当前位置:文档之家› 甘肃省兰州市兰炼一中2020学年高一英语上学期期中考试试题B卷(无答案)新人教版



Exams Mid-Term October 2020.




1.What will the man probably do tomorrow?

A.Play tennis with the woman.

B.Go Swimming with the woman.

C.Go hiking with a friend.

2.How much is the dress the woman is wearing?

A.30 dollars.B.35 dollars.

C.40 dollars.

3.What did the woman do last night?

A.She enjoyed a good concert.

B.She was writing a paper.

C.She and her sister were reading a paper at home.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The man can sit with her.

B.The man should find some other place to sit.

C.The man is her friend.

5.Why is Mary not in the dormitory?

A.She’s gone home to see her parents.

B.She’s working in the hospital.

C.She’s gone to see the doctor.




6.Where does the man want to go by Flight TA 337?

A.Hong Kong.B.Beijing.C.Dubai.

7.Hong long has the man stayed in Dubai?

A.one year.B.two years.C.nine months.8.Who is Lily in the conversation?

A.The woman’s friend.

B.The man and the woman’s daughter.

C.The man’s mother.


9.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.B.Friends.C.Doctor and patient.

10.What does the man do?

A.He is a student.B.He is an English teacher.C.He is a manager.11.Why does the woman tell the man not to go to school?

A.She wants him to be better soon.

B.She wants him to read more books.

C.She wants him not to carry the flu to other people.


12.What is Professor Johnson expert in?



13.Why do many people support to build the factory?

A.The factory is not far from their homes.

B.The factory does no harm to their life.

C.The factory can provide the people jobs.

14.What is the probable job of the woman?

A.A policewoman.B.A reporter.C.A student.


15.Why does the man ask the woman for help?

A.He asks her to find the way.

B.He asks her for a math book.

C.He asks her for a solution to a math problem.

16.Which is the woman’s worst subject?


17.What’s the two speakers’ problem in maths learning?

A.They don’t work hard.

B.Their teacher doesn’t know them at all.

C.They should find a better way to learn math.




An Underwater Meeting

二.单项选择(满分10分)(Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer)

21. Our nearest planet.


b. Mars

c. Mercury

22.It keeps us healthy, helps us grow and make us strong.

a. Exercise

b. Food

c. Vitamins

23.When a metal gets hot it

a. becomes a tin

b. becomes a silver

c. expands

24.What is the fastest speed a bird can fly?

a. 50 kph

b. 100 kph

c. 150 kph

25.This is a meat-eating plant.

a. cactus

b. venus flytraps

c. vines with thorns

26.These animals are solitary animals and spend most of their time alone in

trees. They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large spots.

a. Leopards

b. Lepards

c. Leoperds

27.Snakes are reptiles and whale is a

a. mammal

b. fish

c. the same as dolphin

28.It is a type of exercise that requires you to move quickly and suddenly.

a. aerobic exercise

b. anaerobic exercise

c. Basketball

29. When did the last dinosaurs die?

a. about 65 million years ago

b. about 65 thousand years ago

c. about

65 billion years ago

30. Where did scientists discovered the first dinosaur bones?

a. In China

b. In England

c. In The U.S.A

三.填空(满分15分)(Fill in the blanks)

31. W are not the only ones who needs air.

32.Birds use t wings to fly.

33.If you want to lift heavy things, you need a strong m .

34.Is swimming or running b for you?

35.It’s a type of film that tells about the past. H

(36)F .

Rearrange the paragraph by numbering them: 9 points

How do rainforests make rain?

37 The water vapor (蒸汽)becomes clouds.

38 The leaves become wet.

39 The water goes into the roots

40 The rain runs down the outside of the tree to the ground.

41 From the roots, water goes up inside the tree to the leaves.

42 The trees catch the rain in their leaves.

43 The sun shines on the leaves and makes water vapor.

44 The rain falls from the clouds.

45 The rain water goes into the ground.

四.阅读理解 (满分20分)(Reading comprehension)

A Health.

Our bodies need to be taken care of if we are to be healthy. The food

we eat and the way we treat our bodies is what helps us to live a long life.

If we eat well we will be able to enjoy an energetic life. One of the most

important parts of life is exercise. Exercise is another part of keeping your

body healthy. Our bodies are designed to be used so let us use them wisely

and eat healthily to experience long life.

The first point we want to talk about is what constitutes(组成) a healthy

diet. We need good food for a good life. We need lots of vitamins and protein. Vegetables, bread, rice, milk, meat, fish and fruit have a lot of good things in them. They help to make your body strong and healthy. It is important to eat enough of them- not too much and not too little. Too much (especially of the wrong kind of food-Junk food.) can make you fat but too little makes you weak. We also need things like Cereal and some sugar (but not too much) in our diet. Sugar helps to give us energy but too much makes us fat.

