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lesson 1 名 词 的 数

内 容 提 要


第一节 名 词 的 数


1. 可数名词有单复数之分。在句中,名词的单数形式前边要有冠词或表示单数的限定词,否则就要用其复数形式。名词的复数形式通常是在单数形式后加词尾s、es,或将y改为i再加es。但如果名词前边有表示单数的冠词或表示单数的限定词,就不能用其复数形式

2. 有少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,child→children, man→men, woman→women, foot→feet, tooth→teeth, goose→geese, mouse→mice, ox→oxen

3. 英语里还有些名词的单复数变化较为特殊,需特别注意

analysis→analyses, bacterium→bacteria, basis→bases, crisis→crises,

criterion→criteria, datum→data, formula→formulae(或formulas), fungus→fungi, phenomenon→phenomena,syllabus→syllabi, thesis→theses

4. 有些名词的单复数是一样的:aircraft, spacecraft, Chinese, deer, fish, Japanese, means, series, species等。

5. 如果前边有表示复数的限定词时名词用其复数形式

6. 在形容词最高级中,表示范围的of后要用名词复数形式

7. 有些集体名词在形式上是单数如people(人民,人们),police(警察),cattle(牲畜),staff(全体人员,全体职员),但它们表达复数的含意。如果这些词做主语,其谓语须用复数形式。

8. hair和fruit一般情况下用单数,表示总体。但如果我们要表示若干根头发或几种水果时,就要用这两个词的复数形式

eg: He bought apples, oranges and other fruits. (“fruits”在此处意为“多种水果”)


9. 名词做定语时,不能用作复数


1. 不可数名词为物质名词和抽象名词,如information, proverty, advice, anger, applause, baggage, cake, chalk, chocolate, cloth(布), bread, damage(损害), equipment, fruit, furniture, gold, information, ink, jewellery, luggage, mail(邮件), money, news, paper, protection, soap, sugar, weaponry, machinery, scenery, personnel, work等

注:不可数名词可以与表示量的可数名词连用,借以表示“可数”的概念,我们可以加 a(n) piece

glass(杯),bunch(束), pair(双,对), bowl(碗), portion(份), herd(群), series(系列), shower(阵) etc. ],如:a piece of advice(一条建议) /a basket of fruit(一篮水果) /an item of information (一则信息)/a kind of protection(一种保护)等。

2. 有些抽象名词的意思可以转变成为具体名词,这时要用其复数形式

The insurance company paid $10000 in damages for the accident. (“damage”本来为不可数名词“损害”,变复数后意思是“损失赔偿费”。)




另外,有些名词通常只用复数形式,如:fundamentals(基本原则),goods(货物), means(方法), rapids(急流),shorts(短裤), sweets(欢乐), valuables (贵重物品)。

三、同步练习(Correct errors, if any,in the following sentences:)

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperiences.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.

3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an important information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultries are dear in the city.

8.The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.

9.The merchandises have arrived undamaged.


1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperience.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral waters.

3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an important piece of information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is fun looking after children.

6.The congregation were not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultry are dear in the city.

8.The board of directors are shaking heads at the chairman's speech.

9.The merchandise have arrived undamaged.

lesson 2 名 词 所 有 格

第二节 名词所有格



(如 my brother's toy我弟弟的玩具,the hostes's living room女主人的起居室),如果原名词已经有复数词尾s,或es,只加' (如:soldiers' training ground士兵的训练场,teachers' readingeoom教师阅览室)。注意,如果名词虽然是复数,但不是以s结尾,则仍加's (the

children's mother孩子的妈妈)

1) It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes round shape into a teardrop shape.

[A] of the drop [B] the drop’s [C] drop of [D] drops their

2) The winner [A] photograph was of [B] an old barn(仓库) window covered with [C]

a [D] delicate, lacy frost(带花边的霜).


3) At [A] birth, the [B] head of a bady is extremely large in [C] relation to a [D] rest of the body.


1) B为正确答案。“It”是形式主语。“that…”引导的是主从句。主从句的谓语是“changes…into…”“把……变成……”。其中“…into…”的前后应是对应的平行结构。很明显A和D都不行,不能把“changes”误作名词。C改变了“…into…”的平行关系。只有B既能与前边的动词“changes”衔接,又能保持“…into…”的平行关系。

2) A错。 改为winner’s。

3) D错。 改为the。

lesson 3 冠 词



1. 可数名词在表泛指时,要加不定冠词“a/an”表示“一个”,“每一”相当于one或表示某一

2. a用在辅音音素(即音标中的辅音而不是辅音字母)之前,如a European scientist。an用在元音音素(音标中的元音而不是指元音字母)之前,如an Xray examination

3. 跟汉语一样,并列的两个单数名词表示一个概念,第二个名词前的不定冠词a可以省去,以避免重复


1. 一般来说,普通名词有特指和泛指,如果特指,就要加定冠词;如果泛指,可数名词前加不定冠词,或用其复数形式

2. 定冠词the主要和名词连用,表示某些特定的人或事物

3. 由of引起的限定性短语(作定语)所修饰的词前加the

4. 表示身体的某一部位,用the代替物主代词my, our, your, his, her等

5. 表示江河海洋,海峡海湾,山脉和群岛及有些湖泊之前用the

6. 定冠词the加姓氏的复数,表示某某一家人,如果做主语,谓语动词要用复数

7. 当一个抽象名词,不表示一般的概念而是表示某一特定的内容时加定冠词the

8. 由普通名词和一些其他词构成的专有名词前加the

the People's Republic of China


1. ____rose is____beautiful flower.

2.Mr. Smith always smokes____cigarette with ____cup of coffee.

3.____door of____garage is broken.

4.____donkeys are ____ stupid animals.

5.____bread is made from ____ flour,and ____flour is made from ____wheat.

6.She is ____good musician;she plays ____piano beautifully.

7.Thousands of ____visitors go to ____Great Wall every ____day.

8.When he was enghteen,he joined ____navy.

9.He sent me ____letter and ____postcard;____letter didn't arrive.

10.Li is not at ____office;I think he's gone____home.

11.Is there ____telephone here?

12.She is studying ____English and ____French.

13.I bought ____pen and some paper,but I left____pen in ____shop.

14.____machine is made of ____steel and ____copper.

15.____honesty is ____best policy.

16.____coal is 60 dollars ____ton at the moment.

17.I stay at ____home last night and listened to ____radio.

18.We went to Paris and saw ____Palace of Versailles.

