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xt>1. it’s our duty to strengthen the _________(意识) of protecting the environment. 2. he stood there, ready to work with a ________(坚定的)look. 3. as for as i’m ________, she didn’t deal with it well. 4. as a j________, he interviewed many government officials. 5. given one more glass of wine, he would be ________. 6. he __________(评论)that it was an excellent film. 7. an a__________ young man can go for into our firm. 8. we like it if david is e________ about our plan.

9. the plate c__________ a variety of fruits.

10. games can made learning more ________(使人快乐的)。

my cat daisy got lost suddenly one morning in last december. after school i asked my mom she had found the cat. she said no. i became very sadly that week but didn’t want any presents for christmas. i just wanted my cat back, but it seemed hopeless. several day later, i got the call at school from my mom. she told me daisy had come home! heard the news, i couldn’t help crying and didn’t feel worrying any more. i was very happy to see daisy home, that was my best christmas gift.

i was so thankful to the boy who have found her and called my mom. 作文

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1-5 acdab6-10 dcbac

11-15 cadaa 16-20 bcddc

21-25 bacbd 26-30 acdbb

31-35 cabdb36-40 acdda

41-45 cbbcd46-50 ddbdb

51. stands / stood an old temple

52. if (it is) necessary

53. did he feel about

54. it makes no difference

55. will i forget

56. are being cut down

57. can he catch

58. (should) defend their country

59. accused of

60. have i heard from him

one possible version:

we often see some people beg for money from passers-by in the streets. they give various explanations for their situations. but i think there are many ways which can help them out, and that they don’t have to do like that. my neighbour, mr. wang

sets us a good example.

a high fever disabled him when he was just 3, making him deaf and dumb. he lived a poor life in a remote village. someone asked him to live by begging in the big cities. but he shook his head firmly. at ten, he decided to learn how to make bamboo baskets by hand and he worked hard day and night. years have passed, now he can weave baskets of all shapes. although he can’t hear or speak, he supports his family by making and selling baskets in the cities.

we are sure to overcome all kinds of difficulties as long as we work hard.



1. a。题意为:工程必须在这个月之内完工,为了按时完成任务,我们不得不夜以继日地工作。meet the deadline赶上最后期限;在截


2. c。题意为:法国人用牛奶和羊奶做出了很多品种的奶酪,比如布里干酪和卡门培尔奶酪。variety品种,变种,变体;section部分,节;case情况,案例;label标签,标记。

3. d。题意为:想让孩子们上这所小学的家长们必须在2015年1月15日前递交你们的申请。submit递交,呈递;approve赞成,认可,批准;publish出版,发行,发表;assess评估,评定。

4. a。题意为:这个植物园将定期在它的官网上更新不同花卉的盛开时间,使得游客们参观更加方便。update更新;acquire获得,取得;poison毒害,使中毒;process加工,处理。

5. b。题意为:销量在冬季的几个月里总是下降,这让我们的经理很

忧虑。他已经让我们提出一些好的解决办法。fall off减少;take off (飞机)起飞;pay off使得到好处,成功;come off举行,进行,成功。

6. d。题意为:全世界的人们都在讲英语,但是人们带有不同的口音,这取决于他们来自什么地方。depend on依靠,依赖,靠??决定,取决于;rely on依靠,依赖;live on靠??生活;concentrate on集中精力于,全神贯注于。

7. c。题意为:那些课程对道路安全作出了重要贡献,并且在减少交通事故方面所做的工作也是值得赞赏的。admirable值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的;complex复杂的;unbearable难以忍受的,不能容忍的;temporary暂时的,临时的。

8. b。题意为:转基因食品对于中国人而言仍然是一个很有争议的



9. a。题意为:根据警方的调查,没有迹象表明有人故意纵火,它只是一个意外。deliberately故意地,人为地;firmly坚固地,稳定地;technically技术上,工艺上;tightly紧地,牢牢地。

10. c。题意为:尽管我们时间真的很紧迫,但是直到所有的准备工

作都安排妥当我们才会开始这项计划。in place在适当的位置,准备妥当;in essence本质上;in need在危难中,有需要;in turn轮流,依次。



11. c。该空的前后两句是转折关系,故填however。

12. a。由该段内容可知,这里是说学生们必须“吃(eat)”学校为他们提供的午餐。

13. d。总览全文可知,本文讲述的就是学校应该允许学生到校外享用午餐。结合最后一段中的the school should let students go outside for lunch可知应填allowing。

14. a。由下文的the school can use the money saved for ... sports equipment or new books可知,省下来的钱可以用来“资助(support)”更多的学校项目。

15. a。由上文的school lunches are subsidized by the government可知,学校午餐是由政府补贴的,所以才会卖得“便宜(cheaply)”。

16. b。由上文内容可知,这里是在谈论学校的“午餐(lunch)”补助项目。

17. c。由下文的sports equipment or new books可知,学校可以利用省下来的钱购买体育器材或是图书等“不同的(different)”东西。

18. d。由上文的if students are able to have lunch outside of the school可知,如果学生们可以外出享用午餐,他们将会获得更多的“阅历(experiences)”,也将更加了解这个真实的世界。