Exercise has an important part in our health as well as when we exercise we help to burn up fat in our body and our muscles will develop stronger and bigger as well. Some of the exercise can be provided by the sport that we play. Some examples are: Football this is what we call an anaerobic exercise which means that we move suddenly and quickly. These types of sport (anaerobic) make your muscles stronger but do not help your heart. Swimming and running are on the other hand aerobic sports. These types make your body move all the time so as well as your muscles they make your heart stronger and they improve your blood circulation. They help you by making you breathe more oxygen into your lungs and then into your blood then into your heart. The heart sends it around your body which takes the oxygen out and puts carbon dioxide in. Your blood goes back to your heart and then to your lungs and you breathe out carbon dioxide.

Another not mentioned before important point is that we need friends so if we have good friends they will help us enjoy a good life. Also if we have love and peace in our home and in our work then that is a great help to give us a good life.

So to conclude this article if we eat healthy food, do sufficient exercise and have a loving caring family and friends then we will live a long and good life unless something unforeseen happens.

46. What is the main thought of this passage?

47. What do we need for a healthy diet?

48. What will exercise do for our body?

49. What is anaerobic sport?

50. What sports are better for you?


The forest is strong with a perfume so sweet.

Such a perfect place to dream.

She feeds from the earth, from the water and air,

Mother nature, pure and green.

A humming bird sings high above,

her feathers shine in the sun,

while deep in the jungle it’s cool and it’s dark,

And a tiger is feeding her young.

They shelter the flowers from the sun and the wind, helping them bloom and grow.

They care for the creatures that hide in the leaves.

Every colour of a rainbow. But men with machines

Want to cut her down, so how can we make people see

That our forest is rich with the beauty of life?

52.What is the title of this poem?

52. She feeds from the earth, from the water and air, (Line 3)

What does this mean?

53.Who comes along and wants to destroy her?

54.What does ‘ Every colour of a rainbow referred to ?

55.What are the riches and beauty of life she is referring to? (3 things)

五.作文(满分25)(Writing) Write at least 120 words.

Question: Describe the pictures and what they tell us about the history of China and anything related to Lanzhou and also something about one of the problems in the past, Poverty(贫穷) or any other you can think of and how they are being solved now or have been solved. What are some ways poverty could be solved?


职高高一英语期中考试试题 一.Multiple choice. 1.I like your class. You _____________ a very good teacher. A. is B. are C. am 2.There ____________ a lot of trees in my hometown. A. is B. are C. am 3.There is _________ in the room. A. two Americans B. one Chinese C. many Australians 4.Some girls help ________ the rooms clean. A. keep B to clean C. do 5.It is already April, but it is still_________ in the north of China. A. warm B. cold C. rainy 6.The boy runs ________ fast as his sister. A. as B. so C. much 7.Neither you _______ I will go to the meeting tomorrow. A. or B. nor C. and 8.The tour guide_________ the tourists around the city. A. show B. shows C. lead 9.What do you usually have ___________ breakfast? A. to B. for C. from 10.Thank you_________. A. to send me the photos B. for sending me the photoes C. for sending me the photos 11.Would you like ______ to drink? ---No, thank you. A. Nothing B. something C. everything 12.I’m not ready________ yet. A. to order B. order C. order food 13.Just_______ water, please. A. a bottle of B. a bottle C. a 14.Boys play________ sports than girls. A. more B. many C. much 15.You’ll find ________ not easy to give up the bad habit. A. it B. that C./ 16.I________ like computer games. A. don’t B. not C. am not 17.Do you feel ________ today? A. Well B. better C. best. 18.Sometimes I watch TV __________ long time. A. for a B. with a C. / 19.In the evening we often do ________. A. jog B. some jogging C. many jogging 20._________, and you will be healthy and fit.


高一英语工作总结4篇 20xx届高三学生毕业后,按照领导的安排,我到了高二一级部英语组工作。担任三个教学班的英语课教学工作。担子重,身体累,心里更累。唯恐哪项工作做的不能让领导满意,对不起学生。一学期终于结束了。下面简单地回顾一下开学以来所做的一些英语教学工作。 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作、探索等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。发展学生自主学习的能力,培养学生自主学习的习惯。 二、关注学生情感,创造民主、和谐的教学气氛。 学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化有积极的情态,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩,刻板的情态,不仅会影响英语学习的效果,还会影响其它发展,情态是学好英语的重

