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The man went up to the cat and started stroking it. 那人走到猫跟前,开始抚摸它。 (2)指前面的短语、从句或句子的内容。例如: I’d like to go on a trip to Europe, but I cannot afford it. 我想去欧洲旅游,但我却负担不起费用。
Railroad service was suspended. They told me it was because of a landslide. 铁路不通了。他们告诉我是因为山体滑坡。
She was frightened, but tried not to show it. 她吓坏了,但她尽量不表现出来。 (3)在性别不计或不明时指人或婴孩。例如:
不要过多久大批西红柿就要上市了。 —How far is it to your school? 到你们学校有多远? —It is three miles from here. 离这儿有3英里。 It gets hot and humid in summer here. 这里夏季热而潮湿。 It’s 37 degrees centigrade/Celsius. 气温为37摄氏度。 (2)表示环境或一般泛指状况。例如:
What a lБайду номын сангаасvely baby! Is it a boy or a girl? 多可爱的宝宝!是男孩还是女孩?
—There’s someone here to see you. 这儿有个人要见你。
—Who is it? 谁呀?
在由it引导的表示时间、距离、天气、温度、季节、环境 、状况等句子中及在某些句型中,it的语法功能是明确的 (作主语),但意义却是含糊的,故称“虚义主语it”。 (1)表示时间、距离、天气、温度、季节等。例如: It’s five years/It has been five years since we met last. 自从我们上次见面以来已有5年了。 It won’t be long before plenty of tomatoes appear on the
It is not worthwhile spending a lot of time on such trifles. 在这种小事上花费许多时间不值得。 It’s fun working here. 在这里工作很有趣。
(4)代替that从句。例如: It’s a shame that Jack isn’t here. 杰克不在这儿,真遗憾。
要不是你,我真不知道会干出什么事来呢。 (3)用在It seems/appears/looks that…等句型中。例如: It seems that he knows the secret. 他似乎知道这个秘密。 It appears that she will pass the exam. 她似乎能通过考试。 It looks as if it’s going to snow. 看来好像要下雪了。
第二十六章 It的用法
1.人称代词it 2.虚义主义it 3.先行it 4.强调句型中的it 5. 惯用法中的it
作人称代词的it可以指代事物,也可以指代人,在句中通常作 主语或宾语。 (1)指上文提到的事物、动物、植物等。例如: That vase is valuable. It’s more than 200 years old. 那只花瓶很宝贵,它有200多年的历史。 Water is very useful. We use it to generate electricity. 水非常有用。我们用它来发电。 The company was losing money and it had to make people redundant.
It is very quiet here, good for me to study. 这儿很安静,是我学习的好地方。 It’s my turn. 轮到我了。
How’s it going Bob? I haven’t seen you for ages. 鲍勃,近况如何?我好久未见你了。 If it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know what Iwould have done.
It was against my principle to do that. 那样做有悖于我的原则。
It makes me sick to think about it. 想到此事我就感到恶心。 (3)代替动名词。例如: It is no use crying over spilt milk. 〈谚〉泼洒了牛奶,哭也无用。
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. 我的生活态度一直是:只要勇敢面对困难,它们就会自动消 失。
It happened/chanced that he was out when I dropped in. 我顺道去拜访他时,他恰巧外出了。
It turned out that she was a friend of my sister’s. 原来她是我姐姐的朋友。
3.1 it做形式主语 (1)代替语句。例如: It is a nuisance, this delay. 很麻烦,这样拖延。 It’s boring, this sort of play. 很没趣,这种剧目。 (2)代替不定式。例如: It is illegal to drive without a licence. 无照驾驶是违法的。 It is important for young people not to waste time. 年轻人不浪费时间至关重要。 It is everyone’s duty to abide by the law.