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要求:选择一篇和自己论文或者自己专业相关的外文进行翻译,英文字符数在6000-7000字符(注:可以继续按原文的一部分)。排版格式按照下文 公司的核心竞争力 原文来源:The Core Competence of the Corporation, Research Report on Harvard Business Review,1990 至少有三种检验方法可以用来确定公司的核心竞争力。首先,核心竞争力能够为公司进入多个市场提供方便。举例来说,显示器系统方面的核心竞争力能够使一家公司涉足计算器、微型电视机、手提电脑显示屏以及汽车仪表盘等广泛的业务领域,这就是卡西欧公司进军手持式电视机市场不足为奇的原因。第二,核心竞争力应当对最终产品为客户带来的可感知价值有重大贡献。显然,本田公司的发动机专长满足了这个条件。 最后一点,核心竞争力应当是竞争对手难以模仿的。如果核心竞争力是各项技术和生产技能的复杂的融合,那么这项能力就难以被竞争对手模仿。竞争对手或许能够获得核心竞争力中的几种技术,但是要复制其内部协调与学习的整体模式却非常困难。在20世纪60年代初期,JVC决定致力于录像带技术方面的核心竞争力,这个核心竞争力就通过了我们上述的三项检验。20世纪70年代末美国的RCA公司决心开发以唱针为基础的视频转动式系统,这个项目则不能通过上述三项检验。 。。。。。。。。。。。 The Core Competence of the Corporation The Core Competence of the Corporation Research Report on Harvard Business Review,1990 The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses was repeated across many industries. From 1980 to 1988, Canon grew by 264%, Honda by 200%. Compare that with Xerox and Chrysler. And if Western managers were once anxious about the low cost and high quality of Japanese imports, they are now overwhelmed by the pace at which Japanese rivals are inventing new markets, creating new products, and enhancing them. Canon has given us personal copiers; Honda has moved from motorcycles to four wheel off road buggies. Sony developed the 8mm camcorder, Yamaha, the digital piano. Komatsu developed an underwater remote controlled bulldozer, while Casio's latest gambit is a small screen color LCD television. Who would have anticipated the evolution of these vanguard markets? In more established markets, the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting. Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products. Japanese car producers have been pioneering four wheel steering, four valve-per cylinder engines, in car navigation systems, and sophisticated

附件5 论文及外文翻译写作格式样例 附录1 内封格式示例(设置成小二号字,空3行) 我国居民投资理财现状及发展前景的研究 (黑体,加粗,小二,居中,空2行) The Research on Status and Future of Inhabitants’ Investment and Financial Management in China (Times New Roman体,加粗,小二,居中,实词首字母大写,空5行) 院系经济与管理学院(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 专业公共事业管理(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 班级 6408101 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 学号 200604081010 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 姓名李杰(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 指导教师张芸(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 职称副教授(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 负责教师(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) (空7行) 沈阳航空航天大学(宋体,四号,居中) 2010年6月(宋体,四号,居中)

附录2 摘要格式示例(设置成三号,空2行) 摘要(黑体,加粗,三号,居中,两个字之间空两格) (空1行) 我国已经步入经济全球化发展的21世纪,随着市场经济的快速增长和对外开放的进一步深化,我国金融市场发生了巨大的变化。一方面,投资理财所涉及到的领域越来越广,不仅仅是政府、企业、社会组织进行投资理财,居民也逐步进入到金融市场中,开始利用各种投资工具对个人、家庭财产进行打理,以达到资产保值、增值,更好的用于消费、养老等的目的;另一方面,我国居民投资理财观念逐渐趋于成熟化、理性化;同时,其投资理财工具以及方式手段亦越来越向多元化、完善化发展。 本论文以我国居民投资理财为研究对象,综合运用现代经济学、金融学和管理学的理论;统计学、概率学的方法和工具,主要对我国居民投资理财的历史演变、发展现状、意识观念、存在的问题和主要投资理财工具进行了分析和探讨,并提出了改善和促进我国居民理财现状的对策和建议,指出了普通居民合理化投资理财的途径。 摘要以浓缩的形式概括研究课题的内容,摘要应包括论文的创新性及其理论和实际意义。摘要中不宜使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。中文摘要在300-500字左右。(首行缩进两个字符,宋体,小四,行距最小值:22磅)(空1行) 关键词:(宋体,小四,加粗,左缩进:0)投资理财资理财工具通货膨胀(宋体,小四,每个关键词之间空两格,关键词的个数在3到5个之间)