要因素,因此我努力创造宽松民主、和谐的教学空间。 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性。 2、把英语教学与情态有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。 3、关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学习,尽可能地为他们创造语言的机会。 4、建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,经常和学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助,做到教学相关。 三、加强对学生学习策略的指导,让他们在学习和适用的过程中逐步学会如何学习。 1、积极创造条件,让学生参与到阶段性学习目标,以及实现目标的方法。即让学生体会到成功学习的快感。 2、引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。即充分利用好词典。 3、引导学生在学习过程中,进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学习目标和学习策略。即教会学生发现适合自己的学习方法。 新课程改革不是纸上谈兵,后必须要与实践相结合,即将努力学习,积极进取,积极参与课程改革,在课改中不断学习,不断实践,不断反思等有机结合起来。在以后的教学


高一英语(必修3)期中考试试题 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 21.Customers can use _______ information on the side of the packet to help have ______ healthier diet. A.the; the B./; the C.the; a D./; a 22 — Mr White has been working all the morning with no rest. — He is a(n) ________ man. He never looks tired. A.energetic B.powerful C.impressiv e D.unbelievable 23 -- Kate,I have washed clothes for you. --Thanks.You needn’t _____ it. I can _____ it. A do;try B do ; manage C have done; manage D have done; try 24 _____ she is good at is that she can _____creative imagination with intelligence to create some wonders. A That,combine ; B What ,combine ; C That , mix ; D What, mix 25 We can’t have some students ______ cheating in the exam.


( 工作总结 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 高一英语教师工作总结报告 A summary report on the work of senior one English teachers

高一英语教师工作总结报告 做为一名高中英语教师,我在今年主要任教于高一年级的英语课,我所带的两个班级的学生,经过一学期的认真学习,英语成绩有了显著的提高,学生们在英语课上态度认真,学习的劲头也很足,我个人认为,英语是学生的一门主要功课,无论是学校、家长还是学生都很重视它,但是不少学生觉得这门功课单调枯燥,学起来吃力,甚至有不少学生放弃了它。究其原因,是学生对英语学习的接触面小,说练机会少,以及他与中文的部分反差的诸多因素,使得学生对英语学习常常存在“厌、怕、弃”的不健康的心理。这使我不得不改进以往的教学方法。经过一个学期的英语教学工作,在我个人的积极努力与广大同学的配合下,教学任务圆满完成,现将个人工作总结如下。

一、注意高一与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,可以通过摸底了解学生大致水平,及时给学生弥补初中的缺漏知识。可利用上半学期的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面系统复习。要尽快使学生适应高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;坚持用英语授课,要求并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年开始就需要培养学生的阅读能力,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅读习惯;另外,课后要多与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉。 二、确立与新课程相适应的教育观念 学生是学习的主体,老师不能代替学生读书,代替学生感知,代替学生观察、分析、思考,代替学生明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一条规律。老师只能让学生自己读书,自己感受事物,自己观察、分析、思考,从而明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一条规律。于是我改变“一言堂”,把课堂还给学生,形成师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的教学过程。 三、高中英语教学要始终贯彻交际性原则,强化学生主体意识


甘肃省兰州一中2019-2020学年 高二上学期期中考试(理)试题 一、选择题 1.“我是谁”“我从哪里来”“我到哪里去”,这是很多人日常生活中会遇到的问题,这也是会把很多人问倒的终极哲学问题。对这一类问题的回答 A.没有答案,因为世界处于永恒变化中无法认识 B.说明哲学源于人们对实践的追问和对世界的思考 C.说明对日常生活的一般性概括就是哲学 D.说明哲学对人类认识世界提供具体方法的指导 【答案】B 【解析】对材料中这一类问题的回答,说明哲学源于人们对实践的追问和对世界的思考,B 项符合题意;对材料中这一类问题的回答可能不尽相同,但都可以归结为思维和存在的关系问题,并非没有答案,A项说法错误;哲学是理论化系统化的世界观,对日常生活的一般性概括并非就是哲学,C项说法错误;哲学对人类认识世界和改造世界提供世界观和方法论指导,而不是提供具体方法的指导,D项说法错误;正确选项为B。 2.下列不属于世界观的是 A.形存神存,形谢神灭 B 与时俱进,开拓创新 C.天地合气,万物自生 D.生死有命,富贵在天 【答案】B 【解析】世界观是人们对整个世界的总的看法和观点。A属于世界观,是对世界本原的认识。B是方法论,是做事情的方法,不是世界观,符合题目要求。故选B。C是世界观,是对世界本原的认识。D是世界观,认为客观精神是世界的本原。 3.马克思在近代科学的基础上创立了历史唯物主义,即唯物史观,科学地解决了人与外部世界的关系问题。马克思将自己的这一哲学称为“新唯物主义”,即辩证的、历史的、实践的唯物主义。“新唯物主义”表现在 ①第一次实现了世界观与方法论有机结合 ②实现了唯物主义与唯心主义的有机统一