19.He goes back to ____ country to see his people once ____year.

20.____Liu's are going to ____cinema.


1.the(或 a),a



















lesson 4 数 词

一、数词的分类: 数词分为序数词(one, two, three, four…)、基数词(first, second, third, fourth…)和分数词(one third, two thirds, four fifths…)。表示单一的数词与单数名词连用


four dozen eggs(四十八个鸡蛋), two score people (四十个人), three hundred years(三百年), a few thousand horses (好几千匹马), eight million pounds (八百万英磅)。

注意:被这些数词修饰的名词一定是复数,反过来,如果被修饰的名词是复数,那么就用数词的单数形式,如 a(one) thousand years:

二、关于“千”“百”“百万”的数词: 如果“hundred”、“thousand”和“million”前边没有表示数字和其他限定词修饰时(如“a few”、“one”、“ ten”等),则可用复数形式,表示不定数,后面再加“of+名词”:hundreds of (数以百计的),thousands and thousands of (成千上万的),millions of (数以百万计的)

三、关于连字符连接的数词: 在连字符连接的“数词+普通名词+形容词”中,“数词”和“普通名词”都要用单数形式

a threeyearold girl, a threemilelong walk


He is in his late twenties. 他快30了。


六、百分数: 表示百分比的percent用单数,如ninty percent(90%)

lesson 5 形容词和副词(一)

内 容 提 要





构 成 法原 级比 较 级最 高 级

① 一般单音节词末尾加er 和 eststrongstrongerstrongest

② 单音节词如果以e结尾,只加r 和ststrangestrangerstrangest

③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母,







④ 少数以y,er(或ure),ow,ble结尾的双音节词,













⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和mostdifferentmore




1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most

只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest。


:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest

2. 由ING分词和ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级

more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等。

3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式




eternal inevitable possible sufficient whole




well better best


ill worse worst


much more most

few less least

far farther farthest

further furthest



一般 副词

hard→harder →hardest

fast→faster →fastest

late→later →latest

early→earlier →earliest

特殊 副词

well →better →best

much →more →most

badly →worse →worst

little →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加er或est,如quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly

[注]: early中的ly不是后缀,故可以把y变i再加er和est

lesson 6 形容词和副词(二)

内 容 提 要——形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法


1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰

2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as


1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、ING结构和ED结构,有时也可省去than。

2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致


1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)

2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the


1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .

[B] running for fifteen minutes

[C] you run for fifteen minutes

[D] fifteenminute walking


2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while [A] not quite as curious than [B] the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence [C] and memory retention(记忆力) in solving [D] a problem.

解析:B错。改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较。

3) Alaska is twice [A] as larger [B] as [C] the next largest [D] state, Texas.

解析:B错。 改为as large。

4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.

[A] such

[B] more

[C] as

[D] than


contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致。

5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter.

[A] that

[B] so

[C] this

[D] as


6) Natural mica(云母) of [A] a superior [B] quality is cheapest [C] to obtain than synthetic [D] mica.


7) She is older than .

[A] any other girl in the group

[B] any girl in the group

[C] all girls in the group

[D] you and me as well as the group


8) Josephine McCrackin joined [A] the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late [B] , remained [C] active in journalistic [D] work.


9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

[A] ours

[B] with us

[C] for ours it had

[D] it did for us


10) Sound travels air.

[A] faster through water than through [B] faster than through water and

[C] through water faster and[D] where it is faster through water than through


11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed [A] the style of his teacher so implicitly that [B] his paintings [C] are sometimes confused with his master [D] .

解析:D错。 改为his master’s。

12) The more [A] fearsome of all the [B] animals in [C] the Western [D]Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.

解析:A错。 改为most。

13) Of all economic [A] problems, inflation continues to be [B] a [C] most significant in its daily impact on [D] people and business.

解析:C错。改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”。

14) ,the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.

[A] All the activities

[B] The activities

[C] Of all the activities

[D] It is the activities

解析:C为正确答案。本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除。只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应。

lesson 7 形容词和副词(三)


一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,此外还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子

1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人

He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。

2. as much:表示“与…同量”

Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。

I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。

3. as many:表示“与…一样多”

I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。

二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as …as 结构

This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。

He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。

三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较

四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步


1. no more than …表示“只不过”,“并不比…”(等于not any more than)

Man cannot live without food any more than plants can grow without sunshine.


There is no difficulty with this task any more than with that one.


2. no less than 表示“不亚于”

There are no less than five hundred people present at the New Year party.


3. not less than 表示“不少于”

There are not less than five hundred people present at the New Year party.


4. more often than not 表示“多数情况下”

On Friday mornings, he comes late more often than not.


5. all the more 因而更加

We really admired him all the more for his frankness. 我们更加钦佩他的坦率。

6. (be) better off 较富裕,环境较好

7. had better 最好……

Come, you had much better have the thing out at once. 来,你最好把这东西弄出去。

8. less than 不到

The first steam locomotive could have a top speed of only thirteen mph(miles per hour) and the great sailing ships of the time labored along at less than half that speed.第一列蒸汽火车最快每小时只有13英里,那时的大船还不到这个速度的一半。

9. little more than 差不多

The grain in their barn is little more than that of ours.


10. more than 超过,不止

I have waited for your for more than two hours. 我等了你两个多小时。

11. more or less 大体上,或多或少

The work is more or less finished. 工作大体算完成了。

Most of them came here to near money, more or less Mr.Wang worked for his cause.他们大都来挣钱的,但王先生有点像为事业而工作。

12. other than 除了

They imposed no pre conditions other than that the meeting should be held in their capital. 除了会议要在他们的首都开之外,他们没有提出任何先决条件。

13. rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿(rather than表示“与其…宁愿”时,如果位于句首引导句子,有虚拟的成分,相当于“… would rathe than,”所以rather than后面跟动词原形)

Read what interests you; read what you have time for magazines and newspapers rather than novels.


Rather than allow the potatoes to go bad, she sold them at half price.


Rather than cause trouble, he left.


14. so much the better 就更好了

If she will help us, so much the better.


15. so much the worse 就更糟了

So much the worse for you if you still are absent from class.


