Unit 2 英语句子翻译技巧

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▪ 1)Each equipment and product choice should be accompanied by the dealership’s suggested retail price; feel free to negotiate those prices.
▪ 供选择的每项配件和产品都应附有特许经销 商的建议零售价;尽可以讨价还价。
▪ 3)Your prompt reply will be much appreciated.
▪ 非常感谢您的早日恢复。 ▪ 4)A pro forma invoice will be sent to you by
air-mail tomorrow. ▪ 明天将航空寄去形式发票一份。 ▪ 5)Before a formal business meeting, the
▪ 1) This is particularly important when spare parts have to be supplied promptly to customers, as in the case of consumer goods such as refrigerators.
▪ 2)But he warns that if it is proved that the Air Force unfairly favored Boeing, the contract should be reopened for new bidders.
▪ 但是他警告说,如果有证据表明空军在这项 交易中不公正地偏向了波音公司,该合同就 应该对新的竞标者开放。
recognized in persuading consumers to make their mind to buy a product.
▪ 产品的包装设计能促使消费者做出购买决定,但人 们并不总会意识到它的重要性。
▪ 在商务英语中,有些被动句用来描述事物的 存在、发生、消失,有时也用来表示人们的 看法、态度、告诫、要求、号召等,这是可 将它们译成无主句。
▪ 我国是最早承认中华人民共和国的国家之一。自那 时起,“一个中国”的概念一直是我国坚定而明确 的基本政策。
3. 合句法
▪ 如果内容结合紧密的英语并列句或复合句能 够用简洁的汉语单句完整地表达出来,我们 就可以采用合句法。
▪ 1)What suits don’t do to the same extent they once did is reveal the wearer’s background.
经贸外语系 马国志
▪ 1.运用对应句型 ▪ 2.分句法 ▪ 3.合句法 ▪ 4.被动语态译法 ▪ 5.名词从句的翻译 ▪ 6.定语从句的翻译 ▪ 7.状语从句的翻译
▪ 当英语叙述层次与汉语基本一致时,或翻译 某些措辞严谨的商务文件时可以按照英语原 文的顺序翻译。
▪ 推销信件是一种广告宣传,其目的在于销售 特定货物或为特定客户提供服务。
▪ 3)I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.
▪ 如能告知是否光临,甚为感谢。

▪ 4)We wish we could lower our price but unfortunately we cannot do so.
▪ 凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切 争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决。
▪ 3)The main role of our office is to carry out market research, collect business information and give information to potential clients about our products.
agenda is usually circulated in advance to all participants.
▪ 召开正式商务会议,通常要提前将议事日程 分发给所有与会者。
▪ 有的英语被动句表示某种状态,类似形容词,可以 译成汉语判断句。
▪ 1)The internet was not designed as platform for commercial transactions.
▪ 这家公司被禁止使用虚假的广告。 ▪ 4)Last year the region was visited by the
worst drought in 60 years.
▪ 去年该地区遭受到60年来最严重的旱灾。
▪ 如果英语句子中的被动结构不强调被动动作, 翻译时可译成汉语的主动句。
▪ 我们的产品是全国质量检验协会的推荐产品。
4.5 it作形式主语的被动式翻译
▪ 以it作形式主语的被动句式,有时可译成无主句 “据……”, 有时可添加不确定主语,如“有人”、 “大家”、“我们”、“人们” 等。
▪ 1)It is rumored that the accident was due to negligence.
▪ 买主无视正当的国际贸易法则,对此我们很 失望。
▪ 3)Strange enough, they were the same age to the day.
▪ 说来也巧,他们两个年龄一样大,而且还是同日生 的。
▪ 4) We were among the very first countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China, and since then the “One China” concept has remained the firm and clear foundation of our policy.
▪ 我们也希望再降低价格,但很遗憾,实在无 能为力了。
▪ 5)We hope this will go smoothly and you are able to conclude the contract soon.
▪ 希望一切顺利,并速签合同。
▪ 4.1译成被动句 ▪ 当英语句子的被动语态强调的是被动动作,应将句
▪ 我们代表处的主要任务是进行市场调查,收 集商业信息,向潜在的客户介绍我们的产品。
▪ 英语中大量使用后置定语、各种短语和复杂 包孕结构,可以表达几层含义,而汉语习惯 用一个短句表达一层意思,多层意思要通过 几个短句来表达,体现汉语特有的节奏。分 句法是指把原文的一个复杂句子译成两个或 两个以上的句子。
▪ 如果销售电冰箱这类消费品,一定要能迅速 向客户提供零件,这一点特别重要。
▪ 2)We are sorry to inform you that an accident happened last night, but no great harm was done to your goods.
▪ 我们很抱歉地告知,昨晚发生了一场事故, 但没有给你放所定货物造成多大损失。
▪ 西装不再像以往那么明确地表现穿着者的背 景。
▪ 2)The sales letter is a form of advertising. It aims to sell particular kinds of goods or services to selected types of customers.
▪ 2)A market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold.
▪ 市场通常被认为是买卖货物的地方。 ▪ 3)The company was forbidden from using
false advertising.
▪ 据报道,该国的失业率已经达到百分之七。 ▪ 类似的句式: ▪ It is said that… 据说…… ▪ It is hoped that… 有人(人们)希望…… ▪ It is suggested that… 有人建议…… ▪ It is supposed that… 据推测…… ▪ It must be admitted… 必须承认…… ▪ It must be pointed out… 必须指出……
▪ 据传言,那场事故是由于玩忽职守而造成的。 ▪ 2)It should be mentioned that the market
situation is turning for the better. ▪ 应该提及的是,市场情况正在向好的方面转变。
▪ 3)It is reported that the unemployment rate in this country has reached 7 percent.
▪ 3)And that the letter of credit can’t be cancelled before the expiry date?
▪ 而且信用证在期满前不得撤销,对吗?
▪ 4)Profound friendship has been established between our two peoples.
▪ 1)The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict accordance with the stipulations of the Sales Contract.
▪ 信用证内容必须严格符合本销售合同的规定。
▪ 2)All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably through negotiation.
completely natural ingredients and we do not utilize any artificial additives at all.
▪ 我们的产品全部是用天然材料制成,没有使 用任何人工添加剂。
▪ 5)Our products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection Association.
▪ 互联网本来并非作为商业交易平台而设计开发的。 ▪ 2)Payment will be made by 100% confirmed,
irrevocable L/C available by sight draft. ▪ 付款方式为100%即期保兑不可撤销信用证。
▪ 3)This TV set is made in Germany. ▪ 这台电视机是德国制造的。 ▪ 4)Our products are manufactured from
▪ 我们两国人民已经建立起深厚的友谊。 ▪ 5)Your firm has been recommended to us by
Coventry Chamber of Commerce. ▪ 承蒙考文垂商会推荐,得知贵号行名。 ▪ 6)The importance of design is not always
▪ 1)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law.
▪ 能量既不能被创造,也不能被消灭,这是一 条普遍公认的规律。
▪ 2)We are disappointed at the buyers’ disregard for proper international trading rules.
子译成汉语的被动句。 ▪ 1)For years, personal experience and expert
advice have been widely used in managing risk and have proved to be very useful and practicable. ▪ 多年来在风险管理中,个人的经验和专家的建议已 经得到广泛应用并证明是十分有效可行的。