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【篇一:《英语周报》答案解析-高一第21-22期】 class=txt>key corner



reading tasks

pre-reading activities

task i. 略

task ii. 略

task iii. 略

while-reading activities

task i.

1. weather

2. ancestors

3. gifts

4. tricks

5. arrival

6. mohandas gandhi

7. harvest

8. farm produce 9. parades10. easter

task ii. 1-c2-a3-d4-b

look back

1. have been held

2. what

3. to honor

4. for

5. them

6. arrival

7. agricultural

8. coming

9. covered 10. as


i. 1. could2. would3. shouldnt4. can 5. would

6. can

7. can

8. may

9. might10. could

11. must 12. couldnt 13. must

ii. 1. would 2. shall 3. can’t 4. should 5. must


guided writing

one possible version:

“i don’t need any chocolates or roses. your honesty is the best gift for me,” hu jin said. they walked down the street hand in hand.


checking corner

part 1

i. 1. feasts 2. starve 3. origins

4. custom

5. harvested

6. beauty

7. gather

ii. 1. celebrations 2. arrival

3. agricultural

4. hunters

5. energetic

iii. 1. from2. in 3. of 4. in 5. of

iv. 1. dress up 2. took place

3. have fun with

4. played a trick on

5. looking forward to

v. 1. he was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner.

2. we all admire him for his success in business.

3. he gained valuable experience while working on the project.

4. she sounds as though shes got a sore throat.

part 2

1. should

2. must

3. can

4. may

5. might

6. would

7. could

8. could

9. must 10. shall 11. should

12. cant

part 3

i. 1. wipe2. forgive 3. sadness4. wept

ii. 1. on 2. in3. of 4. in5. for

iii. 1. set off2. turn up

3. keeps his word

4. it was obvious

5. apologize for

6. held his breath

iv. 1-4 cdae


book 3 unit 1 听说材料及参考答案


part a 略

part b

m: sharon myers is a thirteen-year-old writer whose first book was published last year. sharon, tell us about that book.

w: well, i love writing. i’ve kept a diary for a couple of years. i wrote about my days, poems, stories, and stuff like that. when my pen pal was moving to a new city with her family — just like i’d done the year before — i wrote down some advice for her. she thought it was great and said i should write a little book about it for other kids. so i did.

m: did anyone help you?

w: i only showed it to my dad after it was finished. he thought it was good. so, i sent it to just one company to see what they would say.

(1) 学生问:你怎么知道该选哪家公司呢?how did you know which company to choose?

录音答:i did a search on the internet and found the publisher that already

published that sort of book and emailed them. the next morning my

parents got a phone call from them. they wanted to publish mine.

(2) 学生问:成为一名作家对你有影响吗?has being an author changed you?

录音答:i don’t really think so. i just go to school, hang out with the same

friends, take care of my pets, and do regular things. but i do get

letters from kids who’ve read my book and that’s cool.

(3) 学生问:你的下一本书是关于什么的呢?what is your next book going to be about? 录音答:it’s about moving from primary school to middle school, which most

kids in this country do when they’re 11. it’s such a big change. the

last year at primary school, lots of kids start to get nervous about the

move. my book will help them realize that everybody goes through

this: there’s no need to feel frightened.

(1) 录音问:how old is sharon?

学生答:she is 13.

(2) 录音问:who first encouraged sharon to write a book?

学生答:her pen pal.

(3) 录音问:when did sharon’s parents get the call from the publisher?

学生答:the morning after sharon emailed the publisher.

(4) 录音问:what does sharon think of getting letters from her readers?

学生答:she thinks it is cool.

(5) 录音问:what readers will sharon’s next book probably attract?

学生答:kids who are moving from primary school to middle school.

part c

dr. smith is a very good doctor. many people go to see him every day, so he’s often very busy. he really needs to rest when he goes home in the evening.

dr. smith lives in a nice neighborhood outside the city. all of his neighbors are very quiet, except for a young man, mike, who moved into the flat above dr. smith just last month. two weeks ago, the young man bought a piano and began to play it every evening after he got home from work. unfortunately, he didn’t play very well, so he would practice for a long time every evening. ever since the piano playing started, dr. smith has not been able to fall asleep. he has been very angry recently and has gone upstairs many times to tell the young man that his neighbors cannot fall asleep because of his playing. however, the young man forgot many times and the piano playing has continued.

one day the young man fell ill and had to go to the hospital. dr. smith looked him over and said, “if you stop playing the piano at night, you’ll soon be all right.”

when the young man left, one of the nurses asked, “does playing the piano have anything to do with his recovery, dr. smith?”

