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Unit 1 bk 5 Great sientists(一)

Step 1 wrds and phrases

特征,特性_________________ 镭 _________________ 照顾,护理________________

科学的_________________ 结束,推断出_____________内科医生_________________

分析 _________________ 传染的_________________ 揭露,暴露_________________

打败,战胜_________________ 熟练的,专家_________________挑战_________________

受害者_________________ 吸收,使专心_________________ 怀疑_________________

询问_________________ 严重的,剧烈的_________________ 线索_________________

预见,预知________________ 调查n.________________责备,谴责________________

连接,联系________________ 命令,教导________________建筑物________________

得出结论____________________ 将……和……联系起



Step 2 lead in

Step 3 fast reading : true r false questins.

1.As a dtr, being able t attend Queen Vitria was an hnurable thing at that tie.

2.Althugh hlera uldn’t be ured, its ause was knwn t peple in the days f hn


3.hn Snw dubted the tw theries explaining hw hlera killed peple, s he did

investigatin t test the.

4.The results wuldn’t have been s lear withut the ap hn Snw had drawn.

5.The plluted dirty water fr the river was t blae fr the disease.

Step 4 detailed reading: read again and fill in the hart.

Sientifi Reprt by hn SnThe prble Nbdy knew the _________ f the serius disease f __________.

The ause Idea 1:

Idea 2:

The ethd _____________data fr the next hlera attak t test theries. Try t ______________ whih ethd was rret.

The results He fund the ause f hlera was ______________________ water.

Idea 1 r 2? hy?Idea _______. beause the data shwed a _______________with the water.

The nlusin hn Snw was able t defeat hlera ne its ause was knwn.

Step 5 iprtant sentenes

1. hn Snw suspeted that the send thery was rret but he needed evidene.

2. The hlera utbreak was s severe that re than 500 peple died in 10 days.

3. hn Snw had nt freseen this, s he ade further investigatins.

4.It seeed that the water was t blae.

5. He fund that it ae fr the river plluted by the dirty water fr Lndn.

6. ith this extra evidene, hn Snw was able t annune with ertainty that plluted

water arried the virus.

Step 6 language pints 见非常学案

Step 7 disussin

1. hlera was a 19th entury disease. hat disease d yu think is siilar t hlera tday? hy?

2. hn Snw believed Idea 2 was right. Hw did he finally prve it?




STEP 1 harateristi radiu attend sientifi nlude physiian analyse infetius expse defeat expert hallenge viti absrb suspet enquiry severe lue fresee investigatin blae link instrut nstrutin draw a nlusin link...t... Apart...fr... Be strit with



Sientifi Reprt by hn SnThe prble Nbdy knew the ____ause_____ f the serius disease f ___hlera_______.

The ause Idea 1: hlera ultiplied in the air. A lud f dangerus gas flated arund until it fund its vitis.

Idea 2: peple absrbed this disease int their bdies with their eals.