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【2013天津1】—I’m going to Venice next week.

—_______.Carnival will be held then. Have fun!

A. You’re crazy

B. You’re lucky

C. You’d better not

D. You never know


【解析】考查交际用语。句意:You’re lucky你幸运。—我下周去威尼斯。—你真幸运。到时有狂欢节,玩高兴。

【2013天津2】If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to_______ a hand.

A. lend

B. shake

C. wave

D. want


【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:如果遇上麻烦,迈克总乐意帮忙。lend a hand搭把手,帮助某人,对某人伸出援手。

【2013天津3】I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are_______ meaningful things to do.

A. less

B. more

C. the least

D. the most



【语言学习】a waste of

Attempting to change someone is a waste of time and energy. 尝试改变别人是一件浪费时间和精力的事情。

【2013天津4】—Mary’s been offered a job in a university, but she doesn’t want to take it.

—_______? It’s a very good chance.

A. Guess what

B. So what

C. Who cares

D. But why


【解析】考查交际用语。But why这是为什么。句意:—玛丽被提供了一份大学里的工作,但她不愿接受。—但为什么呀?是好机会。Guess what猜看怎么了,So what那又如何呢,Who cares谁在乎。

【2013天津5】_______ small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.

A. As

B. If

C. Although

D. Once


【解析】考查状语从句。Although引导让步状语从句。句意:这个公司虽然小,但是它在30多个国家有1000个左右的采购商。状语从句省略了句子的主语和be动词,即although (it is) small…。

【2013天津6】We have launched another man-made satellite, _______ is announced in today’s newspaper.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. what




1. 发射(卫星、导弹等);投掷

In 1970, China successfully launched a man-made satellite. 1970年,中国成功地发射了一颗人造卫星。

2. 使(船)下水

to launch a cargo ship from the shipyard使货轮从船坞下水

3. 发动,发起

They launched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn. 他们在拂晓时向敌人发动猛攻。

4. 开展(活动、计划等);开始出版;首创,首映

The municipal government will launch an extensive public works program next year. 市政府将于明年开始一项大规模的市政工程计划。

【2013天津7】While she was in Paris, she developed a_______ for fine art.

A. way

B. relation

C. taste

D. habit


【解析】考查名词辨析。taste爱好,品味,审美。a taste for…,对…的一种喜欢。句意:她在巴黎时,她对艺术产生了兴趣。

【语言学习】develop a taste for培养对…的爱好

I've developed a taste for African music since my trip last year to Nigeria. 自从我去年的尼日利亚之行后,我对非洲音乐产生了爱好。

【2013天津8】I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to_______.

A. get away

B. drop in

C. check out

D. hold on


【解析】考查动词短语。get away脱身,抽身。句意:今年我本打算休假的,但无法脱身。

【语言学习】drop in顺便拜访,check out办手续离开,hold on坚持。

On my way to the park, I dropped in on a friend of mine. 在我去公园的路上,我顺道看望了我的一个朋友。We dropped in at the Chinese Art Museum and spent a most enjoyable morning there. 我们顺便走进了中国美术馆,在那儿渡过了一个愉快的上午。

They checked out ten minutes ago. 他们十分钟前就结账走了。

Please check out these names and numbers. 请把这些姓名和号码检查一下。

He said he would hold on to the truth with his blood and life. 他说他会为坚持真理而奉献鲜血和生命。"Hold on!" I said to him, and pulled out my little dope book. 我对他说:“等一下”,然后我拿出我的小记录本. Hold on, please. I'll see if he is in his office. 请稍等,我看看他是否在办公室。

【2013天津9】No one_______ be more generous; he has a heart of gold.

A. could

B. must

C. dare

D. need


【解析】考查情态动词。can’t/ couldn’t不可能;否定词与more连用表示最高级。句意:不可能有人比他更慷慨;他有一颗善良心。


Mr. Liang is a generous man. 梁先生是位宽宏大量的人。

They have made generous response to the appeals for funds. 他们对募集资金的呼吁作出了慷慨的响应。

【2013天津10】In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words_______ in daily conversations.

A. using

B. to use

C. having used

D. used



【语言学习】make up

1. 构成,占