(考试时间:120 分钟分值:150 分) ☆★☆祝考试顺利☆★☆ 第一卷(选择题) 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节单项选择(共30 小题; 每小题1 分,满分30 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. –I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.–_______________! I’m sure you’ll m ake it. A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up 2. Some parts in South China have experienced ________ this year as they did last year. A. twice as much rain B. rain twice as much C. as twice much rain D. twice rain as much 3. We usually take turns _______cleaning , and today it is my turn _____ it. A. to do ; doing B. do ; do C. done ; doing D.to do ; to do 4. Robert is interested in ______ astronomy and he wishes he could make a trip into _______ space one day. A. the ; the B. an ; the C. an ; 不填 D. 不填;不填


2017--2018学年度第一学期八县(市)一中期中联考 高中一年数学科试卷 命题学校: 命题教师: 审核教师: 考试日期: 2017年11月16日 完卷时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项是符合题意要求的) (1)设全集{}0,1,2,3,4U =,集合{}1,2,3A =, {}2,4B =,则()U A C B =( ) (A ){}01,3, (B ){}13, (C ){}12,3, (D ){}0,1,2,3 (2)函数()ln(1)f x x x = +-的定义域是( ) (A ))10(, (B )]1,0( (C ))1,0[ (D )]1,0[ (3)已知幂函数()y f x =的图象过(4,2)点,则()2f =( ) (A )2 (B )2 (C )4 (D ) 22 (4)设函数???>≤?=2 log 2 2)(2x x x a x f x ,, )(R a ∈,若()1)4(=f f ,则a 的值为( ) (A )2 (B )1 (C )21 (D )4 1 (5)下列函数中,既是偶函数,又在)(0,+∞上单调递增的是( ) (A )x y = (B )3x y = (C )21x y -= (D )x y ln = (6)已知函数2)1(log ++=x y a )10(≠>a a 且的图象恒过定点A ,若点A 也在函数 b x f x +=2)(的图象上,则b =( ) (A )0 (B )1 (C )2 (D )3 (7)利用二分法求方程3log 3x x =-的近似解,可以取的一个区间是( ) (A )()0,1 (B )()1,2 (C )()2,3 (D )()3,4 (8)已知 1.2 0.8 612,() ,2log 22 a b c -===,则,,a b c 的大小关系为( ) (A ) c b a << (B )c a b << (C )b c a << (D )b a c << (9)已知函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在]0,(-∞上是减函数,若 ()()211f x f -<-,则实数x 的取值围是( ) (A )),0(+∞ (B ))1,0( (C ))1,(-∞ (D )),1()0,(+∞-∞ (10)若函数x a y =)10(≠>a a 且的反函数在定义域单调递增,则函数


高一英语上学期教学工作总结 吴孟君 通过过去这一学期的英语教学中,现作如下几点总结: 一、注意高一与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,可以通过摸底了解学生大致水平,及时给学生弥补初中的缺漏知识。可利用上半学期的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面系统复习。要尽快使学生适应高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;坚持用英语授课,要求并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年开始就需要培养学生的阅读能力,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅读习惯;另外,课后要多与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉。二、培养学生的自学能力 只有通过辅导学生掌握一套科学的学习方法,并培养学生的自学能力,才能使学生的学习积极性和主动性得以发挥。具体包括:培养学生的预习能力、各种方法掌握英语基本知识的能力、学生自己整理所学知识的能力。另外,自学能力的提高还得益于大量的独立的阅读,于是新学期开始就要要求学生人人必备一本英汉词典作为工具书,让学生勤查字典。 三、激发学生学习英语的兴趣 在教学中培养学生的学习兴趣,增强教学效果,才能避免在以后的学习中产生两极分化。具体做法是把语言教学与日常生活联系起来,上课可以结合时事、热点,给学生讲有关政治、历史、社会等各方面的新闻、幽默等。还可以通过开辟第二课堂,如举办讲故事、各类竞赛等。老师课后应当多和学生交流接触,了解学生的需要,适当和学生一起参加活动、体育运动。课后还可以布置学生听英语广播、看英语新闻,然后再到学校进行交流。 四、备课,既备学生,又要备教法 备课是一个必不可少,十分重要的环节,。备课不充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性。我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花费大量的时间在备课之上,认认真真钻研教材和教法,不满意就不收工。虽然辛苦,但事


湖北省武汉市(第十五中学、十七中学、常青一 中)2019-2020学年高二上学期期末数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 直线的倾斜角为() A.B.C.D. 2. 椭圆的离心率为() A.B.C.D. 3. 已知命题“,”的否定是() A.,B., C.,D., 4. 在新高考改革中,一名高一学生在确定选修物理的情况下,想从政治,地理,生物,化学中再选两科学习,则所选两科中一定有地理的概率是() A.B.C.D. 5. 国家教育部规定高中学校每周至少开设两节体育选修课,在一次篮球选修课上,体育老师让同学们练习投篮,其中小化连续投篮两次,事件“两次投篮至少有一次投篮命中”与事件“两次投篮都命中”是() A.对立事件B.互斥但不对立事件 C.不可能事件D.既不互斥也不对立事件 6. 已知两条不同的直线和两个不同的平面,有如下命题: ①若,,,,则;