“it certainly will!” said dr. smith. “that young man is my noisy neig hbor.”


part a 略

part b 略(见听说材料)

part c 信息点:

1. dr. smith is a very good doctor.

2. dr. smith needs to rest when he goes home.

3. dr. smith’s neighbor mike bought a new piano.

4. mike plays the piano every evening.

5. dr. smith can’t fall asleep at night.

6. dr. smith often asks mike to be quiet, but he often forgets.

7. one day mike was ill and went to the hospital.

8. dr. smith told mike if he stopped playing the piano at night, he would soon be all right.

9. one nurse asked dr. smith whether playing the piano has anything to do with mike’s recovery.

10. mr. smith said that it was because mike was his noisy neighbor.

1-5 bcadd6-10 baadc

11-15 babcc 16-20 feadc

21-25 badcb 26-30 adcba

31-35 dcbad 36-40 cdbac

41. which / that 42. is known43. washing

44. it 45. finally 46. loved

47. energetic48. a 49. arrival

50. to visit

短文改错:→ an → extremely

53. he∧ paid ... →∧ was → eat → him → thinner → things→ working

→ hard

one possible version:

it was a sunday afternoon. i was playing in the park with my friend when i saw an old man lying on the ground. i tried to help him stand up, but he couldnt move and seemed in pain. not knowing what to do, i asked my friend to call an ambulance. soon the ambulance arrived. we helped carry the old man on the ambulance. the doctor praised us for what we did, which made us very happy.

in my opinion everyone of us should have a sense of responsibility and a caring heart. whenever we see anyone in need of help, we should give them a hand without hesitation.


1. gathered

2. gaining

3. origin

4. permission

5. celebration

6. energetic

7. agricultural 8. seasonal 9. belief

10. independence 11. in memory of

12. looking forward to 13. as though

14. turn up 15. have taken place

16. sing and dance; because they know clearly

17. are reminded that no smoking is allowed

18. as though / if you were

19. which takes place

20. playing tricks on their teacher



(text 1)

w: what do you think of this flat?

m: it’s not really all that good. the bedroom is a little small for us.

w: small, but it should be enough for our needs, i think.

m: but there’s no hot water after 10 at night, and you know sometimes i like to have a hot shower before going to bed, especially in the winter. it helps me relax.

w: but i love the living room. it’s huge and filled with sunshine. m: yes, that’s true, and i like the kitchen. it’s new and well equipped.

w: you’re right, but that bedroom is so small. we’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there.

m: maybe we could get some new furniture — better stuff.

w: i hadn’t thought of that.

(text 2)

w: excuse me. could i sit here?

m: sure. go ahead.

w: thanks. so, are you going somewhere or meeting someone?【篇二:英语周报2012-2013学年上学期高三课标gdy



book 1 units 1-2参考答案及部分解析

1-5 cadda 6-10 bcdad 11-15 bcacc

16. since 17. when / as18. obviously19. a20. your

21. hadn’t spoken 22. whose 23. them24. touching

25. where26-30 cacca31-35 dabcc36-40 abcdb

41-45 bdbac46-50 efcba


one possible version:

dear li hua,

i’m sorry to know you are at a loss. i’m writing to offer you some advice. since you are facing the most important exam of your life, it is natural that you feel great pressure. but you should face it bravely and find effective ways to relieve it.

firstly, have confidence in yourself and make a schedule for your studies so that you can make full use of your time. secondly, you can spend some time doing some physical exercise and listening to light music to relieve stress. more importantly, if you put your heart into your studies and work hard, you will make greater progress, which will help you pass the college entrance examination.

i hope my advice will be of help to you.

yours sincerely,wang fang


one possible version:

this passage states that many parents read their children’s diaries so these teenagers try to protect their privacy by keeping diaries in english or keeping in touch with their friends by mobile phone.

should parents read their children’s diaries? some say yes because they think parents can know whether their children have a problem or not and give them a hand which can help them out completely. however, some people insist that parents should not read their children’s diaries. children should be allowed an amount of privacy as adults do. if parents have a question about what’s going on with their children, it’s their responsibility to open the channels of communication in different ways rather than to invade their privacy.

i feel that it is unwise to read children’s diaries. many teenagers keep diaries for some reasons. if parents feel their children are in trouble, don’t invade their privacy for it will only make things worse. instead, talk with them.