16. the more…the more(less)“越是……,就越……”


1. 在as…as中,as从句可省略整个谓语部分,保留主语

She sings as well as her sister. 她跟她的姐姐唱得一样好(省去了does)。

2. 可以省去谓语部分,保留主语和be、have等助动词

Susan has done as much housework as you have. (省去了done。)

3. 可以省去主语和谓语,只剩下状语

It is not as cold in Beijing as in Datong. 北京的天气没有大同冷。

4. than从句也可以省去整个谓语部分,保留主语

They say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. 他们说血浓于水,亲属对我们来说比其他人更重要。

5. than从句省去部分谓语,保留主语和be,have或助动词

The white collar workers earn more than the blue workers do.


这时 我们可以进行倒装,即将than后从句中的be,have或助动词移到该从句的前边

After all, big changes are relatively easier to make than are small ones.


The fact is that some drug addicts are much better able to cure addiction in each other than are psychiatrists; some convicts can run better rehabilitation programs for convicts than do correctional officers; some patients in mental hospitals are better for each other than is the staff.


6. than从句可以省去主语和部分谓语,保留宾语

Grandma gives more candies to her grandson than her granddaughter. 奶奶给孙子的糖比给孙女的多。(省去了she gives candies to)

7. than从句可以省去主语和谓语,保留状语

There are more books in this library than in that library. 这个图书馆的书比那个多。(省去了there are many books)

She is much better than yesterday. 她比昨天好多了。(省去了she was)

Signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past. 近些年来在学校、商业和政府中欺诈的迹象比以前更多。

8. than从句可以省去主语,保留谓语部分

His speed of doing the work was much faster than had expected. 他干此事的速度远比想象的快。(省去了he或we)

9. 有时可以省去整个than从句

He is much healthier and happier. 她比以往任何时侯都健康幸福。(省去了than he was ever before)

10. 为了避免重复,我们经常用that代替不可数名词, those代替复数名词,one代替可数名词单数


有时比较级并不一定出现than,这时通过上下文可喑示出,如:—Of the two oranges, which do you choose? —I like the larger one.这里的larger one是指前边提到的两个当中的较大的一个。而且有些形容词在表示比较的时候,跟“to”而不用“than”

1. prior to 较早的,较重要的

The task is prior to all others. 这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。

I called on him prior to my departure. 动身前我去看了他一趟。

2. superior to优越,高于

In math he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强。

They were resolved to rise superior to every obstacle. 他们决心战胜一切困难。

3. inferior to 下等的,次的

These apples are inferior in flavour to those. 这些苹果的味道不如那些。

4. senior to 年长的,地位高的;junior年幼的,地位低的,迟的

He is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。

Her appointment is junior to mine by six weeks. 她的任命比我迟六星期。

5. preferable to 更好的

Health without riches is preferable to riches without health.


6. prefer…to 更倾向于…

I prefer this to that. 我喜欢这个而不喜欢那个。


1. one of…

3. in the world(或群体名词)


1. “as +形容词(副词)+as possible”结构,表示“最…,尽可能…”:“as quickly as possible”(尽量快)

2. “ sooner or later”是成语,表示“迟早、早晚”

3. “would rather +动词原形+than …”是惯用句型,表示“宁愿…而不愿…”,由于连词than 要求前后所比较的成分要一致

十、most表示“非常”: 有时most并不表示“最……”,而是作副词表示“非常”之意。其实它是much的最高级,作形容词用是“大多数”之意,前边不加the。另外much与to构成介词词组,表示“在很大程度上使……”that也可以作副词用,表示“如此,那么”相当于so

十一、形容词与副词的修饰关系: 一般来说,形容词用来作表语(与系动词连用,注意taste, feel, become等词作系动词用时,它们后的表示应该是形容词,包括ed分词)或作定语修饰名词,而形容词不能修饰形容词包括ED分词;但副词可以修饰形容词(包括ED分词),副词还可以修饰副词、动词或短语


1. 当几个形容词共同修饰同一名词时,它们的先后顺序是:限定词→数词→描述性形容词→大小、长短、形状的形容词→色彩形容词→类属形容词→表材料形容词+被修饰的名词;或只记住限定词像a, the, my, their等词在最前边,其他词根据它们与被修饰名词关系的远近进行安排

2. 一般来说,单个副词修饰形容词时,副词放在形容词前;但enough修饰形容词时要放在形容词之后

good enough, mysterious enough

3. so修饰的是副词,而such修饰的是名词

4. 形容词修饰名词时放在前边,但修饰复合不定代词(something, someone, somebody; anything, anyone, anybody; nothing, noone, nobody)时,则放在这些词之后

something important, anything possible

十三、关于hardly, rarely, scarcely与seldom的用法

hardly“刚刚,不完全”,表示程度:I hardly know him. “我几乎认不出他了”,表示还是能认出或者说“我刚刚能认出他”;hardly与any连用表示“几乎没有”,与ever连用表示“几乎从来不”; scarcely的意思与hardly更接近。rarely“不经常”,表示事物发生的频率:He rarely goes there. 他很少(不经常)去那里。seldom“很少,不经常”,它与rarely更接近。


1) The fiveyear deal obligates [A] the country to buy nine million tons [B] of grain

a year [C] , three million more as [D] the old pact’s minimum.

解析:D错。 改为than。

2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.

[A] in the same function [B] the same function as

[C] the function is the same as [D] and has the same function


3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would

have as the amount of money borrowed.

[A] as the same value [B] the same value

[C] value as the same [D] the value is the same


4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.

[A] more sophisticated than

[B] much more sophisticated

[C] much sophisticated

[D] sophisticated


5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.

[A] clearest

[B] the clearest

[C] much clearer

[D] more clearer


6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered [A] migratory, although [B]some do move [C] to more warmer [D] waters in winter.

解析:D错。 改为warmer。

7) During observations made over a fiftyyear period, the power output of the Sun has than a few tenths of one percent.

[A] varied by no more [B] varied no more by

[C] not varied more by [D] more varied by not


8) Few of the people who live on the cooperatives than they were as laborers.

[A] is well off financial

[B] financially well off

[C] are better off finanically

[D] financial better off


9) He came all the way to China for promoting friendship for making money.

[A] other than [B] better than [C] more than [D] rather than


10) He preferred to write the letter by hand .

[A] to typing it

[B] than type it

[C] to type it

[D] rather than type it

解析: D为正确答案。

11) The harder he tried, [A] the worst [B] he danced [C] before the large [D]audience.

解析:B错。 改为worse。

12) The quicker a loan [A] is repaid [B] , the least [C] it will [D] cost.

解析: C错。 改为less。

13) Hot objects emit do cold objects.

