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1. Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Real Cost of Travel

Mass tourism is a relatively recent phenomenon. The tourism industry 1 (take) off in the middle of the last century and it’s been growing ever since. In the last ten years especially, more and more people have been traveling to places 2 we had previously only read about or seen on television. But what kind of impact does tourism have on the planet?

A voyage to the end of the earth?

A large cruise ship (邮轮) can carry as many as 6,000 passengers and there are upwards of 50 such ships currently 3 (sail) the seas. Cruise ships dump about 90,000 tons of waste into the oceans every year. Any harmful effects of this are made even worse by the fact 4 cruises tend to visit the same places over and over again, thus concentrating the waste in specific places.

Trash on top of the world

From remote ocean habitats to the world’s highest mountain, our trash is everywhe re. Though far fewer people go climbing the Himalayas than on a cruise, their impact 5 (still feel). Tourism is vital to the economy of Nepal, 6 it is to many non-industrial countries. But for decades, climbers have been abandoning their unwanted equipment on Everest. For the last few years, clean-up teams of local and international climbers have been organizing hiking trips just 7 (pick) up the waste. One group has brought over eight tons of waste down from the mountain!

When more is not better

Tourism of a different kind is causing problems in Europe. Construction on the Mediterranean coast has been 8 control for years. Beach resorts form an almost unbroken line from Gibraltar to Greece, and natural habitats have disappeared under miles of concrete. And so we pollute the sea, the land, and the air. Low-cost air travel is booming, in spite of (or perhaps 9 (help) by) economic problems. For many Europeans, low-cost flights allow them to take several short vacations a year. Yet curiously, short flights actually have a much bigger effect on climate change than long flights. So, are there 10 (damaging) ways of seeing the world? Traveling by train, for example, is a much greener way of getting around.

2. Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. build

B. precisely

C. reason

D. reinvent

E. relative

F. social

G. survive H. theoretically I. traces J. transmission K. works

Three things that make us human

All species on Earth, including humans, are unique. Yet our intelligence and creativity go well beyond those of any other animal. Humans have long communicated through language, and invented ever more complex tools that have enabled our species to 1 and develop.

>Our brains

Without doubt, the human trait (特征) that sets us apart the most from the animal kingdom is our extraordinary brain. Humans don’t have the largest brains in the world—those belong to sperm whales. We don’t even have the largest brains 2 to body size—many birds have brains that make up more than 8% of their body weight, compared to only 2.5% for humans. Yet the human brain, which weighs about three pounds when fully grown, gives us the ability to 3 and think on our feet beyond the capabilities of the rest of the animal kingdom. It gave us the 4 of Einstein, Mozart and many other geniuses.


Many species communicate with vocal sounds. But language is a special form of communication. Full language, with rules for combining sounds into words, and words into sentences, probably originated at some point about 50,000 years ago. But we will probably never know 5 when and where language originated. Fossils, DNA evidence, comparisons with other animals, and studies of how languages change over time all provide clues, but spoken language itself leaves few 6 . It most likely evolved from a simpler form of communication. Chimpanzees use both gestures and vocal calls to communicate status and other complex 7 information. It is possible that our ancestors also expressed themselves first with gestures or simple words, then developed rules for linking them into sentences.

A Learning from each other

Our unique brains and dexterity (灵巧) of our hands use of tools possible, but we also rely on the cultural 8 of ideas. Culture is at the heart of being human. We put our heads together, we share ideas, and learn from each other, recognizing a past, a present, and a future. We learn from the past, 9 on this in the present, and expect the future. Without culture, each new generation would be forced to 10 the wheel.

3. One of the presents in my house this Christmas was a late 18th-century volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (大英百科全书). It is a window into the discoveries and thinking of the time. The encyclopaedia is an entertaining reminder of how _______ some of our current truths are bound to be. Certainties in areas we haven’t yet understood will look just as ridiculous as some of these in centuries to come. And one of those we are still remarkably _______ is the effect of food and exercise on our bodies. We’re surrounded by confident _______ on how to eat, how to avoid or reverse obesity (肥胖), and yet the advice seems pointless while the world gets fatter. Much of what we think we know is a pile of assumptions rather than _______ .

