谓语的一部分如助动词、情态动词或系动词等提到主语的前面。 考点延伸 放在句首时,句子需部分倒装的含有否定意义的副词和短语还有hardly,rarely,seldom,little,nor,neither,not only,not until,scarcely,no sooner,by no means,at no time,under no circumstances等。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c12991820.html,ter you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.(P26) 晚些时候,你就可以独自去进行新闻采访并递交稿件了。 ★考点submit vt.提交;呈递(文件等)vi.服从,屈服 4.You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested.(P26) 你将发现你的同事们会非常热情地帮助你,因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。 ★考点assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助 5.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.(P26) 只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的信息。


高考英语阅读理解长难句解析 第一部分:高中英语长难句解析 在阅读中,我们经常会遇到一些长而难的句子。长难句通常含有较多、较长的修饰成分、并列成分或从句。长难句的丰富内容和复杂结构往往会导致理解的困难。理解长难句的关键是了解长难句的类型,理清句子成分,抓住句子中的关键部分。 纵观历年高考英语试题,可以发现阅读文章中出现了许多结构复杂的句子。不难理解,命题者在句子难度上大做文章,无非是想通过增加句子长度和使用复杂结构来打断和干扰考生正常的阅读习惯和思维方式,从而达到考查考生综合阅读能力的目的。下面我们来了解长难句最常见的形式。一、复合从句 这些句子往往较长,一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,使得考生搞不清楚整个句子结构。其实,不管句子有多长有多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。主干是整个句子的骨架,主要指主谓宾结构(如: I want a ticket.)或主系表结构(如:The man is a teacher.)。而修饰成分在句中只起修饰或补充主干的作用,它既可以是单词,也可以是短语,更常见的则是从句,尤其是定语从句和状语从句。这些从句都很常见,考生比较熟悉,但很多时候不少考生分不清单词、短语和从句之间的相互关系,这样会导致整个句子分析混乱。 这时,考生应通过仔细分析,将每个修饰成分划出来,找出句子的主干,这样整个句子结构就清晰了。 二、分隔结构 为了调整语气和增加补充信息,更主要的是为了平衡句子结构,避免头重脚轻,使语义严密,结构紧凑,可将语法关系密切的两个句子成分用其他语法成分分隔开来,这就是所谓的分隔结构。考试中出现较多的是插入语、用破折号插入的新话题或补充信息。此外,还有一些句子成分(一般是定语)过长而出现后置,也可以看作是插入现象,只不过它只是句子原有成分位置的调整,没有新增信息。 三、成分省略 在英语句子中,节约用词是一条重要的修辞原则。省略主要是为了避免重复,突出关键词并使上下文紧密连接。成分省略一般和从句相结合,一正一反,使句子富于变化,增强表现力。 例如在以than,as引导的比较状语从句中,一些成分往往被省略,会给理解带来一定的影响,而且这类句子出现频率较高,考生需要熟记。


第一章并列句 一、并列句的构成:简单句+并列连词+简单句 Eg: The environment is obviously important,but its role has remained obscure. 二、并列句的省略:相同部分可省略,不同部分保持不变 Eg: The program keeps tracks of your progress and provides detailed feedback on your performance and improvement. 【考场攻略】:找到并列句省略的部分 Eg: You can become a lawer in three years and you can become a medical doctor in four. You can become a lawer in three years and a medical doctor in four. Eg: He visited the Casino,he lost the $20 and he left. He visited the Casino,lost the $20 and left. 第二章复合句(复合句=主句+从句) 一.名词性从句 ①宾语从句 1、宾语从句的含义:一个句子放到另一个句子里作宾语 2、宾语从句的写法:主句+连接词+从句(主句缺什么,连接词用什么;从句为 陈述句) Eg:1)Dr.worm acknowledges that these figures are conservation. (that不作成分可省略) 2)We suddenly can’t remember where we put the keys just a moment ago. 3)I don’t know if other clients are going to abandon me ,too. 4)Why do so many Americans distrusts what they read in their