[A] rays more than infrared(红外线) [B] rays are more infrared than

[C] more than infrared rays [D] more infrared rays than

解析:D对。本句中的比较级为形容词more (much 的比较级),被比较的两个事物为“hot

objects”和“cold objects”,在所释放(emit)的红外线(infrared rays)的量上,前者多于后者。其中more修饰infrared rays,它们不能被分开,故只有D在词序上正确。空白后面为倒装语序,其中的do代替动词emit,本句空白后也可用正常语序,即“cold objects do”。

14) Last year the country had [A] fewer imports as [B] did the year before last [C] due to [D] the energy crisis.

解析: B错。 改为than。

15) Long Island, an [A] island that forms the [B] southeastern part of New York,has a [C] greater population than which [D] of fortytwo of thefifty states.

解析: D错。 改为that,代替population。

16) The grain of rye is longer [A] and slenderer [B] than [C] those of [D]wheat.

解析:D错。 改为that。这里比较的“The grain”不是复数,不能用复数代词those。

17) The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than .

[A] the domestic marketer has [B] the domestic marketer does

[C] those of the domestic marketer [D] that which has the domestic marketer

解析:C为正确答案。比较句中,连词than前后,即所比较的成分要一致,应该在同种事物间进行比较。本句所比较的是两种 activities ,故C正确,代词those 代替“the activities”。

18) The grape is cultivated plants.

[A] one of the oldest [B] the oldest one

[C] one which the oldest [D] the one is the oldest of

解析:A对。“one of the oldest…”表示“(历史)最长的栽种植物之一”,C和D均不合语法,而


19) , William Shakespeare is the most widely known.

[A] With all writers in English

[B] All writers in English

[C] All of the writers in English

[D] Of all writers in English


20) The crane is of the wading birds.

[A] the tallest

[B] the tallest that is

[C] which is the tallest

[D] which the tallest is


21) The Appalachians Trail, extending [A] approximately 2,020 miles [B] from Maine to Georgia, is the longer [C] continuous [D] marked footpath in the world.

解析:C错。只有在两者相比较时才使用比较级,而本句出现了状语in the world,明显表示不止两者相比,故应改用最高级 (the) longest 。

22) La Paz, Bolivia is the higher [A] capital city in [B] the western hemisphere and [C] the secondhighest [D] in the world.

解析:A错。 改为the highest。

23) The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as .

[A] possibly little nourishment [B] nourishment possibly little

[C] little as possible nourishment [D] little nourishment as possible

解析:D 为正确答案,“as little nourishment as possible ”意为“尽可能少的养料”。

24) Earlier [A] or later, all lakes are influenced [B] by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment(沉积物) lowers the depth [C] of the water and drains(除去) oxygen from it [D] .

解析: A错。改为sooner。

25) Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf of the telephone.

[A] than inventing [B] than as the inventor

[C] the invention [D] as the inventor

解析:B 为正确答案,两个短语“as a teacher of the deaf”和“ as the inventor of the telephone”相比。

26) Wool is characteristic on which to classify breeds of sheep.

[A] most obviously

[B] obvious the most

[C] the most obvious

[D] the most obvious that is

解析:C为正确答案。注意: 空档后的“characteristic”是名词而不是形容词,所以不能填A。

27) The Democratic party has controlled [A] the most [B] of the elected positions at [C] state and local levels in South Carolina since [D] the Reconstruction.

解析:B错。 改为most。

28) During [A] the seventeenth century the most [B] colonists were primarily concerned with [C] D)] economics [D] and defense.

解析:B错。 改为most。

29) Belgium, in the [A] 19th century, rapid [B] grew into [C] an industrial [D]country.


30) The Lost Colony in North Carolina mysterious [A] disappeared between [B] 1587 and 1590, when its [C] founder returned from a visit [D] to England.


31) Many flatworms have of eyes.

[A] more pairs than one

[B] more than one pair

[C] one more pair than

[D] one pair more than


32) Of the two houses the family prefers .

[A] the most isolated one

[B] the one isolated more

[C] the more isolated one

[D] the isolated one more


33) Freezing is at present one of the of preserving meats and vegatables.

[A] most methods are important

[B] methods most important

[C] most important methods

[D] most are important methods


34) The radio was of so [A] inferior quality that [B] I took it back [C] and asked for a better one [D] .

解析: A错。 改为such。

lesson 8 代词(一)

内 容 提 要


人 称 代 词

一、主格人称代词有I, we, you, he, she, they, it,主格人称代词就是在句中充当主语和表语的代词

二、宾格人称代词有me, us, you, him, her, them, it,宾格人称代词即在句中充当宾语(含介词宾语)的代词


1) Archibald Motley’s artistic talent [A] was apparent [B] by the time him [C]

2) Legends often contain an element [A] of fact, but [B] sometimes it is [C]totally [D] untrue.

3) Unlike [A] road vehicles, Hovercrafts have no physical [B] contact with the surface over which [C] them [D] travel.

4) Let you and I [A] promise that we shall always [B] dare to do [C] what is [D]right.

5) Most of we [A] know that conductors direct their orchestras with a baton, but how many [B] are aware that [C] they also direct with their faces, hands [D] , and shoulders?


1) C错。him是宾格,而此处却需要作主语的人称代词,故应将him改为主格he。

2) C错。 改为they are。C处代替的是“Legends”而不是“an element”。

3) D错。them也是宾格,应改用主格they,作定语从句中的主语,谓语为travel。

4) A错。 改为me。

5) A错。改为宾格us,因为前面是介词of,us作其宾语,故用宾格。

物 主 代 词

一、表示人的物主代词用my, our, your, his, her和their,指无生命的东西用its(但指国家时一般用she或her),它们在句中作定语

二、名词型物主代词能作表语(It's theirs)、主语(Mine is there)、宾语(I don't like

hers),与of连用可以作定语(the food of theirs)。


1) A scientist bases its [A] work on hypotheses that [B] have been checked [C]through careful [D] experimentation.

2) Crude rubber is an [A] elastic(有弹性的) solid with a specific gravity of 0.911 and

a refractive index(折射率) of 1.591, though it [B] composition varies with different latexes(橡浆) as well as [C] with the way it is prepared [D] at the plantation.

3) Manufacturers [A] of consumer goods [B] often change [C] the styles of them [D] products.


1) A错。 改为his。

2) B错。 改为its。

3) D错。 改为their。

lesson 9 代词(二)

内 容 提 要


反 身 代 词

一、反身代词有myself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves, itself。主语与宾语为同一人或物时,要用反身代词(否则就不能用反身代词),反身代词也可放在名词或代词(主格)后面(也可放在句尾)起强调作用

1) All [A] the scouts(童子军) got theirselves [B] ready for the [C] long camping

2) Various [A] animals have shells that keep themselves [B] from growing beyond [C] a certain [D] size.

