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第二部分 专题四 第四讲 名词性从句

第二部分 专题四 第四讲 名词性从句
第二部分 专题四 第四讲 名词性从句







The patient’s family have expressed their gratitude to the press in letters for the money raised.(名词作主语)


Studying English is very important.(动名词短语作主语)





That the earth goes around the sun is known to us all.





It isn’t likely that I should accept such an offer as that.


?It+be+名词(短语)(a pity,a shame,good news,a fact,an honour,a wonder,no wonder等)+that从句

It’s no wonder th at he didn’t want to go.


?It+be+过去分词(said,told,heard,reported,decided,suggested,advised,ordered,remembered,thought,considered,well-known,announced等)+that 从句

It is decided that the meeting has been put off until next Monday.


[名师指津] 在“It+be+suggested/advised/ordered/requested/insisted/required...+that从句”结构中,从句谓语应用“(should+)动词原形”。

To master Mandarin,it is suggested that you (should)practice with Chinese people.(四川高考书面表达)


?It+特殊动词或短语(seem,appear,happen,matter,turn out,occur to,make no difference等)+that从句

It suddenly occurred to her that Joe was afraid of being alone.




Whether we can have clean drinking water lies in what effective measures will be taken by the government about water pollution.


It’s uncertain whether/if he’ll come this evening.




What Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.







Mr.Smith gave him a lot of valuable advice on how to improve his writing.(him为间接宾语;advice为直接宾语)



Doctors often advise us to pay more attention to our diets and mental health and to take regular examinations.(us为宾语;to pay more attention...regular examinations为宾语补足语)






I don’t know exactly where he lives,except that it’s somewhere out in the wilds.




He told me (that) he had to leave and that he would be back soon.



①一些动词后的宾语从句有宾语补足语时,则需要用it作形式宾语,而将that 引导的宾语从句后置。常见的这类动词有find,think,consider,believe,guess,suppose,make等。

He has made it clear that the meeting will not be postponed.


②hate,like,dislike,appreciate,enjoy等表示“喜欢”、“厌恶”的动词以及一些动词短语see to,depend on,rely on等后面常用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。

I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.




(1)宾语从句中有or not且直接跟在whether后时,只能用whether。

I don’t know whether or not the report is true.

=I don’t know whether/if the report is true or not.



It depends on whether we have enough time.


They don’t know whether to go there.




Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do and who we are if we want to





1.概念:表语一般位于系动词(如be ,become ,get ,look ,grow ,turn ,seem 等)之后,用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态。


The cultural background of China is totally different from that of the US.(形容词作表语)


My suggestion is that we should start at once .(从句作表语)



1.连词that/whether/because/as if (though )引导的表语从句

(1)that ,whether 引导的表语从句。

在表语从句中,that 无词义,一般不能省略;whether 意为“是否”。 The reason for your mistake is that you lack confidence in yourself.


The problem is whether the air pollution can be controlled.


(2)as if/though 引导的表语从句,有时可用虚拟语气。

The thick smog covered the whole city.It was as if/ though a great black blanket had been thrown over it.


(3)because ,why 引导的表语从句。

???This/That is why...这/那是……的原因This/That is because... 这/那是因为……

He failed.That is because he didn’t work hard.





I’d like to start my own business—that’s what I’d do if I had the money.


That was where we camped last time.






We have two foreign teachers,a Canadian and an American.



同位语从句在句中作某一名词(news,fact,idea,desire,suggestion,promise,information等)的同位语,一般位于该名词之后,说明该名词的具体内容。引导同位语从句的连接词主要有that,whether,why,who,where,how,when 等。在同位语从句中,that和whether不作成分,that无词义,whether表示“是否”;if不能引导同位语从句。引导同位语从句的连接词一般都不能省略。The report that he was going to resign was false.





1.She has written many novels,some of ________ are interesting.

[分析] which[which引导定语从句,修饰先行词novels,“some of which”在从句中作主语。]

2.She has written many novels,and some of ________ are interesting.

