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Vocabulary on Power Generation(Thermal Power Plant)



1. stop valve/non-return valve(NRV)/check valve 截止阀;逆止阀, 单向阀

2. reverse valve 倒流阀

3. cylinder holding 闷缸

4. (cylinder)heat soaking 暖缸

5. boiler hot boxup 闷炉

6. boiler warm-up 暖炉

7. axial thrust/stress 轴向推力

8. axial shift/displacement 轴向位移

9. radial displacement 径向位移

10. emergency stop valve(ESV) 危急遮断阀

11. steam lead pipe 导汽管

12. valve body/casing 阀体,阀壳

13. synchronization (with power grid) 并网

14. inlet shut-off valve 进油关断阀

15. flame scanner/detector 火检

16. scanner fan 火检风机

17. BCP: Boiler Circulation Pump 炉水循环泵

18. slag remover 除渣机

19. slag conveyor 捞渣机

20. rotary vane feeder(RVF) 螺旋输送机(除灰站)

21. ECS:electric control system 电气控制系统

22. ETS: emergency trip system 汽机紧急跳闸系统

23. hydraulic station 液压油站

24. vent/ventilation valve(V.V) 排气阀、通风阀

25. ESP : Electro-Static Precipitator 静电除尘器;电除尘

26. dedust transformer 电除尘变

27. control valve 调阀、调门

28. pilot/slide valve 滑阀

29. steam header 集汽联箱

30. water filling (锅炉等)上水

31. bearing pillow 瓦枕

32. bush 轴瓦

33. forward/positive reverse/negative thrust bearing 正/负向推力轴承(瓦块)

34. atmospheric/top relief valve 对空排气阀

35. exhaust(gas) fan, oil vapor exhaust fan OVEF 排烟风机

36. operating transformer/O.X/OPER._.FMR 工作边

37. FGD: Flue Gas Desulphurization(desulfurize/ desulphurize) 烟气脱硫

38. anion 阴离子

39. cation 阳离子

40. anion/cation bed/exchanger 阴、阳离子交换器;阴床、阳床

41. cathode阴极

42. anode 阳极

43. cathode axis 阴极磁轴

44. caustic/acid storage tank 碱储存罐,酸储存罐

45. resin dosing hopper 树脂加装斗

46. CRT, cation resin regeneration tank and water storage tank

阳塔, 阴(树脂)再生罐兼储水罐

ART, anion resin regeneration tank 阴塔,阴(树脂)再生罐

SPT, resin separation tank(树脂再生)分离塔

47. MEH: micro-hydraulic control 微机电液控制

48. TSI: turbine supervision instrument 汽机监视仪表

49. chemical dosing 化学加药

50. back wash 反洗

51. AGC: Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制

Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制(一般取此义)

52. ATC: Automatic Turbine Startup or Shutdown Control System 汽机自启停系统

53. BPS: Bypass Control System 旁路控制系统

54. CCS: Coordination Control System 单元机组协调控制系统

55. DAS : Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统

56. DCS: Distributed Control System 分散控制系统

57. DEH: Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control (汽机)数字电液控制系统

58. ETS: Emergency Trip System (汽机)事故跳闸系统

59. FSSS: Furnace Safety Supervisory System 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统

60. MCS: Modulation Control System 模拟量控制系统

61. MFT: Master Fuel Trip 主燃料跳闸

62. OFT: Oil Fuel Trip 油燃料跳闸

63. OPC: Over-Speed Control (汽机)超速保护控制

64. SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 监控与数据采集系统

65. SCS: Sequence Control System 顺序控制系统

66. TSI: Turbine Supervisory Instrument (汽机)监视仪表

67. jacking oil pump 顶轴油泵

68. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 设备原产商;厂代、工代

69. installed capacity 装机容量

70. thermal stress 热应力

71. main valve of desuperheating/spray water 减温水总门

72. TD-BFP/MD-BFP: Turbine-Driven/Motor-Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump


73. emergency governor 危急保安器

74. auxiliary power system 厂用电系统

75. PCV: pressure control valve 压力控制阀

76. MCC: motor control center 电机控制中心

77. walkie-talkie 对讲机;步话机