19. d。如果学生们每天都在学校食堂里排队吃饭,他们就没有“机会(chance)”融入更广阔的社会中去。

20. c。学生们应该知道当他们独立生活的时候会面对哪些问题,“尤其是(especially)”那些即将毕业的学生。

21. b。外出就餐使他们有可能更多地“了解(learn)”外面的世界。

22. a。本段主要讲述了学校给予学生信任的重要性,故填important。

23. c。由下文的teens race outside and back to school at the expected time可知,这里是说:学生们应该得到足够的信任,即:他们外出吃饭后会按时“返回(return)”。

24. b。由下文的they’re worried that something ... might

happen to children可知,校领导们之所以让孩子们待在学校里是


25. d。由上文相关内容可知,这里是说“意料之外的(unexpected)”事情。

26. a。由especially if teens race ... at the expected time可知,


27. c。学生们现在已经足够“大(old)”了,他们能够对自己的行


28. d。这里是说孩子们都已经明白了“遵守(follow)”交通规则的


29. b。总览全文可知,本段是文章的结论部分,所以此处填in short。

30. b。允许学生外出享用午餐会给学生一种“自由(freedom)”感。



本文是记叙文。文章主要向我们介绍了美国历史上著名的人物——alfred carlton gilbert。

31. c。细节理解题。gilbert在十二岁时为他的朋友们成立了一个体





32. a。推理判断题。由第三段内容可知,那些起初试图禁止gilbert




33. b。推理判断题。由第二段中的gilbert broke the world

record ... at the olympic games in 1908可知他是一位有名的运动员;由最后一段中的his company made and sold the sets和he had 150 patents for his many inventions可知,他也是一位商人


34. d。标题归纳题。本文主要向我们介绍了美国历史上著名的人物——alfred carlton gilbert,他是一位了不起的运动员,也是一位伟





35. b。细节理解题。由第一段内容可知,作者受邀为大家唱歌,结


36. a。推理判断题。由第二段中的there was a support group for kids with disabilities ... to just sit around and complain all the time可知,作者和她的朋友们成立剧团的目的是为了做一些可以使


37. c。推理判断题。由该句后面的because i’m not used to

having total freedom ... by both physical and parental restrictions可知,作者一直受制于身体缺陷和父母的监管这两方面


38. d。推理判断题。总览全文可知,作者通过发掘自己善于唱歌的





39. d。细节理解题。由第一段中的being an electronic form of currency, bitcoins are digital and virtual可知d项说法正确。

40. a。推理判断题。由第一段中的bitcoins are digital and virtual

和第二段中的people compete to “mine” bitcoins using computers to solve complex math puzzles可知,比特币的“开采”其实就是通过计算机来解决数学难题的过程,因为比特币是一种虚


41. c。段落大意题。由第三段中的bitcoin transactions,

bitcoins are stored in a “digital wallet”和marketplaces called “bitcoin exchanges”等信息可知,本段主要介绍了比特币是如何交


42. b。推理判断题。由最后一段中的take this to heart: its value

is not backed by anything real ... just think twice before you

start putting bitcoins in your virtual wallet可知,作者认为持有





43. b。细节理解题。由第三段中的the rosslyn bid really wants

to change the impression that people have of rosslyn ...

outside of being a business center可知,the rosslyn bid希望户外电影节能为rosslyn这一地区带来一丝新气息,即:除了作为商


44. c。段落大意题。本段主要介绍了the noma bid这一地区的一

个户外电影院the noma summer screen,故选C项。

45. d。词义猜测题。由该词后面lua cherbakov所说的话可知,户



46. d。标题归纳题。户外电影现在美国一些社区正悄然兴起,作者

就此为我们进行了介绍,故用outdoor movies win popularity in

the u.s.作为标题最恰当。




47. d。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可推知,至今没有科学依


48. b。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中lyndsay jones的话可知,


49. d。细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,父母应陪孩子一块烹


50. b。写作手法题。文章通过列举有关面包皮、胡萝卜、菠菜、牛奶、红花菜豆的故事说明很多有关食物的故事的真实性是有待考证的,故选b项。



Ⅰ. 1-5 abcad

Ⅱ. 1-5 cadcd 6-10 ababa

11-15 bddac 16-20 dabba




1. a。细节理解题。由第一段中的our traditional seventh-grade spring field trip ... the new world botanical gardens和the class could leave school at 8:00 a.m. and ... return to school by 5:00 p.m.可知,七年级学生的世界植物园之行是在白天进行的,故选a 项。

2. b。推理判断题。由第二段中的many seventh-grade students have already visited the history museum. since it is so close, students often go there with their families可知,很多七年级学生对于这家历史博物馆已经很熟悉了,故选b项。

3. c。段落大意题。由第三段中的visiting the botanical gardens would be an educational field trip,an excellent way to supplement our science studies,help us a lot等信息可知,本段在陈述去植物园的种种益处,也就是选择去植物园的原因。

4. a。推理判断题。由最后一段中的we are now reading which way to the amazon?以及文中多次提到的seventh-grade students 可知,七年级的学生们正在读这本书,故选a项。

