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Angle of loll负稳性初倾角,负稳性横倾角,失稳横倾角

A ship having a very small negative initial metacentric height GM need not necessarily capsize. This situation produces an angle of loll. 初稳性高度为一个非常小的负值的船舶不一定倾覆。这种情况产生负稳性横倾角。

As the angle of heel increases, the centre of buoyancy will move out still further to the low side. If the centre of buoyancy moves out to a position vertically under G, the capsizing moment will have disappeared. The angle of heel at which this occurs is called the angle of loll. It will be noticed that at the angle of loll, the GZ is zero. 随着横倾角增大,浮心将缓慢向外移,进一步移到较低的一舷。如果浮心向外移至船舶重心的正下方某一位置,倾覆力矩将会已经消失。这时的横倾角称为负稳性横倾角。将会注意到在负稳性横倾角处静稳性力臂为0。


1. An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the ______.

A. free surface effects are reduced due to pocketing

B. KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of loll

C. effective beam is increased causing BM to increase有效船宽增大导致BM增大[GM=KB+BM-KG,如果(KB-KG)不变而BM增大,从而导致GM增大并转为正值]。

D. underwater volume of the hull is increased

2. The angle of loll is a stability term which applies to a floating MODU with ______. MODU: mobile offshore drilling unit 移动式近海钻井平台

A. off-center loading

B. stiff characteristics

C. excessive pitch or roll

D. negative initial stability

3.A MODU is inclined at an angle of loll. In the absence of external forces, the righting arm (GZ) is ______. righting arm (GZ)复原力臂,也称为静稳性力臂

A. positive

B. negative

C. zero

D. vertical

4. A floating MODU with an initial negative metacentric height ______.

A. will capsize

B. will incline further

C. may lie at an angle of loll

D. may be initially level

5.When a floating MODU inclines to an angle slightly greater than the angle of loll, she will ______.

A. capsize

B. incline further

C. flop to the other side

D. return to the angle of loll

6. When a floating MODU inclines to an angle slightly less than the angle of loll, she will ______.

A. capsize

B. incline less

C. flop to the other side

D. return to the angle of loll

7. At an angle of loll, the capsizing moment is ______. capsizing moment 倾覆力矩

A. maximum

B. negative

C. positive

D. zero

8. At an angle of loll, the righting arm (GZ) is ______.

A. maximum

B. negative

C. positive, but reflexive

D. zero


A liftboat is a self-propelled, self-elevating vessel with a relatively large open deck capable of carrying equipment and supplies in support of various offshore mineral exploration and production or offshore construction activities. A liftboat also has the capability of rapidly raising its hull clear of the water on its own legs so as to provide a stable platform from which maintenance and construction work may be conducted.


1. You are operating a liftboat. Before starting jacking operations you should ______.

A. put the crane in a vertical position

B. close the wheelhouse doors

C. have all personnel don life jackets叫所有人员穿救生衣

D. put a watch in the engineroom

2. A flooded leg on a liftboat would adversely affect the vessel's stability underway by ______.

A. increasing the righting moment

B. decreasing the vessel's displacement

C. increasing the reserve buoyancy

D. shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center

3. You are operating a liftboat. When beginning to jack down you should ______.

A. jack down one leg at a time

B. jack up first, then down先顶起再往下压

C. undog doors to the engine room

D. assemble all personnel on the main deck

4. After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. Your next course of action should be to ______.

A. jack the vessel back up to a safe height将船舶顶回到一个安全的


B. proceed on to your next destination since the list is unimportant

C. pump out all ballast to gain reserve buoyancy

D. notify the U.S. Coast Guard

5. After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. The list caused by a flooded leg means your vessel has a(n) ______.

A. negative GM (metacentric height)

B. decrease in the GZ (righting arm)

C. increase in the waterplane and the metacentric height

D. less chance of deck edge immersion

6. You are operating a liftboat. When jacking down and free of the bottom you should ______.

A. raise one leg at a time

B. not be concerned about any list

C. raise all legs simultaneously

D. have the crane standing upright

7. You are operating a liftboat. When jacking down and a leg becomes stuck on the bottom, you should ______.

A. raise the free legs all the way

B. use the engines to rotate about the leg that is stuck

C. jack the barge down part way to pull the leg free

D. submerge the barge completely to give added pull

8. After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find

that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. Raising the flooded leg further would adversely affect the boats stability by ______.