②若,,,则; ③若,,则.其中正确的命题个数为 A.B.C.D. 7. 抛物线的焦点坐标是() A.B.C.D. 8. “”是“,使得是真命题”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 9. 已知为抛物线上一个动点,到其准线的距离为,为圆 上一个动点,的最小值是() A.5 B.4 C.D. 10. 已知方程,下列说法正确的是() A.当时,此方程表示椭圆B.此方程不可能表示圆 C.若此方程表示双曲线,则D.当时,此方程表示双曲线11. 已知双曲线的一个焦点与抛物线的焦点重合,且与直线 交于两点,若中点的横坐标为,则此双曲线的标准方程是A.B. C.D. 12. 已知点,,若直线上至少存在三个点,使得 是直角三角形,则实数的取值范围是() A.B.


2013高一期中考试英语试题 第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1,5分,共30分) 1.--This is the first time that I ____ the Italian restaurant. --There is too much tasty food you can taste. A. came to B. am coming into C. come into D. have been to 2. Tom is always playing alone. I wish he would ____ with other children. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. join up 3. ____ he has made up his mind, no one can make him change it. A. Once B. Unless C. Until D. As 4. Native English speakers can understand each other ____ they don’t speak the same kind of English. A. even B. although C. even if D. as if 5.The visitor ____ that he ____ very glad to pay a visit to our country. A. said, was B. talked, had been C. told, was D. spoke, had been 6.We were _______ surprised at the news that we couldn’t say anything. A. so B. much C. very D. quite 7.You’d better _______ your score and see if you have passed the exam. A. add up to B. add to C add up D. add 8. Mr. Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______. A. whether; the day before B. whether; yesterday C. that; the day before D. that; yesterday 9. Every minute is made full _______ of _______ our lessons well. A. to use; study B. use; studying C use; to study D. used; studying 10. Many questions ______ at the meeting, but he answered none. A. came up B. raised C were risen D. asked 11. People ______ at the meeting would have a discussion on pollution. A. were present B. took part in C. join in D present. 12. The farm ______ we see today is no longer the one ______ it was ten years ago.


2017-2018学年度第一学期八县(市)一中期中联考 高中一年英语科试卷 命题学校:闽清一中命题教师:黄春玲 核对教师:李丽 考试日期:11月17日完卷时间:120分钟满分:l50分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman think of her dress? A. It’s cute. B. It fits her very well. C. It’s a little small for her. 2.How will the speakers go to the hospital? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. 3.Where are the speakers? A. In Paris. B. In Blackpool. C. In Manchester. 4.How much does the ticket cost? A. $10. B. $7. C. $ 3. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The weather. B. A football match. C. Their weekend plans. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Who will meet the woman at the airport? A. The man. B. The man’s brother. C. The man’s workmate. 7.What does Mark look like? A. He always wears a brown cap. B. He has red hair. C. He’s very thin. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.Why does the man want to move? A. He can’t afford the rent. B. He dislikes his roommate.


【篇一】高一英语学期教学工作总结 本学期,本人继续担任高一(4)(5)(6)的英语教学工作。在这个学期中,本人积极配合学校及年级段的工作,与各科任老师互相配合,统一教学法进度,合理安排时间,顺利完成了本期的教学任务。现将这个学期的工作总结如下: 一、按照教学常规认真开展教学工作 备课:认真钻研教材和教师教学用书,弄清楚教材的基本思想、基本概念,了解教材的结构,重点与难点,掌握知识的逻辑。积极配合新课改,并结合学生实际情况,经过高一英语组集体备课后,制作适合本校学生水平的学练案。 上课:1.在新课改之初,很多学生由于习惯于传统的灌输式教学,对新课改的上课方式非常不习惯。对于这个现象,我耐心培养学生的自主学习能力,渐渐地,学生开始习惯于这种学习方式。2.教师不仅是传授学生知识,而且其上课状态也会影响学生的学习状态。每天我都保持饱满的精神,认真做好组织教学,尽可能保证上课内容丰富,充实,教态自然,讲课生动,难易适中照顾全部,并且充分调动学生的学习积极性和主观能动性,让学生多动手,多动口、,多动脑,以营造活跃的课堂气氛。 考试:本学期根据学校的要求进行了多次阶段性的考试。每次考试,都能做到考试前帮助学生进行有系统的复习,考试后进行学科总结,及时查漏补缺,从中改正教学方法,也让学生调整学习方法,争取更大的进步。 作业和辅导:针对学生英语基础薄弱的特点,在作业的布置方面以夯实基础为主,重点放在单词拼写、选词填空、阅读理解等,让学生能在作业中找到学习英语的成就感;批改作业时多用赞美式、鼓励性的语言予以评价。对学生的辅导方面,做到有耐心,有方法,因材施教。 听课:听课是提高自身教学能力的一个好方法,尤其是对一个新老师来说,只有虚心向同行学习教学方法,吸取他们先进的教学手段,博采众长,才能更快的提高自己的英语教学水平。本学期,我积极参与学校和教研组组织的各种听课、评课活动,听课的主要对象是英语组老师的课,同时也听其他老师的课。听课时,我认真做听课笔记,听完课后,通过比较自己和其他老师上课的不同,积极反思自身教学中的不足,然后将他们很多优点和长处应用到自己的课堂教学当中去,取得了较好的效果。 二、不断学习提高自身素养 为加强自身的业务水平,本人积极对各种教育理论进行学习,给自己充电,以便在工作中以坚实的理论作为指导,更好地进行教育教学;努力提高英语专业水平,以适应当前教育的形式。此外,我还利用业余时间认真学习电脑知识,上网查找资料,为教学服务等等。