[分析] them[此句为and引导的并列句。]


定语从句与地点状语从句的主要区别:定语从句有表示地点的先行词,而地点状语从句则没有;定语从句修饰的是先行词,状语从句修饰的是谓语动词。1.We young people should go to the place ________ is in need of help.

[分析] which/that[关系代词which/that引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the place”,且在从句中作主语。]

2.We young people should go ________ we’re most needed.

[分析] where[where引导地点状语从句,修饰主句谓语动词go。]



1.I will always remember the days ________ I lived with my grandparents in the countryside.

[分析] when[when引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the days”,且在从句中作状语。]

2.I always remember the days in the countryside ________ I see the photo of my grandparents.

[分析] when[when引导时间状语从句,修饰谓语动词remember。]


定语从句与结果状语从句的主要区别:the same...as与such...as引导定语从句,as在从句中充当一定的成分;such/so...that...引导结果状语从句,that在从句中不作成分。

1.This is such an interesting work of art ________ all of us like.

[分析] as[such...as引导定语从句,as在定语从句中作like的宾语。]

2.This is such an interesting work of art ________ all of us like it.

[分析] that[such...that引导结果状语从句。]



1.________is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month.

[分析] As[as引导非限制性定语从句,修饰后面这句话的内容。]

2.________ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.

[分析] It[it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。]

3.________is known to everybody is that moon travels round the earth once every month.

[分析] What[what在此引导主语从句,在从句中充当主语,而后面that引导的从句则是表语从句。]


1.I’m not sure ________ is more frightened,me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that

suddenly appears out of nowhere.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)

答案who[考查宾语从句引导词。分析句子成分,空格处作从句的主语,联系下文中me or the female gorilla可知此处作者把自己和大猩猩作对比,“我不知道我和大猩猩谁更害怕”,故填who。]

2.As natural architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly ________ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.(全国卷Ⅱ)


3.I didn’t understand ________ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for the reservation.(广东高考)


4.My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)


5.After looking at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ)



1.Planting a small tree is cheap and easy,and two decades from now,when you look at what will have become a large tree,you will find sense of satisfaction,knowing that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.(2019·石家庄模拟)

2.The following was what__ he had seen.(2019·银川模拟)

3.New wireless technology has solved that problem and the hope is that soon you won’t even have to think about charging your mobile devices.(2019·衡水模拟) 4.Finally,a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and informed him how the cafeteria worked.(2019·莆田模拟)

5.They never get angry and are always kind to the students.That’s why the children can always get on well with their robot teachers.(2019·齐齐哈尔模拟)

6.I wonder first of all what they want,and then wonder if/whether they are so eager to accept advice themselves.(2019·湖南师大附中模拟)

7.The words “Just Married” are painted on the trunk or back window to t ell people that they are married.(2019·巢湖模拟)

8.What patients take is decoction (煎汁) of the herbs.(2019·河南八市联考) 9.Remember that true power is not necessarily control over situations,but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.(2019·南昌模拟)

10.We don’t respect who__we think is better than us; we don’t respect poor and old people,or we don’t respect who we feel is less better than us.(2019·南昌模拟)


1.It’s good for us to eat which are rich in vitamins and minerals every day,that is,some fresh vegetables and fruit.which→what

2.Whenever I want to see it,that I must do is to close my eyes,and it will appear in front of me.


3.The good news is whether there’ll be a men’s basketball match between China and Korea at the stadium of our city this Sunday.(2019·舒兰模拟)whether→that

4.I have the confidence what you can learn how to make Chinese knots.(2019·许昌模拟)what→that

5.How I do every day is to listen to lectures,take notes and do my homework,which seems to be endless.(2019·辽源模拟)How→What

6.Foreigners are paying attention to which is happening in China and are picking up

some Chinese words,especially the words which express unique Chinese ideas and cannot be easily translated into English.