1. c。由文章首句作者从未想过要成为“赛跑者”可知,作者在体育课上跑得最慢。第三段中提到的作者训练跑步也是提示。

2. a。下文的she was ... me and my group of friends给出了提示。

3. d。由语境可知此处指为抗击乳腺癌募捐。raise除了表示“提高,


4. d。由下文中对老妇人的描述可知,此处指一位老妇人引起作者的注意。catch on e’s eye引人注目。

5. a。

6. b。老妇人从作者和她的朋友身边跑过,迈着缓慢而坚定的步伐。由破折号后面的as if each step pushed her cancer further into her past可知第determinedly。

7. c。由下文中作者参加训练以及比赛可知,此处指“我”受到老妇人的鼓舞,“决定(decided)”参加下次的比赛,与老妇人一同赛跑。

8. d。由treadmill可知,一周后作者开始在“健身房(gym)”的跑步机上练习跑步。

9. a。由下文的跑了几分钟只好慢下来走可知,作者累得肺好像都快要“爆炸(burst)”了。

10. d。由最后一段中提到的作者想到勇敢的老妇人后坚持跑完比赛可知,此处指一想到老妇人作者就坚持锻炼。

11. b。由本段末句的时间变化可知,作者每次坚持的时间“越来越长(longer)”。

12. c。由下文作者参加比赛可知,作者一年后再次来到比赛现场,但这次是与运动员比赛。

13. a。作者在老妇人的鼓舞下得以跑完了全程。

14. c。15.c。结合上文可知,作者对自己的双腿创造的奇迹感到惊讶:竟然跑完了全程!这是自己以前认为完全不可能的事情。


16. since。考查介词。 since表示“自……以来”。

17. when / as。考查连词。此处是表示“当……时”,故用when / as。started是瞬间动词,故此处不能用while。

18. obviously。考查副词。obviously表示“明显地”。

19. a。考查冠词。do sb a favor表示“帮助某人”。

20. your。考查代词。根据上下文语境和句子结构可知此处要用形容词性物主代词。

21. hadn’t spoken。考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境和句意可知此处要用过去完成时。

22. whose。考查定语从句。在句子中作定语,用whose引导。

23. them。考查代词。them指代上文的potted tulips。

24. touching。考查非谓语动词。此处是v-ing形式表示伴随的动作。

25. where。考查状语从句。where相当于 in the place where表示“在……地方”。




26. c。细节理解题。根据第一段的we hope that there won’t be nine tons of rubbish next time可知,这个地方的垃圾太多。

27. a。词义猜测题。上文中提到清理出九吨垃圾,而且垃圾各种各样,由此可推断是“令人劳累的”工作。

28. c。细节理解题。根据最后一段的no one found anything of great value可知c项正确。

29. c。推理判断题。根据最后一段后半部分中的he would donate half of the money to watch the whales可推断小男孩关心环境问题。

30. a。细节理解题。根据第二段中列举的垃圾可知,这个地方的垃圾种类繁多。



31. d。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a non-profit organization aimed at making the golden years

fun and interesting可知,这个非赢利性组织的目的是尽力让老人开心。

32. a。细节理解题。根据第二段开头的we have too many seniors who act old because they think they’re old可知,卡特认为很多老人表现苍老是因为思想问题。

33. b。细节理解题。根据第三段中的and free blood pressure testing on the first monday of each month可知,为老人测量血压是免费服务。

34. c。词义猜测题。根据上一句中的内容可推测他们学完课程后,可能决定购买“电脑”。

35. c。写作意图题。结合第一段最后部分中的内容以及最后一段后半部分中的内容可知,文章意在鼓励老年人尽可能活跃起来,快乐




36. a。词义猜测题。结合第一句提到的guilty一词和下文提到的三个细节———没有时间陪伴家人、忽略了朋友和没有善待自己的母亲可知,应该是“自责”,所以a项正确。