Our confusion is the theme of Spoon-Fed, a book by one of Britain’s leading nutrition researchers, Tim Spector of King’s College London. Its subtitle is: “Why almost everything we’ve b een told about food is wrong.” It is a call for us to _______ more.

One by one Spector offers answers to recent food _______. Coffee can save our lives, he says. Three to four cups a day reduces the risk of heart disease and may cut the risk of death by 8 per cent. Butter does not damage our hearts, Spector argues, and salt is vital. Eggs have gone “from heroes to villains and back again”. Don’t say no to all red meat on _______ grounds; occasional small quantities of high-quality unprocessed meat provide i mportant vitamins and iron and are “probably good for you“. Exercise is so good for longevity and happiness that it should be considered our No 1 drug, but the one thing for which it’s _______ useless is losing weight. Vitamin pills are a multibillion-pound industry with almost no proven _______ but which can cause real harm. Even vitamin D, which Spector used to study and believe in, he now _______.

Spector also offers more than a set of currently _______ tips. The science of nutrition has not been solved by him, as he would be the first to admit. His most _______ point is that there is no one size that fits all. Our bodies are complex, and our reactions are _______: yet nobody wants to pay for the research that might explain why.

Some combination of food choices, genes, environment and the chemical reactions generated by our microbiome — the unique microbe (微生物的) combinations in our body ― yes different _______ for each of us, leaving some lean and two thirds of us too fat. This is the territory Spector wants to explore further and which might just allow us to _______ the global trend to obesity, with all the risks we’ve witnessed this year.


A.well-known B.aim-oriented C.ill-founded D.long-lived


A.certain about B.ignorant of C.capable of D.worried about


A.decisions B.courses C.focuses D.suggestions


A.facts B.chances C.reasons D.features


A.investigate B.demand C.concentrate D.spend


A.supplies B.shortages C.standards D.myths


A.culture B.history C.economy D.health


A.equally B.practically C.socially D.impossibly


A.effectiveness B.consciousness C.competitiveness D.emptiness


A.serves B.shares C.recognizes D.dismisses


A.pointless B.topical C.defensible D.additional


A.emotional B.significant C.questionable D.forgivable


A.individual B.unpredictable C.important D.available


A.changes B.outcomes C.profits D.addicts


A.start B.analyze C.stop D.reflect

4. The last time the horse seriously competed with man-made transport for speed was 1830, when a stagecoach won a race against America’s first domestically manufactured steam locomotive (蒸汽机车).

Now horsekind has emerged victorious over what is in theory a far more powerful opponent — the broadband internet connection.

The contest over the gently rolling hills of the Sauerland, a pretty district in western Germany, started as a joke.

Klaus-Peter Kappest, a photographer from Oberkirchen, had been frustrated for years by the slow pace of his uploads. At 15 megabits (比特,一种信息量单位) per second, it sometimes takes him several hours to send a batch of high-resolution images to his clients. One day Mr Kappest, 52, was chatting to his colleagues at Woll, a local magazine. He suggested that he would be better off delivering his photographs by horse. “That was the most reliable communications technology in the Middle Ages,” he said. “And the editor said, ‘Well let’s do it then, let’s see which is truly faster.”

Mr Kappest turned to Jakob Schutte, a rider who lives in the same village, and Favo, his horse. The photographer burnt 4.2GB of images on to a DVD, packed it into a bag and sent it off with Favo and Mr Schutte on the 10km ride to the printer’s office in Schmallenberg.

At the same time he uploaded the data through WeTransfer, a popular file-sharing service. The computer had a 20-minute head start while Mr Schutte started off down the road, past Wilzenberg mountain. Favo made the journey in 104 minutes. The file transfer, however, was not finished until the horse had returned to Oberkirchen more than two hours later. In total it took five hours.