7.We must find out where Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.(2019·牡丹江模拟)where→when

8.The police told him what it had happened: his car had been on a private parking lot and had been taken away by the police.(2019·泰安模拟)去掉it

9.To make matters worse,I had to share a double room with someone I did not know,despite the fact I had paid for a single room.(2019·襄阳模拟)fact后加that 10.As the college entrance examinations will be held in June,the students should make full use of time to review that what they have learned.(2019·吉安模拟)去掉that


(2019·黄冈中学模拟)Canadians and Americans eat somewhat differently.Some Canadians use tableware as Americans do,while some like the tableware of the British Isles,Ireland and the Commonwealth of Nations; but most Canadians use a 1.________ (combine) of the two styles.

Canadians tend 2.________ (use) the simpler British,Irish and Commonwealth style when cutting food.The right hand cuts with a knife,while the left holds 3.________ is being cut with a fork.Then the left hand,use 4.________ fork to lift the cut food directly into the mouth.In contrast,most Americans will exchange the knife and fork before 5.________(lift) cut food to their mouths,which is 6.________ (true) embarrassing.In the most cases,Americans use forks 7.________ (hold) in their right hands to bring all food to their mouths,whether or not it needs to be cut.Most Canadians use the American style 8.________ food that does not need to be cut. Each of these styles 9.________ (be) acceptable in both countries.However,you will be less 10.________ (attract) by using the American style in the United States,as most Americans are not as used to different cultures as Canadians are.


1.combination[考查名词。但是大部分的加拿大人会使用这两种方式的结合,用在不定冠词后面,所以此处应该用combine的名词形式combination。] 2.to use[考查非谓语动词。加拿大人往往会使用更加简单一点的英国或者爱尔兰的一种方式,tend to do sth“倾向于做某事”,所以填to use。]



5.lifting[考查非谓语动词。在举起食物送到嘴里之前,大部分的美国人会交换一下刀叉,before引导的状语从句的省略,lift和句子的主语most Americans 是主动关系,所以用lift的现在分词lifting。]








This winter vacation I went to Dunhuang to explore the Silk Road with my classmates.

When we got off the train,we were all excited and attracted by which we saw.The next day,we visit the Mogao Caves.Impressing by the great construction,we took many photos.A guide introduced the wall paintings to me.With curiosity,we listened attentive,asking questions and taking note.The camel ride on the third day was the most excited part of our tour.Looking far into the desert,I pictured that how ancient Chinese travelled along the long route.Before leaving,we took a group photo and to memorize the tour along the Silk Road.

The trip ended,but my interest keeps growing and I’m longing to seeing more sites along the Silk Road.


This winter vacation I went to Dunhuang to explore the Silk Road with my classmates.

When we got off the train,we were all excited and attracted by which what we

saw.The next day,we


visited the Mogao Caves.


Impressed by the great

construction,we took many photos.A guide introduced the wall paintings to


us.With curiosity,we listened


attentively,asking questions and taking



camel ride on the third day was the most excited

exciting part of our tour.Looking far into

the desert,I pictured that how ancient Chinese travelled along the long route.Before leaving,we took a group photo and to memorize the tour along the Silk Road.

The trip ended,but my interest keeps growing and I’m longing to seeing

see more

sites along the Silk Road.