37. b。事实细节题。由第四段可知,a、c、d项的内容均有提到,b未提及。

38. c。推理判断题。erica jong所说的话的意思是:“如果你能找出一位不自责的女性,那我就给你找一位男性。”也就是说,女性都会自责,所以c项正确。

39. d。推理判断题。第四段列举了一些事例说明女性比男性更会为他人着想,所以d项正确。

40. b。推理判断题。结合文章第三段的we are somehow expected to feel guilty ... for celebration,第四段的guilt is what makes us nicer than men及最后一段的the reason women feel guilty ... what’s wrong with that可知全文都渗透了作者“自责是女性美德”的思想。 d


41. b。段落大意题。从第一段的主题句,即第一句true happiness is such a rare thing可知b项正确。

42. d。细节理解题。从第二段的this is how i see it: happiness is what you feel when what you want to happen happens可知d 项正确。

43. b。猜测词义题。b项解释符合信息句“the frustration, of failing to fulfill most of our wishes, sets in. we start feeling weighed down.”所蕴含的语义逻辑关系,同时,也照应下一句中的“unhappiness”。

44. a。推理判断题。从末段的it is actually like good health ... similarly, when one destroys the root cause of unhappiness the problems are over可知,作者是借助讨论如何取得健康来举例说明人们不快乐或不幸福的根本原因所在,因此a项正确。

45. c。推理判断题。从最后两段可知,幸福和不幸是并存的,就像一枚硬币的两面,因此要想获得幸福就必须接受不幸的存在。

book 1 units 3-4听力材料、参考答案及部分解析

1-5 dabac 6-10 bbcbd 11-15 abbad

16. nor 17. disappointedly 18. a 19. by 20. his

21. was sleeping 22. shaking23. up24. who25. greatest

26-30 dbbdc31-35 bcbbd36-40 bddab

41-45 bdbcb 46-50 dbefc

基础写作 one possible version:

jeremy lin was born in california, us on august 23th, 1988 with 191 cm in height.

when he was in high school, jeremy lin led his school team to win the state championship. after graduating from harvard university, he began to play in the nba in 2010 and he signed a contract with the new york knicks in 2011.

in ear ly february 2012, jeremy lin attracted the world’s attention because of his wonderful performance on the basketball court.

as the hottest basketball player around, he was put on the cover of time magazine, becoming the first chinese-american to play in the nba.

读写任务 one possible version:

this passage tells a story of a white lie told by god that abraham’s wife laughed becau se she thought she was too old to become a mother not because he was too old.

many people believe that white lie is a kind of protection for both the lie teller and the lie receiver. in their opinions, if the truth might be a great hurt to the receiver, they should cover it. however, still others hold the opposite view. they argue that telling a lie to somebody, in fact, invades his right to know the truth. besides, they insist that if one is informed of the truth, one can make a proper decision according to his own will.

in my opinion, i prefer the latter one. nobody can make sure that covering the truth to one person is the best way to protect him. anyone should be admitted to make his own decision. but the truth should be conveyed in a right way if it might hurt him.部分解析



1. d。

2. a。由后面的i told myself that it was a really bad ... as

i ...以及与第一个句子的对照可知,事实上作者在那样做时就“知道(know)”那是一个坏“主意(idea)”。

3. b。由后面的everything drop onto the floor可知,作者感到碗


4. a。由screaming以及下句中的hot tears rained down my


5. c。由下文中的breakfast可知年幼的女儿和儿子正耐心地等待着早餐。

6. b。早餐撒了一地,没有别的东西可吃了,作者“不知道(wondered)”该怎么向儿女解释。

7. b。由上句中的there was nothing else to eat可知作者家很“贫


8. c。由下文的... explain how not okay it was可知女儿轻轻地安

慰妈妈说没关系。it is okay. 没关系,不要紧。

9. b。根据下文i thought of how to explain 可知,听到女儿的安慰,母亲应该是扭身转向女儿,一边“抹(wiping)”眼泪一边想着该怎样跟女儿解释。