3) Benjamin Banneker’s aptitude [A] in mathematics [B] and knowledge of astronomy enabled himself [C] to predict the solar [D] eclipse of 1789.

4) The president announced that he himself [A] would act upon [B] the evidence as presented [C] to himself [D] by the congressional committee.

5) Garrett [A] Morgan died in Cleveland, Ohio, the city that [A] had awarded himself [B] a gold medal for his devotion [C] to public [D] safety.

6) Plants rid them [A] of excess water through [B] transpiration, the evaporation of extra [C] moisture from their [D] leaves.

7) When Jonathan went [A] to Spain with his [B] sister, he bought a [C] leather coat for her and another for him [D] .


1) B错。 改为themselves。

2) B错。B处明显指代animals,而它前面的主语that却指代shells,也就是说“that”和“themselves”指的不是同一事物。由于主语与宾语不是同一物,故不能用反身代词,应改为宾格them。

3) C错。本句的主语为aptitude,而非Benjamin Banneker(在这里它作aptitude的定语),而C处的代词却指上文提到的人名“Benjamin Banneker”,由于主语与宾语并非指同一人,故不能用反身代词,应改用宾格him。

4) D错。 改为to him。动词“presented”的(逻辑)主语是“evidence”,而不是A处的“he,”所以D“himself”处与C处“presented”的主语“evidence”不一致,所以不能用反身代词。

5) B错。 改为him。同上。

6) A错。此处的them指主语plants,rid是及物动词,由于主语与宾语指同一物,故应使用反身代词themselves。

7) D错。 改为for himself。

lesson 10 代词(三)

内 容 提 要


不 定 代 词

一、“every”(每一个)只作为定语使用,即必须在其后加上单数可数名词构成名词短语,它不可与everyone(每一个)混淆。 everyone相当于名词,它不可修饰其他名词,只作主语或宾语

1) Every [A] knows that hospitals are institutions where the sick are treated, but how many [B] realize that they were once [C] homes for the indigent and the friendless [D] ?

2) Everyone [A] child in the United States must [B] receive [C] some form of educational instruction [D] .


1) A错。every不可单独充当句子成分,应在其后加上person或改为everyone。

2) A错。改为Every,修饰child。

二、“much”和“many”分别修饰不可数名词和可数名词,可作为代词(如much of)和形容词使用

3) Food seasoning plays an important [A] role in the cooking [B] customs of much [C] cultures in [D] the world.

4) The general sales tax has been [A] a major source of income for state governments,much [B] of which derive more than half [C] of their budgets from [D] it.

5) Data received from [A] two spacecraft indicate that there is many evidence [B]that huge thunderstorms are now occurring [C] around the equator [D] of the planet Saturn.


3) C错。应改为of many,因为被修饰词cultures为可数名词,故其修饰语应用many,而much要修饰不可数名词。

4) B错。应改用many,因此处所指代的是可数名词governments(复数),many在本句中为代词,作非限定性定语从句的主语。

5) B错。应改为much evidence,因为evidence(证据,迹象)为不可数名词,故应用much来修饰。

三、 “some”和“any”是表示不定数量的代词,相当于汉语的“一些”,作定语可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,其中some(包括它的合成词something,someone, somebody)多用于肯定句,而

any(包括它的合成词anything, anyone, anybody)则用于疑问句和否定句中,其中any在否定句中相当于汉语中的“任何”;形容词修饰something, someone, somebody, anything, anyone, anybody, nothing, nobody时,形容词要放在这些词的后边

6) Historians [A] have never reached some general [B] agreement about [C] the precise causes of the [D] Civil War in the United States.


6) B错。应为any general,因为本句为否定句(否定副词never),应该用any,此处表示“(没有达成过) 任何共识”。



7) Lizards lack [A] the builtin body temperature control [B] many another [C]creatures possess [D] .

8) Some bacterium are extremely [A] harmful, but anothers [B] are regularly [C]used in producing cheeses, crackers, and many other foods [D] .

9) Like [A] most another [B] art forms, the Greek tragedy had [C] its origins in religious [D] observances.


7) C错。应改用other来修饰可数复数名词creatures。本句是一个省略了关系代词that(或which)的定语从句,control为名词作主句中及物动词(谓语)lack的宾语,同时又受其后面定语从句的修饰。

8) B错。 改为others。

9) B错。 改为other。

五、one与other “one”作为代词代替前面提到的人或物,它前边加the; “other”作代词修饰复数名词。 “one…another”表示“一个…另一个”的意思,或表示多个(三者以上)之中的“另一个”,“又一个”; “one…the other”表示两者之中剩下的“另一个,又一个”

10) I’d like to [A] buy a coat similar [B] to one [C] you are wearing [D] .

11) Though [A] Art Tatum was totally blind in one eye and had only slight [B] vision


导论———语法层次 0.1 词素 1)自由词素 2)粘附词素 0.2 词 1)简单词、派生词、符合词 2)封闭词类和开放词类 0.3 词组 1)名词词组 2)动词词组 3)形容词词组 4)副词词组 5)介词词组 0.4分句 1)独立分句和从属分句 2)简单分句和复杂分句 3)主句和从句 4)限定分句、非限定性分句、无动词分句0.5 句子 1)完全句和不完全句 2)简单句、并列句、复杂句、并列复杂句 第1讲句子结构 1.1 主谓结构和句子分析 1)主语和谓语 2)句子分析 1.2 基本句型及其转换与扩大 1)基本句型 2)基本句型的转换与扩大 第2讲主谓一致(一) 2.1指导原则 1)语法一致 2)意义一致和就近原则 2.2 以-s 结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题1)以-s结尾的疾病名称和游戏名称 2)以-s结尾的学科名称 3)以-s结尾的地理名称 4)其他以-s结尾的名词 2.3 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题 1) 通常作复数的集体名词 2)通常作不可数名词的集体名词 3)既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 4)a committee of 等+复数名词