2017届高三英语一轮复习 专题撬分练 专题11 名词性从句

名词性从句 ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 基础组 A.单句填空(每小题1.5分,共15分,限时8分钟) 1.[2016·衡水中学模拟]The Obama government has reformed on tax system. What people doubt is ________ it will do them any good. 答案whether [句意:奥巴马政府已经启动了税收体系改革。人们所怀疑的是这是否有利于他们。通过分析句子结构可知系动词is后为表语从句。与主语从句中的doubt对应可知人们持怀疑态度,因此用从属连词whether。] 2.[2016·冀州中学期中]The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered ________ the boy would do. 答案what [句意:这个新来的男孩看着老师看了几秒钟,其他学生都想知道这个男孩会做什么。wondered后的宾语从句中缺宾语,故用what引导。] 3.[2016·衡水中学仿真]The problem is ________ one less hour of sleep is not equal to an extra hour of achievement. 答案that [句意:问题是少睡一小时不能等同于额外的一小时的成就。分析句式可知is 后为表语从句,从句的结构和句意完整,故填that。] 4.[2016·枣强中学预测]Choosing the right dictionary depends on ________ you want to use it for. 答案what [句意:选择正确的词典取决于你用它来做什么。通过分析句式可知短语depend on后为宾语从句,且宾语从句的引导词作介词for的宾语,因此用what。] 5.[2016·冀州中学一轮检测]It is generally believed that communication skills are becoming ________ it takes to be a good doctor. 答案what [句意:通常人们认为沟通技巧正在成为作为一名好医生必备的(技能)了。通过分析句子可知becoming后为表语从句,且从句中的takes缺少宾语。] 6.[2016·武邑中学一轮检测]Taking pictures of snow is ________ Ken has spent much of the past years doing. 答案what [句意:拍雪景是肯在过去的几年中做的事情。分析句子结构可知is后为表语从句,且引导词在从句中作动词doing的宾语,因此用what引导。] 7.[2016·武邑中学月考]There have been frequent traffic accidents in China recently, and that is ________ people are concerned. 答案where [句意:在中国最近不断出现交通事故,这就是人们关注的地方。表语从句中的concerned是不及物动词,引导词在从句中作状语,故用where。] 8.[2016·衡水中学热身]The father and his son got lost in the mountain and they had to eat ________ food they could find there. 答案whatever [句意:这对父子在山里迷路了,不得不吃他们能找到的任何食物。whatever food意为“任何食物”,在从句中作动词find的宾语。] 9.[2016·冀州中学期末]—Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children? —No, that's ________they are mistaken. 答案where [句意:——中国的母亲们试图帮孩子把一切都做了,你认为这样做明智吗?


名词性从句 同学们,在第3、4、5单元我们分别学习了宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。它们都属于名词性从句。现在,我们将从下面几点谈谈名词性从句: 一、相关概念; 二、种类; 三、常见引导词; 四、七大常考考点: 1.that \ what \ which; 2.it形式主语、宾语的用法; 3.语序问题; 4.同位语从句和定从的区别; 5.what \ whatever… 6.if\whether; 7.虚拟语气问题; 五、相关习题集中练习 一. 相关概念 1. 名词:表示人或事物的名称的词 2. 名词的句法作用:名词在句中主要作主语,宾语,表语和同位语。另外还可以作定语,状语。 3. 名词性从句:在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由一个句子来充当,这个句子就叫:名词性从句。 二、名词性从句的种类 1. When we will start is not clear. 主语从句 2. Mrs. Black won’t believe that her son has become a thief. 宾语从句 3. My idea is that we should do it right now. 表语从句 4. I had no idea that you were her friend.同位语从句 三、常见引导词: 1)从属连词that只引导,本身无意义,仅起引导作用。(引导宾语从句时可省,但是如果是并列的多个宾语从句,只能省第一个) 2)连接代词who, whom, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever等,有意义,作成分 3)连接副词where, when, how, why等,有意义,在句中作状语