There was a serious point behind the story. Germany has long been known for its poor broadband and mobile internet coverage, particularly in the countryside. Two years ago a report by a network regulator found that 29 per cent of internet users received less than half the speed to which they were contractually entitled. While things have improved, a global survey carried out this year found that it took on average 16 minutes and eight seconds to download a 5GB film through a German internet connection—a little better than the UK but worse than Puerto Rico and Barbados.

In the Sauerland, Mr Kappest’s area, millions of euros have been spent on a new network but the connections have yet to be switched on in dozens of towns and villages, including Oberkirchen. The horse race did its job: Mr Kappest has since been assured that his broadband will be up and running next month.

1. The story of a stagecoach is mentioned in the first paragraph mainly to _______.

A.lead in the topic B.introduce a new race

C.highlight a historical year D.correct people’s misunderstanding

2. Which of the following is true of Jakob Schutte and his horse?

A.They were hired by WeTransfer.

B.They used to live in Schmallenberg.

C.They completed the task in less than two hours.

D.They spent five hours on the way to Oberkirchen.

3. Which of the following is a consequence of the horse race?

A.Germany will realize its poor broadband service.

B.Mr Kappest will soon have a better internet connection.

C.More euros will be spent on the new network in the Sauerland.

D.Oberkirchen will be the first in Germany to stop any horse race,

4. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

A.Germany falls behind in wifi connection

B.History hardly repeats itself in normal ways

C.Uploading photographs in a modem world is all that easy

D.Horse power still has an advantage in race with village wifi

5. A Chinese coin found in a Hampshire field suggests that medieval (中世纪) trade between England and the Far East was more extensive than previously thought, a historian has said.

The coin of the Northern Song dynasty dates from 1008-1016, but is of a type that remained in wide use in China for several hundred years.

It is the second Chinese coin found in a medieval context in England and experts said that its discovery added weight to the idea that the two coins were genuine medieval losses and not dropped by modern collectors.

The coin was found by a detectorist near Petersfield and about 20 miles from the only other Chinese work of art from medieval England: a piece of blue and white porcelain (瓷器) from a small cup or bowl, which could be placed in Winchester in the 14th century.

Caitlin Green, a historian at the University of Cambridge, suggested in a blog that the coin might have been brought to England at about the same time as the porcelain.

She said the finds of this coin and another Northern Song dynasty coin of 1066-77, unearthed in Cheshire, suggest the Winchester porcelain may have been part of the objects from the Far East in the 14th century rather than a one-off. This was centuries before imports of Chinese goods became widespread in the 1600s, but about the same time as Chinese pottery is known to have been owned by royals in France and Italy.

The history of Chinese goods in Britain goes back further, however, with rich Roman Britons known to have bought Chinese silk.

Dr Green said that goods from China would have reached England over several stages by way of the Middle East and Italy.

1. What can be learned about the two Chinese coins mentioned in the passage?

A.They were unearthed at the same site.

B.They were believed to have arrived at England in the 1300s.

C.They were found to have been owned by royals in France and Italy.

D.They were dropped by modem collectors.

2. The word “one-off” (paragraph 6) most probably means _______.

A.something that doesn’t happen regularly

B.something that doesn’t happen only once

C.something that happens on a small scale

D.something that happens unexpected

3. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage??

A.Chinese coin hints at vast medieval trade route

B.Coins and white porcelain trace back to ancient China

C.Chinese silk points at a lasting England-China relationship

D.History of Chinese goods in Britain has been redefined

6. Our lives are made up of human-machine interactions—with smartphones, televisions, computers—that have the power to delight and, often, frustrate. Into this area has stepped a new class of professional: the user-experience, or UX, designer, whose job is to see a product not from an engineer’s, marketer’s, or legal department’s perspective but from the viewpoint of the user alone. And to insist that the customer should not have to learn to speak the company’s internal language. The company should learn to speak the customer’s.

According to a recent survey, the role of UX designers has become a fixture on those year-end “hottest job” lists. If you want to study UX, you now have the option at some three dozen institutions in the United States, including Carnegie Mellon and the University of Washington. But

Ford is one of the few major industrial companies in the U.S. to put a UX expert, Jim Hackett, in charge.