5. d。写作目的题。由文章首段中的our traditional seventh-

grade spring field trip ... the new world botanical gardens和尾

段中的please consider this request ... to the world botanical gardens可知,这封信主要是讲一位七年级学生建议将今年的春游





1. c。根据下文的but you were just sitting here staring at your hands和文中多处提到的hands可知,老人在低头看自己的手。

2. a。当“我”在他旁边坐下,他依然忽视(ignored)“我”的存在。

3. d。“我”在那儿坐得时间越长(longer),“我”越是想知道他是


4. c。终于(finally),虽然并非真的想打扰他,但还是想确定他是


5. d。根据上文的sat with his head down可知,他抬起(raised)头看着“我”并笑着回答“我”。

6. a。根据thank you for asking可知,他说自己很好(fine)。

7. b。根据he said in a clear strong可知,他的嗓音(voice)清


8. a。9. b。作者解释自己并不是有意(mean)要打扰他,而是想


10. a。11. b。根据palms up and then palms down可知,“我”把自己的手翻过来(over),尽量想弄明白(figure out)他的意思。

12. d。停下来想一想关于(about)你的手。

13. d。它们这些年来是如何为你服务(served)的?

14. a。这些手,尽管(though)长满了皱纹并且虚弱,但它们曾是“我”获取我想要的东西的工具。

15. c。下文的fell upon the floor是提示。

16. d。当“我”还是个孩子的时候,母亲教(taught)“我”如何用它们祈祷。

17. a。戴上结婚戒指时,“我”的手告诉全世界“我”结婚了(married)。

18. b。它们为“我”的孩子擦干(dried)眼泪,传递着“我”对他们的爱。

19. b。毫无疑问(doubt),“我”不会再看到和原来一样的手了。

20. a。根据文章开头的sat weakly on the park bench可知,那天离开公园(park)后我再没有见过那位老人。





1-5 bacbb6-10 cbbab

11-15 cacbc 16-20 abcba

21-25 dcdca 26-30 cdcad

31-35 dcdcb 36-40 fbedc

41-45 bdcba 46-50 dcbda

51-55 bcdba 56-60 cdbac

61-70 (one possible version)

61. suddenly62. for

63. would do 64. acting

65. me66. because

67. thought68. to give

69. a70. are loved

短文改错(one possible version)

yesterday morning, my cousin david and i went to take ∧ walk on the beach. it was a bit of hot, so


we decided to walk in the water. while we are walking


in the water, we saw a huge shark circling a dead whale. all of us were quite frightening. therefore,

both frightened

we immediately ran out of the water and shouted, “there is a bigger shark in the water. stay away from


the water.” hear our shouting, some people playing


in the water immediately ran to the shore. lucky, no


one got attacked by the shark. we saw the shark by accidents.

i couldn’t help thinking what lucky we

accident how


书面表达 (one possible version)

the best place i have travelled in canada

today i am very happy to share my tour story with you.

i took a tour to alberta province in canada last year, which impressed me deeply. the first place i went was the bow river. there is much wild grass growing on both sides of the river, with which the natives can make bows. the bow river fall is rapid and rough, making itself heard in the distance. the second place which left great impression on me was lake louise. it is surrounded with mountains on three sides, looking beautiful beside the great victorian iceberg. in winter the lake is especially pretty when frozen, with huge ice sculptures on it for visitors to enjoy.

i really wish i had a second chance to travel the places again!第32期测试题部分答案解析




21. d。细节理解题。根据第一段的this weekend i will host a camp with emily kwok, valerie worthington, hannette staack and lola newsom.可知应选d项。

22. c。推理判断题。根据第二段的even though the camps i

went to included women and girls only, it was still an amazing experience以及后文的内容可推断,作者在那些户外营里过得很愉快,且学到了很多东西,交到了很多朋友,所以他觉得很有意义。

23. d。推理判断题。根据eric spellman所说的内容可知,参与者



g.i. joe是美国很受欢迎的一个老牌玩具,本文介绍了其背后的故事。

24. c。细节理解题。根据第二段的g.i. joe showed a continuing interest in war-related play among young boys?可知,这个玩具



25. a。细节理解题。根据第三段的it was hasbro’s don levine, a korean war soldier who led the team to develop this action character... 可知,是don levine领导团队发展了这个玩具。

26. c。词义猜测题。根据第四段的the official mattel site doesn’t mention her at all可知,在网上很少有关于这个玩具的信息。

27. d。推理判断题。根据第五段的he was gradually removed from the market from the late 1970s to the early 1980s可知,这




28. c。细节理解题。根据第二段的so prices in canada usually seem low to travelers以及toronto, even as the most expensive canadian city, sits at no. 82 out of the 100 most expensive


29. a。推理判断题。根据第五段的french culture remains a great part of canada, mostly in quebec可推断,对法国文化感兴趣的人会去这里。

30. d。主旨大意题。根据第六段的a great travel destination for families travelling with children以及a canadian vacation with kids is great fun for the whole family可知,这一段主要是讲加拿大适合全家一起去旅游。

31. d。细节理解题。根据末段的these include the cn tower, historic sites including quebec city — the only walled city north of mexico可知选d项。


scott kelly和kjell lindgren是国际空间站的宇航员,他们俩最近进行了一次航天舱外活动。

32. c。细节理解题。根据第一段的the iss needs some housekeeping, in the form of routine work and repairs. that is why kelly and fellow astronaut kjell lindgren performed a spacewalk outside the station on wednesday.可知,他们是去对国际空间站进行例行维护和修理的。

33. d。推理判断题。根据第二段的the ports will be used when new ones arrive at the iss in 2017.