第3讲主谓一致(二) 3.1 以并列结构作主语的主谓一致问题 1)由and/both... And 连接的并列主语 2)由or/nor/either...or 等连接的并列主语 3)主语+as much as 等 4)主语+as well as 等 3.2 以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一直问题1)以表示确定数量的名词词组作主语 2) 以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语 3.3 其他方面的主谓一致问题 1)以名词性分句作主语的主谓一致问题 2)以非限定分句作主语的主谓一致问题 3)关系分句中的主谓一致问题 4)分裂句中的主谓一致问题 5)存在句中的主谓一致问题 第4讲 4.1 名词分类和名词词组的句法功能 1)名词分类 2)名词词组的句法功能 4.2 名词的数 1)规则复数和不规则复数 2)集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数4.3 单位词 1)一般表示个数的单位词 2)表示形状的单位词 3)表示容积的单位词 4)表示动作状态的单位词 5)表示成双、成对、成群的单位词 第5讲 5.1 名词属格的构成、意义和用法 1)名词属格的构成 2)名词属格的意义 3)名词属格的用法 5.2 独立属格和双重属格 1)独立属格 2)双重属格 第6讲限定词(一) 6.1限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词 2)只能与单数名词搭配的限定词 3)只能与复数名词搭配的限定词


【学英语必看】 《英语语法手册》 在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把 听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。 以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获! 宝宝更希望你能把他们融在平时的阅读写作里. [英语语法手册]关于词类和句子成分 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个 句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。 学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要 了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 词类(parts of speech) 英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。 2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。


语法翻译 P68 1.今天上午你干了多少活儿?(work) How much work have you done this morning? 2.开凿隧道需要大量的劳动力。(labour) To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour 3.他做了最少的工作。(work) He’s done the least work. 4.处理这一问题有几种方法。(method) There are several methods of approaching this problem 5.我不懂多少语法。I know little French. 6.少说空话(empty talk)多干事实(practical work) There must be less empty talk but more practical work. 7.有多少人出席招待会吗? There must be less empty talk but more practical work. 8.我可以和你谈几句话吗?(words) May I have a few words with you? 9.今天参观展览会的人数比昨天少。 There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday. 10.哈利犯的错误最少。(Harry) Harry made the fewest mistakes. 11.我读的诗(poetry)和做的练习都比较多。 You’ve learnt more poetry and done more exercises than I have. 12.杰克做的工作最多,犯的错误也最多。 Jack’s done the most work and made the most mistakes.


《新编英语语法教程》主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论—语法层次) 2. Parts of speech (word class) 3. Phrases 词组 4. Clause 分句 5. Sentence 句子 1. Morpheme 词素 Free morpheme 自由词素 Bound morpheme 粘附词素 Allomorph 词素变体 Noun phrase Verb phrase Adjective phrase Adverb phrase Preposition phrase Conjunction

Lecture 1 Sentence Structure(L1)Sentence elements: S (subject) 主语V (predicate verb) 谓语动词 O (object) 宾语 C (complement) 补足语 A (Adverbial) 状语 1. Two ways of sentence analysis 1) SVO Sentence Clause NP VP NP Subject Predicate verb Object All the man have done their best. Sentence = Subject + Predicate (Predicate Verb + Object, Complement, Adverbial, etc.) ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为谓语动词、宾语、补语、状语等。 2) Subject + Predicate (= operator + predication) Sentence Clause Subject Predicate Operator Predication All the man have done their best. ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为操作词(operator)和述谓成分(predication)。 2. Basic clause types SVC, SV, SV A, SVO, SVOA, SVOC, SV oO Lecture 2 Subject-Verb Concord (L2-3) Guiding principles: Grammatical Concord Notional Concord Principle of Proximity 语法一致原则意义一致原则就近原则 Nominal clause Non-finite clause Relative clause Cleft sentence Existential clause 名词性分句非限定分句关系分句分裂句存在句Lecture 3 Noun and Noun Phrase(L4-5) 1. Classification of nouns


被动语态 现在范畴一般现在时am/is/are made 现在进行时am / is /are being made 现在完成时has/have been made 过去范畴一般过去时was/were made 过去进行时was/werebeingmade 过去完成时had been made 将来范畴一般将来时shall/will be made 将来完成时shall/will have been made 过去将来时should/would be made 过去将来完成时should/would have been made 1. 被动语态的各种时态 被动语态(The Passive Voice)是动词的一种形式,表示主语是谓语动词的承受者。被动 语态便于论述客观事实,故常用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍以及景物描写。被动语态没有将来进行时、过去将来进行时和完成进行时形式。 (1) 一般现在时的被动语态 I am not so easily deceived. 我不会轻易上当受骗的。 Computers are widely used in the world. 计算机在世界范围内得到广泛应用。 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态 The car was seriously damaged. 汽车受到严重损坏。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是由中国传入欧洲的。 (3) 现在进行时的被动语态 The question is being discussed at the meeting. 这个问题现在正在会上讨论。 The children are being taken care of by their aunt. 孩子们现在正由其姑妈照看。 (4) 过去进行时的被动语态 When I called, tea was being served. 当我来访时,正值上茶之际。 When they arrived,the experiments were being made. 他们到达时,实验正在进行。


第一讲句子结构 改写句子(必考)!!! 1.WaldenPond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty,is now the site of many stands. 2.Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through ou r bedroom windows,marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. /Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night,the cooling northeast wind madeв?| 3.The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow,which fed two st reams plunging down to join in the valley below. 4.With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade,this is a good spot for a picnic,and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll. 5.Panting for breath after running up the stairs,Mr wood stood at his neighbourв? s door and knocked again and again till someone opened it. 6.The town folk envied horace,who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. 7.Standing in front of the mirror,Jim looked at his image,wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years. 8.The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad. 9.The story,written in plain language,consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in17th century France. 10.Mud-covered and shivering,John sat hunched over a bowl of hot brot h prepared by his father to drive off the chill. 11.Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions. 12.Farther down the street,the old man stopped and leaned against a l amp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite si de of the street. 13.Sarah sank in the nearest chair,completely exhausted,her limbs stiff with cold,


新编英语语法教程(第六版)第02讲练习参考答案 Ex. 2A 1. SVC Within the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller. 2. SV The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the ground. 3. SVO On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Japanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow. 5. SVOC The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SV A Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of expanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA A tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, concrete, metal, and wood over the ground.