At present, the question facing the car industry is basically whether high-tech giants such as Tesla and Google can learn car-making technology trains faster than Ford, GM, and other carmakers can learn software and algorithms. But Hackett reflects Ford’s bet that the winner won’t be the best chassis (底盘) maker or software maker, but the company that nails the interaction between man and machine. “One of the things that drew me to Jim was his commitment to design thinking, which puts the human being at the center of the equation,” explained Bill Ford, the company’s executive chairman.

Hackett retired from Steelcase, a furniture maker, in 2014 and in 2016, Bill Ford hired him to run the automaker’s Smart Mobility subsidiary, which was tasked with rethinking from the ground up how cars would be driven, powered, and owned. “This is what we call the design gap,” said Hackett in an interview, pointing to the space between two lines on a graph he’d drawn on a whiteboard. One line climbs up—this is a company’s skill at making things, which goes up over time. Below it is a downward line, representing a company’s understanding of the customer’s experience. This, he said, can decline over time, as a company loses sight of the problems it’s in the business of solving. The design gap may be noticeable when the job is, say, building a marginally better tailgate for the Ford F-150. But it becomes positively yawning when your industry is so thoroughly turned on its head that you’re forced to ask some basic questions: Do people want to own their cars or share them? Drive them or have them driven? The flood of new technologies makes everything possible.

1. Which of the following statements best describes a UX designer’s responsibility?

A.He is devoted to designing innovative products.

B.He is devoted to making a product satisfy users’ needs.

C.He is devoted to improving a company’s internal language.

D.He is devoted to understanding human-machine interactions.

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

A.UX designers are regarded as one of those best-paid jobs.

B.High-tech giants have taken the lead in car manufacturing.

C.Companies are laying greater emphasis on customers’ feelings.

D.The UX courses provided by the US institutions are far from enough,

3. Ford hires Jim Hackett because the company believes that _______.

A.it is currently facing the biggest challenge that needs a new perspective

B.Hackett’s design thinking is quite different from other UX professionals

C.customers’ experience plays a decisive role in the car-making competition

D.Steelcase gave Hackett enough time and experience to grow up into an expert

4. What is Jim Hackett most likely to agree with?

A.For should pay less attention to new technologies.

B.Ford has long been ignoring customers’ experience.

C.Ford is no longer a leading company in auto making skills.

D.Ford has made a wrong decision to build a tailgate for the F-150.

7. The Cube has his own voice

I arrive at the Szepilona Bisztro, on a leafy road on the “Buda” side of Budapest, holding a Rubik’s Cube and searching for the man who had created it almost 50 years ago. I feel unworthy to have lunch with Emo Rubik, not the least reason of which is because the Cube I am holding has never been solved.

Rubik arrives punctually. He’s been coming to this restaurant since the late 1960s, when he was a graduate student, before he had invented one of the world’s most successful puzzles — a cube with 43 quintillion combinations, only one of which is correct.

1 At that time, Rubik was living in his family’s apartment on a grand avenue on the “Pest” side of the city. He was a professor of architecture, but his room was “like a child’s pocket, full of marbles and treasures”.

In an attempt to help students understand three-dimensional problems, he tried to build a set of cubes that stayed together but could also move independently. 2 He painted each side a different colour. But after he had twisted it, he realised that he could not easily return it to its original state.

“It was a more difficult task to find a system to solve it than it had been to create the thing itself” he says. In the end, it took him a month. And solving it gave him a “happy feeling of freedom’’, he said at the time. The Rubik’s Cube was born, and to date more than 450 million have been sold, the craze reaching its peak in the early 1980s.

Rubik was 29 when he “discovered” the Cube in 1974. By 1979, Rubik had sold 300,000. 3 From there, it spread across the world, with some 100 million Rubik’s Cubes being sold in only three years. “I can’t imagine there being a higher type for it than there had been in the 1980s,” he says. He motions to my Cube. 4 Rubik comforts me with a Japanese slogan from the 1980s, coined for a game: “a minute to learn and a lifetime to master”.

the main point(s) of the passage. Use your own words as far as possible.