百色市一中上学期高二年级期末考试 语文试题 总分150分 第I卷(选择题共30分) 一、(12分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A.赀.财cī逡.巡qūn 徂.徕cú编纂.zuǎn 勒.令lè B.诟.骂ɡòu 鬻.梅yù缙绅.shēn 先妣.bǐ扃牖.yǒu C.钟磬.qìnɡ敷衍.yǎn 颤.栗zhàn 解剖.pōu 泥淖.zhào D.恬.退tián 聒.噪ɡuō嗜好shì堕.落zhuì蹊.跷qī2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是() A.落莫噩耗不甚荣耀汗流浃背 B.平瘠虔诚禄禄无为清政廉洁 C.犀利涵盖焕然一新直截了当 D.颔首鉴证故全大局凭心而论 3、下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是() A.靠他的一双脚板,一块块地收集,很难包揽天下奇石,为了充实自己的“奇石王国”,他常常慷慨解囊 ....,上门求购。 B.李强在这场比赛中可谓超常发挥,下半场刚被替换上场便接连攻入两 球,力挽狂澜, .....使本队最终以2:0战胜了对手。 C.这首诗形式短小,语言简朴,意思好像十分浅近、透明,但又给人无 穷的遐想,读来令人感同身受 ....。 D.中国互联网协会声称,大规模封杀垃圾邮件只不过是目前在没有法律 监控的情况下的一种权宜之计 ....。 4、下列各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是() A.错别字在报纸、杂志上大量出现,反映了民族文化素质和一些人工作作风方面存在的严重问题,必须严肃认真地对待。 B.在常规能源中,水电的优越性是无可比拟的、取之不尽、用之不竭的再生能源。 C.随着我国人民生活水平的日益提高,糖尿病患者日益增多,并向中青


江苏省启英中学高一英语期中考试试卷 考生注意:1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷,共8页。满分120分,考试时间为120分钟;2、选择题填涂在答题卡相应位置上,其余在答题纸上作答,在草稿纸、试题纸上答题无效。 第Ⅰ卷 (85分) 第一题听力 (20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the man going to do? A.Meet Mr.Green B.Catch a plane C.Have a meeting 2.Whose secretary(秘书)is the woman? A.Mr.Pederson’s B.Mr. Graber’s C.Niles Olsen’s 3.What is the man going to buy for Kathy? A.Some flowers B.A box of chocolate C. A music CD 4.Which bus should the man take? A.NO.2 B.NO.23 C.NO.32 5.What size of the photo does the woman want? A.Five inches B.Six inches C.Seven inches 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答6-7两个小题。 6.How does the two speakers feel about the news? A.Excited B.Angry C.Shocked(感到震惊的) 7.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The man doesn’t hope Mike will lose his job. B.The woman thinks she will be fired(解雇). C.The company will go bankrupt.(破产) 听下面一段对话,回答8-10三个小题。 8.Why does the woman go to Florida? A.To buy a bird. B.To have a holiday. C.To look after her father. 9.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Look after her bird. B.Write her a letter. C.Go with her.


福建省福州市八县一中(福清一中,长乐一中等)2016-2017学年高二英语 上学期期末联考试题 第I卷(共90分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where did Mike meet up with Sam? A. At a gym. B. At a restaurant. C. At a movie theater. 2. What was the woman doing just now? A. Taking an exam. B. Talking to her professor. C. Giving money to the homeless. 3. What does the man think of Bill? A. He’s funny. B. He causes problems. C. He shou ldn’t be fired. 4. What is the man going to do now? A. Go home. B. Go to the store. C. Go to the hospital. 5. Where will the man stay next? A. In the garden. B. In the bathroom. C. In the living room. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What are the speakers talking about?