A. raising the KG and increasing the draft which may put you in an unsafe operating condition

B. increasing GM and causing a fast roll

C. increasing the righting arm on the high side

D. causing the vessel to yaw when underway

9. After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. To keep adequate stability you should ______.

A. get underway with the flooded leg ONLY half raised to reduce KG

B. proceed with all legs half raised to lower KG

C. pump out all ballast to increase reserve buoyancy

D. jack back up and ballast the vessel's high side as necessary

10. You are operating a liftboat. In preparation for jacking you should ______.

A. make sure walkway is hanging over the bow

B. make sure that all boats alongside are securely fast

C. check that all equipment on deck is secured

D. have all personnel remain in their quarters

drag n.

1. See SEA ANCHOR(sea anchor. An object towed by a vessel, usually a small one, to keep the vessel end-on to a heavy sea or surf or to reduce the drift. Also called DRAG, DROGUE.).

2. Short for WIRE DRAG(wire drag. An apparatus for surveying rock areas where the normal sounding methods are insufficient to insure the discovery of all existing obstructions above a given depth, or for determining the least depth of an area. It consists of a buoyed wire towed at the desired depth by two vessels. Often shortened to DRAG.).

3. The designed difference between the draft forward and aft when a vessel is down by the stern. 当船舶尾倾时首尾吃水间的设计差值。此处drag应译为“尾倾时的吃水差”(本人翻译)

4. The retardation of a ship when in shallow water. 船舶在浅水中的迟钝。此处drag应译为“减速,滞动”(本人翻译)

5. Short for ATMOSPHERIC DRAG(atmospheric drag. A major cause of perturbations of close artificial satellite orbits caused by the resistance of the atmosphere. The secular effects are decreasing magnitudes of eccentricity, major axis, and period. Sometimes shortened to DRAG.). 【美国原题】

1. As a ship moves through the water, it drags with it a body of water called the wake. The ratio of the wake speed to the ship's speed is called ______. 这句话语法有问题。当船舶对水移动时,一个被称为伴流的水体随船舶一起拖动。伴流速度与船速之比被称为伴流系数。

A. propeller velocity

B. speed of advance

C. wake distribution

D. wake fraction伴流系数

2. When a tow is trimmed by the stern it is said to ______. 当一被拖物处于尾倾时,说成是尾倾时的吃水差。

A. hog

B. sag

C. drag

D. list

3. For operations in pack ice, a vessel should ______. 为了在浮冰区航行,船舶应有不大于2~3英尺的吃水差。

A. be on an even keel

B. be trimmed slightly by the head

C. have a drag of not more than 2 to 3 feet

D. be ballasted so the forefoot is near the surface

Forecastle card(focsle card)船员雇佣协议公示卡(查不到中文翻译,这是本人翻译的): it advises the crew of the conditions of employment. At the beginning of a voyage, the master shall have a legible copy of the articles of agreement required by 46 USC 10302, omitting signatures, exhibited in a part of the vessel accessible to the crew. This is known as the Focsle card.


1. The forecastle card is a copy of the ______.

A.quarters allocation

B. shipping agreement船员雇佣协议

C. Muster List ("Station Bill")

D. unlicensed shipping card from the union

2. The forecastle card is a(n) ______.

A. copy of the shipping agreement

B. quarters allocation

C. Muster List ("Station Bill")

D. unlicensed shipping card from the union

岸壁效应(Bank effect):水道宽度受限时,当船舶偏航接近水道岸壁,因船体两舷所受水动力不同,而出现的船舶整体吸向岸壁、船首转向航道中央的现象称为岸壁效应。

如果船舶偏至航道某一侧距离岸壁较近时,航行中船首排开的水分向左右两舷侧,近岸一舷由于岸壁阻挡水流扩散缓慢;同时一部分需从船底流过的水也因水浅而流动不畅。因此在船首近岸舷形成高水位,产生转船力矩推首转向航道中央,这种现象称为岸推(bank cushion)。