34. c。推理判断题。根据第三段的as the older astronaut, kelly led the spacewalk. however, lindgren dealt with the more difficult parts of the job, as a result of a physical advantage he has over kelly.可推断,是因为他更年轻更强壮。

35. b。细节理解题。第四段的during a spacewalk, the simplest work becomes a difficult task.为这一段的主旨句,主要表明这样的工作很艰难,富有挑战性。


jesse shand很胖,一个网站上的用户知道他的情况后,鼓励他并


41. b。根据so he never left his house可知,jesse shand因为


43. c。根据那些人鼓励jesse shand减肥可知,他发布了一张他的“照片”。

44. b。那些人鼓励jesse shand减肥,应该试图让他“相信”他可以


45. a。根据he couldn’t fit into the space for showers可知,jesse shand说他有两年没有“洗澡”了。

46. d。那人是一位网友,应该是免费给他“寄来”了一个户外淋浴喷


47. c。根据后文的such as exercise bands and dumbbells可知,网友给他的是各种用于“锻炼”的东西。

48. b。根据to do small exercises可知,jesse shand“利用”那些


49. d。jesse shand以前因为肥胖离不开房间,经过运动之后,他“终于”减掉了一些体重,可以离开房间了。

50. a。jesse shand很胖,他应该担心自己的健康,但是经过检查


51. b。根据in order to lose more weight可知,jesse shand“继续”进行那些小运动。

52. c。jesse shand现在虽然只有260英镑了,但是“希望”再减掉40英镑。

53. d。jesse shand以前很胖,减掉一些体重之后,应该有“多余的”皮肤需要清除。

54. b。jesse shand想回馈帮助过他的人,所以他在网络上写一些“鼓舞人心”的话,帮助需要减肥的人。

55. a。jesse shand想要鼓励那些同样想要减肥,在网上寻求“帮助”的人。

56. c。jesse shand的故事告诉我们,这个世界上有很多“好心的”人。

57. d。那些好心的人努力帮助那些需要“帮助”的人。

58. b。这些好心人使得我们的世界成为一个“美好的”地方。

59. a。这些人得到别人的帮助之后,将“善良”传递下去。

60. c。帮助别人可以让我们的世界变得更好,“因此”,我们要关爱并帮助别人。语篇填空



61. suddenly。考查副词。此处用副词修饰谓语动词became,故


62. for。考查介词。一段时间前面用介词for。

63. would do。考查动词时态。作者的父亲说话的时候尚未做那件事,故用将来时态,且动作发生在过去,所以用过去将来时态。

64. acting。考查非谓语动词。spend time (in) doing sth意为“花费时间做某事”。

65. me。考查代词。此处用i的宾格形式做介词to的宾语。

66. because。考查连词。作者的父亲说他之所以去扮演那个角色,主要是因为他想多花些时


67. thought。考查名词。at the thought of 意为“一想起??”。

68. to give。考查非谓语动词。作者的父亲过去尝试做每件事都是为了给作者一个精彩的生活。这里用动词不定式表示目的。

69. a。考查冠词。这里不是特指,只是说一个很幸运的人,故填不定冠词a。

70. are loved。考查动词语态。由句中的buy可推断,you是love 这个动作的承受者,故需用被动语态。


英语周报高二答案 【篇一:高二下期中考试英语周报高二版试题及答案】ass=txt>第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. what is the weather like now? a. sunny. b. cloudy. c. rainy, 2. what can we learn from the conversation? a. john wont be back this evening. b. the woman lent john her bicycle. c. the man will ask john to be back quickly. 3. how does the man feel about his driving to work? a. it takes him too much time. b. the distance is a little long. c. he feels that its not ba d. 4. whats wrong with the radio? a. it cant be turned on. b. it cant be turned off. c. it doesnt work. 5. where does the conversation most probably take place? a. at a restaurant. b. at a cinema. c. at a hotel. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独自,选 出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. what is the matter with the man? a. he has no money. b. he cant drive. c. he has a poor memory. 7. what does the woman advise the man to do? a. to ask her for advice. b. to let her drive him to the bank. c. to remind him of money. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. what was the woman going to buy?a. a sweater. b. a shirt. c. a coat. 9. which one did the woman finally buy? a. the red one. b. the blue one. c. the green one. l 0. how much did the woman pay? a. 170 yuan. b. 168 yuan. c. 186 yuan. 请听第8段材料,回答第 ll至13题。 11. what will the man do at 8:30 tomorrow? a. meet some managers. b. host mr turner. c. have a meeting. 12. whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? a. husband and wife. b. boss and secretary. c. teacher and student. 13. what is the man going to do at 1:30 pm the day after tomorrow? a. visit an exhibition. b. go to classes.c. attend a party. 请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。