复习专题名词性从句试题和答案 一、初中英语名词性从句 1.________ manners are very important in every country is known to all,but the trouble is that different countries have different ideas about ________ good manners are. A. That; what B. That; that C. What; that D. What; what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:众说周知,礼貌在每一个国家中都是非常重要的,但是麻烦是,不同的国家对于什么是良好的礼貌有着不同的认识。逗号前有两个谓语动词,一个是are,一个是is known,故是两句话,需填连词连接这两句话,根据句意可知,前面是主语从句,故填that,此处的that,只起连接作用不作任何成分。about是介词,其后是个句子故应填连词把这两句话连接起来,所缺词作are的表语,故填what。因此选A。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及that引导的主语从句和what引导的宾语从句。 2.While some behaviors may seem strange to you, remember you consider normal probably seems just as unusual to others. A. it; that B. what; that C. that; what D. which; that 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:虽然有些行为对你来说可能很奇怪,但请记住,你认为正常的行为对别人来说可能也不寻常。第一空为宾语从句,从句结构完整用that起连接作用,第二空为主语从句,从句中consider缺少宾语,应该用what,故选C。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及that引导的宾语从句和what引导的主语从句。 3.___ surprised me most was ____the girl passed the driver test. A. That; that B. What; how C. What; that D. That; why 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:最让我吃惊的是那个女孩通过了驾驶考试。___ surprised me most是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填what;____the girl passed the driver test 是一个表语从句,句中不缺少成分,故填that。因此选C。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句和that引导的表语从句。 4.____ he will offer us enough help doesn't matter a lot to our success. A. If B. Whether C. Before D. How 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:他是否提供帮助对于我们的成功没有什么关系。If不可以引导主语从句,故选B。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及whether引导的主语从句的应用。 5.It is a rule in his family that _______ comes home first should cook the dinner.

专题11 名词性从句.ppt.Convertor

专题十一名词性从句 一、定义 在复合句中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句(the Subject Clause)、宾语从句(the Object Clause)、表语从句(the Predicative Clause)和同位语从句(the Appositive Clause)。 二、引导名词性从句的连接词 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 1. 从属连词:that, whether/if, as if 2. 连接代词:what, which, who, whom, whose 3. 连接副词:when, where, why, how 具体用法见下表:

分 有 可 略。

【考点一】考查名词性从句的引导词 在高考单项选择题中,名词性从句连词的选择往往是测试的


名词性从句引导词的用法: 1. who意为“谁”,在从句中作主语。 2. whom意为“谁”,在从句中作宾语,但在口语中常用who 代替whom。 3. whoever(=anyone who)意为“凡是……的人”,它的宾格形式是whomever (但在口语中常用whoever代替whomever)。 4. whose意为“谁的”,在从句中作定语。 5. what (=the+n.+that)意为“什么”;whatever(=anything+that)意为“凡是……的物”。what 和whatever都可在从句中作主语、表语、宾语。 6. which意为“哪一个;哪些”;whichever意为“无论哪一个都”。which 和whichever都可在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。 7. where意为“在哪儿”,在从句中作地点状语;when意为“什么时候”,在从句中作时间状语;how意为“如何”,在从句中作方式状语;why意为“为什么”,在从句中作原因状语。 8. whether意为“是否”,在从句中不充当任何语法成分;引导及物动词的宾语从句时,可与if互换;引导介词的宾语从句或引导主语、表语、同位语从句时,只用whether。


高一年级必修三名词性从句语法专题(一) 主语从句(Noun Clauses as the Subject)I.Revision What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence? A tree has fallen across the road. ____________ Y ou are a student. ____________ To find your way can be a problem. ____________ Smoking is bad for you. ____________ “How do you do?” is a greeting. ____________ What she said is not yet known. ____________ That we shall be late is certain. ____________ It is certain that we shall be late. ____________ II.Learning subjective clauses Step 1划出主语从句, 初步识别主语从句 How you got me blind is still a mystery. That she had won the first prize made the girl very happy. When and where we will hold the meeting hasn’t been decided. Whether we go by train or by boat makes no difference. Who will host the meeting is still a serious problem. Whoever comes to China is welcome.. Step 2 看以下的主语从句,总结主语从句的位置特点。 阅读第四单元的课文,分析下列文中的主语从句,并进行小组讨论。 1.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago. 2.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. 3.What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. 4.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery. 5.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem will be solved. 先划分句子,归纳出主语从句所在的位置, 根据以上主语从句实例,_____________________________________ Step 3 学习主语从句的主要连接词 1)从属连词:that,whether