与岸推产生的同时,在船中尾部由于船体靠近岸壁,近岸侧过水断面小,流速增大,压力下降;此外,螺旋桨正车时,把前方的水吸人盘面然后排向后方,使吸入流的一面,即船中尾部两则,尤其内舷侧形成较低水位,压力下降。因此,船中尾部近岸舷水流流速快、压力低,船舷两侧构成推船向岸靠拢的压力差。这个横向吸引力称为岸吸力,这种现象称为岸吸(bank suction)。


metacenter 稳心 metacentric height 稳心高 metal plate path 金属板电镀槽 metal worker 金属工 metric unit 公制单位 middle line plane 中线面 midship section 舯横剖面 midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数 ML 物资清单,物料表 model tank 船模试验水池 monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台 monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏 more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂 mould loft 放样间 multihull vessel 多体船 multi-purpose carrier 多用途船 multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性 N/C 数值控制 nautical mile 海里 naval architecture 造船学 navigation area 航区 navigation deck 航海甲板 near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 net-load curve 静载荷曲线 neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴 neutral equilibrium 中性平衡 non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍 normal 法向的,正交的 normal operating condition 常规运作状况 nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽 notch 开槽,开凹口 oar 橹,桨 oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩 ocean going ship 远洋船 off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值 offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物 oil filler 加油点 oil skimmer 浮油回收船 oil-rig 钻油架 on-deck girder 甲板上桁架 open water 敞水 optimality criterion 最优性准则 ore carrier 矿砂船 orthogonal 矩形的 orthogonal 正交的 out strake 外列板 outboard motor 舷外机 outboard profile 侧视图 outer jib 外首帆 outfit 舾装 outfitter 舾装工 outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头 overall stability 总体稳性 overhang 外悬 paddle 桨 paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构 panting beam 强胸横梁 panting stringer 抗拍击纵材 parallel middle body 平行中体 partial bulkhead 局部舱壁 payload 有效载荷 perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法 pile driving barge 打桩船 pillar 支柱 pin jig 限位胎架 pintle 销,枢轴 pipe fitter 管装工 pipe laying barge 铺管驳船 piston 活塞 pitch 螺距 pitch 纵摇 plan views 设计图 planning hull 滑行船体 Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线 polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼 port 左舷 port call 沿途到港停靠 positive righting moment 正扶正力矩


Angle of loll负稳性初倾角,负稳性横倾角,失稳横倾角 A ship having a very small negative initial metacentric height GM need not necessarily capsize. This situation produces an angle of loll. 初稳性高度为一个非常小的负值的船舶不一定倾覆。这种情况产生负稳性横倾角。 As the angle of heel increases, the centre of buoyancy will move out still further to the low side. If the centre of buoyancy moves out to a position vertically under G, the capsizing moment will have disappeared. The angle of heel at which this occurs is called the angle of loll. It will be noticed that at the angle of loll, the GZ is zero. 随着横倾角增大,浮心将缓慢向外移,进一步移到较低的一舷。如果浮心向外移至船舶重心的正下方某一位置,倾覆力矩将会已经消失。这时的横倾角称为负稳性横倾角。将会注意到在负稳性横倾角处静稳性力臂为0。 【美国原题】 1. An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the ______. A. free surface effects are reduced due to pocketing B. KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of loll C. effective beam is increased causing BM to increase有效船宽增大导致BM增大[GM=KB+BM-KG,如果(KB-KG)不变而BM增大,从而导致GM增大并转为正值]。 D. underwater volume of the hull is increased