最佳分簇规模的水声传感器网络 Liang Zhao,Qilian Liang 德州大学阿灵顿分校电子工程系 Arlington, TX 76010, USA Email: https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee17819348.html,, https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee17819348.html, 摘要:在这篇论文中,我们主要关注的是的最优化分簇规模对水声传感器网络的影响。由于稀疏部署和信道属性的水声传感器网络是不同于地面传感器。我们的分析表明,最优分簇规模主要工作频率所决定的声音的传播。此外,区域数据聚合中也起着因素在很大程度上决定最佳分簇规模。 1引言 水下传感器网络(UW-ASN)可看成是个自组织网络,组成的传感器与一个声音进行分配感应的任务。为了达到这个目的,传感器必须自组织成一个独立的可以适应水下环境的网络,。UW-ASNs可以沿用许多通讯技术传统自组织网络和陆地的无线传感器网络,但仍有一些重要的区别为有限的能量和带宽约[1],[5],此协议对传统发展无线自组网路并不一定适合绝无仅有的网络的特点。当一个无线传感器可能要在一个微小的电池持续比较长的时间,能源效率就成为一个大问题。 由于广播的性质和有限的带宽,在浅水通信[6] [7],多跳可以引起传感器节点之间严重干扰。一个新的路由称为“矢量为基础的转移” (VBF)缓解了这个问题 [8]。 VBF本质上是一种基于位置的路由选择方法:节点紧邻“矢量”转发源宿信息。 通过这种方式,只有一小部分的节点参与路由。另一种解决办法是,每一个传感器分簇通信应该直接指向簇头和内部分簇通信应协调由簇头,以最大限度地提高带宽利用率以往的研究水下通信经常使用时间计划调度方法[9],[10],这可能是适合的小型网络简单。然而,扁平架构还可能限制网络的规模。特别是由于传播延迟声汇简单的时间调度算法方案并不适合较大的水下网络[11]。在文献[11]中,Salva-Garau 和 Stojanovic建议聚类水声载体网络的方案,这组相邻载体进入分簇,和使用的TDMA(时分多址)内每个群集。在分簇管理的干扰是分配到相邻的簇不同的扩频码,同时可扩展性是通过在空间复用码。网络运行开始初始化阶段,并移动到不断维修期间而流动性管理。他们还利用仿真分析,以获得最佳簇大小和传输功率为一种具有一定的载体密度网络。[12]提出了平台,同时使用光学和声汇水下通信。虽然光通信可以达到更高的数据速率,它的应用仅限于短距离点至点通信。该平台也使得移动使用data muling,,这对于大批量的理想延迟容许的应用程序。

哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文) 英文原文(原文也可以直接将PDF版打印) ASSESSING CREDIT OR DETERMINING QUANTITY? THE EVOLVING ROLE OF RATING AGENCIES Lynnette D. Purda* This version: April 21, 2011 Abstract Over the past ten years, credit rating agencies have come under intense criticism from both practitioners and academics, first for their failure to identify problems resulting in bankruptcies at Enron and Worldcom and second for providing overly optimistic ratings for structured finance products. While many investors question the value of rating agencies in light of these criticisms, they have proven remarkably resilient. This paper provides a brief background on how rating agencies secured competitive advantages in evaluating credit quality. It then reviews the empirical evidence on the information content of ratings given these advantages. I argue that the information content of ratings stems from two intertwined sources: 1) information related to credit quality and 2) information related to the firm’s ability to access debt. Based on this evidence, I suggest that the dominant role for ratings today is as a benchmark for financial contracting. In this way, ratings remain influential in establishing the supply and demand of debt securities. 译文 评级机构的发展的作用评估信用还是决定数量? 本文:2011.4.21 摘要 在过去的十年,信用评级机构一直处于来自实践者和学者的激烈的批评中,首先他们未能发现问题,导致安然和世通破产;其次对结构性金融产品提供过于乐观的评级。虽然许多投资者因为这些批评对评级机构的价值提出了质疑,但他们仍然被证明是相当有活力的。这篇文章首先在评估机构如何在信用评级质量中获得竞争优势提供一个简单地背景介绍,然后考虑到这些优势回顾了一些信息内容方面的评级经验证据。个人认为信息内容的评级来自两种交织在一起(错综复杂)的来源:1)和信贷质量相关的信息;2)和公司获取债务资本能力相关的信息。以此为据,我建议当前评级的主导作用是作为基准的金融收缩。以这种方式,在建立债券的供应和需求方面评级仍然是有效的。 - -1


精品好文档,推荐学习交流 华北电力大学 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:201001000826姓名:郑蓓 所在院系:电力工程系专业班级:电力1002 指导教师:刘英培 原文标题:Simulation of PMSM Vector Control System based on Non-linear PID and Its Easy DSP Realization 2014年4月10日

基于非线性PID永磁同步电机矢量控制系统仿真及其DSP实现 摘要 本文给出空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的基本原理,以及构建两条闭合回路矢量控制永磁同步电机(PMSM)的仿真模型方法。同时,在速度闭环对于新型非线性PID控制器进行了研究。仿真结果表明它具有无超调和小速度脉动良好的动态和静态性能。此外,利用在MATLAB中嵌入式目标为TI C2000(C2000 ETTI)的工具,我们将SVPWM仿真模型转换成可执行代码,并下载到TMS320F2812,实现基于DSP永磁同步电机的开环控制。这种方法避免了繁琐的编程工作,缩短了系统开发周期,实现了同步模拟和DSP实现永磁同步电机矢量控制系统的目标。 1 引言 永磁同步电机被广泛使用在交流伺服系统,因为它有如快速响应,出色的操控性能,尺寸小和重量轻等优点。最近,SVPWM技术逐渐取代了传统的SPWM。SVPWM的目的是产生磁通矢量来接近交流电机实际气隙磁通圆,通过在逆变器装置调整切换时间和控制电功率的通断模式。相较于SPWM,SVPWM 技术降低了谐波含量和开关损耗,其直流电压利用率也提高了很多。此外,它很容易被数字化。因此,我们在本文应用SVPWM技术。 原文出处及作者:Wang Song; Shi Shuang-shuang; Chen Chao, "Simulation of PMSM vector control system based on non-linear PID and its easy DSP realization," Control and Decision Conference, 2009. CCDC '09. Chinese , vol., no., pp.949,953, 17-19 June 2009