名词性从句专项复习 主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句,在整个句子中所起的作用,相当于一个名词因此,这四种从句通称为名词性从句。引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:连接词that,whether, if (不充当从句的任何成分)连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which,连接副词:when, where, how, why, wh- ever 名词性从句连接词的选用 一、that 和what的选用: that 和what都可引导所有的名词从句。但是,what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。而that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。 二、if 和whether 的选用 不能使用if 的情况: a. 主语从句句首 b. 表语从句,同位语从句 c. if引起歧义 d. 介词后的宾语从句 e. 与to do连用 f .whether or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if 三、其它连接代词和副词的连用 主要根据名词性从句中的具体意义,正确的选择who、which、when、where、why、how 等连接词,这些连接词既具有疑问含义,又起连接作用,同时在从句中充当各种成分。 四、引导词that 的省略 that 可省略的情况:单个宾语从句中的that可省略 that不可省略的情况:a.主语从句b.表语从句c.同位语从句d.用it做形式宾语的宾语从句e.并列的宾语从句中,后几个从句的引导词that 不能省略 五、同位语从句的引导和辨别 1.同位语从句的格式:n.+ 连接词+ 从句 2.能接同位语从句的名词有:fact、idea, news, information, order, belief, suggestion, advice等. 3.连接词通常是that,也可根据含义选用whether, what, when, where 等来引导同位语从句. 4.中心词是“意见、建议、命令”从句要用虚拟(should)do 六、同位语从句和定语从句的区别 1.定语从句是先行词的修饰语。从句中that充当成分,做宾语时可省略。 2.同位语从句表明中心词的具体内容。that 在同位语从句中不做任何成分,只起连接作用,无具体含义,且不可省略. 判断从句类型 七、宾语从句的时态呼应 1. 如果主句时态是现在时或将来时,从句谓语可根据句意需要而选用任一种时态. 2. 如果主句时态是过去式,从句要改成相应的过去式 八、it做形式主语 常用句型如下:(1)It + be + 名词+ that从句(2)It + be + 形容词+ that从句 (3)It + be + 动词的过去分词+ that从句(4)It + 不及物动词+ that 从句 名词性从句专项练习


名词性从句专题(含答案) 一、名词性从句 1.Exactly _________ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565. A. whether B. when C. why D. how 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:土豆被引进欧洲具体的事件不被确定,但是可能是在1565年左右。根据时间状语round 1565得知这里是指时间不确定。故选B。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及when引导的主语从句。 2. is clear to the members of the committee is that the President will not give in to their demands. A. Who B. It C. As D. What 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:委员会成员清楚的是,总统不会向他们的要求让步。that the President will not give in to their demands.这个句子作表语; is clear to the members of the committee这是主语从句,这里缺少主语从句的连接词,并且连接词在句中作主语,it是代词,不是了;连接词,故排除B;as作主语时,是在定语从句中,故排除C;who指人,根据表语指的事情,不是人,故排除A;what在主语从句中可以作主语或宾语,指事,符合句意,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 3.________ is known to us all that the old scientist, for ________ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his eighties. A. As; whose B. It; whose C. As; whom D. It; whom 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们都知道,那位老科学家,过去生活很艰苦,到了八十多岁还在努力工作。第一空it is known t o us all that…是个固定句型,意为“众所周知…”;第二空为介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,先行词the old scientist指人,作介词for的宾语,只能用whom,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句和定语从句,本题涉及固定句式it is known to us all that…和whom引导的限制性定语从句。 4. is even more important is the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. A. When; that; when B. What; whether; as C. What; that; as D. lt; whether; as


名词性从句复习完整版本学案 高考英语语法复习之名词性从句 名词性从句第一类 主语从句 1.____________you didn't know the rules won't be an excuse for your failure. 2.___________the storm will continue makes the public worried 3. It suddenly occurred to Rose ____________ she hadn't turned off the TV after leaving the room. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 4. It is often the case ____________ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 5. As I searched the name Linda on the Internet, it became evident____________ there're two with the same name who look completely different. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 6. It is a pity ____________ you have missed the wonderful lecture. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 7.It is announced in today's newspaper____________ the president will pay a visit to China next week. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 8. It is believed ____________ children should learn to be responsible from the very beginning. (It 的语法功能是_______________________.) 9. ___________ he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised. 10. ___________ light travels faster than sound is known to us all.