1Ship structure and Equipment 船舶结构与设备general cargo ship 杂货船bulk carrier 散货船oil tanker 油船Container ship 集装箱船ore carrier冷藏船timber 木材船barge carrier 载驳船roll on /roll off 滚装船life on/life off 吊装船passenger ship 客船liquefied nature gas 天然气船frame 内骨compartment 舱室,货舱,间舱design and scantlings 设置与布置onus 努力top rail 舱口上的导轨topside tank 顶边压载舱topside tank sloping bulkhead plating 顶边压载舱底板side shell 船壳板ballast trunk 压载管舱hopper tank sloping plating 底边压载舱底板hatch end coamming 舱口端围板hatch 舱口bulkhead upper stool 横舱壁上梁corrugated hold bulkhead 波纹横舱壁fore and aft hatch coamming 舱口边围板hatch coamming bracket 舱口围板座longitudinal bulkhead 纵向舱壁transverse bulkhead 横舱壁 2deck longitudinal 甲板纵梁keel plate 龙骨板side shell longitudinal 边板纵梁transverse web frame 横向网状内骨bilge longitudinal 比纵梁bilge 舱部舱底污水side shell frames 边内骨bottom shell longitudinal 底纵梁longitudinal side girder of duct keel 箱型龙骨边纵梁double bottom tank 双层底舱duct keel 箱型龙骨inner bottom plating 内底板longitudinal 内底板纵梁longitudinal girder 边压载舱纵梁bilge strake 舱比列板bilge keel 舱比龙骨hopper side girder 边压载舱纵梁longitudinal girder 纵梁stiffener 加强筋port bow 左舷船首bow 船首starboard bow 右舷船首port side 左舷starboard side 右舷port quarter 左舷船尾stern 船首starboard quarter 右舷船尾 3structural arrangement 结构布局hopper tanks 底边压载舱hatchways 舱口deadweight tonnage 载重吨net tonnage 净吨ginder 大梁fore end 首部midships 中部after end 尾部hull 船体bottom 船底watertight compartments 水密舱室bulkheads 舱壁cargo space 货舱tween decks 双层甲板,二层舱,甲板间舱hold 干货舱tank 液货舱fore peak tanks 首间舱after peak tank 尾间舱water ballast 压载水double bottom tanks 双层底舱solid bulk carrier 固体散货船poop deck 尾楼甲板forecastle deck 首楼甲板chain locker 锚链舱steering gear comportment 机舱slop 污水舱 4length between perpendiculars 型长,船长(LBP)overall length 总长(LOA) registered length 登记长度registered depth 登记深度registered breadth 登记宽度load line 载重线长moulded depth 型深extreme breath 全宽bridge superstructure 上层建筑fore and aft line 首尾线ahead 向船首astern 向船尾beam 正横abeam 位于正横design limitations 设计限度operability 操纵性能maintained 保持维修loading manual 装修手册loading instrument 装载仪shear forces 剪力bending 弯矩motor vessel 机动船maneuver 操纵驾驶departure time 离港时间ETA预计到港时间ETD 预计离港时间 4unloading =discharging 卸货loading装货shear forces 剪力bending 弯矩service life 服役年限outfit 舾装Hydrostatic pressure 净水压力slamming sloshing loads 摇动拍溅in adverse sea conditions 在恶劣的条件下strength capability 强度能力 5pitching 纵摇Rolling 横摇Heaving 上下起伏Surging 纵荡Swaying横荡Yawing 偏荡Be afloat 漂浮Be underway 在航moored 系泊Making leeway 偏航leeside 下风TO overhaul 追越,检修overtake 追越To fall astern 落


一、英汉互译 Safety shoes 安全鞋 Safety boots 安全靴 Safety harness安全带 Wellington boots 惠灵顿靴 Ear plugs 耳塞 Ear defenders 护耳 Safety glasses 安全眼镜 Safety goggles 护目镜 Containerization 集装箱化的 Nautical mile海里 Non-slip paint防滑漆 Anti-fouling paint 防污漆 Maintenance work维护工作 Cement wash 水泥浆 Bitumen沥青 Metal primers 金属底漆 Stand by engine备车 GPS (Global positioning system)全球定位系统Avoid collision 避碰 Stern light 尾灯 Side light 舷灯

Overtaking 超越 Head-on situation 对遇情况 Radar 雷达 IMO (International Maritime Organization)国际海事组织 Man overboard人员落水 Personal safety 个人安全 Lifeboat救生艇 Life raft救生筏 二、名词解释 1、Chronometer(天文钟):We can usually get the correct time from the chronometer,which is a very accurate clock. 2、Maintenance work(维护工作):The maintenance is to protect the ship from the damaging effects of salt water, changes in temperature and the action of waves. 3、sextant(六分仪):The sextant is an instrument which measures the angle between the celestial body and the horizon. 4、General cargo(杂货):General cargo consists of a variety of goods. Those goods are packed separately.


