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广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 商务英语翻译课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。 2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B.若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 C.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 D.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive

商务英语翻译试题 三 试卷及答案

商务英语翻译试题(三) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) credit A. a kind of money B. a method of paying at a later time C. currency D. charge or service (2) assign A. to take or move out B. to put sth in a particular order C. to choose or give a particular job to sb. D. to decide how sth will be made (3) to perform

A. to project a program B. to contribute a fund C. to do an action or piece of work D. to cater for (4) to withhold A. to offer something for a decision B. to have a particular right to do C. to put something in a particular order D. to refuse to give or to keep back (5) to schedule A. to take on responsibility B. to trust in someone C. to bring in a consultant D. to list or state details (6) reimbursement A. to charge B. to pay back esp. money C. to claim for damages D. to ask for (7) qualify


商务英语期末考试参考答案 说明:商务英语期末考试有五种题型: 一、中英短语互译已经全部总结,见下文 二、问答题已经提供了参考答案,仅供参考,见下文 三、案例分析题请根据题目要求自行准备 四、英语段落翻译中文已经注明,请自己翻看商务英语教程 五、写作请根据题目要求自行准备 1、中英短语互译(详见商务英语课件——每个PPT中的短语部分) PPT1: 1. individual proprietorship个体经营,独资企业 2. convertible bonds 可转换债券 3. memorandum of association 公司章程 4. monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 5. business credit 商业信用 1. 财政资源 financial resources 2. 有限责任公司 limited company 3. 销售收入 sales revenue 4. 有形商品 tangible goods 5. 流动资金 working capital PPT2: 1. flexible manufacturing system 弹性生产系统 2. fractional reserve system 部分准备金制度

3. credit instruments 信用工具,信用票据 4. bull market/bear market 牛/熊或多头/空头市场 5. manufacturing process 制造工艺 1. 厂址选择 facility location 2. 库存控制 inventory control 3. 总支出 aggregate expenditures 4. 股权证/权益证 equity instruments 5. 财务管理 financial management PPT3: 1. performance appraisal 绩效/业绩评估 2. promotion-from-within 内部提拔 3. skills inventory 技术库存 4. macroeconomic ramification 宏观经济衍生物/结果 5. closed-end fund 封闭式基金 1. 项目生命周期 project life cycle 2. 软技能和硬技能 soft skills and hard skills 3. 补偿制度 compensation system 4. 开放式基金 open-ended fund 5. 优先股 preferred stock PP4: 1. profit-oriented objective 利润导向的目标 2. marketing intermediary 营销代理商



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.

《商务英语翻译》 期末试卷答案

2012-2013学年第一学期2011级《商务英语翻译》毕业清考A 卷答题卡 一,单项选择题(10X2’) 1.__ __D__ 2. ___A_____ 3.__ _C_______ 4. ____C__5. C___ B,(5X3’)6._ _D_____ 7. ______A___ 8._____C_______ 9. ___C____10. _____A___ 二.(10X2’) 11___e___12___g___13____g__14____b___15__j_____ 16___k___17___d____18____m___19___c___20__a___ 三.把下列句子译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(10X4’)黑体为主要评分点 21.他觉得把会议上讨论的事情告诉他妻子是不恰当的。 22. 你必须注意你方出口产品的质量 23. 我的升职多亏你的帮忙;我过去是,现在也是十分感激你的。 24.教师应在教学上有耐心。 25. 他无权签订这样的合同 26.他未遵守安全操作规则导致引擎事故的发生。 27. 显而易见,建一所中学的计划将会被取消 28. 他旅途中的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。 29.他讲得太快了,我们不能听懂他说什么。 30.对亚洲事务感兴趣的大使不禁受宠若惊. 四.请将下面这封信函翻译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(15’) 尊敬的李先生: 4月15日有关付款条件的来函已经收悉。 本公司同意贵公司如下建议: 1. 以见票即付的保兑不可撤销信用证付款,而非见票直接付款。 2. 贵公司的报盘不会有折扣。以上建议获本公司总经理批准,今后将如述执行。现正拟订有关订单,十日内将送达贵公司。 诚望今后两公司间的会谈能促进双方的业务发展。 敬复


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)