英语周报广州版2011-2012学年(上) 七年级第十二期参考答案 第1版 《事事关心》1. £50,000. 2. Because it could generate at least as much energy as it uses by using solar photovoltaic panels. 《轻松阅读》1-2 FT 第2版 《课文点滴》 1. soft ones 2. get one 3. a small one 4. C 5. A man with an umbrella 6. nothing except / but tea 7. nothing except / but watching TV 《短语收藏夹》 一、1. Hurry up 2. in a second 3. get together 4. think of 5. on TV 6. in the daytime 二、1. making a lot of friends 2. at the weekend 3. going fishing 4. grow up 《语法梳理》 【归纳】1. 当……的时候 2. 要用,不用 3. 一般现在,一般过去,一般将来,一般现在 【巩固练习】 一、1. turns 2. felt 3. picked 4. have, will travel 5. was cleaning, came 二、1-5 ABABD 三、1. will come→comes 2. like→liked 3. watched→was watching 4. after→when 5. was→is 第3版 听力部分 一、1-5 BACBA 二、6-10 BCBBC 语言知识部分 Listening I. 1. alone 2. collecting 3. mend 4. net 5. Page II. 1-5 CBBAA Language I. 1-5 ABADC II. 1. What did; use 2. He asks his teachers when he has questions. / When he has questions, he asks his teachers. 3. didn’t use to 4. used to be 5. What does; do


《英语周报》第21期参考答案放第22期第4版 KEY CORNER 本期参考答案 第2版 READING TASKS Pre-reading activities Task I. 略 Task II. 略 Task III. 略 While-reading activities Task I. 1. weather 2. ancestors 3. gifts 4. tricks 5. arrival 6. Mohandas Gandhi 7. Harvest 8. farm produce 9. parades 10. Easter Task II. 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B LOOK BACK 1. have been held 2. what 3. to honor 4. For 5. them 6. arrival 7. agricultural 8. coming 9. covered 10. as GRAMMAR I. 1. Could 2. would 3. shouldn't 4. Can 5. Would 6. can 7. can 8. May 9. might 10. could 11. must 12. couldn't 13. must II. 1. Would 2. shall 3. can’t 4. should 5. must 第3版 GUIDED WRITING One possible version: All thoughts rushed into Li Fang’s head at the same time. “What should I say? She must have got the wrong place.” Finally he decided to tell her the truth. “Forgive me, honey! Nothing unusual happened to me! I had been waiting for you in the coffee shop since 7 o’clock. Thinking you could not love me, I was so heart-broken that I threw the chocolates and roses away. You know I love you so much. Can you give me another chance? I’ll buy you the most beautiful roses and the sweetest chocolates,” Li Fang said honestly. “I don’t need any chocolates or roses. Your honesty is the best gift for me,” Hu Jin said. They walked down the street hand in hand. 第4版 CHECKING CORNER Part 1 I. 1. feasts 2. starve 3. origins 4. custom 5. harvested 6. beauty 7. gather II. 1. celebrations 2. arrival 3. agricultural 4. hunters 5. energetic



英语周报答案九年级 【篇一:英语周报九年级31期】 分) ii.情景反应,选择你所听到的正确应答语。句子听两遍。(5分)()6. a. good morning. b. good afternoon. ()7. a. nice to see you. c. good evening.b. nice to meet you.c. hello. c. it′s a bag. ()8. a. what′s this? b.this is a be d. ()9. a. what′s your name? b. hello, i′m amy. c. good. ()10. a. good moning. b.good afternoon. c.good evening. iii.听对话或短文,选出最佳选项。对话或短文听两遍。(10分) 听第一段材料,回答第11-13题。 ()11.what are the boys looking for? a. the football. b.the baseball. c.the basketball. ()12.what color is it? a.its brown b.its black. c.its yellow. ()13.what is on th e ball? a.class one. b. class three c. class two. 听第2段材料,回答第14-16题。 ()14.what are they talking about?

a. a book. b. a ruler. c.a notebook. ()15.whose notebook is it? a. its tinas. b.its the teachers. c. it s sophias ()16.what is the teachers name? a.li na. b.tina. c.sophia. 听第3段材料,回答第17-20题。 ()17.how old is bill? a.he is 20. b. he is 26. c.he is 16. ()18.where is linda from? a. beijing. b.london. c.new york. ()19.what is linda learning? a.she is learning chinese. b.she is learning english. c.she is learning french. ()20.does linda go to lunch with bill? a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c.yes, he does. 笔试部分(100分) i.单项选择(20分) ()1. ---_______she ______at six every day? ---no, s he doesn′t. a. does, get up b. does, gets up c. is, get up d. is, getting up ()2. --- look! what is the boy doing? --- he _______table tennis.



