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高三英语试卷讲评教学案2) ____________________________识记


一、教学目的:2.完形填空 1.使学生了解单选题解题思路,识记重点内容课堂巩固练习:

emotion)类题2.使学生学会通过上下文理解完形填空,做好感情色彩(1)My dad gathered us into our house with a look on his face that told us all 3.使学生从各个角度找准主题段,学会寻找主题句,做好主旨大意题that one of us had done something wrong. “which one of you did this?”he

asked with a sharp voice. We all stared down at the floor containing the art of 4.使

学生学会做阅读第二节还原信息题的方法与技巧a child's handwriting in chalk. I stood there, trembling inside and hoped that 教学难点:阅读主旨大意题的做法no one else could see it . Will he know it was me? I secretly wondered. 阅读第二节信息还原___1___, the only words that came from my mouth were “Not me , Dad.”

1.A. Excited B. Confused C. Scared D. Amused

教学重点:完形感情色彩类题的做法2) On Saturday afternoon,a six-year old girl went for a walk.She crossed a 阅读主旨大意题的做法large area of grassland into the woods before she realized that she was lost . 教学方法:小组合作法,观察归纳法Sitting on a rock and wondering what to do ,she began crying.After a 教学过程:while ,she decided to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick

bushes.When it was getting dark , she saw a small ,dark wooden house .She 分试卷分析:全卷共85分,本班得分65.4

opened the door and ______ stepped in. Suddenly ,she heard a strange 各题型失分较多的题目是:noise ,and she ran out the door and back to the woods Cold and tired. she 单选:句法分析,语境理解。fell asleep near a stream . 完型:上下文联系,感情色彩A. hopeless B . carelessly C. cautiously D. unwillingly 阅

1.Why do people drinks too much, eat too much, smoke cigarettes or take drugs? What's to blame for all the bad behavior? Most people would say that, while these self-destructive (自我毁灭的) acts can have many root causes, they all have one obvious thing in common: they are all examples of failures of self-control, lacking the will power to resist them.

二、教学过程 2.According to a recent study, however, if you really think about it,

Step 1 something about that simple answer doesn't quite make sense. In fact, it turns above e Dividthe group and groups each discuss of one the 4 into class out that sometimes it's having will power that really gets you into trouble. problems

3.Think back to the time you took your very first sip (啜饮) of beer. 1.找出错因Disgusting,wasn't it? When my father gave me my first taste of beer as a 2.归纳方法teenager, I wondered why anyone would voluntarily drink it. And smoking? 3.

小组总结此类题的做法No one enjoys their first cigarette —it tastes awful. So even though smoking, 4.展示小组成果and drinking alcohol or coffee, can become temptation (诱惑) you need will 教学展示Step2:power to resist, they never, ever start out that way.

1.单选题 4.Just getting past those first horrible experiences actually requires a lot 归纳总结:), only those who can control themselves

讽刺的是of self-control. Ironically (精品文档.


______________________________________________________________________ o someday develop a “taste”well, rather than give in to them, can ever come tfor Budweiser beer, Marlboro cigarettes, or dark-roasted Starbucks coffee.

We do it for social acceptance. We force ourselves to consume alcohol, 想一想:这节课你收获了什么

cigarettes, coffee and even illegal drugs, in order to seem experienced, grown-up, and cool.

far from it. They are -control failures — 5.These bad habits aren't self voluntary choices, and they are in fact self-control successes. Self-control is simply a tool to be put to some use, helpful or harmful. To live happy and productive lives, we need to develop not only our self-control, but also the wisdom to make good decisions about when and where to apply it.

)文章主题段:(什么文体?)1)主题句?2再次方法归纳:如何做好主旨题___________________________________________ )1


2)_____________________________________________________________Step2 阅读第二节小组方法总结



_______________ 巩固练习education children's about parents care their in 1. Nowadays China, ) their children in 训练more than anything else. They spend a lot coaching( their studies. Some even hire teachers for their children. Many have their children sent to after-class schools.____.

It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for A. their children. edge means competition. Skills and knowlB. edge doesn't mean all.Skills and knowlC. 2.Not all past predictions have been proved wrong. ______ Some great thinkers predicted the arrival of the credit card, the fax machine and even the internet ----years before they happened.