Small talk

Small talk is often thought of as unimportant, or perhaps worse, a substitute for real speech and thought in common opinion. Nevertheless, research suggests they will benefit.

One reason for small talk’s bad reputation is that it tends, for obvious reasons, to aim for the lowest common denominator (分母). In ritualized dialogue, little information is exchanged. “Hello” signals nothing at all. “How are you?” rarely gets a fully honest answer.

However, linguists call that crucial hello, talk phatic (交流情感的) Bronislaw Malinowski, who coined the term in the 1920s; explained that in phatic talk ties of union are created by a mere

exc hange of words. “If you know literally nothing about someone you can still safely presume they prefer sun to rain, and begin to establish a connection on that basis. If your bus or train is suddenly stuck, an even better opportunity arises. You can be sure your fellow passengers are not happy about it, and a shared grousing session makes them—and you—feel less alone with your inconvenience. At work, small talk may seem a distraction from what employees are paid to do. But there is a spectrum between empty t alk (“Hello”), social talk (“How was your holiday?”), social talk relevant to work (“Is Sarah still on holiday?”) and pure business talk (“Has Sarah finished that report?”). A study of government departments in New Zealand by Janet Holmes shows how frequently people switch between those modes, even in brief conversations. That suggests a function beyond filling awkward gaps. Among other things, such chatter can bond equals together in a shared task. She also finds that bosses are more likely to initiate small talks with subordinates than the other round (as well as to cut it off). This is because, even without being told, a good manager realises that it can soften a following instruction.

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9. 这家咖啡馆让我想起了二十世纪五六十年代的茶馆。(remind)(汉译英)

10. 最大挑战可能在于如何重塑员工对公司的信心。(lie) (汉译英)

11. 这位教练既对孩子们要求严格,也不遗余力地呵护着他们对足球的热爱。(effort) (汉译英)

12. 50年前,这里还是人迹罕至的海滩,与今天的游人如织迥然不同。(contrast) (汉译英)

13. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




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2022-2023学年上海市行知中学高二下学期期中英语试卷 1. Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. The Real Cost of Travel Mass tourism is a relatively recent phenomenon. The tourism industry 1 (take) off in the middle of the last century and it’s been growing ever since. In the last ten years especially, more and more people have been traveling to places 2 we had previously only read about or seen on television. But what kind of impact does tourism have on the planet? A voyage to the end of the earth? A large cruise ship (邮轮) can carry as many as 6,000 passengers and there are upwards of 50 such ships currently 3 (sail) the seas. Cruise ships dump about 90,000 tons of waste into the oceans every year. Any harmful effects of this are made even worse by the fact 4 cruises tend to visit the same places over and over again, thus concentrating the waste in specific places. Trash on top of the world From remote ocean habitats to the world’s highest mountain, our trash is everywhe re. Though far fewer people go climbing the Himalayas than on a cruise, their impact 5 (still feel). Tourism is vital to the economy of Nepal, 6 it is to many non-industrial countries. But for decades, climbers have been abandoning their unwanted equipment on Everest. For the last few years, clean-up teams of local and international climbers have been organizing hiking trips just 7 (pick) up the waste. One group has brought over eight tons of waste down from the mountain! When more is not better Tourism of a different kind is causing problems in Europe. Construction on the Mediterranean coast has been 8 control for years. Beach resorts form an almost unbroken line from Gibraltar to Greece, and natural habitats have disappeared under miles of concrete. And so we pollute the sea, the land, and the air. Low-cost air travel is booming, in spite of (or perhaps 9 (help) by) economic problems. For many Europeans, low-cost flights allow them to take several short vacations a year. Yet curiously, short flights actually have a much bigger effect on climate change than long flights. So, are there 10 (damaging) ways of seeing the world? Traveling by train, for example, is a much greener way of getting around. 2. Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. build B. precisely C. reason D. reinvent E. relative F. social G. survive H. theoretically I. traces J. transmission K. works Three things that make us human All species on Earth, including humans, are unique. Yet our intelligence and creativity go well beyond those of any other animal. Humans have long communicated through language, and invented ever more complex tools that have enabled our species to 1 and develop. >Our brains


上海市重点中学2022-2023学年高二第二学期期中测试 英语试卷 (完卷时间:120分钟满分:140分) 2023年04月 第I卷(共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a coffee shop. B. On a farm. C. In a furniture store. D. In a theatre. 2. A. Cleaning a house. B. Finding things in the house. C. Living a simple life. D. Doing housework efficiently. 3. A. Calming the woman down. B. Playing bridge. C. Reading a book. D. Reflecting on himself. 4. A. The man recommends people to speak the same language. B. The woman thinks it unnecessary to save dying languages.


