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I.用否定前缀in-(及其变体),non-, un-构成下列单词的反义词:

1. mature: _________

2. regular: ________

3. considerate: _________

4. noble: _________

5. contentious: _________

6. legitimate: ________

7. metal: __________ 8. passive: ________

9. ferrous: _________ 10. accuracy: ________ 11. endurable: _________ 12. variance: _________ 13. inductive: __________ 14. legible: __________ 15. reasonable: _________ 16. rational: _________ 17. scrupulous: __________ 18. staple: __________ 19. balance: __________ 20. legalize: ________


1.able, -ible

dispens ____, convert____, toler____, revers___

2.ant, -ent

assist____, resist____, consist____, persist_____

3.ar, -er, or

calculat____, li____, subscrib____, surviv____

4.ary, -ery

confection____, adverse____, tribut____, monast____

5.–ious, -ous, -eous, -uous

caprice____, preempt____, moment____, spontan_____



1.a stretch of land, round a town, where building is not allowed, so that

fields, woods, etc., remain: _____

2.a shop-keeper who sells vegetables and fruit: _____

3.a young, inexperiences person, expecially male, who is easily

cheated: _______

4.a room in a theatre or concert hall where actors musicians, etc., can

rest when not performing: _______


1.a small bag for a woman to carry her money and personal things in:


2.a short book giving all the most important information about a

subject: ______

3.an apparatus that stops a vehicle, worked by the driver’s hand: _____

4.a bar of wood or metal fixed beside a place where one walks for

holding onto, especially near stairs: ______


1.the care or treatment to someone after a period in hospital, prison,

etc.: _______

2.an effect (usually unpleasant) that follows some time after the cause

or after the main effect: _______

3.a taste that stays in the mouth after the food that caused it is no

longer there: _______

4.an idea that comes later: _______


1.a large thick enveloped or bag of warm material for sleeping in when

camping: _______

2.a railway carriage with beds for passengers: _______

3.a pill which helps a person to sleep:

4.a partner in a business who takes no active part in its operation:



1.a person with whom another is running for a pair of political

positions of greater or less importance, especially those of President and Vice-President: ________

2.handwriting in which the letters are slanted and the words formed

without lifting the pen: ________

3.a headline repeated on consecutive pages (as of a book): ________

4.a foot board especially at the side of an automobile: ________


1.A shy, frightened child stood before a government inspector in a

Polish schoolroom. “Name the Czar of Russia,” he barked. The girl did so in a voice which she tried to keep steady. ( )

2.At once the villagers formed a circle and started moving around me,

singing to the accompaniment of a kora. ( )

3.Agamemnon with the rest of the Greek army sailed away in their

ships at night. ( )

4.Almost before the Trojans could arm themselves and long before they

could make any plans for defense, the city was lost, high buildings

were falling and flames were shooting high into the sky. ( ) 5.I began to see the light: of course, the snatchers –always young men,

even boys – would expect a large purse stuffed with money and all

kinds of valuables. ( )

6.A few years ago the landlady locked the front door and installed a

bell and buzzer system, which made burglary more difficult though not impossible. ( )

7.An upstairs tenant, who happened to be looking out of his window,

came running down, questioned the men and demanded their

identification. ( )

8.The children headed toward school, carrying slates and followed

9.Like the trunk of a tree, it rose in the air, bracnching out as it climbed.

( )

10.An hour went by and darkness still shrouded everything. ( )

11.They boarded boats and got away, living to tell the tale of their

city’s destruction. ( )

12.The day-to-day effect of dirty air is hard to measure, and most

people take it for granted. ( )

13.When these gases mix with fog, smog results. ( )

14.There are a few success stories in battling air pollution. ( )

15.Pollution can be trapped before they pour out of chimneys – and a

pollution-free car can be built. ( )

16.If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000

bags of coffee, foreigh trade would be extremely cumbersome and

restrictive. ( )

17.She’s the one who’s s apped your confidence. ( )

18.His place on the seat was taken almost immediately by a young man,

fairly well dressed but scarcely more cheerful than the other. ( ) 19.The young man quickly removed any doubt by pocketing the money.

( )

20.But the preparation on which he laid the colours was defective, and

they started to flake off even in Leonardo’s own lifetime.