如何掌握长难句 复杂长句是考研阅读理解短文的最显著特点之一,是文章语言难度所在,也是命题者常常出题之处。因此具备较好的剖析复杂长句的能力,对于考研阅读理解至关重要。复杂长句典型的特点是,多个语法现象或特殊句式同时出现在一个较长的句子中,使句子修饰词很多,句中套句,成分中套成分,从而造成考生对其准确意义的理解困难。 对于复杂长句,不管其结构多么复杂多变、盘根错节,只要把握住句子结构的主脉络抓住句子的关键词和关键信息,再根据自己所掌握的各种语法知识及一些特殊句式的构成规律,就可理清头绪,找到思路。由于复杂长句很难理解,考生在平时阅读时应多加练习。 下面分8类总结了最典型的70句真题长难句,希望考生复习时能多揣摩,如能将其中英文全部背熟,长难句肯定过关。 第一节比较结构 1.There are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy—far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 【参考译文】现在已有一些机器人系统能够进行精确到毫米以下的脑部和骨骼手术---这要比极具技巧的医生单单用手精确得多。 2.I have discovered,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,that abandoning the doctr ine of “juggling your life”,and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. 【参考译文】或许正像凯尔西在不堪积劳重负而公开地辞去她在《她》杂志社的编辑一职之后—样,我已经发现,放弃那种“为生活忙碌”的人生信条并转而追求比较悠闲的生活带给你的回报远远大于经济成功和社会地位。 3.While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline—after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late’80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift,in Britain,at least among the middle-class down shifters of my acquaintance,we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives. 【参考译文】在美国,这一返朴趋势是以经济衰落的反应为开始的---那是在80年代末期裁员而引起大量的失业之后---现在依然与提倡节俭的政纲相关;而在英国,最起码在我所熟识的中产阶级返朴归隐者中,追求简约生活的原因就多种多样了。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c12991820.html,/ 考研学习群:432164727 1考研英语:几类长难句总结及介绍 考研英语中,有大量的长难句,让同学们感到十分头疼,在考研阅读里面,长难句更是一个命题点,很多同学都是对长难句望而却步,感觉自己无法逾越这个鸿沟,导致在考试中失分,其实如果考生研究一下长难句其实不难,大多数同学还是可以攻克长难句的。首先要了解考研英语长难句是如何构成的,命题人员在简单句基础上进行改造时,主要从结构上通过三种方式来使句子更加复杂。修饰成分复杂;大段的插入与或同位语;语序调整或倒装。这三种方式往往相互结合形成错综复杂的句子即混合型句子。目的是提高难度、增强干扰、打乱考生的思维从而达到检验考生阅读能力和的目标。下面分别对这三种方式进行解析。 第一类:修饰成分复杂 句子本不难,但是修饰成分多且长。从句(定语、状语、同位语从句等)修饰;介词短语修饰;不定式修饰。经常是在同一个句子里既有从句又有介词短语,且都不止一个。对于这种长难句,同学们一定要注意抓住句子主干,先把主干给梳理清楚了,在此基础上再进行添枝加叶,这样才能知道这句话在说什么内容。 例:As a discovery claim works its way through the community,the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery. 分析:主语是the interaction and confrontation,谓语是transforms,伴随状语为As a discovery claim works its way through the community,定语为between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved,修饰主语the interaction and confrontation 译文:随着发现声明通过科学界起作用,科学和技术涉及到的共有的互动和冲突把个人的发现声明转化为科学界可信的发现。 第二类:大段的插入与或同位语。 对于有很长插入语的句子,其实是假老虎,本质上是不难理解的,只不过学生很难把主谓的关系联系起来,在阅读的时候我们要先把句子主干找出来,先不用管插入语的,先从整体上去理解,然后在其基础上再把插入语给充实进去。 例:The Internet --and pressure from funding agencies,who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it --is making access to scientific results a reality. 分析:在浏览该句时,发现句子中出现了双破折号,其中间的内容and pressure from funding agencies,who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it 为插入语,浏览的时候先跳过。这样就可以看到把主干The Internet is making access to scientific results a reality 理解了。然后再把具体插入语给填充进去就可以了。