理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 专业:热能与动力工程 姓名:赵海潮 学号:09L0504133 外文出处:Applied Acoustics, 2010(71):701~707 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 基于一维CFD模型下汽车排气消声器的实验研究与预测Takeshi Yasuda, Chaoqun Wua, Noritoshi Nakagawa, Kazuteru Nagamura 摘要目前,利用实验和数值分析法对商用汽车消声器在宽开口喉部加速状态下的排气噪声进行了研究。在加热工况下发动机转速从1000转/分钟加速到6000转/分钟需要30秒。假定其排气消声器的瞬时声学特性符合一维计算流体力学模型。为了验证模拟仿真的结果,我们在符合日本工业标准(JIS D 1616)的消声室内测量了排气消声器的瞬态声学特性,结果发现在二阶发动机转速频率下仿真结果和实验结果非常吻合。但在发动机高阶转速下(从5000到6000转每分钟的四阶转速,从4200到6000转每分钟的六阶转速这样的高转速范围内),计算结果和实验结果出现了较大差异。根据结果分析,差异的产生是由于在模拟仿真中忽略了流动噪声的影响。为了满足市场需求,研究者在一维计算流体力学模型的基础上提出了一个具有可靠准确度的简化模型,相对标准化模型而言该模型能节省超过90%的执行时间。 关键字消声器排气噪声优化设计瞬态声学性能 1 引言 汽车排气消声器广泛用于减小汽车发动机及汽车其他主要部位产生的噪声。一般而言,消声器的设计应该满足以下两个条件:(1)能够衰减高频噪声,这是消声器的最基本要求。排气消声器应该有特定的消声频率范围,尤其是低频率范围,因为我们都知道大部分的噪声被限制在发动机的转动频率和它的前几阶范围内。(2)最小背压,背压代表施加在发动机排气消声器上额外的静压力。最小背压应该保持在最低限度内,因为大的背压会降低容积效率和提高耗油量。对消声器而言,这两个重要的设计要求往往是互相冲突的。对于给定的消声器,利用实验的方法,根据距离尾管500毫米且与尾管轴向成45°处声压等级相近的排气噪声来评估其噪声衰减性能,利用压力传感器可以很容易地检测背压。 近几十年来,在预测排气噪声方面广泛应用的方法有:传递矩阵法、有限元法、边界元法和计算流体力学法。其中最常用的方法是传递矩阵法(也叫四端网络法)。该方

沈阳工业大学本科生 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译撰写要求与格式规范 根据《沈阳工业大学毕业设计(论文)工作的规定》,对本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译要求如下: 一、参加毕业设计(论文)的学生必须翻译一篇外文原文资料(外语专业除外)。 二、外文文献应由指导教师审定,必须与所学专业及毕业设计内容密切相关。 三、外文文献应选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、著作及其他相关材料,并列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献。 四、外文文献要不少于一万二千个外文印刷符号(约三千汉字)。 五、指导教师应对学生外文翻译与毕业设计内容的相关性、翻译量及翻译的准确性等进行综合评价,手写不少于40字的评语并签名。 六、外文原文可以复印,也可以打印电子期刊原文。 七、译文采用A4纸印刷,边距:上下2.54厘米,左3.50厘米,右2.5厘米,左侧装订。大标题黑体小三号字,一级标题黑体四号,二级标题黑体小四号,正文宋体小四号。 八、装订顺序依次为封面、原文、译文、指导教师评语。 教务处 2016年3月

本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学院:文法学院 学号:140607214 专业班级:环境设计1402班 学生姓名:辛萌 指导教师:王磊 2018年3 月14 日

Landscape planning and design of residential green space 1 topic sources The project comes from the social production practice of the instructor. 2 purpose and significance of research 2.1 the purpose of the study The modern residential district is increasing with unprecedented speed and quantity, and the landscape design of residential area is becoming more and more important. The landscape is usually in a variety of ways to meet different users. The goal of the design is to create a space that combines society, environment, culture, aesthetics and practical functions. Therefore, the landscape is a system of living, dynamic, ecological and cultural. The landscape design of residential area is closely related to our relationship. It has its own characteristics and development trend. With the rapid development of modern Chinese cities, global integration has made frequent international exchanges and highly shared information. How to assimilate the latest technological achievements and design trend of the world with conditional self concept is one of the common concerns of contemporary designers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the landscape planning and design of modern residential areas at home and abroad, and to summarize the landscape planning and design scheme suitable for the two phase of Ziyun government. For the fusion of classical and modern, Qucuqujing, with European style as the theme, to learn the essence China garden, ideal residential environment, the creation of ecological environment protection and sustainable development, to create a good living environment for residents. 2.2 significance of research The survival of mankind is inseparable from the necessities of life, and the content and content of life are all generated by living. This kind of living activity is called "the first activity of the city" in the Athens charter. As the main place of human activity - the residential area, it bears our needs for a good life. The advantages and disadvantages of human living environment not only relate to people's quality of life and health, but also reflect the culture of the city. As an index of improving the quality of people's life, urban landscape plays a decisive role. Landscape design of residential area has also become an indispensable part of urban landscape system. The design of an