第三节写作中真正实用的英语语法 据考证,“语法”一词源于希腊语“Grammatike”,意指体现于写作过程中的“文字的技巧”,它是语言运用的规则,构建句子的框架,遣词造句的黏合剂,也是英语各项技能的基础,尤其在写作过程中起着举足轻重的作用。 但四、六级考试改革中对语法题目的减少使很多人误以为语法的地位被削弱,加之近年来重视综合技能的各类语言理论的出现,使得一部分考生在写作复习过程中完全摈弃对语法部分的准备,久而久之,形成了“轻语法,重语感”的习惯。而另一部分考生则缺乏必要的语法运用能力,他们可以准确解答语法题目,却不能在作文中灵活运用语法写出漂亮句子。这些考生文章的共同特点就是只有其意,不见其形。 语言是思维的外衣,准确的语法是高分作文的重要必备条件。如果考生能在写作中娴熟地运用语法技巧,就可以使文章逻辑严密,形神兼备。 鉴于语法体系庞大繁杂而备考时间有限,此节内容无法涵盖整个语法体系,只能选择写作中出现频率较高的语法进行重点讲解,如状语前置、倒装、虚拟语气、强调句等,并辅以例句讲解,希望能够帮助考生扫除写作中的语法障碍,轻松闯关。 状语前置 一般而言,英语句子中,状语成分的位置是可前可后的。但状语的前置是六级作文中常用的句式。所谓状语前置,就是把修饰动词的状语结构,如分词短语,介词短语,动词不定式结构等放到句首。 这一句式的最大优点就是断句自然,让单调的句子有跳跃的节奏感。请看下面句子: 1)With the expansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is on the rise.(随着工业化进程的发展,全世界的能源需求都在增加。) 2)Once lushly forested, this region has seen more than 80% of its original vegetation cut down or burned. (这个地区曾经丛林密布,但现在80% 的原生植被被砍伐或焚烧。) 3)To reach millions of people who watch television, advertisers are willing to pay big money. (为了能抓住千千万万的电视观众,广告商们不惜花费巨额资金。) 在以上例句中,状语的前置使得句子结构分明,避免了后置的平庸化,尤其是第二个句子中的状语部分,既简洁又有力,本身就是一个出彩的表达,如果放置到句尾就不会出现这种效果了。而第三句中不定式目的状语的前置还在一定程度上起到了强调的作用。 倒装 倒装又分为全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。倒装的作用是为了强调或平衡句子结构。 倒装本身是较复杂的高级结构,如果在六级写作中能加以正确运用,就特别



《新编英语语法教程》1-18讲参考答案 新编英语语法教程第01讲练习参考答案 Ex. 1A 1. A. his home work B. quickly, to play 2. A. The huge black horse B. the race 3. A. have thought about B. going into space 4. A. warms up and crawls B. out of the bag 5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescope B. because of the many rings that surround it 6. A. 165 years B. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun 7. A. you and your brother B. How many pairs of shorts 8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menu B. What 9. A. an “Outdoor Code” B. their members 10. A. can blow B. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour 11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist air B. to twist and grow and spin 12. A. The direction a hurricane’s spiral moves B. counterclockwise 13. A. does not shine B. At the north pole: for half of the year 14. A. The cold winds that


大学英语语法模似试题 1. Mr. and Mrs. Burns feel more comfortable on a ship than they would be if they any other way. A. would travel B. travelled C. are travelling D. have travelled 2. We that Jim be there. A. hope B. wish C. expect D .ask 3. Lucy is glad she didn^ t stay on the farm. She bored. A. may be B. will be C. could be D. might have been 4. The dean of studies would have come to see you had it been possible, but he so busy then. A. had been B. was C. were D. would be 5. They would certainly have come and helped us time. A. did they have C. had they have 6. If you were in better health, wc. A. would have allowed C. should allow 7. She cried for her A. departed B. being departed C. departing D. having departed _____________ in an important examination, one of the students in his class lost interest in his work A. Failing B. Failed C. Having been failed D. Having Failed 9. Tf it _____________ tomorrow, P 11 stay at home. A. rained B. will rain C. had rained D. rains 10. “Tt’ s getting very late. n “Yes, it’ s time __________________________ . ” A. that we left B. we leave C. we^ 11 leave D. we have 1 eft 1 Ule ______________ a bus to go there, but he preferred to walk. A. should have taken B. could take C. could have taken IX hadn^ t taken 12. _____________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday- A. Tn spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 13- _____________ , we can hardly get to the station by sixclock. A. As it wi 11 be B. As it seemed C. As it is D. As if it seems 14. We hung out a lantern lest he ___________________ lost in the mist. A. gets B. get C. will get D. got 15- Tt is quite natural that such fears _______________________ . A. rise B. should arise C. should rise D. are arisen 16. Pm sorry to _________________ your private thoughts, but T think we should get on with some work. A. break in B. break on C. break in on D. break out 17. Do you think he will_________________ a cook wearing that hat? pass for B> pass as C. pass through D. pass on B. had they had D would they have ___________ you to join in the work last week. B. would allow D. had allowed 1 over. 8.


最新《英语语法手册》电子版 在实用英语备受青睐的现在,大家在学习英语和准备各种考试时,总是把听说读写放在首位,诚然,学习语言重在实践。但是,请不要忽视语法的作用,特别是在阅读和写作中,他能帮助你分析清楚句子结构,准确抓住句子的要点,更能帮你写出复杂而优美的长句。 以下为你整理《英语语法手册》全集,不需背诵记忆,只要静下心阅读一遍,就能有所收获! 宝宝更希望你能把他们融在平时的阅读写作里. [英语语法手册]关于词类和句子成分 根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的功用将词分为若干类,叫做词类。一个句子由各个功用不同的部分所构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。 学一个词,要学它的发音、拼法、意义,也要记它的词类;更重要的是要了解它和其他词的关系,及其在句中作什么句子成分。如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。 词类(parts of speech) 英语的词通常分为十大类: 1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),

English(英语),life(生活)。 2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词,如we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。 3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。 4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)是表示"多少"和"第几"的词,如four(四),eighteen(十八),first(第一),eighth(十八),hundred(一百)。 5)动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。 6)副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如quickly(快),often(经常),very(很)。 7)冠词(article,缩写为art.)说明名词所指的人或物的词,如a,an(一个),the(这,那)。 8)介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与句子里其它词的关系,如from(从),in(在…内),between(在…之间)。 9)连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and(和),because(因为),if(假如)。 10)感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢),aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。 [注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,


