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对 比
• When Uncle‘s family was building a house, we thought of using it to pile up a side of the house wall. This proved to be impossible, however, since the rock was of an extremely irregular shape, possessing neither sharp right angles nor any smooth, flat surfaces.(46)
• 伯父家盖房子时,我们曾想到用它垒一面屋墙,但最后还是没 能用上,因为这块岩石外形太不规则,既没有尖利的直角,又 没有光滑的平面。(56) • 伯父家盖房,想以它垒山墙,但苦于它极不规则,没棱角儿, 也没平面儿;(28)
翻译显化现象发生之因: 另一种翻译解释
• 语言因素;汉语同英语等印欧语言相比,其词汇、语法衔接上的显化 度都比较低,汉译英时会比英译汉时更多地呈现形式上的“显化”, 而英译汉时则呈现更多的模仿式的“显化”。(强制性显化obligatory
• 那是他在感情方面所作出的很少的几次表示中的 一个例子。 • (他很少表露感情,这是难得的一次。) • Can you tell me where is your cereal section? • 您能告诉我你们的粮食科在哪里吗? • (请问粮食科在哪儿?)
• 文本因素;小说文本、科学文本、政论文本、新
他老婆不断地在他耳边唠叨了没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,说他的一家都要 毁在他身上。(利用汉语多动词,句是松散特点)
Thank you!
伯父家盖房,想以它垒山墙,但苦于它极不规则, 没棱角儿,也没平面儿;用錾破开吧,又懒得花 那么大气力,因为河滩并不甚远,随便去掮一块 回来,哪一块也比它强。房盖起来,压铺台阶,
钱先生周岁时“抓周”,抓了一本书,因此得名 “钟书”。
• When Qian was just one year old, he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others. He picked a book of all things. Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name Zhongshu (=book lover)
[试译文] 伯父家盖房子时,我们曾想到用它垒一面屋墙,但最后还 是没能用上,因为这块岩石外形太不规则,既没有尖利的 直角,又没有光滑的平面。我们用凿子凿开它吧,可是没 人愿费那么大气力。河边没多远,我们随便从那儿搬运一 块石头回来都比用这块岩石省劲。后来,房子快盖好了, 我们又要找石头做房前的台阶。伯父还是觉得那块岩石不 太合适。还有一次,我们请了一个石匠来给我们做磨盘。 奶奶又提议说:“你干吗不用那块石头,省得从大老远的 地方费劲另外弄一块来呀。”石匠把那石头看了好一阵, 摇摇头说,那块石头材质太细,不适合做石磨。(246字)
翻译中的 显化(explicitness) 隐化(implicitness)现象:
• 翻译中的隐化显化是近些年翻译界刚刚注意并做理论研究的翻 译现象 • “译者对于原文进行解译的过程可能会导致译语文本比原语文 本冗长。”这一冗长现象“可能是由于译语中提高了衔接上的 外显程度造成的”。 • 所谓显化,又称明晰化、明示等,指的是目标文本以更明显的 形式表述源文本的信息,使译者在翻译过程中增添解释性短语 或增添连接词来增强译本的逻辑性和易解性。 • 所谓隐化,是与显化对立存在的现象。指目标文本通过概括信 息或删除连接词等有意忽略或省略源语文本的某些部分。

• • • • • •
The medicine will make you feel better.
你要是服了这药,你的病肯定能治好 这药吃了准好。 2 称谓的模糊处理 Aunt 中译英作隐化处理(个别情况除外) 3 强调修饰效果 重复的使用

His wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.
When Uncle's family was building a house, we thought of using it to pile up a side of the house wall. This proved to be impossible, however, since the rock was of an extremely irregular shape, possessing neither sharp right angles nor any smooth, flat surfaces. We could have used a chisel to break the rock up, but no one could be bothered to expend such a great deal of effort over it; the riverbank was only a short distance away, and any old rock that we brought back from there would have been easier to use than this one. Then, when the house was nearly completed, and we were looking for something for the front steps, Uncle didn't think that the rock was even good enough for that. Another time, we had a stonemason come to grind a millstone for us. Grandmother again persuaded: "Why don't you just use this piece of rock, and save yourself the trouble of hauling another piece over from somewhere far away?" The stonemason took a good long look at the rock, and shook his head: he thought the rock's texture too fine, and unsuitable for making the mill.(195 words)
闻文本、应用文文本等在翻译时的显化程度应该 是不一样的。
• Байду номын сангаас同时代, 译文显化程度有差异
• 一个时代,同一文体,风格不同,显化程度亦有
• • 1 地道表达中的应用 If you take this medicine, your illness will be cured.
• 国家这么大,这么穷,不努力发展生产,日子怎么过?
• In a country as big and as poor as ours, if we don't try to increase production, how can we survive? • 三点了 • It is 3 (o’clock).
社会文化因素;翻译涉及的两种语言在社会和文化 上的差距越大,可能越需要解释性的“显化”。 • 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。
• The books had arrived at my home since 1949, the year the country was liberated (from KMT rule).

• “If there's no guesthouse there'll be an inn;if there's no inn there'll be the cave home of a farmer in the production brigade.”
• 译者因素;负责的译者在穿梭于两种语言 之间进行协 调时,总会尽量减少信息传输 过程中的损耗和丢失,便于读者的理解和 吸收。但另一方面,有些译者因其能力上 的不足,在翻译中对原文亦步亦趋,也会 导致译文过度“显化”。
有时汉语译者由于受原文影响,译出的目标语会出 现过度显化、扩增。 • It was one of the few gestures of sentiment he was ever to make.