高中英语名词性从句专题讲解及巩固练习 定义:起名词性作用的从句,叫名词性从句。本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语部分,换由一个句子来充当,这样的句子就是名词性从句。 【归纳】 1.只能用whether,不能用if a.主语从句 b. 表语从句 c. 同位语从句 e. 介词后的宾语从句 f. whether to do 做动词宾语不能用if to do. g.whether or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if. 2.that和what的区别

what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。 that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。 例:I have no doubt that he will come. I have no idea what he did that afternoon. 一.主语从句:在复合句中作主句的主语。 ●__________ he is a famous singer is known to us. ●__________ he will go to America is not yet fixed. ●__________ she’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much. ●__________ broke the glass yesterday is not clear. 【keys】That; When/How; Whether; Who 【归纳】 1.为避免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻, 经常用it作形式主语, 主语从句放在后面作真正的主语。 例:That her hair was turning gray worried her a lot. -----It worried her a lot that her hair was turning gray. 常考句型: It’s likely / possible / important / necessary / clear that…


名词性从句 单句语法填空 1、Exactly__________ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain,but it was probably around 1565. 2、__________we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel. 3、Every year,__________makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival. 4、It is often the case__________anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. 5、The Sting four years later had its root in the fact __________although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. 6、The question was brought to life again __________a person has the right to end his or her own life and a doctor has the right to assist. 7、Most importantly, you should always hold the belief__________ you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 8、I made a promise to myself__________ this year, my first year in high school, would be different. 9、The art centre is __________used to be a factory,__________ millions of tractors were made. 10、From space, the earth looks blue. This is__________ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. 11、We have learned from the story that __________is the most valuable is not what we have in our lives but __________are in our lives. 12、Emma Wallace from the University of York told the Daily Mail that the music with fast rhythm may have been__________ kept the chimps off. 13、Do not let any failures discourage you,for you can never tell__________close you may be to victory. 14、The other day, my father drove his car down at__________ I thought was a dangerous speed.


武屯中学高三自主招生班 1.名词性从句有哪些?________________________________________________ 3. 找出下列句子中的从句并辨别种类: 1)That he will come is certain. 2)I know that he will come 3)That the player got the first place made us excited. 4)The truth is that I have been there. 5)The fact that she was late surprised us. 6)That he knows Japanese is known to all. 7) What surprised me was to see him here 8) When he will come is unknown . 9) Whether he is coming doesn’t matter much. 10) It remains a secret how they climbed up the mountain. 二.课中探究: (一).名词性从句的语序: ________陈述语序_____________ 1. Can you tell me _________________ then? A. what were you thinking of B. what you were thinking of 2. Can you tell me _______________________? A. what is the matter with you B. what the matter is with you (二)区别what与that 探究: what与that在从句中的句法功能有何不同? What在从句中作句子成分,有含义,而that没有含义,不作句子成分。

名词性从句专项练习100题 附答案

名词性从句专项练习100题 1. His success was because of ________ he had been working hard. A. that B. the fact which C. the fact that D. the fact 2. “Is Mary from New York City” “I don't know _______.” A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she come C. what city does she come from D. what city she comes from 3. ________ makes mistakes must correct them. A. What B. That C. Whoever D. Whatever 4. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was ________ a new job. A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got 5. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 6. Henry killed the dog. I'll ask him why ________. A. did he do that B. he did that C. he did D. he has done so 7. Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know ________. A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting along C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 9. He asked me ________ with me. A. what is the trouble B. what wrong was C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is 10. I am sure ________ he said is true. A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what 11. When and why he came here ________ yet. A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee 12. I wonder how much ________. A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost C. the watch costed D. the watch costs 13. Mary is ________ someone might recognize her. A. afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for 14.________ is no reason for dismissing her. A. Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes late C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late 15. They came to the conclusion ________ by a computer. A. that not all things can be done B. because of not all things be done C. being not all things can be done D. because not all things can be done 16. Why the explosion occurred was ________ the laboratory attendant had been careless. A. for B. because C. since D. that 17. I don't doubt ________ he'll come.