10. d。女儿虽然年幼,但是懂得安慰、理解母亲,故此处用understanding。

11. a。由后面的struck me deeply可知,此处指这几句话所蕴含


12. b。由but及其后面的内容可知,此处指尽管在当时觉得是一件

大事。a big deal重要的事,大事。

13. b。乌云消散后,池塘恢复平静,一切依然,“不曾改变(unchanged)”。作者把生活中一时的困难和变故比作暴风雨,说明


14. a。15. d。女儿(daughter)的一番话让作者明白了一个道理:虽





16. nor。考查连词。nor表示“也不”。

17. disappointedly。考查副词。此处是副词disappointedly修饰


18. a。考查冠词。此处是不定冠词a表示个别指,相当于“一”。

19. by。考查介词。by表示“通过,用”。

20. his。考查代词。根据上下文语境和句子结构可知此处要填形容


21. was sleeping。考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境可知此处要


22. shaking。考查非谓语动词。此处是感官动词接v-ing表示正在


23. up。考查介词,wake ….. up表示“叫醒”。

24. who。考查定语从句。先行词是fido,且是非限制性定语从句,故用who引导。

25. greatest。考查最高级。根据上下文语境可知此处要用形容词最




26. d。写作手法题。第一段主要介绍儒勒.凡尔纳的作品,并且这些


27. b。细节理解题。根据第二段he and the british science-

fiction writer h.g. wells are often called the “fathers of science fiction”可知答案选b项。

28. b。细节理解题。根据第五段... his father ... stopped paying

for his school. verne had to support himself. he worked as a stockbroker可知凡尔纳的父亲知道他不学法律而写作时,拒绝给他提供学费,为了养活自己,他不得不去做股票经纪人。

29. d。推理判断题。根据第五段when his father discovered

that his son was writing rather than studying law, he stopped paying for his school可知凡尔纳的父亲反对他创作剧本。

30. c。细节理解题。由全文可知凡尔纳生于1828年,于1905年



在英国,越来越少的人愿意自己动手(diy)做一些家庭琐事了,b and q公司正准备开设diy培训班,旨在提高人们的动手技能。

31. b。推理判断题。由第一段they simply do not have the skills necessary可知,英国人对diy感到无助是因为他们缺乏必要的动


32. c。词义猜测题。由第二段they did not enjoy doing practical tasks及would rather let their house go to ruin than do the

work themselves可知本句意为“他们缺乏必要的技能来处理家务活”。此处tackle为“处理”之意。

33. b。推理判断题。由最后四段内容可知,b and q开设diy培训班,旨在为人们提供diy教程,帮助人们培养动手技能和信心。

34. b。标题归纳题。一项调查表明越来越少的英国男性愿意自己动手做家庭琐事,而b and q公司开设的diy培训班为人们提供技能培训。根据倒数第二段give the nation the skills and confidence to do it yourself like our grandparents did 可知,b and q公司不仅教授技能,更能树立人们的信心,故b项“diy,你能做到!”最符合文意。

35. d。推断理解题。文章主要采用大量的数据说明在英国越来越少的人愿意自己动手(diy)做一些家庭琐事。







1-5 caabb6-10 abaca

11-15 bcaca16. singing

17. middle 18. june

19. john 20.89061533

21-25 cbdcd26-30 cbcdb

31-35 aabbb36-40 addac

41-45 bdbab46-50 cdcaa

51-55 cbbac56-60 ccdca

61-65 cbacb66-70 acbad

71-75 egfac



36. a。这里指“当(when)”听到唱圣诞颂歌的人接近时,有人就会尖叫着跑开。

37. d。根据最后一段中的so the next time you feel you are not normal可知,有人质疑自己是否“正常(normal)”。

38. d。根据最后一段中的a lot of people have odd habits too可知,有奇怪习惯或想法的人不止你“一个(alone)”。

39. a。根据本段描述不难看出,有人“讨厌(hates)”收礼物。

40. c。根据本句末的too可知,有人收到礼物后,满脑子想的都是他也得给送礼物的人“挑选(choose)”一个礼物。

41. b。讨厌收礼物看似很不正常,但“实际上(actually)”,的确有一种送礼物的焦虑。

42. d。送礼物的焦虑可以说是一种心理疾病,故condition符合此处语境。

43. b。44. a。根据本段中的anxiety, the needfor approval, fear, in a negative way不难看出,这种焦虑是由于害怕负面的“评判(judged)”,送出礼物后往往“担心(worrying)”礼物是否贴心或者足够贵重。