商务英语翻译试卷(第1套) Ⅰ、Multiple Choice (20 points, 2 points for each) 1.Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture. A.如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 B.如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏和损害。 C.如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 D.如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏。 2.This contract is entered into as of the seventh day of March, 2002, by and between Lonk Co. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Purchaser"), and Wingo Co. Group, a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter called the "Seller"). A.2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律 成立的文果集团公司[以下简称乙方]订立。 B.本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团 公司[以下简称乙方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 C.本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团 公司[以下简称卖方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 D.2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律 成立的文果集团公司[以下简称卖方]订立。 3.Multinational bank's services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing banker's acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds. A.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款 以及发行欧洲货币债券。 B.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以 及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 C.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款 以及发行欧洲货币债券。 D.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以 及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 4.Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time. A.卖方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货 款计30000美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。 B.卖方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部 货款计30000美元,以便买方及时提取款项。 C.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部 货款共计30000美元,以便卖方可以及时提取该笔货款。 D.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货 款30000美元,以便卖方可以及时提取该笔货款。 5.Ch ina’s compliance with an intellectual-property accord is seen as a keen test of its sincerity in abiding by WTO rules. A.能否遵守国际知识产权协议视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的监测手段。 B.能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。 C.能否遵守国际知识产权协议已经视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。 D.能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的监测手段。 6.The new prosperity may represent a long, sustained plateau of brisk demand, plentiful jobs, and increased living standards. A.新的繁荣表现为一段时间持续较长的旺盛的需求、大量就业机会,生活水平也得到了改善。 B.新的繁荣可能表现为持续时间较长的旺盛需求、大量的就业机会,生活水平也得到了提高。


商务英语翻译试题(一) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2 题,每题 10 分,共 20 分)BBCCB 1.该组有10 个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。 (10 分) (1) to conclude A. to give one’ s place to each B.to end or judge after some consideration C. to explain D. to contain (2) to enforce A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed C. to prevent movement from happening D. to direct something into a particular place (3) to appoint A. to take back property B. to meet someone’s needs C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something (4) to approve A. to abide by B. to comply with C. to have a positive opinion D. to come up with (5) obviate A. to violate B. to remove a difficulty,to avoid C. to allow sb to do D. to be apparent (6)to violate A.to break or act against a law, principle B.to beat or threaten someone C. to obey a law D. to cause a rule to be obeyed. (7) with respect to A. comply with B. in relation to C. conform to D. coincide with (8) to entertain a client


《商务英语翻译》课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.A在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B 若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 B.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 C.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation. A.自从20世纪70年代末中国的经济改革以来,获得了很大的经济增长,并转变了经济结构。 B.20世纪70年代中国首创经济体制改革,取得了巨大经济增长和结构调整。 C.中国自从20世纪70年代末开始经济改革以来,经济增长显而易见,结构调整也日新月异。 D.中国自从20世纪70年代末开始经济改革以来,已取得了令人瞩目的经济增长和重大的结构转变。 5.The financial information provided by an accounting system is needed by managerial decision makers to help them plan and control the activities of the economic entity. A.会计系统提供的金融信息对于帮助管理层决策人员制定计划和控制该经济实体的活动而言是不可或缺的。 B.金融信息是由会计系统提供,它对于管理决策者是必须的,能制订计划和提供经济活动。 C.会计系统提供的金融信息对于帮助管理决策者计划和控制经济部门非常重要。 D.金融信息由会计师提供,对于管理部门制定计划和控制经济部门非常重要。 6.Unemployment in America (as of mid-1990) was running near 5.25 percent .That is somewhat higher than used to be considered full employment, but it is not a serious figure in the aggregate. A.失业在美国达5.25%,比以前认为的高一些,但问题不严重,虽没有充分就业。 B.1990年年中美国的失业率近5.25%。按以往的标准,这个比例偏高,没有达到充分就业。但就整体来说问题并 不严重。 C.失业率在美国达5.25%,超出历届比率,但整体不严重。 D.1990年年中美国失业高达5.25%。比过去计划的比例高。没有达到充分就业。但这并不严重。 7. Nations will usually produce and export those goods in which they have the greatest comparative advantage, and import those items in which they have the least comparative advantage.


