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1.NOT CHANGE 不改变[linking verb,连系动词, T] to(使)保持,(使)处于

keep (sb/sth) warm/safe/dry etc•We huddled around the fire to keep warm. 我们挤在火堆边取暖。

keep calm/awake/sane etc•I was struggling to keep awake. 我努力不让自己睡着。

keep sth clean/tidy•Keep your room tidy. 保持房间整洁。

keep sb busy/amused/occupied•some toys to keep the kids amused 一些供孩子消遣的玩具•You won’t be able to keep it secret for ever. 你不可能永远保密下去。

•Peter cycles to work to keep fit. 为了保持健康,彼得骑自行车上班。

•Don’t keep us in suspense any longer! 别再让我们心里悬着了!

keep (sb/sth) away/back/off/out etc•The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back. 警方设置了障碍物来挡住人群。•If I were you, I’d keep away from that area at night. 要是我的话,晚上就不会去那个地区。•a sign saying ‘Danger: Keep out’ 写着“危险,请勿靠近”字样的告示牌•The little boy kept close to his mother. 那个小男孩总黏着他妈妈。

keep (sb) out of sth•Keep him out of trouble. 别让他闯祸。

•You keep out of this, Mother (= do not get involved ). It’s no concern of yours. 妈妈,这事你别掺和。不关你的事。

•How can I cut your hair if you won’t keep still! 你老是动来动去的,叫我怎么给你剪头发!keep left/right (=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move)靠左侧/右侧〔行走〕keep sb/sth doing sth•Jane kept the engine running. 简让引擎保持运转。

2.继续;重复keep (on) doing sth

•I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place. 我老是想到乔,他独自一人在那种地方。•I keep telling you, but you won’t listen! 我一再跟你说,但你就是不肯听!

•She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking. 她假装没听见,继续往前走。

3.保留,留下,留着•You can keep it. I don’t need it any more. 你留着吧,我不需要了。


•We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it. 我们决定留着我们的旧汽车不卖。

•I kept his letters fo r years. 我把他的信保留了许多年。

•In spite of everything, Robyn’s managed to keep her sense of humor. 尽管发生了这一切,萝宾还是努力保持了她的幽默感。


•Where do you keep your teabags? 你把茶包放哪儿啦?

•George kept a bottle of whiskey under his bed. 乔治在床底下放了一瓶威士忌。


•He was kept in prison for a week without charge. 他被关押了一个星期,但没被起诉。


•He should be here by now. What’s keeping him? 他现在本该到这儿了,什么事把他耽搁了?


•patients who fail to keep their appointments 未能如约来就诊的病人

keep your word/promise

•How do I know you’ll k eep your word? 我怎么知道你会说话算话?

9.keep a secret保守秘密•Can I trust you to keep a secret? 我能相信你会保守秘密吗?

10.keep sth quiet/keep quiet (about sth)别把某事说出去/(对某事)保密

11.keep a record/account/diary etc定期记录/记账/写日记等

12.keep going(使某人)坚持活下去,(使某人)尽力维持下去

•That woman’s been through such a lot –I don’t know how she keeps going. 那女人经历了这么多磨难,我不知道她是怎么坚持下来的。

if you keep a business, institution, regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen 使(某事物)继续下去

•The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can’t afford to keep it going. 这家图书馆每年经费达500万英镑,市政会无力维持。

to continue doing something difficult 坚持做〔困难的事〕•Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight. 咬紧牙关坚持下去,直至达到你的理想体重为止。

if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get something bigger or better 使某人支撑下去•I’ll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time. 我要吃一块饼干,好支撑到正餐时间。


•Eat the salmon because it won’t keep till tomorrow. 把三文鱼吃了吧,搁不到明天的。

14.饲养•We keep chickens and a couple of pigs. 我们养了一些鸡和几头猪。

15.保留,留下•Will you keep a seat for me? 你能否给我留个座位?

16.keep sb waiting让某人等候

•Sorry to keep you waiting– I got stuck in a meeting. 很抱歉让你久等了,我刚开会脱不了身。

17.keep guard/watch守护/监视

18.[T] old-fashioned to own a small business and work in it开设,经营〔小商店〕

19.供养,抚养,养活•He did not earn enough to keep a wife and children. 他赚的钱不够养活妻儿。