1. globe-trot: __________

2. brainwash: __________

3. ghost-write: _________

4. sleep-walk: __________

5. spoon-feed: _________

6. air-condition: __________

7. book-keep: __________

8. browbeat: ____________

9. caretake: __________ 10. gatecrash: __________ 11. housebreak: _________ 12. housekeep: _________ 13. mass-produce: _________ 14. muckrake: __________ 15. proof-read: _________ 16. sightsee: __________ 17. stage-manage: ________ 18. merry-make: _________ 19. street-walk: _________ 20. window-shop: _________ V.写出下列首字母缩略词的全称:

1.BA: _________ 6. NATO: __________

2.GMT: ________ 7. SALT: __________

3.MA: _________ 8. UFO: __________

4.GNP: _________ 9. ABC: __________

5.IT: _________ 10. NBC: __________


Answer Sheet

Class: Name: Marks:


1._____________ 11. _____________

2._____________ 12. _____________

3._____________ 13. _____________

4._____________ 14. _____________

5._____________ 15. _____________

6._____________ 16. _____________

7._____________ 17. _____________

8._____________ 18. _____________

9._____________ 19. _____________

10._____________ 20. _____________

II. 1. ________ ________ ________ _______

2. ________ ________ ________ _______

3. ________ ________ ________ _______

4. ________ ________ ________ _______

5. ________ ________ ________ _______


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4. 4. 4. IV. 1. 6. 11. 16.

2. 7. 12. 17.

3. 8. 13. 18.

4. 9. 14. 19.

5. 10. 15. 20.

V. 1. 6. 11. 16.

2. 7. 12. 17.

3. 8. 13. 18.

4. 9. 14. 19.

5. 10. 15. 20. VI. 1.

6. ___________

2. 7. ___________

3. 8. ___________

4. 9. ___________

5. 10. __________


哈尔滨商业大学2009-2010学年第二学期《词汇学》期末考试试卷 装 题 订 线 内 不 答 要 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 2.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 3. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 4. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 5. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A. functional B. notional C. empty D. formal 6. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language,_______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Roman D. Greek 7. Greek is the modern language derived from _______. A. Latin B. Hellenic C. Indian D . Germanic 8. The five Romance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon 9. The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. A. Germanic B. Indo-European C. Albanian D. Hellenic 10. By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin. A. 10th B.11th C.12th D. 13th 11. The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______. A. reversative prefixes B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 12. The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo-friend, mal practice, mis trust. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 13. The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 14. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ . A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes


词汇学考试题型 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(2×15=30%) 1.In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.() A. more B. little C. less D. gradual 2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______.() A. general dictionaries B. monolingual dictionaries C. both A and B D. neither A and B 3.The word "MINISKIRT" is _______.() A. morphologically motivated B. etymologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. none of the above 4.The most important way of vocabulary development in present-day English is _______.() A. borrowing B. semantic change C. creation of new words D. all the above 5.Beneralization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.() A. generalized B. expanded C. elevated D. degraded 6.Some morphemes have _______ as they are realized by more than one morph according to their position in word.() A. alternative morphs B. single morphs C. abstract units D. discrete units 7.Old English vocabulary was essentially _______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.() A. Italic B. Germanic C. Celtic D. Hellenic https://www.doczj.com/doc/4917300450.html,pounds are different from free phrases in all the following ways EXCEPT _______.()

大学英语词汇学期末考试 重点复习资料整理 权威版 后附试题

2012词汇学复习资料 The development of the English Vocabulary 1.Indo-European Language Family The Indo-European Language Family is considered as one of the most important language families. It includes most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. Those languages, which are believed to have originated from this language family and developed alone different lines, show various degrees of similarity to one another. They fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern Set东部诸语族: Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语, Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语族, Armenian 亚美尼亚语族and Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语族; a Western Set: 西部诸语族Celtic凯尔特语族, Italic 意大利语族, Hellenic希腊语族, Germanic日尔曼语族. All the languages in both sets shed some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has lent words into the English vocabulary. Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语Czech捷克斯洛伐克语 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian Albanian阿尔巴尼亚 Persian波斯语 Hindi北印度语 Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语系Bengali孟加拉语 Romany,吉卜赛语 Armenian亚美尼亚语 Portuguese Spanish Italic意大利语族Italian Roumanian罗马尼亚语 French Indo-European Language Family Irish Celtic凯尔特语Breton Scottish Norwegian挪威语 Icelandic,冰岛语 Danish丹麦语 Germanic Swedish瑞典语 日尔曼语言English Dutch Flemish German Hellenic,古希腊语- Greek