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S7) slide knot 止滑结 slide knot 止滑结止滑结 slide onslide-off method of handling heavy loads 重货装卸滑进滑出法 slide parameter starting 滑动参数起动 slide plate 滑板 slide push fit 滑动配合 slide rail 导轨 slide rheostat 滑触变阻器 slide ring 滑环 slide rod 滑杆 slide rule 计算尺 slide scale 计算尺 slide shaft 滑动轴 slide throttle 滑阀 slide transformer 滑动式变压器调感变压器 slide valve box 滑阀箱 slide valve buckle 滑阀套 slide valve chest 滑阀箱 slide valve circle 滑阀圆 slide valve diagram 滑阀图 slide valve distribution 滑阀配汽 slide valve engine 滑阀配汽式蒸汽机 slide valve face 滑阀面 slide valve gear 滑阀配汽机构 slide valve port 滑阀汽口 slide valve pump 滑阀泵 slide valve rod 滑阀杆

slide valve sample 滑阀样棒 slide valve spindle 滑阀杆 slide valve spindle 滑阀轴 slide valve 滑阀 slide vane compressor 滑片式压缩机 slide way 导轨 slide way=slideway 导轨 slide wire 滑线-wire bridge滑线电桥 slide 滑板 slide 滑动;导板 slide 位数移动滑座 slide-out of log 抽条 slide-valve link 滑阀连杆 slider of rheostat 变阻器滑动触点 slider shunt 滑动分流器 slider 导块 slider 滑块 slider 游标;滑触头;滑块 slideway 导轨 sliding balk 下水滑道木 sliding bar 滑杆 sliding bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bilge block 机械舭墩 sliding block 滑块 sliding bolt 插销 sliding boom container crane 活动吊杆式集装箱起重机sliding bowsprit 伸缩式船首斜桁 sliding brush 滑动电刷 sliding bulkhead door 滑动门 sliding caisson 滑动坞门


metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC 泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X 射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(N) N 纺锤形浮筒 N-girder N形梁 N-girderN 形梁 N-P junction NP结 N-P-N junction NPN结 N-P-N semiconductor triode NPN型半导体三极管 N-P-N transistor NPN型晶体管 n-p-n two junction transistor n-p-n双结晶体管 N-P-N two junction transistor NPN双结晶体管 N-P-N two junction transistor NPN双结晶体管n-p-n双结晶体管N-P-N type NPN型 n-p-n-p three junction device n-p-n-p三结器件 N-P-N-P three junction device NPNP三结器件 N-P-N-P three junction device NPNP三结器件n-p-n-p三结器件N-pole N极 N-truss N型构架 N-type semiconductor N型半导体 N-type semiconductorN 型半导体 N-type wafer n型硅片 N-type waferN 型晶体

N-type N型 N.heptane insolubles 正庚烷不溶物 nab 丘顶 nacelle 导流罩短舱尾轴包套 nacelle 导流罩短舱尾轴包套快艇舱室nacreous clouds 贝母云 nacrostructure 宏观结构 nadir 天底 nadir 天底;最低点 nadir 天底最低点最低温度 Nagasaki Marine Observatory 长崎海洋气象台nail brush 钉刷 nail drawer 起钉钳 nail drawer 起钉钳拔钉器 nail extractor 拔钉器 nail extractor 拔钉钳 nail hammer 拔钉锤 nail hammer 羊角锤 nail puller 拔钉器 nail puller 起钉钳 nail punch 钉冲头 nail punch 钉形冲头


航海英语单词 【避碰】 determine [简明英汉词典] v.打算, 确定, 测定, 使下定决心, [律]使终止 determine [英汉航海大词典] n.确定 restricted visibility [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词] 能见度不良 exhibit [简明英汉词典] vt.展出, 陈设 n.展览品, 陈设品, 展品 v.呈现 exhibit [英汉航海大词典] n.正表 be considered to [英汉航海大词典] vt.被认为 estimate [简明英汉词典] v.估量, 估价, 评估 n.估量, 估价, 评估 normally [简明英汉词典]

adv.正常地, 通常地 normally [英汉航海大词典] n.标准形态 impractical [简明英汉词典] adj.不切实际的, 昧于实际的so far as [简明英汉词典] 只需 so far as [英汉航海大词典] prep.就...来说,在...范围内possible [简明英汉词典] justify [简明英汉词典] v.证明...是正值的 justify [英汉航海大词典] n.验证 adj.可能的, 可能存在或发生的possible [英汉航海大词典] n.可能的,合理的 detect [简明英汉词典] vt.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v.发觉 directed [简明英汉词典] 有指点的

