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Esthetic orientation(以美学为取向)
This standard is mainly used to translate poetry, couplets when publicity and popularize the Chinese landscape culture. The purpose of it is to express the aesthetic value of the works as much as possible.
E.g.满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花如白雪、香气 扑鼻的银桂;红 里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开 放,竞艳媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。
Revised: The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is known for its The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees and variety of osmanthus profusion of osmanthus trees.Flowers from these flowers.It boasts golden osmanthus,silver osmanthus, trees in different colors are in full bloom which purple osmanthus,four-season osmanthus,and much pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their more.They are in full bloom in the golden fall,filling blossoms. the whole garden with their sweet fragrance.

Source language orientation/Source language culture orientation(以译出语或译出语文化为取向)
This standard is often used in tourism translation in order to retain the original "authentic" and distinctive features.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
化丰富,历史文化厚重,风土人情多姿多彩,真可谓“风 景这边独好!”中国人喜闻乐见的诗词、楹联,有诗情画
意名称的风景名胜,百吃不厌的名菜名点,优美动听的古 代传说,令人眼花缭乱的京剧武打,以及更多的独具中国 文化特色的东西,都是海外游客慕名而来的原因。而遗憾 的是,太多的趣味—山水之趣、人文之趣、乡音之趣—丢 失在翻译之中(lost in translation)

翻译手段—导译、口译(包括视译、交传和同传)、笔译和机器翻译。 翻译题材

专业性翻译(如同科技翻译、法律翻译等) 一般性翻译(如应用文、社交、日常生活等的翻译) 文学翻译 (如诗词、楹联、散文等的翻译)

语内翻译(intra-lingual ) 语际翻译 (inter-lingual ) 符际翻译 (inter-semiotic )
Professional translation
themes :
( such as technical translation, legal translation, etc. )
General translation
(such as practical , social, and daily life ,
The function of English used in travel is communication between different cultures, different places and different society. So in translation, adequate cultural conversion should be made to complete the cultural communication. 1.Tourist guide (旅游指南) 2. Travel itinerary(旅游日程) 3. Notice(通知) 4. Travel advertising and tour conditions (广告和条件书) 5. Guidebook (导游词)
如何将岳飞的《满江红》译得朗朗上口,又保持 气势? 如何让欧美游客更多欣赏到西湖天下景的“水水 山山处处明明秀秀,晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇”? 如何翻译小吃“西施舌”中的西施? 如何译出佛教中雅俗共赏的对子“大肚能容容世 上难容之事,开口便笑笑天下可笑之人”?
浙江电大 舒晓杨
Tourism English introduction The problems and principles in Tourism translation Newmark’s translation theories and its application in travel Tourism English translation in cultural perspective
E.g. 仿膳—Imperial Food 杭州煨鸡--Beggar’s Chicken 狗不理--Dogs Don’t Leave 西施舌—The Beauty’s Tongue
Introduction of Newmark’s theory
SL emphasis TL emphasis Word for word translation adaptation Literal translation Free translation Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Communicative translation
Literary Translation
( such as poems, couplets , prose ,etc.)
Intra-lingual(语内翻译) Inter-lingual(语际翻译 ) Inter-semiotic(符际翻译 )
Ⅰ Impact of cultural differences on tourism English translation Ⅱ Strategies of tourism translation in cultural perspective
Tourism Translation is a translation of practice for tourism activities ,and is a cross- language and cross-society , a cross-time and cross-space , a cross-cultural , a cross- psychological communication activity . 旅游翻译是为旅游活动、旅游专业和行业所进行的翻译 实践,是一种跨语言、跨社会、跨时空、跨文化、跨心理 的交际活动。
1、 Transliteration and free translation improper handling E.g.三头六臂:having three heads and six arms(A superman)
2、The style difference between Chinese and English
means :
translation, consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation )
Guided translation Interpretation ( including sight Machine Translation
E.g. Yellow Stone Park, Minzu Hotel, Lingyin Temple; Jiuzhaigou Valley。

Target language orientation/Target language culture
This standard makes it easy for tourists to
E.g.望湖饭店(lakeview hotel) 颐和园(Summer Palace)
This standard should be the first choice among all standards. E.g.这种冬青树,你们称为“圣诞树”,我们俗称 “鸟不宿”。 This holly is what you call a “Christmas tree”, and it is what locally known as “unperchable”.
Introduction of Newmark’s theory
(1)semantic translation(语义翻译)
The target language structure
(2)communication translation(交际翻译)
To make the target readers by the effects of the Source language readers by the effects of the same
The language functions of tourism English
1. Informative 2. Directive 3. Evocative
The language should has enough and correct message which can be understood. To guide visitors find the significance of landscape or sites. To create certain feelings among the visitors.
In the translation of travel , we should combine the Semantic translation with communicative translation.
Introduction of Newmark’s theory
Semantic translation(语义翻译) and communicative translation(交际翻译) are the most influential and characteristic part of Newmark's translation theories
Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world .It has a long history .there are many interesting places here.such as the Great wall ,the Summer palace and so on.so every year lots of people will come here to visit .
Semantic translation emphasized the semantic content of the original while communicative translation stressed the understanding and response of target reader.