45. b。收到礼物后有这么多后续麻烦,“自然(naturally)”收礼物就没什么乐趣可言。

46. c。根据上句中的whether the gift is thoughtful or expensive enough可以看出,送礼物要想东想西,“感觉(feels)”就像参加考试一样。

47. d。根据下文内容可知,alan和朋友间的问题解决了,所以这里指他“回忆(recalls)”他和朋友间有关送礼物的事。

48. c。上段讲的是有人害怕收到礼物,再根据下句im not saying the gifts were not good可知,alan也发愁朋友们旅游回来给自己带“礼物(gift)”。

49. a。alan并不是认为礼物不好,只是朋友给自己带礼物“意味着(meant)”自己也得给他们挑礼物。


50. a。根据下文alan提议朋友们不要给他带礼物可推测,他觉得这种礼尚往来很“烦人(annoying)”。

51. c。alan让朋友们不要给他带礼物是因为他不“愿意(like)”到处给朋友们寻找礼物。

52. b。根据下文中的diplomatically及引号中的内容可知,alan表达了自己不想收礼物的想法,“只是(except)”说得比较婉转。

53. b。54. a。根据上文内容可知,alan不想收到礼物,所以他对朋友说:“请把钱花在‘你们自己身上(yourself)’”。就这样,alan 的问题一下子就“消失了(disappeared)”。

55. c。根据本文中的例子可知,有奇怪习惯或想法的人很多,所以





本文是应用文。文章是四个暑期课程的简介。 56.c。细节理解题。

根据第一部分中的open to high school students and people who are studying or workingat college可知,这个暑期课程接受大学生。

57. c。细节理解题。根据第三部分中的writing workshop可以看出,这个暑期课程跟写作有关,其联系邮箱地址为


58. d。细节理解题。根据最后一部分中的summer art program

for artistically gifted high school students及this pre-college

art program可知,这个暑期课程是关于艺术的,如果想获取关于该




59. c。篇章结构题。根据第一段中的id bet that many of them

will be silently praying — not on thefirst word不难看出,参加比



60. a。推理判断题。根据文中的it seemed that my competitors were secretly complaining at therelative ease of my word.

would they laugh at me if i couldnt spell it? wouldmy mother

be disappointed in me可知,作者可能由于不能放松,心里胡思乱想,因此影响发挥、惨遭淘汰。

61. c。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的we casually mentioned the words that defeated us ... then we changedthe subject可知,在安慰屋里,作者和其他淘汰者聊天。

62. b。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的next year i would be 15 and not allowed to take part in thecompetition可推测,作者由

于超过年龄限制,第二年不能参赛。 c篇(社会)


63. a。细节理解题。根据第四段中的she googled “how to

change ahigh voice”可知,同事的评价让hanna注意到自己的声


64. c。写作手法题。根据第五段中的we say “we” more than we say “i”. even voice patterns —like uptalk ... “are you still with me?”可以看出,masson通过举例说明女性的说话方式。


65. b。细节理解题。根据第四段和倒数第三段内容可知,上网搜索



66. a。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,拥有女性化的声音往往被认为




67. c。细节理解题。根据第一段中的it spread slowly across asia, where it was played by kings andpeople of high rank可知,在


68. b。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the origins of the sport appear to lie in persia可知答案。

69. a。段落大意题。第三段介绍了马球运动的参赛人数、比赛用具、时间等,因此本段主要介绍了马球运动的比赛规则。

70. d。词义猜测题。根据本句中的ponies are small horses, but they are full-sized horses可知,马球运动中使用的马都是正常大






71.e。e项不仅符合前两句if you are ...you are living ... 的句式,



72. g。下句谈的是人们对未知的将来感到紧张,故本句最有可能谈


73. f。根据本段中作者的经历可知,作者“经历过老子描述的愧疚和


74. a。根据本空后内容可知,作者很优秀,几近完美,所以朋友


75. c。根据本空前的i wasnt really perfect及本空后内容不难看出,作者“内心压力很大,而且很焦虑”。


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