英语长难句理解与分析 英语长难句理解与分析 一.长难句的结构特点 根据高考阅读理解命题趋势,高考阅读文章具有以下特点: 1. 体裁更加丰富,题材更趋多样化; 2.更加注重深层信息理解水平的考查; 3.更加注重对综合素质的考查; 4.语篇结构较为复杂,长难句有所增加; 5.阅读材料“原汁原味”,提问更加深入; 6.阅读速度要求进一步提升。 “原汁原味”意味着理解难度的增大,而阅读速度的要求却是越来越高,所以学生没有一定的相关技能技巧是不可能在二轮复习中取得进步有所突破的。那么如何除掉阅读中的“拦路虎”,首当其冲是要掌握其结构特点。 1. 含多个并列结构 以2002年高考中最长的句子为例:He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill, in Bedfordshire, and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well, but he still could not see that connection with Katherine of Aragon, until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773.(65 words)实际上全句就由一个主句He found that…和两个并列句and…,but..组成,仅仅每个句中都有一个宾语从句,最后的but 并列句中还包含了一个由until 引导的状语从句(直到有一天他在阿帕斯尔公园碰巧看见两个石制的十字架,他才懂得在1773年,修建这两个十字架是为了向她表示敬意。) As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect, help and support each other, while the work division is clear and each member performs at the right level in the role that is most suitable to him or her. (Unit11) 正如运动员一样,小组活动只有在组员们相互尊敬,相互协助和相互支持的情况下才能取得成功;与此同时分工要明确,而且每个成员都要能在他们最合适的角色上发挥出正常的水平。 2.含强调结构. 在人教版高三14单元有这样一个句子:Among the different kinds of bees, it is the honey-bee that has interested scientists most because of the “language” that they use to communicate with each other.(Unit14)该句用逗号将用作状语的介词短语提前,再用强调结构”It is…that…”强调主句的主语the honey-bee,最后加长句子的关键是状语中包含了一个由that引导的定语从句。译文为:在各种不同种类的蜂中,蜜蜂因其在彼此之间实行沟通所用的“语言”而最使科学家们赶兴趣。 3.含多个从句


语篇学语法——从句 I arrived in London on a foggy day, to go to a very important meeting. The place①where the meeting was going to be hel d was on the other side of the town. All traffic came to a stop②because the drivers were not able to see more than a yard in front of them. The meeting would begin at 9:00, so I decided to go there on foot. Minutes later, I was completely lost. I stood there and though t③ that I would have to phone to the meeting to explain④that I was not able to arrive there on time. Then I heard a young man’s voice coming out of the fog, “I suppose⑤you are lost. Can I help you?”I was very glad to have a ma n ⑥who could take me to the meeting. Afterward I told him⑦where I wanted to go, took his arm, and we started. We walked quite fast, turning corners and crossing roads. ⑧As I followed him through the dark streets, I wondered⑨why he found his way so easily. “I know this part of London quite well,”he said. “But in such a fog it’s impossible to see anything,”I said. “I am blind, sir.”he answered, “In the fog, it is exactly the same for me as usual.” 在英语语法中,按照句子结构,英语句子主要可以分为三种类型:简单句、并列句和复合句。 1.简单句:最基本的句子类型,一个句子中只含有一个主谓结构。 2. 并列句:由两个或两个以上独立的主谓结构或简单句并列在一起的,通常用并列连词 来连接两个或两个以上的句子, 3. 复合句:由一个主句与一个或一个以上的从句(从句有相应的连词引导)组成的句子。 根据从句在句子中充当的成分,可以将其分为6类,即主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句。 名词性从句 1. 主语从句: e.g: (1) What you need is more practice. (2) When the meeting will be held has not been announced. (3) That he will not attend the meeting is clear. (4) Whether it will do us harm or good is unknown. 2. 表语从句: e.g: (1) That is what I want to say. (2) My opinion is that we should make a decision right now.


如何掌握长难句复杂长句是考研阅读理解短文的最显着特点之一,是文章语言难度所在,也是命题者常常出题之处。因此具备较好的剖析复杂长句的能力,对于考研阅读理解至关重要。复杂长句典型的特点是,多个语法现象或特殊句式同时出现在一个较长的句子中,使句子修饰词很多,句中套句,成分中套成分,从而造成考生对其准确意义的理解困难。 对于复杂长句,不管其结构多么复杂多变、盘根错节,只要把握住句子结构的主 脉络抓住句子的关键词和关键信息,再根据自己所掌握的各种语法知识及一些特殊句式的构成规律,就可理清头绪,找到思路。由于复杂长句很难理解,考生在平时阅读时应多加练习。 下面分8 类总结了最典型的70 句真题长难句,希望考生复习时能多揣摩,如能将其中英文全部背熟,长难句肯定过关。 第一节比较结构 are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy —far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 【参考译文】现在已有一些机器人系统能够进行精确到毫米以下的脑部和骨骼手术--- 这要比极具技巧的医生单单用手精确得多。 have discovered ,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress ,that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life ”,and making the alternative move into “downshifting ” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status . 【参考译文】或许正像凯尔西在不堪积劳重负而公开地辞去她在《她》杂志社的编辑一职之后—样,我已经发现,放弃那种“为生活忙碌”的人生信条并转而追求比较悠闲的生活带给你的回报远远大于经济成功和社会地位。 in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline —after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late ' 80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift ,in Britain