有管理的 定向的 被把握的 special construction [简明英汉词典] 特用型式,特殊结构 special construction [英汉512专利大词典] 特殊结构 特殊结构 government [简明英汉词典] n.政府, 内阁, 政治, 政体 government [英汉航海大词典] n.政府,行政管理 crossing situation [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词] 交叉相遇局面 crossing situation [英汉航海大词典] n.交叉相遇局面 as possible [英汉航海大词典] adv.尽可能 determined [简明英汉词典] adj.坚决的, 打算了的 necessary for [英汉航海大词典] if possible [简明英汉词典]


二、国际海事组织标准海事通信用语A部分17 A1/1.1 灾难通信(Distress communications)17 .1 火灾、爆炸(Fire, explosion)17 .2 舰体破损(Flooding)19 .3 碰撞(Collision)19 .4 搁浅(Grounding)20 .5 横倾(List - danger of capsizing)21 .6 下沉(Sinking)21 .7 限于操纵和漂浮船(Disabled and adrift)22 .8 武装袭击/海盗行为(Armed attack / piracy)22 .9 非限定灾难(Undesignated distress)23 .10 弃船(Abandoning vessel)23 .11 人员落水(Person overboard)23 A1/1.2 搜索和营救通信(Search and Rescue communication)25 .1 确认收到信息(Acknowledgement)27 .2 执行搜救(Performing / coordinating SAR operations)27 .3 完成搜救(Finishing with SAR operations)29 A1/1.3 医学援助(Requesting medical assistance)30 A1/2 紧急交通(Urgency traffic)31 .1 技术故障(Technical failure)31 .2 货物(Cargo)32 .3 冰灾(Ice damage)33 A1/3 安全通信(Safety Communications)33 A1/3.1 与气象和水文有关的条件(Meteorological and hydrological conditions)33 .1 Winds, storms, tropical storms, sea state 33 .2 能见度受限(Restricted visibility)36 .3 冰情(Ice)37 .4 异常潮(Abnormal tides)38 A1/3.2 导航警告(Navigational warnings involving)39 .1 Land- or seamarks 39 .2 Drifting objects 40 .3 电子导航设备(Electronic navigational aids)40 .4 海底特征、沉船(Seabottom characteristics, wrecks)41 .5 混杂的(Miscellaneous)42 A1/3.3 环境保护通信(Environmental protection communications)45 A1/4 引水(Pilotage)47 A1/4.1 Pilot request 47 A1/4.2 引水员上舰/下舰(Embarking / disembarking pilot)47 A1/4.3 使用拖船(Tug request)49 A1/5 特殊情况(Specials)49 A1/5.1 Helicopter operations 50 A1/5.2 破冰行动(Ice breaker operations)52 A1/6 交通管制中心标准用语(Vessel Traffic Service Standard Phrases)54 信文标志(message marker)55