2021-2022学年上海市行知中学高二英语期末试卷含解 析 一、选择题 1. Cheese easily but it ______well in the city. A. doesn't digest; sold B.isn’t digested; is sold C. doesn't digest; sells D. isn’t digested; sells 参考答案: C 略 2. I don’t want to see this kind of movie. , I’m feeling too tired. A.Besides B.Therefore C.Somehow D.Otherwise 参考答案: A 略 3. She is a woman with________patience. A. ending B. endless C. enormous D. large 参考答案: B 句意:她是一位有无限耐心的女子。endless“无限的”;ending“结尾;结局”;enormous“巨大的;庞大的”,多指超出限度;large“大的”,侧重面积、范围、容量等方面。 4. ----Mary had a wonderful time at the party. ---- ________,and _________. A. So did she; so did I B. So she did; so did I

C. so she had; so I did D. So had she; so I did 参考答案: B 5. 一Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning. 一 ________? As far as I know, he never came late to class. A. how come B. so what C. why not D. what for 参考答案: A 6. I don’t think ____ is any need for a guide on our journey. A. it B. this C. there D. that 参考答案: C 略 7. I hope you’ll the matter immediately, for all are waiting for the result tomove on. A.attend B. attend on C.see D. see to 参考答案: D 8. It was from only a few supplies ______ she had bought in the village ______ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner. A. where; that B. that; that C. that; where D. that; which 参考答案: B 9. The waters of the lake were so that it looked like glass . A. silent B. calm C. still D. quiet 参考答案:


2021年高二英语下学期期中试卷 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 21. _______was a time _______women had no right to vote. A. There; when B. There, that C. It, when D. It, that 22. What did they _______out of the reading room? A. forbid to be taken B. forbid taking C. forbid being taken D .forbid take 23. _______you be interested, I’ll tell you the whole story. A. Would B. Might C. Should D. Could 24. The village, _______beside a river, is easy to get to by boat. A. locating B. located C. to be located D. having located 25. They say _______is no need to worry if you have never sung before. A. it B. there C. that D. what 26. He stayed with his mother till nearly midnight, forting her and being forted______ A. in turn B. as well C. in addition D. at once 27. He insisted on _______respect. A. his being shown B. to be shown C. his showing D. showing his 28. The book _______by Mr Zhang _______ developing economy fit for all countries. A. written, does with B. writing, deals with C. wrote, dealing with D. written, deals with 29. _________ to visit us made us feel very happy. A. My brother ing B. My brother’s ing C. My brother has e D. My brother came 30. In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped 31. It's known to us that it takes years of ______ practice to gain ______ skills of an expert. A. the, the B. X ; the C. a; the D. X ; X 32. -Could I use your towel? -_______. A. Yes, you could use it. B. Why, of course. C. No, you couldn't. D. My towel? 33.She won't leave the TV set, ______ her husband and children are waiting for her supper. A. as if B. even if C. once D. so long as 34. As is known to us all, traveling is _____, but we often feel _____ when we are back from travels. A. interesting; tired B. interested; tiring C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tired 35. In order to protect our planet, _____. A. all kinds of pollution should be reduced B. we should reduce all kinds of pollution