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3000字英文参考文献及其翻译 【注意:选用的英文一定要与自己的论文题目相关。 如果文章太长,可以节选(用省略号省略一些段略)。如果字数不够,可以选2至3篇,但要逐一注明详细出处。英文集中在一起放前面,对应的中文翻译放后面。中文翻译也要将出处翻译,除非是网页。 对文献的翻译一定要认真!对英文文献及其翻译的排版也要和论文正文一样! 特别注意:英文文献应该放在你的参考文献中。】 TOY RECALLS——IS CHINA THE PROBLEM Hari. Bapuji Paul W. Beamish China exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully. Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because) one of our manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, there is a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it. ……

毕业设计外文资料翻译 学院:电子工程学院 专业班级:自动化071 学生姓名:陈新鹏学号:030713103 指导教师:马娟丽 外文出处:Multi-focus Image Fusion Algorithms Research Based on Curvelet Transform 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

基于曲波变换的多聚焦图像融合算法研究 摘要:由于光学透镜聚焦深度的限制,往往很难得到一个包含所有相关聚焦目标的图像。多聚焦图像融合算法可以有效地解决这个问题。基于广泛应用的多聚焦图像融合算法的分析,本文提出一种基于多聚焦图像融合算法的曲波变换。根据曲波变换分解的不同频率区,分别讨论低频系数和高频系数的选择规律。本文中低频系数和高频系数被分别与NGMS(就近梯度最大选择性)和LREMS(局部区域能量最大的选择性)融合。结果表明,提出的多聚焦图像融合算法可以获得和图像聚焦融合算法相同的图像,在客观评价和主观评估方面较其他算法有明显的优势。 关键字:曲波变换;多聚焦图像;融合算法 1.简介 如今,图像融合被广泛应用于军事、遥感、医学和计算机图像等领域。图像融合的主要目的将来自两个或更多相同场景的信息相结合以获得一个包含完整信息的图像。比如,廉价相机的主要问题是我们不能获得不同距离的每个目标以获得一个聚焦所有目标的图像。因此,我们需要一种多聚焦图像融合方法来聚焦和获得更清晰的图像。 经典融合算法包括计算源图像平均像素的灰度值,拉普拉斯金字塔,对比度金字塔,比率金字塔和离散小波变换(DWT)。然而,计算源图像平均像素灰度值的方法导致一些不期望的影响例如对照物减少。小波变换的基本原理是对每个源图像进行分解,然后将所有这些分解单元组合获取合成表示,从中可以通过寻找反变换恢复融合图像。这种方法显然是有效的。但是,小波变化只能通过变换边缘特征反映出来,却不能表达边缘的特点。同时,也因为它采用各向同性所以小波变化无法显示边缘方向。由于小波变换的限制,Donoho 等人提出了曲波变换的概念,它采用边缘作为基本元素,较为成熟并可以适应图像特征。此外,曲波变换具有各向异性和有更好的方向,可以提供更多图像处理的信息。 通过曲波变换的原则我们知道:曲波变化除了具有多尺度小波变换和地方特色外,它还具有方向特征和支持会话的基础特征。曲波变化可以适当代表图像边缘和相同逆变换精度的光滑区。继曲波变化低波段和高波段融合算法系数的研究后,提出一种思想:低-带系数采用NGMS方法和不同的方向高带系数采用LREMS方法。 2.第二代曲波变化 第二代曲波变换和第一代的曲波变换不同的是,没有导入脊波变换的实施过

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the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman. 【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC (本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)

湖北知行学院 金融专业英语外文文献译文本 2014届 原文出处:____ Companies Law Commons, Securities Law Commons_____________________ 译文题目:______调和税法和证券监管____ 院(系)经济与管理学院 专业名称金融专业 学生姓名王倩 学生学号1211340073 任课教师张真