气象 单词: humidity湿度temperature 温度current 洋流 iceberg 冰山backing 逆转veering 顺转 cirrus 卷云hail 冰雹doldrums 赤道无风带clockwise 顺时针counterclockwise 逆时针anti-clockwise逆时针 thermometer 温度计cumulonimbus cloud 积雨云precipitation 降水 anemometer 风速计barometer 气压计indicate表明 swell涌浪seas 海浪tide 潮汐 increase增加decrease 减少monsoon 季风 isobar 等压线cyclone 气旋anti-cyclone 反气旋 hurricane 飓风typhoon 台风broadcast 播发 thunderstorm 雷暴雨shower 阵雨rain 小雨 synopsis 大势sign / indication 迹象tsunami 海啸 cumulonimbus 积雨云iceberg冰山approach靠近 tsunami 海啸daytime 白天variable 变化不定的 encounter 遭遇到cyclone 气旋anti-cyclone反气旋 词组: trade wind信风air mass 气团Coriolis Force 科氏力/地转偏向力warm front 暖锋cold front 冷锋occluded front 锢囚锋 dew point 露点high pressure 高压low pressure 低压 air pressure 气压barometric pressure 气压atmospheric pressure 气压 wind direction风向wind velocity 风速wind force 风力 rough sea 大浪slight sea轻浪moderate sea 中浪 advection fog 平流雾radiation fog 辐射雾frontal fog 锋面雾 weather map 天气图gale warning 大风警报pressure gradient 气压梯度weather forecast天气预报cloud wall 云墙sea level 海平面 high clouds 高云low clouds 低云water droplet 小水滴 land breeze 陆风sea breeze 海风land and sea breeze 海陆风 Buys Ballot 白贝罗定律tropical storm 热带风暴set of the current 流向 aneroid barometer 空盒气压计 northern hemisphere 北半球southern hemisphere 南半球

航海英语 知识点整理 部分

第三章气象 地转偏向力(科氏力):地转偏向力 气压梯度(prssure gradient):水平距离(horizontal distance)上气压的差值。 海平面:sea level 无液气压计(空盒式气压计):aneroid barometer 水银气压计:mercurial barometer 微气压计:microbarograph----可以提供一段时间大气压力的图表记录。 在北半球,由台风或者飓风引起的最大浪在其右前方。 在北半球热带气旋中风向逆时针(backing wind)转说明在可航半圆。(顺时针:veering wind)三右原则 在北半球风暴向西或西北或北向移动。 在南半球热带气旋的移动方向的顺序为西南、南和东南。与北半球相反。 在南半球飓风左半圆为危险半圆。 在西北太平洋飓风的高发季节是7-10月。 在风暴的右前象限(right front quadrant),涌浪速度大于风暴的速度。 低压槽:trough of low pressure 气压计缓慢的下降说明一会会有坏天气,不稳定的天气。 如果气压持续12个小时以上没有变化或变化很小,说明目前的天气将会持续。 当观测到气压急剧上升( rapid rise),你能预见到天气转好,可能伴随着大风。 使用无线电话发气象的警报,前缀词为Security Security Security 风区(Fetch):风吹过形成的水域。----Fetch是风浪三要素之一。 平流雾(advection fog):相对暖的气团,流经冷的海平面形成平流雾。 锋面雾:frontal fog 辐射雾(radiation fog) :晴夜、微风,因地球辐射快速冷却而产生的


Basic design 基本设计 Cargo handling 货物装卸 Concept design 概念设计 Contract design 合同设计 Endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间Freeboard 干舷 Maneuverability 操纵性 Sea keeping performance 耐波性能 Stability 稳性 Subdivision 分舱 Tonnage 吨位 Preliminary 初步设计 Design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式Bidder 投标人 Iterative process 迭代过程 Naval architecture 造船学 Feasibility study 可靠性研究 Beam 船宽,梁 Depth 船深 Draft 吃水 Fullness 丰满度 Cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积Deadweight 总载重量(吨) Talking paper 讨论文件 Light-ship 空船 A faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线Hull form 船形,船体外形 Frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架Fresh water 淡水 Living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室 Outfit 舾装 Trial 实船试验 Major ship 大型船舶 Detail design 详细设计 Ship fitter 船舶装配工 Welder 焊工 Metal worker 金属工 Machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方Outfitter 舾装工 Pipe fitter 管装工 Artisan 技工 Shipyard 船厂 Breakbulk 件杂货 Containerized 集装箱化


