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Lesson 123 Betty

1.during 介词在...期间

It rained during the night. 下了一整夜雨。

She kept on talking during the meal.整个用餐时间她讲个不停。

I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation.休假期间,我到海水浴场游泳两次。

during 与for


I was in hospital during June. 我在六月间一直在住院。

I was in hospital for a month. 我住院一个月。



We’re gong on holiday during/in August. 我们在8月要去度假。

2.trip n/v


a bus trip 汽车旅行 a business trip 出差go on a trip 出去旅行

Take a honey moon trip to Hawaii. 到夏威夷蜜月旅行。

My father will make a trip to New York next week.父亲下礼拜要去纽约去。

take a trip 观光旅行(美)make a trip 商务或办事的旅行(美)

arrange a trip /organize a trip/ plan a trip 计划旅行

a field trip 实地考察 a round trip 往返旅行make a side trip to (旅途中)顺路去

a sightseeing trip 观光旅行 a trip to school 上学 a trip to the office 上班 a trip of the tongue 失言

②v. 绊倒

trip over... 被...绊倒She tripped over the carpet and fell. 她被地毯绊倒。

trip up ...使...绊倒

③v. 使某人说错话,失误

The interviewer tried to trip me up with his question.采访人员想用他的问题是我露出破绽。

3.travel v/n

(1)v. 旅行

I travelled around the world last year. 我去年环游世界一周。

She has never travelled abroad. 她从未到海外旅行过。

travel light 轻装便服旅行

(2)n. 旅行

travel agency 旅行社business travel 旅行出差foreign travel 国外旅行

party travel 团体旅行

4.offer v. 提供

offer a bribe to 向...行贿


offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 对...提供...

She offered him a cup of tea. 她给他一杯茶。

He offered his help to me.他表示愿意助我一臂之力。offer one’s help to...

5.job n.

(1) n. 工作--What does he do? /what’s his job? /What’s he?-- He has a job in a book-store.

It is easier to find a job if you can drive. 如果你会开车就比较容易找到工作。

apply for a job/ hunt for a job 求职lose one’s job 事业quit a job 辞职

(2) n. 份内事It’s your job to do the dishes. 洗盘子是你份内的事。

6.guess v.猜

guess a riddle 猜谜

Can you guess how much it cost? 你能猜出它花了多少钱吗?guess 后接宾语从句,从句是疑问句,用陈述Have I guessed right? Have I guessed wrong? 我猜对了吗?我猜错了吗?

keep a person guessing 让人捉摸不定,不如说,让人猜

7.grow v.

(1)成长,长大Children grow rapidly. 小孩子长得很快。

(2)增大,变大The population of the city is growing every year. 这个城市的人口每年都在增加。(3)变得It was growing dark. 天渐渐暗下来了。

She has grown to like studying English. 她渐渐喜欢学英语了。

grow out of 长大得不能穿

My son has grown out of all his old clothes. 我的儿子已经长大,所有旧衣服都穿不了。

grown adj. 长大成人的grown-up n. 大人,成人,比adult 更口语化

The child acts like a grown-up.那个小孩举止像个大人。

8.beard n. (下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子mustache 嘴上的胡子whiskers 腮须

He wears a long beard.他留了长胡须。

grow a beard 留胡须beardless adj. 无胡须的,未成熟的



This is a photograph (that) I took during my trip to Australia.


由于先行词a photograph 在从句中做took的宾语,因此,引导从句的关系代词往往被省略。They are people(who/whom) I met during the trip.


That’s the ship (that/which) we travelled on.

先行词ship在从句中做travelled on的宾语,因此省略了引导从句的关系代词that或which That’s the man I told you about.

先行词the man在从句中做about的宾语,因此who或whom被省略。

The one who offered you a job in Australia. who在从句中做主语,因此不可被省略。