英语周报答案网七年级 【篇一:七年级英语周报 28期答案】 )()()()()iii 、情景反应,选择你所听录音的正确应答语。(5分) )1. a. good morning. )3. a. what ' s this? )5. a. good morning. 笔试部分(80分) )1. a. aa, ff b. cc, dd )2. a. hh, jj b. gg, kk )3. a. bb, jj )5. a. aa, kk ( )4. a. aa, ii b. gg, hh c. gg, ff c. bb, iic. ee, ee, aa d. ee, ff d. ii, cc d. ii, gg d. bb, gg b. good after noon. c. 's a)bag” n ice to see )4. a. what ' s your name? b. ' m amy.c. good. b. good after noon. c. good eve ning. b. kk, b. hh, ff c. gg, jj c. jj, ee hello ( ) morning ()bed () )bag ( ) nice ( )after noon ( )bike ( vii.将下列单词与中文意思配对。(20分) ii 、听单词,在图示下标出所听到录音的番号。 5 分) iv 、写出从b 到k 的大小写字母。(20分) v. 找出下列字母中有相同发音的答案。 (10分) ( iid. good eve ning. b. this is a bed. c. it you.b. nice to meet you.c. hello.( he lo, i dd vi .写出下列单词中你所学过的元音字母。 10 分)


一、辨音题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A)找出一个划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词, 填在题前括号内。 ( )1. A. name B. late C. cake D. cat ( )2. A. book B. cook C. zoo D. good ( )3. A. big B. bike C. kite D. hi ( )4. A. think B. thin C. they D. thank ( )5. A. under B. student C. study D. up B)将下列单词按照划线部分读音,填在正确的音标后的横线上。 down apple bird seven know 6. [e] 7. [?] 8. [au] 9. [?u] 10. [?:] 二、单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填在题前括号内。 ( ) 11. —Excuse me, do you have any comic books? —Sorry, I don’t have _______. Ask Rose. I think she has ________. A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any ( ) 12. —Do you have a PE lesson today? —No, we don’t. We have _____ Art lesso n today. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 13. ______ there a map and two posters on the wall? A. Have B. Has C. Is D. Are ( ) 14. —Are the rulers ______? —Yes, they’re ______. A. yours; our B. her; I C. him; ours D. yours; ours ( ) 15. They go to school five days _____ . A. week B. a week C. weeks D. for a week ( ) 16. —______ the door, please. — Please come in. The door _____. A. Be open; opens B. Be open; is opening C. Open; opens D. Open; is open ( ) 17. John ______ playing basketball. He likes football. A. isn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like ( ) 18. — _______ that man? —The one in the green car? Oh, that’s my uncle. A. Whose B. Who C. Whom D. Who’s ( ) 19. I want the classroom. Could you me, please?


第1期Book 1 Units1-2参考答案及部分解析 参考答案 1-5CBABA?6-10ABBCB 11-15CBBCB 16-20AABAC 21-25 CDACD 26-30BDCAB 31-35 CACBD 36-40GDBFC 41-45BACCA?46-50DBDCB 51-55ADABD56-60ACBCD 61. that/ which 62. to buy 63. natural 64. sending 65.were overcome 66.trapped 68. fortunately 67.as? 69.with 70.millions 短文改错 71. ...by my own ...?by→on 72. ...there were something... were→was 73. ... too flat that...?too→so 74. ... stopped helpme ... h elp前加to 75....many interested things ... interested→interesting 76....had beenexperienced. ?去掉been 77.... offer to give... offer →offered 78.Theyall moved ... all→both 或去掉all 79. ... couldn't helpsay ... say→saying 80. Iin turns ... turns→turn 书面表达 One possible version: Dear Jack, I'mLiHua from ClassOne, Grade Three. Having learnedthat you are hoping to f ind a host family,I'm writingto recommend mine for the followingreasons. Firstly,I'mgood at both spokenandwritten English, so there will beno language barrier inour communication.Secondly, all my families areenthusiastic and warm-hearted. We aremore than happy tointroduceChinese culture and sometasty food to you.Lastbutnotleast,my home is close to our school and aneighborhood ce nter, which willbe very convenient foryou. I sincerely hopeyou will choose myfamily and have a greattime in China.I'mlooking forward toyour reply. ???Yours, ??????Li Hua 部分解析 阅读理解 第一节 A篇(旅游) 本文是应用文。文章介绍了夏季去西雅图及周边旅行可以参加的四个活动。 21. C。细节理解题。根据①SpaceRace Exhibit部分中的Opening dayof newexhibit of thin



英语周报答案网高二 【篇一:英语周报高二第一学期2-4期答案】 ass=txt>book 5 unit 1听力材料、参考答案及部分解析 (text 1) m: mary, would you like to go to a movie with me tonight? w: i wish i could, joe. but my boss is treating us to dinner tonight. (text 2) w: you will have to wait for two hours, that is, until about 11:30, when the medical report will come back. m: thank you, doctor hawkins. (text 3) m: rebecca, look at this! i got a d in math this term! w: i’m sorry, freddie. but ... um ... frankly speaking, if you weren’t such a party animal, you’d have more time for studying. m: i guess i should spend less time partying. (text 4) m: how is your new job, yvonne? w: you know, this job is tough! i have to get up early every morning, and every wednesday after-noon i have in-service training. m: is the training that tough? training is necessary for new employees like you. w: well, i’m just not used to this kind of nine-to-