26A 1.Jerry is very generous_______ (at, in, on, with) his money. 2. Please don’t get mad ________ (on, to, at, against) me. 3. Dane was quite agreeable_______ (with, to, in, about) my suggestion. 4. He was always attentive _______ (to, with, on, at) my ideas. 5. Fruit is rich_____ (with, in, of, for) vitamins. 6.She was very quick______ (about, at, on, in) bringing the dinner. 7.John was understandably awkward_____ (with, in, on, at) washing up. 8.She was eligible______ (to, at, for, about) an increase in salary. 9.His secret was safe_____ (from, on, with, in) them. 10.That book is identical_______ (in, for, with, of) an American one. 11.Donna was very quick________ (in, with, on, at) English. 12.She was deaf______ (of, to, at, on) his request to do her work. 13.Mr. Jones is very orthodox______ (with, at, of, in) his attitude to Shakespeare. 14.It was most presumptuous________ (of, at, in, on) them to behave like that. 15.Canned food may be deficient_______ (with, in, on, about) vitamins. 16.The weather is favorable__________ (to, in, on, for) football. 17.No one is exempt_______ (in, about, from, with) taxation in the United States. 18.The amount stated was exclusive_______ (from, of, in, on) tax. 19.Is the city noted_______ (in, about, on, for) its champagne? 20.They were averse_______ (on, to, at, after) my suggestion for free tickets. 21.Jock was completely devoid______ (of, at, in, to) humor. 22.My daughter was very sensible______ (to, at, of, with) his kindness. 23.His attitude was very destructive_______ (in, towards, about, to) achievement. 24.The bed was alive______ (in, with, to, on) bugs. 25.Mary is still inseparable______ (to, with, about, from) her mother. 26.Jim was impatient______ (of, with, at, on) his daughter. 27.Cathy was particular_______ (on, at. about, in) the jewellery she wore. 28.She is sick______ (in, for, on, with) flu. 29.I believe they are related_______ (on, by, with, at) marriage. 30.It is evident______ (of, at, to, from) his words that he is honest. 31.The director was critical______ (at, of, in, for) the way we were doing the work. 32.I’m useless______ (at, on, of, to) anything electrical. 33.Y ou were right_______ (at, about, in, of) Jim. 34.She’s marvelous_______ (on, of, at, with) grammar. 35.My friend is very liberal______ (on, with, of, in) his thinking about that subject. 36.This small suitcase is perfect______ (at, for, in, on) weekend trips. 37.The man was positive______ (at, on, with, of) the time the accident happened.


初中英语语法:情态动词讲解及练习情态动词讲解及练习(Modal Verbs) * 情态动词也可称为“情态助动词(Modal Auxiliaries)”,因为它和基本助动词(be,do, have)都属于助动词类。* 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。* 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, shall, should,will, would,must,这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare等。 一、九大情态动词的时态关系: 1. 现在式 can -- 过去式 could 2. 现在式 may -- 过去式 might 3. 现在式 shall -- 过去式 should 4. 现在式 will -- 过去式 would 5. 现在式 must -- 过去式 must (常用had to来代替) 二、情态动词表示“可能”或“预测” (1)can 和 could 用于表示“可能”或“预测”: 1. He can't be at home. 他不可能在家。(否定句) 2. Can the news be true? 这消息可能是真的吗? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句) 3. Anybody can make mistake. 任何人都可能犯错误。(只表示理论上的可能性) (2)may 和 might 用于表示“事实上的可能性”或“预测”: 1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生)明天可能会下雨。 2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)今天下午可能会下雪。 3. You might be right. (表示有可能)你可能是对的。 (3)will 和 would 用于表示“预测”或“习惯性”: 1. I think he will be all right now. 我想他现在一定好了。(will be 表示一定会) 2. That would be his mother. 那肯定是他母亲。(would be 表示肯定是) 3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.


实用英语语法大全-anyone还是whoever anyone还是whoever 请看下面的题目: _________ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two. A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Who ever 【陷阱】容易误选B。 【分析】答案为C。有的同学误选B主要是因为受以下这类句子 的影响: Whoever comes will be welcome. 任何人来都欢迎。 Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。 Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work. 谁要是得到 这份工作就有很多事要做。 以上三句中 whoever 引导的均为主语从句,其中的 whoever均 可换成 anyone who,但是不能换成 anyone。以上试题从表面上看, 与以上各例很相似,其实它们有本质的不同,即 _____ with any common sense 中没有谓语动词,所以我们不能选 whoever。此题的准 确答案为C,anyone 为句子主语,with any common sense 为修饰anyone 的定语。现将此题稍作改动如下,答案选B: _______ has any common sense can tell the difference between the two. A. Who B. Whoever

C. Anyone D. Who ever

参考答案5-8大学新编英语语法教程 第五版 课后练习答案

新编英语语法教程第5讲练习参考答案 Ex. 5A 1. my father has a car 2. the bull has horns 3. the prisoner escaped 4. her parents consented 5. somebody released the prisoner 6. somebody assassinated the President 7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter 8. the crowd felt sympathy 9. a college for women 10. a summer day, a day in the summer 11. the earth has a (rough) surface 12. the absence lasted ten days 13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate 14. the bird made the nest 15. the committee made a report 16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story 17. the volcano erupted 18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous 19. somebody punished the boy 20. the critics received the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B


超实用英语语法顺口溜 用顺口溜来学习英语,至少有三大好处:一是节省了时间。死记硬背效果差不说,还费时间,而利用顺口溜,效率又高又省时;二是培养了自己的概括思维能力。把一些词语编成顺口溜,看似容易,其实也难;三是使人觉得学习英语还是饶有兴趣的。 既然顺口溜有这么多好处,那么,何乐而不为呢 动词为纲滚雪球难易编组抓循环同类归纳印象深图示介词最直观 混淆多因形音义反义词语成对念构词方法不可忘习惯用语集中练 词不离句法最好课外阅读莫间断 be的用法口诀 我用am你用are,is连着他,她,它;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to,说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,莫让岁月空蹉跎可数名词的复数变化规律[1]: 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s;辅音字母+y型,变y为i,es; s,x ch,sh 真有趣+ es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记;字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s. 可数名词复数特殊变化规律[2]: 中日好友来聚会,绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。男士、女士a变e man--men woman--women; 鹅,脚,牙(齿)双o 变双e; goose--geese foot--feet tooth--teeth 孩子们想去天安门,原形后面r、e、n; child--children 老鼠本来爱大米,mice,ice 和rice. mouse--mice 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样) 一般现在时态 I、we you、they 作主语, 动词原形后面跟;否定句,更容易,动词前面加don't; 疑问句,别着急,句首Do,来帮你,后面问号别忘记;肯定回答用Yes, I、we you、they加上do;

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