2020高一英语教师上学期工作总结精选范文 只有通过培养学生掌握科学的学习方法,并培养他们的自学能力,才能使学生的学习积极性和主动性得以发挥。下面是小编整理的关于2019高一英语教师上学期工作总结精选范文,希望能够帮到大家。 2019高一英语教师上学期工作总结精选范文(一) 本学期我担任了高一两个班的英语教学工作,并担任高一英语备课组长的工作,任务艰巨,但在同备课组老师的协同合作下,我认真履行职责,始终坚持高标准、严要求地开展各项教学教研活动,圆满地完成了学校安排的各项工作,自身的教学素养、业务水平和综合能力等都有了很大提高。学期即将结束,回顾这一学期,有辛勤的耕耘,有收获的喜悦,也有不少遗憾和困惑。现将一学期来的工作情况以及今后的努力方向总结如下: 一、认真做好常规的教学工作,努力提高教育教学质量 开学初,根据学校要求,我认真写好教学计划,在教学计划的指导下,备好课,写好每一节课的教案。备课时认真钻研教材,虚心向同备课组的老师学习、请教,力求吃透教材,找准重点、难点。为了上好每一节课,我上网查资料,集中别人的优点来确定自己的教学思路。为了使学生能更直观地感受所学的知识内容,我积极制作课件,利用网络、书籍以及各种信息渠道拓展教学资源。 上课时认真讲课,力求突破重难点,做到精讲精练。同时运用多种教学方法,从学生的实际出发,注意调动学生学习的积极性和自主性。有成效地开展了培优扶差工作,尤其对学困生更注意思想工作的开展及课余的的辅导。课后及时做好课后反思,注意总结经验寻求差距,提高了教学质量,圆满完成了学校交给的教学任务。 二、重视初、高中英语教学衔接工作的开展,帮助学生尽快顺利适应高中英语的学习 高一是高中的起始年段,是中学生英语学习的转折点,是一个承上启下关系到学生在高中阶段能否学好并取得更大进步的关键的一学年。在学生中,对初中英语知识的掌握存在着缺陷与断层的现象普遍存在,这给我的教学工作增加了不少难度。同时,学生在两个月的暑假期间,由于没有继续学习巩固而造成的知识遗忘、回生,也使刚开始的教学步履维艰。 针对这种现象,为了使高一的新生在较短的时间内适应高中的英语教学,我认真分析研究初高中的学生、初高中的教材、教学目的要求、教学方法的异同点,积极地寻求良好衔接的途径和方法。 1、根据学生掌握英语知识和技能的实际,做好教材、教学目的和要求的衔接 北师大版教材典型的特点是语言输入量大,设计的教学环节活动多。如果我按照教材一步一步地走,势必课时不足,而且有些活动并不适合自己的学生。因而我在了解初中英语教材、初中英语语言知识体系和教学班学生的知识和技能实际的基础上灵活地把教材中的内容作弹性处理,或增删,或浓缩,突出重点,巧破难点,做到化繁为简,化难为易。 2、搞好初、高中英语语言知识的教学衔接工作 在新课的教学时注重初、高中英语语言知识的相互联系和相互渗透,使学生由基础知识向语言能力迁移的能力得到提高。如结合新词汇的教学加强对学生的语音训练,使那些还不能正确运用读音规则独立拼读单词和流利地朗读课文的学生,摆脱处处依赖教师的被动局面,为培养学生自学能力打下基础,同时也培养了学生学习词汇和记忆词汇的能力。 3、注意初、高中学生的心理转变,做好英语教学形式的衔接 高中的学生心理发育已接近成熟,思维具有较高概括性和抽象性,更渴望通过积极主动的思考来获取知识,通过自己的创造性思维来获得学习上的成功感和满足感。所以在课堂上我尽可能多地设计一些交际性和创造性都比较强的教学活动,活跃学生的思维,锻炼学生的能力。 4、重视学生非智力因素的培养和衔接