Unit 1 1.从你的简历和应聘申请书来看,你对营销工作已有相当多的经验。 I see from your résumé and application that you’ve had quite a lot of experience in marketing already. 2.如果你处在我的位置,你希望你的雇员应具备哪些素质? If you were in my shoes, what sort of qualities you’d look for in your employees? 3.部门经理应该能够主动处理很多事情。 A department manager has to be able to do a lot of things on your own initiative. 4.作为秘书,我做过大量的文字工作,如拟写报告、作会议记录等,而且似乎我的记忆力比一般人强。As a secretary, I’ve had to do quite a lot of paper work, such as handling report writing, keeping minutes at meetings, and I seem to have a better memory than average. 5.从秘书的角度看,我认为和上司共享一个办公室更好,这样对她的上司不太有可能忘记告诉她一些重要的事情。 From the secretary’s point of view I think it’s better to share an office room with her boss so that there’s not much chance of her superior forgetting to let her know about important matters. 6.我工作过的那家公司是一家做营销和公共关系的公司,主要是为在中国投资的外国公司提供咨询。The company where I worked is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultant work for foreign companies investing in China. 7.我想在贵公司会有更多个人发展的机会,而且这里的工作对于我来说更具挑战性。 I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity for personal development in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. 8.我主要的工作是协助经理安排访问、会议及介绍,并且替他处理信件。 What I basically do is to assist the manager by arranging visits, setting up meetings and presentations and to deal with his correspondence. 9.申请书和简历一样重要,因为申请书通常是申请者和雇主之间第一次直接的接触。 The application letter can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between an applicant and an employer. 10.有效的申请书能说明你对具体单位兴趣的原因,并且辨认出你最相关的技能或经历。 Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences. Unit2 1.本公司创建于1978年,现在已经成为我国主要的厨房用具出口商之一。 Our company, established in 1978, has now become one of the leading exporters of kitchen appliances in our country. 2.我们在国内有十家专业子公司,在国外有六家常驻办事处。我们在国内还建立了二十多家合资公司。 We have 10 specialist subsidiaries at home and 6 permanent offices abroad. We’ve also set up more than 20 joint ventures in the home market. 3.我们是多元化企业,主要是经营国际贸易、国际运输、劳务输出、房地产等。 We are a diversified company dealing mainly in international trade, international transportation, labor export, real estate and so on. 4.我们从事纺织品经营已经有30多年,并与当地纺织品大厂家及分销商保持密切的联系。 We have been handling textiles for more than 30 years and maintain close contact with large manufacturers and distributors in our area. 5.为了迅速发展,我们组成了多元化战略联盟,使我们能扩大到新的市场领域。 In order to grow rapidly, we’ve formed a diversifying strategic alliance which allows us to expand onto new market areas. 6.我们的目标主要是本地市场,但是我们也在研究进入欧洲市场的可能性。 We mainly target local markets, but we are looking at the possibility of entering the European market. 7.我们公司的领导体系是这样的:首先是合伙人;其次,直接在合伙人之下的是三位合作伙伴,也就是,最上层是两位合伙人和直接在合伙人之下的三个合作伙伴。在合作伙伴之下,我们有高级工程师、初级工程师、绘图员等,一直往下至办公室的勤杂工。 The system of command of our company is that we have the partners, and then we have three associates immediately below the partners, that is, two partners at the top and three associates directly below them. And then below the associate we have senior engineers, junior engineers, drafts-person and so on and so forth, down to the office boy. 8.我们是新成立的公司,只有大约五年的历史。公司共有四十名员工,分布在四个办事处中。 We’re a young company, only about five years old. There are only about 40 people in the company, split amongst four offices. 9. 谈到进口在中国畅销的美国产品,我们作为一家在中国的美国公司,感到比其他公司更有优势。 As an American company in China we find we have an advantage over other companies when it comes to importing American products that are marketable here in China.


I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended without the agreement by the both parties.

3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom. II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the

tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil. 4. I have no head for mathematics. 5. This would lead to a countdown in Afghanistan.


商务英语翻译试题(一(1-5)BBCCB (6-10)ABAAB 2.(1-5)CBCBD (6-10)BCABA ) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) to conclude A. to give one’s place to each B. to end or judge after some consideration C. to explain D. to contain (2) to enforce A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed C. to prevent movement from happening D. to direct something into a particular place (3) to appoint A. to take back property B. to meet someone’s needs C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something (4) to approve A. to abide by B. to comply with C. to have a positive opinion D. to come up with (5) obviate A. to violate B. to remove a difficulty, to avoid C. to allow sb to do D. to be apparent (6) to violate A. to break or act against a law, principle B. to beat or threaten someone C. to obey a law D. to cause a rule to be obeyed. (7) with respect to A. comply with B. in relation to C. conform to D. coincide with (8) to entertain a client A. to cater for B. to treat sb. at the table C. to launch a product D. to shorten a vacation

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