航海英语专业常用词汇—航海通告与警告 航海通告与警告 airmail ①n.航空邮件,航空信②n.航空邮寄 cumulative a.积累的,渐增的,累计的 deletion n.删去部分,删除事项,取消,删除 demarcation n.划界,区划 evaporate ①v.蒸发,汽化②v.脱水③v.消失,消散 fashion ①n.流行,时尚,风格②n.形成,形式,方式,方法 guidance ①n.领导,指挥②n.遥控,操纵,导航,制导③n.导承,导槽(机械) lately ad.近来,最近 luminous a.明亮的,发光的,夜光的 nominal ①a.有名无实的,名义上的,挂名的②a.公称的,标称的,额定的 nowadays n.现在,如今 omission n.疏忽,省略,遗漏 orient ①v.使向东,定向②n.东方,东部 periodic a.断断续续续的,间歇性的,周期的 preliminary a.初级的,初步的,预备的,预先的 publication ①n.发行,发表,公布,出版②n.出版物,书刊,刊物 quarterly ①a.季度的②n.季刊 remainder ①n.剩余部分,剩余物,剩余,残余,余料②n.(数学)余项,余数 reprint v.重印,再版,翻印 reproduction ①n.再生产,再现,再生②n.复制,繁殖 rouge n.过氧化铁粉,红铁粉,铁丹 roughly ad.概略地,粗糙地 subscription ①n.预约,预订②n.订阅,认股③n.订阅费,预约费,

预订费④n.(承担保险责任的)签署,署名 telegraphy n.电报学,电报 trawl ①v.用拖网捕捞,拖网捕鱼②n.拖网,曳绳 adjoining chart 邻接海图 admiralty chart 英版海图 agree upon 对……取得一致意见,对……达成协议 agree with 与……保持一致,适合,同意 annual summary 年度汇编,年度摘要 cumulative number 累计次数 demarcation line 分界线 fall off ①向下风②落下,坠下 fish trap 渔栅,鱼网(固定陷鱼网) horseshoe buoy 马蹄形浮具 inner ring 内环 iron pipe 铁管 latest information 最新资料 luminous range 光达距离,光度视程,照明距离,光照距离 medium size 中等尺寸,中型 navigational data 航行资料 new edition ①(书、刊物等的)新版②(海图)调制 nominal range 额定光达距离(气象能见距离为10 n mail 时的光达距离) pipeline area (海底)管道区 stand out ①浮出,显著,显眼②离岸向海上航驶③突出的,出色的④突出的事物 visible range 能见距离 free of charge 不承担费用,免费 GEN|General ①一般的②总的 GL|Gearless 无吊货索具 R/T|Radio Telephone 无线电话


航海英语词汇表 航海英语词汇表 在航海领域中,准确理解和掌握相关的英语词汇是非常重要的。本文将为您呈现一份航海英语词汇表,帮助您更好地了解航海术语和短语,提高与航海人员的沟通能力。 1. 船只类型 (Types of Vessels) - 货船 (Cargo ship): 用于运输货物的船只。 - 客船 (Passenger ship): 用于运载乘客的船只。 - 油轮 (Tanker): 用于运输石油或其他液体货物的船只。 - 渡轮 (Ferry): 用于穿越水路、运载车辆和乘客的船只。 - 拖船 (Tugboat): 用于拖带其他船只的小型船只。 2. 航行方向与位置 (Direction and Location) - 前 (Forward): 船头前方。 - 后 (Aft): 船尾后方。 - 左舷 (Port): 船左边的一侧。 - 右舷 (Starboard): 船右边的一侧。 - 上 (Up): 飞机和船只的竖直升高方向。 - 下 (Down): 飞机和船只的竖直降低方向。

3. 航行动作 (Actions at Sea) - 航行 (Sail): 船只在水上航行。 - 泊位 (Berth): 停靠船只的位置或码头。 - 引水 (Pilot): 为船只提供导航服务的专业人员。 - 抛锚 (Drop anchor): 将锚投放到水下以固定船只的位置。 4. 天气条件 (Weather Conditions) - 风 (Wind): 空气流动引起的自然现象。 - 海浪 (Wave): 海面上因风力产生的涌动。 - 暴风雨 (Storm): 强烈的风和大量降水的恶劣天气条件。- 海雾 (Fog): 海洋上的大气现象,使能见度降低。 5. 航标与信号 (Markers and Signals) - 灯塔 (Lighthouse): 用于指引船只航行的高大建筑物。 - 航标 (Buoy): 浮标,标记着航道或危险区域。 - 信号旗 (Signal flag): 用于在船只间进行通信的旗帜。6. 航海设备 (Navigation Equipment) - 罗盘 (Compass): 用于确定船只方向的导航工具。 - 雷达 (Radar): 通过无线电波检测和跟踪目标的设备。

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