第1期Book 1 Units 1-2 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案 1-5 CBABA 6-10 ABBCB 11-15 CBBCB 16-20 AABAC 21-25 CDACD 26-30 BDCAB 31-35 CACBD 36-40 GDBFC 41-45 BACCA 46-50 DBDCB 51-55 ADABD 56-60 ACBCD 61. that / which 62. to buy 63. natural 64. sending 65. were overcome 66. trapped 67. as 68. fortunately 69. with 70. millions 短文改错 71. ... by my own ... by →on 72. ... there were something ... were →was 73. ... too flat that ... too →so 74. ... stopped help me ... help前加to 75. ... many interested things ... interested →interesting 76. ... had been experienced. 去掉been 77. ... offer to give ... offer →offered 78. They all moved ... all →both 或去掉all 79. ... couldn't help say ... say →saying 80. I in turns ... turns →turn 书面表达 One possible version: Dear Jack, I'm Li Hua from Class One, Grade Three. Having learned that you are hoping to find a host family, I'm writing to recommend mine for the following reasons. Firstly, I'm good at both spoken and written English, so there will be no language barrier in our communication. Secondly, all my families are enthusiastic and warm-hearted. We are more than happy to introduce Chinese culture and some tasty food to you. Last but not least, my home is close to our school and a neighborhood center, which will be very convenient for you. I sincerely hope you will choose my family and have a great time in China. I'm looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 部分解析 阅读理解 第一节 A篇(旅游) 本文是应用文。文章介绍了夏季去西雅图及周边旅行可以参加的四个活动。 21. C。细节理解题。根据①Space Race Exhibit部分中的Opening day of new exhibit of things from flights to the moon in the 1960s ... Seattle-based Bezos Expeditions in 2013及Location: The Museum of Flight, Seattle可知,太空探索爱好者可前去The Museum of Flight。


英语周报高考模拟试题一及答案 第I 卷 第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分 第一节共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How much did the pink coat cost? A. $35. B. $50. C. $85. 2. What will the woman do next? A. Make a phone call. B. Go to her office. C. Visit a library. 3. Why is Alex applying for financial aid? A. He is out of work. B. He has lost lots of money. C. He has to support his little brother. 4. When does the conversation take place? A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A strike. B. An employee. C. A piece of news. 第二节共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the woman suggest doing? A. Having a quick lunch.


第27期参考答案及部分解析: [参考答案] 1-5CBDAC 6-10 DDCAB [解析] 1. C。第一个空用the特指“那幅已经完成的画”;withsatisfaction为固定短语,意为“满意地”。 2.B。抽象名词和不定冠词连用表示抽象名词的具体化。句中的adrink表示“一杯饮料”,acomfort意为“给人安慰的事物”。 3.D。表示官衔职务的名词作表语、补语或同位语时,其前不加冠词,故第一个空不需要冠词;taketheplace of sb. 取代某人的位置。 4.A。foodscience表示的是抽象概念,其前不加任何冠词,而后面的factory是可数名词,故用a表示泛指。 5.C。第一空用不定冠词a表示泛指;by the evening为惯用法。 6. D。句意为:他给我的第一印象是他是个善良且有思想的年轻人。impression在此意为“印象,感觉”。expression表达,表情;attention注意;satisfaction满意。 7.D。由分号前面的句子可知,《哈利?波特》丛书很受欢迎,所以在这个城市其“需求”很大。demand意为“需要,需求”。quality质量,品质,性质;progress进展,进步;production生产,产品。 8.C。句意为:你工作一直太辛苦。你最好在工作和休闲之间保持平衡。keep a balancebetween A and B是固定搭配,意为“在A和B之间保持平衡”。 9. A。根据后半句的进一步解释Soitis mybest choice(这是我最好的选择)可知,这里是说“英语是我的强项”。strength在此意为“优势,强项”。 10.B。句意为:你最好记下这家餐馆的电话号码以备日后查看(for future reference)。reference在此意为“查询,查阅”。 [名词和冠词专练] [参考答案] 20BCCCD - 16 1-5BCADD ??6-10CDDAB ??11-15 DCBDD?? - 36 40BDBDC -35CBCCA ?? 21-25 ADACD?26-30BCADD ? 31 [部分解析] 1.B。根据对话提供的情景,此对话中的news是特指,虽然news是不可数名词,但这里其前需用定冠词the;再根据习惯用法first/secondplace前不加冠词,故选B 项。 2. C。表示某项发明时可用“the+单数名词”;iPhone只是众多有用的发明之一,故用不定冠词a表示泛指。 3. A。第一个空格后的success是抽象名词,其前不加冠词;而第二个success指的是一个成功的人,其前用不定冠词a。 4.D。第一个pleasure意为“令人愉快的事”,是可数名词,故其前加不定冠词a表示泛指;第二个pleasure意为“愉快,快乐”,表示抽象意义,故其前不加冠词。 5. D。不定冠词a(n)用在人名前表示“一个叫……的人”;第二空用不定冠词a表示泛指。


