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A.在形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, far, a lot, still, a little 来修饰表示……得多甚至更……仍然还…..更……. 一些以加强语气

eg: Math is even harder than English.

Our city is much more beautiful than yours.

He is even slower than before.

This garden is a little larger than that garden .

My elder brother is two years older than I. 我哥比我大两岁。

Our country is much stronger than it was (before). 我们的国家比以往前大多了。

He is still stronger than ever. 他比以往更加强壮了。

I got up a little earlier than Joan last Sunday

morning. 上周日上午我比琼起床早一些。

This story is even more interesting than that one. 这个故事比那个有趣多了。

在原级前面通常用very ,too,quite ,so

B.表示倍数…times +形容词比较级+than…这个句型


eg: Our room is twice larger than theirs.

The Yangtze River is ten times larger than the river in your city.

C.表示大几岁高几厘米等, 表示数、量的词+形容词比较级eg: I am two years older than


She is a head taller than I/me.

D.表示“比其他的任何…….都……”比较级+than any other +单数名词这个句型是用比较级形式表达最高级的意思。(范围内相比较)

He is better than any other student in the class. = He is the best in the class.

This watch is more expensive than any other watch in the shop.

=This watch is the most expensive one in the shop. 表示“比任何……都……”(不是同一范围内的相同事物相比较)

eg:Shanghai is bigger than any city in Liaoning .

Mary is taller than any girl in Class 3.

E. 表示“越来越……”比较级+and+比较级

The earth is getting warmer and warmer.

China is more and more beautiful.

Our city is getting more and more beautiful .

F.表示“越……就越……” The +比较级…. the+比较级… The busier he isthe happier he feels.

The sooner, the better.

The higher the groundis, the thinner air becomes.

The more ,the better .

The harder you study ,the better grades you will get .

The more books we read, the cleverer we will become. 我们读的书越多,就会变得越聪明

G.表示“两个中比较…的” The+比较级+of the two

This watch is the cheaper of the


He is the better of the two.

Of the two girls, I find Lily is the more intelligent.

H.表示“比较A和B哪一个较…” Which is +比较级A or B如果是人与人相比较用who不用which。

Which is more popular,the radio or the movie?

Who is happier,you or your father?

I. 不同地点的同一事物相比较

*the +不可数名词或单数名词+介词短语……比较级+than +that +介词短语。

eg :The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai .

The photo of his family is nicer than that of her family .

*the +复数名词+介词短语……比较级+than +those +介词短语。eg:The flowers in my garden are more beautiful than those in her garden.


一、as…as…, not as…as…, not so…as…,能够修饰这种比较等级的副词有nearly, almost, just, exactly, quite as…as 等。

1. It is as warm today as it was yesterday. 今天和昨天一


2. My parcel is as heavy as yours. 我的包裹跟你的一样重。

3. The box is almost/nearly as heavy as that one. 这个箱子差


4. London is not so modern as New York. 伦敦不如纽约摩登。

5. What you did is just as good as what you said. 你所做的跟


6. We arrived there as quickly as we could. 我们尽快地赶


7. Linda studies as carefully as Ann. 林达与安一样学习认真。

8. Does Ann dress as smartly as Mary? 安跟玛丽一样衣着潇洒吗?9. The old man walks as fast as a young man.这位老人走路与年轻人一样快。

10.Science is as important as maths.自然科学与数学一样重要。

11.This coat is as expensive as that one.这件上衣与那件一样贵。

12. I'm not as tall as Jack. 我没有杰克高

13.She doesn't run so fast as I. 她没有我跑得快。

二、As…as 结构中如果出现名词,通常将名词置于结构中:

1. I haven’t seen as old a car as this one for years. 我已


2. I can’t drink as sweet coffee as this.我不能喝这么甜的



1. I haven’t seen a car as old as this for years.