英语词汇学试题 Introduction and Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1) I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of _________construct. A. word B. form C. morpheme D. root is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. A. Semantics B. Linguistics C. Etymology D. Stylistics English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes. A. Greek B. Roman C. Italian D. Germanic 4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. A. linguistic B. grammatical C. arbitrary D. semantic is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effects A. situation B. context C. time D. place shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference. A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic 7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas. A. technical B. artistic C. different D. academic 8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves. A. Slang B. Jargon C. Dialectal words D. Argot


2012级(1)班 Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabulary I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. A.Productivity Stability C.Collocability D.All national character 2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ . A.slang B.Anglo-Saxon words C.argots D.neologisms 3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into _______ . A.content words and functional words B.native words and borrowed words C.basic words and dialectal words D.loan words and dialectal words 4. Borrowings can be divided into________. A.liens, semantic loans, translationloans, denizens B.empty words, notional words, form words, content words C.blends, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes D.derivatives, compounds, converted words and clipped words 5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________. A.Productivity and stability B.neutrality in style and high frequency in use C.collectability and polysemy D.formality and arbitrariness 6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ . A.a dialectal word B.argot C.an archaism D.slang 7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ . A.jargon B.an archaism C.aneologism D.slang 8.Form words include the following word classes except_______ . A.conjunctions B.auxiliaries C.prepositions D.adjectives 9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ . A.the total number of the words in alanguage B.all the words used in a particular historical period C.all the words of a given dialect D.most words a person knows 10.Kimono is a loan word from_______ . A.German B.French C.Spanish D.Japanese 11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock. A.Anglo-Saxon words B. Frenchwords C.Danish words https://www.doczj.com/doc/4917300450.html,tin words 12.Black humor is_______ . A.a translation loan B.a semantic loan C.a denizen D.an alien 13.Pronouns and numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ . A.polysemous;use and stability B.monosemous;collocability and stability C.polysemous;use and productivity D.monosemous;productivity andcollectability 14.Indigestion is_______ . A.jargon B.slang C.terminology D.an archaism


《英语词汇学》期末考试试卷附答案 I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(45%) 1.There are two approaches to the study of polysemy.They are_____. A.primary and secondary B.Central and peripheral C.diachronic and synchronic D.Formal and functional 2.Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms? A.Colloquial B.Slang C.Negative D.Literary 3.Synonyms can be classified into two major groups,that is:_____. A.absolute and relative B.Absolute and complete C.relative and near D.Complete and identical 4.In the early period of Middle English,English,____existed side by side, A.Celtic and Danish B.Danish and French C.Latin and Celtic D.French and Latin 5. A monomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single_______morpheme. A.formal B.Concrete C.free D.bound 6.Which of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated? A,croak,drum B.squeak,bleat C.buzz,neigh D.bang,trumpet 7.LDCE is distinctive for its____. A.Clear grammar codes B.usage notes C.language notes D.all of the above 8.From the historical point of view, English is more closely related to A.German B.French C.Scotttish D.Irish 9.Which of the following is NOT an acronym? A.TOEFL B.ODYSSEY C.BASIC D.CCTV 10. In the course book,the author lists____types of context clues for inferring word meaning. A.eight B.Six C.seven D.five 11.Sources of homonyms include____. A.changes in sound and spelling B.borrowing C.shortening D.all of the above


《英语词汇学》模拟试卷 (一) I. Choose the best answer and then put the letter of your choice in the given brackets. (30%) 1. The minimal meaningful units in English are known as ______. A. roots B. morphs C. stems D. morphemes ( ) 2. The most important of all the features of the basic word stock is ______. A. stability . B. productivity C. polysemy . D. all national character ( ) 3. Old English vocabulary was essentially ______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. A. Celtic . B. Hellenic C. Italic . D. Germanic . ( ) 4. In modern times, ______ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion. A. borrowing B. backformation C. creation D. semantic change ( ) 5. The words “motel”and “comsat”are called ______. A. blends B. compounds C. acronyms D. initialisms . ( ) 6. The word “teachers”contains three morphemes, but the word “shortenings”has ______ morphemes. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 7. Reference is the relationship between language and the ______. A. concept B. world C. context . D. sense ( ) 8. Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example: ______. A. dorm for “dormitory” B. fond for “affectionate” C. dish for “food” D. TV for “television”( ) 9. The word “mouth”in the phrase “the mouth of a river”is regarded as a ______ motivated word. A. morphologically B. etymologically C. onomatopoeically D. semantically