RECONCILING TAX LAW AND SECURITIES REGULATION Omri Marian* Issuers in registered securities offerings must disclose the expected tax consequences to investors investing in the offered securities (“nonfinancial tax disclosure”). This Article advances three arguments regarding nonfinancial tax disclosures. First, nonfinancial tax disclosure practice, as the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) has sanctioned it, does not fulfill its intended regulatory purposes. Cur- rently, nonfinancial tax disclosures provide irrelevant information, sometimes fail to provide material information, create unnecessary transaction costs, and divert valuable administrative resources to the enforcement of largely-meaningless require- ments. Second, the practical reason for this failure is the SEC

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韩国**对经济影响的分析① 原作者名可直接用英文 经济学 061*班 2006*****6 张三[译] [摘要] 本文研究的目的*******的影响。在探讨*****影响各行业的产出、就业、收入、增值和进口中应用了投入产出模型。*******************。根据研究的结果,得出结论*********的作用。 [关键词] ***** 投入-产出模型 **效应 **效应 一、引言 在当今经济全球化***************。 ********** 表一 1998年到2000年外国参展商在韩国举办会展的数量 种类2000 会展数量百分数(%) 1999 会展数 量 百分数 (%) 1998 会展数 量 百分数 (%) 至少 50 50–99 100–299 300–499 500–999 1000 或更多总和179 42 51 10 6 4 292 61.3 14.4 17.5 3.4 2.0 1.4 100 146 53 59 12 13 4 287 50.8 18.5 20.5 4.2 4.5 1.4 100 154 47 51 6 8 1 267 57.7 17.6 19.0 2.2 3.0 0.4 100 来源:韩国******组织(2001) 或表一(略) 本研究的目的是为了调查********对经济的影响。 ①Samuel Seongseop Kim,Kaye Chon,Kyu Yoop Chung.Convention industry in South Korea: an economic impact analysis[J].Tourism Management,2003,(24).

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:电子信息系 专业:通信工程 班级:B100309 姓名:张杨 学号: B 外文出处: 附件: 1. 原文; 2. 译文 2014年03月

An Introduction to the ARM 7 Architecture Trevor Martin CEng, MIEE Technical Director This article gives an overview of the ARM 7 architecture and a description of its major features for a developer new to the device. Future articles will examine other aspects of the ARM architecture. Basic Characteristics The principle feature of the ARM 7 microcontroller is that it is a register based load-and-store architecture with a number of operating modes. While the ARM7 is a 32 bit microcontroller, it is also capable of running a 16-bit instruction set, known as "THUMB". This helps it achieve a greater code density and enhanced power saving. While all of the register-to-register data processing instructions are single-cycle, other instructions such as data transfer instructions, are multi-cycle. To increase the performance of these instructions, the ARM 7 has a three-stage pipeline. Due to the inherent simplicity of the design and low gate count, ARM 7 is the industry leader in low-power processing on a watts per MIP basis. Finally, to assist the developer, the ARM core has a built-in JTAG debug port and on-chip "embedded ICE" that allows programs to be downloaded and fully debugged in-system. In order to keep the ARM 7 both simple and cost-effective, the code and data regions are accessed via a single data bus. Thus while the ARM 7 is capable of single-cycle execution of all data processing instructions, data transfer instructions may take several cycles since they will require at least two accesses onto the bus (one for the instruction one for the data). In order to improve performance, a three stage pipeline is used that allows multiple instructions to be processed simultaneously. The pipeline has three stages; FETCH, DECODE and EXECUTE. The hardware of each stage is designed to be independent so up to three instructions can be processed simultaneously. The pipeline is most effective in speeding up sequential code. However a branch instruction will cause the pipeline to be flushed marring its performance. As we shall see later the ARM 7 designers had some clever ideas to solve this problem. Instruction Fig 1 ARM 3- Stage pipeline

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