上海市奉贤区致远高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

致远高级中学2022学年第二学期高二英语月考试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A 1. A. She doesn’t work hard in maths. B. She is inferior to him in maths. C. She didn’t do well in this test. D. She is good at maths. 2. A. The library will be closed later this afternoon. B. The computers in the library are not working. C. The man needs his computer all afternoon. D. The woman has lent her computer to somebody else. 3. A. Going to the opera is time-consuming. B. There is no time left to book opera tickets. C. She would like to go with the man to the opera. D. She will help the man pay for the opera tickets. 4. A. Worth the price. B. Expensive. C. Mysterious. D. Good for health. 5. A. 11 a.m. B. 12 p.m. C. 1 p.m. D. 3 p.m. 6. A. The woman will have to call her roommate. B. The woman may have to change her living arrangement. C. The woman does not clean her apartment often enough. D. The woman should not spend so much time on the phone. 7. A. She also thinks the lecture interesting. B. She was too tired to enjoy the lecture. C. She missed the lecture this morning. D. She did not finish the reading before the lecture. 8. A. Her work experience. B. The courses she has taken. C. Her knowledge of the graduate school. D. The description of her academic performance. 9. A. The woman just had her coat cleaned. B. The woman is not angry with the man. C. The woman does not like to drink coffee in the afternoon. D. It was not the woman’s coat that the man spilled coffee on. 10. A. She hopes to get into art school. B. She is working as a commercial artist. C. She has talents other than drawing. D. She cannot decide upon a career. Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Kids threw litter everywhere. B. The camp director gave rude orders. C. Mysterious plastic litter was found. D. Kids’ joint effort led to a clean camp. 12. A. By taking pictures of the litter he picked up. B. By sharing photos of the terribly dirty planet. C. By keeping a record of crowdsourced cleaning-up. D. By inspiring kids to pick up five pieces of litter every day. 13.A. There is strength in numbers. B. Birds can help to pick up litter. C. Litter is artistic and approachable.


上海市建平中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试 卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.It’s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do ______. A.others B.either C.another D.both 2.The latest research ________ shows that WeChat is the most popular social networking tool among Chinese netizens. A.to conduct B.conducted C.conducting D.having been conducted 3.From inside the dark house ________. A.some strange smell came B.came some strange smell C.had some strange smell come D.did some strange smell come 4.________ several important decisions based on emotion instead of reason, he felt bitterly regretted. A.Making B.Having made C.Made D.To make 5.An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area ________ interact with one another. A.that B.where C.who D.what 6.Some people care much about their appearance and always ask if they look fine in ________they are wearing. A.that B.what C.how D.which 7.Among the crises that face humans ________ the lack of natural resources. A.is B.are C.is there D.are there 8.________ you start with one small positive thing during your day, you’ll begin to move into a more positive situation. A.Even if B.In case C.As long as D.As far as 9.All things ________, the planned trip will have to be called off. A.considering B.being considered C.having considered D.considered 10.—Look! Someone the laptop.


2022-2023学年上海市行知中学高三上学期期末质量检测英语试卷 1. Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Video Games Foster Creativity? Video games that foster creative freedom can increase creativity under certain conditions, according to new research from Iowa State University. The experimental study compared the effect f playing Mine-craft(《我的世界》-一款游戏), with or without instruction, to watching a TV show or playing a race video game. Those 1 (give) the freedom to play Mine-craft without instruction were most creative. “It’s not just that Mine-craft can help induce creativity. There seems to be something about choosing to do it that also matters,” said Douglas Gentile, a professor of psychology. 2 you are not familiar with the game, Gentile says Mine-craft is like a virtual Lego world. The game, which has sold more than 100 million copies, allows players to explore unique worlds and create anything they can imagine. Study participants randomly assigned to play Mine-craft were split into two groups. The one receiving instruction was told to play as creatively as possible. After 40 minutes of play or watching TV, the 352 participants completed several creativity tasks. 3 (measure) creative production, they were asked to draw a creature from a world much different than Earth. More human like creature scored low for creativity and those less human-like scored high. Surprisingly, those instructed to be creative while playing Mine-craft were the 4 (creative). Gentile says there’s no clear explanation for this finding. In the paper published by Creativity Research Journal, he, Jorge Blanco-Herrera, lead author and former master’s student in psychology: and Jeffrey Rokkum, former Ph. D. student in psychology, outlined possible reasons why the instructed Mine-craft group scored lower. Blanco-Herrera says the instructions may have changed subjects’ motivation for play. “ 5 (tell) to be creative may have actually limited their options while playing, resulting in a less creative experience,” Blanco-Herrera said. “It’s also possible they used all their ‘creative juices’ while playing and had 6 left when it came time to complete the test.” Video games can have both harmful and beneficial effects. Gentile’s previous research has shown the amount, content and context and video games 7 (influence) what players learn through repeated experiences. 8 much of Gentile’s research has focused on aggression or pro-social behavior, he says the same appears to be true for creativity. Most video games encourage players to practice some level of creativity. For example, players may create a character and story for role-playing games or be rewarded for creative strategies in competitive games. The researchers say even first-person shooter games 9 potentially inspire creativity as players think about strategy and look for advantages in combat. “The res earch is starting to tell a more interesting, nuanced picture. Our results are similar to other gaming research 10 you get better at what you practice, but how you practice might matter just as much, ” Gentile said. 2. Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