成下列句子 1. Miss Gao wants a person to clean the room. Millie _____(can, could) help. 2. If the meeting begins at seven o’clock, Mr Smith ______(cannot, may not) come.It is too early for him. 3. I want to have a fashion show. Lily _____(can, might) only help in the morning. 4. The work is very difficult. Lucy ______(may, could) want someone to help her. 5.______(can, may) you help the teacher to carry the heavy box? (二)合作探究 在学习的过程中有不懂的句子和短语吗,你可以自己解决也可以合作讨论完 成。 1. I want someone to teach the children how to dance want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事 She wants____ ____go ____ ______.她想让我和她一起去。 want sth.想要某物 want to do sth.想要做某事 Do you want ___ ______ ______ _______? 你想要一杯茶吗, 2. Let me ask him.让我问问他。 let sb. do sth.让某人做某事。类似表达法ask/get sb. to do sth. (三)达标检测: 一根据题后括号要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1. It will rain tomorrow. We can’t go to the Great Wall.(合并为一句) If it _______ tomorrow, we _______ go to the Great Wall. 2. Swimming is very interesting.(改为感叹句)


2011-2012年下学期高三课标广东B(广深)(GDB)第25-28期答案解读 第25期参考答案及部分解读 高中英语总复习(五)参考答案 1-5 CBBDB 6-10 BADBC 11-15 CBDAC 16. in 17. A 18. disappointment 19. but 20. had worked 21. angrily 22. your 23. laughing 24. they 25. what 26-30 CACAB 31-35 ABDCA 36-40 BDBCC 41-45 BDBCC 46-50 EBADF 基础写作 One possible version: Towards graduation, many senior three students are busy packing up the used books to sell them as waste paper. I find it a waste of money, for if better arranged, they can be reused. Start with sorting out all your books and you will find some quite special and meaningful, which record your school life. You can keep them as part of your memories. As for some reference books, you can sell them to the second-hand bookstore. Finally, giving some away to the senior one or two students is a good idea too. 读写任务 One possible version: A survey carried out in some big cities of China shows that more and more young people celebrate the western festivals such as Christmas Day, Valentines’ Day, which is caused by many reasons. In recent years, western festivals have become increasingly popular in China. This new trend has caused widespread concern. Some people think that it is not right to resist western festivals. Firstly, celebrating western festivals can make their life more colorful and romantic. Besides, they can help businesses to promote sales. However, there is also a negative effect. Many young people ignore traditional Chinese festivals, which may discourage our traditional culture from developing further. I don’t think we should resist western festivals. But I do hope the government will encourage people to celebrate Chinese festivals in creative and colorful ways. When we are learning western knowledge, receiving foreign information, we should know more about our traditional festivals, respect them and cherish them. 部分解读 完形填空 激励的话语可以改变人的一生,作者用实例再次证实了这一点。 1. C。通读全文及倒数第二段中作者的学生所说的话可知,此处是指改变一生的影响力。power在此意为影响力。 2. B。此段主要是介绍作者学到的Leo Buscaglia所采用的方法,第三段才提及尝试使用。从文章第一句的I learned a lot of things也可知B项正确。 3. B。从下文反复提到的words可知,是列出积极词汇和消极词汇,故选B项。 4. D。通过and前面的the negative words可知,他们这一个月使用的全都是积极的词汇,故选D项。 5. B。第一段最后一句和其它几段都提到了encouraging words,故选encouragement。 6. B。根据下文可知,作者也效仿Leo Buscaglia的做法,找(finding)一些好的词汇评价学


英语周报九年级答案 【篇一:2014-2015年九年级英语周报文本u1-7 文档】 语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分) that they were thankful (感谢)for. people the holiday with turkey and other ,however, peter drew a kind of picture. he drew a hand. the other studentswere all very interested in the picture. whose hand could it be? one child thought it was the hand of god … the discussion went on until mrs. white almost during the break, mrs. white went to peter?俯身)down and asked and said, “it?s yours, mrs. white.” peter?s h is pencil. peter was very thankful to his teacher. ()36. a. relatives b. students c. volunteers ()37. a. spread b. needed c. celebrated ()38. a. about b. across c. against ()39. a. good b. wrongc. different ()40. a. turkeys b. pigs c. cows ()41. a. catch b. punish c. protect ()42. a. admired b. forgot c. found ()43. a. desk b. house c. school ()44. a. ended up b. looked upc. dressed up ()45. a. reminded b. thought c. stole 第二节摘录要点阅读下面的 材料,然后在表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。 the mid-autumn festival is on the 15th day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar. it’s a time for eating mooncakes and admiring the moon. mooncakes are traditional food. they are small cakes filled with things such as nuts, sugar and yolk (蛋黄).the round shape of the mooncake is a symbol of family reunion (团聚). just as western people go back home at christmas and thanksgiving, families also try to get together for the mid-autumn festival in china. they get together and enjoy a big dinner. they sit around a table,talking and eating. later, they eat mooncakes and fruits and admire the bright and

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