化繁为简—破解英语长难句 一长难句基本句型特征 考研英语长难句的是如何构成的?命题人员在英语原文基础上进行改造时,主要从结构上通过四种方式来使句子更加复杂: 1、复合从句 2、成分省略 3、使用插入成分 4、改变句序 这四种方式往往相互结合,形成错综复杂的句子,即混合型句子。目的是提高难度,增强干扰,打断和打乱考生的思维,从而达到检验考生阅读能力和的目标。下面分别对这四种方式进行解析。 我们要时刻牢记的一点是,考试中的长难句绝大多数为主谓宾或主系表结构,其它成分都是围绕这三个主要成分其中之一。这就是所有长难句的核心和本质。必须牢记。 最常见的是围绕主语和宾语(表语)我们要根据这些次要成分的位置和字面意义来推测它们和主干意群的逻辑关系。在切分意群时,意群的大小根据自己实际理解能力来分解。标准就是看一眼就能理解的信息(短语或者句子)。经过训练后,我们看一眼就能把握的意群会越来越多,从而完成从菜鸟到“大虾”的转变。 请看下面例句: , ’s , , Africa. (46 ) 我们需要做的就是把句子意群切开,化繁为简,分而治之。目前大多数同学会看到后面的信息就忘掉前面的信息,一句话反复读,但总理不清头绪,浪费大量时间。 通过训练,我们将学会如何快速解开错综复杂的意群,避免信息杂乱无章,清晰地把握句子的含义。 在这里强调,在初级阶段一定要动手做标记,不迈出这一步,我们会永远停留在看到长难句就头脑混乱直到短路的阶段。 整个处理过程是从点到线再到面的,也就是要求我们必须按照信息的复杂程度来处理。即单词→意群→句子。万万不能尝试一下子理解或者翻译全句。再次强调一下,理解句子不同于做翻译题。 一、复合从句 在考研中,复合从句中的从句最常见的是定语从句。此类句子就像一棵信息树,树上生枝,枝上生杈,杈上生叶。必须找出树的主干从哪里分出枝,枝上哪里分杈,依此类推。只要抓住句子的各个连接点,就能理出句子层次,才能完全把握整个句子。 遇到长难句时,需要根据题型来决定处理的深度。如果是阅读理解通读文章时,抓大放小,抓主放次。即抓住主谓宾或主系表。如果是阅读理解问题相关句,需要快速罗列理顺主次意群,如果是翻译,则需要进一步处理意群的顺序,润色汉语的选词。 如果从句长,可以借助汉语的代词来加快理解过程。尤其是连续出现的从句里套从句,可以反复利用这些汉语代词做节点,这样就能很快理清思路。后面会有详细讲解。 二、成分省略 句子成分省略是为了避免重复。考研中一般难度大的省略不是主语和谓语的语法省略,而是为了某种具体表达目的省略。在这里列出一些出现频率高的类型。要求我们必须根据上下文判断并补充省略的成分,否则理解句子时可能漏掉重要信息。