上海市控江中学2021 学年第二学期高二年级期中英语试卷 I.Listening Comprehension (30 分)Section A (10 分)命题和校对:高二英语备课组 (满分150 分) 2022.4 Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. See a film with the man. C. Listen to some great music.B. Offer the man some help. D. Say thanks to the man. 2. A. At 1:00 pm. 3.A. On his way. 4.A. A g uy s tole h is c lothes.B. At 3:00 pm. B. In a restaurant. C. At 4:00 pm. C. At home. B. He found his clothes ugly. D. At 5:00 pm. D. On a train. C. Someone said he was ugly. 5.A. Ask for something cheaper. C. P rotect herself from being hurt. D. The clothes in the supermarket are ugly. B. Buy the vase she really likes. D. Bargain with the shop assistant. 6.A. 147 pounds. 7.A. To get a haircut. C. To do some shopping.B. 150 p ounds. C. 153 pounds. D. 163 pounds. B. To attend a party. D. To drive her home. 8.A. Use a computer in the lab. C. Help him revise his report. 9.A. It spoke highly of the mayor. C. It made the mayor’s view clearer. B. Take a chemistry course. D. Get her computer repaired. B. It misinterpreted the mayor’s speech. D. It carried the mayor’s speech accurately. 10.A. G ermany. Section B (20 分) B. France. C. W est A frica. D. Spain. Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.A. He was Ms. Beach’s neighbor. B.He used to work at Ms. Beach’s bookstore. C.He has followed Ms. Beach’s way of doing business. D.He came from Britain. 12.A. She died. B. The Germans made her give it up.


上海市上海中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试 卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.________ 8.4 on the Richter scale, the earthquake ________ left thousands of people homeless. A.Measured, happened B.Measured, happening C.Measuring, that happened D.Measuring, to happen 2.According to the study’s lead author, the finding is________ there isn’t just one single health-related consequence of consuming coffee, ________that the reality is more complicated than that. A./, in B.that, /C./, provided D.that, but 3.The great majority of research on the topic has been observational, ________ we just look at ________ happens to people who do and don’t drink coffee. A.meant; which B.meaning; what C.which meant; what D.meaning; which 4.________ a better idea of coffee’s immediate health effects, the authors found 100 healthy adults ________ 39 on average. A.To get, aging B.Having got, aged C.To get, aged D.Getting, aging 5.Spring________ still nearly a month away, the________ students are likely to get back soon. A.is, remaining B.being, remaining C.is, remained D.being, remained 6.________you have access to stairs, there are numerous exercises you can do________ just two stairs. A.Unless, to use B.While, using C.If, using D.When, use 7.When stretching your legs or arm muscles, you can use the stability of your central core muscles to ensure the rest of the body ________in proper alignment (排成直线). A.to stay B.staying C.stayed D.stays 8.The expert gives patients this idea________ they need to walk 30 minutes a day, but a lot of arthritis patients fear to exercise ________they may find doing so initially painful. A.which, when B.that, as C./, because D.that, so 9.Bear in mind ________ there is a will there is a way, so it is never too late to start so long

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