兰炼一中2009—2010学年第二学期期中试卷 高二化学(文科) 试题说明:本试卷分为第I卷和第n卷两部分,第I卷为选择题,第n卷为 非选择题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。 注意:请将所有试题的答案写在第3页的答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 第I卷(选择题共60分) -、选择题(共30个小题,每题2分,共60分,每题均有1个正确答案) 1. 下述关于烃的说法中,正确的是 A. 烃是指分子里含有碳、氢元素的化合物 B. 烃是指分子里含有碳元素的化合物 C. 烃是指燃烧反应后生成二氧化碳和水的有机物 D. 烃是指仅由碳和氢两种元素组成的化合物 2. 下列物质中,不能使溴水和高锰酸钾酸性溶液褪色的是 A. C2H4 B. C3H6 C. C5H12 D. C4H8 3. 1mol某气态烃完全燃烧可得到3molCO2和2mol H2O,此烃是 A. C3H4 B. C3H6 C. C3H8 D. QH10 4. 甲苯与苯相比较,下列叙述中不正确的是 A. 常温下都是液体 B.都能使高锰酸钾酸性溶液褪色 C都能在空气中燃烧 D.都能发生取代反应 5. 下列物质中,作为燃料燃烧时对空气无污染的是 A. 汽油 B.煤 C.沼气 D.氢气 6. 下列有机物中,不属于烃的衍生物的是 A. 氯乙烷 B.甲苯 C.硝基苯 D.氯仿 7. 组成为C3H6CI2的卤代烃,可能存在的同分异构体有 A. CH3OH B. C2H5O H C. C3H7O H D. C4H9O H A.三种 B.四种 C.五种 D.六种 &在1-氯丙烷和2-氯丙烷分别与氢氧化钠的醇溶液共热的反应中,两反应 A.产物相同 B.产物不同 C.反应原理不同 9.下列有关氟氯代烷的说法中,不正确的是 D.碳氢键断键的位置相同A氟氯代烷是一类含氟和氯的卤代烃 C氟氯代烷大多无色、无臭、无毒 10. 32克某一元醇与足量的金属钠完全反应, 子式是得到 氟氯代烷化学性质稳定,有毒 氟氯代烷可破坏臭氧层 11.2L (标准状况)氢气,该醇的 分


基础模块高一英语期中考试试题(Units1--4) 一.选择正确答案。 1.--- Welcome _______Xinhua V ocational School! A. in B. with C. to D. of 2. This is my sister;______ name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her 3. ____ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my 4.Miss zhang is very kind ___me. A. to B for C. at D. on 5.My mother looks young __ her age. A. in B. for C. on D. of 6. Li Wei is _____Chinese boy. He’s ______ honest boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an 7. ______ classroom is on the third floor. A. His B. He C. Him D. She 8. The old man was ______angry _______say anything . A. so; that B. enough ;to C. too; to D. such; that 9. There _____ a pear,two bananas and three apples on the table. A. am B. are C. be D. is 10. My father often enjoys _____ to music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening 11. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of 12. We often help the old woman ____ a lot of housework. A. doing B.do C. does D. did 13.______ are good friends. A. Me and Tom B. Tom and me C. Tom and I D. I and Tom 14. The child stands ____the left of the girl. A. on B. in C.behind D. above 15. ---How do you do? ---_____. A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do? 16. _____ are her _____. A. This, brother B.These, brothers C.These, brother D.These, brothers 17. Many students play football ______class every day. A. on B. in front of C. at D after 18. Jim is popular _____his friends. A. to B. with C. for D. on 19. _____the teachers and my classmates, everything is going well. A. With the help B. With help C. With the help of D. With help of 20 . How many __________are there on the farm? A. sheeps B. sheep C. sheept D. shop 二.完形填空阅读短文,从所给ABCD四个选项中找出正确答案(10分) Hello! My name 21 Jack. I’m eleven 22 old. I have one brother. His name is Jason and he is fourteen. I have not 23 sisters. I live 24 my mom, dad and grandma in a small house 25 America. There 26. lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the movies on Saturdays. I like football 27 much. Sometimes I play football with my brother. I want to join(加入) the football club(俱乐部). I have seven pets(宠物)—a dog 28 six birds. I like them, 29 my mother doesn’t like 30 21. A. do B. is C. are D. can 22. A. year B. days C. weeks D. years 23. A. an B. some C. any D. a 24. A. with B. to C. in D. on 25. A. at B. in C. on D. to 26. A. is B. are C. do D. does 27. A. very B. well C. good D. how 28. A. but B. or C. and D. with 29. A. or B. but C. then D. and 30. A. them B. their C. they D. it 三.阅读理解(根据短文内容,选择正确答案。40分) A. Li Ming gets up early every day, he has breakfast at 7:00and then he goes to school by bike.. Classes begin at 8:00. Li Ming has lunch at school. He has bread and meat for lunch. In the afternoon. classes are over at 4:00. He usually plays basketball with his friends. Sometimes he helps his teacher. He goes home at about 5:00. He doesn’t watch TV on weekdays. After supper someti mes he reads books, sometimes he reads newspapers. He goes to bed at about 9:00 31.he has ____at 7:00. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper32.he has lunch ___ A. at home B. at school C. In the park 33.he usually plays basketball with his __________A. parents B. teachers C. friends 34.he goes home at about _____A. 4:00 B. 5:00 C.9:00 35.he reads ______after supper A books or newspapers. B. books C. newspapers B. My name is Mary Green and I’m an English teacher. I am American. But I have many students here in China. The girl in the red coat is

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