长难句分析与翻译十大基本功 第一章五大短语 介词短语 介词是学习英语的难点之一,特别在阅读过程中是一个”拦路虎”。介词短语是构成长难句的一个重要因素。介词短语可用作定语、状语、表语和补足语。介词可与动词、名词、形容词等连用。 这里特别指出一种介词复合结构,with(without)构成的复合结构,这种复合结构的形式有: ●with+名词十分词 ●with+名词+介词 ●with+名词+形容词 ●with+名词+动词不定式 这种结构在句中起状语、定语作用,或用来对句子或某一成分作补充说明。在这种结构中,with没有实际词意。在翻译时可把名词和其后的介词短语或形容词当作主语和表语的关系来处理;把名词和其后的分词或动词不定式当作主语和谓语关系来处理。 (一)with+名词十分词的结构 这种结构在英语中可称为”分词复合结构”。它在句中可作定语或状语。在科技文章中常用来对句子或某个成分作补充说明。 (1) If something is moving,with nothing touching it,it will go on forever,coasting at a uniform speed in a straight line. 正在运动的某一物体,如果没有受到任何外力触动,它将永远继续作匀速直线运动。(条件状语) (2)The light we see,with its colors ranging from deep red to deep violet,serves us in our daily lives. 我们看到的从深红色到深紫色的光,在日常生活中为我们服务。(作非限定性定语,修饰light。) (3)With more experimenting being doing every year,much of photosythesis will certainly be known before very long. 随着每年所进行的实验增多,可以肯定,不久将会对光合作用了解得更多。(条件状语) (4)The article deals with microwaves,with particular attention being paid to radio location. 这篇文章是研究微波的,其中特别注意无线电定位问题。(with...location是分词复合结构,在句中作补充说明。) (5) The bottom layer is solid bedrock,with its upper edges slowly decomposing,or decay-ing,and flaking off. 底层是坚硬的基岩,它最上面的边缘在慢慢地分解、腐蚀和剥落。(非限定性定语,修饰Solidbedrock。)


1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. (难度系数5,下同) 译文:那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。难句类型:倒装、省略 a.本句的正常语序应当是:That sex ratio which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted will be favored.但是因为主语That sex ratio之后的以which引导的修饰它的定语从句,如果按照以上语序,则有头重脚轻之感。所以原文将此长长的从句倒装成谓语will be favored之后。 b.在which引导的从句中,有两处省略:第一处在maximize的第一个宾语the number of descendants that an individual will have中,an individual will have是修饰descendants的定语从句,但是,因为descendants在从句中作have的宾语,所以引导词that可以省略。第二处省略是在第二个the number of 之前,省略了与前面一样的成分that sex ratio which maximizes. And hence在此表示后面的成分作为前面“最大化一个个体的后代的数目的”结果。 2. (This is )A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(5++)复杂+倒装+省略; 这是一种照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 A、句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 B、desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,读者看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 C、第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B,则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire, what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to record the structure and texture of a flower


如何理解高中英语阅读理解的长难句 摘要:句子理解,特别是长难句理解,是提高阅读能力的突破口。通过英语句法分析与阅读相结合、化长难句为简单句及特殊句型还原的技巧,加深对英语阅读理解中长难句的理解。 关键词:高中英语阅读理解长难句分析理解之法 《英语课程标准》明确提出“能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句”的阅读要求。从近年的高考题来看,所选短文均选自英语原版文章,除了生词量大、篇幅长以外,文中的句子结构也较为复杂,掺杂了大量长难句,考生普遍感觉较难理解。可见,难句理解是阅读理解的突破口。下面,我通过英语句法分析与阅读相结合、化长难句为简单句及特殊句型还原的技巧,谈谈英语阅读理解中长难句的理解。 一、运用句法知识与阅读相结合分析长难句 只有掌握英语的句法结构,才能进行正确的句法分析。在平时的学习中,对英语的固定句型和结构要牢记并掌握,并学会它们之间的转换,这样对长难句的理解就不会束手无策。根据英语中的五种基本句型结构,把句子中的主语、宾语、表语等主要成分找出来,其他成分如定语、状语、补语等则一目了然,易于理解。一些长句其实就是一个由主句和若干个从句组成的多层次主从复合句,一定要搞清主句和

从句之间的逻辑关系,只要把逻辑关系搞清楚了,长难句就好对付了。 例如:People think being an artist must be a wonderful way to earn one’s living .Of course,there are lots of great things about working for oneself,at home alone.分析:此句是个含有宾语从句的复合句。People think是主句,being an artist must be a wonderful way to earn one’living是谓语动词think的宾语从句,省略了连接词that,全句的结构为:主语+谓语动词+宾语从句,从句中,动名词短语being an artist作主语,must be 作谓语动词,a wonderful way to earn one’s living作表语,其基本句型为:主+系+表,动名词短语being an artist 作主语,不定式短语to earn one’living作定语,修饰way。 再如:Experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive skills didn’t get any smar 60.分析:该句含有宾语从句、定语从句、后置定语,主句为experts found,省略了连接词that,其他就是宾语从句,而这个宾从又包含了定从:who played online games designed to improve their cognitive skills,修饰people,定语从句里还含有过去分词充当的后置定语:designed to improve their cognitive skills,用来修饰online games,只有通过这样的层层递进和分析,

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