复习专题名词性从句专题练习 一、初中英语名词性从句 1. is known to all is that the earth is smaller than the sun. A. As B. What C. It D. Which 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:众所周知地球比太阳小。 is known to all 是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,因此用what,选B。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 2._____ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou VII spaceship, ____ made the country's first spacewalk successful. A. That; what B. What; which C. It; which D. As; that 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:众所周知,中国已经发射了神州7号宇宙飞船,这是中国首次成功的太空行走。第一空处为主语从句,从句缺少主语,需用what引导;第二空所在句子是个定语从句,先行词为整个主句的内容,从句中缺少主语,需用which引导。故选B。【点评】考查名词性从句和定语从句,本题涉及主语从句和非限制性定语从句的应用。 3.It has been pointed out ________ plays a vital role in driving away one's anxiety is one's sweet childhood memories. A. what that B. which C. that D. that what 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:有人指出,驱除焦虑所起着至关重要的作用是童年美好的回忆。本句时一个主语从句,it作形式主语,真正的主语为that what plays a vital role in driving away one's anxiety is one's sweet childhood memories.,主语从句中又有一个主语从句,且此主语从句中缺少主语,所以用what引导。故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 4.___ surprised me most was ____the girl passed the driver test. A. That; that B. What; how C. What; that D. That; why 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:最让我吃惊的是那个女孩通过了驾驶考试。___ surprised me most是一个主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填what;____the girl passed the driver test 是一个表语从句,句中不缺少成分,故填that。因此选C。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句和that引导的表语从句。 5. is clear to the members of the committee is that the President will not give in to their demands. A. Who B. It C. As D. What


名词性从句 课前篇 考纲要求 1.名词性从句引导词的用法比较。 2.能够辨别同位语从句与定语从句。 牛刀小试 1. A warm thought suddenly came to me _______ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. A. if B. when C. that D. which 2. Mum is coming. What present ______ for your birthday? A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got C. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got 3. We haven’t settled the question of _________ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A. if B. where C. whether D. that 知长问短

课上篇 1.高考趋势 名词性从句是复合句中比较难掌握的语法内容之一,几乎每年高考都要考。名词性从句在各种题目中也经常出现,因此应切实掌握这一考点。其中对名词性从句的连接词的考查是重中之重,考生如何正确理解句子的含义并选取正确的连接词是解答这一类题目的关键。 2.语法脉络 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫做名词性从句。 名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句。在名词性从句中一律用陈述句的语序,即使从句表达的是疑问含义。 ㈠主语从句 ①在句中作主语的句子叫主语从句。主语从句通常由从属连词that,whether 和连接代词what, who, which, whatever, whoever以及连接副词how, when, where, why等词引导。that在从句中无词义,只起连接作用;连接代词和连接副词在句中既保留自己的疑问含义、又起连接作用,在从句中充当成分。 What he wants to tell us is not clear. Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced. That he stole a bike was true. ②单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如果是两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语,谓语动词则用复数形式。 Where and when he was born has not been found. When the person was murdered and why he was murdered are still unknown. ③有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用it 代替主语从句作形式主语放于句首,而把主语从句置于句末。主句的谓语动词一般用单数形式。 It is known to us how he became a writer. ④在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等语气时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气“(should) +do”,常用的句型有: It is necessary It’s important, It’s natural/strange…that … ㈡宾语从句 由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,但如从句是并列句时,第二个分句前的that不可省。

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