C9 Test-2 below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that I. Each of the statements would best complete the statement. 1. The fixity of idioms depends on A. idiomaticity B. structure C. grammaticality D. style

2. Idioms are generally felt to be A. formal B. informal C. casual D. intimate 3. In the idiom “ move heaven and earth ” , is used. A. simile B. metonymy C. personification D. juxtaposition 4. A large proportion of idioms were first created by . A. linguists B. poets C. working people D. ruling class 5. Forms and functions of idioms are . A. different B. identical C. not necessarily identical D. not identical at all 6. Slang expressions are often peculiar to and varieties. A. stylistic, affective B. social, regional C. professional, cultural D. cultural, social 7. The semantic unity of idioms is also reflected in the relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom. A. illogical B. lexical C. grammatical D. logical 8. Idioms nominal in nature function as . A. adverbs B. modifiers C. nouns D. adjectives 9. In “Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters ”, figure of speech is . A. simile B. personification


名词解释(10选5,一个4分) 词=The minimal free form of a language, which has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function. 词根=The basic unchangeable part of a word, and covers the main lexical meaning of the word. 词缀=Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. 一词多义=Polysemy means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time. 同形异义=Homonyms are different words with the same form (spelling or pronunciation) 完全同形异义=Perfect homonyms are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning. 同音异形异义=Homophones are different words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning. 同形异音异义=Homographs are different words identical in spelling, but different in sound or meaning. 同义关系=Synonymy is a relationship of “sameness of meaning” that may hold between two words. 反义关系=Antonymy is a relationship of “meaning opposition” that may hold between two words.


全国高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.() A.meaning B.Sound C.combination of sounds D.Group 2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.() A.more slowly than B.As quickly as C.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as 3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notion C.origin D.sound 4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.() A.green revolution B.fast food C.moon walk D.space shuttle 5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need. ()A.form B.meaning C.look D.pronunciation 6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.() A.four B.fell C.for D.autumn 7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______. ()A./t/ B./g/ C./p/ D./k/ 英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页


全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 本试卷满分100分,考试时间150分钟. 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效。试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。 2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用28铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。 3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间。超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%) 1.“Woman”becomes “Frau”in German, “femme”in French and “fùnǔ”in Chinese. This example shows that in different languages the same concept can be represented by different ______. A. sounds B.forms C. unities D.meanings 2.The following words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us EXCEPT ______. A. fire B.hot C. photoscanning D.sister 3.Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese? A. Bazaar. B.Kowtow. C. Rajah. D.Blitzkrieg. 4.The Indo-European language family is made up of the languages of the following EXCEPT ______. A. Europe B.the Far East C. India D.the Near East 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day English vocabulary? A. The rapid development of modern science and technology. B.Social, economic and political changes. C. The invasion of foreign countries. D.The influence of other cultures and languages. 6. Modern English vocabulary develops through the following channels EXCEPT ______. A. creation B.borrowing

英语词汇学(一) 期末考试试题及参考答案

Test 1 I. Stylistics is the study of style. It is concerned with the user‘s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effects A. situation B. context C. time D. place 2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ] A. humour B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above 3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ] A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation 4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ] A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor 5. Modern English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes. A. Greek B. Roman C. Italian D. Germanic 6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in which a word is used. [ ] A. vocabulary B. grammar


词汇学模拟试卷(参考答案) 《英语词汇学》模拟试卷 (一) I. Choose the best answer and put the letter of your choice in the brackets. (30%) 1. English lexicology embraces morphology, semantics, ______ stylistics and lexicography. A. etymology B. pragmatics C. syntax . D. phonology ( ) 2. The most important of all the features of the basic word stock is ______. A. stability . B. productivity C. polysemy . D. all national character ( ) 3. Old English vocabulary was essentially ______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. A. Celtic . B. Hellenic C. Italic . D. Germanic . ( ) 4. In modern times, ______ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion. A. borrowing B. backformation C. creation D. semantic change ( ) 5. The words “motel” and “comsat” are called ______. A. blends B. compounds C. acronyms D. initialisms . ( ) 6. The word “teachers” contains three morphemes, but the word “shortenings” has ______ morphemes. A. two B. three

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